The Texas Legislature passed SB 114 during the summer of 1995 which provides that:
“Effective Fall term 1995, the exemptions provided for in Subsection (a) of this section shall not exceed a cumulative total of 150 credit hours.”
To comply with this regulation, please place a check mark on the line/s that accurately describes when you have/have not used Hazlewood benefits:
I did not use Hazlewood Benefits during the fall 1995 term.
I used Hazlewood Benefits during the fall 1995 term and/or since Fall 1995 term.
List names of prior higher education institutions attended, city & state:
I understand that the limit of attempted credit hours utilizing the Hazlewood Benefit is 150 hours . I will furnish College of the Mainland with a transcript from all the above institutions.
Name of Student Social Security Number
Mailing Address
City State Zip
Cell Phone Number
Home Phone Number (not cell)
(Rev. 6/11)