RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT COMMITMENT TO DIVERSITY Board Adopted: 1/11 /12 Board Policy BP No. 7100 Page 1 of 1 NOTE: This policy is legally required. 1. The District is committed to employing qualified administrators, faculty and staff members who are dedicated to student success. The Board recognizes that diversity in the academic environment fosters cultural awareness, promotes mutual understanding and respect, and provides suitable role models for all students. The Board is committed to hiring and staff development processes that support the goals of equal opportu nity and diversity, and provide equal consideration for all qualified candidates . II. Source/Reference Education Code Sections 87 100 et seq.; Title 5 Sections 53000 et seq.; Board resolution on equity of 14 September, 1994 RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION Board Policy BP No. 7120 Board Adopted: 4-30-69; 5-26-76; 3-28-79 ; 5-84: 2-24-88; 3-23-88; 6-13-90: Page 1 of 1 4-1 3-05: I. II. III. The SuperintendenUPresident shall establish procedures for the recruitment and selection of employees including, but not limited to , the following criteria: A. An Equal Employment Opportunity Policy shall be implemented according to Title V and Board Poli cy 3420. B. Academic employees shall possess the minimum qualifications prescribed for their positions by the Board of Governors. The SuperintendenUPresident is authorized to employ Academic/Classified part­ time , short-term, and substitute employees as needed within the budget allowance. Part-time, short-term , and substitute employees' names shall be submitted to the Board for approval or ratification . The SuperintendenUPresident is also authorized to employ persons as needed to fill positions resulting from any federal or state legislative enactment or any other special funding as part of the classified service. (Education Code Sections 88003, 88004, 88005, 88006) New classifications required for such positions will be established based on equitable relationships and available funding . IV. The criteria and procedures for hiring academic employees shall be established and implemented in accordance with board policies and procedures regarding the Academic Senate's role in local decision making. V. The criteria and procedures for hiring classified employees shall be established after first affording the CSEA an opportunity to participate in the decisions under the Board 's policies regarding local decision making . VI . Source/Reference EC 70902(b)(7)& (d) ; 87100 et seq. 70901 .2, 70902, and 87100 et seq .; Title 5, Section 53000, et seq., 51023.5; Accreditation Standard 11I. I .A RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION Board Policy BPNo. 7120 Board Adopted: 4-30-69; 5-26-76; 3-28-79; 5-84; 2-24-88; 3-23-88; 6-13-90; Page 1 of 1 4·13·05: I. The Superintendent/President shall establish procedures for the recruitment and selection of employees including, but not limited to , the following criteria: II. A. An Equal Employment Opportunity Policy shall be implemented according to Title V and Board Policy 3420. B. Academic employees shall possess the minimum qualifications prescribed for their positions by the Board of Governors. III. The Superintendent/President is authorized to employ Academic/Classified part­ time , short-term, and substitute employees as needed within the budget allowance. Part-time, short-term , and substitute employees ' names shall be submitted to the Board for approval or ratification . The Superintendent/President is also authorized to employ persons as needed to fill positions resulting from any federal or state legislative enactment or any other special funding as part of the classified service. (Education Code Sections 88003, 88004,88005, 88006) New classifications required for such positions will be established based on equitable relationships and available funding. IV. The criteria and procedures for hiring academic employees shall be established and implemented in accordance with board policies and procedures regarding the Academic Senate's role in local decision making. V. The criteria and procedures for hiring classified employees shall be established after first affording the CSEA an opportunity to participate in the decisions under the Board's policies regarding local decision making. VI . Source/Reference EC 70902(b)(7)& (d); 87100 et seq. 70901.2, 70902, and 87100 et seq .; Title 5, Section 53000, et seq., 51023.5; Accreditation Standard 1II.I.A RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION Board Policy BPNo. 7120 Board Adopted: 4-30-69; 5-26-76 ; 3-28-79; 5-84; 2-24-88; 3-23-88; 6-13-90; 4-13-05; I. II. Page 1 of 1 The SuperintendenUPresident sha ll establish procedures for the recruitment and selection of employees including, but not limited to , the following criteria: A. An Equal Employment Opportunity Policy shall be implemented according to Title V and Board Policy 3420. B. Academic employees shall possess the minimum qualifications prescribed for their positions by the Board of Governors. III. The SuperintendenVPresident is authorized to employ Academic/Classified part­ time , short-term, and substitute employees as needed within the budget allowance. Part-time, short-term, and substitute employees ' names shall be submitted to the Board for approval or ratification . The SuperintendenUPresident is also authorized to employ persons as needed to fill positions resulting from any federal or state legislative enactment or any other special funding as part of the classified service. (Education Code Sections 88003, 88004, 88005, 88006) New classifications required for such positions will be established based on equitable relationships and available funding . IV. The criteria and procedures for hiring academic employees shall be established and implemented in accordance with board policies and procedures regarding the Academic Senate's role in local decision making. V. The criteria and procedures for hiring classified employees shall be established after first affording the CSEA an opportunity to participate in the decisions under the Board's policies regarding local decision making. VI. Source/Reference EC 70902(b)(7)& (d); 87100 et seq. 70901 .2, 70902, and 87100 et seq .; Title 5, Section 53000, et seq., 51023.5; Accreditation Standard lII.l .A RIO HONDO COM MUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Adm inistrative Procedure VERIFICATION OF ELIGIBILITY FOR EMPLOYMENT Board Reviewed : 10/18112 AP No. 71 25 Page 1 of 1 I. In accordance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 , the District will not knowingly hire or recruit a person for employment if it knows an applicant is not authorized to be employed in the United States. II. Reliable documentation of eligibility is required for employment from all persons hired. "Reliable d oc um e ntatjo n ~ as set out in federal law includes one or more of the following . The Office of Human Resources will examine documents to determine their authenticity and correlations to the person who presents them . The Office of Human Resources will not accept documents which appear to be forged. fraudulent, or subject to tampering. A A United States passport or a permanent resident alien ca rd or alien registration card co ntaining a photograph of the prospective employee, that indicates the person is authorized to work in the United States; or B. A social security ca rd or other documentation issued by the Un ited States government showing authorization to work in the United States AND a valid driver's license or similar identifica tion document containing a photograph of the prospective employee . III . The District wil l complete for each new employee the verification form or forms required by the United States Government. The District will retain such forms for at least three years for persons it does not hire. For persons that are hired, the District will retain such forms for at least three years or until one year after the person leaves the District's employment , which ever is later. Each new employee , as a condition of employment, must complete the Em ployment Eligibility Verification Form 19. The employee must affi rm that he or she has the right to work in Un ited States. Current employees whose employment authorizations have an expiration date must present documents to re-verify employment authorization prior to the expi ration date. IV. A fOOTler employee who is rehired must also complete the form if he or she has not completed and 19 Form with the District within the past three years, if the employee's previous 19 is no longer valid. or is no longe r on file with the Office of Human Resources. V. The District will protect the privacy of the information it collects pursuant to this procedure . V I. Sources f Reference: 8 U.S.C Section 1324a RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Adm inistrative Procedure VERIFICATION OF ELIGIBILITY FOR EMPLOYMENT AP No. 7125 Board Reviewed: 10/18112 Page 1 of 1 I. In accordance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. the District will not knowingly hire or recruit a person for employment if it knows an applicant is not authorized to be employed in the United States . II . Reliable documentation of elig ibility is required for employment from all persons hired. "Reliable documentation" as set out in federal law includes one or more of the following. The Office of Human Resources will exami ne documents to determine their authenticity and correlations to the person who presents them . The Office of Human Resources will not accept documents which appear to be forged. fraudulent , or subject to tampering . A. A United States passport or a permanent resident alien ca rd or alien registration card containing a photograph of the prospective employee, that indicates the person is authorized to work in the United States; or B. A social secu rity card or other documentation issued by the United States government showing authorization to work in the United States AND a valid driver's license or similar identification document containing a photograph of the prospective employee. III . The District will complete for each new employee the verification form or forms required by the United States Government. The District will retain such forms for at least three years for persons it does not hire. For persons that are hired, the District will retain such forms for at least three years or until one year after the person leaves the District's employment, which ever is later. Each new employee, as a condition of employment. must complete the Employment Eligibility Verification Form 19. The employee must affirm that he or she has the right to work in United States. Current employees whose employment authorizations have an expiration date must present documents to re-verify employment authorization prior to the expi ration date. IV . A former employee who is rehired must also complete the form if he or she has not completed and 19 Form with the District within the past three years, if the employee's previous 19 is no longer valid , or is no longer on file with the Office of Human Resources. V. The District will protect the privacy of the information it collects pursuant to this procedure. VI. Sources I Reference : 8 U.S.C Section 1324a RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Administrative Procedure VERIFICATION OF ELIGIBILITY FOR EMPLOYMENT AP No. 7125 Board Reviewed: 10/18/12 Page 1 of 1 I. In accordance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, the District will not knowingly hire or recruit a person for employment if it knows an applicant is not authorized to be employed in the United States. II. Reliable documentation of eligibility is required for employment from all persons hired. "Reliable documentation" as set out in federal law includes one or more of the following. The Office of Human Resources will examine documents to determine their authenticity and correlations to the person who presents them. The Office of Human Resources will not accept documents which appear to be forged, fraudulent, or subject to tampering. A. A United States passport or a permanent resident alien card or alien registration card containing a photograph of the prospective employee, that indicates the person is authorized to work in the United States; or B. A social security card or other documentation issued by the United States government showing authorization to work in the United States AND a valid driver's license or similar identification document conta ining a photog raph of the prospective employee . III. The District will complete for each new employee the verification form or forms required by the United States Government. The District will retain such forms for at least three years for persons it does not hire. For persons that are hired. the District will retain such forms for at least three years or until one year after the person leaves the District's employment. which ever is later. Each new employee, as a condition of employment, must complete the Employment Eligibility Verification Form 19. The employee must affirm that he or she has the right to work in United States. Current employees whose employment authorizations have an expiration date must present documents to re-verify employment authorization prior to the expiration date. IV. A former employee who is rehired must also complete the form if he or she has not completed and 19 Form with the District within the past three years , if the employee's previous 19 is no longer valid . or is no longer on file with the Office of Human Resources. V. The District will protect the privacy of the information it collects pursuant to this procedure. VI. Sources I Reference: 8 U.S.C Section 1324a RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Administrative Procedure APPLICANT BACKGROUND CHECKS Board Reviewed: 9/12/12 APNo. 7126 Page 1 of 1 This procedure is legally advised I. Applicants for positions will be subject to background or reference checks. II. Where a background investigation is performed by a third party, the Human Resources department shall make a clear and conspicuous disclosure to the applicant on a separate fOOll before the report is procured . If the applicant is not hired, or the District takes other action that adversely affects any applicant based in whole or in part upon the third-party report, the Human Resources Director shall provide oral notice of: A. the name, address, and telephone number of the third party agency that furnished the report; B. the applicant's right to dispute the accuracy or completeness of any of the information in the report. III. Source I References : Civil Code Section 47, 1785.16.1 785.20. and 1786.16 et seq.; Fair Credit Reporting Act (federal) RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Administrative Procedure APPLICANT BACKGROUND CHECKS Board Reviewed : 9/12/12 AP No. 7126 Page 1 of 1 This procedure is legally advised I. Applicants for positions will be subject to background or reference checks. II. Where a background investigation is performed by a third party, the Human Resources department shall make a clear and conspicuous di sclosure to the applicant on a separate form before the report is procured . If the applicant is not hired, or the District takes other action that adversely affects any applicant based in whole or in part upon the third-party report , the Human Resources Director shall provide oral notice of: A. the name, address, and telephone number of the third party agency that furnished the report; B. the applicant's right to dispute the accuracy or completeness of any of the information in the report. III. Source I References: Civil Code Section 47 , 1785.16, 1785.20, and 1786.16 et seq .; Fair Credit Reporting Act (federal) RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Administrative Procedure APPLICANT BACKGROUND CHECKS APNo . 7126 Board Reviewed: 9/12/12 Page 1 of 1 This procedure is legally advised I. Applicants for positions will be subject to background or reference checks. II. Where a background investigation is perfonned by a third party, the Human Resources department shall make a clear and conspicuous disclosure to the applicant on a separate form before the report is procured . If the applicant is not hired , or the District takes oth er action that adversely affects any applicant based in whole or in part upon th e th ird-party report, the Human Resources Director shall provide oral notice of: A. the name, address, and telephone number of the third party agency that furnished the report; B. the applicant's right to dispute the accu racy or completeness of any of the information in the report. III. Source I References: Civil Code Section 47 , 1785.16, 1785.20, and 1786.16 et seq. ; Fair Credit Reporting Act (federal) RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Board Policy FACULTY SERVICE AREA, MINIMUM qUALIFICATIONS AND EqUIVALENCY BP No. 7211 Board Adopted : 3-16-77; Rev. 2-8-78: 1-10-79; 5-4-82. 6-8-94; 4-13-05 Page 1 of 1 I. Any General Secondary Credenlial and all Faculiy Service Areas for which an academic emp loyee is qualified for shall be registered with the Office of Human Resources upon hire, or upon qualifying for it. After initial employment, a faculty member may apply to th e district to add faculty service areas for which the faculty member qualifies. This shou ld be done prior to February 15 of any academic year in order to be considered in any proceeding during the academic year in which the application is received. II. Only those registered and on file will be considered as a basis for reassignment in the event of staff red uctions pursuant to Education Code Section 87743. III. Educalion Code Seclion 87359 and Title 5. Section 53430 provide for Ihe development of the process, criteria and standard s for determining Mequivalency" jointly by representatives of the Governing Board and the Academic Senate and approval by the Governing Board. IV. Responsibi lity for developing the process, criteria and standards for determining equivalency is assigned to th e Academ ic Senate; the process , criteria and standards shall be approved by the Governing Board prior to implementation. V. The process shall include procedures to ensure that the Governing Board relies upon the advice and judgment of the Academic Senate to determine that each individual employed under the authority granted by the regulations possesses qualifications that are at least equivalent to the applicable minimum standards specified in Title 5, Section 53420. VI . Source/Reference EC 87359, 87743, 87743.3 and Title 5. Seclion 53430 BP 1115 RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Board Policy FACULTY SERVICE AREA, MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS AND EqUIVALENCY BP No. 7211 Board Adopted: 3-16-77 ; Rev. 2-8-78; 1-1 0-79; 5-4-82. 6-8-94; 4-13-05 Page 1 of 1 I. Any General Secondary Credential and all Faculty Service Areas for which an academic employee is qualified for sha ll be registered with the Office of Human Resources upon hire, or upon qualifying for it. After initial employment, a faculty member may apply to the district to add faculty service areas for which the faculty member qualifies. This should be done prior to February 15 of any academic year in order to be considered in any proceeding during the academic year in which the application is received . II. Only those registered and on file wi ll be considered as a basis for reassignment in the event of staff reductions pursuant to Education Code Section 87743. III. Education Code Section 87359 and Title 5, Section 53430 provide for the development of the process, criteria and standard s for determining "equivalency" jointly by representatives of the Governing Board and the Academic Sena te and approval by the Governing Board . IV. Responsibility for developing th e process, criteria and standards for determining equivalency is assigned to th e Academic Senate; the process , criteria and standard s shall be approved by the Governing Board prior to implementation. V. The process shall include procedures to ensure that the Governing Board relies upon the advice and judgment of the Academic Senate to determine that each indi vidual employed under the authority granted by the regulations possesses qualifications that are at least equivalent to the applicable minimum standards specified in Title 5, Section 53420. VI. Source/Reference EC 87359, 87743, 87743.3 and Title 5, Section 53430 BP 1115 RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Board Po licy FACULTY SERVICE AREA, MINIMUM qUALIFICATIONS AND EqUIVALENCY BP No. 7211 Board Adopted : 3-16-77 : Rev. 2-8-78; 1-1 0-79; 54-82. 6-8-94; 4-1 3-05 Page 1 of 1 I. II. Any General Secondary Credential and all Faculty Service Areas for which an academic employee is qualified for shall be registered with the Office of Human Resources upon hire, or upon qualifying for it. After initial employmenl, a faculty member may apply to the district to add faculty service areas for which the faculty member qualifies. This shou ld be done prior to February 15 of any academic year in order to be considered in any proceeding during the academic year in which the application is received. Only tho se registered and on file will be considered as a basis for reassignment in the event of staff reductions pursuant to Education Code Section 87743. III. Education Code Section 87359 and Title 5, Section 53430 provide for the development of the process, criteria and stand ards for determining ~equivalency" jointly by representatives of the Governing Board and the Academic Senate and approval by the Governing Board. IV. Responsibi lity for developing the process, criteria and standards for determining equivalency is assigned to the Academic Senate; the process, criteria and standards shall be approved by the Governing Board prior to implementation . V. The process shall include procedures to ensure that the Governing Board relies upon the advice and judgment of the Academic Senate to determine that each individual employed under the authority granted by the regulation s possesses qualifications that are at least equivalent to the applicable minimum standards speCified in Title 5, Section 53420. VI . Source/Reference EC 87359, 87743, 87743.3 and Title 5, Section 53430 BP 1115 RIO HONOO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FACULTV: EMPLOYMENT OF CONTRACT Adm inistrative Procedure AP No. 7217 Board Reviewed: 5184 , 5191 ; 12/12112 Page 1 of 2 L Employment of faculty shall be in compliance with Board Policies relating to Title V. Title IX, AS 1725, and other legal requirements. All applicants shall be treated identically whether they are current employees or off-campus applicants. II. PROCEDURE A. Open faculty positions shall be reviewed and approved for announcement of the vacancy after budget verification from the Vice President of Finance and Business. 8 . Recruitment shall be in accord with applicable state laws. Applications shall be screened for qualifications by the Office of Human Resources. The Director of Human Resources shall be responsible for analysis of job applicants to detennine whether the group is significantly underrepresented . If the applicant pool demonstrates significant underrepresentation of monitored groups, the District shall implement additional measures as described in Title V, § 53006. C . The Division Dean , together with a minimum of three Rio Hondo faculty members, selected by the Division faculty, shall constitute the Division Selection Committee. Two of the three faculty members should teach in the discipline, assuming there are two or more. The Committee shall elect a chair, evaluate the applications, identify those to be interviewed, interview candidates, and provide a written recommendation. The committee shall make a reasonable effort to forward at least three candidates but no more than five that in its judgment are qualified for the position and worthy of recommendations. D. The Division Dean shall provide the written recommendation(s) of the Division Selection Committee to the Vice President of the applicable area. E. The Vice President of the applicable area , along with the Division Dean and the Committee Chair (if applicable) will interview the recommended applicants and shall fOrNard the best Qualified candidate(s) from the name(s) recommended by the Committee to the Superintendent I President for interview. F. The final evaluation and recommendation to employ shall rest with the SuperintendenV President of the College. Should none of the candidates forwarded by the Division Selection Committee be recommended for employment, the Superintendent I President will communicate to the Division Selection Committee Chair his I her justification. G. Notification of selection shall be from the OffICe of Human Resources. III. CR ITERIA Criteria for selecting personnel for certificated positions shall include the following: A. Possession of the appropriate California community college instructor credential prior to employment by Rio Hondo Community College District, or RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FACULTY: EMPLOYMENT OF CONTRACT Board Reviewed : 5184, 5191; 12/12112 Administrat ive Procedure APNo. 7217 Page 2 of2 B. Academic background: A Master's degree or its equivalent in the subject to be taught, or, vocational background including professional preparation and demonstrated appropriate experience as may be applicable. 1. Possession of a Master's degree from an accredited institution in the discipline of assignment, or 2. Possession of a Master's degree from an accredited institution in a discipline reasonably related to assignment and possession of a Bachelor's degree from an accredited institution in the discipline of assignment. 3. For faculty in disciplines where a Master's degree is not generally expected or available, either of the following: a) Possession of a Bachelor's degree from an accredited institution in a discipline reasonably related to assignment plus two years of professional experience, plus appropriate certification to practice or licensure if available; or, b) Possession of an associate degree from an accredited institution in a discipline reasonably related to the faculty member's assignment. plus six years of professional experience, plus appropriate certification to practice or licensure if available. C. "Equivalency· to either academic or vocational requirements shall be determined in accordance with CP 5165 BP 7210. D. Individual departments may add infonnation on educational requirements placing emphasis on a specifIC area. E. Other departmental interests may be shown under "Desirable Qualifications~. These are limited to job related factors. F. All applicants selected for hire must show a sensitivity to an understanding of the diverse academic. socioeconomic. cultural. disability. and ethnic backgrounds of community college students. RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FACULTY: EMPLOYMENT OF CONTRACT Administrat ive Proced ure AP No. 7217 Board Reviewed : 5184, 5191: 12/12112 Page 1 of 2 L Employment of faculty shall be in compliance with Board Policies relating to Title V , Title IX, AS 1725, and other legal requirements. All applicants shall be treated identically whether they are current employees or off-campus applicants. II. PROCEDURE A. Open faculty positions shall be reviewed and approved for announcement of the vacancy after budget verification from the Vice President of Finance and Business. B. Recruitment shall be in accord with applicable state laws. Applications shall be screened for qualifications by the Office of Human Resources. The Director of Human Resources shall be responsible for analysis of job applicants to detennine whether the group is signifICantly underrepresented. If the applicant pool demonstrates significant underrepresentation of monitored groups, the District shall implement additional measures as described in Title V , § 53006 . C. The Division Dean, together with a minimum of three Rio Hondo faculty members, selected by the Division faculty, shall constitute the Division Selection Committee. Two of the three faculty members should teach in the discipline. assuming there are two or more . The Committee sha ll elect a chair, eva luate the applications, identify those to be interviewed, interview candidates, and provide a written recommendation. The committee shall make a reasonable effort to forward at least three ca ndidates but no more than fi ve that in its judgment are qualified for the position and worthy of recommendations. D. The Division Dean shall provide the written recommendation(s) of the Division Selection Committee to the Vice President of the applicable area. E. The Vice President of the applicable area, along with the Division Dean and the Committee Chair (if applicable) will interview the recommended applicants and shall forward the best qualified candidate(s) from the name(s) recommended by the Committee to the Superintendent I President for interview. F. The final evaluation and recommendation to em ploy shall rest with the SuperintendenV President of the College. Should none of the candidates forwarded by the Division Selection Committee be recommended for employment, the Superintendent I President will communicate to the Division Selection Committee Chair his I her justifICation. G . Notification of selection shall be from the OffICe of Human Resources. II I. CRITERIA Criteria for selecting personnel for certificated positions shall include the following : A. Possession of the appropriate California community college instructor credential prior to employment by Rio Hondo Community College District, or RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FACULTV: EMPLOYMENT OF CONTRACT Board Reviewed: 5184, 5191 ; 12112/12 Administrative Procedure AP No. 7217 Page 2 of 2 B. Academic background : A Masters degree or its equivalent in the subject to be taught, or, vocational background including professional preparation and demonstrated appropriate experience as may be applicable. 1. Possession of a Master's degree from an accredited institution in the discipline of assign ment , or 2. Possession of a Masters degree from an accredited institution in a discipline reasonably related to assignment and possession of a Bachelor's degree from an accredited institution in the discipline of assignment. 3. For faculty in disciplines where a Master's degree is not generally expected or available , either of the following : a) Possession of a Bachelors degree from an accredited institution in a discipline reasonably related to assignment plus two years of professional experience, plus appropriate certification to practice or licensure if available; or, b) Possession of an associate degree from an accredited institution in a discipline reasonably related to the faculty member's assignment, plus six years of professional experience , plus appropriate certification to practice or licensure if available . C. ~ Equiva l ency~ to either academic or vocational requirements shall be determined in accordance with CP 5 165 BP 7210. D. Individual departments may add information on educational req uirements placing emphasis on a specific area . E. Other departmental interests may be shown under "Desirable Qualifications". These are limited to job related factors. F. All applicants selected for hire must show a sensitivity to an understanding of the diverse academic, socioeconomic, cultu ral, disability, and ethnic backgrounds of community college students. RIO HONOO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FACULTY: EMPLOYMENT OF CONTRACT Board Reviewed: 5164 , 5191 ; 12/12/12 Administrative Procedure AP No. 7217 Page 1 of 2 I. Employment of faculty shall be in compliance with Board Policies relating to Title V. Title IX, AB 1725, and other legal requirements. All applicants shall be treated identically whether they are current employees or off~mpus applicants. II. PROCEDURE A. Open faculty positions shall be reviewed and approved for announcement of the vacancy after budget verification from the Vice President of Finance and Business. B. Recruitment shall be in accord with applicable state laws. Applications shall be screened for qualifications by the Office of Human Resources. The Director of Human Resources shall be responsible for analysis of job applicants to determine whether the group is significantly underrepresented. If the applicant pool demonstrates signifICant underrepresentation of monitored groups. the District shall implement additional measures as described in Title V, § 53006. C. The Division Dean , together with a minimum of three Rio Hondo faculty members , selected by the Division faculty, shall constitute the DiviSion Selection Committee. Two of the three faculty members should teach in the discipline, assuming there are two or more. The Committee shall elect a chair, evaluate the applications, identify those to be intelViewed, intelView candidates , and provide a written recommendation. The committee shall make a reasonable effort to forward at least three candidates but no more than five that in its judgment are qualified for the position and worthy of recommendations. D. The Division Dean shall provide the written recommendation(s) of the Division Selection Committee to the Vice President of the applicable area. E. The Vice President of the applicable area, along with the Division Dean and the Committee Chair (if applicable) will interview the recommended applicants and shall forward the best qualified candidate(s) from the name(s) recommended by the Committee to the Superintendent I President for interview. F. The final evaluation and recommendation to employ shall rest with the SuperintendenV President of the College. Should none of the candidates forwarded by the Division Selection Committee be recommended for employment, the Superintendent I President will communicate to the Division Selection Committee Chair his I her justifICation. G. Notification of selection shall be from the Office of Human Resources. III. CRITERIA Criteria for selecting personnel for certificated positions shall include the following : A. Possession of the appropriate California community college instructor credential prior to employment by Rio Hondo Community College District, or RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FACULTY : EMPLOYMENT OF CONTRACT Administrative Procedure APNo. 7217 Board Reviewed: 5184. 5191; 12112112 Page 2 of2 B. Academic background: A Master's degree or its equivalent in the subject to be taught, or, vocational background including professional preparation and demonstrated appropriate experience as may be applicable. 1. Possession of a Master's degree from an accredited institution in the discipline of assignment. or 2. Possession of a Master's degree from an accredited institution in a discipline reasonably related to assignment and possession of a Bachelor's degree from an accredited institution in the discipline of aSSig nment. 3. For faculty in disciplines where a Master's degree is not generally expected or available, either of the following: a) Possession of a Bachelor's degree from an accredited institution in a discipline reasonably related to assignment plus two years of professional experience, plus appropriate certification to practice or licensure if available; or, b) Possession of an associate degree from an accredited institution in a discipline reasonably related to the faculty member's assign ment, plus six years of professional experience, plus appropriate certifICation to practice or licensure if available. C. "Equivalency· to either academic or vocational requirements shall be detennined in accordance with CP 5165 BP 72 10. D. Individual departments may add information on educational requirements placing emphasis on a specific area . E. Other departmental interests may be shown under "Desirable Qualifications·. These are limited to job related factors. F. All applicants selected for hire must show a sensitivity to an understanding of the diverse academic, socioeconomic, cultural, disability. and ethnic backg rounds of community college students. RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COllEGE DISTRICT FACULTV: EMPLOYMENT OF CONTRACT Board Reviewed : I. II. 5184, 5191 ; 1211 2/12 Administrative Procedure APNo. 7217 Page 1 of 2 Employment of faculty shall be in compliance with Board Policies relating to Title V, Title IX. AS 1725, and other legal requirements. All applicants shall be treated identically whether they are current employees or off-campus applicants. PROCEOURE A. Open facu lty positions shall be reviewed and approved for announcement of the vacancy after budget verification from the Vice President of Finance and Business. B. Recruitment shall be in accord with applicable state laws . Applications shall be screened for qualifications by the Office of Human Resources. The Director of Human Resources shall be responsible for analysis of job applicants to detennine whether the group is signifICantly underrepresented. If the applicant pool demonstrates signifICant underrepresentation of monitored groups, the District shall implement additional measures as described in Title V, § 53006. C. The Division Dean, together with a minimum of three Rio Hondo faculty members , selected by the Division faculty, shall constitute the Division Selection Committee. Two of the three faculty members should teach in the discipline, assuming there are two or more. The Committee shall elect a chair, evaluate the applications, identify those to be interviewed , interview candidates, and provide a written recommendation. The committee shall make a reasonable effort to forward at least three candidates but no more than fIVe that in its judgment are qualified for the position and worthy of recommendations. D. The Division Dean shall provide the written recommendation(s) of the Division Selection Committee to the Vice President of the applicable area . E. The Vice President of the applicable area , along with the Division Dean and the Committee Chair (if applicable) will interview the recommended applicants and shall forward the best qualified candidate(s) from the name(s) recommended by the Committee to the Superintendent I President for interview. F. The final eva luation and recommendation to employ shall rest with the SuperintendenV President of the CoJlege. Shou ld none of the ca ndidates forwarded by the Division Selection Committee be recommended for employment. the Superintendent I President will communicate to the Division Selection Committee Chair his I her justification. G. Notification of selection shall be from the OffICe of Human Resources. III. CRITERIA Criteria for selecting personnel for certificated positions shall include the following : A. Possession of the appropriate California community college instructor credential prior to employment by Rio Hondo Community College District, or RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Adm inistrative Proced ure FACULTY : EMPLOYMENT OF CONTRACT AP No. 7217 Board Reviewed: 5184, 5191 : 12/12/12 Page 2 of 2 B. Academic background: A Master's degree or its equivalent in the subject to be taught, or, vocational background including professiona l preparation and demonstrated appropriate experience as may be applicable. 1. Possession of a Master's degree from an accredited institution in the discipline of assignment, or 2. Possession of a Master's degree from an accredited institution in a discipline reasonably related to assignment and possession of a Bachelor's degree from an accredited institution in the discipline of assignment. 3. For faculty in disciplines where a Master's degree is not generally expected or available , either of the following : a) Possession of a Bachelor's degree from an accredited insmution in a discipline reasonably related to assignment plus two years of professional experience, plus appropriate certifICation to practice or licensure if available; or. b) Possession of an associate degree from an accredited institution in a discipline reasonably related to the faculty member's assig nment. plus six years of professional experience, plus appropriate certification to practice or licensure if available . C. ~ Equivalencyft to either academic or vocational requirements shall be determined in accordance with CP 5165 BP 7210. D. Individual departments may add infonnation on educational requirements placing emphasis on a specifIC area . E. Other departmental interests may be shown under "Desirable These are limited to job related factors. Qua l ifications~ . F. All applicants selected for hire must show a sensitivity to an understanding of the diverse academic, socioeconomic. cultural, disability, and ethnic backgrounds of community college students. RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT EqUAL EMPLOYMEN T OPPORTUNITY Board: 11/08; 2118/09 Boa rd Policy BP No. 3420 Page 1 of 1 I. Rio Hondo Community College District is committed to equal opportunity in educational programs, employment, and all access to institutional programs and activities. II. The District, and each individual who represents the District, shall provide access to its services, classes, and programs without regard to national origin, religion, age, sex or gender, race , color, medical condition , ancestry, sexual orientation, marital status, physical or mental disability, or because he or she is perceived to have one or more of the foregoing characteristics. or based on association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. III. The Superintendent I President shall establish administrative procedures that ensure all members of the college community can present complaints regarding alleged violations of this policy and have their complaints heard in accordance with the Title 5 regulations and those of other agencies that administer state and federa l laws rega rding nondiscrimination . IV. No District funds shall ever be used for membership, or for any participation involving financial payment or contribution on beha lf of the District or any individual employed by or associated with it, to any private organization whose membership practices are discriminatory on the basis of national origin, religion, age, sex or gender, race , color, medical condition, ancestry, sexua l orientation, marital status, physical or mental disability, or because he or she is perceived to have one or more of the foregoing characteristics, or because of his or her association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. V. Source/Reference Educalion Code Sections 66250, et seq., 72010, et seq.; 87100 et seq.; Title 5, Sections 53000, et seq.; Government Code 12940, et seq .; Pena l Code Section 422.55; RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Board: 11108; 2/18109 Board Policy BP No. 3420 Page 1 of 1 I. Rio Hondo Community College District is com mitted to equal opportunity in educa tional programs, employment. and all access to institutional programs and activities. II. The District, and each individual who represents the District, shall provide access to its services, classes, and program s without regard to national origin, religion, age, sex or gender, race , color, medical condition , ancestry, sexual orientation, marital status , physical or mental disability, or because he or she is perceived to have one or more of the foregoing characteristics, or based on association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. III . The Superintendent / President sha ll esta bli sh ad ministrative procedures that ensure all members of the college comm unity can present co mplaints regard ing alleged violations of this policy and have their complaints heard in accordance with the Title 5 regu lations and those of other agencies that admini ster state and fed eral laws regarding nondiscrimination. IV. No District fund s shall ever be used for membership, or for any participation involving financial payment or co ntribution on behalf of the District or any individual employed by or associated with it, to any private organization whose membership practices are discriminatory on the basis of national origin , religion, age, sex or gender, race, co lor, medica l co ndition , ancestry, sexual orientation , marital status, physical or menta l disability, or because he or she is perceived to have one or more of the foregoing characteri stics, or because of his or her association with a person or group with one or more of these actua l or perceived characteristics. V. Source/Reference Educalion Code Sections 66250, et seq., 72010, et seq.; 87100 et seq.; Title 5, Seclions 53000, et seq .; Government Code 12940, et seq.; Penal Code Section 422.55; RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT EqUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Board Policy BP No. 3420 Board:11/08; 2/18/09 Page 1 of 1 I. Rio Hondo Comm unity College District is committed to equal opportunity in educational programs, employment, and all access to institutional programs and activities. II. The District, and each individual who represents the District, shall provide access to its services, classes, and programs without regard to national origin, religion , age, sex or gender, race , color, medical condition. ancestry, sexual orientation, marital status, physical or mental disability, or because he or she is perceived to have one or more of the foregoing characteristics, or based on association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. III. The Superintendent / President shal l establish administrative procedures that ensure all members of the college community can present complaints regarding alleged violations of thi s policy and have their complaints heard in accordance with the Title 5 regulations and those of other agencies that administer state and federal laws regarding nondiscrimination . IV. No District funds sha ll ever be used for membership, or for any participation involving financial payment or contribution on behalf of the District or any individual employed by or associated with it. to any private organization whose membership practices are discriminatory on the basis of national origin, religion , age, sex or gender, race , color, medical condition, ancestry, sexual orientation, marital status, physical or mental disability, or because he or she is perceived to have one or more of the foregoing characteristics, or because of his or her association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived cha racteristics. V. Source/Reference Educalion Code Sections 66250, et seq., 72010, et seq .; 87100 et seq .; Title 5. Seclions 53000, et seq.; Govemment Code 12940, et seq.; Penal Code Seclion 422.55; RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT PROHIBITION OF HARASSMENT Board Adopted :121BI82; 5113/98; 11/9/0 5; 2118/09; 7/11 /12 Board Policy BP No. 3430 Page 2 of 2 harassment and discrimination. All participants are protected from reta liatory acts by the District, its employees, students, and agents. VII. This policy and related written procedures including the procedure for making complaints shall be widely published and publicized to administrators, faculty, staff, and students, particularly when they are new to the institution. V III. Employees who violate the policy and procedures may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination . Students who violate this policy and related procedures may be subject to disciplinary measures up to and including expulsion. Non-employees, such as sales representatives , service vendors, contractors or consultants are also covered by this Policy and will be subject to corrective measures. IX. Source/ Reference California Code of Regulations, Title 5, sections 59300 et seq California Code of Regulations . Title 2, sections 7285.0 et seq (7291 .1 & 7287.6) Ca lifornia Education Code, section 212.5;44100; 66252 ; 66281 .5 California Government Code 12940.1 Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Ti tle VII) and amendments thereto Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) EEOC Policy Guidance on Current Issues of Sexual Harassment Sex Equity in Education Act (Education Code sections 200 et seq) Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations , section 1604.11 United States Department of Education Office of Civil Rights Sexual Harassment Guidance, May 1997 RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT PROHIBITION OF HARASSMENT Board Policy BP No. 3430 Board Adopted:12/8182; 5113/98; 1119/05; 2118/09; 7/11 /12 I. II. Page 1 of 2 All forms of harassment are contrary to basic standards of conduct between individual s and are prohibited by state and federal law, as well as this policy, and will not be tolerated . The District is committed to providing an academic and work environment that respects the dignity of individuals and groups. The District shall be free of sexual harassment and all forms of sexual intimidation and exploitation including acts of sexual violence. It shall also be free of other unlawful harassment, including that which is based on any of the following statu ses: race , religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, genetic information marital status , sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression age, or sexual orientation of any person, or because he or she is perceived to ha ve one or more of the foregoing characteristics. The District seeks to foster an environment in which all employees and students feel free to report incidents of harassment without fear of retaliation or reprisal. Therefore, the District also strictly prohibits retaliation against any individual for filing a complaint of harassment or for participating in a harassment investigation. Such conduct is illegal and constitutes a violation of this policy. All allegations of retaliation will be swiftly and thoroughly investigated. If the District determines that retaliation has occurred, it will take all reasonable steps within its power to stop such conduct. Individuals who engage in retaliatory conduct are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination or expulsion. III. Any student or employee who believes that he or she has been harassed or retaliated against in violation of this policy should immediately report such incidents by following the procedures described in AP 3435. Supervisors are mandated to report all incidents of harassment and retaliation that come to their attention. IV. Thi s policy appli es to all aspects of the academic environment, including but not limited to classroom conditions, grades, academic stand ing , employment opportunities, scholarships, recommendations, disciplinary actions, and parti cipation in any community college activity. In addition, this policy applies to all terms and conditions of employment, including but not limited to hiring, placement, promotion, disciplinary action, layoff, reca ll , transfer, leave of absence, training opportunities and compensation. V. To this end the President I Superintendent shall ensu re that the institution undertakes education and training activities to counter discrimination and to prevent, minimize and/or eliminate any hostile environment that impairs access to equal education opportunity or impacts the term s and conditions of employment. VI. The President I Superintendent shall establish procedures for employees, stud en ts, and other members of the campus community that provide for the investigation and resolution of complaints regarding harassment and discrimination, and procedures for students to resolve complaints of RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT PROHIBITION OF HARASSMENT Board Policy BP No. 3430 Board Adopted :1218182: 5113198; 1119/05; 2118109; 7111/12 Page 2 of 2 harassment and discrimination. All participants are protected from retaliatory acts by the District, its employees, students, and agents. VI I. This policy and related written procedures including the procedure for making complaints shall be widely published and publicized to administrators, faculty, staff, and students, particularly when they are new to the institution. VII1. Employees who violate the policy and procedures may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Students who violate this policy and related procedures may be subject to disciplinary mea sures up to and including expulsion. Non·employees, such as sales representatives, service vendors, contractors or con sultants are also covered by this Poli cy and will be subject to corrective measures. IX. Source/Reference Ca lifornia Code of Regulations, Title 5, sections 59300 et seq Ca lifornia Code of Reg ulations, Title 2 , sections 7285.0 et seq (729 1.1 & 7287 .6) Ca lifornia Education Code, section 212.5;44100; 66252 ; 66281 .5 California Government Code 12940.1 Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII) and amendments thereto Education Amendm ents of 1972 (Title IX) EEOC Policy Guidance on Current Issues of Sexual Harassment Sex Equity in Education Act (Education Code sections 200 et seq) Title 29 Code of Fed eral Regulations, section 1604.11 United States Department of Edu cation Office of Civil Rights Sexual Harassment Guidance, May 1997 RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT PROHIBITION OF HARASSMENT Board Policy BP No. 3430 Board Adopted :12IBI82 ; 5113/98; 1119/05; 2118/09 ; 7/ 11 /12 I. Page 1 of 2 All form s of harassment are contrary to basic sta ndards of conduct between individuals and are prohibited by state and federal law, as well as this policy, and will not be tolerated. The District is committed to providing an academic and work environment that respects the dignity of individuals and groups. The District shall be free of sexual harassment and all forms of sexual intimid ation and exploitation including acts of sexual violence. It shall also be free of other unlawful hara ssment, including that which is based on any of the following statuses: race, religious creed , color, national origin, ancestry, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, genetic information marital status, sex, gender, gender identity , gender expression age, or sexual orientation of any person, or because he or she is perceived to have one or more of the foregoing characteristics. II. The District seeks to foster an environment in which all employees and students feel free to report incidents of harassment without fear of retaliation or reprisal. Therefore, the District also strictly prohibits retaliation against any individual for filing a complaint of harassment or for participating in a harassment investigation. Such conduct is illegal and constitutes a violation of Ihis policy. All allegalions of relalialion will be swiftly and Ihoroughly investigated. If the District determines that retaliation has occurred , it will take all reasonable steps within its power to stop such conduct. Individuals who engage in retaliatory conduct are subject to disciplinary action , up to and including termination or expulsion. III. Any student or employee who believes that he or she has been harassed or retaliated against in violation of this policy should immediately report such incidents by following the procedures described in AP 3435. Supervisors are mandated to report all incidents of harassmen t and reta liation that come to their attention. IV. This policy applies to all aspects of the academic environment, including but not limited to classroom conditions, grades, academic standing , employment opportunities, scholarships, recommendations, disciplinary actions, and participation in any community college activity. In addition, this policy applies to all term s and conditions of employment, including but not limited to hiring, placement, promotion, disciplinary action, layoff, recall , transfer, leave of absence, tra ining opportunities and compensation . V. To this end the President / Superintendent shall ensu re that the institution undertakes education and training activities to counter discrimination and to prevent, minimize and/or eliminate any hostile environment that impairs access to equal education opportunity or impacts the terms and cond itions of employment. VI. The President I Superintendent shall establish procedures for employees, students, and other members of the ca mpus community that provide for the investigation and resolution of complaints regarding harassment and discrimination, and procedu res for students to resolve complain ts of RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT PROHIBITION OF HARASSMENT Board Adopted :12181B2; 5113198; 11 19/05; 211 8109; 7/11 /12 Board Policy BP No. 3430 Page 2 of 2 harassment and discrimination. All participants are protected from retaliatory acts by the District, its employees, students, and agents. VII. This policy and related written procedures including the procedure for making complaints shall be widely published and publicized to administrators, faculty, staff, and students, particularly when they are new to the institution. VIII. Employees who violate the policy and procedures may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Students who violate this policy and related procedures may be subject to disciplinary measures up to and including expulsion. Non-employees, such as sales representatives , service vendors , contractors or consultants are also covered by this Policy and will be subject to corrective measures. IX. Source/Reference California Code of Regulations , Title 5, sections 59300 et seq California Code of Regulations, Title 2, sections 7285.0 et seq (7291.1 & 7287.6) California Education Code, section 212.5;44100; 66252; 66281.5 California Government Code 12940.1 Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII) and amendments thereto EducaUon Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) EEOC Policy Guidance on Current Issues of Sexual Harassment Sex Equity in Education Act (Education Code sections 200 et seq) Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations. section 1604.11 United States Department of Education Office of Civil Rights Sexual Harassment Guidance, May 1997 RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT PROHIBITION OF HARASSMENT Board Policy BPNo. 3430 Board Adopted :1218182 ; 5113198; 11 19/05; 2/18109; 7/11 /12 I. II. Page 1 of 2 All forms of harassment are contrary to basic standards of conduct between individuals and are prohibited by state and federal law, as well as this policy, and will not be tolerated . The District is committed to providing an academic and work environment that respects the dignity of individuals and groups. The District shall be free of sexual harassment and all forms of sexual intimidation and exploitation including acts of sexual violence. It shall also be free of other unlawful hara ssment, including that which is based on any of the following statuses: race, religiou s creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition , genetiC information marital status, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression age, or sexual orientation of any person, or because he or she is perceived to have one or more of the foregoing characteristics . The District seeks to foster an environment in which aU employees and students feel free to report incidents of hara ssment without fear of retaliation or reprisal. Therefore, the District also strictly prohibits retaliation against any individual for filing a complaint of harassment or for participating in a harassment investigation. Such conduct is illegal and constitutes a violation of this policy. All allegations of retaliation will be swiftly and thoroughly investigated . If the District determines that retaliation has occurred, it wi ll take all reasonable steps within its power to stop such conduct. Individuals who engage in retaliatory conduct are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination or expulsion. III. Any student or employee who believes that he or she ha s been hara ssed or retaliated against in violation of thi s policy should immediately report such incidents by following the procedures described in AP 3435. Supervisors are mandated to report all incidents of harassment and retaliation that come to their attention. IV. This policy applies to all aspects of the academic environment, including but not limited to classroom conditions , grades, academic standing, employment opportunities, scholarships, recommendations, disciplinary actions, and participation in any community college activity. In addition , this po licy applies to all terms and conditions of employment, including but not limited to hiring, placement, promotion , disciplinary action , layoff, recall, transfer, leave of absence, training opportunities and compensation. V. To th is end the President / Superintendent shall ensure that the institution undertakes education and train ing activities to counter discrimination and to prevent, minimize and/or eliminate any hostile environment that impairs access to equal education opportunity or impacts the terms and condition s of employment. VI. The President I Superintendent shal l establish procedures for employees, students, and other members of the campus community that provide for the investigation and resolution of complaints regarding harassment and discrimination , and procedures for students to resolve complaints of RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NONDISCRIMINATION Board Adopted : Revised 9/02, 02/03 , 06103 , 02106 , B/06: 2/18/09 ; 7/11/12 Board Policy BP No. 3410 Page 1 of 1 I. The District is committed to equal opportunity in educational programs, employment, and access to all institutional programs and activities. II. The District, and each individual who represents the District, shall provide access to its services, cla sses, and programs without regard to national origin, rel igion, age, gender, gender identity, gender expression, race, color, medica l cond ition genetic information, ancestry. sexual orientation, marita l status, physical or mental disability. or because he or she is perceived to have one or more of the foregoing characteri stics, or based on association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. II I. Th e SuperintendenVPresident shall establish administrative procedures that ensure all members of the college community can present complaints regarding alleged violations of this policy and have their complaints heard in accordan ce wi th the Title 5 regulations and those of oth er agencies that administer state and federal laws regarding nondiscrimination. IV. No District funds shall ever be used for membership, or for any participation involving financial payment or contribution on behalf of the Di strict or any individual employed by or associa ted with it, to any private organization whose membership practices are discriminatory on the basis of national origin , religion , age, gender, gender identity, gender expression race, co lor, medical condition, genetic information ancestry, sexual orientation, marital status, physical or mental disability , or beca use he or she is perceived to have one or more of the foregoing characteristics, or because of hi s or her association with a person or group with one or more of th ese actual or perceived characteristics. V. The District officer responsible for ensuring District compliance with rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Governors of the California Community Co lleges regarding unlawful discrimination shall be the Affirmative Action Officer/Director of Personnel. VI. The District wi ll provide annual noti ce of its policy against unlawful discrimination to students, new employees when they commence working , and to all current employees. VII. Reference: Education Code Sections 66250, et seq. , 72010, et seq ., 87100 et seq .; Title 5. Sections 53000, et seq., 59300 et seq,; Penal Code Section 422.55; Government Code 12926.1 . 12940, et seq. RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NONDISCRIMINATION Board Adopted : Revised 9/02, 02103, 08/03, 02/06 , 8106 ; 2/18{09; 7/11 /12 Board Policy BPNo. 3410 Page 1 of 1 I. The District is committed to equal opportunity in educational programs, employment, and access to all institutional programs and activities. II. The District, and ea ch individual who represents the District, shall provide access to its services, classes, and programs without regard to national origin, religion, age, gender, gender identity, gender expression, race, color, medical condition genetic information , ancestry, sexual orientation, marital status, physical or mental disability, or because he or she is perceived to have one or more of the foregoing characteristics, or based on association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. III. The SuperintendenUPresident shall establish administrative procedures that ensure all members of the college community can present complaints regarding alleged viola tions of this policy and have their complaints heard in accordance with the Title 5 regulations and those of other agencies that admini ster state and federal laws regarding nondiscrimination. IV . No District funds sha ll ever be used for membership, or for any participation involving financial payment or contribution on behalf of the District or any individual employed by or associated with it, to any private organization whose membership practices are discriminatory on the basis of national origin , religion , age, gender, gender identity, gender expression race , color, medical condition , genetic information ancestry, sexual orientation, marital status, physical or mental disability, or because he or she is perceived to have one or more of the foregoing characteristics, or because of his or her association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived chara cteristics. V. The Distric~ officer respo nsible for ensuring District compliance with ru les and regulations adopted by the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges regarding unlawful discrimination shall be the Affirmative Action Officer/Director of Personnel. V I. The District will provide annual notice of its policy against unlawful discrimi nation to students, new employees when they commence working , and to all current employees. VI I. Reference: Education Code Sections 66250, et seq ., 720 10, et seq ., 87100 et seq.; Title 5, Sections 53000, et seq ., 59300 et seq,; Penal Code Section 422.55; Government Code 12926.1, 12940, et seq . RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NONDISCRIMINATION Board Policy BPNo. 3410 Board Adopted: Revised 9/02, 02/03, 08103, 02106, 8/06 ; 2/18/09: 7/11 /12 Page 1 of 1 I. The District is comm itted to equal opportunity in educational programs, employment, and access to all institutional programs and activities. II. The District, and each individual who represen ts the District, shall provide access to its services, classes , and programs without regard to national origin , religion , age, gender, gender identity, gender expression , race, color, medical condition genetic information, ancestry, sexua l orientation, marital status, physical or mental disability, or because he or she is perceived to have one or more of the foregoing characteri stics, or based on association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived cha racteristics. III. The Superintendent/President shall establi sh administrative procedures that ensure all members of the college community ca n present complaints regarding alleged violations of this policy and have their comp laints heard in accordance with the Title 5 regulation s and those of other agencies that admini ster state and federa l laws regardi ng nondiscrim ination. IV. No Distri ct funds shall ever be used for membership, or for any participation involving fin ancial payment or contribution on beha lf of the District or any individual employed by or associated with it, to any private organization whose membership practices are discriminatory on the basis of national origin, religion , age, gender, gender identity, gender expression race , color, medical condition, genetiC information ancestry, sexual orientation, marital status , physi ca l or mental disability, or because he or she is perceived to have one or more of the foregoing characteristics, or because of hi s or her association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived cha racteristics. V. The District officer responsible for ensuring District co mpli ance with rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Govemors of the Ca lifornia Comm unity Colleges regarding unlawful discrimination sha ll be the Affirmative Action Officer/Director of Personnel. VI. The District will provide annua l notice of its policy against unlawful discrimination to students, new employees when they commence working , and to all cu rrent employees. VII. Reference: Educalion Code Sections 66250. et seq ., 72010, et seq ., 87100 el seq .; Title 5. Seclions 53000. et seq .. 59300 el seq .; Penal Code Seclion 422.55; Government Code 12926.1, 12940, et seq. RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT DISTRICT VISION, MI SSION , VALUES STATEMENT Board Policy BPNo. 1200 Board Adop ted: 1/9102 ; 11112/03; 12/12/12 Page 1 0f1 Note: This policy pertaining to ~ Mission~ is required by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)/Accrediting Commission of Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) accreditation standa rds. I. As stipulated in AS 1725, California Commun ity Colleges are charged with the following broad missions: Transfer, vocational education , community services contract education, economic development. II. Vision - The Vision of the Rio Hondo Community College District is as follows: ~ R io Hondo College strives to be an exe mplary California community college, meeting the learning needs of its changing and growing population and developing a state of the art campus to serve future g ene rat io ns ~ (Board; 6/21 /06) III. Mission - The Mission of the Rio Hondo Community College District is as follows : "Rio Hondo College is a collaborative center of lifelong learning which provides innovative. challenging. and quality educational offerings-for its diverse students and communny." (Board: 6/2 1106) The mission is evaluated and revised on a regu lar basis. Note; Institutional mission defines the broad-based educationa l purposes the district seeks to achieve and the students it intends to serve , as well as the parameters under which programs can be offered and resources allocated . IV. Va lue(s) Stateme nt - The Va lue(s) of Rio Hondo Commun ity College District is/are as follows: • • • • • V. Quality Teaching and Lea rn ing Student Access and Success Diversity and Equity Fiscal Responsibility Integrity and Civility Source/Reference; WASC/ACCJC Standard One RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT DISTRICT VISION, MI SSION , VALUES STATEMENT Board Po licy BPNo. 1200 Board Adopted: 1/9/02; 11/12/03: 12/12112 Page 10f1 Note: This policy pertaining to "Mission- is required by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)/Accrediting Commission of Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) accreditation standards. I. As stipulated in AB 1725, California Community Colleges are charged with the following broad missions: Transfer, vocational education , commun ity services contract education . economic development. II. Vision - The Vision of the Rio Hondo Community College District is as follows: "Rio Hondo College strives to be an exemplary Californ ia commun ity college. meeting the learning needs of its changing and growing population and developing a state of the art campus to serve future genera tions ~ (Board : 6/2 1/06) III. Mission - The Mission of th e Rio Hondo Community College District is as follows : "Rio Hondo College is a collaborative center of lifelong learning which provides innova tive , challenging , and quality educational offerings-for its diverse students and com munity." (Board : 6/21/06) The mission is eva luated and revised on a regular basis. Note: Institutional mission defines the broad-based educational purposes the district seeks to achieve and the students it intends to serve, as well as the parameters under which programs can be offered and resources allocated. IV. Value(s) Statement - The Value(s) of Rio Hondo Community Co llege District is/are as follows : • • • • • V. Quality Teaching and Learning Student Access and Success Diversity and Equity Fiscal Responsibility Integrity and Civility Source/Reference: WASCIACCJC Standard One RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT DISTRICT VISION, MISSION, VALUES STATEMENT Board Policy BPNo. 1200 Board Adopted: 1/9/02 ; 11 112/03 ; 12/12/12 Page 1 of 1 Note: This policy pertaining to " Mjss j on ~ is required by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)/Accrediting Commission of Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) accreditation standards. I. As stipulated in AS 1725, California Community Colleges are charged with the fol lowing broad missions: Transfer, vocational education, community services contract education , economic development. II. Vision - The Vision of the Rio Hondo Community College District is as follows : "Rio Hondo College strives to be an exemplary California community college, meeting the learning needs of its changing and growing population and developing a state of the art campus to serve future generations" (Board: 6/21/06) III. Mission - The Mission of the Rio Hondo Community College District is as follows: URio Hondo College is a collaborative center of lifelong learning which provides innovative, challenging, and quality educational offerings-for its diverse students and community . ~ (Board: 6/2 1/06) The mission is evaluated and revised on a regular basis . Note: Institutional mission defines the broad-based educational purposes the district seeks to achieve and the students it intends to serve , as well as the parameters under which programs can be offered and resources allocated . IV. Va lue(s) Statement - The Value(s) of Rio Hondo Commun ity College District is/are as follows: • • • • • V. Quality Teaching and Learning Student Access and Success Diversity and Equity Fiscal Responsibility Integrity and Civility Source/Reference: WASC/ACCJC Standard One