RIO HONDO COLLEGE FLEX Day AGENDA – AUGUST 19, 2010 I. 8:00 – 8:30 Continental Breakfast – Outside Wray Theater Compliments of the Foundation II. 8:30 – 10:00 Welcome – Wray Theater Announcements – Katie O’Brien, Staff Development/FLEX Coordinator Welcomes & Introductions Dr. Ted Martinez, Jr., Superintendent/President Rebecca Green, Academic Senate President Adam Wetsman, RHCFA President Sandra Rivera, CSEA President Juliana Ojeda– ASB President Introduction of Leadership Academy Cohort Dr. Ted Martinez Jr. – State of the College Report 10:00-10:15 Break 10:15-11:00 Campus Updates 11:10-12:00 Focused Breakouts Facilities/Construction 2011-2012 Planning Process Budget Update SLOs/Accreditation AccessRIO Spotlight on Staff Excellence Extended AccessRIO Faculty Q & A (waitlists, adding/dropping…)- Wray Theater Extended Facilities/Construction Q & A & Input session – LR 128 Early Alert & Degree Works – M111 Counseling & Student Development introduces two programs integrated into AcessRIO intended to enhance student success: a reinvigorated Early Alert System, a tool for instructors in developmental English and Math to direct potentially struggling students to academic success resources and Degree Works, a comprehensive degree auditing system for counselors and students, which can also help Deans more accurately gauge the number of sections needed for specific class offerings. Designing Effective Assessment Activities for your SLOs – S333 This workshop introduces participants to the concept of authentic assessment and its application to the evaluation of Student Learning Outcomes. Topics include a comparison of traditional and authentic assessment; examples of authentic assessment activities; assessing with rubrics; and design of multiple-choice questions to gauge high-level learning. IV. 12:00 – 12:50 All Staff BBQ – Upper Quad -Hosted by the President’s Office V. 1:00 – 1:50 Breakout Session I - See workshop titles for session#1 on the other side VI. 2:00 – 2:50 Breakout Session II –See workshop titles for session #2 on the other side Friday, August 20th 3 hours of departmental meetings. Time frame, agenda and on campus location determined by department We need your feedback! Earn ½ hour of FLEX by completing the Evaluation sent to your email. BREAKOUT SESSIONS (See handout for presenters and workshop descriptions) Room Session 1 Session 2 1 – 1:50pm 2 – 2:50pm RUNS OVER BOTH SESSIONS RUNS OVER BOTH SESSIONS Retirement Issues Facing Part-Time Faculty S221 When students’ personal concerns conflict with classroom rules: What do you do? Creativity and Self-Expression without PowerPoint The Basic Skills Initiative: Update and Input Gathering Workplace Yoga-Repeated Muslims for Peace – Repeated Introduction to Student Learning Outcomes Soft Skills: Preparing Our Students For Success in The World of Work A229 B114 LR101 A212 S200 S333 A113 X X X X X X The Diet Wars Are Over: Now Let’s Start Losing Fat The Puente Project Wants You! Writing and Using your own Textbook: Lessons from a Sabbatical Leave project Ten Biggest Discoveries in Astronomy in the Last 30 Years A224 A211 A205 X X X S236 X Live Longer and Healthier A230 X Let’s Draw….on the Right Hemisphere B012 X Everything you wanted to know about grammar but were afraid to ask A213 X Understanding Audism: Exploring Discrimination faced by the Deaf A228 X New Interface Features of Blackboard 9.0 B115 X Aligning Grant Strategies with Institutional Priorities: Collaboration Leads to Winning Grants Tai Qi & Qi Gong Ocean Oil Spills A223 X A230 S102 X X X X X X RIO HONDO COLLEGE FLEX Day AGENDA – AUGUST 18 & 19, 2011 I. 8:00 – 8:30 Continental Breakfast – Outside Wray Theater Compliments of the Foundation II. 8:30 – 10:00 Welcome – Wray Theater Commemoration of September 11, 2001- Rio Hondo College Fire Academy Color Guard Announcements – Katie O’Brien, Staff Development/FLEX Coordinator Welcomes & Introductions Dr. Ted Martinez, Jr., Superintendent/President - Introduction of new Administrators Marie Eckstrom, Academic Senate President - Introduction of new Faculty Colin Young, RHCFA President Suzanne Fredrickson, CSEA Vice-President – Introduction of new Classified Staff Zeus Galindo, ASB President Introduction of Faculty Coordinator, Dennyse Clark & the Leadership Academy Cohort Dr. Ted Martinez Jr. – State of the College Report 10:00-10:15 10:15-11:00 Break Campus Updates Facilities/Construction – Jim Sinsheimer, Program Manager Budget - Teresa Dreyfuss, VP Finance & Business Accreditation – JoAnna Downey & Katie O’Brien, Co-Chairs Accreditation Response Team Emergency Preparedness & Safety - John Ramirez, Assistant Director of Facilities Developmental Education Focus – Dr. Kenn Pierson, Dean Communications & Languages Institutional Planning Process 2012-2013– Howard Kummerman, Dean, Institutional Research & Planning & Kevin Smith, Faculty, Psychology 11:10-12:00 Focused Breakouts • Online FLEX Reporting System – Wray Theater This session will provide attendees with what they need to know in order to use our new campus wide online "FLEX Reporter" system. Following a demonstration of how to utilize faculty related functions of the program, a general FLEX Q & A will be available. • Emergency Preparedness & Safety – S 136 Emergency management experts rely on the four phases of emergency management (Prevention, Mitigation, Preparedness Response) as an outline to assure that people are involved in the process of preparedness before, response during and recovery after an incident occurs. This session will provide an in-depth discussion of our campus emergency preparedness and conclude with a Q & A where suggestions and recommendations are welcomed. • “Shedding Light” on Developmental Education at Rio Hondo – LR 128 “Developmental education” is often thought to pertain only to basic skills, or remedial, instruction and tutorial support. In a much wider sense, developmental education is about unleashing the full potential of a student. This would encompass all initiatives at Rio Hondo that seek to develop our students’ academic potential. At this session, we will shed light on developmental education at Rio Hondo and the efforts of the Developmental Education Task Force. • Lumins Continuing Education Registration Process – B110 Continuing Education has just unveiled a new, easy-to-use registration system to help students browse, locate, and register for fee-based and life-long learning courses in minutes. Come see a demonstration on how this new system works, hear updates on the new, evolving mission of continuing education in the state and at Rio Hondo, and brainstorm with us in better serving the college and community needs! 12:00 – 12:50 All Staff Lunch – Lower Quad - Hosted by the President’s Office V. 1:00 – 1:50 Breakout Session I - See workshop titles for session#1 on the other side VI. 2:00 – 2:50 Breakout Session II –See workshop titles for session #2 on the other side Friday, August 19 3 hours of departmental meetings. Time frame, agenda and on campus location determined by department We need your feedback! Earn ½ hour of FLEX by completing the evaluation sent to your email. August 18th, 2011 BREAKOUT SESSIONS (See handout for presenters and workshop descriptions) Adult CPR/AED certification training (limited to 20 participants) Effective, Engaging, and Accessible Online Instruction Teaching and Self-Disclosure Room LR 128 LR 118 A211 Session 1 Session 2 1:00 – 1:50 2:00 – 2:50 Runs over both sessions Runs over both sessions Runs over both sessions What’s Happening in the Office of Student Success and Retention? Partly Cloudy with a Chance of Rain Breaking into Afternoon Sun: 2011 Climate Survey Introduction to Microsoft Office 2010 Out of the Classroom and Into the Streets: A Panel Discussion of Community Engagement at Rio Hondo How to Web Enhance Your Classroom with Access Rio The Contradictions of Cuba: My Trip to Havana Smart Classroom Training: Exchanging Best Practices in Integrating Technology into your Courses Use of Contingent Faculty and the Effect on Student Success LR 101 L 402 LR124 A207 X X X X X X X X A225 M124 S221 X X X X X X S226 X New Faculty Orientation LR 123 X Sustainability: Revising The Way We Live A206 X Helping Your Department Use Data: Tools for Informing Your Work A205 X Wildlife on Campus S102 X Blackboard 9.1 “New Features” & Rio Hondo College Online Training Program: B114 X Enhancing Student Success through Faculty Development: Title V Stipend Opportunities LR 123 X CALSTRS and Social Security Lg. Boardroom B 12 X LETS DRAW! (limited to 20 participants) What’s up with Degrees? A208 X X RIO HONDO COLLEGE FLEX Day AGENDA January 28th, 2011 I. 8:00 – 8:30 II. 8:30 – 8:40 Continental Breakfast – Outside Wray Theater Sponsored by President’s Office Welcome – Wray Theater Announcements Katie O’Brien 8:40-9:00 Welcomes & Introductions Dr. Ted Martinez Jr., Superintendent/President Welcome of New Employees Marie Eckstrom, Academic Senate President Adam Wetsman, RHCFA President Sandra Rivera, CSEA President 9:00-10:30 Staff Recognition Awards Campus Updates -Facilities & Construction – Gus Gonzales & Jim Sinsheimer - Classroom Emergency Procedures – Dr. Alfred Forrest - Emergency Evacuation Procedures – Gus Gonzales -Leadership Academy Presentation – Cohort Representatives - Budget Update - Teresa Dreyfuss - Program Review – Marie Eckstrom & Howard Kummerman -ACCESSRIO/Portal Update - Gary Van Voorhis III. 10:40–12:00 Breakout Session* IV. 12:00-12:30 Faculty Box Lunches – available for faculty pick-up in the Boardroom Sponsored by RCHFA V. 12:00 – 1:00 Lunch – (if working lunch, turn in sign-in sheet for FLEX credit!) VI. 1:00 – 3:00 Division / Department Meetings We need your feedback! Please fill out the FLEX Day Evaluation & Survey emailed to you today. *BREAKOUT SESSIONS (See handout for presenters and workshop descriptions) • • • • • • • • • STEM: Everyone talks about it, do you know what Rio does with it? Dealing with Disruptive Students Suicide Prevention for College Age Students Engaging student learning outcomes with the use of Human Patient Simulators What you need to know about investing in your 403(b) account Police Search and Seizure – What you should know. Domineering Students and Classroom Climate: What is your Approach? Your Dollar: What is it? Islam: The Real Picture Room A205 A206 A207 L406 S136 A212 A211 S221 A223 • Evacuation Chairs (“Stryker”) Training and Information Session • Responding to Medical Emergencies in the Classroom • New Faculty Information Session (highly recommended for 1st time Rio Faculty) • Roster Management and Grade Submission • Collegial Work Sessions (agenda & room arranged by groups of individual faculty) 1/19/11 S333 A224 LR 128 A225 RIO HONDO COLLEGE FLEX Day AGENDA – AUGUST 20, 2009 I. 8:00 – 8:30 Continental Breakfast – Outside Wray Theater Compliments of President’s Office II. 8:30 – 11:50 Welcome – Wray Theater Announcements – Katie O’Brien, Staff Development/FLEX Coordinator 8:30 Welcomes & Introductions Dr. Ted Martinez, Jr., Superintendent/President Mike Javanmard, Academic Senate President Adam Wetsman, RCHFA President Hannah Pastrano, CSEA Vice-President Sammy Castillo – ASB President 8:40 Campus Updates State of the College Report – Dr. Ted Martinez Jr. 9:00 Accreditation Update – Joanna Downey & Katie O’Brien Planning Process – Howard Kummerman & Vann Priest 9:30 Break 10:00-10:15 Facilities/Construction Update – Gus Gonzalez & Jim Sinsheimer Access Rio Update – Jack Raubolt & John Bryant & Judy Pearson Budget Update/Cost Savings Measures – Teresa Dreyfuss Staff BBQ – Upper Quad -Hosted by RHC Foundation IV. 12:00 – 12:50 All V. 1:00 – 1:50 Breakout Session I - See workshop titles for session #1 below VI. 2:00 – 2:50 Breakout Session II –See workshop titles for session #2 below 10:15-11:50 We need your feedback! Earn ½ hour of FLEX by completing the Evaluation sent to your email. BREAKOUT SESSIONS (See handout for presenters and workshop descriptions) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Understanding Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - Runs over both Sessions The Ecology of Eden - Runs over both Sessions Terrorism in the Name of God (repeated) Reflection, Renewal & Role (repeated) CalSTRS Fundamentals (repeated) Adventures in Sequential Art (repeated) Curriculum 101 Introduction to Student Learning Outcomes Getting Started with Blackboard 8.0 Grade Center It’s an Honor – Roundtable for Current and Potential Honor’s Faculty 2010 Healthcare Options for Full Time Faculty Mathmatica – Makes Math & Science Come Alive King Arthur – Chivalry & Legend How to Make Great Beer at Home. Program Planning Articulation and Transfer 101- What you think you know, know, and don’t know Math & Science Roundtable: Preparing Tomorrow’s Math Teacher’s Today Developing Degrees and Certificates Teaching the Digital Native as a Digital Immigrant E-Books and Café Scribe – The Future of Textbooks Virtual Teaching Tools Program Review – The process – the content- the fun! Undocumented Students and Higher Education in California Student Presentation – Imagine Cup IT competition Calling all Wise & Wonderful: An Experiential Session on Student Engagement The Transition from Immigrant to Native: Perceptions of the Landscape Room #1 #2 1:00-1:50 A211 S201 S200 A230 S136 A212 S202 A205 B117 A229 A223 A224 A214 S221 A208 B105 S225 S202 B110 A206 B109 A208 A225 B117 A216 B119 x x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 2:00-2:50 x x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 7/29/08