Projections of 2003-04 High School Graduates: Supplemental Analyses Christopher B. Swanson Education Policy Center The Urban Institute based on findings from Who Graduates? Who Doesn’t? EPC The Urban Institute Education Policy Center Related Research from the Urban Institute’s Education Policy Center Christopher B. Swanson 2004. Who Graduates? Who Doesn't? A Statistical Portrait of Public High School Graduation, Class of 2001. Washington, D.C., The Urban Institute. Available on-line: Gary Orfield, Daniel Losen, Johanna Wald, and Christopher B. Swanson 2004. Losing Our Future: How Minority Youth are Being Left Behind by the Graduation Rate Crisis. Cambridge, MA: The Civil Rights Project at Harvard University and the Urban Institute. Available on-line: Christopher B. Swanson 2003. Ten Questions (and Answers) about Graduates, Dropouts, and NCLB Accountability. Learning Curve: Facts and Perspectives Brief No. 3. Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute. Available on-line: Christopher B. Swanson 2003. NCLB Implementation Report: State Approaches for Calculating High School Graduation Rates. Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute. Available on-line: Christopher B. Swanson 2003. Keeping Count and Losing Count: Calculating Graduation Rates for All Students under NCLB Accountability. Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute. Available on-line: Christopher B. Swanson 2003. Caps, Gowns, and Games: High School Graduates and NCLB. Learning Curve: Facts and Perspectives Brief No. 1. Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute. Available on-line: The nonpartisan Urban Institute publishes studies, reports, and books on timely topics worthy of public consideration. The views expressed in this paper are those of the author and are not necessarily those of the Urban Institute or its board of trustees. Please direct correspondence to Christopher B. Swanson, The Urban Institute, Education Policy Center, 2100 M Street NW, Washington DC 20037. For more information contact the Urban Institute Public Affairs Office at 202-261-5709 or visit The Urban Institute / Education Policy Center 1. Graduation Projections INTRODUCTION This report presents a supplemental analysis based on the findings of a recent Urban Institute study. In that earlier investigation, Who Graduates? Who Doesn’t?, we published the most comprehensive and systematic analysis of public school graduation rates in the United States available to date.1 Using data from a federal census of public schools and districts and a method for calculating graduation rates developed by the Urban Institute (the Cumulative Promotion Index), we computed graduation rates for virtually every school district in the nation. Separate graduation profiles were reported for the nation as a whole, each state, and for geographical regions. Results were also disaggregated by race-ethnicity, gender, and for different types of school districts. A careful analysis of high school completion patterns can provide valuable insights into the performance of public education systems. In some situations, the most pertinent information can be communicated as a rate, in this case the percent of students who graduate from high school. But in other circumstances, count data (e.g., the absolute number of graduates) can also contribute to our understanding or appreciation of an educational process or the magnitude of a potential social problem. For instance, in Who Graduates? we reported that racial-ethnic minorities (with the exception of Asians) have graduation rates much lower than those of their White peers. Minority students make up less than 40 percent of public school students nationwide. However in the current study we project that racialethnic minorities will make up the numerical majority of all non-graduates for the high school class of 2003-04. We estimate just over 700,000 minority non-graduates compared to a little under 600,000 for Whites (see Tables 2-6 below). This pattern can be attributed to the very large disparities in high school completion between these groups (a 75 percent graduation rate for White students compared to slightly over 50 percent for historically disadvantaged minority groups). In this report, we make use of our earlier findings on graduation rates to compute projections of the numbers of students we expect to graduate from public high schools at the end of the current school year (2003-04). As was the case in our previous work, detailed national and state results are presented for students as a whole and for selected subgroups. 2. METHODOLOGY 2.1. Data Source The analyses performed for this study employ data from the Common Core of Data (CCD). Conducted by the U.S. Department of Education, the CCD is a census of public sector local educational agencies (districts) and schools for the fifty states, the District of Columbia and several other non-state jurisdictions. The CCD data collection is intended to capture all settings in which a free public education is provided at the elementary and secondary levels. Annual surveys of basic demographic and educational information at the state, district, and school levels are completed by staff of the respective state education agencies. 1 For additional information, see Who Graduates? Who Doesn’t? Graduation. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute, 2004. -1- A Statistical Portrait of Public High School The Urban Institute / Education Policy Center Graduation Projections Detailed methodological descriptions of the CCD can be found in technical documentation published by the National Center for Education Statistics.2 This study derives information from the school- and district-level CCD data collections from the 2000-01 and 2001-02 academic years. In the fall of 2000, approximately 15,000 regular public school districts were in operation throughout the fifty states and District of Columbia. Almost one-quarter of all districts in the nation contain only elementary-level grades and, consequently, do not produce graduates. Accordingly, we limit our study of high school completion patterns to the roughly 11,000 districts that enroll students at the secondary level (grades 9 through 12). 2.2. The Cumulative Promotion Index (CPI) This report employs the Cumulative Promotion Index (CPI) to measure public high school graduation rates. The value of the CPI indicator approximates the probability that a student entering the ninth grade will complete high school on time with a regular diploma. Our measure does this by representing high school graduation as a stepwise process composed of three grade-to-grade promotion transitions (grade 9 to 10, 10 to 11, and 11 to 12) in addition to the ultimate high school graduation event (grade 12 to diploma). The formula displayed in Exhibit 1 illustrates the formula for calculating the CPI using data on graduates from the 2000-01 academic year.3 Exhibit 1 Formulation for the Cumulative Promotion Index (CPI) CPI 2001 12 11 10 G 2001 E 2002 E 2002 E 2002 = 9 ∗ 10 ∗ 11 ∗ 12 E 2001 E 2001 E 2001 E 2001 where G2001 is the count of students who graduated with a regular high school diploma during the 2000-2001 school year, 9 E2001 is the count of students enrolled in grade 9 at the beginning of the 2000-01 school year, and 10 E2002 is the count of students enrolled in grade 10 at the beginning of the 2001-02 school year. 2 See: Documentation to the NCES Common Core of Data Local Education Agency Universe Survey: School Year 2001-02, U.S. Department of Education, 2003; and Documentation to the NCES Common Core of Data Public Elementary/Secondary School Universe Survey: School Year 2001-02, U.S. Department of Education, 2003. 3 By convention, the year associated with the CPI indicator is spring of the academic year from which graduate data are obtained. For example, the CPI2001 rate would be based on the number of graduates for the 2000-01 school year. The indicator would also utilize grade-level enrollment data from the 2000-01 and 2001-02 school years. -2- The Urban Institute / Education Policy Center Graduation Projections As the formula above shows, the CPI measure is composed of four subcomponents, each of which corresponds to a grade-specific promotion rate. By multiplying these promotion ratios together, the CPI estimates the likelihood that a ninth grader from a particular school system will complete high school with a regular diploma in four years, given the conditions prevailing in that school system during the 2000-01 school year. It should be noted that the CPI indicator counts only students receiving regular high school diplomas as graduates. This definition of a graduate is consistent with the provisions of the No Child Left Behind Act. The law clearly stipulates that for purposes of federal accountability the recipients of a regular standardsbased state diploma are counted as graduates while those who obtain other state-issued credentials (e.g., certificates of attendance) or the GED are not to be considered graduates. Some publicly-reported statistics treat recipients of these non-diploma credentials as graduates. Such rates will not be directly comparable with the CPI indicator used this study, which counts only regular diplomas. The Cumulative Promotion Index offers a flexible and intuitive method for measuring graduation rates, and one that is consistent with the requirements of No Child Left Behind. Using data from the CCD and the CPI method, aggregate graduation rates for all students can be calculated for nearly every district in the nation. Based on district-level results, it is then possible to aggregate upward to estimate graduation rates for states and the nation as a whole. The CCD database also provides the information about enrollment and high school completion patterns necessary to compute disaggregated graduation rates for specific student subgroups defined on the basis of race-ethnicity and gender. In this report the CPI indicator is calculated in the same manner (as described above) to generate graduation rates both in the aggregate and for selected subgroups of students. The results reported below employ data from the most recent graduating class reported in the Common Core of Data. These data are from the 2000-01 school year. 2.3. Projecting the Number of Graduates As explained above, the CPI graduation rate indicator estimates the percent of ninth grade students who will receive a high school diploma four school years later. This rate of progress through high school would correspond to regular promotion at the pace of one grade each year. Paired with data on the number of ninth-graders enrolled during the “entry” year, we can use the CPI rate to project the number of graduates for the expected “completion” year. As illustrated in Exhibit 1, the CPI statistic itself is calculated using information about the number of graduates from the entry year and shifts in grade-bygrade enrollment patterns from the start of the entry year to the start of the following school year. (Number of Ninth Graders entry year) X (CPI Rate entry year) = Projected Number of Graduates completion year We can illustrate this projection calculation for the Class of 2004 in hypothetical district that we will refer to as “Central Schools.” Assuming they progressed on-time through high school, students graduating in the Spring of 2004 would have entered ninth grade in the fall of 2000. Let us suppose that 1,000 students were enrolled in the ninth grade in the Central Schools district during the fall of the 2000-01 academic -3- The Urban Institute / Education Policy Center Graduation Projections year. If all of those students were promoted normally from grade-to-grade and completed all requirements necessary to receive a diploma, then we would expect there to be a total of 1,000 graduates at the end of the 2003-04 school year. However, suppose instead that we actually calculated a CPI graduation rate of 82 percent for the Central Schools district. Based on the number of ninth graders in the starting year and this CPI rate, we would project a total of 820 high school graduates for this district in for the 2003-04 school year. 1000 Ninth Graders2001 X .82 CPI Rate2001 = 820 Graduates 2004 Given appropriate data, the same logic could be applied to a variety of different organizational levels in the public school system – individual schools, districts, even entire states. In addition, detailed projections could also be calculated for specific subgroups of students (e.g., racial-ethnic minorities or students attending certain types of schools), provided that disaggregated data on both grade-level enrollment and diploma counts are available for those categories. 2.4. Student and District Characteristics In the analyses conducted in this study we calculate both national and state-level projections of the number of graduates and non-graduates for the 2003-04 school year. Results are reported for students as a whole, and disaggregated by race-ethnicity, by gender, and for all student attending certain types of school districts. Like all other data used in this investigation, information on student and district characteristics is obtained from the Common Core of Data. Below, we describe the CCD’s definitions for these variables as well as the cut points we established to categorize districts specifically for the purposes of this report. Race-Ethnicity The CCD collects disaggregated data on grade-level enrollment and high school completion separately for major racial and ethnic groups. The five reporting categories for race-ethnicity used by the CCD are: American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic, Black (not Hispanic), and White (not Hispanic). As is customary in social science research, this study adopts CCD’s official category labels when referring to these groups of students. Gender The CCD collects disaggregated data on grade-level enrollment and high school completion separately by gender (female, male). District Poverty This study measures district poverty levels using data on the percent of students in a school district who are eligible to participate in either the Free or Reduced Price Lunch programs (FRL) under the National School Lunch Act. Eligibility for these programs is based on family size and income. In educational research, FRL eligibility is widely employed as a proxy measure to approximate levels of -4- The Urban Institute / Education Policy Center Graduation Projections poverty and socioeconomic disadvantage. High poverty districts are defined in this study as those where the proportion of students eligible for the lunch programs is above the national average of 38 percent. District Racial-Ethnic Composition Using data on enrollment disaggregated by race-ethnicity, we calculate the percentage of minority (non-White) students enrolled in a school district. For this study, we group districts into two categories with regard to racial composition: Majority Minority districts where members of racial-ethnic minorities make up more than 50 percent of the student population; and Majority White districts where at least half of all students are White, non-Hispanic. District Location This study classifies a district’s location into one of four mutually-exclusive categories according to its general level of urbanization or population density. The categories we use are as follows: Central City, Suburb, Town, and Rural. These classifications are a simplified version of the NCES Locale Codes reported in the CCD. The Common Core of Data defines a district’s locale based on the prevailing pattern of school locations and student enrollment within district boundaries. Detailed definitions for each of this study’s locale categories appears below. Central City: a central city of Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (CMSA). This definition combines NCES Locale Codes for large and mid-size central cities. Suburb: any incorporated place, Census Designated Place, or non-place territory within a CMSA or MSA of a large or mid-size city and defined as urban by the Census Bureau. This definition combines NCES Locale Codes for urban fringes of large and mid-size cities. Town: an incorporated place or Census Designated Place with a population greater than or equal to 2,500 and located outside a CMSA or MSA. This definition combines NCES Locale Codes for large and small towns. Rural: any incorporated place, Census Designated Place, or non-place territory and defined as rural by the Census Bureau. A rural area may be within or outside of a CMSA or MSA of a large or mid-size city. 2.4. A Note on Interpreting Results It should be noted that the source of data used in this study (the Common Core of Data) is comprised of cross-sectional snapshots of educational conditions that provide information at a relatively broad level of detail. So, for example, we know the number of ninth graders a district enrolled in 2001 and how many diplomas it awarded in 2004. But there is no way to determine how many of those 2001 ninth graders were first-time freshmen (as opposed to those who had been held back or retained in grade from the year before). Nor do we know how many of those 2004 graduates had moved into the school district since 2001. The CCD does not collect the more detailed data needed to draw these kinds of finer-grained distinctions. Like all statistical estimates, the CPI graduation rates and the projections reported in this research brief are imperfect approximations of an unknown value. As is often the case, it would be possible to generate more accurate estimates if better data were available. For example, access to more detailed information -5- The Urban Institute / Education Policy Center Graduation Projections might allow us to further refine of the CPI indicator by distinguishing between first-time and repeat ninth graders. However, the same can also be said of other statistical estimates based on data that are incomplete, contain some amount of error, or lack the fine level of detail that might be desirable. The latter include many of the high school graduation indicators currently used by federal and state education agencies. Such limitations, while to some extent inevitable, should be kept in mind when interpreting the results of this study and when comparing the findings reported here to data from other research studies or official sources. 3. PROJECTIONS OF 2004 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES The tables in this final section report the projected numbers of graduates for the 2003-2004 school year, using the calculation methods described above. Each table presents results for the nation as a whole, the fifty states and the District of Columbia. Table 1 presents findings for all students, while the remaining tables each focus on a specific subgroup of students (e.g., males, a particular racial-ethnic group, or students in urban districts). The first data column in each table reports the total the number of ninth graders enrolled in the 2000-01 school year. Subgroup tables also indicate the percent of ninth graders in the applicable reporting group as well as the number of students in that category. The final columns in each table contain the CPI graduation rate and the projected number of graduates and non-graduates. The “non-graduation” rate is obtained by simply subtracting the CPI rate from one. In order to simplify the presentation of results, values expressed in a percentage metric (i.e., the percent distribution of students by subgroup and the CPI rate) have been rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. The actual computations used to derive the student counts reported in the tables were performed with a greater degree of precision. In the analyses below, we are able to calculate graduation rates and projections for students as a whole for the entire nation, each of the states, and the District of Columbia. However, there are certain situations in the disaggregated analyses where we are unable to report state-level values for enrollment counts, graduation rates, or projections of graduates and non-graduates. Notations in the tables below indicate the specific reason that a particular data field is missing. In the majority of these cases, information is missing because a state does not report a particular disaggregated data field to the Common Core of Data. For instance, a number of states do not provide grade-level enrollment counts broken down by race-ethnicity and gender. In other cases, disaggregated enrollment data are available but diploma counts by race or gender are not reported. It is also the case that some states do not contain districts with particular characteristics. For example, there are no suburban districts in Wyoming and no districts in Iowa where racial-ethnic minorities comprise the bulk of the student population. Finally, this research brief adopts data reporting conventions developed in earlier Urban Institute studies. Specifically, we do not report a CPI graduation rate unless the value represents at least 50 percent of the target student population. Most situations in which this step has been taken involve numerically small student groups for which reliable and stable estimates cannot reasonably be generated (e.g., Native Americans in the District of Columbia). -6- The Urban Institute / Education Policy Center Graduation Projections Table 1: Projections of 2003-04 Graduates and Non-Graduates – All Students All Students (#) Graduation Rate All Students (%) 3,913,738 60,245 11,348 70,124 36,055 476,142 61,097 40,423 10,366 4,207 238,161 126,793 15,915 19,471 163,806 79,825 40,660 38,780 54,187 53,879 17,134 71,705 59,213 142,663 70,236 39,386 75,173 13,321 24,122 29,972 17,578 95,228 28,944 245,311 111,745 9,204 159,724 49,667 44,574 153,523 12,557 63,776 10,920 73,141 355,019 35,538 8,594 98,062 87,238 23,592 77,683 7,711 th 9 Graders in 2000-01 Nation Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Dist. of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Projection of 2003-04 Outcomes Graduates All Students (#) Non-Graduates All Students (#) 68.0 2,661,342 1,252,396 61.4 64.2 67.3 70.5 68.9 69.0 77.0 64.3 65.2 53.0 55.5 66.0 79.6 75.0 72.4 78.2 74.1 65.3 64.5 72.1 75.3 71.0 74.0 78.9 58.0 72.9 77.1 77.3 54.7 73.9 86.3 61.2 61.4 63.5 79.5 70.7 69.8 73.6 75.5 73.5 50.7 79.4 57.5 65.0 78.3 77.9 73.8 62.6 70.7 78.2 72.4 36,990 7,285 47,193 25,419 328,062 42,157 31,126 6,665 2,743 126,225 70,370 10,504 15,499 122,855 57,793 31,796 28,736 35,384 34,752 12,354 53,994 42,041 105,571 55,416 22,844 54,801 10,270 18,646 16,395 12,990 82,182 17,714 150,621 70,958 7,317 112,925 34,668 32,806 115,910 9,229 32,334 8,670 42,056 230,762 27,826 6,695 72,370 54,611 16,680 60,748 5,583 23,255 4,063 22,931 10,636 148,080 18,940 9,297 3,701 1,464 111,936 56,423 5,411 3,972 40,952 22,032 8,864 10,044 18,803 19,127 4,780 17,711 17,172 37,092 14,820 16,542 20,372 3,051 5,476 13,577 4,588 13,046 11,230 94,690 40,787 1,887 46,799 14,999 11,768 37,613 3,328 31,442 2,250 31,085 124,257 7,712 1,899 25,692 32,627 6,912 16,935 2,128 Source: Common Core of Data Local Educational Agency and School Surveys, National Center for Education Statistics. Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. nr Value not calculated because necessary data field(s) not reported in CCD. * Value not reported because a reliable graduation estimate could not be calculated for this group. † Value not reported because there are no districts in this category. -7- The Urban Institute / Education Policy Center Graduation Projections Table 2: Projections of 2003-04 Graduates and Non-Graduates – American Indians/Alaska Natives th 9 Graders in 2000-01 Nation Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Dist. of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming All Students (#) Am. Ind. Students (%) Am. Ind. Students (#) 3,913,738 1.2 60,245 11,348 70,124 36,055 476,142 61,097 40,423 10,366 4,207 238,161 126,793 15,915 19,471 163,806 79,825 40,660 38,780 54,187 53,879 17,134 71,705 59,213 142,663 70,236 39,386 75,173 13,321 24,122 29,972 17,578 95,228 28,944 245,311 111,745 9,204 159,724 49,667 44,574 153,523 12,557 63,776 10,920 73,141 355,019 35,538 8,594 98,062 87,238 23,592 77,683 7,711 0.8 24.5 7.8 0.5 0.9 1.1 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.4 nr --0.2 0.2 0.5 1.3 0.2 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.3 1.2 2.1 0.2 0.3 10.8 1.6 1.7 0.2 0.2 11.9 0.4 1.7 8.7 0.1 16.2 2.2 0.1 0.6 0.2 9.5 nr --0.3 1.5 0.8 0.2 nr --0.1 1.5 3.0 Graduation Rate Am. Ind. Projection of 2003-04 Outcomes (%) Graduates Am. Ind. (#) Non-Graduates Am. Ind. (#) 45,923 51.1 23,467 22,456 483 2,779 5,459 189 4,211 681 103 30 3 564 194 71 nr --319 175 183 518 95 357 113 256 158 1,697 1,443 68 237 1,433 382 508 38 218 3,437 860 1,845 797 189 8,067 959 205 73 137 1,038 nr --1,003 527 72 225 nr --21 1,152 230 68.6 46.5 nr --69.3 49.7 40.7 42.9 ---* ---* 47.9 34.3 70.9 nr -----* 33.9 ---* ---* ---* 58.1 33.0 ---* 25.4 39.5 35.7 ---* 22.7 45.8 32.3 47.8 nr -----* 60.0 36.2 33.8 52.6 22.4 63.9 42.4 24.9 ---* nr --32.1 nr --36.7 52.8 nr --68.6 nr --52.8 47.0 34.4 331 1,292 nr --131 2,093 277 44 ---* ---* 270 67 50 nr -----* 59 ---* ---* ---* 207 37 ---* 40 670 515 ---* 54 656 123 243 nr -----* 2,062 311 624 419 42 5,155 407 51 ---* nr --333 nr --368 278 nr --154 nr --11 541 79 152 1,487 nr --58 2,118 404 59 ---* ---* 294 127 21 nr -----* 116 ---* ---* ---* 150 76 ---* 118 1,027 928 ---* 183 777 259 265 nr -----* 1,375 549 1,221 378 147 2,912 552 154 ---* nr --705 nr --635 249 nr --71 nr --10 611 151 Source: Common Core of Data Local Educational Agency and School Surveys, National Center for Education Statistics. Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. nr Value not calculated because necessary data field(s) not reported in CCD. * Value not reported because a reliable graduation estimate could not be calculated for this group. † Value not reported because there are no districts in this category. -8- The Urban Institute / Education Policy Center Graduation Projections Table 3: Projections of 2003-04 Graduates and Non-Graduates – Asians/Pacific Islanders th 9 Graders in 2000-01 Nation Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Dist. of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming All Students (#) Asian Students (%) Asian Students (#) 3,913,738 4.0 60,245 11,348 70,124 36,055 476,142 61,097 40,423 10,366 4,207 238,161 126,793 15,915 19,471 163,806 79,825 40,660 38,780 54,187 53,879 17,134 71,705 59,213 142,663 70,236 39,386 75,173 13,321 24,122 29,972 17,578 95,228 28,944 245,311 111,745 9,204 159,724 49,667 44,574 153,523 12,557 63,776 10,920 73,141 355,019 35,538 8,594 98,062 87,238 23,592 77,683 7,711 0.7 5.2 1.9 0.9 11.4 2.8 2.7 1.8 1.9 1.7 2.1 72.9 nr --3.4 0.9 1.8 2.2 0.7 1.4 0.9 4.2 5.1 1.7 4.9 0.7 1.1 0.7 1.4 5.7 1.1 6.2 1.1 6.3 1.8 0.7 1.0 1.5 3.8 2.0 3.4 0.9 1.0 nr --2.5 2.7 1.2 4.1 nr --0.6 3.0 0.7 Graduation Rate Asian Projection of 2003-04 Outcomes (%) Graduates Asian (#) Non-Graduates Asian (#) 158,326 76.8 121,594 36,732 430 586 1,337 315 54,256 1,712 1,102 186 81 4,113 2,713 11,596 nr --5,609 751 728 860 354 740 147 2,990 2,994 2,364 3,463 269 833 98 334 1,697 191 5,937 317 15,359 2,042 66 1,666 721 1,714 3,111 427 565 110 nr --8,787 948 102 3,982 nr --137 2,326 54 66.3 71.4 nr --76.8 82.0 72.6 73.7 ---* ---* 79.9 79.8 66.8 nr --88.8 ---* 66.2 48.0 63.3 74.2 35.2 92.9 60.5 ---* 66.3 45.6 73.4 ---* ---* 75.1 nr --83.3 64.2 61.2 68.3 30.6 ---* ---* 78.4 63.5 53.8 nr --61.2 nr --85.3 69.3 nr --80.4 nr -----* 73.2 ---* 285 418 nr --242 44,490 1,243 812 ---* ---* 3,286 2,165 7,746 nr --4,981 ---* 482 413 224 549 52 2,778 1,811 ---* 2,296 123 611 ---* ---* 1,274 nr --4,946 204 9,400 1,395 20 ---* ---* 1,344 1,975 230 nr --67 nr --7,495 657 nr --3,202 nr -----* 1,703 ---* 145 168 nr --73 9,766 469 290 ---* ---* 827 548 3,850 nr --628 ---* 246 447 130 191 95 212 1,183 ---* 1,167 146 222 ---* ---* 423 nr --991 113 5,959 647 46 ---* ---* 370 1,136 197 nr --43 nr --1,292 291 nr --780 nr -----* 623 ---* Source: Common Core of Data Local Educational Agency and School Surveys, National Center for Education Statistics. Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. nr Value not calculated because necessary data field(s) not reported in CCD. * Value not reported because a reliable graduation estimate could not be calculated for this group. † Value not reported because there are no districts in this category. -9- The Urban Institute / Education Policy Center Graduation Projections Table 4: Projections of 2003-04 Graduates and Non-Graduates – Hispanic Students th 9 Graders in 2000-01 Nation Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Dist. of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming All Students (#) Hispanic Students (%) Hispanic Students (#) 3,913,738 16.2 60,245 11,348 70,124 36,055 476,142 61,097 40,423 10,366 4,207 238,161 126,793 15,915 19,471 163,806 79,825 40,660 38,780 54,187 53,879 17,134 71,705 59,213 142,663 70,236 39,386 75,173 13,321 24,122 29,972 17,578 95,228 28,944 245,311 111,745 9,204 159,724 49,667 44,574 153,523 12,557 63,776 10,920 73,141 355,019 35,538 8,594 98,062 87,238 23,592 77,683 7,711 1.0 3.0 32.2 2.8 41.7 21.4 13.1 5.0 10.9 18.7 4.0 4.9 nr --14.2 3.3 3.3 8.3 0.9 1.4 0.5 4.3 12.7 3.2 2.9 0.9 1.7 1.4 6.2 24.6 1.7 15.0 50.3 19.1 3.6 1.0 1.6 5.4 8.8 4.5 12.5 1.6 1.0 nr --40.3 7.6 0.6 4.5 nr --0.4 4.0 6.2 Graduation Rate Hispanic Projection of 2003-04 Outcomes (%) Graduates Hispanic (#) Non-Graduates Hispanic (#) 633,664 53.2 337,109 296,555 624 337 22,564 1,018 198,452 13,049 5,305 518 457 44,481 5,040 775 nr --23,299 2,620 1,335 3,230 464 770 88 3,088 7,528 4,549 2,008 339 1,249 190 1,499 7,381 293 14,259 14,547 46,886 4,072 96 2,616 2,702 3,909 6,918 1,573 995 109 nr --142,958 2,711 53 4,451 nr --96 3,145 477 43.8 58.3 nr -----* 57.0 47.6 50.1 42.2 56.1 52.2 43.2 59.9 nr --57.8 50.4 40.5 47.6 62.8 74.2 ---* 71.2 36.1 36.3 ---* ---* ---* 56.8 46.9 37.6 nr -----* 54.7 31.9 58.4 ---* 43.2 56.2 56.2 40.9 67.7 nr -----* nr --55.9 ---* nr --65.2 nr -----* 54.4 57.1 273 196 nr -----* 113,117 6,211 2,658 219 256 23,219 2,177 464 nr --13,467 1,320 541 1,537 291 571 ---* 2,199 2,718 1,651 ---* ---* ---* 108 703 2,775 nr -----* 7,957 14,956 2,378 ---* 1,130 1,519 2,197 2,829 1,065 nr -----* nr --79,914 ---* nr --2,902 nr -----* 1,711 272 350 141 nr -----* 85,334 6,838 2,647 299 201 21,262 2,863 311 nr --9,832 1,300 794 1,693 173 199 ---* 889 4,810 2,898 ---* ---* ---* 82 796 4,606 nr -----* 6,590 31,929 1,694 ---* 1,486 1,183 1,712 4,089 508 nr -----* nr --63,044 ---* nr --1,549 nr -----* 1,434 205 Source: Common Core of Data Local Educational Agency and School Surveys, National Center for Education Statistics. Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. nr Value not calculated because necessary data field(s) not reported in CCD. * Value not reported because a reliable graduation estimate could not be calculated for this group. † Value not reported because there are no districts in this category. - 10 - The Urban Institute / Education Policy Center Graduation Projections Table 5: Projections of 2003-04 Graduates and Non-Graduates – Black, Non-Hispanic Students th 9 Graders in 2000-01 Nation Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Dist. of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming All Students (#) Black Students (%) Black Students (#) 3,913,738 17.9 60,245 11,348 70,124 36,055 476,142 61,097 40,423 10,366 4,207 238,161 126,793 15,915 19,471 163,806 79,825 40,660 38,780 54,187 53,879 17,134 71,705 59,213 142,663 70,236 39,386 75,173 13,321 24,122 29,972 17,578 95,228 28,944 245,311 111,745 9,204 159,724 49,667 44,574 153,523 12,557 63,776 10,920 73,141 355,019 35,538 8,594 98,062 87,238 23,592 77,683 7,711 36.5 4.2 4.4 22.6 8.6 5.8 13.7 32.5 84.0 26.7 39.8 1.9 nr --21.5 11.8 3.5 8.9 10.6 42.1 0.9 38.3 10.4 18.4 6.1 49.6 16.8 0.4 7.5 10.6 1.1 17.9 2.3 21.9 31.9 0.9 16.8 11.0 2.6 16.0 7.1 43.9 1.0 nr --14.7 0.9 1.1 27.6 nr --4.1 9.8 0.7 Graduation Rate Black Projection of 2003-04 Outcomes (%) Graduates Black (#) Non-Graduates Black (#) 699,652 50.2 351,225 348,427 22,019 471 3,053 8,144 40,970 3,532 5,540 3,369 3,535 63,635 50,468 309 nr --35,248 9,422 1,425 3,470 5,756 22,662 158 27,475 6,131 26,254 4,305 19,540 12,604 54 1,812 3,163 186 17,064 660 53,738 35,645 80 26,894 5,464 1,140 24,515 896 27,991 110 nr --52,306 306 95 27,039 nr --960 7,585 57 54.0 66.3 nr --62.7 55.3 49.0 60.7 53.4 60.4 41.0 43.7 60.7 nr --47.8 52.9 48.0 52.1 47.5 57.7 ---* 64.8 49.4 ---* 51.0 52.6 52.3 71.4 45.2 40.5 nr -----* 55.9 35.1 53.6 72.1 39.6 52.8 58.0 45.9 84.1 nr -----* nr --55.3 ---* nr --62.8 nr --58.0 41.1 67.7 11,890 312 nr --5,106 22,657 1,731 3,363 1,799 2,135 26,090 22,055 188 nr --16,849 4,984 684 1,808 2,734 13,076 ---* 17,804 3,029 ---* 2,196 10,278 6,592 39 819 1,281 nr -----* 369 18,862 19,106 58 10,650 2,885 661 11,252 754 nr -----* nr --28,925 ---* nr --16,980 nr --557 3,117 39 10,129 159 nr --3,038 18,314 1,801 2,177 1,570 1,400 37,545 28,413 121 nr --18,399 4,438 741 1,662 3,022 9,586 ---* 9,671 3,102 ---* 2,109 9,262 6,012 15 993 1,882 nr -----* 291 34,876 16,539 22 16,244 2,579 479 13,263 142 nr -----* nr --23,381 ---* nr --10,059 nr --403 4,468 18 Source: Common Core of Data Local Educational Agency and School Surveys, National Center for Education Statistics. Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. nr Value not calculated because necessary data field(s) not reported in CCD. * Value not reported because a reliable graduation estimate could not be calculated for this group. † Value not reported because there are no districts in this category. - 11 - The Urban Institute / Education Policy Center Graduation Projections Table 6: Projections of 2003-04 Graduates and Non-Graduates – White, Non-Hispanic Students th 9 Graders in 2000-01 Nation Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Dist. of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming All Students (#) White Students (%) White Students (#) 3,913,738 60.7 60,245 11,348 70,124 36,055 476,142 61,097 40,423 10,366 4,207 238,161 126,793 15,915 19,471 163,806 79,825 40,660 38,780 54,187 53,879 17,134 71,705 59,213 142,663 70,236 39,386 75,173 13,321 24,122 29,972 17,578 95,228 28,944 245,311 111,745 9,204 159,724 49,667 44,574 153,523 12,557 63,776 10,920 73,141 355,019 35,538 8,594 98,062 87,238 23,592 77,683 7,711 60.9 63.2 53.8 73.2 37.4 68.9 70.2 60.4 3.1 52.6 53.9 19.9 nr --60.6 83.8 91.0 79.2 87.7 54.5 97.0 52.8 71.6 75.6 84.0 48.7 80.1 86.7 83.3 57.5 96.0 60.6 34.5 52.4 61.0 88.7 80.4 65.9 82.7 77.4 76.4 53.4 87.5 nr --42.2 87.4 96.3 63.6 nr --94.9 81.7 89.4 Graduation Rate White Projection of 2003-04 Outcomes (%) Graduates White (#) Non-Graduates White (#) 2,376,173 74.9 1,779,754 596,419 36,689 7,175 37,711 26,389 178,253 42,123 28,373 6,263 131 125,368 68,378 3,164 nr --99,331 66,857 36,989 30,702 47,518 29,350 16,628 37,896 42,402 107,799 59,017 19,170 60,250 11,546 20,095 17,223 16,870 57,750 9,983 128,469 68,141 8,165 128,359 32,713 36,852 118,774 9,588 34,088 9,553 nr --149,965 31,046 8,272 62,365 nr --22,378 63,475 6,893 65.8 66.3 nr --74.4 75.7 75.2 81.9 69.7 ---* 57.9 62.4 64.7 nr --82.9 74.9 79.3 78.9 68.5 68.0 72.3 79.9 73.7 76.6 81.4 63.3 76.1 79.3 81.7 62.0 nr --86.4 67.8 75.3 69.2 84.1 75.9 72.1 71.4 81.3 73.8 nr --83.4 nr --73.5 83.7 nr --76.1 nr --71.3 82.4 73.3 24,142 4,757 nr --19,633 134,937 31,676 23,237 4,365 ---* 72,588 42,668 2,047 nr --82,345 50,076 29,332 24,224 32,550 19,958 12,022 30,279 31,250 82,574 48,040 12,135 45,850 9,156 16,418 10,678 nr --49,896 6,768 96,737 47,154 6,867 97,424 23,586 26,312 96,563 7,076 nr --7,967 nr --110,224 25,986 nr --47,460 nr --15,956 52,303 5,053 12,548 2,418 nr --6,756 43,315 10,447 5,136 1,898 ---* 52,780 25,710 1,117 nr --16,986 16,781 7,657 6,478 14,968 9,392 4,606 7,617 11,152 25,225 10,977 7,035 14,400 2,390 3,677 6,545 nr --7,854 3,215 31,732 20,987 1,298 30,935 9,127 10,540 22,211 2,512 nr --1,586 nr --39,741 5,060 nr --14,905 nr --6,422 11,172 1,840 Source: Common Core of Data Local Educational Agency and School Surveys, National Center for Education Statistics. Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. nr Value not calculated because necessary data field(s) not reported in CCD. * Value not reported because a reliable graduation estimate could not be calculated for this group. † Value not reported because there are no districts in this category. - 12 - The Urban Institute / Education Policy Center Graduation Projections Table 7: Projections of 2003-04 Graduates and Non-Graduates – Female Students th 9 Graders in 2000-01 Nation Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Dist. of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming All Students (#) Female Students (%) Female Students (#) 3,913,738 48.1 60,245 11,348 70,124 36,055 476,142 61,097 40,423 10,366 4,207 238,161 126,793 15,915 19,471 163,806 79,825 40,660 38,780 54,187 53,879 17,134 71,705 59,213 142,663 70,236 39,386 75,173 13,321 24,122 29,972 17,578 95,228 28,944 245,311 111,745 9,204 159,724 49,667 44,574 153,523 12,557 63,776 10,920 73,141 355,019 35,538 8,594 98,062 87,238 23,592 77,683 7,711 47.5 47.6 48.4 48.1 48.7 48.5 49.5 48.0 47.1 46.8 47.4 46.3 nr --48.3 48.2 48.7 48.3 46.9 48.2 47.9 48.3 nr --48.4 48.7 48.5 48.4 47.9 47.9 47.0 48.3 49.7 47.9 48.8 47.6 48.6 47.6 48.5 nr --nr --48.4 48.0 48.0 nr --47.4 49.6 48.3 48.0 nr --47.1 48.3 47.8 Graduation Rate Female Projection of 2003-04 Outcomes (%) Graduates Female (#) Non-Graduates Female (#) 1,882,127 72.0 1,355,131 526,995 28,627 5,398 33,928 17,338 231,826 29,606 19,993 4,977 1,980 111,377 60,067 7,363 nr --79,185 38,469 19,818 18,731 25,422 25,949 8,203 34,619 nr --69,075 34,173 19,097 36,348 6,385 11,547 14,086 8,491 47,294 13,868 119,615 53,181 4,476 76,016 24,111 nr --nr --6,081 30,597 5,241 nr --168,146 17,638 4,150 47,079 nr --11,107 37,539 3,688 67.3 67.4 nr --74.6 73.2 72.9 79.3 69.1 73.0 59.4 60.9 69.6 nr --77.5 76.6 78.2 75.6 71.2 70.6 74.4 80.5 nr --76.0 81.4 64.4 75.8 77.1 79.0 60.6 nr --83.9 64.4 64.0 67.1 81.5 73.8 73.1 nr --nr --75.9 nr --79.9 nr --69.4 84.0 nr --78.4 nr --74.8 80.3 73.4 19,266 3,638 nr --12,934 169,697 21,583 15,854 3,439 1,445 66,158 36,581 5,125 nr --61,368 29,467 15,498 14,161 18,101 18,320 6,103 27,868 nr --52,497 27,817 12,298 27,552 4,923 9,122 8,536 nr --39,680 8,931 76,554 35,684 3,648 56,100 17,625 nr --nr --4,615 nr --4,188 nr --116,693 14,816 nr --36,910 nr --8,308 30,144 2,707 9,361 1,760 nr --4,404 62,129 8,023 4,139 1,538 535 45,219 23,486 2,238 nr --17,817 9,002 4,320 4,570 7,322 7,629 2,100 6,751 nr --16,578 6,356 6,799 8,796 1,462 2,425 5,550 nr --7,614 4,937 43,062 17,497 828 19,916 6,486 nr --nr --1,466 nr --1,053 nr --51,453 2,822 nr --10,169 nr --2,799 7,395 981 Source: Common Core of Data Local Educational Agency and School Surveys, National Center for Education Statistics. Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. nr Value not calculated because necessary data field(s) not reported in CCD. * Value not reported because a reliable graduation estimate could not be calculated for this group. † Value not reported because there are no districts in this category. - 13 - The Urban Institute / Education Policy Center Graduation Projections Table 8: Projections of 2003-04 Graduates and Non-Graduates – Male Students th 9 Graders in 2000-01 Nation Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Dist. of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming All Students (#) Male Students (%) Male Students (#) 3,913,738 51.9 60,245 11,348 70,124 36,055 476,142 61,097 40,423 10,366 4,207 238,161 126,793 15,915 19,471 163,806 79,825 40,660 38,780 54,187 53,879 17,134 71,705 59,213 142,663 70,236 39,386 75,173 13,321 24,122 29,972 17,578 95,228 28,944 245,311 111,745 9,204 159,724 49,667 44,574 153,523 12,557 63,776 10,920 73,141 355,019 35,538 8,594 98,062 87,238 23,592 77,683 7,711 52.5 52.4 51.6 51.9 51.3 51.5 50.5 52.0 52.9 53.2 52.6 53.7 nr --51.7 51.8 51.3 51.7 53.1 51.8 52.1 51.7 nr --51.6 51.3 51.5 51.6 52.1 52.1 53.0 51.7 50.3 52.1 51.2 52.4 51.4 52.4 51.5 nr --nr --51.6 52.0 52.0 nr --52.6 50.4 51.7 52.0 nr --52.9 51.7 52.2 Graduation Rate Male Projection of 2003-04 Outcomes (%) Graduates Male (#) Non-Graduates Male (#) 2,031,611 64.1 1,302,263 729,348 31,618 5,950 36,196 18,717 244,316 31,491 20,430 5,389 2,227 126,784 66,726 8,552 nr --84,621 41,356 20,842 20,049 28,765 27,930 8,931 37,086 nr --73,588 36,063 20,289 38,825 6,936 12,575 15,886 9,087 47,934 15,076 125,696 58,564 4,728 83,708 25,556 nr --nr --6,476 33,179 5,679 nr --186,873 17,900 4,444 50,983 nr --12,485 40,144 4,023 56.0 60.1 nr --68.2 64.5 65.1 73.2 58.9 54.8 47.3 50.7 62.7 nr --71.1 67.8 74.7 71.6 62.6 57.8 67.4 70.2 nr --71.2 75.8 51.8 69.4 73.5 72.8 50.1 nr --81.7 56.4 57.3 59.6 80.4 67.0 69.1 nr --nr --71.5 nr --76.3 nr --61.0 79.9 nr --68.3 nr --67.7 74.2 68.8 17,706 3,576 nr --12,765 157,584 20,501 14,955 3,174 1,220 59,969 33,830 5,362 nr --60,166 28,039 15,569 14,355 18,007 16,144 6,019 26,034 nr --52,395 27,336 10,510 26,945 5,098 9,155 7,959 nr --39,162 8,503 72,024 34,904 3,801 56,084 17,659 nr --nr --4,630 nr --4,333 nr --113,993 14,302 nr --34,821 nr --8,452 29,787 2,768 13,912 2,374 nr --5,952 86,732 10,990 5,475 2,215 1,007 66,815 32,896 3,190 nr --24,455 13,317 5,273 5,694 10,758 11,786 2,912 11,052 nr --21,193 8,727 9,779 11,880 1,838 3,420 7,927 nr --8,772 6,573 53,672 23,660 927 27,624 7,897 nr --nr --1,846 nr --1,346 nr --72,880 3,598 nr --16,162 nr --4,033 10,357 1,255 Source: Common Core of Data Local Educational Agency and School Surveys, National Center for Education Statistics. Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. nr Value not calculated because necessary data field(s) not reported in CCD. * Value not reported because a reliable graduation estimate could not be calculated for this group. † Value not reported because there are no districts in this category. - 14 - The Urban Institute / Education Policy Center Graduation Projections Table 9: Projections of 2003-04 Graduates and Non-Graduates – Students in Majority Minority Districts All Districts Maj. Min. Districts Maj. Min. Districts Graduation Rate Maj. Min. Districts (#) (%) (#) 3,913,738 35.9 60,245 11,348 70,124 36,055 476,142 61,097 40,423 10,366 4,207 238,161 126,793 15,915 19,471 163,806 79,825 40,660 38,780 54,187 53,879 17,134 71,705 59,213 142,663 70,236 39,386 75,173 13,321 24,122 29,972 17,578 95,228 28,944 245,311 111,745 9,204 159,724 49,667 44,574 153,523 12,557 63,776 10,920 73,141 355,019 35,538 8,594 98,062 87,238 23,592 77,683 7,711 34.5 14.6 37.7 20.7 68.7 23.4 26.9 12.6 100.0 40.0 40.6 100.0 0.8 31.5 9.1 ---† 8.0 0.6 41.9 ---† 43.6 22.5 19.7 10.9 47.7 16.3 7.3 1.3 68.2 ---† 33.5 81.7 50.5 37.2 6.0 20.2 20.8 1.4 21.1 18.4 43.2 4.8 nr --61.3 0.7 ---† 21.8 10.5 ---† 10.9 0.8 th 9 Graders in 2000-01 Nation Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Dist. of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Projection of 2003-04 Outcomes (%) Graduates Maj. Min. Districts (#) Non-Graduates Maj. Min. Districts (#) 1,405,251 56.4 792,561 612,689 20,759 1,653 26,454 7,481 326,961 14,319 10,880 1,307 4,207 95,277 51,486 15,915 149 51,536 7,244 ---† 3,097 307 22,581 ---† 31,245 13,294 28,050 7,665 18,774 12,255 973 304 20,450 ---† 31,862 23,637 123,952 41,566 553 32,330 10,322 641 32,366 2,307 27,538 519 nr --217,526 263 ---† 21,372 9,118 ---† 8,436 58 57.0 46.0 59.0 61.1 64.1 45.5 60.1 52.8 65.2 49.6 46.8 66.0 44.7 51.8 42.4 ---† 57.3 58.9 62.3 ---† 69.3 48.8 44.4 63.9 52.7 52.6 53.7 ---* 51.9 ---† ---* 60.1 40.0 59.8 53.9 40.6 60.1 70.3 46.2 78.1 44.5 58.6 nr --59.5 70.6 ---† 61.0 59.7 ---† 46.1 60.4 11,833 760 15,608 4,571 209,582 6,515 6,539 690 2,743 47,257 24,095 10,504 67 26,696 3,071 ---† 1,775 181 14,068 ---† 21,653 6,487 12,454 4,898 9,894 6,446 523 ---* 10,614 ---† ---* 14,206 49,581 24,856 298 13,126 6,204 451 14,953 1,802 12,254 304 nr --129,428 186 ---† 13,037 5,443 ---† 3,889 35 8,926 893 10,846 2,910 117,379 7,804 4,341 617 1,464 48,020 27,391 5,411 82 24,840 4,173 ---† 1,322 126 8,513 ---† 9,592 6,807 15,596 2,767 8,880 5,809 450 ---* 9,836 ---† ---* 9,431 74,371 16,710 255 19,204 4,118 190 17,413 505 15,284 215 nr --88,098 77 ---† 8,335 3,675 ---† 4,547 23 Source: Common Core of Data Local Educational Agency and School Surveys, National Center for Education Statistics. Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. nr Value not calculated because necessary data field(s) not reported in CCD. * Value not reported because a reliable graduation estimate could not be calculated for this group. † Value not reported because there are no districts in this category. - 15 - The Urban Institute / Education Policy Center Graduation Projections Table 10: Projections of 2003-04 Graduates and Non-Graduates – Students in Majority White Districts All Districts Maj. White Districts Maj. White Districts Graduation Rate Maj. White Districts (#) (%) (#) 3,913,738 64.1 60,245 11,348 70,124 36,055 476,142 61,097 40,423 10,366 4,207 238,161 126,793 15,915 19,471 163,806 79,825 40,660 38,780 54,187 53,879 17,134 71,705 59,213 142,663 70,236 39,386 75,173 13,321 24,122 29,972 17,578 95,228 28,944 245,311 111,745 9,204 159,724 49,667 44,574 153,523 12,557 63,776 10,920 73,141 355,019 35,538 8,594 98,062 87,238 23,592 77,683 7,711 65.5 85.4 62.3 79.3 31.3 76.6 73.1 87.4 ---† 60.0 59.4 ---† 99.2 68.5 90.9 100.0 92.0 99.4 58.1 100.0 56.4 77.5 80.3 89.1 52.3 83.7 92.7 98.7 31.8 100.0 66.5 18.3 49.5 62.8 94.0 79.8 79.2 98.6 78.9 81.6 56.8 95.2 nr --38.7 99.3 100.0 78.2 89.5 100.0 89.1 99.2 th 9 Graders in 2000-01 Nation Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Dist. of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Projection of 2003-04 Outcomes (%) Graduates Maj. White Districts (#) Non-Graduates Maj. White Districts (#) 2,508,487 74.1 1,858,789 649,698 39,486 9,695 43,670 28,574 149,181 46,778 29,543 9,059 ---† 142,884 75,307 ---† 19,322 112,270 72,581 40,660 35,683 53,880 31,298 17,134 40,460 45,919 114,613 62,571 20,612 62,918 12,348 23,818 9,522 17,578 63,366 5,307 121,359 70,179 8,651 127,394 39,345 43,933 121,157 10,250 36,238 10,401 nr --137,493 35,275 8,594 76,690 78,120 23,592 69,247 7,653 63.6 66.3 72.5 73.5 78.1 75.2 82.0 65.8 ---† 55.2 61.2 ---† 79.9 82.9 75.0 78.2 75.6 65.4 65.7 72.1 79.6 75.1 77.4 80.1 62.6 76.3 78.6 77.4 60.6 73.9 88.9 65.4 78.5 65.7 81.2 77.3 73.0 73.6 82.2 72.7 54.5 79.9 nr --72.8 78.5 77.9 76.6 63.0 70.7 81.4 72.5 25,113 6,428 31,661 21,002 116,510 35,177 24,225 5,961 ---† 78,872 46,088 ---† 15,438 93,072 54,436 31,796 26,976 35,238 20,563 12,354 32,206 34,485 88,710 50,119 12,903 48,006 9,706 18,435 5,770 12,990 56,332 3,471 95,267 46,108 7,025 98,476 28,722 32,335 99,591 7,452 19,750 8,310 nr --100,095 27,691 6,695 58,745 49,216 16,680 56,367 5,548 14,373 3,267 12,009 7,572 32,671 11,601 5,318 3,098 ---† 64,012 29,219 ---† 3,884 19,198 18,145 8,864 8,707 18,642 10,735 4,780 8,254 11,434 25,903 12,452 7,709 14,912 2,642 5,383 3,752 4,588 7,034 1,836 26,092 24,071 1,626 28,918 10,623 11,598 21,566 2,798 16,488 2,091 nr --37,398 7,584 1,899 17,945 28,904 6,912 12,880 2,105 Source: Common Core of Data Local Educational Agency and School Surveys, National Center for Education Statistics. Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. nr Value not calculated because necessary data field(s) not reported in CCD. * Value not reported because a reliable graduation estimate could not be calculated for this group. † Value not reported because there are no districts in this category. - 16 - The Urban Institute / Education Policy Center Graduation Projections Table 11: Projections of 2003-04 Graduates and Non-Graduates – Students in High Poverty Districts th 9 Graders in 2000-01 All Districts Nation Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Dist. of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming (#) High Poverty Districts (%) High Poverty Districts (#) 3,913,738 47.0 60,245 11,348 70,124 36,055 476,142 61,097 40,423 10,366 4,207 238,161 126,793 15,915 19,471 163,806 79,825 40,660 38,780 54,187 53,879 17,134 71,705 59,213 142,663 70,236 39,386 75,173 13,321 24,122 29,972 17,578 95,228 28,944 245,311 111,745 9,204 159,724 49,667 44,574 153,523 12,557 63,776 10,920 73,141 355,019 35,538 8,594 98,062 87,238 23,592 77,683 7,711 69.9 10.8 nr --67.2 55.7 26.0 nr --12.0 100.0 67.8 57.0 100.0 35.2 nr --26.2 20.1 42.0 72.3 91.4 25.2 31.5 28.9 28.7 16.1 86.1 37.6 11.2 30.4 2.1 0.1 26.8 94.5 56.6 43.3 18.3 26.8 65.1 44.3 30.0 31.1 69.8 16.0 nr --61.9 17.6 5.7 25.1 nr --81.6 15.0 89.4 Graduation Rate High Poverty Districts Projection of 2003-04 Outcomes (%) Graduates High Poverty Districts (#) Non-Graduates High Poverty Districts (#) 1,840,683 57.6 1,060,234 780,450 42,097 1,225 nr --24,227 265,232 15,870 nr --1,245 4,207 161,537 72,245 15,915 6,851 nr --20,933 8,184 16,291 39,173 49,262 4,323 22,622 17,088 40,948 11,282 33,930 28,235 1,491 7,329 643 21 25,548 27,353 138,843 48,421 1,682 42,816 32,353 19,736 46,045 3,904 44,539 1,747 nr --219,869 6,268 491 24,652 nr --19,253 11,626 6,890 59.0 ---* nr --69.3 61.4 51.7 nr --55.1 65.2 52.5 46.4 66.0 75.7 nr --57.2 66.1 64.6 62.4 64.3 68.3 61.4 49.1 55.5 68.1 57.1 63.9 61.6 61.7 69.1 64.8 ---* 60.4 43.1 60.6 72.1 45.5 67.5 72.7 54.7 69.5 44.2 76.5 nr --59.4 75.9 59.1 61.7 nr --71.1 53.4 72.1 24,830 ---* nr --16,796 162,845 8,199 nr --686 2,742 84,796 33,496 10,497 5,188 nr --11,970 5,413 10,524 24,440 31,676 2,953 13,901 8,397 22,737 7,687 19,370 18,034 919 4,524 444 14 ---* 16,518 59,846 29,330 1,213 19,502 21,825 14,344 25,180 2,712 19,685 1,336 nr --130,559 4,759 290 15,216 nr --13,698 6,211 4,968 17,267 ---* nr --7,431 102,387 7,671 nr --559 1,465 76,741 38,749 5,418 1,663 nr --8,963 2,771 5,767 14,733 17,586 1,370 8,721 8,691 18,211 3,595 14,560 10,201 572 2,805 198 7 ---* 10,835 78,997 19,091 469 23,314 10,528 5,392 20,865 1,192 24,854 411 nr --89,310 1,509 201 9,436 nr --5,555 5,415 1,922 Source: Common Core of Data Local Educational Agency and School Surveys, National Center for Education Statistics. Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. nr Value not calculated because necessary data field(s) not reported in CCD. * Value not reported because a reliable graduation estimate could not be calculated for this group. † Value not reported because there are no districts in this category. - 17 - The Urban Institute / Education Policy Center Graduation Projections Table 12: Projections of 2003-04 Graduates and Non-Graduates – Students in Low Poverty Districts th 9 Graders in 2000-01 All Districts Nation Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Dist. of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming (#) Low Poverty Districts (%) Low Poverty Districts (#) 3,913,738 53.0 60,245 11,348 70,124 36,055 476,142 61,097 40,423 10,366 4,207 238,161 126,793 15,915 19,471 163,806 79,825 40,660 38,780 54,187 53,879 17,134 71,705 59,213 142,663 70,236 39,386 75,173 13,321 24,122 29,972 17,578 95,228 28,944 245,311 111,745 9,204 159,724 49,667 44,574 153,523 12,557 63,776 10,920 73,141 355,019 35,538 8,594 98,062 87,238 23,592 77,683 7,711 30.1 89.2 nr --32.8 44.3 74.0 nr --88.0 ---† 32.2 43.0 ---† 64.8 nr --73.8 79.9 58.0 27.7 8.6 74.8 68.5 71.1 71.3 83.9 13.9 62.4 88.8 69.6 97.9 99.9 73.2 5.5 43.4 56.7 81.7 73.2 34.9 55.7 70.0 68.9 30.2 84.0 nr --38.1 82.4 94.3 74.9 nr --18.4 85.0 10.6 Graduation Rate Low Poverty Districts Projection of 2003-04 Outcomes (%) Graduates Low Poverty Districts (#) Non-Graduates Low Poverty Districts (#) 2,073,055 76.0 1,575,521 497,533 18,148 10,123 nr --11,828 210,910 45,227 nr --9,121 ---† 76,624 54,548 ---† 12,620 nr --58,892 32,476 22,489 15,014 4,617 12,811 49,083 42,125 101,715 58,954 5,456 46,938 11,830 16,793 29,329 17,557 69,680 1,591 106,468 63,324 7,522 116,908 17,314 24,838 107,478 8,653 19,237 9,173 nr --135,150 29,270 8,103 73,410 nr --4,339 66,057 821 67.5 65.8 nr --74.5 76.8 74.1 nr --65.0 ---† 54.1 66.7 ---† 82.0 nr --77.2 81.2 81.2 72.7 66.0 73.2 80.9 77.2 78.6 80.4 63.2 78.0 78.6 84.9 54.3 73.9 88.9 76.0 80.4 65.8 81.2 78.5 75.2 74.2 83.4 75.1 62.7 79.8 nr --73.3 81.4 79.0 76.9 nr --67.9 81.7 74.2 12,247 6,661 nr --8,817 162,008 33,508 nr --5,932 ---† 41,476 36,356 ---† 10,349 nr --45,436 26,371 18,264 10,918 3,048 9,379 39,719 32,507 79,976 47,428 3,451 36,615 9,295 14,265 15,940 12,968 61,953 1,209 85,550 41,696 6,110 91,728 13,016 18,435 89,675 6,495 12,057 7,323 nr --99,129 23,836 6,403 56,463 nr --2,945 53,957 609 5,901 3,462 nr --3,011 48,902 11,719 nr --3,189 ---† 35,148 18,192 ---† 2,271 nr --13,456 6,105 4,225 4,096 1,569 3,433 9,364 9,618 21,739 11,526 2,005 10,323 2,535 2,528 13,389 4,589 7,727 382 20,918 21,628 1,412 25,180 4,298 6,403 17,803 2,158 7,180 1,850 nr --36,021 5,434 1,700 16,947 nr --1,394 12,099 212 Source: Common Core of Data Local Educational Agency and School Surveys, National Center for Education Statistics. Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. nr Value not calculated because necessary data field(s) not reported in CCD. * Value not reported because a reliable graduation estimate could not be calculated for this group. † Value not reported because there are no districts in this category. - 18 - The Urban Institute / Education Policy Center Graduation Projections Table 13: Projections of 2003-04 Graduates and Non-Graduates – Students in Urban Districts All Districts Urban Districts Urban Districts Graduation Rate Urban Districts (#) (%) (#) 3,913,738 29.1 60,245 11,348 70,124 36,055 476,142 61,097 40,423 10,366 4,207 238,161 126,793 15,915 19,471 163,806 79,825 40,660 38,780 54,187 53,879 17,134 71,705 59,213 142,663 70,236 39,386 75,173 13,321 24,122 29,972 17,578 95,228 28,944 245,311 111,745 9,204 159,724 49,667 44,574 153,523 12,557 63,776 10,920 73,141 355,019 35,538 8,594 98,062 87,238 23,592 77,683 7,711 17.8 33.2 57.7 25.4 42.0 33.4 25.4 5.1 100.0 10.7 15.1 ---† 19.8 32.6 30.7 27.3 25.8 10.5 29.7 10.1 12.5 35.7 23.0 16.3 11.0 20.0 19.6 35.2 17.0 21.0 12.4 39.6 48.5 30.2 26.8 23.1 26.4 26.0 24.2 35.8 17.3 26.8 27.0 44.8 10.1 3.8 25.9 23.9 8.5 32.7 27.3 th 9 Graders in 2000-01 Nation Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Dist. of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Projection of 2003-04 Outcomes (%) Graduates Urban Districts (#) Non-Graduates Urban Districts (#) 1,137,628 57.5 654,136 483,492 10,715 3,762 40,495 9,143 199,800 20,405 10,252 532 4,207 25,426 19,149 ---† 3,858 53,325 24,496 11,114 9,990 5,704 15,984 1,735 8,983 21,140 32,854 11,459 4,335 15,005 2,617 8,484 5,093 3,699 11,779 11,451 118,948 33,739 2,465 36,869 13,119 11,595 37,102 4,498 11,021 2,927 19,778 158,978 3,589 325 25,364 20,849 1,994 25,369 2,108 57.8 69.4 ---* 62.1 61.0 60.6 60.6 57.2 65.2 51.6 40.0 ---† 85.7 55.3 61.1 70.3 59.6 67.8 63.8 66.1 47.9 55.3 55.7 70.8 45.4 61.5 81.0 69.1 55.2 70.8 ---* 60.1 39.8 65.0 74.6 41.9 59.0 79.0 52.2 69.3 46.1 71.4 47.5 58.6 71.6 59.4 62.3 55.6 71.8 68.1 66.9 6,193 2,611 ---* 5,678 121,878 12,365 6,213 304 2,743 13,120 7,660 ---† 3,306 29,489 14,967 7,813 5,954 3,867 10,198 1,147 4,303 11,690 18,300 8,113 1,968 9,228 2,120 5,862 2,811 2,619 ---* 6,882 47,341 21,930 1,839 15,448 7,740 9,160 19,367 3,117 5,081 2,090 9,395 93,161 2,570 193 15,802 11,592 1,432 17,276 1,410 4,522 1,151 ---* 3,465 77,922 8,040 4,039 228 1,464 12,306 11,489 ---† 552 23,836 9,529 3,301 4,036 1,837 5,786 588 4,680 9,450 14,554 3,346 2,367 5,777 497 2,622 2,282 1,080 ---* 4,569 71,607 11,809 626 21,421 5,379 2,435 17,735 1,381 5,940 837 10,383 65,817 1,019 132 9,562 9,257 562 8,093 698 Source: Common Core of Data Local Educational Agency and School Surveys, National Center for Education Statistics. Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. nr Value not calculated because necessary data field(s) not reported in CCD. * Value not reported because a reliable graduation estimate could not be calculated for this group. † Value not reported because there are no districts in this category. - 19 - The Urban Institute / Education Policy Center Graduation Projections Table 14: Projections of 2003-04 Graduates and Non-Graduates – Students in Suburban Districts All Districts Suburban Districts Suburban Districts Graduation Rate Suburban Districts (#) (%) (#) 3,913,738 42.4 60,245 11,348 70,124 36,055 476,142 61,097 40,423 10,366 4,207 238,161 126,793 15,915 19,471 163,806 79,825 40,660 38,780 54,187 53,879 17,134 71,705 59,213 142,663 70,236 39,386 75,173 13,321 24,122 29,972 17,578 95,228 28,944 245,311 111,745 9,204 159,724 49,667 44,574 153,523 12,557 63,776 10,920 73,141 355,019 35,538 8,594 98,062 87,238 23,592 77,683 7,711 38.7 ---† 25.1 16.3 53.1 45.2 53.7 68.3 ---† 78.0 41.5 100.0 11.9 47.4 25.2 11.4 20.0 31.6 41.4 16.0 76.0 53.5 43.6 45.6 14.4 38.0 1.8 9.4 69.9 27.1 75.4 10.1 34.5 14.5 7.7 43.8 26.1 37.8 43.9 49.7 36.2 4.4 33.4 33.8 64.4 13.8 41.5 49.2 25.6 27.0 ---† th 9 Graders in 2000-01 Nation Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Dist. of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Projection of 2003-04 Outcomes (%) Graduates Suburban Districts (#) Non-Graduates Suburban Districts (#) 1,660,219 72.7 1,206,979 453,240 23,293 ---† 17,626 5,865 252,904 27,595 21,701 7,083 ---† 185,817 52,596 15,915 2,321 77,597 20,133 4,627 7,757 17,108 22,300 2,745 54,482 31,661 62,238 32,043 5,691 28,600 237 2,257 20,942 4,756 71,847 2,932 84,597 16,158 706 69,956 12,953 16,845 67,433 6,237 23,091 481 24,448 119,923 22,892 1,187 40,666 42,957 6,051 20,969 ---† 62.8 ---† 72.4 74.7 74.7 71.9 81.8 63.2 ---† 53.1 63.4 66.0 88.0 83.9 75.8 79.0 79.7 61.1 64.6 75.4 79.2 77.8 77.8 80.1 59.1 77.0 87.2 78.8 51.7 72.4 86.8 56.1 80.0 68.2 79.1 77.6 76.3 71.4 83.2 75.3 58.7 78.1 63.9 70.4 80.9 75.7 79.9 66.8 67.4 85.0 ---† 14,628 ---† 12,761 4,381 188,919 19,841 17,751 4,476 ---† 98,669 33,346 10,504 2,042 65,104 15,261 3,655 6,182 10,453 14,406 2,070 43,150 24,632 48,421 25,666 3,363 22,022 207 1,779 10,827 3,443 62,363 1,645 67,678 11,020 558 54,286 9,883 12,027 56,104 4,696 13,554 376 15,622 84,426 18,520 899 32,492 28,695 4,078 17,824 ---† 8,665 ---† 4,865 1,484 63,985 7,754 3,950 2,607 ---† 87,148 19,250 5,411 279 12,493 4,872 972 1,575 6,655 7,894 675 11,332 7,029 13,817 6,377 2,328 6,578 30 478 10,115 1,313 9,484 1,287 16,919 5,138 148 15,670 3,070 4,818 11,329 1,541 9,537 105 8,826 35,497 4,372 288 8,174 14,262 1,973 3,145 ---† Source: Common Core of Data Local Educational Agency and School Surveys, National Center for Education Statistics. Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. nr Value not calculated because necessary data field(s) not reported in CCD. * Value not reported because a reliable graduation estimate could not be calculated for this group. † Value not reported because there are no districts in this category. - 20 - The Urban Institute / Education Policy Center Graduation Projections Table 15: Projections of 2003-04 Graduates and Non-Graduates – Students in Small/Large Town Districts (#) Town Districts (%) Town Districts (#) Graduation Rate Town Districts (%) 3,913,738 11.6 452,067 69.1 312,378 139,689 60,245 11,348 70,124 36,055 476,142 61,097 40,423 10,366 4,207 238,161 126,793 15,915 19,471 163,806 79,825 40,660 38,780 54,187 53,879 17,134 71,705 59,213 142,663 70,236 39,386 75,173 13,321 24,122 29,972 17,578 95,228 28,944 245,311 111,745 9,204 159,724 49,667 44,574 153,523 12,557 63,776 10,920 73,141 355,019 35,538 8,594 98,062 87,238 23,592 77,683 7,711 17.5 33.7 9.7 29.9 2.7 8.2 2.0 11.5 ---† 4.1 19.1 ---† 44.0 10.2 16.2 32.1 26.5 22.2 14.2 23.0 2.8 0.4 9.5 17.9 31.8 18.0 44.2 25.7 7.8 21.3 ---† 36.0 5.3 13.6 22.8 9.4 23.2 22.4 10.8 1.8 20.1 27.4 17.9 9.9 18.6 32.6 6.2 11.5 23.6 19.0 56.2 10,514 3,821 6,784 10,784 12,772 5,034 819 1,196 ---† 9,659 24,214 ---† 8,573 16,757 12,945 13,047 10,281 12,051 7,660 3,948 2,041 209 13,601 12,560 12,530 13,542 5,883 6,195 2,343 3,748 ---† 10,430 13,066 15,241 2,102 15,067 11,516 9,991 16,624 221 12,808 2,991 13,121 35,189 6,621 2,804 6,057 10,058 5,569 14,745 4,335 61.9 69.6 58.0 71.4 71.4 70.6 ---* 69.8 ---† 52.7 50.0 ---† 76.1 76.6 72.9 79.1 74.6 69.6 64.9 67.1 78.1 68.4 76.5 80.4 57.2 73.0 77.3 81.9 69.5 75.5 ---† 62.8 71.0 61.3 83.3 73.2 73.3 73.5 78.0 87.6 41.5 85.0 60.2 67.2 84.0 82.6 70.6 61.8 71.0 78.5 72.8 6,508 2,659 3,935 7,700 9,119 3,554 ---* 835 ---† 5,090 12,107 ---† 6,524 12,836 9,437 10,320 7,670 8,387 4,971 2,649 1,594 143 10,405 10,098 7,167 9,886 4,548 5,074 1,628 2,830 ---† 6,550 9,277 9,343 1,751 11,029 8,441 7,343 12,967 194 5,315 2,542 7,899 23,647 5,562 2,316 4,276 6,216 3,954 11,575 3,156 4,006 1,162 2,849 3,084 3,653 1,480 ---* 361 ---† 4,569 12,107 ---† 2,049 3,921 3,508 2,727 2,611 3,664 2,689 1,299 447 66 3,196 2,462 5,363 3,656 1,335 1,121 715 918 ---† 3,880 3,789 5,898 351 4,038 3,075 2,648 3,657 27 7,493 449 5,222 11,542 1,059 488 1,781 3,842 1,615 3,170 1,179 th 9 Graders in 2000-01 All Districts Nation Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Dist. of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Projection of 2003-04 Outcomes Graduates Town Districts (#) Non-Graduates Town Districts (#) Source: Common Core of Data Local Educational Agency and School Surveys, National Center for Education Statistics. Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. nr Value not calculated because necessary data field(s) not reported in CCD. * Value not reported because a reliable graduation estimate could not be calculated for this group. † Value not reported because there are no districts in this category. - 21 - The Urban Institute / Education Policy Center Graduation Projections Table 16: Projections of 2003-04 Graduates and Non-Graduates – Students in Rural Districts All Districts Rural Districts Rural Districts Graduation Rate Rural Districts (#) (%) (#) 3,913,738 17.0 60,245 11,348 70,124 36,055 476,142 61,097 40,423 10,366 4,207 238,161 126,793 15,915 19,471 163,806 79,825 40,660 38,780 54,187 53,879 17,134 71,705 59,213 142,663 70,236 39,386 75,173 13,321 24,122 29,972 17,578 95,228 28,944 245,311 111,745 9,204 159,724 49,667 44,574 153,523 12,557 63,776 10,920 73,141 355,019 35,538 8,594 98,062 87,238 23,592 77,683 7,711 26.1 33.2 7.4 28.5 2.2 13.2 18.9 15.0 ---† 7.2 24.3 ---† 24.2 9.8 27.9 29.2 27.7 35.7 14.7 50.8 8.6 10.5 23.8 20.2 42.7 24.0 34.4 29.8 5.3 30.6 12.2 14.3 11.7 41.7 42.7 23.7 24.3 13.8 21.1 12.7 26.4 41.4 21.6 11.5 6.9 49.8 26.5 15.3 42.3 21.4 16.4 th 9 Graders in 2000-01 Nation Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Dist. of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Projection of 2003-04 Outcomes (%) Graduates Rural Districts (#) Non-Graduates Rural Districts (#) 663,824 71.9 477,289 186,535 15,723 3,765 5,219 10,263 10,666 8,063 7,651 1,555 ---† 17,259 30,834 ---† 4,719 16,127 22,251 11,872 10,752 19,324 7,935 8,706 6,199 6,203 33,970 14,174 16,830 18,026 4,584 7,186 1,594 5,375 11,602 4,131 28,700 46,607 3,931 37,832 12,079 6,143 32,364 1,601 16,856 4,521 15,794 40,929 2,436 4,278 25,975 13,374 9,978 16,600 1,268 61.1 50.5 55.5 72.9 71.7 77.1 82.3 68.2 ---† 54.8 55.1 ---† 77.6 81.3 79.3 83.4 79.9 65.6 64.8 74.3 73.4 77.2 76.4 80.6 61.1 74.9 73.6 84.8 69.9 75.5 89.3 64.8 73.7 61.5 78.9 80.2 72.9 69.5 82.9 74.8 47.7 81.2 56.7 71.5 82.3 77.1 74.4 66.0 71.8 83.1 77.4 9,607 1,901 2,897 7,482 7,648 6,217 6,297 1,061 ---† 9,458 16,990 ---† 3,662 13,111 17,645 9,901 8,591 12,677 5,142 6,469 4,550 4,789 25,953 11,424 10,283 13,501 3,374 6,094 1,114 4,058 10,361 2,677 21,152 28,663 3,102 30,341 8,806 4,269 26,830 1,198 8,040 3,671 8,955 29,264 2,005 3,298 19,325 8,827 7,164 13,795 981 6,116 1,864 2,322 2,781 3,018 1,846 1,354 494 ---† 7,801 13,844 ---† 1,057 3,016 4,606 1,971 2,161 6,647 2,793 2,237 1,649 1,414 8,017 2,750 6,547 4,525 1,210 1,092 480 1,317 1,241 1,454 7,548 17,944 829 7,491 3,273 1,874 5,534 403 8,816 850 6,839 11,665 431 980 6,650 4,547 2,814 2,805 287 Source: Common Core of Data Local Educational Agency and School Surveys, National Center for Education Statistics. Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. nr Value not calculated because necessary data field(s) not reported in CCD. * Value not reported because a reliable graduation estimate could not be calculated for this group. † Value not reported because there are no districts in this category. - 22 -