

Justice Policy Center








Abeo Anderson

International Community Corrections

Marsha Briley

Correctional Case Specialist


1731 Rhode Island Ave., N.W, Ste. 403

Washington, DC 20036-3102

Email: aanderson@iccaweb.org

Oscar Aviles


Hudson County Department of Corrections

30 Hackensack Ave.

Kearny, NJ 07032

Telephone: 973-491-5535

Email: oaviles@hudsoncountynj.org

Jim Barbee

National Institute of Corrections

1960 Industrial Circle

Longmont, CO 80501

Telephone: 800-995-6429, x138

Email: jbarbee@bop.gov

Jan Bates


Inmate Programs Bureau Department of

Detention Services

Orient Road Jail

1201 Orient Road

Tampa, FL 33619

Email: jbates@hcso.tampa.fl.us

Marlene Beckman

Senior Program Analyst

National Institute of Justice

810 7th St., NW

Washington, DC 20531

Telephone: 202-616-3562

Email: marlene.beckman@usdoj.gov

Maryland Correctional Institution for Women

7943 Brockbridge Road

Jessup, Maryland 20794

Telephone: 410-379-3839

Email: mabriley@dpscs.state.md.us

Jane Browning

Executive Director

International Community Corrections Association

1730 Rhode Island Ave., N.W, Ste. 403

Washington, DC 20036-3101

Email: BrowningJ01@comcast.net

Lesley Buchan

Program Director

National Association of Counties

County Services Department

440 First Street NW

Washington, DC 20001

Telephone: 202-942-4261

E-mail: lbuchan@naco.org

Maureen Buell

Community Corrections Division

National Institute of Corrections

320 First Street, NW, Room 720

Washington, DC 20534

Telephone: 202-514-0161

Email: mbuell@bop.gov

Cherise Burdeen


TeamBurdeen, LLC

531 Chestertown Street

Gaithersburg, MD 20878

Telephone: 240-338-3827

Email: cherise@teamburdeen.com

Jail Reentry Roundtable Attendees § June 27-28, 2006 § The Urban Institute § Washington, DC 1

Alex Busansky

Executive Director

Commission on Safety and Abuse in

America’s Prisons

601 13 th

St., NW, Ste 1150 South

Washington, DC 20005

Telephone: 202-637-6360

Email: abusansky@vera.org

Pam Cammarata

Deputy Director

Office of Community Oriented Policing Services

U.S. Department of Justice

1100 Vermont Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20530

Telephone: 202.514.9193

Aaron Chalfin

Research Associate

The Urban Institute

Justice Policy Center

2100 M St., NW

Washington, DC 20036

Telephone: 202-261-5514

Email: achalfin@ui.urban.org

Ellis Cose

Contributing Editor

Newsweek Magazine

251 W. 57th Street

New York, NY 10019

Email: newsweekellis@aol.com

Erin Dalton

Allegheny County Department of Human


One Smithfield St., Ste 400

Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Telephone: 412-287-8853

Email: EDalton@dhs.county.allegheny.pa.us

Anthony Dawsey

Division Chief

Miami-Dade Corrections and Rehabilitation


2525 NW 62st

Miami, FL 33147

Mary Jo Dickson

Administrator for Adult Mental Health Services

Allegheny County Department of Human Services

Office of Behavioral Health

304 Wood St. Commons

Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Telephone: 412-350-4293

Email: Mjdickson@dhs.county.allegheny.pa.us

Dexter Edmund

Field Director, East Region

Prison Fellowship

PO Box 5484

Baltimore, MD 21285

Telephone: 800-578-4196

Email: dexter_edmund@pfm.org

Eddie Ellis


Community Justice Center

1825 Park Avenue, Ste. 604

New York, NY 10035

Telephone: 212-427-4545

Email: eddiellis1@aol.com

Grant Ellis

Legislative and Policy Associate

National Council of State Housing Agencies

444 North Capitol St., NW, Ste 438

Washington, DC 20001

Telephone: 202-624-7710

Email: gellis@ncsha.org

Nancy Fishman

Senior Law & Policy Analyst

New Jersey Institute for Social Justice

60 Park Place, Ste 511

Newark, NJ 07102

Telephone: 973-624-9400

Email: nfishman@njisj.org

Jail Reentry Roundtable Attendees § June 27-28, 2006 § The Urban Institute § Washington, DC 2

Shawn Flower

Policy Analyst

Maryland Sentencing Commission

4511 Knox Rd., Ste. 309

College Park, MD 20742

Telephone: 301-403-4165

Email: sflower@crim.umd.edu

Philip Fornaci

Executive Director

DC Prisoners’ Legal Services Project, Inc.

2639 Connecticut Ave, NW, Ste. 225

Washington, DC 20008

Telephone: 202-775-0323

Email: pfornaci@dcprisonerhelp.org

Ted Gest

Criminal Justice Journalists

Jerry Lee Center of Criminology

University of Pennsylvania

720 Seventh St., NW, 3 rd


Washington, DC 20001

Email: tgest@sas.upenn.edu

Robert Green


Montgomery County Correctional Facility

22880 Whelon Lane

Boyds, MD 20841

Telephone: 240-773-9747

Email: robert.green@montgomerycountymd.gov

Betsi Griffith

Associate Deputy Director for Policy

Bureau of Justice Assistance

810 Seventh Street, NW

Washington, DC 20531

Email: griffite@ojp.usdoj.gov

Gene Guerrero

Open Society Institute

Open Society Policy Center

1120 19th Street, NW, 8th Floor

Washington, DC 20036

Telephone: 202-721-5607

Email: GGuerrero@osi-dc.org

David Hagy

Deputy Assistant Attorney General

Office of Justice Programs

U.S. Department of Justice

810 Seventh St.

Washington, DC 20531

Jim Harms

Community Corrections Commander

Snohomish County Jail

3025 Oakes Avenue

Everett, WA 98201

Email: james.harms@co.snohomish.wa.us

Jane Harrison


Baltimore City's Homeless Advisory Board

5700 Rusk Ave.

Baltimore, M D 21215

Telephone: 410-664-5388

Email: harrison.jane@worldnet.att.net

Richard Hertling

Deputy Assistant Attorney General

Office of Legal Policy

Room 4234 Main Justice Building

950 Pennsylvania Ave, NW

Washington, DC 20530-0001

Telephone: 202-514-9114

Email: richard.hertling@usdoj.gov

Hal Holzman


U.S. Department of Housing and

Urban Development

451 Seventh Street SW

Washington, DC 20410

Telephone: 202-708-0614 x5709

Email: harold_r._holzman@hud.gov

Jeff Hook

Deputy Jail Administrator

Dane County Sheriff's Office

115 West Doty Street

Madison, WI 53703

Telephone: 608-284-6096

Email: hook@co.dane.wi.us

Sandy Hoppough

Grant Coordinator

Office of Community Corrections

Grandview Plaza Building

Lansing, MI 48909

Telephone: 517-373-3228

Jail Reentry Roundtable Attendees § June 27-28, 2006 § The Urban Institute § Washington, DC 3

Virginia Hutchinson

Director, Jails Division

National Institute of Corrections

1960 Industrial Circle

Longmont, CO 80501

Telephone: 800-995-6429, x140

Email: vhutchinson@bop.gov

Gwyn Smith Ingley

Executive Director

National Correctional Industries Association

1202 North Charles Street

Baltimore, M D 21201

Telephone: 410-230-3972

Email: gwyn@nationalcia.org

Lee Isbell

Manager, Programs and Support Services

Orange County Corrections Department

PO Box 4970

Orlando, FL 32802

Telephone: 407-836-0208

Email: lee.isbell@ocfl.net

Mike Jackson

National Sheriff’s Association

1450 Duke Street

Alexandria, Virginia 22314-3490

Telephone: 703-836-7827

Email: mjackson@sheriffs.org

Mark Keam

Chief Counsel to Senator Richard J. Durbin

Assistant Democratic Leader, United States


Democratic Staff Director, Corrections and

Rehabilitation Committee

Senate Judiciary Committee

332 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510

Telephone: 202-224-2152

Email: mark_keam@judiciary.senate.gov

Ken Kerle

American Jail Association

1135 Professional Court

Hagerstown, MD 21740-5853

Telephone: 202-462-2874

Email: kenk@aja.org

Amy Kroll

Allegheny County Department of Human Services

Office of Behavioral Health

304 Wood St. Commons

Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Email: akroll@dhs.county.allegheny.pa.us

Ivy Lange

Reentry Project Attorney/Equal Justice Works Fellow

DC Prisoners' Legal Services Project, Inc

2639 Connecticut Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20008

Telephone: 202-775-0323 x202

Email: ilange@dcprisonerhelp.org

Nancy LaVigne

Senior Research Associate

The Urban Institute

Justice Policy Center

2100 M Street, NW

Washington, DC 20037

Telephone: 202-261-5763

Email: nlavigne@ui.urban.org

Georgia Lerner

Associate Executive Director

Women’s Prison Association

110 Second Ave.

New York, NY 10003

Telephone: 212-674-1163

Email: glerner@wpaonline.org

John Linton


Office of Correctional Education

U.S. Department of Education

330 C Street, SE, Room 4529

Washington, DC 20202

Telephone: 202-260-7007

Email: john.linton@ed.gov

Jail Reentry Roundtable Attendees § June 27-28, 2006 § The Urban Institute § Washington, DC 4

Robert Maccarone

State Director

State of New York Division of Probation and

Correctional Alternatives

80 Wolf Rd.

Albany, NY 12205

Telphone: 518-485-7692

Email: robert.maccarone@dpca.state.ny.us

Felix Mata

Baltimore's Ex-Offender Task Force Project


Mayor's Office of Employment Development

417 E. Fayette Street, Ste 468

Baltimore, M D 21202

Telephone: 410-396-7336

Email: fmata@oedworks.com

Steve McFarland


USDOJ Task Force for Faith-Based &

Community Initiatives

950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20530

Telephone: 202-514-2987

Email: steven.t.mcfarland@usdoj.gov

John McLernon

Director, Social Services and Community


Atlantic County Justice Facility

5060 Atlantic Ave.

Mays Landing, NJ 08330

Telephone: 609-909-7546

Email: mclernon_john@aclink.org

Katherine McQuay

Office of Community Oriented Policing


U.S. Department of Justice

1100 Vermont Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20530

Telephone: 202-514-8237

Email: katherine.mcquay@usdoj.gov

Jeff Mellow

Associate Professor

John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Department of Law, Police Science & CJ Administration

899 Tenth Avenue

New York, NY 10019

Telephone: 212-237-8035

Email: jmellow@jjay.cuny.edu

Roberta Meyers-Peeples


National H.I.R.E. Network

Legal Action Center

225 Varick Street, 4 th


New York, NY 10014

Telephone: 212-243-1313, ext. 135

Email: rampeeples@hirenetwork.org

Linda Mills


Annie E. Casey Foundation

2754 N. Paulina Street

Chicago, Illinois 60614

Telephone: 773-832-9952

Email: lmillsesq@comcast.net

Rodney Mitchell

Policy Analyst/Legal Advisor

Criminal Justice Coordinating Council

441 4 th

St., NW, Ste. 727

Washington, DC 20001

Telephone: 202-442-8502

Email: rodney.mitchell@dc.gov

Andrew Molloy

Senior Policy Advisor for Corrections

Bureau of Justice Assistance

810 7th St., NW, 4th Floor

Washington, DC 20531

Email: andrew.molloy@usdoj.gov

Debbie Mukamal


Prisoner Reentry Institute

John Jay College of Criminal Justice

The City University of New York

555 W. 57th Street, Room 601-08

New York, NY 10019

Telephone: 212-484-1327

Email: dmukamal@jjay.cuny.edu

Jail Reentry Roundtable Attendees § June 27-28, 2006 § The Urban Institute § Washington, DC 5

Marina Myhre

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban


451 7th Street, Room 8140

Washington, DC 20410

Telephone: 202-708-0614 ext. 5705

Email: marina_l._myhre@hud.gov

Jenny Osborne

Research Assistant

The Urban Institute

Justice Policy Center

2100 M Street, NW

Washington, DC 20037

Telephone: 202-261-5869

Email: josborne@ui.urban.org

Amanda Owens

The Abell Foundation

111 S. Calvert St., Ste. 2300

Baltimore, MD 21202-6174

Telephone: 410-547-1300

Email: aowens@abell.org

Dale Parent

Senior Associate

Abt Associates

55 Wheeler Street

Cambridge, MA 02139

Email: Dale_Parent@abtassoc.com

Martha Plotkin

Director of Communications, Criminal

Justice Programs

Council of State Governments

444 N. Capitol St., N.W., Suite 401

Washington, DC 20001

Telephone: 202-577-9344

Email: mplotkin@csg.org

Divine Pryor

NuLeadership Policy Group

Center for Law & Social Justice

City University of New York

Medgar Evers College

1150 Carroll St., Ste. CP19

Brooklyn, NY 11225

Email: dpryor@mec.cuny.edu

Kerry Richmond

Graduate Research Assistant

Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice

University of Maryland

2148 LeFrak Hall

College Park, MD 20742

Telephone: 301-405-8314

Email: krichmond@crim.umd.edu

Cornita Riley

Deputy Chief for Community Corrections and

Administrative Services

Orange County Corrections

PO Box 4970

Orlando, FL 32802

Telephone: 407-836-3696

Jacqueline Robarge


Power Inside

P.O. Box 4796

Baltimore, MD 21211

Telephone: 410-262-8484

Email: jacquelinerobarge@msn.com

Kenneth Robertson

Team Leader-CJ and TCE Programs

Center for Substance Abuse Treatment

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services


1 Choke Cherry Road

Rockville, Maryland 20857

Telephone: 240-276-1621

Email: kenneth.robertson@samhsa.hhs.gov

Felicity Rose

The Sentencing Project

514 10 th

St., NW, Ste 1000

Washington, DC 20004

Telephone: 202-628-0871

Email: felicity.r@gmail.com

William Sabol

Assistant Director

Government Accountability Office

441 G St., NW

Washington, DC 20548

Telephone: 202-512-3464

Email: sabolw@gao.gov

Jail Reentry Roundtable Attendees § June 27-28, 2006 § The Urban Institute § Washington, DC 6

Eric Seleznow

Division Director

Montgomery County Department of

Economic Development

Division of Workforce Services

111 Rockville Pike, Ste. 800

Rockville, M D 20850

Telephone: 240-777-2047

Email: eric.seleznow@montgomerycountymd.gov

Carol Shapiro

Founder and Executive Director

Family Justice

625 Broadway, 8th Fl.

New York, NY 10009

Telephone: 212-475-1500

Email: cshapiro@familyjustice.org

Scott Shortenhaus

Department of Labor

Room S2235

200 Constitution Ave., NW

Washington, DC 20210

Email: shortenhaus.scott@dol.gov

Amy Solomon

Senior Research Associate

The Urban Institute

Justice Policy Center

2100 M Street, NW

Washington, DC 20037

Telephone: 202-261-5385

Email: asolomon@ui.urban.org

Larry Solomon

Deputy Director

National Institute of Corrections

320 First St., NW

Washington, DC 20534

Telephone: 202-514-4254

Email: lsolomon@bop.gov

Bill Sondervan


Professional Development Department

American Correctional Association

4380 Forbes Boulevard

Lanham, MD 20706-4322

Telephone: 301-918-1868

Email: bills@aca.org

Katie Tobin

Legal Intern

Office of Senator Richard Durbin

Corrections and Rehabilitation Subcommittee

Senate Judiciary Committee

332 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510

Email: katie_tobin@judiciary-dem.senate.gov

Justin Underwood

Legislative Aide

US Senator Sam Brownback

303 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC

Telephone: 202-224-6521

Email: justin_underwood@Brownback.Senate.Gov

Christy Visher

Principal Research Associate

The Urban Institute

Justice Policy Center

2100 M St., NW

Washington, DC 20036

Telephone: 202-261-5593

Email: cvisher@ui.urban.org

Nancy Ware

Executive Director

Criminal Justice Coordinating Council

1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Ste. C19

Washington, DC 20004-3001

Telephone: 202-442-9283

Email: nancy.ware@dc.gov

Kevin Warwick


Alternative Solutions Associates, Inc.

18 Devlin Dr

Chicopee, MA 01020

Email: warwickkevin@msn.com

Jeffrey Washington

Deputy Executive Director

American Correctional Association

206 North Washington St., Ste. 200

Alexandria, VA 22314

Telephone: 703-224-0000

Email: jeffw@aca.org

Jail Reentry Roundtable Attendees § June 27-28, 2006 § The Urban Institute § Washington, DC 7

Dierdre Mead Weiss

Police Executive Research Forum

1120 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 930

Washington, DC 20036

Telephone: 202-454-8345

Email: dmead@policeforum.org

Carl Wicklund

Executive Director

American Probation and Parole Association

PO Box 11910

Lexington, KY 40578-1910

Telephone: (859) 244-8216

Email: cwicklund@csg.org

Diane B. Engram Williams

Program Coordinator Prison Ministry

Lincoln Park United Methodist Church

1301 North Carolina Ave., N.E.

Washington, DC 20002

Telephone: 202-543-1318

Email: dbw58@hotmail.com

Jail Reentry Roundtable Attendees § June 27-28, 2006 § The Urban Institute § Washington, DC 8
