Madison Public Schools Elementary School Counseling Written by: Megan Figarella Libby Marotta Michael Shugrue Reviewed by: Matthew A. Mingle Director of Curriculum and Instruction Brett Levine Director of School Counseling Approval date: October 14, 2014 Members of the Board of Education: Lisa Ellis, President Kevin Blair, Vice President Shade Grahling, Curriculum Committee Chairperson David Arthur Johanna Habib Thomas Haralampoudis Leslie Lajewski James Novotny Madison Public Schools 359 Woodland Road Madison, NJ 07940 Course Overview Description The Elementary School Counseling Curriculum addresses the academic, career, and personal/social domains of all students and adheres to the American School Counselor Association model. Students will explore and delve into topics related to anti-bullying, conflict resolution, character, internet safety, and peer relationships. This curriculum will utilize the six pillars of character developed by the Character Counts program and the six steps of conflict resolution developed by the New Jersey State Bar Foundation. The elementary school counseling program will offer opportunities for students to develop as critical thinkers, problem solvers, and effective communicators, and foster an environment that appreciates diversity, difference, uniqueness, and individuality. Goals This program aims to: ● develop critical thinking and interpersonal problem-solving skills needed to function successfully as global citizens. ● develop effective communication skills and the ability to present one’s thoughts, feelings, and opinions in a respectful, coherent manner. ● develop the ability to work collaboratively with others in a productive manner. ● promote and encourage a school environment that supports diversity, respect, and understanding different cultural perspectives. ● educate students on personal safety and internet safety issues. ● encourage and promote positive behaviors. Resources Suggested activities and resources page Unit 1 Overview Unit Title: Kindergarten/Grade 1 Unit Summary: This unit provides students with an introduction to the school counseling program at the elementary level. Students will discover what the school counselor does and how to seek out help when necessary. The counselor will address behavioral expectations at the elementary level, how to treat others with respect, and the golden rule (“treat others the way you would like to be treated”). Suggested Pacing: 1 lesson Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● What does my school counselor do? ● What do I do if I have a problem and need help? ● What is appropriate behavior of an elementary student? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Students will know and recognize what acceptable behavior looks like. ● Students will know how to advocate for themselves. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: A coloring exercise where students circle and color in the correct answer to check for understanding. For example, circle the picture of their school counselor. This will be done as a pre/post activity. Objectives (Students will be able to…) Describe and explain the role of the school counselor. Essential Content/Skills Content: Introduction to school counselor, strategies to use when help is needed, multiple ways to access services. Suggested Assessments Each student will verbally articulate that they know how to find the school counselor. Skills: Name the school counselor. Articulate how to make a self referral to meet with the school counselor. Describe appropriate behaviors. Content: positive behavior, appropriate behavior, inappropriate behavior, school code of conduct, the golden rule, how to treat others, behavioral expectations Describe inappropriate behaviors. Skills: Identify appropriate behaviors. Identify inappropriate behaviors. Verbalize the golden rule. L.CCR.1: Demonstrate command of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. Pacing 1 lesson 9.1.4.A.1: Recognize a problem and brainstorm ways to solve the problem individually or collaboratively. 2.2.4.B.2: Differentiate between situations when a health-related decision should be made independently or with the help of others. Locate the school counselor’s office. Compare and contrast appropriate and inappropriate behaviors in the school setting. Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 2.2.2.A.1: Express needs, wants, and feelings in health- and safety-related situations. Pre/post test 9.1.8.A.1 Develop strategies to reinforce positive attitudes and productive behaviors that impact critical thinking and problem-solving skills. 2.2.2.A.1 Express needs, wants, and feelings in health- and safety-related situations. 1 lesson Unit 2 Overview Unit Title: Grade 2 Unit Summary: This unit will focus on teaching certain aspects of character development to students. This unit will address two of the six pillars of character (caring and fairness) as defined by Character Counts. Even more, students will learn what it means to be a good friend, characteristics and qualities of a good friend, and how to be a good friend. Counselors will explore topics with students focused on peer relationships, cooperation, and effective communication. Suggested Pacing: 2 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● What is a healthy friendship? ● How do I treat friends? ● How do I expect to be treated by friends? ● What does caring and fairness mean? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Students will know how to cooperate in a group setting. ● Students will recognize positive behavior. ● Students will recognize the characteristics of a good friend. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: Using writing prompts or drawing, children will describe the traits of a good friend. Writing prompt question: Please write down 5 words that describe a good friend. Objectives (Students will be able to…) Work productively in a small group. Essential Content/Skills Content: Cooperation techniques and skills. Suggested Assessments Pre/post test Content: Characteristics of a good friend. 9.1.8.B.1 Use multiple points of view to create alternative solutions. Pacing 1 lesson 9.1.8.D.1 Employ appropriate conflict resolution strategies. Skills: Students will learn about compromising and listening to their peers. Describe and explain the characteristics of a healthy friendship. Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 9.1.8.C.1 Determine an individual’s responsibility for personal actions and contributions to group activities. Pre/post test Skills: Identify behaviors that promote a healthy friendship. 2.2.4.A.1 Demonstrate effective interpersonal communication in health and safety related situations. 1 lesson 2.2.2.C.1 Explain the meaning of character and how it is reflected in the thoughts, feelings, and actions of oneself and others. Identify behaviors that promote an unhealthy friendship. Describe and explain what “caring” is. Describe and explain what “fairness” is. Content: caring, six pillars of character, Character Counts, fairness Skills: Name the two pillars of character that were discussed during the lesson. Identify what “caring” means. Identify what “fairness” means. Identify examples of how to be caring and fair in their lives. Pre/post test 2.2.4.C.1. Determine how an individual’s character develops over time and impacts personal health. 2.2.4.C.2. Explain why core values (such as respect, empathy, civic mindedness, and good citizenship) are important in the local and world community. 1 lesson Unit 3 Overview Unit Title: Grade 3 Unit Summary: This unit will focus on teaching aspects of character development to students. This unit will address four of the six pillars of character (trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, and citizenship) as defined by Character Counts. Students will learn what the four pillars are, what they mean, how to implement the pillars into their lives, and the ways these pillars make the school and community a better place. These four pillars or traits will be woven into the third grade curriculum and will be a focus for the entire school year. Suggested Pacing: 2 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● What is positive communication? ● How do my feelings about myself influence the way I feel about others? ● How does the way I treat myself influence the way I feel others? ● How can I resolve a conflict with a friend in a positive a way? ● What is trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, and citizenship? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● The way I feel about myself influences how I feel about everything else. ● Being emotional (angry/upset) affects my judgement. ● There is always a positive way to address a conflict. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: Students will demonstrate understanding by completing a writing prompt which will be an open ended question regarding one of the four pillars and an example from their own life. Writing Prompt question: Please explain one of the four pillars (trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, and citizenship.) Please give an example of how you displayed this in your own life. Objectives (Students will be able to…) Students will learn to communicate positively and effectively. Students will learn to identify positive traits in themselves and others. Students will learn to identify their emotional responses to events and express them appropriately. Essential Content/Skills Content: character development, communication, empathy Skills: effective communication, conflict resolution, self respect. Content: emotional education, conflict resolution Suggested Assessments Students will verbally summarize what the learned in the module and and verbally identify one positive trait in themselves and a peer. Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 9.1.8.D.1 Employ appropriate conflict resolution strategies. Pacing 1 lesson 9.1.8.A.1 Develop strategies to reinforce positive attitudes and productive behaviors that impact critical thinking and problem-solving skills. 2.2.6.A.1: Demonstrate verbal and non-verbal interpersonal communication strategies Students will explain how a specific event made them feel. 9.1.8.D.1 Employ appropriate conflict resolution strategies. 1 lesson 9.1.8.A.1 Develop strategies to reinforce positive attitudes and productive behaviors that impact critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Skills: the students will learn appropriate ways to express themselves 2.2.2.c.2 Explain the meaning of character and how it is reflected in the thoughts, feelings, and actions of oneself and others. Describe and explain what “trustworthiness” is. Describe and explain what “respect” is. Content: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, citizenship, six pillars, Character counts, character education Describe and explain what “responsibility” is. Skills: Name the four pillars that are discussed during the lesson. Describe and explain what “citizenship” is. Identify what “trustworthiness” means. Identify what “respect” means. Identify what “responsibility” means. Identify what “citizenship” means. Identify examples of how to be trustworthy, respectful, responsible, and a good citizen in their lives. Writing sample 2.2.4.C.1. Determine how an individual’s character develops over time and impacts personal health. 2.2.4.C.2. Explain why core values (such as respect, empathy, civic mindedness, and good citizenship) are important in the local and world community. 1 lesson Unit 4a Overview Unit Title: Grade 4 Unit Summary: In this unit, students will learn the six steps of conflict resolution (developed by the NJ State Bar Foundation) and how to effectively implement the process. The counselor will describe and explain the difference between conflict and bullying. This unit will provide opportunities for students to explore and identify when a situation or scenario is a conflict that can be helped independently by using the six steps of conflict resolution or a bullying situation that must be reported to an adult. Suggested Pacing: 1 lesson Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● How do I resolve a conflict with a peer? ● What is the difference between bullying and conflict? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Students will know how to formulate an “I-message.” ● Students will understand the conflict resolution process. ● Students will know the difference between conflict and bullying. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: Each student will demonstrate understanding by writing an “I-Statement.” For example, “I feel hurt when….” Objectives (Students will be able to…) Essential Content/Skills Recognize the difference between conflict and bullying. Content: bullying, conflict, Compare and contrast conflict and bullying. Skills: Identify the difference between conflict and bullying. Suggested Assessments Writing prompt demonstrating understanding. Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 9.1.8.D.1 Employ appropriate conflict resolution strategies. Pacing 1 lesson 9.1.8.D.3 USe effective communication skills in face-to-face and online interactions with peers and adults from home and from diverse cultures. Define bullying. Define conflict. Describe and explain the six steps of the conflict resolution process. Identify when it is appropriate to employ the conflict resolution process. Content: conflict resolution, NJ State Bar Foundation six steps to conflict resolution, peer relationships Skills: Name the six steps of the conflict resolution process. Pre/post test 9.1.8.B.1 Use multiple points of view to create alternative solutions. 9.1.8.C.1 Determine an individual’s responsibility for personal actions and contributions to group activities. 1 lesson Unit 4b Overview Unit Title: Grade 4 Unit Summary: In this unit, students will explore the positive and negative aspects of the Internet and social media. Students will learn how to navigate the Internet and social media in a safe way. The counselor will address what is appropriate and inappropriate to post on the Internet and social media, the impact of posts, and that the information one puts online leaves a digital footprint. The counselor will address what cyberbullying is, what to do when it happens to you, and ways to avoid being the offender. Suggested Pacing: 1 lesson Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● How do I navigate the Internet and social media in a safe way? ● What are the pros and cons of using the Internet and social media? ● What are some of the repercussions if I use social media inappropriately? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Students will know how to stay safe on social media. ● Students will recognize that what they post on the Internet and social media will last forever. ● Students will realize that there can be legal repercussions for inappropriate usage. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: Students will demonstrate understanding by completing a pre and post test. Objectives (Students will be able to…) Essential Content/Skills Identify and describe how to navigate the Internet and social media in a safe way. Content: How the internet connects an individual to the world: pros and cons. Report any inappropriate internet usage to the appropriate people. Skills: Identify what information is acceptable to post online. Suggested Assessments Pre/Post test Describe and explain what to do when cyberbullying occurs. Content: cyberbullying Internet safety Skills: Define what cyberbullying is. Identify what to do when cyberbullying occurs. 9.1.8.E.4 Determine the undesired consequences of unethical use of media. 9.1.8.D.3 Use effective communication skills in face-to-face and online interactions with peers and adults from home and from diverse cultures. Identify what a digital footprint is. Describe and explain what cyberbullying is. Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) Pre/Post test Pacing 1 lesson Unit 5a Overview Unit Title: Grade 5 Unit Summary: This unit will cover healthy decision-making or making good choices in areas such as Internet safety, peer pressure, and drugs/alcohol/tobacco abuse. Counselors will discuss appropriate usage of social media and the effects that cyber-bullying may have on children. Students will learn about different types of peer pressure and ways to make healthy, productive decisions. Suggested Pacing: 1 lesson Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● How do I use the internet safely? ● What are healthy decisions? ● What are the possible effects of peer pressure? ● What is cyber-bullying? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Students will recognize peer pressure. ● Students will understand healthy peer relationships. ● Students will recognize and understand healthy choices and the consequences of poor choices. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: Students will demonstrate understanding by completing a pre and post test. Objectives (Students will be able to…) Recognize peer pressure and the implications. Recognize healthy choices and the possible effects of unhealthy choices. Demonstrate how to use social media in an appropriate manner. Essential Content/Skills Content:Definition of peer pressure and the various ways it occurs. Skills: Students will learn to identify peer pressure in it’s various forms. Suggested Assessments Pre and post testing. Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 9.1.8.D.1 Employ appropriate conflict resolution strategies. 9.1.8.E.4 Determine the undesired consequences of unethical use of media. 9.1.8.D.3 Use effective communication skills in face-to-face and online interactions with peers and adults from home and from diverse cultures. Pacing 1 lesson Unit 5b Overview Unit Title: Grade 5b Unit Summary: In this unit, students will think to the future as they set goals for entering Madison Junior School. Counselors will discuss transitions and change with students. Students will discuss their different feelings and experiences regarding change. Suggested Pacing: 2 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● How do I set goals for myself? ● What is the purpose of setting goals? ● What concerns do I have about Madison Junior School? ● How do I feel about change? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Students will know the importance of setting goals. ● Students will understand that change can be difficult and good at the same time. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: Students will demonstrate understanding by completing an action plan using a template which will then be placed in the PRF. This action plan will cover goals (academic and personal) for their junior school experience. Objectives (Students will be able to…) Set academic and personal goals for middle school. Recognize their feelings about change. Essential Content/Skills Content: introduction to middle school academics, Skills: goal setting, dealing with positively change. Suggested Assessments Students will write their own goals and objectives for middle school. Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 9.1.8.A.1 Develop strategies to reinforce positive attitudes and productive behaviors that impact critical thinking and problem-solving skills. 9.1.8.C.1 Determine an individual’s responsibility for personal actions and contributions to group activities. L.CCR.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. Pacing 1 lesson