List of Communication Pieces

List of Communication Pieces
The following communication pieces help the Superintendent/President to work and
communicate effectively with the communities served by the institution:
 President’s Update: The President’s Update, a monthly newsletter summarizing
campus activities, awards, special events, and actions of the Board of Trustees, is
distributed within the College via email and via printed copy to members of the
advisory committees and elected officials with whom the Superintendent/President
regularly meets.
 Summer Newsletter: Rio Hondo College News, an eight-page printed summer
newsletter, is distributed to over 150,000 District addresses and includes a message
from the Superintendent/President summarizing College priorities, student success
stories, facilities updates, registration processes, and selected faculty profiles.
 Annual Report: The Superintendent/President oversees the production and
distribution of the Annual Report, a compendium of highlights, metrics,
accomplishments, and special interest stories of the College. Contributions of
community members who have served the College are acknowledged, including
members of the boards of the Foundation and Citizen’s Oversight Committee, as well
as other major College supporters.
 Press Releases: The Superintendent/President approves all press releases
highlighting campus events and initiatives to local and regional media contacts.