CHEM120 Academic Years (2010-11, 2011-12, and 2012-13) Times Chem120 Taken * PASS Rate Crosstabulation PASS Rate # Times Taken 1 2+ Total .00 .33/.50 1.00 Total Count 101 0 361 462 % of Total 19.7% 0.0% 70.4% 90.1% Count 16 35 0 51 % of Total Count 3.1% 117 6.6% 35 0.0% 361 9.9% 513 % of Total 22.8% 6.8% 70.4% 100.0% 462 students took CHEM120 once: 361 were successful. 101 did not pass, nor did they repeat. 51 students took CHEM120 two or more times: 35 were successful. 16 did not pass, nor did they repeat. RETENTION AND SUCCESS 513 Second/Third time taking course 53 Success 70.4% 66.0% Retention 87.7% 90.6% OVERALL CHEM120 First time taking course # Students In MESA-SSS program at the time of taking Chem120 Not in MESA-SSS program First time taking course 164 Second/Third time 16 Success 79.9% 75% Retention 93.3% 100.0% # Students 349 37 65.9% 62.2% # Students Success Retention 85.1% 86.5% Note: Students who were not in the MESA-SSS program during the times they took CHEM120 were included in the “Not in MESA-SSS program” group above. CHEM130 Academic Years (2010-11, 2011-12, and 2012-13) Times Chem130 Taken * PASS Rate Crosstabulation PASS Rate # Times Taken 1 2+ Total .00 .33/.50 1.00 Total 84 0 126 210 32.9% 0.0% 49.4% 82.4% 11 34 0 45 % of Total Count 4.3% 95 13.3% 34 0.0% 126 17.6% 255 % of Total 37.3% 13.3% 49.4% 100.0% Count % of Total Count 210 students took CHEM130 once: 126 were successful. 84 did not pass, nor did they repeat. 45 students took CHEM130 two or more times: 34 were successful. 11 did not pass, nor did they repeat. RETENTION AND SUCCESS 255 Second/Third time taking course 48 Success 49.4% 70.8% Retention 66.3% 85.4% OVERALL CHEM130 First time taking course # Students In MESA-SSS program at the time of taking Chem130 Not in MESA-SSS program First time taking course 125 Second/Third time 26 Success 59.2% 69.2% Retention 77.6% 88.4% # Students 130 22 40.0% 72.7% # Students Success Retention 55.4% 81.8% Note: Students who were not in the MESA-SSS program during the time they took CHEM130 were included in the “Not in MESA-SSS program” group. CHEM130 BY CHEM 120 GRADES Success, Retention, and Grades of CHEM130 students depending on grade in CHEM120 – includes CHEM130 repeaters and separated by MESA/Non-MESA These results are based on data from the 2010-11, 2011-12, and 2012-13 academic years. In this defined range, there were 184 students who took CHEM130 and also had a CHEM120 grade (221 attempts). Table 1) Success, Retention, and Grades of CHEM130 based on CHEM120 Grade Grade in CHEM120 (First Attempt at CHEM130) Students Success in CHEM130 Retention in CHEM130 Grades in CHEM130 A B C 64 82.8% 85.9% 2.84 74 48.6% 70.3% 1.65 46 15.2% 41.3% 1.16 Table 2) Success, Retention, and Grades of CHEM130 based on CHEM120 Grade and MESA Participation Grade in CHEM120 A B C NonNonNon(First Attempt at CHEM130) MESA MESA MESA MESA MESA MESA Students 39 25 42 32 20 26 Success in CHEM130 89.7% 72.0% 54.8% 40.6% 20.0% 11.5% Retention in CHEM130 94.9% 72.0% 73.8% 65.6% 65.0% 23.1% Grades in CHEM130 2.95 2.61 1.74 1.52 1.00 1.50 Note: Tables 1 and 2 include results from the first CHEM130 attempt by the 184 students. Table 3) Success, Retention, and Grades for all Attempts at CHEM130 based on CHEM120 Grade Grade in ATTEMPTS First time taking Second time Third time taking CHEM120 CHEM130 taking CHEM130 CHEM130 Students 64 7 --Success in CHEM130 82.8% 85.7% --A Retention in CHEM130 85.9% 85.7% --Grades in CHEM130 2.84 2.83 --- B Students Success in CHEM130 Retention in CHEM130 Grades in CHEM130 74 48.6% 70.3% 1.65 14 78.6% 100.0% 1.93 --------- C Students Success in CHEM130 Retention in CHEM130 Grades in CHEM130 46 15.2% 41.3% 1.16 14 57.1% 71.4% 1.80 2 50.0% 50.0% 2.00 Table 4) Success, Retention, and Grades for all Attempts at CHEM130 based on CHEM120 Grade and MESA Participation First time taking Second time Third time taking CHEM130 taking CHEM130 CHEM130 Grade in ATTEMPTS CHEM120 NonNonNonMESA MESA MESA MESA MESA MESA Students 39 25 2 5 ----Success in CHEM130 ----89.7% 72.0% 100.0% 80.0% A Retention in CHEM130 ----94.9% 72.0% 100.0% 80.0% Grades in CHEM130 ----2.95 2.61 3.00 2.75 B Students Success in CHEM130 Retention in CHEM130 Grades in CHEM130 42 54.8% 73.8% 1.74 32 40.6% 65.6% 1.52 9 77.8% 100.0% 2.00 5 80.0% 100.0% 1.80 --------- --------- C Students Success in CHEM130 Retention in CHEM130 Grades in CHEM130 20 20.0% 65.0% 1.00 26 11.5% 23.1% 1.50 9 55.6% 77.8% 1.71 5 60.0% 60.0% 2.00 2 50.0% 50.0% --------- Note: Tables 3 and 4 are based on the 221 attempts at CHEM130. 2.00 MATH180 Academic Years (2010-11, 2011-12, and 2012-13) Times Math180 Taken * PASS Rate Crosstabulation PASS Rate .00 1 Times Taken 2 3 Total Count .33 Total .50 1.00 82 0 0 271 353 18.7% 0.0% 0.0% 61.9% 80.6% 26 0 44 0 70 5.9% 0.0% 10.0% 0.0% 16.0% 7 8 0 0 15 % of Total Count 1.6% 115 1.8% 8 0.0% 44 0.0% 271 3.4% 438 % of Total 26.3% 1.8% 10.0% 61.9% 100.0% % of Total Count % of Total Count 353 students took MATH180 once: 271 were successful. 82 did not pass, nor did they repeat. 70 students took MATH180 twice: 44 were successful the second time. 26 did not pass the second time, nor did they repeat. 15 students took MATH180 three times: 8 students were successful the third time. 7 did not pass at all, nor did they repeat RETENTION AND SUCCESS OVERALL MATH180 First time taking course 438 Second time taking course 85 Third time taking course 15 Success 61.9% 51.8% 53.3% Retention 83.8% 82.4% 93.3% # Students In MESA-SSS program at the time of taking Math 180 Not in MESA-SSS program # Students First time taking course 127 Second/Third times 33 Success 71.7% 57.6% Retention 92.1% 93.9% # Students 311 67 Success 57.9% 49.2% Retention 80.4% 79.1% Note: Students who were not in the MESA-SSS program during the times they took MATH180 were included in the “Not in MESA-SSS program” group above. MATH190/190H Academic Years (2010-11, 2011-12, and 2012-13) Times Math190 Taken * PASS Rate Crosstabulation PASS Rate .00 1 # Times Taken 2 3+ Total Count .33/.25 .50 Total 1.00 94 0 0 248 342 21.9% 0.0% 0.0% 57.8% 79.7% 20 0 49 0 69 % of Total 4.7% 0.0% 11.4% 0.0% 16.1% Count 7 (1) 9 (1) 0 0 18 % of Total Count 1.8% 122 2.4% 10 0.0% 49 0.0% 248 4.3% 429 % of Total 28.4% 2.3% 11.4% 57.8% 100.0% % of Total Count 342 students took MATH190/190H once: 248 were successful. 94 did not pass, nor did they repeat. 69 students took MATH190/190H twice: 49 were successful the second time. 20 did not pass the second time, nor did they repeat. 18 students took MATH190 three or more times: 10 students were successful. 8 did not repeat. RETENTION AND SUCCESS OVERALL MATH190/190H # Students First time taking course 429 Second time taking course 87 Third+ time taking course 20 Success 57.8% 56.3% 50.0% Retention 78.1% 75.9% 95.0% In MESA-SSS program at the time of taking Math 190 Not in MESA-SSS program # Students First time taking course 124 36 Third or more times 8* Second time Success 62.1% 66.7% 62.5% Retention 82.3% 91.7% 100% # Students 305 51 12 56.1% 49.0% 41.7% Success Retention 76.4% 64.7% 91.7% Note: Students who were not in the MESA-SSS program during the times they took MATH190 were included in the “Not in MESA-SSS program” group above. MATH190 BY MATH180 GRADES Success, Retention, and Grades of M190 students depending on grade in M180 – includes M190 repeaters and separated by MESA/Non-MESA These results are based on data from the 2010-11, 2011-12, and 2012-13 academic years. In this defined range, there were 232 students who took MATH190/H and also had a MATH180 grade (294 attempts). Table 1) Success, Retention, and Grades of MATH190/H based on MATH180 Grade (First Attempt at M190) Students Success in M190 Retention in M190 Grades in M190 A 51 86.3% 88.2% 3.53 Grade in Math 180 B 91 63.7% 84.6% 2.30 C 90 41.1% 71.1% 1.58 Table 2) Success, Retention, and Grades of MATH190/H based on MATH180 Grade and MESA Participation Grade in Math 180 A B C NonNonNon(First Attempt at M190) MESA MESA MESA MESA MESA MESA Students 24 27 32 59 33 57 Success in M190 100.0% 74.1% 59.4% 66.1% 33.3% 45.6% Retention in M190 100.0% 77.8% 87.5% 83.1% 66.7% 73.7% Grades in M190 3.67 3.38 2.18 2.37 1.27 1.74 Note: Tables 1 and 2 include results from the first MATH190/H attempt by the 232 students. Table 3) Success, Retention, and Grades for all Attempts at MATH190/H based on MATH180 Grade Grade in ATTEMPTS First time taking Second time Third/Fourth times M180 M190 taking M190 taking M190 Students 51 1 --Success in M190 86.3% 0.0% --A Retention in M190 88.2% 0.0% --Grades in M190 3.53 ----- B Students Success in M190 Retention in M190 Grades in M190 91 63.7% 84.6% 2.30 21 85.7% 100% 2.52 --------- C Students Success in M190 Retention in M190 Grades in M190 90 41.1% 71.1% 1.58 31 51.6% 71.0% 2.09 9 33.3% 100% 1.38 Table 4) Success, Retention, and Grades for all Attempts at MATH190/H based on MATH180 Grade and MESA Participation First time taking Second time Third/Fourth M190 taking M190 times taking Grade in M190 ATTEMPTS M180 NonNonNonMESA MESA MESA MESA MESA MESA Students 24 27 --1 ----Success in M190 100.0% 74.1% --0.0% ----A Retention in M190 100.0% 77.8% --0.0% ----Grades in M190 3.67 3.38 --------12 91.7% 100.0% 2.58 9 77.8% 100.0% 2.44 --------- --------- Students 33 57 13 Success in M190 33.3% 45.6% 53.8% C Retention in M190 66.7% 73.7% 76.9% Grades in M190 1.27 1.74 2.20 Note: Tables 3 and 4 are based on the 294 attempts at MATH190/H. 18 50.0% 66.7% 2.00 4 50.0% 100.0% 5 20.0% 100.0% 1.00 B Students Success in M190 Retention in M190 Grades in M190 32 59.4% 87.5% 2.18 59 66.1% 83.1% 2.37 1.50 STEM MAJORS, PLACEMENT TEST RESULTS, COURSE TAKING PATTERNS, AND TRANSFERS Table 1) FTES in 2012-2013 Academic Year 2012-2013 Credit FTES 12,732.21 Source: Data Mart 2012-2013 Non- Credit FTES 475.52 2012-2013 Total FTES 13,207.73 Table 2) Students who were declared majors in STEM areas in Fall 2013 MAJOR Biology Chemistry Physics Math Gen Stud: Math/Science TOTAL Students 1,910 3 0 434 2,768 5,106 Note: 9 students had double majors. Table 3) Test Results for Math – Unduplicated Students (July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013) Test Result Transfer Level Math Math – One below Math – Two below Math – Three below Math – Four below Total Students 207 768 1,521 1,865 1,307 5,668 % 3.7% 13.5% 26.8% 32.9% 23.1% 100% Note: These results are based on the highest placement within the year. Table 4) Students who received a degree in 2010-11, 2011-12, and 2012-2013 years and took STEM courses: STEM Course Pattern in last 9 Academic Years Students with Students with Degree Major 20+ Units Less than 20 Units AA ART 0 2 BUS ADMIN 0 17 ENGLISH 0 1 GEN ED TRANSFER 0 6 GEN STUD ARTS/HUM 0 5 GEN STUD SOC BEH 0 16 GEN STUD SCI/MATH 51 70 GEN STUD SOC SCI 1 27 LIB ARTS 0 2 MUSIC 0 1 AA TOTAL 52 147 AA-T COMM TRANS 0 1 PSY TRANS 0 5 AA-T TOTAL 0 6 AS ACCT 0 2 ADN (NURSING) 1 6 AJ 0 5 ARCH 0 2 ARCH DES/DRAW 0 6 COM ART 0 1 AUTO TECH 0 1 BIOL 6 0 BUS MGMT 0 1 CHILD DEV 0 5 CIT COMPUTERS 0 1 CIV DES TECH 0 3 ENG/DRAFTING 3 5 DRUG 0 1 ENV TECH 0 4 FIRE TEC 0 4 MATH 4 0 PHOTO 0 1 VN (NURSING) 0 1 WL FIRE TECH 0 1 AS TOTAL 14 50 AS-T MATH 13 0 AS-T TOTAL 13 0 GRAND TOTAL 79 203 Notes: Table 4 contains only the most recent degree earned with the corresponding major. The course-taking pattern is of courses completed at RHC, not transferred in. Table 5) Transfer students by degree and STEM course-taking pattern Degree AA AA-T AS AS-T SUBTOTAL GRAND TOTAL (from Table 4) % STEM Course Pattern in last 9 Academic Years Students with Students with 20+ Units Less than 20 Units 41 89 0 4 7 20 11 0 59 113 79 203 74.7% 55.7% Note: Based on available records from NSCH Prepared by: Noelle Banuelos, November 8, 2013 Data Sources: Banner/Cognos, National Student Clearinghouse