2015-2016 Central Avenue Elementary School Madison Public Schools Mission Statement “To inspire and challenge all students to be life-long learners, empowered with the knowledge, skills and character to shape their future, realize their dreams and contribute positively to the world” Welcome to Central Avenue Elementary School! Please take the time to review this handbook with your parents/guardians. We have alphabetized the areas of general information to make it easy to locate. This information can also be found on the school website at www.madisonpublicschools.org. We advise you to keep this booklet for reference throughout the year, as well as for daily classroom assignments. After reading through the handbook, we ask you to please sign below. We have reviewed this Student Handbook and Survival Guide. _______________________ Student Name (Print) _______________________ Student Signature _______________________ Parent/Guardian Signature _______________________ 1 General Information *All information is in alphabetical order* Academic Integrity The highest standards of honesty must apply to a student’s actions at CAS. Any act of dishonesty reflects upon a student and affects the entire school community. Among the most serious academic offenses are copying and plagiarism. Both are forms of cheating. In copying, a student is taking the work of another, either from homework or from a test/quiz, and claiming it as his/her own. The term plagiarism usually refers to a higher level of copying in which a person, often in preparing a research paper, copies from sources without indicating what sources were used. In effect, by not naming the source, the student is claiming the work as his/her own. The term also applies if a student copies a project of another and claims that he/she is the author. Any form of cheating will result in a grade of zero (0) for the test or assignment for which it occurred. The consequence of plagiarism will depend on the extent of the plagiarized material used in the assignment. The teacher will contact the parent or guardian if any cheating offense occurs. Repeat offenders will be referred to the administration. Whether the student is the person who gives or receives the information, he/she is guilty of a dishonest act. Attendance/Absence/Tardiness School doors open at 8:30am, and class begins promptly at 8:30am. Students arriving after 8:40am are considered tardy. Even though we do accept excuses, only legitimate excuses will be accepted from the students. Parents must bring students into school to sign in late. Written, signed and dated excuse notes will only be accepted upon arrival. The school administration reserves the final right in determining if it is a legitimate excuse. Please note that continued unexcused tardies will result in disciplinary action and/or a parent conference. 6A:16-7.8 Attendance (a) Each district board of education shall develop, adopt and implement policies and procedures regarding the attendance of students, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:38-25 through 31 and N.J.A.C. 6A:32-8 and 13.1, at the public schools of the district or day schools in which students are provided with equivalent instruction, according to the requirements of N.J.S.A. 18A:38-25, that shall include, at a minimum: 1. The expectations and consequences regarding the timely arrival of students to school and classes; 2. The expectations and consequences regarding attendance at school and classes; 3. A definition of unexcused absence, for the purpose of this section, that, at a minimum, shall be based on the definition of a school day, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:32-8.3, and the following considerations: i. Family illness or death; ii. Educational opportunities; iii. Written parental permission; iv. Excused religious observances, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:36-14 through 16; v. Where appropriate, Individualized Education Programs pursuant to 20 U.S.C. § § 1400 et seq., the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act, accommodation plans under 29 U.S.C. § § 794 and 705(20), and individualized health care plans, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:16-2.3(b)2ix; and 4. School staff responses for unexcused absences: i. For up to four cumulative unexcused absences, the school district shall: (1) Make a reasonable attempt to notify the student’s parents of each unexcused absence prior to the start of the following school day; (2) Conduct an investigation to determine the cause of each unexcused absence, including contact with the student’s parents; 2 (3) Develop an action plan in consultation with the student’s parents designed to address patterns of unexcused absences, if any, and to have the child return to school and maintain regular attendance; (4) Proceed in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 9:6-1 et seq. and N.J.A.C 6A:16-11, if a potential missing or abused child situation is detected; and (5) Cooperate with law enforcement and other authorities and agencies, as appropriate; ii. For between five and nine cumulative unexcused absences, the school district shall: (1) Make a reasonable attempt to notify the student’s parents of each unexcused absence prior to the start of the following school day; (2) Conduct a follow-up investigation, including contact with the student’s parents, to determine the cause of each unexcused absence; (3) Evaluate the appropriateness of the action plan developed pursuant to (a) 4i (3) above; (4) Revise the action plan, as needed, to identify patterns of unexcused absences and establish outcomes based upon the student’s needs and specify the interventions for achieving the outcomes, supporting the student’s return to school and regular attendance that may include any or all of the following: (A) Refer or consult with the building’s Intervention and Referral Services team, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:16-8; (B) Conduct testing, assessments or evaluations of the student’s academic, behavioral and health needs; (C) Consider an alternate educational placement; (D) Make a referral to a community-based social and health provider agency or other community resource; (E) Refer to the court program designated by the New Jersey Administrative Office of the Courts; and (F) Proceed in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 9:6-1 et seq. and N.J.A.C. 6A:16-11, if a potential missing or abused child situation is detected; and (5) Cooperate with law enforcement and other authorities and agencies, as appropriate. iii. For cumulative unexcused absences of 10 or more, the student, between the ages of six and 16, is truant, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:38-27, and the school district shall: (1) Make a mandatory referral to the court program required by the New Jersey Administrative Office of the Courts; (2) Make a reasonable attempt to notify the student’s parents of the mandatory referral; (3) Continue to consult with the parent and the involved agencies to support the student’s return to school and regular attendance; (4) Cooperate with law enforcement and other authorities and agencies, as appropriate; and (5) Proceed in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:38-28 through 31, Article 3B, Compelling Attendance at School, and other applicable State and Federal statutes, as required. (b) For students with disabilities, the attendance plan and punitive and remedial procedures set forth therein shall be applied, where applicable, in accordance with the students’ Individualized Education Programs, pursuant to 20 U.S.C. § § 1400 et seq., the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act; the procedural protections set forth in N.J.A.C. 6A:14; accommodation plans under 29 U.S.C. § § 794 and 705(20); and individualized health care plans, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:16-2.3(b)2ix. (c) All receiving schools pursuant to N.J.A.C 6A:14-7.1(a), shall act in accordance with (a) 4i above for each student with up to four cumulative unexcused absences. 1. For each student attending a receiving school with five or more cumulative unexcused absences, the absences shall be reported to the sending school district. i. The sending school district shall proceed in accordance with the district board of education policies and procedures pursuant to (a) above and the provisions of (a)4ii through iii and (b) above, as appropriate. (d) The chief school administrator shall submit annually a report to the Commissioner of Education containing information on student attendance, including, but not limited to, the district board of education’s implementation of each of the requirements pursuant to this section. 3 If extenuating circumstances create the necessity for a student absence due to any other reason, a written request must be submitted at least one week in advance to the school principal. All work or tests missed because of such absences become the student’s responsibility. If there is a medical reason for the absences, please notify the school in order that our records be kept up to date. If we have not received prior notification from a parent or guardian by phone or note when students are absent from school, it is our practice to call the home and at times send the police to ascertain the reasons for absence. If a student is absent for one or two days, he/she should try to secure assignments from classmates or, after returning to school, from the teachers. Parents/students may also contact the school to request homework assignments. Such assignments will be provided only for those students who are absent because of illness. Such requests should be received in the office by 9:00am in order to have the work and materials ready for after school pickup on the same day. Repeated failure to pick up homework will result in no further requests being acted upon. Note: A written excuse stating the cause of absence and date signed by parent or legal guardian is required from each student upon return to school after an absence. This excuse must be presented to the main office on the morning of the student’s return to school. Bicycle Safety Only 4th and 5th graders are allowed to bike to CAS or students with a parent/guardian. Parents are responsible for getting their children to school. Bicycles must be walked on school grounds. Pupils failing to abide by these safety rules will lose the privilege of riding their bicycles to school. Motorized scooters are not permitted. Students riding bicycles to school must ride on the roadway and not on the sidewalk. The bicycles must be locked in the racks at the front of the school. We are not responsible for stolen bicycles. All students may not use skateboards or roller blades on school grounds. State law requires that bicycle operators and passengers under the age of seventeen wear helmets. The Board will not be responsible for bicycles or motor vehicles that are lost, stolen, or damaged. Bus Protocol: At CAS, there are only three buses operating: The Kirby Bus The LLD Program Bus The Pre-School Program Bus Each bus is controlled by outside parties. The Kirby bus is organized and controlled by the Kirby Center and the Pre-school/LLD Bus is organized and controlled by the special services department. If there is a bus issue or concern, please do the following: Matters Involving Transportation (other than student discipline) 1. Business Administrator Gary Lane or Mary Lou Yocco, Exec. Secretary to Business Administrator 2. Superintendent Michael Rossi Care of School Property It is the responsibility of each student to do his/her share in caring for school property. Some ways are: 1. Avoid marking or otherwise marring doors, walls, floors, or any other school property. 2. If a person scratches or marks school property they must help pay the expense of refinishing or fixing the property. 3. Everyone takes pride in a clean and tidy building. Therefore: 4 a. Place all waste paper in the trash cans that are provided. b. Pick up scraps as you see them in the halls. 4. Textbooks are the property of the school and are in your care and loan for the school year. Therefore: a. Mistreatment resulting in damage to the book, as well as loss of the book, will result in a fine. b. The amount of the fine will be determined by the condition of the book at the time of issue. c. Report Cards at the end of the year are not issued until all obligations are met. d. Keep all books covered and kept free of paper, pads, etc. e. The student’ name should be written on the front book cover and should be filled out completely in case it is lost. f. If a book is damaged or lost the students will have to pay a fine for the cost of the book. Code of Conduct The goal of the CAS is to provide an atmosphere where the students will feel safe, secure, and happy, and where they are provided every opportunity to learn. In an effort to achieve this goal, we have developed a conduct plan which provides students with rules, incentives for following the rules, and consequences for breaking them. Individual teachers may also have additional classroom rules which should be followed at all times. *Below are items that relate to “Conduct Guidelines”* School-Wide Rules Any behavior or possibility of behavior that will result in physical, psychological, social or emotional harm to another is unacceptable. Below are some specific examples of behaviors that should be avoided: Hitting, pushing, kicking, tripping, spitting Initiating or spreading rumors/gossiping/sharing unnecessary information about others Bullying Bullying identified as: (N.J.S.A.18A:37-14) “Harassment, intimidation, or bullying” may include “any gesture or written, verbal or physical act, or any electronic communication, reasonably perceived as being motivated either by any actual or perceived characteristic, such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or mental, physical or sensory handicap, or by any other distinguished characteristic, that takes place on school property, at any school-sponsored function, or on a school bus that: o A reasonable person should know, under the circumstances, will have the effect of harming a student or damaging the student’s property, or placing a student in reasonable fear of harm to his person or damage to his property; or o Has the effect of insulting or demeaning any student or group of students in such a way as to cause substantial disruption in, or substantial interference with, the orderly operation of the school. Electronic Communication (Cyber Bullying): New Jersey case law specifies that school districts have a duty to address conduct away from school grounds under certain conditions-see statute above or see R.R. v. Board of Educ. Of Shore Reg. High School Dist., 109 N.J. Super.337 (1970); L.W. v. Toms River School Dist., 189 NJ 381 (2007) Instigating a fight Stealing or blackmail Use of a weapon 5 Use verbal or written words like: kill, shoot, pop, sniper, or anything that resembles these words Students should also: Follow directions of any staff member the first time they are given. Keep hands, feet, and objects to themselves, even when playing around. No roughhousing. Carry a pass when out of the classroom during a class period. They also must sign in and out. Not chew gum at anytime. Walk quietly in the hallways and stairways. Students should also remain to the right and utilize the door to the right when walking in the hallways and stairways for safety reasons. Not bring any objects to school which could potentially be used as weapons or which resemble weapons. Note: This list is not all inclusive; it is merely a sampling of some examples of inappropriate behavior. Consequences Administration reserves the right to administer ranging consequences based on various behaviors. Types of consequences include: Loss of privileges (recess, assemblies, field trips, socials, etc.), lunch detention, after school detention, in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension. If a letter is sent home, the letter must be signed and returned the next school day. If the letter is not returned, the parent is contacted and the student will receive a warning followed by a lunch detention. If a student is suspended, a conference is required upon return to school. A parent/guardian will be contacted by phone when any suspension occurs. Repeated school suspension may result in further action as determined by the Superintendent of Schools. All disciplinary actions will be placed in students’ cumulative files and recorded in STI for all bullying incidents, detentions, suspensions and school resource officer (SRO) referrals. Note: Both civil and educational authorities mandate some of these consequences. Electronic Devices Cell phones are to be off and kept in backpack/cubby at all times. Expensive electronic devices, such as IPAD, IPOD, Nintendo DS, Playstation Portable, Kindle, etc. are prohibited in school unless parents agree to consent form. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen electronic devices. If any device is visible, the teachers are authorized to confiscate these items. Depending on the frequency of the offense, they will be returned to either the student at the end of the day or to the parent. No videos, pictures, or recordings should be taken while on school property or at a school event without permission from school personnel. Students may not possess or use paging devices on school property as per state law. Distribution of pictures, videos, recordings among students without permission from school personnel will be referred to the School Resource Officer (SRO). Dress Code Students are expected to dress in a manner that is appropriate for school and school-sponsored events; in accordance with standards of good taste. Below is a list of examples of inappropriate dress: Any attire that references alcohol, drugs, violence or profanity or contains phrases and/or symbols capable of misinterpretation of multiple meanings. Mini skirts or short shorts (4 inch rule) Halter tops and Tube tops 6 Spaghetti straps (4 finger rule) Revealing low-cut tops Bare midriffs Sleeveless tops, including muscle shirts, for boys Visible undergarments, including bra straps and underwear. Shear Shirts Culottes, shorts, skirts and dresses are acceptable if they are not extreme; a guideline should be no more than 4 inches above the knee State law requires that shoes be worn at all times. All shoes must have a back. All sandals must be sturdy and slide flip flops (i.e.-Adidas sandals) are not allowed. Thong flip flops are not allowed. The dress code applies to any school related function. If there is a question in a student’s mind as to what is acceptable and what is not, it is best to err on the side of conservatism. Students must remove outside jackets, sunglasses and hats upon entering the buildings. Students wearing prohibitive attire will be told to change to appropriate attire prior to returning to class. If necessary, a parent will be contacted. It is the students and parents responsibility to ensure that the student follows the school dress code. The school has a responsibility for the orderly process of school life and safety of all students without distraction or disruption. The administration reserves the right to determine proper and non-distracting attire. Lunchroom Guidelines/Expectations Lunch may be purchased daily. Each student has an individual account with a personally assigned student number. Students should memorize this number. When a child purchases lunch, they say their name to the lunch attendant and the account is debited for that day. Please see the Pomptonian Summer Memo regarding online account details and the lunch program. There are 3 periods for lunch and recess: Lunch 1-11:20-11:45 Grades 1 and 2 Lunch 2-11:45-12:10 Grades 3 and 4 Lunch 3-12:10-12:35 Grade 5 Recess 1-11:45-12:10 Recess 2-12:10-12:35 Grades 1,2, and 5 Grades 3 and 4 The cafeteria should be maintained and rules should be followed to make your dining experience enjoyable. Therefore: 1. Entering Cafeteria: a. Walk quietly while entering the cafeteria. b. All students arriving late must have a pass with them. c. Lines – no holding places for your friends on line and absolutely no cutting. d. Once at your table, you may not have more than 16 students at a table (4 on each bench). Younger grades may have 5 to a bench and 20 to a table. 2. Eating and Socializing: a. Conversation during lunch must be quiet and appropriate. b. Conversations should be restricted to those sitting at your table. c. Students should remain at their table for the duration of lunch. 3. Proper table manners are expected: 7 a. No denying anyone a seat or saving a seat. b. Proper manners, such as please, thank you, etc. should be adhered. c. Clean up your mess on the table as well as below. Everyone is responsible for the condition of the table area. d. Place (not throw) your lunch tray and other garbage in the trash cans and recycle all bottles and cans. e. You must get permission from a teacher to go to the bathroom as well as take a pass. 4. Exiting the Cafeteria: a. With five minutes remaining in the period, the teachers will raise their hands to get the students’ attention and to get them to be quiet. Any announcements will be made at that time. b. The snack line will be shut down at this time. c. Students will clean up their tables and each table will be dismissed by the teacher after it has been checked for cleanliness. d. Once you have been dismissed, you must get into your class line for recess or to go back to class. e. Food may not be removed from the cafeteria. 5. Pizza Thursdays a. There are two lines established on these days. i. Line 1-Express line-Student ID card holders that are purchasing one slice, including drink, sides, etc. ii. Line 2-Buying line and students that do not have a Student ID Card. This line also can purchase one or more slices. iii. No snacks can be brought on Pizza Days until the lunch supervisor gives permission. This is due to the long lines. Recess is supervised by teaching staff, and at times, parent volunteers. Recess activities may be limited depending on the weather or grounds. Recess is held outdoors everyday unless it is precipitating. This includes cold days of winter. Playing in the snow is prohibited unless they have the proper gear mandated by the school. Please make sure your child comes to school dressed properly for the weather. Some Recess Activities Include: Playground Equipment, Four-Square, Jump Rope, Soccer, Supervised Two-Hand Touch Football, Swing set, basketball, hop scotch, wall ball, and Nerf baseball. Prohibited Activities include: Tag, Cops and Robbers, Dodge Ball, and any activity that involves physical altercations. In order to keep the playground safe, we are asking students to select another activity from the aforementioned list. No outside equipment should be brought to school unless the student has permission from the principal. ***Students should utilize the playground equipment provided by the school in the manner that they were built for*** Lunch Cost Lunch - $2.50 Milk - $0.60 General Information Continued Class Coordinators/School Volunteer If you are a class coordinator or a volunteer that has more than ten hours of student contact throughout the year you must attend Mr. Liss’s Volunteer Training. You only have to attend this workshop once every three years. 8 Communication: Recommended Process to Discuss Student Issues With School Staff and Officials The District realizes that times may arise where a parent or guardian wishes to discuss a concern or issue regarding a student. The District also realizes that sometimes it is difficult to determine exactly to whom the parent or guardian should raise such concern. Listed below is the recommended communication process for a parent or guardian to follow. In general, the most effective way to solve an issue is to communicate directly with the educator in charge of the class or program where the issue or concern has arisen. If a resolution cannot be reached at that level, the parent/guardian should contact the next person in the chain of command. The most efficient way to communicate with School Staff and Officials is by email, telephone or personal conference. Contact information for all school employees can be found on the various schools’ websites. If after following the process listed below, a satisfactory resolution of the issue or concern is still not reached, then the parent should contact the Board of Education. A. Matters Involving Instruction 1. Classroom Teacher and/or Case Manager 2. Department Supervisor 3. Principal 4. Superintendent Michael Rossi B. Matters Involving Student Discipline 1. Classroom Teacher 2. Principal 3. Superintendent Michael Rossi C. Matters Involving Athletics or Extracurricular Activity 1. Club Advisor or Coach 2a. Athletics — Athletic Director Sean Dowling 2b. Extra-Curricular —Principal 3. Superintendent Michael Rossi D. Matters Involving Facilities and Buildings and Grounds* 1. Principal Gregory Robertson 2. Business Administrator Gary Lane *Use of Facilities Requests are processed via the on-line application process E. Matters Involving Transportation (other than student discipline) 1. Business Administrator Gary Lane or Mary Lou Yocco, Exec. Secretary to Business Administrator 2. Superintendent Michael Rossi Conflict Resolution/WIN WIN CAS supports a WIN/WIN proactive program for conflict resolution. Six steps to resolve conflicts are: 1. Take time to cool off. 2. Use “I Messages” to state feelings. No blaming. No name calling. No interrupting. 3. Each person states the problem as the other person sees it. 4. Each person says how he/she is responsible for the problem. 5. Brainstorm solutions together-choose a solution that satisfies both. 6. Affirm, forgive, or thank each other. Emergency Drills State law mandates that we have two drills each month, which will include a fire drill and an emergency drill. An orderly, quiet exit is important if the building is to be evacuated in a minimum amount of time. During lock downs or shelter in place, quiet is required and will make communication clear and will help keep everyone safe. During a fire drill and evacuation, students should move quickly, but not run or push. Students should form lines and follow emergency exit maps, which are posted in every classroom. 9 In case of a lockdown, an announcement will come over the PA System. Students are to congregate in the assigned location in the classroom and remain silent until the end of lockdown. Parents will not be admitted into the school during a drill. All drills and procedures should be review by each classroom teacher at the start of the school year. Emergency School Closing/Early Dismissal/Delayed Opening Schools may be closed because of inclement weather, power failure, or emergencies beyond our control. Parents will be notified by the Honeywell Instant Alert System. Please ensure the phone number and email on file and in the Honeywell system is accurate. In addition, it is advisable to sign-up for E-Alerts and always check the district web-site: www.madisonpublicschools.org Emergency School Closing/Early Dismissal/Delayed Opening Schools may be closed because of inclement weather, power failure, or emergencies beyond our control. Parents will be notified by the Honeywell Instant Alert System. Please ensure the phone number and email on file and in the Honeywell system is accurate. In addition, it is advisable to sign-up for E-Alerts and always check the district web-site: www.madisonpublicschools.org On days of a regular scheduled early dismissal CAS will be dismissed at 12:45pm. The Kindergarten sessions are as follow: Planned Early Dismissal: (i.e-Teacher Conferences, Thanksgiving, last day) • Students will have am and pm kindergarten Morning Session-8:30am-10:30am Afternoon Session-10:45am-12:45pm On emergency days, such as Weather, early dismissal will be 12:45pm: ***No Lunch Will Be Served*** • There will be No PM Kindergarten • Dismissal will be at 11:25am • Students that go to KWrap will go until 12:45pm ***No After care on these days*** On days of a delayed opening CAS will begin at 10:30am (Doors open at 10:25am) and a 10:40am late bell, which is a 2-hour delayed opening. Kindergarten hours for a 2-hour delayed opening: Morning Session: 10:30 - 12:25 Afternoon Session: 1:30 - 3:15 To notify parents of the emergency closing of schools and the early dismissal of pupils after school is in session for the day, announcements will be made through our School Website E-Alerts and our Honeywell Instant Alert System. Individual parents and CAS students should develop a “standing plan”, so that an early closing decision dictated by weather or emergency conditions will result in a predictable action by CAS students. 10 Entering and Exiting the Building All students should leave at 3:15pm unless scheduled for after-school activities or make-up/extra help work with a teacher. Detention students must be picked up by a parent/guardian. Only the parent/legal guardian may sign a student out of school during the school day. A written note must be provided in order to release a student to someone other than a parent/legal guardian. Here are the following doors that students should enter and exit each day this school year. Kindergarten Door (Door #7) by Mrs. Corea’s Classroom-Kindergarten Classes ONLY (students should line-up by class outside the door) Main Entrance (Door #1)-1st grade, 2nd grade, Mrs. Manley’s Class, and Mrs. Manchester’s Class (students should line-up by class on the blacktop area) Door (Door #4) to the old building off of the Teacher’s Parking Lot-Mrs. LaMonica, Mrs. O’Donnell, Mrs. O’Brien, Mrs. Duffy, and Mr. Cyrana Door (Door #5) to the old building on Walnut Street-Mrs. Delli Paoli, Mrs. Doran, Mrs. Tu, Ms. Jackson, and Ms. Bulzacchelli We will not be using all of the doors to the building and all doors will remain locked throughout the morning and day with exception to the main entrance, which will be open from 7:30am-8:30am. If students have a morning event, such as chorus or band, they should ALWAYS enter through the main entrance. Pre-School Students will be escorted through the main entrance. Food Guidelines The following are prohibited in accordance to Board of Education Policy #8505: 1) All food and beverage items listing sugar, in any form, as the first ingredient; and 2) All forms of candy 3) No more than eight grams of total fat per serving. 4) No more than two grams of saturated fat per serving. 5) All beverages shall not exceed 12 ounces with the following exceptions: a. Water b. Milk containing 2% or less fat. 6) Whole milk shall not exceed 8 ounces. In addition, CAS has outlined the following: 1) We strongly discourage any sharing of food. 2) All snack items for class or student only events should be pre-packaged with ingredients listed that meet the guidelines listed above in BOE Policy #8505. 3) The only times that baked items are allowed is when students are accompanied to an event by a parent/guardian (i.e.-Family Fun Night). 4) All pre-packaged items or baked items (at parent events) should be nut-free. 5) No treats can be brought in for birthdays. Health Services 11 A registered nurse is available at CAS to administer first aid for injuries or illnesses that arise during the school day. All follow-up treatment for injuries and illnesses becomes the responsibility of the student’s parent/guardian. When it becomes necessary to send a student home due to illness, his/her parent/guardian or designee on the emergency card will be notified. In the rare event of an emergency the student will be transported by ambulance to the hospital and the parent/guardian will be notified. Students with life-threatening allergies will be closely observed by the nurse and the Nurse/designee will administer the Epi-pen if necessary, and all staff will be trained in recognizing the signs/symptoms of an allergic reaction. All medication, prescription and/or over the counter medication requiring administration during the school day requires written authorization by the parent/guardian and as well as by the physician indicating the medication to be given, dosage, and schedule to be followed. Medications must be brought to the nurse in a pharmacy container which is properly labeled with the student’s name, medication name and dosage, and dosing schedule. Students with hyperactive airway disease/asthma may carry their inhalers as long as the nurse administration of medication protocol has been met. Bi-annual screenings for vision, hearing, and scoliosis, as well as yearly height, weight, and blood pressure will be conducted by the school nurse. Immunizations are required of students as prescribed by New Jersey State Law. If a student requires updated immunizations or Mantoux tuberculin testing, you will be notified by the school nurse. Please contact the school nurse for additional information by visiting her website or by calling (973) 593-3176 Homework Guidelines Grade K No assigned written homework. Students may be asked to practice skills learned in class and/or to collect materials to bring into class. 1 No more than 15 minutes per day - not including reading. 2 10-20 minutes per day-not including reading. 3 30 – 40 minutes per day - not including reading. 4-6 45-60 minutes per day - not including reading. If a student is absent for two days or more, he/she should try to secure assignments from classmates or, after returning to school, from the teachers. If a student is absent for more than two days, parents/students may contact the school to request homework assignments. Such assignments will be provided only for those students who are absent because of illness or a family emergency. Parents may pick up work at 3:15pm on the school counter. No provision is made for students who are taking unauthorized vacations. Students may be lent books to be read as “free reading” during their unexcused absences during family vacations. Homework is an effective reinforcement of classroom instruction and a reflection of what was learned in class. Homework assignments should be displayed in the classroom in a consistent location. It provides time for practice and application of knowledge and can aid in the development of student responsibility, self-discipline and intellectual independence. Teachers should be prompt in reviewing the homework and giving appropriate feedback to the student. A copy of the homework guidelines is included in this publication and a copy should be distributed to parents at Back to School Night. All teachers are expected to follow the district guideline: not too much and not too little. Lost and Found Articles 12 Articles found in the school or on the school grounds should be turned in to the main office. Displays of all lost and found articles will be made in the corridor outside the cafeteria/Gym. Students, who have lost jewelry, should check with the main office. Lost and found will be cleared monthly and anything not claimed will be turned over to a charitable organization or thrown out. Lost books will be returned to the classroom/teacher. All items should be labeled with your child’s name so that they can be returned in a timely manner. Parking Each staff member is assigned a designated spot in our teacher parking lot. Please do not park in the lot and take a teacher’s numbered spot. Pedestrian Safety From 7:00-9:00 am and 2:00-4:00 pm, parents are requested to use the drop-off/pick-up area on Walnut Street and Central Avenue. The drop-off/pick-up on Walnut Street begins from the corner of DeHart Place and Walnut Street and extends approximately eight car lengths. Never park or stop your car in the schoolbus zone. Enter from Ridgedale Avenue, pull into the drop-off area by DeHart Place, directly after the crosswalk and drive forward to fill all the available space. The drop off/pickup area on Central Avenue is directly in front of the school on the school side of the road. It also extends for eight car lengths. Please be patient and wait for cars to continue forward in the drop-off line. Once stopped, students should exit the car on the curbside only. Parents should not double park or exit their cars while dropping off or picking up children. There is also an area on Central Avenue to drop-off and pickup. The Madison Police Department has instituted the parking rules near the school. Parking is permitted on one side of Walnut Street (the same side as the school) from the crossing guard at DeHart Place and up to Ridgedale Avenue. Parking on the other side of Walnut Street is not permitted during the following hours: 7:00-9:00am, 11:00am-1:00pm, and 2:00-4:00pm. Parking is permitted on one side of DeHart Place and Cedar Street. Unless students have a doctor’s note, parents should not enter the school parking lot during the aforementioned times to drop-off/pick-up. In addition to this, no parents/students should be walking through the parking lot area. All pedestrians should utilize the pathways ONLY. Students must cross the street where the crossing guard is located, which will keep them safe and out of harms way. When being dropped off and picked up, students must enter or exit the car from the curbside. This will keep the students safe and the flow of traffic will move smoothly and efficiently. Crossing Guards: The police department provides crossing guards at the locations and times listed below. Schedules may change. Call the Madison Police Department if you have any questions. Brittin Street/Alexander Road 7:30-8:30 2:45-3:30 Brittin Street (Junior School) 7:15-8:00 2:15-3:00 Central Avenue/Fairview Avenue 7:45-8:45 2:45-3:45 Central Avenue/Brittin Street 7:15-8:45 11:30-12:30 2:30-3:45 Central Avenue/Walnut Street 7:45-8:45 2:30-3:45 13 Central Avenue/Cook Avenue 8:00-8:45 2:30-3:45 Central Avenue/Ridgedale Avenue 7:15-7:45 2:30-3:00 Cook Avenue/Ridgedale Avenue 7:45-8:45 3:00-3:45 Green Avenue/Wilmer Street 7:30-8:30 2:30-3:30 Green Avenue/Woodland Road 7:45-8:45 2:45-3:45 Glenwild Circle 7:30-8:45 2:45-3:45 Green Village Road/Glenwild Road 7:30-8:45 2:45-3:45 Green Village Road/Wilmer Street 7:30-8:30 2:30-3:30 Green Village Road/Woodland Road 8:00-8:45 3:00-3:45 Greenwood Avenue/Brittin Street 7:15-8:45 11:30-12:00 2:30-3:45 Kings Road School 7:45-8:45 2:45-3:45 Kings Road/Seaman Street 8:00-8:45 3:00-3:45 Kings Road/Bruns Street 8:00-8:45 3:00-3:45 Kings Road/Samson Avenue 8:00-8:45 2:45-3:45 Lathrop Avenue/Orchard Street 8:00-8:45 3:00-3:45 Main Street/Seaman Street 8:00-8:45 3:00-3:45 Main – Madison Junior School 7:15-8:00 2:15-3:45 Park Avenue/Ridgedale Avenue 7:30-8:45 2:45-3:45 Ridgedale Avenue/Walnut Street 7:30-8:45 2:45-3:45 Ridgedale Avenue/Fairview Avenue 7:15-8:00 2:30-3:00 Rosedale Avenue/Brittin Street 7:30-8:45 2:30-3:45 Woodland Road/Orchard Street 7:30-8:45 2:45-3:45 Walnut Street/Dehart Street 7:30-8:45 2:30-3:45 14 Woodland Road/Union Hill Road 8:00-8:45 3:00-3:45 Progress Reports/Report Cards The academic year is divided into four marking periods. At the end of each marking period, a report card will be sent home via backpack. Roll Call The roll call number is (973)593-3173 ext. 1. Please note the following: 1. Absentee messages are only honored from the student’s parent/guardian. 2. If your child is going to be absent or late arriving to school, please give the following information: a. Child’s name b. Brief reason for absence or tardiness 3. A call must be placed each day the student is absent. 4. If you know ahead if time that your child will be absent due to illness, please notify the school. 5. By 8:40am, all names recorded on the answering machine will be taken off the machine by the attendance clerk and compared to the class attendance rosters. 6. If an absent child is not accounted for on the tape, the parent will be notified; if he/she cannot be reached, emergency numbers which you have provided to the school will be called. If the school is unable to locate your child, the Madison Police Department will be notified. S.E.T. Students should show that they are S.E.T. by: Sitting-up straight Engaged-be engaged by listening, nodding, and asking or answering questions Tracking the speaker-follow the person speaking (student or adult) by always making eye contact School Activities We have many fun school activities planned throughout the year. Participation in school activities such as family nights, field trips, assemblies, and other school sponsored events are privileges, not rights. Improper student conduct may result in students being denied the ability to participate in such events. Students must be in school the day of an event to participate in the event. This means that students must report before 12:00 pm in order to qualify as full-day according “school activity” guidelines. Excessive absences/tardies may result in a student being denied the privilege to attend such events. School Supplies The CAS PTO provides a service to parents at the end of each school year. School supplies identified by the grades (Grades 1-5 ONLY) can be purchased during the spring and are then available to students on 15 the first day of school. All students in grades 2-5 will receive an agenda/assignment pad. For specific class and grade supply lists please visit the teacher’s website. School-time Accident Insurance An opportunity to purchase school-time accident insurance is made available to all students at the beginning of the school year. Toys Teachers design many important and engaging learning activities for their students. In the interest of maintaining a harmonious, productive and positive learning environment, children are not to bring toys to school from home. The only exceptions are if the teacher has specifically asked the children to do so because it related to an instructional activity. Handheld video games, Ipods, and other electronic devices are prohibited in school, on the playground, and on the bus. Visitors Visitors are welcome at CAS. As a matter of safety and precaution for our students and staff, visitors/parents must first report to the main office and sign-in. A Visitor sticker is issued and MUST be worn at all times. Upon departure, all visitors/parents must sign-out. During school hours, the doors are locked. To gain entry, all visitors must use the main entrance off the blacktop and ring the bell to be “buzzed-in”. In order to gain access to classrooms upon entering the building and signing-in, visitors/parents should have an appointment or the teacher should be expecting your arrival. No parents/visitors will be allowed to gain access to any classroom without first gaining approval from the classroom teacher. Visitors should park on the street. No “drop-ins” are allowed for safety reasons. 16