MODELING OF NON POINT SOURCE POLLUTION FROM RESIDENTAL AND COMMERCIAL CATCHMENTS IN SKUDAI, JOHOR SITI NAZAHIYAH BTE RAHMAT A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Engineering (Hydrology and Water Resource) Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia DECEMBER 2005 PSZ 19:16 (Pind. 1/97) UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA BORANG PENGESAHAN STATUS TESIS JUDUL: MODELING OF NON POINT SOURCE POLLUTION FROM ___________________________________________________________________ RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL CATCHMENTS IN SKUDAI, ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ JOHOR SESI PENGAJIAN: ___________________ 2005/2006 Saya ___________________________________________________________________ SITI NAZAHIYAH BTE RAHMAT (HURUF BESAR) mengaku membenarkan tesis (PSM/Sarjana/Doktor Falsafah)* ini disimpan di Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dengan syarat-syarat kegunaan seperti berikut: 1. 2. 3. 4. Tesis adalah hakmilik Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dibenarkan membuat salinan untuk tujuan pengajian sahaja. 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Tesis dimaksudkan sebagai tesis bagi Ijazah Doktor Falsafah dan Sarjana secara penyelidikan, atau disertasi bagi pengajian secara kerja kursus dan penyelidikan, atau Laporan Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM). “I/We* hereby declare that I/we* have read through this thesis and in my/our* opinion this thesis is sufficient in terms of scope and quality for the award of the degree of Master of Engineering (Hydrology and Water Resource)” Signature : …………………………………….. Supervisor I : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zulkifli bin Yusop Date : December 2005 Signature : …………………………………….. Supervisor II : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maketab bin Mohamed Date : December 2005 * Delete as necessary BAHAGIAN A – Pengesahan Kerjasama* Adalah disahkan bahawa projek penyelidikan tesis ini telah dilaksanakan melalui kerjasama antara _____________________ dengan _______________________ Disahkan oleh: Tandatangan : ……………………………. Nama Tarikh : …………………….. :…………………………….. Jawatan :…………………………….. (Cop rasmi) * Jika penyediaan tesis/projek melibatkan kerjasama BAHAGIAN B – Untuk Kegunaan Pejabat Sekolah Pengajian Siswazah (SPS) Tesis ini telah diperiksa dan diakui oleh: Nama dan Alamat Pemeriksa Luar : Prof. Madya Dr Ismail Bin Abustan School Of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 14300 Nibong Tebal, Pulau Pinang. Nama dan Alamat Pemeriksa Dalam I: Dr Supiah Bte Shamsudin Fakulti Kejuruteraan Awam, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310, Skudai, Johor. Nama Penyelia lain (jika ada) : Prof Madya Dr Maketab Bin Mohamed Fakulti Kejuruteraan Kimia dan Sumber Asli, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81300, Skudai, Johor. Disahkan oleh Timbalan Pendaftar di SPS: Tandatangan : ............................................... Nama Tarikh : .................................. : .......................................................................................................... I declare that my thesis entitled “Modeling of non point source pollution from residential and commercial catchments in Skudai, Johor” is the result of my own research except as cited in references. The thesis has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree. Signature : …………………………………… Name : Siti Nazahiyah Bte Rahmat Date : December 2005 Specially dedicated to my beloved parents, brothers and sisters for their love, encouragement and endless support towards the success of this study Last but not least, to special one, Ahmad Zurisman, thanks for everything… ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to convey my sincerest thanks to my supervisor Associate Professor Dr. Zulkifli bin Yusop for his dedicated guidance, valuable assistance and endless encouragement throughout the accomplishment of this research. I would also like to thank Associate Professor Dr. Maketab bin Mohamed for his support. I am grateful to the technicians of the Environment Laboratory in the Faculty of Civil Engineering, UTM who had been very helpful in providing assistance throughout the work. My thanks is also extended to Associate Professor Dr. Ismail bin Abustan for his advice whether directly or indirectly in improving my research. Also not forgetting my fellow colleagues at Institute of Environmental and Water Resources (IPASA), UTM for their support. I am deeply indebted to Kolej Universiti Teknologi Tun Hussien Onn (KUiTTHO) and Public Services Department (JPA) for the financial aid provided in pursuing this study. My most heartfelt gratitude to my beloved family for their unfailing love, care, encouragement and prayers. Last but not least, my thanks to all those who had helped directly or indirectly in my research. ABSTRACT Sampling of urban runoff was carried out in two small catchments, which represent residential and commercial areas in Skudai, Johor. Ten storm events for residential and seven events for commercial catchments were analysed. Runoff quality showed large variations in concentrations during storms, especially for SS, BOD5 and COD. Concentrations of NO3-N, NO2-N, NH3-N, and P were also high. Lead (Pb) was also detected in both catchments but the levels were low (<0.001 mg/l). In general, the water quality was badly polluted and fell in class V of the Interim National Water Quality Standards. The hydrographs and pollutographs for both catchments showed rapid increases and decreases equally rapidly. pollutants were diluted as storm events progress. Most In most cases, the peak concentrations preceded the peak runoff. This suggests that the pollutants were of short distant sources/origins and the bulk of the pollutant mass arrived at the catchment’s outlet much faster than the runoff itself. For the hysteresis loop, both catchments showed most of the parameters were characterized by clockwise hysteresis. Only a few plots were exhibited counterclockwise and figure eight hysteresis loop. The relative strength of the first flush for the commercial catchment was P> COD>SS> NO3-N> NO2-N> BOD5> NH3-N whereas for the residential catchment was SS> COD> BOD5> NH3-N> P> NO3-N> NO2-N. The loadings were higher in the commercial than in the residential catchment and this was attributed to a greater runoff volume per unit area and higher Event Mean Concentration (EMC) in the former. Detail calibration and validation of Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) for modeling water quantity and quality were discussed. The simulation results, evaluated in terms of runoff depth, peak flow and the hydrograph shapes, were satisfactorily. For the water quality modeling, the simulation results were evaluated in terms of total load and peak load. SWMM can model SS load reasonably well for the residential catchment, but was not satisfactory for the commercial catchment. ABSTRAK Air larian bandar telah disampel di tadahan perumahan dan tadahan komersil di Skudai, Johor. Sampel dari 10 kejadian ribut bagi tadahan perumahan dan tujuh kejadian ribut bagi tadahan komersil telah dianalisis. Kualiti air larian ribut menunjukkan pelbagai variasi terutamanya untuk kepekatan SS, BOD5 dan COD. Kepekatan NO3-N, NO2-N, NH3-N dan P juga mencatatkan nilai yang tinggi. Sementara kepekatan Pb dalam kedua – dua tadahan adalah rendah (< 0.001 mg/l). Secara amnya, kualiti air dikategorikan di dalam kelas V berdasarkan Piawai Interim Kualiti Air Kebangsaan. Hidrograf dan pollutograf bagi kedua – dua tadahan menunjukkan kenaikan dan juga penurunan secara mendadak. Bahan cemar mengalami pencairan sepanjang kejadian ribut. Kebanyakan ribut, menunjukkan kepekatan maksimum berlaku lebih awal berbanding air larian puncak. Ini mencadangkan bahawa sumber bahan cemar adalah berdekatan dan sejumlah besar bahan cemar tiba di salur keluar tadahan lebih awal dari air larian itu sendiri. Bagi analisis‘hysteresis loop’, kebanyakan parameter di kedua- dua kawasan tadahan menunjukkan ‘clockwise loop’. Kekuatan relatif fenomena ‘first flush’ bagi tadahan komersil adalah P> COD> SS> NO3-N> NO2-N> BOD5> NH3-N sementara bagi tadahan perumahan: SS> COD> BOD5> NH3-N> P> NO3-N> NO2-N. Beban bahan cemar di tadahan komersil adalah lebih tinggi berbanding di tadahan perumahan. Ini disebabkan isipadu air larian per unit luas dan ‘Event Mean Concentration’ yang lebih besar di tadahan komersial. Kalibrasi dan validasi menggunakan SWMM bagi pemodelan kuantiti dan kualiti air dibincangkan secara terperinci. Keputusan simulasi dinilai dari segi kedalaman air larian, aliran puncak dan bentuk hidrograf. SWMM memberi keputusan yang memuaskan untuk proses kalibrasi dan validasi. Sementara itu, bagi pemodelan kualiti air, keputusan simulasi dinilai dari segi jumlah beban dan beban puncak. Beban SS dapat dimodel dengan baik menggunakan SWMM bagi tadahan perumahan tetapi tidak begitu memuaskan bagi tadahan komersil. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 2 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF FIGURES xv LIST OF SYMBOLS / ABBREVIATIONS xx LIST OF APPENDICES xxi INRTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the research 1 1.2 Statement of the problem 3 1.3 Objectives 5 1.4 Scope of work 6 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Urban water pollution 7 2.2 Runoff Quality 9 2.3 Control of non point source pollution 13 2.4 Pollution Build up and Wash off Process 14 2.5 Concentrations 16 2.5.1 Event Mean Concentration 16 2.6 Load Estimation 17 2.7 Hysteresis Loop 18 2.8 Concepts of first flush 23 2.8.1 Analysis by difference between 25 dimensionless Cumulative Pollutant and Volume Mass 2.8.2 Dimensionless cumulative 26 analysis 3 2.8.3 Analysis by cumulative curve ratio 27 2.9 Non point source pollution simulation models 31 2.10 Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) 33 2.11 Sensitivity Analysis 35 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Catchment Description 36 3.2 Rainfall Measurement 39 3.3 Flow Measurement 40 3.4 Sampling Procedure 42 3.4.1 Analysis of water quality 43 3.5 Event mean concentration 45 3.6 Correlation Analysis 46 3.7 Box plot analysis 46 3.8 Pollutant loading 47 3.9 First Flush Concept 48 3.9.1 Dimensionless cumulative analysis 48 Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) 48 3.10 3.11 Water Quantity 49 3.12. Hydrologic Parameter 50 3.12.1 Horton Equation 50 Routing Method 53 3.13.1 Kinematic Wave 53 3.14 Calibration and Validation 54 3.15 Sensitivity Analysis 56 3.16 Goodness of fit 56 3.17 Water Quality 58 3.17.1 Estimation of Buildup Parameters 58 3.17.2 Estimation of Wash-off Parameters 63 3.13 4 5 RUNOFF QUALITY AND POLLUTANT LOADINGS 4.1 Characteristics of Rainfall Events 66 4.2 Event Mean Concentrations (EMC) 67 4.3 Correlation Analysis 70 4.4 Baseflow and Stormflow Concentrations 71 4.5 Hydrograph and Pollutograph Analysis 80 4.6 Hysteresis Loop Analysis 85 4.7 First Flush Phenomenon 89 4.8 Pollutant Loadings 94 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT MODEL (SWMM) 5.1 Hydrologic Parameters 97 5.2 Sensitivity Analysis 99 5.2.1 Sensitivity to Runoff Depth 99 5.2.2 Sensitivity to Peak Flow 102 5.3 Model Calibration and Validation for 104 Commercial Catchment 5.4 5.3.1 Calibration of Runoff Depth 104 5.3.2 Validation of Runoff Depth 105 5.3.3 Calibration of the Peak Flows 106 5.3.4 Validation of the Peak Flows 108 Calibration and Validation for Residential 112 Catchment 5.5 5.6 5.4.1 Calibration of the Runoff Depth 112 5.4.2 Validation of the Runoff Depth 112 5.4.3 Calibration of the Peak Flows 113 5.4.4 Validation of the Peak Flows 115 Water Quality 118 5.5.1 Estimation of Buildup Parameters 118 5.5.2 Estimation of Washoff Parameters 122 Calibration of water quality for commercial 127 catchment 5.7 Calibration of water quality for residential 134 catchment 6 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 Conclusion 141 6.2 Recommendations 143 REFERENCES 144 APPENDICES 160 LIST OF TABLES TABLE 2.1 TITLE Mean concentrations (mg/l) of stormwater PAGE 17 runoff for various types of studies 2.2 Ranges of pollutants loads for various 18 types of studies (in kg/ha/year) 2.3 Summary of C/Q relationship 19 2.4 Summary of methodologies for 29 determining First Flush 3.1 Physiographical conditions of sub catchments 39 3.2 The analytical methods used in this study 44 3.3 Independent variables and parameters 50 influencing stormwater pollution washoff 3.4 Initial Infiltration Capacity 51 3.5 Minimum value of infiltration capacity 51 for different hydrologic soil group 3.6 Decay rate of infiltration 52 4.1 Characteristics of monitored storms 67 4.2 Event means concentration (EMC) of water 68 quality parameters 4.3 Water Quality Index Class Standard 68 4.4 Comparison between the results obtained from 69 this study with the other studies 4.5 Statistical analysis of pollutant concentration for 70 both catchments 4.6a Correlation analysis of pollutant concentration in the residential catchment 71 4.6b Correlation analysis of pollutant concentration 71 in the commercial catchment 4.7a Median concentration of stormflow and 74 baseflow quality in the commercial catchment 4.7b Median concentration of water quality parameters 78 for residential catchment 4.8 Characterisation of pollutographs for each event 82 4.9 Summary of pollutographs for both catchments 82 4.10 Summary of C/Q hysteresis loop characterization 86 for both catchments 4.11 Cumulative load at 20-30% of the runoff volume 91 in the commercial catchment 4.12 Cumulative load at 20-30% of the runoff volume 93 in the residential catchment 4.13 Event pollutant loadings for residential and 94 commercial catchments 5.1 The Manning’s roughness values 98 5.2 Default parameter coefficient in SWMM 98 5.3 Parameters values used for calibrating SWMM 104 in the commercial and residential catchments 5.4 Observed and simulated runoff depths of the 105 calibrated events in the commercial catchment 5.5 Observed and simulated runoff depths of the 106 validated events in the commercial catchment 5.6 Comparison between observed and simulated 107 peak flows of calibrated events in the commercial catchment 5.7 Statistical fits of the validated peak flows in the 109 commercial catchment 5.8 Comparison between observed and simulated runoff depths of calibrated events in the residential catchment 112 5.9 Comparison between observed and simulated 113 runoff depths of validated in the residential catchment 5.10 Observed and simulated peak flows of 113 calibrated events in the residential catchment 5.11 Comparison between observed and simulated 115 peak flows of validated hydrographs in the residential catchment 5.12 Collected dust and dirt in the commercial 120 catchment 5.13 Deposition of dust and dirt in the residential 121 catchment 5.14 Parameters of buildup data in the commercial and 121 residential catchments 5.15 Washoff parameters for the commercial catchment 124 5.16 Washoff parameters for the residential catchment 126 5.17 Calibration of SS loading for 16 March 2004’s storm 128 5.18 Peak load of SS (kg/s) for the event on 128 March 16, 2004 5.19 Calibration of SS loading for March 11, 2004 129 5.20 Peak load (kg/s) for the event on March 11, 2004 129 5.21 Calibration of SS loading for storm on March 19, 2004 130 5.22 Peak load of SS (kg/s) in the commercial 131 catchment for storm on March 19, 2004 5.23 Calibration of SS loading for storm on 132 April 14, 2004 5.24 Peak load of SS (kg/s) in the commercial 132 catchment on April 14, 2004 5.25 Calibration of SS loading in the commercial 133 catchment for storm on September 10, 2004 5.26 Peak load of SS (kg/s) in the commercial 133 catchment for storm on September 10, 2004 5.27 Calibration of SS loading in the residential catchment on March 4, 2004 135 5.28 Peak load of SS (kg/s) on March 4, 2004 135 5.29 Calibration of SS loading in the residential 136 catchment for storm on 12 July 2004 5.30 Peak load of SS (kg/s) in the residential 137 catchment on 12 July 2004 5.31 Calibration of SS loading from residential 138 catchment on September 8, 2004 5.32 Peak load of SS (kg/s) from the residential 138 catchment on September 8, 2004 5.33 Calibration of SS loading from the residential 139 catchment on November 4, 2004 5.34 Peak load of SS (kg/s) from the residential catchment on November 4, 2004 139 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 2.1 TITLE PAGE Nitrogen cycle 11 2.2 Phosphorus cycle 12 2.3 Pollutant accumulation on impervious surfaces 15 of urban areas 2.4 Three subgroups of single-valued-line class 20 2.5 Clockwise loop C-Q relationship 21 2.6 Counter-clockwise loop C-Q relationship 21 2.7 Single-valued plus a loop C-Q relationship 22 2.8 Figure eight C-Q relationship 22 2.9 Typical first flush of solids 25 2.10 Definition of the first flush 26 2.11 Cumulative mass/volume ratio for determining 27 the presence of first flush 2.12 Calibration procedure for SWMM 34 3.1 Location of the study site 37 3.2a Residential Catchment 37 3.2b Commercial Catchment 38 3.3 A rain gauge installed on roof top in the 40 residential catchment 3.4 Water Level – Discharge Rating Curve for 41 both catchments 3.5 Typical stormwater sampling interval 43 employed in this study 3.6 Information that can be derived from a box plot 46 3.7 Decay rate coefficient 52 3.8 Buildup relationship 59 3.9 Test strip for the commercial catchment 61 3.10 Test strip for the residential catchment 62 3.11 Cumulative values of KW and runoff rate (R) 65 4.1 Box plot analysis of stormwater quality in 73 the commercial catchment 4.2 Effects of antecedent dry days on 75 Pollutant concentrations 4.3 Box plot analysis of stormwater quality in 77 the residential catchment 4.4 Effects of antecedent dry day on 79 pollutant concentrations 4.5a Pollutographs and hydrographs in the residential 83 catchments 4.5b Pollutographs and hydrographs in the commercial 84 catchments 4.6 Hysteresis loops for residential catchment 87 4.7 Hysteresis loops for commercial catchment 88 4.8 Mass Volume, M(V) ratios of BOD5, COD, SS, 90 NO3-N, NO2-N, NH3-N and P in the commercial catchment 4.9 Mass Volume, M(V) ratios of BOD5, COD, SS, 92 NO3-N, NO2-N, NH3-N and P in the residential catchment 5.1 Relationship between observed runoff and rainfall 96 depth for commercial catchment 5.2 Relationship between observed runoff and rainfall 96 depth for residential catchment 5.3 Sensitivity analysis for percentage of impervious 99 area on runoff volume 5.4 Sensitivity analysis of catchment width on runoff 99 volume 5.5 Sensitivity analysis of impervious depression storage 100 on runoff volume 5.6 Sensitivity analysis of percentage of impervious area 101 on runoff volume 5.7 Sensitivity analysis of runoff volume for catchment 101 width 5.8 Sensitivity analysis of runoff volume for impervious 101 depression storage 5.9 Sensitivity analysis of percentage of impervious area 102 on the peak flows 5.10 Sensitivity analysis of catchment width on the 103 peak flows 5.11 Sensitivity analysis of percentage of impervious area 103 on the peak flows 5.12 Sensitivity analysis of peak flows for catchment width 103 5.13 Observed and simulated hydrographs in the 107 commercial catchment for storm on March 16, 2004 5.14 Observed and simulated hydrographs in the 108 commercial catchment for storm on March 11, 2004 5.15 Observed and simulated hydrographs of the 109 commercial catchment for storm on April 14, 2004 5.16 Observed and simulated hydrographs of the 110 commercial catchment for storm on March 19, 2004 5.17 Observed and simulated hydrographs of the 110 commercial catchment for storm on September 10, 2004 5.18 Observed and simulated runoff depth in the 111 commercial catchment 5.19 Observed and simulated peak flows in the 111 commercial catchment 5.20 Observed and simulated hydrographs of the residential catchment for storm on March 4, 2004 114 5.21 Observed and simulated hydrographs of the residential 114 catchment for storm on July 12, 2004 5.22 Observed and simulated hydrographs of the residential 115 catchment for storm on November 4, 2004 5.23 Observed and simulated hydrographs of the 116 residential catchment for storm on September 8, 2004 5.24 Observed and simulated hydrographs of the 117 residential catchment for storm on March 6, 2004 5.25 Observed and simulated peak flows for the 117 residential catchment 5.26 Observed and simulated runoff depth for 118 the residential catchment 5.27 Total dust and dirt (DD) buildup rate in the 119 commercial catchment 5.28 Dust and dirt (DD) buildup rate of particulates 119 ≤ 150 µm 5.29 Total dust and dirt buildup rate in the 120 residential catchment 5.30 Dust and dirt (DD) buildup rate for particulates 120 < 150 µm 5.31 Cumulative washoff coefficient and cumulative 124 runoff exponent for the commercial catchment 5.32 Cumulative washoff coefficient and cumulative 126 runoff exponent for the residential catchment 5.33 The observed and simulated loadographs of SS on 128 16 March, 2004 5.34 The observed and simulated loadographs of SS on 130 March 11, 2004 5.35 The observed and simulated loadographs of SS on 131 March 19, 2004 5.36 The observed and simulated loadographs of SS on 132 April 14, 2004 5.37 The observed and simulated loadographs of SS on September 10, 2004 133 5.38 Relationship between observed and simulated 134 loadings of SS in the commercial catchment 5.39 The observed and simulated loadographs of SS in 136 the residential catchment on March 4, 2004 5.40 The observed and simulated loadographs of SS in 137 the residential catchment on 12 July 2004 5.41 The observed and simulated loadographs of SS from 138 the residential catchment on 8 September 2004 5.42 The observed and simulated loadographs of SS from 140 the residential catchment on November 4, 2004 5.43 Relationship between observed and simulated loadings for the residential catchment 140 LIST OF SYMBOLS/ ABBREVIATIONS ALD - Absolute Load Difference ARE - Absolute Relative Error EMC - Event Mean Concentratotion F - Dimensionless cumulative runoff volume FF - First Flush Fp - Infiltration capacity Kw - washoff coefficient L - Dimensionless cumulative pollutant mass M - Mass R - Runoff rate RE - Relative Error RLD - Relative Load Difference Qo - Observed discharges Qs - Simulated discharges V - Volume LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A TITLE Phosphorus, P Analysis (ICP – MS) PAGE 160 Calibration B Sample Analysis 162 C Residential Catchment 164 D Commercial Carchment 166 E Hydrographs and Pollutographs 167 F Hysteresis Loops 182 G Sieve Analysis 200 H Estimation of Washoff Parameters 201 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the research Pollution has been defined as changes in the physical, chemical or biological quality of the resources (air, land and or water) that is injurious to the existing, intended or potential uses of the resource (Novotny and Chesters, 1981). The sources or causes of pollution can be classified as either point sources (PS) or nonpoint sources (NPS) of pollution. Point sources of pollution are defined as pollutants that enter the transport routes at discrete, identifiable locations and that can usually be measured. Non point sources are defined as diffuse, water flows on the surface dissolving and washing away pollutants and soil sediments along its path and finally discharging into receiving waters (Stevenson and Wyman, 1991; Taebi and Droste, 2004). There are several general characteristics that describe non point source pollution; i) NPS discharges enter surface waters in a diffuse manner and at intermittent intervals that are related mostly to that occurrence of meteorological events ii) Pollution arises over an extensive area of land and is in transit overland before it reaches surface waters iii) Generally, NPS cannot be monitored at their point of origin and their exact source is difficult to trace iv) Elimination or control of pollutants must be directed at specific sites 2 v) NPS pollutants cannot be measured in terms of effluent limitations Several major factors have severely disrupted the environmental (ecological) balance, resulting in accelerated increases of nonpoint sources pollution (Novotny and Olem, 1994). They are population increase (sometimes termed explosion) especially in developing countries land-use transformation and conversion of land to intensive agriculture and increased use of chemicals to sustain high agricultural yield urbanization and industrialization increased living standard, resulting in an increased per capita use of natural resources and increasing waste generation There are various types of diffuse sources of pollution, but the ones that are most common and regarded as having the most significant impact are agriculture (mainly nutrients and pesticides), transport (road, air, shipping), atmospheric deposition (especially on lakes and the sea), leaching and corrosion of building materials and consumer products, urban and industrial site run-off, storm water and forestry activities (Moxon, 1998). Also, some non-agricultural land use (e.g. golf courses) can be a significant contribution for nonpoint pollution source (Evans and Nizeyimana, 1998). Due to complex modes of transport and site-specific characteristics, NPS pollutants are generally more difficult to control compared to point sources. Because of the difficulty to quantify and understand the processes that contribute to pollutant generation, transport and deposition, the effective management of non-point source control is complex and always involved non-standard local boundaries. In addition the cost involved is high whereas the benefits are often not obvious. Among non point sources, urban stormwater runoff was reported as a major contributor to the pollution of many receiving waters (Saget et al., 1996; Appel and Hudak, 2001; Brezonik and Stadelmann, 2002; Buffleben et al., 2002; Lee et al., 2004). The quantity and quality of stormwater runoff from urban areas are influenced by many factors including human activities, meteorological variables and catchment 3 characteristics. The meteorological variables include rainfall, temperature, wind and inter event periods, whereas the catchment characteristic include catchment area, topography, landuse, soil types and conditions, population density, drainage systems and waste disposal practices (Driver and Tasker, 1990). 1.2 Statement of the problem Typically, there are two main impacts of urbanization. First the hydrology is modified causing more rapid flow path and the second, increase of human activities that adds pollutants. Construction of roads and buildings reduce the vegetated area and increase the catchment’s imperviousness, while the groundwater recharge is reduced (Whipple, 1983; Lazaro, 1990). These often lead to enhancement of overland flow, greater peakflow with a shorter time to peak and decrease base flow. In addition, rapid population growth and land disturbance generate significant sources of contaminants especially from residential and industrial areas. Ineffective handling of urban wastewater is quite common and results in adverse environmental problems (Bedient et al., 1978; Lee et al., 1996). The more rapid hydrological pathway and readily available sources of pollutants are responsible for the quality degradation of many receiving water systems (Petry et al., 2002; Pieterse et al., 2003; Taebi and Droste, 2004). Numerous studies on urban runoff quality conducted in different parts of the world over recent decades have shown that runoff can carry relatively high concentrations of a variety of pollutants. In the early stages of runoff, the land surfaces, especially the impervious surfaces like streets and parking areas, as well as solids accumulated in the collection system during the antecedent dry weather period, are flushed by stormwater. Normally, the velocity of the flow is high in urban drainage systems so that the runoff is able to transport higher volume of sediments. In small catchments, this can transport large loading of pollutants in the form of a first flush. 4 The loadings and concentrations of suspended solids, nutrients and other contaminants are much higher in urban stormwater runoff than in runoff from unimpaired and rural areas (Sartor and Boyd, 1972; Vaze, 2002). These pollutants are transported into water bodies, such as lakes and rivers, especially during rainy season and may lead to eutrophication. Nitrogen in the form of ammoniacal-N and nitrate, and phosphorus as orthophosphates are readily available for plant growth. This could lead to algal blooms and excessive macrophytic growth and causing depletion of dissolved oxygen upon death and decay. The long term effects would include eutrophication, sedimentation of lakes and rivers, threatening habitats, losses of biodiversity, channel constriction and more frequent flooding. The existence of the first flush of pollutants provides an opportunity for stormwater managers and engineers to control water pollution in an economic and efficient way. If most of the urban-surface pollutant load were transported during the initial phase of a storm, then a rather small volume of runoff storage would be needed to treat and remove the bulk of urban-surface pollutants. As a result, controlling the first flush has become the most practiced criterion for the design of stormwater treatment facilities; and first flush collection systems are employed to capture and isolate this most polluted runoff, with subsequent runoff being diverted directly to the stormwater system and finally into the receiving environment (Deng, 2005). Concern over continuous degradation of urban runoff quality, emerged only recently as opposed to quantity aspects of flood mitigation. Unlike in the developed countries especially the US, Japan and the EC where funding are more readily available, monitoring of urban runoff in the developing countries generally receive less priority. This despite the fact that the latter are experiencing much more severe water quality problems. A comprehensive understanding on the processes of contaminants transport and loadings are crucial for formulating effective urban water and waste-water management strategies (Brezonik and Stadelmann, 2002). To date coordinated and comprehensive study on these aspects, particularly in tropical region, is still scarce. 5 Systematic evaluation of non point source impacts often requires water quality models. Models provide a predictive ability, which enables potentially expensive water quality management options to be evaluated and tested prior to their implementation. This is far more cost-effective by considerably reduce financial resources required for data collection and provides a systematic and rigorous framework for examining water quality impacts. In this study the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) has been selected. This model performs both continuous and single event simulation. The model can also simulate backwater, surcharging, pressure flow, looped connections and has a variety of options for quality simulations, including traditional buildup and wash off formulations (Novotny and Olem, 1994). A major advantage of using simulations model is the insight gained by gathering and organizing data required as inputs to the mathematical algorithms that made up the overall model system. Besides, many alternative schemes for development and flood control can be quickly tested and compared with simulation models (Huber and Bedient, 1992). 1.3 Objectives The overall aim of this study is to gain a better understanding on the extent of non-point source pollution in developed urban catchments. Specifically the study will:- i) Quantify loadings of major pollution from selected urban catchments ii) Investigate the influence of hydrological regime (rainfall and runoff) on the pattern of pollutant loading iii) Simulate the NPS pollution loadings using Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) 6 1.4 Scope of work In order to archive the above objectives the following tasks were carried out:- 1) Selecting two small catchments representing residential and commercial catchment; 2) Measuring discharge and water level during low flow and storm flow; 3) Baseflow and stormflow sampling of water; 4) Labarotary analysis of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Suspended Solids (SS), Nutrients (NO3-N, NO2-N, NH3-N and P) and heavy metal (Pb); 5) Data analysis including Event Mean Concentration (EMC), pollutant loading, statistical analysis, box plot analysis, hysteresis loops and first flush analysis; 6) Simulation of NPS using XP-SWMM model in terms of water quantity and quality CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter discusses in detailed stormwater quality in urban areas, as one of non point source pollutions, and its significant impact to receiving waters. This has been widely discussed in the literature and still remained a major research topic. Some findings and values that have been reported from other studies are reviewed in terms of event mean concentration (EMC), pollution estimation, first flush analysis and hysteresis loop. Besides, findings of non point source pollution simulation model using Stormwater Water Management Model (SWMM) are also discussed. 2.1 Urban water pollution While more attention has been paid in recent years to urban point source pollution control through the establishment of wastewater treatment plants in many developing countries, no considerable planning and any serious measure has been taken to control urban non-point source pollution (urban stormwater runoff) (Taebi and Droste, 2004). It is difficult to establish strategies to control non point sources pollution because its source and the route of effluent are not clear (Choe et al., 2002). 8 Stormwater runoff, a type of non-point source pollution, is identified as one of the leading threats to water quality. It may contain a broad range of pollutants: (1) sediments from construction sites and disturbed areas; (2) nutrients from fertilized lawns and roadsides; (3) bacteria from leaking sewers and septic tanks, and pet wastes; (4) oxygen demanding substances from leaky sewers and septic tanks, organic matter, and pet waste; (5) oil and grease from leaky motor vehicles, industrial areas, and illegal dumping; (6) heavy metals from automobile wear and tear, auto exhausts, and industrial areas; (7) toxic and synthetic chemicals from pesticide applications, automobiles, accidental spills, or illegal dumping; (8) thermal impacts from heated impervious areas and many other constituents that are detrimental to the environment (Akan, 1993; Deng, 2005). In urban environments, the most important point source is the discharge from wastewater collection systems; and where a treatment plant exists, this would be semi-treated effluent from the plant. Through time, different aspects of urban runoff have been studied by engineers. The major concern amongst engineers and urban planners around 1980’s was flood control and immediate transfer of the resulting runoff to non-urban areas. Today, designers not only consider the quantitative management and control of urban runoff, but they also place great emphasis on its quality management and control (Nix, 1994). Knowledge of characteristics of urban runoff is useful for developing water quality management plan for urban streams. These aspects have been studied by a number of investigators and the most comprehensive being the Nationwide Urban Runoff Program (NURP) in the early 1980s by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). This program was implemented in 28 urban areas throughout the United States in which samples from 2300 rainfall events were analyzed. The major output of the NURP studies was the development of urban runoff pollution loading factors in the form of event mean concentration (EMC) (Taebi and Droste, 2004). Due to the interaction of various factors, non-point source pollution is characterized by random process, complex mechanism, widespread distribution and latent occurrence. Thus study and control of non-point source pollution remained a 9 major research topic. Although many loading estimates have been reported for various land use, high variability and inconsistencies exist among reported values. These differences may represent real variations or differences in sampling and analytical methods (Mulcahy, 1990). 2.2 Runoff Quality Urban stormwater discharge during wet weather flow is a major contributor to the pollution of many receiving waters (Saget et al., 1996; Appel and Hudak, 2001; Brezonik and Stadelmann, 2002; Buffleben et al., 2002; Lee et al., 2004). The loadings and concentrations of suspended solids, nutrients and other contaminants are typically much higher in urban stormwater runoff than in runoff from unimpaired and rural areas (Sartor and Boyd, 1972; Chiew et al., 1997). Urban surface runoff accounted for most of the negative effects observed in rivers, lakes and other receiving waters downstream or within urban areas. These negative effects include accelerated river banks erosion, devastation of river habitats, faster eutrophication rates in lakes, and a decline in receiving water quality. It was also observed that discharge of a large storm event may shock the receiving water body many times greater than an ordinary sanitary effluent load (Loehr, 1974; Bedient et al., 1978; WEF and ASCE, 1998; Lee and Bang, 2000). The development and corresponding alteration of natural areas can produce two major sources of contamination. The first source is associated with land clearing and the second source is produced by the wide range of human activities that introduce toxic substances and other contaminants to urban runoff. The runoff event produces a complex yet reasonably predictable change in water quality conditions, some of these changes may only last for a matter of seconds or minutes (Herricks, 1995). One of the phenomena that is often found is the first flush. Contaminants and other material accumulate between storms. These accumulations will be washed away by the first stormwater flows, creating the possibility for a high concentration transient of contaminants in the early stage of a runoff event. 10 While quantity control techniques have been well established, a much more difficult task is the water quality control of urban runoff. As urban runoff relate to stormwater discharges and combined sewer overflows, it is important to understand the types of pollutants that are present, or are expected to exist, as well as their potential impacts on receiving water bodies. i) Suspended Solids The most prevalent form of stormwater pollution is the presence of suspended matter that is either eroded by stormwater or washed off from paved surfaces (Novotny and Olem, 1994). Suspended solids cause a number of environmental impacts such as increase in turbidity of the receiving water, thereby reducing the penetration of light, and subsequently decreasing the activity and growth of photosynthetic organisms. It also degrades the aesthetic value of natural waters. The solids that settle in the receiving water could pose long-term threats due to increase oxygen demand and gradual accumulation of toxic substances (Moffa, 1990). ii) Oxygen Demanding Matter Sufficient levels of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the water column are necessary to maintain aerobic conditions to support aquatic life. The influx of stormwater containing organic and other oxidizable matter may exert substantial oxygen demand on the water column, thus impairing water quality by depleting the DO level. These impacts are estimated either by direct measurement of DO or by indirect measures of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total organic carbon (TOC). iii) Nutrients Despite its abundance in the atmosphere, nitrogen is often the most limiting nutrient for plant growth. This problem occurs because most plants can only take up nitrogen in two forms: ammonium ion (NH4+) and the ion nitrate (NO3-). Humans activities have severely altered the nitrogen cycle. Some of the major processes 11 involved in this alteration include: the application of nitrogen fertilizers to crops has caused increased rates of denitrification and leaching of nitrate into groundwater. The additional nitrogen entering the groundwater system eventually flows into streams, rivers, lakes, and estuaries. In these systems, the added nitrogen can lead to eutrophication (Figure 2.1). Lightning Fixation Precipitation Fossil Fuel Emissions Gaseous Atmospheric Nitrogen Store Bacteria Fixation Gaseous Losses N2 & N2O Runoff Fertilizers Leaching Eutrophication Organic Matter (R-NH2) Denitrifcation Plant Consumption Mineralization Ammonium (NH4) Leaching Nitrification Nitrates (NO3) Nitrification Nitrites (NO2) Figure 2.1: Nitrogen cycle (after Novotny and Olem, 1994) While for the phosphorus, it originates with the introduction of phosphate (PO4) into soils from the weathering of rocks (Figure 2.2). Phosphate enters living ecosystems when plants take up phosphate ions from the soil. Plants take up waterborne phosphate, which then travels up through successive stages of the aquatic food chain. Phosphate that is not taken up into the food chain, as well as that in dead and decomposing organisms, settles on the bottoms of the lake. When these 12 sediments are stirred up, this phosphate may re-enter the biological phosphorus cycle, but much more of it is buried in the sedimentary rock. Phosphorus also considered a pollutant when it occurs in excess concentrations in surface waters. Phosphorus can contribute to over-fertilizing or eutrophication of water bodies. Feeding by heterotrophs Cell respiration Phosphate excreted Phosphate taken up by plants. Fixed into organic phosphate in plant biomass Fertilizer Agriculture Ecosystem Mining of phosphate rock Leaching of fertilizers Algae phytoplankton Sedimentation formation of phosphate rock Phosphate in soil Phosphate dissolved in water Millions of years Figure 2.2: Phosphorus cycle (after Novotny and Olem, 1994) iv) Heavy Metals and Other Toxic Constituents Studies in the United States and Canada indicate that heavy metals were the most prevalent toxic contaminants found in urban runoff (Marsalek et al., 1997). Heavy metals that commonly found in urban runoff are lead, zinc and copper. Other toxic pollutants found in stormwater include phenols and creosols (wood preservatives), pesticides and herbicides, oils and greases (Wanielista and Yousef, 1993). 13 In general, typical pollutants originating from non-point sources are organic compounds, measured as COD or BOD, total phosphorus, ammonical-nitrogen, nitrate- nitrogen, total nitrogen, pesticides, lead, copper, cadmium, zinc and chromium (Novotny, 1995). 2.3 Control of non point source pollution For many years, the effort to control storm water discharge has focused on the quantity and to a limited extent, the quality of storm water. However, the awareness of the need to improve water quality has increased. At source control which could prevent the pollutants from coming in contact with runoff is the best type of control. Source control includes such practices as covering litter control, street sweeping and preventing illegal dumping (Novotny and Olem, 1994). Besides, delivery control measures could reduce the pollutant loads which are in transit between the source area and the receiving water body. The most commonly used practices are swales, dry and wet detention ponds, constructed wetlands, grassed water ways and filter trips. To a certain extent, these structures could remove pollutants in the runoff before they enter the receiving water body. Detention ponds increase detention times to provide treatment for the captured first flush runoff to enhance solids settling and the removal of other pollutants. Constructed wetlands are very popular in stormwater pollution control and provide very effective treatment for many pollutants. Pollutants are removed in wetlands by several mechanisms including sedimentation, filtration and vegetative uptake. Study on wetland harvesting carried out by Supiah (2003) Layang reservoir in Masai, Johor found that the levels of TP, TDP and Nitrate-N were lower at the harvested site compared to the control site and inflowing river. Another finding of this study was the mean percentage removal of Total Phosphorus after harvesting (66%) was generally higher compared to before harvest (46%). As a conclusion, wetlands harvesting is a promising technique for reducing nutrient accumulation. 2.4 Pollution Build up and Wash off Process 14 Pollutant buildup on surfaces occurs during dry weather periods and is subsequently washed off by rainfall. Buildup is a term that represents the entire complex spectrum of dry weather processes that occur between storms, including deposition, street cleaning, etc. (Huber, 1986). Wash off is the process of erosion or dissolution of constituents especially from urban catchments during a runoff event. Figure 2.3 is a schematic representation of street surface pollutant accumulation process. Pollutants deposited on road surfaces during a dry period can be carried by wind and traffic and accumulate near curb or median barrier. The effects of road surfaces are important for simulating the quality and quantity of stormwater. Furthermore, many small rainfall events result in runoff occurring only from those impervious surfaces which are directly linked to the drainage system with the majority of these surfaces being road surfaces. Road surfaces, therefore, are an important source of pollutant constituents in stormwater runoff from urban environments. A number of studies have investigated the links between pollutants, constituents and vehicular traffic; (e.g., James and Boregowda, 1985; Maestri et al., 1985; Peterson and Batley, 1992). Thus, many urban pollution studies report street pollution accumulation rates related to the unit length of the curb instead of an apparently more logical area loading (Ball et al., 1998). The time elapsed since cleansing by a storm event or street sweeping is important for simulating urban runoff quality (Sartor and Boyd, 1972; Shaheen, 1975; Pitt, 1979). The procedure used by Sartor and Boyd (1972) required closure of the road being sampled for a full day to enable sample collection from the road surface as well as from the gutter adjacent to the road. Sartor and Boyd (1972) found that 95% of the constituent load was within 1 m of the road immediately adjacent to the gutter. However, the soluble portion of the constituent load was minimal in comparison with the particulate fraction (Sartor and Boyd, 1972; Shaheen, 1975). Ball et al. (1998) studied the build-up of pollutant constituents on road surfaces in the eastern suburbs of Sydney, Australia in an attempt to improve this perceived deficiency in the available information. 15 This concept has since been employed in many softwares, such as SWMM (Huber and Dickinson, 1988), for simulating runoff from urban catchments. In particular, the time since last cleaning has been used in SWMM as one of the control parameters for modeling the available constituents on the catchment surface prior to the commencement of a storm event. Pollutant build up is usually related to land uses of an urban area and to the dry periods between the rainfall events. The quantity of pollutants washed off from impervious area depends primarily on two factors: the amount of pollutant that has accumulated during the dry period preceding a rainfall event and the characteristics of the rainfall, especially rainfall volume and intensity. In contrast, the pollutant buildup on pervious areas is not considered significant, compared to erosion and dissolution mechanisms by runoff (Adam and Papa, 2000). Atmospheric Deposition Pollutants carried away by wind and traffic Pollutants emitted from motor vehicles Litter Deposits Median Curb Pollutants accumulated at road surface Figure 2.3: Pollutant accumulation on impervious surfaces of urban areas (after Novotny and Olem, 1994) 2.5 Concentrations 16 2.5.1 Event Mean Concentration An appropriate and convenient time scale for analysis and evaluation of urban runoff loads, concentrations and effects is the event duration. To take into account the hysteretic behaviour of pollutant concentration during a storm event, a single index known as event mean concentration (EMC) was computed (Adam and Papa, 2000). The EMC can also be used to compute loadings on the annual time scale associated with long-term water quality impacts. It should be pointed out that instead of measuring discrete flow and concentrations throughout the event; the EMC is represented by the concentration of a flow-weighted composite sample of the runoff event (Shelley and Gaboury, 1986). Many stormwater monitoring sampling devices are equipped for flow-weighted composite sampling. Furthermore, in most cases the total mass and EMC of the pollutant are far more important than the individual discrete concentrations within the event. The Nationwide Urban Runoff Program (NURP) EMCs are used widely in the US for a variety of stormwater management planning purposes. However, a considerable amount of urban runoff quality monitoring data has been collected in the US since the completion of NURP studies (Taebi and Droste, 2004). In the US, an urban stormwater quality data base has been developed by combining different US data sets including the NURP data, USGS data, urban runoff data collected by cities and others (Smullen et al., 1999). A summary of runoff quality parameters for various studies is given in Table 2.1. Taebi and Droste (2004) found highly polluted urban stormwater runoffs in Isfahan. The mean concentrations in terms of oxygen demanding matter and suspended solids are much higher than in raw sanitary wastewater. Study by DiazFierros (2002) indicated that the values of total suspended solids and BOD5 are within the ranges reported previously (Lee and Bang, 2000; Smullen et al., 1999). The values for TKN and TP are markedly higher, while the values for heavy metals 17 are in general lower. Due to large variation in the water quality, it makes urban surface runoff quality control more difficult. Table 2.1: Mean concentrations (mg/l) of stormwater runoff for various types of studies Parameters BOD5 COD TS TSS SS NO3-N Tot–KjedalN Tot -N PO4-P Tot -P Pb Zn Fe EC (µS/ cm) Droste and Hartt (1975) 150 300 - NURP (USEPA 1983) Smullen et al. (1999) 66.1 174 - Stahre and Urbonas (1990) 10 73 101 1.9 2.98 0.522 300 2.51 0.337 0.175 0.176 - 0.4 - DiazFierros (2002) Taebi et al. (2004) 52.8 78.4 - Lee and Bang (2000) 72.5 172 230 1.7 7.6 123 329 282 23 649 963 149 - 2.39 0.315 0.067 0.162 - 3.4 5.9 0.2 1.8 - 2.2 4 68 - 6.75 0.274 0.314 0.453 507 All parameters in mg/L (Unless otherwise shown) 2.6 Load Estimation The unit load of contaminants gives a better basis for determining the management method of the receiving water quality. Reviews and evaluations of runoff pollution loads and their computational methods were presented by Dolan et al. (1981), El-Shaarawi et al. (1986) and Brown (1987). These methods included the direct average method, the flow-weighted-concentration method and the regression method. 18 In the direct average method, the average load is obtained by multiplying the measured daily flow mean by the observed mean concentrations. In the flowweighted-concentration (FWC) method, the average load is multiplied by the ratio of mean-sample and mean-population flows to adjust for potential differences in flow distributions of the sample and flow data. The regression method follows the FWC method and an exponent factor is added to account for potential bias associated with the correlation between concentration and flow and in its modified version, a variance constant similar to that described for the FWC method is also added (Brown, 1987). Pollutants loads of major pollutants in urban domestic wastewater are shown in Table 2.2. Lee and Bang (2000) based on study at Chongju, Korea, found COD and BOD5 loads of 695 (kg/ha/yr) and 202.3 (kg/ha/yr), respectively. It is within the ranges of the other studies. But the values of Total-P showed the highest value. The TSS and COD loadings tend to be higher with the increasing of rainfall intensity reported by Taebi and Droste (2004) at Isfahan, Iran. Table 2.2: Ranges of pollutants loads for various types of studies (in kg/ha/year). 1 1 2 3 3 3 separate combined Residential Low Mild High sewers sewers precipitation precipitation precipitation TSS 350 - 100 - 3500 1803 97 410 820 2300 COD 22 - 1100 62 - 2000 695 421 1785 3570 BOD5 35 - 210 85 - 800 202.3 NO3- N 1.6 NH4- N 1 - 25 15 - 85 14.8 0.2 1 2 TP 0.5 - 4.9 2.2 - 8.8 TKN 22.4 1 2 3 References: Ellis (1991) Lee and Bang (2000) Taebi and Droste (2004) Parameters 19 2.7 Hysteresis Loop In order to better understand the effects of urbanization upon pollutant transport, concentration discharge (C/Q) relationships were investigated. The hysteresis loop is a method of presenting the sequential relationship between discharge and concentration through time (Rose, 2003). Williams (1989) proposed five common classes of such relationships i.e. single valued (straight or curved), clockwise loop, counter clock wise loop, single-valued plus a loop, and figure eight (Table 2.3). Table 2.3: Summary of C/Q relationship (after Williams, 1990) Class Relationship C/Q criteria Reference I Single valued line (C/Q)R ≅ (C/Q)F Wood (1977) II Clockwise loop (C/Q)R> (C/Q)F for all values Paustin and of Q Beschta (1979) Counterclockwise (C/Q)R < (C/Q)F for all values Axelsson loop of Q (1967) Figure eight (C/Q)R > (C/Q)F for one range Arnborg et al. of Q values (1967) III IV (C/Q)R < (C/Q)F for other range of Q values Single-valued line is the simplest type of C-Q relation. Its unique characteristic is that for the same value of Q any C/Q ratio on the hydrograph’s 20 rising limb equal the C/Q ratio on the falling limb. Three subgroups of this singlevalued-line class are the straight line, the curve bending upward and the curve bending downward (Figures 2.4a, b & c). In all the three subgroups, C increases as Q increases. C CONCENTRATION CONCENTRATION DISCHARGE Q DISCHARGE DAYS (a) Straight line CONCENTRATION C CONCENTRATION DISCHARGE Q DAYS DISCHARGE (b) Curve bending upward 21 DISCHARGE Q CONCENTRATION CONCENTRATION C DISCHARGE DAYS (c) Curve bending downward Figure 2.4: Three subgroups of single-valued-line class Clockwise loops occur if the sediment or solute peak arrives at the catchment’s outlet before the water peak discharge and both graphs have about the same skewness (Figure 2.5). As such, a C value on the rising limb of the Q-graph is greater than for the same discharge on the falling limb. Similarly, the C1 / Q1 ratio at any chosen time on the rising limb of the Q-graph is greater than for the same discharge on the falling limb. Q DAYS CONCENTRATION CONCENTRATION DISCHARGE C DISCHARGE Figure 2.5: Clockwise loop C-Q relationship 22 For the counterclockwise loop, the C peak arrives later than the Q peak (same skewness for both graphs). Therefore, C-values on the rising limb of the Q- graph are lower than those on the falling limb (Figure 2.6). Similarly, the C/Q ratio on the rising limb of the Q-graph is less than the ratio for the same discharge on the falling limb. Q CONCENTRATION CONCENTRATION DISCHARGE C DAYS DISCHARGE Figure 2.6: Counterclockwise loop C-Q relationship The C-Q relationship for a single hydrologic event can also plot as a singlevalued relationship in one range of water discharges and a sequential loop in the adjoining range of discharges (Figure 2.7). CONCENTRATION Q CONCENTRATION DISCHARGE C DAYS DISCHARGE 23 Figure 2.7: Single-valued plus a loop C-Q relationship Various- skewness experiments revealed that when C peak preceeding Q, a clockwise loop is produced. In contrast, when Q peak first, a counterclockwise will occur. Instead, under certain conditions, the hysteresis will form a figure –eight C-Q loop (Figure 2.8). CONCENTRATION Q CONCENTRATION DISCHARGE C DAYS DISCHARGE Figure 2.8: Figure eight C-Q relationship Many factors affect C-Q relationship such as precipitation intensity and area distribution, runoff amount and rate, travel rates and distances of floodwaters in the main channel. C-Q relationship also depends in part on: a) the timing and amount of sediment on pollutants that arrive at the measuring site, and b) the proximity of the sources to the measuring site. This involves the travel time or travel rate of the suspended sediment relative to the travel rate of the water wave (Walling and Web, 1986). 24 Evans and Davies (1998) provide an integrated means of relating C/Q hysteresis loops to those mixing processes that generate storm flow. It has been long noted that solute concentrations (C) vary systematically with respect to rising and falling limb discharge (Q) on the storm hydrograph (Toler, 1965). Such a variation often results in a non-unique solute concentration for a given value of stream discharge or hysteresis. Evans and Davies (1998) managed to systematize the interpretation of C/Q plots by modeling variable contributions of ideal twocomponent (pre-event and event water) and three-component (ground water, soil water, and event water) mixtures and devised a nomenclature describing the rotation, curvature and trend of the resulting hysteresis loops. The above model was used by Evans et al. (1999) to interpret a two-end member source (shallow and deep saturated subsurface flow) for sodium within Catskill Mountains (New York) watersheds. They also utilized mixing line plots in conjunction with hysteresis plots to interpret possible sources of stream flow. According to Hornberger et al. (2001) it is possible to interpret solute-discharge hysteresis in terms of ‘non-conservative’ chemical dynamics, when reactions such as ‘leaching’ occur as fast as or faster than the operative hydrological mixing processes. 2.8 Concepts of first flush The concept of the first flush was first advanced in the early 1970s (Schueler 1994). It assumed that the stored pollutants that had accumulated on paved surfaces in dry weather quickly washed off during the beginning of the storm. Although the runoff rate may be greater in the remainder of the storm duration, the stored mass of pollutants available for washoff was almost depleted, and consequently the concentration of pollutants declined rapidly (Sansalone and Christina, 2004; Deng, 2005). 25 Modern transportation and urban activities generate suspended and dissolved solids generally characterized as aggregate parameters [for example suspended solids concentration (SSC) and total dissolved solids (TDS)] that are of concern not only as anthropogenic solids but also because such solid matter may serve as a vehicle for transport of constituents such as metal species and generate an oxygen demand in receiving waters. Incident of high SS concentrations in the beginning of flood wave during storm events in combined sewers are common (example in Figure 2.9). This occur when deposits previously accumulated during dry weather periods are present and eroded by overland flow (Stotz and Krauth, 1984; 1986; Johansen, 1985; Pearson et al., 1986; Davies, 1987; Thornton and Saul, 1987; Philippe and Ranchet, 1987; Hvitved-Jacobsen et al., 1987). First flush phenomenon has been observed for a variety of events including the removal of heavy metals from rooftops (Forster, 1996; He et al., 2001), the removal of oil and grease from roadway surfaces (Stenstrom et al., 1984), the washoff of nitrate from roadway surfaces (Cordery, 1977; Barrett et al., 1997; Lee and Bang, 2000) and the removal of particulate matter (Maidment, 1993; Wanielista and Yousef, 1993; Deletic, 1998; Wu et al., 1998; Appel and Hudak, 2001; Lee et al., 2001; Farm, 2002). Flow (m3/ s) SS (mg/ l) 0.3 Flow (m 3/s) 700 2nd Flush peak First flush peak 600 0.25 500 0.2 400 0.15 300 0.1 200 0.05 100 0 0 4:00 4:20 4:40 5:00 Time 5:20 5:40 6:00 Figure 2.9: Typical first flush of solids Solids (mg/l) 0.35 26 There are three methodologies commonly found in the literature to quantify a mass or concentration of first flush (Table 2.4). However, they are conceptually and mathematically the same. 2.8.1 Analysis by difference between dimensionless Cumulative Pollutant and Volume Mass Gupta and Saul (1996) defined the first flush as a portion of the storm up to the maximum divergence between the dimensionless cumulative percentage of pollutant mass and the cumulative percentage of volume plotted against the cumulative percentage of time (Figure 2.10). This definition is more restrictive than the previous definition of Helsel et al. (1979), proposed to simply define the first flush when M(V) curve is above the bisector. Cumulative of mass and flow 1 0.8 0.6 Maximum divergence 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Cumulative time/ total time Figure 2.10: Definition of the first flush (after Gupta & Saul 1996) 27 2.8.2 Dimensionless cumulative analysis In this technique, a first flush presents when the cumulative M/V ascended above the 45° line (Figure 2.11). M is normalized cumulative mass and V is normalized cumulative volume. The 45° line represents the case when the concentration of pollutants remained constant through out the storm runoff. Conversely, a dilution will result when the cumulative M/V is below the 45° line (Geiger, 1987; Lee et al., 2002). Flush Definition Cumulative load (%) 100 First Flush 50 45 0 Dilution 0 0 50 100 Cumulative volume (%) Figure 2.11: Cumulative mass/volume ratio for determining the presence first flush (Geiger, 1987) 2.8.3 Analysis by cumulative curve ratio The deviation of the cumulative pollutant mass curve upward from the diagonal line corresponds to the strength of the first flush. This deviation is inverse in relation to the first flush coefficient, b. In this variation, M(t) is related to V(t) through the following expression: M(t) = [V(t)]b where b is the fitted exponential parameter. (2.1) 28 Values of b less than 1 indicate the occurrence of first flush, i.e., a disproportionately high mass delivery of mass. Values of b greater than 1 indicate that a first flush is absent (Saget et al., 1996; Bertrand- Krajewski et al., 1998). Alternatively, common first flush criteria have been defined as the first 20 L of runoff from elevated bridge scuppers (Drapper et al., 2000); the first 1.27 cm (0.5 in.) of runoff per contributing area (Grisham, 1995); the first 1.27 cm (0.5 in.) runoff per contributing impervious acre (first 3.14 cm per contributing hectare) or the volume of runoff produced by a 1 in. storm (Schueler, 1987); the volume of water obtained by a 1.9 cm (0.75 in.) rainfall event (State of California, 2001). Recently, the term water quality volume (WQV) has been used to represent the volume of runoff constituting the first flush (City of Boise, 1998; Barrett, 1999; State of Idaho, 2001). However, there is a controversy about the exact quantitative definition of the first flush. The first flush as a design parameter has been variously quantified as: (1) the first half inch (13 mm) of rainfall; (2) the first half inch of runoff; (3) the first inch (25 mm) of rainfall; and (4) the first inch of runoff, or other depths of precipitation or runoff. Definition (2) generally means that during a storm event the first 1/2 in. of runoff washes off the majority of pollutants accumulated on the watershed. The half-inch rule simply requires that the one-half inch of runoff be treated from the total area of the site. The design water quantity volume of the first flush is calculated by multiplying the depth of 0.5 in. by the total site area (Deng et al., 2005). 29 Table 2.4: Summary of methodologies for determining first flush (after Sansalone and Christina, 2004) Method Mass based Concentration based Empirically based Expression M(t) > V(t) 1. High initial concentration 2. Rapid concentration decline 3. Relatively low and constant concentration for duration of event Land use T T Mixed Mixed T T T R&I Mixed RR CM & R T Mixed T Mixed U RR Mixed R All All All Drainage area (ha) 0.03–0.054 0.6 0.02–0.03 94 0.03 0.03 NR 4.3 0.7–190 233–609 NR 87–558 0.03–11.5 0.02–0.03 0.15–0.45 NR NR NR 658.12 55–131 Variable Variable Variable Investigators Cristina and Sansalone (2003) Barbosa and Hvitved-Jacobsen (1999) Deletic (1998) Larsen et al. (1998) Sansalone et al. (1998) Sansalone and Buchberger (1997) Stahre and Urbonas (1990) Farm (2002) Lee et al. (2001) Appel and Hudak (2001) He et al. (2001) Lee and Bang (2000) Barrett et al. (1997) Deletic (1998) Wu et al. (1998) Maidment (1993) Wanielista and Yousef (1993) Forster (1996) Stenstrom et al. (1984) Cordery (1977) Schueler (1987) Grisham (1995) State of California (2001) First 1.27 cm of runoff per impervious acre First 1.27 cm of runoff per contributing area Runoff volume produced by 1.9 cm of rainfall Exponential decline T Variable Sartor and Boyd (1972) Runoff volume produced by 2.54 cm of All Variable Schueler (1987) rainfall Linear/multiple linear regression U 41–121 Gupta and Saul (1996) Note: T=transportation; RR=roof runoff; I=industrial; U=urban; CM=commercial; R=residential; NR=not reported; M(t) =mass; and V(t)=volume. 30 There are many factors that affect the occurrence and impact of a first-flush event, such as the size and drainage characteristics of the catchment area, the imperviousness of the basin, the mobility and property of the pollutants. Four important factors may be responsible for the first-flush effect in a drainage system as follows (Wanielista and Yousef, 1993; Gupta and Saul, 1996): i) Volume and intensity of rainfall: These are predominant factors in the generation of runoff rate. A high-intensity rain may produce a first-flush either by dislodging deposited pollutants from the catchment surface or forcing the accumulated solids out of the sewer system. ii) Catchment characteristics: Catchment surface conditions and gradients have significant effects on controlling and delivering pollutants to the sewer system. The first-flush may be more distinct for impervious areas, where the supply of pollutant is limited. For example, sediment washing off the pervious area from erosion, may not show a first-flush because the supply of soil particles is not limited. First flush is most readily observed on small catchments or individual premises, particularly if a high proportion of the catchment is impervious (such as paved surfaces and roads) (Deng, 2005). iii) Drainage system: Characteristics of drainage system may prevent or accelerate the first-flush effect. For example, in large catchment the initial runoff from remote parts of the catchment requires a longer time to reach the catchment outlet and a first-flush may not be distinct. Moreover, drainage system characteristic such as effective transport capacity and roughness may influence the transport of pollutants. iv) Pollutant mobility: Runoff may not remove certain pollutant such as oil and grease, and fine particles, as easily as others. Soluble pollutants exhibit the least tendency toward a first-flush effect, and delayed flushes of those pollutants are common. As such, first flush may not happen in some cases. However, a first-flush is more distinct on small catchments with high impervious areas. In this case, the existence of first-flush could provide an opportunity for controlling runoff pollution. 31 Sansalone and Cristina (2004), at Baton Rouge, Los Angeles, observed frequent first flush in small watersheds but are less evident for complex watersheds, especially when there is a multitude of sub watersheds, each possess unique travel times to the outlet. The existence of first flush of pollutants provides an opportunity for stormwater managers and engineers to control water pollution in an economic and efficient way. If most of the urban-surface pollutant load were transported during the initial phase of a storm, then a rather small volume of runoff storage would be needed to treat and remove the bulk of urban-surface pollutants. As a result, controlling the first flush has become the most practiced criterion for the design of stormwater treatment facilities. First flush collection systems are employed to capture and isolate this most polluted runoff, with subsequent runoff being diverted directly to the stormwater system and finally into the receiving environment (Deng, 2005). 2.9 Non point source pollution simulation models Management of the quantity and quality of stormwater runoff from urban areas is a complex task which has become an increasingly important environmental issue for urban communities (Choi and Ball, 2002). Two standard approaches for obtaining the desired information are: • monitoring of the system for both water quantity and quality, or • implementation of catchment modelling systems which simulate the important processes influencing the quantity and quality of stormwater runoff in the urban environment Difficulties in gathering storm runoff data and constraint of time and financial for an effective pollution control and management make a complete characterization of urban stormwater runoff for every catchment merely impossible. 32 The computer models for predicting quantity and quality of urban stormwater runoff provides an economic yet reliable choice (Jewell et al., 1978). Non point source pollution models are used to meet several objectives, including: • Characterize runoff quantity and quality as to temporal and spatial detail (concentration/load ranges, etc.) • Provide input to a receiving water quality analysis (e.g. drive a receiving water quality model) • Determine effects, magnitudes and optimum locations and combinations of control options • Perform frequency analyses on selected quality parameters (e.g. to determine return periods of concentrations/ loads) • Provide input to cost-benefit analyses. Other methods, such as regression models are easier to implement but only suitable to predict annual pollutant loads (Driver and Lynstrom, 1986; Huber, 1988) and not suitable for a detailed analysis of the runoff. Computer models are cost effective and reasonably accurate substitutes for extensive field data gathering programs, provided that the models are calibrated and verified for conditions of the catchment being studied. There are many well known models in the literature such as U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Storage, Treatment, Overflow, Runoff Model (STORM), Storm Water Management Model (SWMM), Hydrological Simulation Program- Fortran (HSPF) etc. These models are appropriate for full-scale simulation models of urban areas. Others like Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) and Soil Conservation Service (SCS) might also useful in the hydrologic aspect of water quality studies but do not simulate water quality directly. In USGS, runoff generation and subsequent routing use the kinematic wave method and parameter estimation assistance is included in the model. Water quality is simulated using buildup and washoff functions with settling of solids in storage units dependent on a particle size distribution (Alley, 1986). STORM uses simple runoff coefficient, SCS and unit hydrograph methods for the generation runoff depths and rainfall inputs. The buildup and washoff formulations are used for the simulations of six prespecified 33 pollutants. However, the model can be manipulated to provide loads for arbitrary conservative pollutants (Najarian et al., 1986). In this study, SWMM was used and a detail about SWMM is discussed in sections 2.9 and 2.10. 2.10 Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) was developed in 1971 for the US EPA to address deal with the quantity and quality variations of urban runoff (Metcalf and Eddy et al., 1971; Huber, 1995). The model can be used for storm event or continuous simulation and has undergone a number of updates and improvements (Huber and Dickinson, 1988). Many mathematical formulations proposed in SWMM, especially those concerning water quality simulations, have been re-used in more recently developed models. The latest version of SWMM benefited greatly from experienced garnered from many years of use, allowing it to remain a reference in the field of urban runoff quality modeling (Gaume et al., 1998). Calibration of a catchment modeling system requires that the control parameters (input data) for each of these conceptual components must be determined. The resultant system of process models and input information must be able to mimics the real response of the catchment. Since surface runoff varies with the catchment characteristics, calibration of a catchment modeling system usually requires adjustment of the model control parameters to minimize prediction errors (Choi and Ball, 2002). In the calibration process, one of the alternatives can be described as a ‘trial and error’ basis whereby the values of the control parameters are modified in a systematic manner to achieve correlations between the monitored parameters and the predicted parameters describing the catchment response. This approach is used when calibrating a catchment modeling system with monitored information as shown in Figure 2.12. 34 START CATCHMENT INFORMATION Modeller Interpretation INPUT INFORMATION TO CATCHMENT MODELING SYSTEM Modeller Interpretation ADJUST INPUT INFORMATION SIMULATION OUTPUT SIMILAR TO RECORDED DATA No Yes APPLICATION STOP Figure 2.12: Calibration procedure for SWMM (after Choi and Ball, 2002) Some calibration procedures have been proposed to improve the model performance. Jewell et al. (1978) showed how the quantity and the quality of runoff can be calibrated for an urban catchment using measured data from several single storm events. Maalel and Huber (1984) proposed a calibration procedure using multiple single events and a continuous simulation. Their findings support Jewell et al. (1978), that a calibration using conditions of several storms improves the reliability of the results and reduce the predictive errors. Continuous simulation can be used to compare statistics between observed and predicted events. Warwick and Tadepolli (1991) and Gaume et al. (1998) found good agreements between the simulated and observed storm water quality using SWMM. Calibration and validation of SWMM for the exponential washoff studied by Sriananthakumar and Codner (1995) in Giralang, Canberra was carried out separately for low and high runoff events to increase prediction capability. 35 2.10 Sensitivity Analysis A model sensitivity analysis is a valuable tool for setting up, improving, testing and calibrating hydrological models. According to Lane and Richards (2001) and Rabitz (1989) a sensitivity analysis can:- (i) identify the parameters the model reacts most sensitively to and thus simplify and accelerate the calibration or enable a more focused planning for future research and field measurement, (ii) show whether the model’s reaction to representative variations of parameter values and boundary conditions is realistic, (iii) prove the model concept is sufficiently sensitive to represent the natural system’s behaviour, and (iv) reduce a model to its essential structures. Thus, sensitivity analysis can prove the suitability of a model concept and as Saltelli (2000) pointed out, strengthen trust in a model and its predictions. In SWMM, the results of the sensitivity analysis can be used for estimating the default calibration parameters as well as evaluating the comparative performance of parameters using the default values. By doing so, this procedure was expected to reduce the amount of effort and time required to calibrate a model (Abustan, 1997). CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY This chapter describes the study sites characteristics and methods of data collection in terms of water quantity and quality. Flow measurement is very important for developing rating curves. The sampling procedure and analytical analysis to get reliable data are discussed in detail. In addition, formula for calculating pollutant concentration as well as pollutant loading and first flush analysis are presented. Finally this chapter describes the modeling approaches including estimation of local build up data and washoff parameters. 3.1 Catchment Description Sampling of urban runoff was carried out in two small catchments, namely residential and commercial in Skudai, Johor. These two catchments are located in a bigger Melana catchment (Figure 3.1). The residential catchment is 3.34 ha and the commercial catchment is 0.75 ha. Each catchment is dominated by only one type of urban land use. Development in the residential catchment is mainly single storey houses with 147 houses. The catchment represents a typical high density low cost residential area (Figure 3.2a). It was estimated that about 15% of the catchment is still pervious while the rest are roofs, pavement and road surfaces. Open spaces are located at the outlet of the catchment. For the commercial catchment, the buildings include restaurants and shops. Based on the layout plan, about 20% of the catchment is still pervious mainly covered by grass land while the rest are roofs, pavement and road surfaces (Figure 3.2b). Delineation of the catchment boundaries were based on topo-map and on site 37 observations of overland flow pathways at several locations during storms. Field observation was useful in determining the runoff contributing areas to the catchment outlets for such a flat area. Taman Universiti Figure 3.1: Location of the study site TAMAN UNIVERSITI – JALAN PERTANIAN N Catchment outlet N = 1º 32’ 24” E = 103º 37’ 6” Legend Houses Pervious area Pavement roads Monsoon drain Rain gauge Catchment boundary Drainage network Scale 1: 4,200 Figure 3.2a: Residential Catchment 38 TAMAN UNIVERSITI – JALAN KEBUDAYAAN N Catchment outlet N = 1º 32’ 15” E = 103º 37’ 20” Legend Building Pervious area Residential area Pavement roads Scale Rain gauge Catchment boundary Drainage network 1: 7,000 Figure 3.2b: Commercial Catchment The catchment drainage system separates stormwater system from the sewer system. The separated system comprises separate system of pipes to handle sanitary sewage and stormwater. Total lengths of the drain in the residential and the commercial catchment were 2614 m and 509 m, respectively. The catchments physiographical conditions are shown in Table 3.1. 39 Table 3.1: Physiographical conditions of sub catchments Unit Residential Low cost residential: high density singlestorey houses 3.34 Commercial: shops; restaurants % 66 45.5 N-E 2.53 53.5 47.5 S-W 1.8 % 1.08 0.66 km/km2 78.3 65 m 2614 509 Land use Area Elevation Maximum Minimum Aspect Average slope Average drain gradient Drainage density Total drainage length 3.2 ha m.a.s.1 m.a.s. l Commercial 0.75 Rainfall Measurement Rainfall data are very important to describe the runoff behaviour. Besides, this information is required for modeling purposes. For example, SWMM requires spatial information on rainfall and flowrate for water quantity analysis. The collection of urban stormwater data must be done in a proper way due to the extremely variable rainfall, rapid response times and varying water levels. Thus, rainfall data should be available at 5-min or shorter increments to predict the runoff hydrograph adequately (Bedient and Huber, 1986). The study site was equipped to monitor rainfall data continuously. Rainfall data was measured and digitally recorded by ISCO™ tipping bucket rain gauge, with a resolution of 0.1 mm per tip. The rain gauge was installed on a leveled platform on a house roof to make sure there is no surrounding obstacle. Two gauges were used in this study, located at about 0.2 km from the residential catchment’s outlet and 1 km from the commercial catchment’s outlet. The gauges were maintain and serviced weekly. Site maintenance includes checking the rain gauges and downloading the data from the data loggers. Fine litters and dust trapped in the collecting rain gauges were removed. 40 Figure 3.3: A rain gauge installed on roof top in the residential catchment 3.3 Flow measurement The objectives of the streamflow gauging are to measure discharge at study the catchment’s outlet and to develop discharge-level rating curves. The standard velocity-area method of gauging was used in this study. A current meter (Model SWOFFER 2100) was used to measure the flow velocities. The stream discharges were then calculated as the product of the flow velocities and the drain cross section area for various water levels. During each sampling, the water level was monitored and recorded manually. The channel water level-discharge rating curve was developed at the outlet of the catchment to convert the water level into discharge. Stormwater volume was measured between November 2003 and November 2004 for 41 both catchments. A total of 16 storm events for residential and commercial catchments were investigated. Velocities and water level were taken on two separate events for the purpose of calibration and verification as well as to develop rating curve. For the residential catchment, the first event was on November 4, 2003 and followed by the second event on November 8, 2003. As for the commercial catchment, the first and the second observations were on March 11 & March 16, 2004. Figures 3.4a & b show the water level – discharge rating curve for both catchments. Water Level-Discharge Rating Curve 0.40 0.35 y = 2.8128x + 0.0932x 0.30 R = 0.9966 2 2 Q (m 3/s) 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 0 0.1 0.2 H (m) 0.3 0.4 a) Residential Water Level-Discharge Rating Curve 0.2 0.16 2 Q (m 3/s) y = 1.1444x - 0.0531x 2 0.12 R = 0.9808 0.08 0.04 0 0 0.1 0.2 H (m) 0.3 0.4 b) Commercial Figure 3.4: Water Level - Discharge Rating Curve for both catchments a) Residential catchment and b) Commercial catchment 42 3.4 Sampling Procedure Samples are collected manually instead of using automatic water samplers. This is due to safety factor where both sites are very open to public. Manual sampling also provide opportunities to collect more samples at preferred time intervals. Since this method require researcher to be at site during storm, important events happening at site can be recorded. There are some procedures which must be carefully followed during sampling and laboratory analysis of water samples. If the data are not consistent, there are many potential causes that need to be checked. These include problems in sampling (e.g., bias, lack of representativeness, interferences), problems in analyses (e.g., bad preservation and storage of samples, inadequate analytical procedures, human or technical errors) and specific local conditions which may explain the results (e.g., scouring of contaminated deposits). All bottles used for collecting samples were washed with dilute acid (sulfuric or hydrochloric) and thoroughly rinsed with deionized-distilled water. It is very important to keep these bottles clean to ensure they were free of any contamination. Stormwaters were grab-sampled using a 1-litre polyethylene bottle. To define pollutant loads from urban catchments with reasonable degree of accuracy, Bedient et al. (1980) suggested collecting a minimum of four samples during the period increasing flow and six samples on the falling time of storm hydrographs. Samples were taken when there was noticeable change in water level. For every sample taken, the sampling time and water level were recorded. About 10 to 15 samples were collected during each storm on both the rising and the falling limb of the hydrograph (Figure 3.5). In the small catchment, more samples were collected on the rising limb than on the falling limbs. This is important to get a better description of the first flush phenomenon. 43 Discharge/ Water Level Collected Samples Time Figure 3.5: Typical stormwater sampling interval employed in this study 3.4.1 Analysis of water quality Water samples were sent for analysis within 24 hours after sampling. Electrical conductivity, turbidity, TDS and pH were analysed immediately upon arriving at the Environment Laboratory in the Faculty of Civil Engineering, UTM. The EPA (1984) listed five categories of pollutants which are commonly used to characterise non-point source pollutants i.e., total suspended solids, oxygenconsuming constituents, nutrients, metals and bacterial constituents. Water samples were analysed for Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Suspended Solids (SS), Nutrients (NO3-N, NO2-N, NH3-N and P) and heavy metal (Pb). The laboratory analysis followed the Standard Methods for the examination of water and wastewater (APHA et al., 1995). The analysis of phosphorus was carried out using Inductively Coupled Plasma -Mass Spectrometry (ICP - MS). Because the response of the mass spectrometer in counts per second is directly proportional to the concentration of a given element in a sample, it is relatively easy to calibrate the system using a series of external standards at least for three different concentrations. The concentrations of standards must cover the expected P concentrations in the samples. For calibration purposes, reagent H2NaO4P.2H2O was used to prepare the standard solution. The calculations of calibration are shown in Appendix A. Based on formula M1V1 = M2V2, three samples of 40 µg/l, 20 µg/l and 10 µg/l were prepared and tested for the intensity level. Graph of calibration with r2 = 0.998 is plotted. Any sample entered into the 44 mass spectrometer under exactly the same conditions will provide a count rate, which can be converted directly to P concentration from the calibration curve. Table 3.2: The analytical methods used in this study Parameters Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) Analysis 5– Day BOD test (Standard Method, Section 5219 B) Chemical Oxygen Demand Open Reflux Method (Standard Method, Sec. 5220B) Suspended Solids (Standard Method, Section 2540 D) pH HACH SensIon 156 (Sension 156 Manual) Electric Conductivity HACH SensIon 156 (Sension 156 Manual) Turbidity HACH DR/4000 Spectrophotometer Phosphorus Inductively Coupled Plasma -Mass Spectrometry (ICP – MS) Nitrate-Nitrogen Screening Method (Standard Method, Section 4500 B) is used by measuring UV absorption at 400 nm in the range of 0 to 5 mg/l. (HACH DR/4000 Manual, Method 8171) using Ultraviolet Visible Spectrophotometric (UV-Vis) Shimazu, Model UV-1601 PC Nitrogen-Ammonia Screening Method is used by measuring UV absorption at 425 nm in the range of 0 to 0.25 mg/l. (HACH DR/4000 Manual, Method 8038) using Ultraviolet Visible Spectrophotometric (UV-Vis) Shimazu, Model UV-1601 PC 3.5 Event Mean Concentration 45 The use of an event mean concentration (EMC) is appropriate for evaluating the effects of stormwater runoff on receiving waters. Receiving water bodies respond relatively slowly to storm inflows compared to the rate at which constituent concentrations change during a storm event. Thus, EMC is an important analytical parameter (Lee et al., 2002). The event mean concentration (EMC) is defined as the total pollutant load (mass) divided by total runoff volume, for an event of duration t (Sansalone and Buchberger, 1997; Charbeneau and Barretti, 1998). Mathematically: EMC = M = Σ Qi Ci ∆t / Σ Qi ∆t (3.1) V where EMC is event mean concentration (mg/l), M is total mass of pollutant over the entire event duration (g), V is total volume of flow over the entire event duration (m3), t is time (min), Qi (t) is the time-variable flow (m3/min), Ci is the time-variable concentration (mg/l) and ∆t is the discrete time interval (min) measured during the runoff event. The EMC is computed for the entire runoff duration. For a time less than the full runoff duration, a partial event mean concentration (PEMC) can be defined as PEMC = m(t) = v(t) Σ Ct Qt ∆t Σ Qt ∆t (3.2) where m(t) is pollutant mass transported up to time t (g); v(t) is flow volume up to time t (m3); From Eqs. (1) and (2) it follows that M = m(t), V= v(t); and PEMC(t) = EMC (Sansalone and Buchberger, 1997; Lee et al., 2002). 3.6 Correlation Analysis 46 The correlation between pollutants is used to identify possible relationships between individual pollutants as well as between different categories of pollutants. This would be useful when studying areas where not all quality parameters are measured. When two pollutants have a high correlation, a high value of EMC of one pollutant may indicate that other unmeasured pollutant would also have a respectively high value. 3.7 Box plot Analysis Outliers Maximum value The 75th quartile Median The 25th quartile Minimum value Figure 3.6: Information that can be derived from a box plot A box plot is a way of summarizing a set of data measured on an interval scale. It is often used in exploratory data analysis. It is a type of graph which is used to show the shape of the distribution of a continuous data set, its central value, and variability. A box and whisker plot provides a 5 point summary of the data (Figure 3.6). 47 1) The box represents the middle 50% of the data. 2) The median is the point where 50% of the data is above it and 50% below it (or left and right depending on orientation). 3) The 25th quartile is where; at most, 25% of the data fall below it. 4) The 75th quartile is where, at most, 25% of the data is above it. 5) The whiskers cannot extend any further than 1.5 times the length of the inner quartiles. Data points that fall outside this range will show up as outliers. 3.8 Pollutant loading A unit pollutant loading was calculated by multiplying the nutrient concentrations of the individual composite samples with the total volume of flow during the corresponding sampling period. The mathematical formula was given by Lee (1998):L = EMC x V where L = pollutant loading (mg) EMC = event mean concentration (mg/l) V 3.9 = total volume of flow over entire event duration (l) First Flush Concept (3.3) 48 3.9.1 Dimensionless cumulative analysis The dimensionless normalized mass and flow volumes are useful for characterising first flush of storm runoff. Equations (3.4) and (3.5) represent the first flush phenomenon; L = m(t)/ M (3.4) F = v(t)/ V (3.5) where L is dimensionless cumulative pollutant mass; m(t) is pollutant mass transport up to time t (g); M is total mass of pollutant over the entire event duration (g); F is dimensionless cumulative runoff volume; v(t) is flow volume up to time t (m3) and V is total volume of flow over the entire event duration (m3). A first flush exists at time t if the dimensionless cumulative pollutant mass L exceeds the dimensionless cumulative runoff volume F at all instances during the storm events. Values on 45° line, when plotting L vs. F, indicates that pollutants are uniformly distributed throughout the storm events. If the data for a particular storm falls above the 45° line, a first flush is suggested and PEMC (tr) > EMC. Conversely, dilution is assumed to occur when the data falls below the 45° line and a first flush fails to occur. 3.10 Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) SWMM is capable of simulating various aspects of urban hydrologic cycle in terms of the quantity and quality of surface runoff. This model consists of several blocks: i.e., the Runoff block for runoff estimation, the Transport and Extended Transport for the routing of this runoff using a kinematic wave technique, the Storage and Treatment block routes through storage units using the Puls (storage indication) method and the Receive block for its mixing in a receiving water body 49 (Huber and Dickinson, 1988; Roesner et al., 1988). Hence, there are many advantages in using it for planning, design and operational purposes. 3.11 Water Quantity SWMM requires physical and hydrologic parameters to simulate hydrographs. The physical parameters include the area of the subcatchment, its slope and the diameter and length of pipes. The hydrologic parameters include the width of the subcatchments, Manning’s coefficients, depression storages and infiltration rates or coefficients. These parameters are more difficult to estimate than the physical ones. Nevertheless, the shapes of the predicted hydrographs are very sensitive to input values of the hydrologic parameters (Baffaut et al., 1990). There are many factors affecting the hydrograph such as rainfall intensity, rainfall duration, the catchment size, slope, storage and morphology, channel type, land use and percent impervious. Rainfall intensity and duration are the major causes of the rainfall-runoff process, followed by catchments characteristics. Size, slope, shape and storage capacity are all important parameters in catchment geomorphology. Land use parameters can significantly alter the natural hydrologic response through increases in impervious cover, altered slopes and improved drainage channel networks. Field data gathering should include all of the dynamic independent variables and the parameters shown in Table 3.3. Table 3.3: Independent variables and parameters influencing stormwater pollution washoff 50 Dynamic Variables Storm event totals Instantaneous flux • time since last storm event (dry days) • street cleaning practices • total volume of runoff • storm duration • total volume of rainfall • average rainfall • average runoff Parameters • runoff intensity • land use • cumulative volume of runoff • time from start of storm • rainfall intensity • cumulative volume of rainfall • area • • % impervious area length of overland flow % street and parking area length of streets/ unit area population density particulate fallout rate/ unit area number of catch – basins/ unit area climatological data temperature rainfall • • • • • • • • 3.12 Hydrologic Parameter 3.12.1 Horton Equation Horton's model is one of the most commonly used infiltration equation. Horton (1940) showed that when rainfall exceeded the infiltration rate, water infiltrates surface soils at a rate that decreases with time. Horton derived infiltration capacity as a function of time as: Fp = Fc + (Fo - Fc) e -kt (3.6) 51 where Fp = infiltration capacity into soil, mm/hr Fc = minimum or ultimate value of Fp, mm/hr Fo = maximum or initial value of Fp, mm/hr t = time from beginning of storm, sec k = decay coefficient, 1/sec The maximum or initial infiltration capacity, mm/hr depends primarily on soil type, initial moisture content and surface vegetation conditions. For single event simulation, the initial moisture content is important. Typical values of infiltration capacity are listed in Table 3.4. Table 3.4: Initial Infiltration Capacity A. Representative values of Initial Infiltration Capacity DRY soils (with little or no vegetation) 127 mm/hr Sandy soils: 76.2 mm/hr Loam soils: 25.4 mm/hr Clay soils: B. DRY soils (with dense vegetation) Multiply values given in A by 2 C. MOIST soils (for single event simulation) Soils which have drained but not dried out: divide values from A and B by 3 Soils close to saturation: choose value close to saturated hydraulic conductivity Soils partially dried out: divide values from A and B by 1.5-2.5 The minimum or ultimate value of infiltration capacity, mm/hr is essentially the saturated hydraulic conductivity, or permeability, of soils. Table 3.5 lists ranges of this parameter for various soil groups. Table 3.5: Minimum value of infiltration capacity for different hydrologic soil group 52 Hydrologic Soil Group A B C D Ultimate Infiltration Rate(in/hr) 0.45 - 0.30 0.30 - 0.15 0.15 - 0.05 0.05 - 0 Figure 3.7: Decay rate coefficient Equation 3.6 is dimensionally homogeneous and the unit used for k should be the inverse of that used for t. Decay coefficient is a constant that describes the decay of the capacity with time and reflects the soil-cover complex. The rate of decrease of infiltration capacity, 1/sec is independent of initial moisture content. Table 3.6 shows the rate of decay of infiltration for a range of parameter values. Table 3.6: Decay rate of infiltration Decay Rate 1/hr (1/sec) 2 (0.00056) 3 (0.00083) 4 (0.00115) 5 (0.00139) 3.13 Routing Method Infiltration capacity towards limiting value after 1 hour 76 95 98 99 53 SWMM provides five major types of Hydrograph Generation techniques as follows: i) SWMM Runoff Non-linear Reservoir Method ii) Kinematic Wave Method iii) Laurenson Non-linear Method/Rafts iv) SCS Unit Hydrograph Method v) Other Unit Hydrograph methods, Nash, Snyder (Alameda), Snyder, Rational Formula, Time/area, and Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph. This study used kinematic wave method for routing the hydrograph. 3.13.1 Kinematic Wave The kinematic wave method for overland flow applies only the kinematic wave component of the flow equations for momentum and continuity. Kinematic wave procedures apply either the Horton or Green Ampt loss to the pervious percentage of the subarea, as defined by the % impervious data item. All flows are assumed to agree with the equations of continuity and momentum. The continuity and momentum equations for overland kinematic waves can be reduced to the following two equations, respectively: i) Continuity Equation – ∂y + ∂q = i - f = ie ∂t ∂x and Momentum Equation = (3.7) 54 q = aym = 1.49/N So½ yo 5/3 (3.8) where y = y(x,t) = depth of overland flow (m), q = q(x,t) = rate of overland flow/unit width, i-f = ie = net rainfall rate, a = conveyance factor = (1/N) So½ when obtained from Manning’s equation, m = 5/3 when obtained from Manning’s equation, N = effective roughness coefficient, So = average overland slope, yo = mean depth of overland flow. 3.14 Calibration and Validation Most models for predicting quality of stormwater runoff are coupled with a quantity simulation model. The calibration of these models necessitate calibrating the quantity and quality models sequentially, using the output from the calibrated quantity model as input to the quality model. Calibration is the adjustment of model parameters using one set of data. Control parameter values for a catchment modeling system typically are determined by one of two alternative methods; these alternative methods are: • modification of control parameter values until the simulated and observed hydrographs, or other catchment response measure, are similar; and • selection of control parameter values based on some hydrological, hydraulic or other characteristics of the catchment. 55 Verification is about testing the established parameter using an independent data set. Calibration and verification data are usually in the form of measured flows and concentrations at outfalls. However, it is important to note that detailed shorttime-increment pollutographs during a storm are seldom needed for analysis of receiving water quality. Hence, total storm event loading or event mean concentrations are usually sufficient for quality calibration and verification. Nix (1994) suggested the following technique for calibrating a model and these steps can be applied for calibrating SWMM. i) It is important to adjust the runoff volume parameters. However, without an accurate representation of those parameters, the process of adjusting will be much more difficult. ii) The hydrograph peak and shape can be adjusted but after the simulated runoff depths are found compatibly fit with the observed data. iii) A model that is not calibrated for quantity cannot produce reliable quality results. Therefore, parameters responsible for generating pollutant loads and their transport through the watershed should be adjusted after calibrating the quantity parameters. During calibration it is not necessary to achieve close agreement of measured and predicted data for individual storm events. The emphasis was on integrated results over the entire calibration of the data set. If the assumption of representative data was valid, the calibrated model would give accurate predictions of average annual runoff and pollutant loadings. Default values found in SWMM were used for resistance factors, depression storage depths and infiltration rates. If necessary, these parameters were adjusted during calibration. Before performing calibration process, it is necessary to ascertain the model output sensitivity to changes in input parameters. 56 3.15 Sensitivity Analysis Since models and optimization formulations are mathematical representations of real systems, there is inherent uncertainty in the output. Moreover, because the mathematical model cannot respond exactly to the actual system, satisfaction is not achieved by just obtaining the optimum solution of the mathematical problem (de Neufville, 1990). A practical approach to treat potential uncertainties is to test the sensitivity of the analysis to variation in the magnitude of key parameters (James and Lee, 1971). In the context of modeling in general, the issue of uncertainty in model output is often not adequately addressed. This uncertainty arises from the model being an abstraction of reality and the fact that the input parameters are not known with certainty (Nix, 1994). Sensitivity analysis can provide estimated parameter values of calibration processes as well as to observe the sensitivity of the peak flow and time to peak. This procedure will reduce the time required to calibrate a model. For this study, the sensitivity analysis was carried out by determining the effect of changing percentage of the impervious areas, catchment width and impervious depression storage. By varying one of this input values and holding the other inputs constant, the percentage changes in response were plotted against the selected input values. 3.16 Goodness of fit Several statistical methods can be used to compare the shape of observed and simulated hyrdographs. A number of goodness of fit criteria are available (Fleming, 1975), but the methods used in this study are: Relative Error (RE) RE = Observed – Simulated Observed (3.9) 57 Absolute Relative Error (ARE) ARE = Observed – Simulated Observed (3.10) For spatial time series analysis, Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) was used. n RMSE = 1 n ∑ | Qs (i) – Qo (i)| (3.11) i=1 where Qs is simulated discharges (m3/s), Qo is observed discharges (m3/s), and, n is number of observations in the time series. For water quality, two parameters were used for assessing the performance of calibration. These parameters are defined as Relative Load Difference (RLD) and Absolute Load Difference (ALD) (Baffaut and Delleur, 1990). N RLD = 1 N ∑ 1 Mi-Pi Mi (3.12) N ALD = 1 N ∑ Mi-Pi 1 Mi where N – number of events used for calibration Mi – measured event total load Pi – predicted event total load (3.13) 58 3.17 Water Quality The pollutant deposition and wash-off model used in SWMM requires the calibration of several parameters (Baffaut and Delleur, 1990). Different models offer different options for conceptual buildup and wash off mechanisms, with SWMM having the greatest flexibility. In fact, with calibration, a good agreement can be produced between predicted and measured concentrations and loads (Novotny, 1995). 3.17.1 Estimation of Buildup Parameters Deposition and removal of pollutant constituents are a continuous process and, hence, the loads obtained from any sampling program will show a temporal variability. These loads would reach a maximum when equilibrium conditions were achieved. An equilibrium occurs when the rate at which a constituent being deposited is equal to the rate at which the constituent being removed. In a similar manner, the loads would be at a minimum immediately after cleansing of the catchment surface. Consequently, the definition of a cleansing event is important for the analysis of the temporal pattern of the constituent load (Ball et al., 1998). For buildup, normalized loadings (e.g., mass/day/area or mass /day/curb length, or just mass/day) are required, along with an assumed functional form for buildup versus time (e.g., linear, exponential, Michaelis-Menton, etc.). Ammon (1979) categorised the buildup relationship into one of four functional forms. These forms are linear, power function, exponential or Michaelis-Menton. Pollutant mass with a linear function: P = ax t (3.14) where P is the pollutant load, ax is a coefficient of the linear deposition rate in weight per day and t is the number of dry days preceding storm runoff 59 An exponential function: P = PL (1-ekt) (3.15) where PL is the maximum amount of pollutant that can be deposited, and k is the removal rate of pollutant. A power function: P = a2 t b (3.16) where a2 is a coefficient of the linear deposition rate in weight per day, and b is exponential coefficient. A Michaelis-Menton function: (3.17) P = PL t/(c+t) where PL is the maximum amount of pollutant that can be deposited, and c is the number of days when half of the maximum load has been deposited. 120 Linear Power Dust and Dirt (kg) 100 DD Limit = 100 Exponential MichaelisMenton 80 60 40 20 0 0 5 Time (days) 10 Figure 3.8: Buildup relationship 15 60 Build up parameters were determined using the technique described by Alley and Smith (1981) and Baffaut and Delleur (1990). Dry deposition (dust and dirt) were collected and their particle size determined. The dry loadings were than plotted against duration (day) and the relationships were fitted using equations 3.14 to 3.17 (Figure 3.8). Dry deposition in the commercial catchment was collected from impervious surfaces (test strip) measuring 5 m x 2 m. The plot is located near a car park (Figure 3.9). Dry deposition in the residential catchment was collected at the back lane of the houses. The site of test strip is also 5 m x 2 m. Dust and dirt deposited on the test strip were carefully extracted using stiff broom and followed by a vacuum cleaner. According to Aubourg (1994), the bulk of the pollutants are attached to small particles < 150 µm. The portion of particles < 150 µm was determined by carrying out sieve analysis (Appendix G). The particle size analysis involved determining the percentage by mass of particles within the different size ranges. The samples were passed through a series of standard test sieves. In this study, the size used were 4.75 mm, 1.18 mm, 600 µm, 300µm, 150µm 75µm. The mass of soil retained in each sieve was determined and the cumulative percentage by mass passing each sieve calculated. From these results, the buildup limit and buildup exponent can be estimated for both catchments. 61 SITE PLAN COMMERCIAL CATCHMENT TEST STRIP 600 DRAIN 2500 2500 2000 All dimensions in mm CAR PARK 40000 Traffic Direction JALAN KEBUDAYAAN Not to scale Figure 3.9: Test strip for the commercial catchment 62 SITE PLAN RESIDENTIAL CATCHMENT HOUSES TEST STRIP 600 DRAIN 2500 2500 All dimensions in mm 2000 JALAN PERTANIAN 4000 Not to scale Figure 3.10: Test strip for the residential catchment For the purposes of modeling, the main parameters which need to be adjusted in the buildup relationship during calibration are: i. Buildup limit ii. Buildup coefficient iii. Buildup exponential A minimum value of the buildup limit is the largest wash-off load that has been measured. The buildup coefficient is a function of the pollutant deposition rate. This rate depends on several factors, and no real upper limits and lower limit exist. However, 90% of the buildup limit is usually deposited in a period that varies between a few days and 15 days (Baffaut et al., 1990). 3.17.2 Estimation of Wash-off Parameters The wash-off parameters have an impact on the wash-off rate and therefore on the shape of the pollutographs. The wash-off coefficient varies typically between one and 10 but can be much larger, whereas the wash-off exponent is between one and five (Baffaut et al., 1990). Generalized data for buildup and washoff are scarse (Manning et al., 1977) and such measurements are almost never been conducted as part of a routine monitoring program. For washoff, the relationship of washoff (mass/time) versus runoff rate must be assumed, usually in the form of a power equation (Novotny, 1995). When end-of-pipe concentration and load data are all that are available, all buildup and washoff coefficients end up being calibration parameters. During the calibration process, pollutant washoff parameters that need to be adjusted are washoff coefficient and washoff exponent. Pollutant washoff was simulated using an exponential washoff equation as follows: 64 P(t) = KwRnP (3.18) where P(t) is the washoff load rate at time t; Kw is the washoff coefficient; R is the runoff rate (mm/hr) n is the power of runoff rate P is the amount of pollutant remaining on the catchment From the basic equation Equation 3.18, the washoff parameters, washoff coefficient and exponent are determined from a finite difference approximation (Nix, 1994) which produces: Po (t + ∆t) = Po(t)exp{-Kw ∆t * 0.5[R(t)n + R(t + ∆t)n]} (3.19) where: - Po (t + ∆t) is the amount of pollutant washoff during simulation time step (t + ∆t) - Po (t) is the amount of pollutant on land surface during a time step (t) - Kw is the washoff or decay coefficient - ∆t is the time step - 0.5[R(t)n + R(t + ∆t)n] is average runoff rate over a time step and - n is the power function of runoff rate The washoff coefficient can be calculated using Equation 3.19 provided the following assumptions are met: i. the amount of pollutant available on the catchment at the start of simulation is equal to the total pollutant load of the storm event, and, ii. the amount of pollutant at the start of every time steps is equal to the amount of pollutant load of a particular time step. The value of KW was determined using trial and errors method and assumed variable value of n. The washoff coefficient and exponential can be determined by plotting the cumulative values of KW and runoff rate (R) (Figure 3.11). Cumulative Washoff (1/mm) 65 Kw = R n Cumulative Runoff Rate (mm/hr) Figure 3.11: Cumulative values of KW and runoff rate (R) CHAPTER 4 RUNOFF QUALITY AND POLLUTANT LOADINGS This chapter discusses the results of the analysis in terms of stormwater runoff quantity and quality. The results of stormwater quality are discussed and compared with other studies. The scope covered in this chapter include Event Mean Concentration (EMC), statistical analysis, box plot analysis, hysteresis loops, first flush analysis and pollutant loading. 4.1 Characteristics of Rainfall Events Characteristics of rainfall and runoff data collected from November 2003 to December 2004 are summarised in Table 4.1. The hydrologic and pollutant concentration data were used to plot pollutograph and to calculate event mean concentration and pollutant loading. Ten storm events for residential and seven events for commercial catchments were sampled and analysed. During the monitoring periods, observed antecedent dry days ranged from 21 to 120 hours and the rainfall size ranged from 1.52 to 65 mm. The storm depth and intensity are important for the transport of particulates whereas the length of dry periods indicate the amount of accumulated pollutant since the preceding event (Lee et al., 2004). 67 Site Residential catchment Commercial catchment Table 4.1: Characteristics of monitored storms Event Rainfall Intensity Days since last measured (mm) (mm/hr) storm (hr) * 8-Nov-03 * 11-Nov-03 11-Jan-04 1.52 3.5 120 2-Mar-04 1.52 2.5 23 4-Mar-04 18.8 16 45 6-Mar-04 2.8 9.3 46.4 12-July-04 19 16 24 8-Sept-04 6.8 8.8 50 4-Nov-04 65 27 21 27-Dec-04 8 9.6 8 11-Mar-04 20.1 24 21 16-Mar-04 31.3 25 15 18-Mar-04 3 47.7 10 19-Mar-04 7 23.8 11 14-Apr-04 11 48 ** 20-Aug-04 7 10-Sept-04 4.9 49 Note: * rain gauge was not installed yet **no rainfall data recorded due to technical problem 4.2 Event Mean Concentration (EMC) The event mean concentration (EMC) of contaminants can be represented by the total constituent mass discharged, during an event, divided by the total runoff volume of the event (Adam and Papa, 2000). Table 4.2 presents the EMC values for various parameters together with their site mean concentrations (SMC) or the average EMC. Pollutant concentrations vary considerably from storm to storm and between the two catchments. By comparison with the existing Interim National Water Quality Standards for Malaysia (INWQS) (Table 4.3), the runoff is highly polluted especially in terms of SS, BOD and COD with maximum EMCs for the residential catchment of 1024 mg/l, 190 mg/l and 728 mg/l, respectively. The corresponding values for the commercial catchment were 341 mg/l, 237 mg/l and 781 mg/l. Storm size didn’t seem to be a single factor influencing the EMC values. For example the highest SS was registered on 11 January 2004 with total rainfall of only 1.52 mm. Similarly, the highest COD value was recorded on 6 March 2004 following 2.8 mm rainfall. 68 The concentration of SS was considerably higher in the residential compared to commercial catchment. This is due to the fact that most of the area is covered and therefore surface erosion is not happening in the commercial catchment. In contrast, the residential catchment has more open area (e.g. playing ground) which is subject to erosion when the soil landscape is not properly maintained. Concentrations of NH3-N and P were also high in both catchments and could be associated with domestic wastes, sullage and discharge from restaurants. In general, the storm quality can be considered very polluted with major contaminants exceeded the limits for class V water. Table 4.2: Event means concentration (EMC) of water quality parameters. Events BOD5 (mg/l) COD (mg/l) 8-Nov-03 11-Nov-03 11-Jan-04 2-Mar-04 4-Mar-04 6-Mar-04 12-July-04 8-Sept-04 4-Nov-04 27-Dec-04 SMC 73 54 85 190 123 156 68 39 47 113 95 238 136 296 675 316 728 181 98 118 320 311 11-Mar-04 16-Mar-04 18-Mar-04 19-Mar-04 14-Apr-04 20-Aug-04 10 Sept-04 144 59 237 180 121 97 108 135 495 158 585 781 422 251 714 487 SMC SS NO3-N NO2-N (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) Residential Catchment 274 0.69 0.02 259 0.07 0.03 1024 0.91 0.13 742 3.9 0.06 259 3.3 0.07 374 1.7 0.82 85 6 152 0.17 21 3.7 405 3.1 364 2.4 0.1 Commercial Catchment 124 1 0.03 69 0.71 0.02 166 1.9 0.06 274 2.8 0.05 162 12.3 1.1 232 0.23 0.12 341 0.52 0.21 195 2.8 0.43 NH3-N (mg/l) P (mg/l) Pb (mg/l) 0.66 0.73 8.7 7 9.12 3.6 0.37 0.37 0.8 3.7 3.5 1.11 0.6 7.3 7.8 1.24 3.44 0.93 4.52 0.01 1.6 3 0.05 0.07 0.03 0.001 0.002 0.0004 0.02 1.9 2.83 6.59 8.7 5.7 0.79 0.23 3.8 1.1 0.3 2.59 3.0 0.9 0.55 1.97 1.5 0.0001 0.002 .001 0.001 0.0001 0.001 Table 4.3: Water Quality Index Class Standard Parameter Unit NH3-N BOD COD DO pH SS mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l After, DOE (1986) I < 0.1 <1 < 10 >7 >7 < 25 II 0.1 – 0.3 1-3 10 - 25 5–7 6–7 25 – 50 Class III 0.3 – 0.9 3-6 25 - 50 3-5 5–6 50 - 150 IV 0.9 – 2.7 6 - 12 50 – 100 1-3 <5 150 - 300 V > 2.7 > 12 > 100 <1 >5 > 300 69 As shown in Table 4.4, the EMCs of this study are compared with those of Chongju, South Korea (Choe et al., 2002), Isfahan, Iran (Taebi and Droste, 2004), Spain (Diaz-Fierros et al., 2002), Centennial Park Catchment, Australia (Abustan, 1995), Sembulan River, Sabah, Malaysia (Faridah, 2004) and Zulkifli et al. (2002) of Sg. Pandan, Johor, Malaysia. For both catchments, concentration of COD is within the ranges of the reported values. For BOD5, the residential catchment showed the second lowest but the commercial catchment showed the highest value. In the residential catchment, the values of SS are found to be relatively higher than the other studies but in the commercial catchment the value is still within the range. Table 4.4: Comparison between the results obtained from this study with the other studies Site Landuse Area (ha) Residential • Multi – family • Single –family • Commercial Average 4.8 3.2 0.7 2. Isfahan, Iran • River 200 3. Spain • Combined Sewer System 4. Centennial Park Catchment, Australia 5. Sembulan river 1. Chongju, Korea 6. Sg. Pandan Catchment, Johor 7. This study Rainfall (mm/yr) 1225 COD EMC (mg/l) BOD5 SS Pb NO3-N 211 226 501 313 76 125 169 123 146 414 276 279 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.24 - 118 649 - - 0.31 - - 1600 329 123 282 4 - • Residential (Separated Sewer System) 1.27 km2 1581 - - 129 - - • Mix landuse (Residential, Commercial) 43.68 km2 - 146.8 37 177 0.03 0.62 • Mix landuse (Agricultural, Residential, Commercial) 17.14 km2 20002005 132 39 184 - 0.5 3.34 0.75 2000 311 487 95 135 364 195 0.02 0.001 2.4 2.8 • Residential • Commercial 70 Descriptive statistics of the stormwater quality for both catchments are summarised in Table 4.5. High standard deviations in both catchments indicate that the concentrations tend to be widely scattered about the mean, which is an indicator of variability from storm-to-storm and between samples of the same event. Table 4.5: Statistical analysis of pollutant concentration for both catchments 4.3 Pollutant (mg/l) Mean BOD5 COD SS NO3-N NO2-N NH3-N P pH 86 299 281 1.95 0.21 4.4 3.3 6.8 Residential Median Standard Deviation 56 72 158 325 97 386 1.1 2.5 0.02 0.58 1.6 6.8 2.7 3.4 6.9 0.4 Mean 126 489 229 3.1 0.3 5.4 2 6 Commercial Median Standard Deviation 105 94 346 437 117 269 0.9 8.1 0.05 0.9 2.7 6.6 1.2 2.4 6 0.4 Correlation Analysis Correlations amongst various pollutants are presented in Tables 4.6a and 4.6b. For theresidential catchment, moderate positive correlations (p<0.01) between SS with P, COD, BOD5 and NH3-N were observed. However, the correlations between SS and NO3-N and NO2-N were not significant (p>0.05). These relationships are not consistent between catchments. For commercial catchment, SS concentration was positively correlated with NH3-N and P (p<0.01) but not with other pollutants. 71 Table 4.6a: Correlation analysis of pollutant concentration in the residential catchment SS SS BOD COD NO3-N NO2-N NH3-N P 1 0.542** 0.606** 0.081 -0.224 0.539** 0.729** BOD COD 1 0.897** 0.152 -0.155 0.383** 0.514** 1 0.049 -0.160 0.370** 0.445** NO3-N NO2-N 1 -0.087 -0.006 0.098 1 -0.088 -0.055 NH3-N P 1 0.547** 1 ** Correlation is significant at p◦≤ 0.01 level (2-tailed). Table 4.6b: Correlation analysis of pollutant concentration in the commercial catchment SS SS BOD COD NO3-N NO2-N NH3-N P 1 0.011 0.127 -0.100 -0.110 0.279* 0.335** BOD COD 1 0.596** 0.117 0.059 0.195 0.399** 1 0.108 0.065 0.126 0.501** NO3-N 1 0.963** 0.174 0.062 NO2-N 1 0.060 0.002 NH3-N P 1 0.572** 1 ** Correlation is significant at p ≤ 0.01 level (2-tailed). * Correlation is significant at p ≤ 0.05 level (2-tailed). 4.4 Baseflow and Stormflow Concentrations Comparisons between stormflow and baseflow concentrations in the commercial catchment are shown in Figure 4.1. With the exceptions of NH3-N and NO3-N, the other pollutants in the commercial catchment exhibit higher concentrations in baseflow than in stormflow. The higher baseflow concentration could be associated with the limited sources of the pollutants that were accumulated in the drains during dry days and became diluted during storms. This is in contrast to when a large portion of a catchment is cleared and the soil is exposed to raindrops. In such a condition the source of sediment is unlimited thus sediment concentration is expected to be higher during storm events. However, when mean values for all events in this study were considered, stormflow concentrations were higher than the baseflow. Various pollutants might be transported from the impervious catchment 72 surfaces by overland flow during storms. SS showed considerable variation between events with obvious dilution during storms. SS could be evacuated from exposed land surfaces in the catchment. The next highest concentrations are BOD5 and COD, ranging from 22.5 to 180 mg/l and 35 to 1094 mg/l, respectively. This may suggest large supplies of organic matter during storm events. Figure 4.1a shows the box plot of storm water quality (see section 3.7 for interpretation). The median values of stormflow and baseflow concentrations are summarized in Table 4.7a. The percentage differences between median stormflow and baseflow concentrations of BOD, COD and SS are -40%, 124% and 44%, respectively. P produced the biggest difference of -275%. 73 BOD (mg/l) - Commercial 200 COD (mg/l) - Commercial 1200 SS (mg/l) - Commercial 1400 1200 1000 1000 800 800 100 600 600 400 400 200 0 N= 200 0 N= 66 4 SF BF SF BF NO3-N (mg/l) - Commercial 30 0 N= 71 4 NO2-N (mg/l) - Commercial 80 4 SF BF NH3-N (mg/l) - Commercial 5 50 4 40 3 30 2 20 1 10 20 10 0 N= 79 4 0 N= SF BF 0 N= 80 4 SF BF SF BF P (mg/l) - Commercial 14 78 4 pH - Commercial 7.5 Conductivity - Commercial 600 12 500 7.0 10 400 6.5 8 300 6 6.0 200 4 5.5 100 2 0 N= 80 4 SF BF 5.0 N= 80 4 SF BF 0 N= 80 4 SF BF Figure 4.1: Box plot of stormwater quality in the commercial catchment 74 Table 4.7a: Median concentration of stormflow and baseflow quality in the commercial catchment (mg/l) Stormflow Baseflow % difference BOD5 COD SS 100 140 317 710 117 169 -124% -44% -40% NO3N NO2- NH3N N Commercial 0.9 0.05 2.7 0.4 0.07 1.1 56% -40% 59% P pH EC 1.2 4.5 5.9 6.7 60 230 -275% -14% -283% Concentrations of SS, BOD5, SS, NO3-N, NO2-N, NH3-N and P are plotted against the antecedent dry days (Figure 4.2). For the commercial catchment, the observed antecedent dry days ranged from 24 to 49 hours and the rainfall size ranged from 3 to 31.3 mm. Interestingly, even with less than 1 dry day period, the event on March 19, 2004 produced the highest SS concentration compared to the other events. Storm size also didn’t seem to be a single factor influencing the SS concentration. No correlation was found between the concentration of SS and the antecedent dry day period. COD shows the highest value of median concentration with 49 hours (2.04 days) antecedent dry day. But again there was no correlation between COD and dry day period. The same case was found for the other parameters. For the commercial catchment, there was no correlation between pollutant concentration and the antecedent dry day period. This finding agrees with Gupta and Saul (1996). Since some kitchens in the residential catchment, especially after renovation, directly discharge sullage into drains, the pollutant transport behaviour is less predictable. 75 SS - Commercial BOD - Commercial 1400 COD - Commercial 200 1200 1200 1000 1000 600 Concentration (mg/l) Concentration (mg/l) Concentration (mg/l) 800 800 100 600 400 400 200 200 0 0 0.99 1.04 1 2 1.99 0 0.99 2.04 1.04 1 Dry Days 2 1.99 0.99 2.04 Dry Days NO3-N - Commercial 2 1.99 2.04 Dry Days NO2-N - Commercial 30 1.04 1 NH3-N - Commercial 5 30 4 Concentration (mg/l) Concentration (mg/l) 20 Concentration (mg/l) 20 3 2 10 10 1 0 0 0.99 1.04 1 2 1.99 0 0.99 2.04 1.04 1 1.99 Dry Days Dry Days 0.99 2 2.04 1.04 1 2 1.99 2.04 Dry Days P - Commercial 12 10 Concentration (mg/l) 8 6 4 2 0 0.99 1.04 1 2 1.99 2.04 Dry Days Figure 4.2: Effects of antecedent dry days on pollutant concentrations 76 For the residential catchment, with the exceptions of BOD5, COD, P, and Electrical conductivity, the other pollutants show much higher concentration during stormflow than in baseflow (Figure 4.3). Concentrations of BOD5, COD, SS, NO3N, NO2-N, NH3-N and P were diluted during storms. The range of pH in stormflow was not so different from the baseflow, ranging from 5.7 to 7. At this range, the pH values are highly buffered thus a large change in chemical compositions would cause small changes in pH value (Kohlmann, 2003). Median values of stormflow and baseflow pollutants for the residential catchment are summarized in Table 4.7b. The percentage differences between median stormflow and baseflow concentrations of BOD, COD and SS are -48%, 203% and -23%, respectively. COD produced the biggest percentage difference and could be due to the sources of pollutants from the kitchens (sullage) during baseflow. 77 BOD (mg/l) - Residential 300 COD (mg/l) - Residential 1600 SS (mg/l) - Residential 2000 1400 1200 200 1000 800 1000 600 100 400 200 0 N= 0 N= 99 9 SF BF SF BF NO3-N (mg/l) - Residential 20 0 N= 110 8 108 10 SF BF NH3-N (mg/l) - Residential NO2-N (mg/l) - Residential 30 3.0 2.5 20 2.0 10 1.5 10 1.0 .5 0 N= 91 9 0.0 N= SF BF P (mg/l) - Residential 14 62 9 SF BF 0 N= pH - Residential 8.0 74 9 SF BF Conductivity - Residential 600 12 500 7.5 10 400 7.0 8 300 6 6.5 200 4 6.0 100 2 0 N= 73 7 SF BF 5.5 N= 91 10 SF BF 0 N= 91 10 SF BF Figure 4.3: Box plot of baseflow and stormflow quality in the residential catchment 78 Table 4.7b: Median concentration of water quality parameters for residential catchment Stormflow Baseflow % difference BOD5 COD SS 52 77 155 470 93 72 -48% -203% -23% NO3- NO2- NH3N N N Residential 1.1 0.02 1.5 0.8 0.02 1.4 27% 0% 7% P pH EC 2.7 3.6 6.9 6.9 75 231 -33% -0% -208% Concentrations of various pollutants of the residential catchment are plotted against the antecedent dry days (Figure 4.4). The observed antecedent dry days ranged from 21 to 120 hours and the rainfall size ranged from 1.52 to 19 mm. Similar to the commercial catchment, no discernible trend was found between pollutant concentration and the antecedent dry day period. 79 SS - Residential BOD - Residential 1600 COD - Residential 300 1600 1400 1400 1200 1000 800 600 200 Concentration (mg/l) Concentrations (mg/l) Concentration (mg/l) 1200 1000 800 600 100 400 400 200 200 0 0 0.88 1 1.93 5 0 0.88 0.96 1.88 2.08 1 1.93 0.96 1.88 Dry Days 5 0.88 2.08 Dry Days NO3-N - Residential 1.93 5 Dry Days NO2-N - Residential 10 1 0.96 1.88 2.08 NH3-N - Residential 3.0 30 2.5 20 Concentration (mg/l) Concentration (mg/l) Concentration (mg/l) 2.0 1.5 10 1.0 .5 0 0 0.88 1 0.96 1.93 1.88 5 2.08 0.88 0.0 0.96 1.88 1.93 Dry Days Dry days 5 0.96 1 1.93 1.88 5 2.08 Dry Days P - Residential 30 Concentration (mg/l) 20 10 0 0.88 0.96 1 1.93 1.88 5 2.08 Dry Days Figure 4.4: Effects of antecedent dry day on pollutant concentrations 80 4.5 Hydrograph and Pollutograph Analysis The pollutographs and hydrographs of the residential catchment are presented in Figure 4.2a. Most of the observed hydrographs were of single peaked types. The hydrographs show rapid response to rainfall with short time to peak, averaging at 9 minutes for the residential and 11 minutes for the commercial catchment. This flashy characteristic of small urban catchment was also observed in South Korea by Lee et al. (1996). There are two important runoff parameters for assessing flood, namely peak runoff rate and runoff volume. The peak runoff rate for a given recurrence period can be used in designing storm-water runoff facilities such as storm inlets and also in hydrologic planning. The maximum flow rate (0.25 m3/s) in the commercial catchment was recorded on March 16, 2004’s event whereas in the residential catchment was 0.9 m3/s on November 4, 2004. In a catchment where storage is large, design work is usually based on total volume rather than the peak discharge rates. Total water volume from a storm of a given recurrence period is necessary in the design of flood control basins especially when a large portion of a catchment is cleared such as for urbanization. The solutions to some engineering problems require models that use a time dependent variable such as discharge as a predictor variable (e.g., concentration – flow relationship). This is usually demonstrated using pollutograph which describe changes in solute/pollutant concentrations over time. Pollutographs can be important in cases such as accidential spills of toxic chemical into streams (McCuen, 2004). From this study, pollutant concentration show rapid increases and decreases as the storm event progress. In most cases, the peak concentrations preceded the peak runoff. This suggests that the pollutants were of short distant sources/origin so as the pollutant mass arrived at the catchment’s outlet much faster than the runoff itself. Such behaviour of SS transport is quite common for small catchments (Lee and Bang, 2000). The observed pollutographs exhibit two kinds of response; i) rapid increase (flushing) and followed by rapid decrease, ii) dilution as presented in Table 4.8. For 81 the residential catchment, SS shows strong flushing with six out of seven events exhibit first flush effect whereas NO2-N and P have dilution effects. The overall responses are summarized in Table 4.9. Both catchments showed quite different response with respect to pollutants that exhibit first flush or dilution effect. Dilution effects were observed for NO2-N and P in the residential catchment and NH3-N in the commercial catchment. First flush effects were observed for SS in the residential catchment whereas COD and P in the commercial catchment. On the other hand, BOD5 and NO3-N showed mix patterns in both catchments. For commercial catchment, storm on the March 16, 2004 showed dilution for all parameters. This is expected because March 16, 2004 registered the highest rainfall depth and intensity. NH3-N showed dilution for all events. This can be related to the first flush analysis (section 4.9), where NH3-N showed the weakest flushing. From the results it can be concluded that COD and P showed strong first flush and the other parameters had mix pattern. The pollutographs for both catchments vary from one event to another and this could be associated with the rainfall intensity and the antecedent dry days. In addition, lowflow conditions in the residential and commercial catchments could affect the concentrations on the early stage of storm events. The first flush refers to the delivery of a disproportionately large load of pollutants during the early portion of a storm runoff event. If most of the urbansurface pollutant load were transported during the initial phase of a storm, then a small volume of runoff storage would be needed to treat and remove the bulk of urban-surface pollutants. As such by installing first flush collection, the bulk of the pollutant (such as SS) could be captured and isolated, with the subsequent runoff which is cleaner being diverted directly to the stormwater system and finally into the receiving water body. 82 Table 4.8: Characterisation of pollutographs for each event Events BOD5 (mg/l) 11-Jan-04 2-Mar-04 4-Mar-04 6-Mar-04 12-July-04 8-Sept-04 4-Nov-04 27-Dec-04 FF FF D D D FF D FF 11-Mar-04 16-Mar-04 18-Mar-04 19-Mar-04 14-Apr-04 20-Aug-04 10 Sept-04 FF D D FF FF D FF COD SS NO3-N NO2-N (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) Residential Catchment FF FF D D FF D FF D D FF D D D FF FF D D FF FF FF FF FF D D D FF FF D Commercial Catchment FF D FF D D D D D D D D D FF D FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF D D NH3-N (mg/l) P (mg/l) D D D FF FF D D FF D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D FF FF FF FF FF *D = Dilution FF = First Flush Table 4.9: Summary of pollutographs for both catchments Sites Residential Commercial Parameters Dilution NO2-N, P NH3-N First Flush SS COD, P Mix Pattern BOD5, COD, NH3-N, NO3-N SS, NO2-N, NO3-N, BOD5 Figures 4.5a and 4.5b show selected pollutographs and hydrographs for both catchments. The pollutographs for both catchments, produced by single-peaked storms, generally exhibit rather simple patterns, characterized by rapid increase and followed by gradual decreases. The pollutographs of other pollutants are presented in Appendix E. 83 Residential - 2 March 2004 Residential - 6 March 2004 Flow 15 0.0 0.2 0.4 Storm Duration (hr) 400 20 0 0 0.0 0.6 0.5 1.0 Storm Duration (hr) Residential - 8 September 2004 Residential - 6 March 2004 40 Flow 2 20 0 Flow (l/s) BOD 100 75 0 0 0.0 1.0 Residential - 8 September 2004 SS Flow 300 75 0 0 0.8 Flow (l/s) 150 2 4 C oncentration (m g/L) 4 C oncentration (m g/L) 0.8 0 Rainfall (m m ) 2 0.4 Storm Duration (hr) 0.4 Storm Duration (hr) Residential - 8 September 2004 0 0.0 150 Flow 0 0.5 Storm Duration (hr) R ainfall (m m ) 200 R ainfall (m m ) Concentration (mg/L) NO3-N 4 F low (l/s ) 1 4 2 C onc entration (m g/L) 0.5 Rainfall (mm) 0 0 0.0 Rainfall (m m) 40 Flow 0 0.0 SS COD 600 150 Flow 300 75 0 F low (l/s ) 0.1 1 800 Flow (l/s) NO2-N Flow (l/s) C oncentration (m g/l) 0.3 0.5 Concentration (m g/L) 0.1 0 R ainfall (m m ) 0 0 0.0 0.4 Storm Duration (hr) 0.8 Figure 4.5a: Pollutographs and hydrographs in the residential catchments 84 4 4 C oncentration (m g/L) 70 Flow 6 Flow (l/s) 35 0 Flow 35 150 0 0.0 0.6 Flow 70 0.05 35 0.00 0 0.3 Storm Duration (hr) 400 35 0 0.0 0.6 10 35 0 0 0.5 1.0 Storm Duration (hr) F low (l/s ) C onc entration (m g/L) 70 Flow 0.7 1.4 1000 C onc entration (m g/L) 4 0 R ainfall (m m ) 2 0.0 0.5 1.0 Storm Duration (hr) Commercial - 10 September 2004 0 NO2-N R ainfall (m m ) 0 Commercial - 14 April 2004 20 70 Flow F low (l/s ) NO2-N 4 800 SS F low (l/s) C oncentration (m g/L) 4 2 C onc entration (m g/L) 2 0 R ainfall (m m ) 0 0.0 0.6 Commercial - 14 April 2004 Commercial - 19 March 2004 0.10 0.3 Storm Duration (hr) SS R ainfall (m m ) 0.3 Storm Duration (hr) 70 BOD 0 0 0.0 300 40 Flow 500 20 0 F low (l/s ) Concentration (m g/L) P 2 F low (l/s) 2 12 0 Rainfall (m m) 0 R ainfall (m m ) Commercial - 19 March 2004 Commercial - 19 March 2004 0 0.0 0.5 Storm Duration (hr) 1.0 Figure 4.5b: Pollutographs and hydrographs in the commercial catchments 85 4.6 Hysteresis Loop Analysis Concentration-discharge (C/Q) relationships are investigated to better understand the effects of urbanization on stream flow. This hysteresis loop patterns can be used, often in conjunction with supporting evidence, to delineate source area contributions to stream flow, to infer geochemical processes that affect storm water quality and to discern mixing processes as they occur before, during and after storm events. A hysteresis loop demonstrates the occurrence of defined extremes rainfall, the hydrograph recession conditions and could reflect the hydrogeological characteristics of a catchment. Five classes of C/Q relationship have been diccussed and summarised in Chapter 2 (section 2.6). Table 4.10 shows the result of C/Q relationships for both catchments. For the residential catchment, 32 out of 42 C/Q plots were interpreted as clockwise loops. Only eight plots were characterized by a counterclockwise loop and five plots were figure eight loop. NH3-N – Discharge loop showed the most consistent pattern with all events produced clockwise hysteresis. For commercial catchment, most of the parameters exhibit both clockwise and anticlockwise hysteresis. BOD5, P and COD are best characterized by a clockwise loop. Only two parameters exhibited figure eight hysteresis which were SS and NO3-N. The clockwise loop occurs when the pollutants peak arrived at the catchment’s outlet before the peak discharges (Figures 4.6a & 4.6b). It was likely that the drain continue to receive large volumes of event water resulting in low solute concentrations during the onset of the recession. Concentrations increase on the rising limb of the hydrograph and than decrease on the falling limb. Rising limbs dilutions are quite pronounced in both catchments. Counterclockwise loop occur when the C peak arrives later than the Q peak (Figures 4.4b & 4.5b). It is characterized by dilution at the beginning of the storm event, near static concentrations during the relatively prolonged period of rising water levels and then slightly increased concentrations during the long recession period (Rose, 2003). The figure-eight hysteresis (Figures 4.4c & 4.5c) combines parts of clockwise and 86 counterclockwise loop. It consists of a clockwise loop at high flows and a counterclockwise loop at low flows. For both catchments, the C/Q plots were almost uniformly characterized by hysteresis loops that approximated the ideal clockwise types. This finding agrees with Evans and Davies (1998). Although more than one set of mixing dynamics can generate such plots, the most likely explanation is that this hysteresis resulted from two components mixing which was baseflow and stormflow (Rose, 2003). The clockwise hysteresis suggests that much of the water mixture during the storm brief recession period (particularly during the early stages of recession) was contributed by storm event water. Table 4.10: Summary of C/Q hysteresis loop characterization for both catchments Residential (7 events) C CC BOD5 (mg/l) 5 1 COD (mg/l) 4 1 SS (mg/l) 6 1 NO3-N (mg/l) 4 2 NO2-N (mg/l) 1 2 NH3-N (mg/l) 7 P (mg/l) 5 1 F8 1 2 1 1 - Commercial (7 events) C CC F8 6 1 6 1 4 2 1 5 1 1 5 1 5 2 6 1 - C = Clockwise CC = Counter-clockwise F8 = Figure Eight The representative clockwise, counter-clockwise and figure eight hysteresis loops for both catchments are presented in Figures 4.5a, b and c & 4.6a, b and c. Other results are presented in Appendix F. 87 Residential - 8 November 2003 Residential - 10 November 2003 400 BOD Concentration (mg/l) Concentration (mg/l) 150 100 50 SS 200 0 0 50 100 150 0 200 0 50 100 Discharge (l/s) Discharge (l/s) 150 a) Clockwise loop Residential - 2 March 2004 Residential - 10 November 2003 1600 SS 0.04 Concentration (mg/l) Concentration (mg/l) NO2-N 0.02 1200 800 400 0.00 0 0 50 100 Discharge (l/s) 150 0 5 10 15 Discharge (l/s) 20 25 b) Counter-clockwise loop Residential - 11 January 2004 Residential - 12 March 2004 500 NO3-N Concentration (mg/l) Concentration (mg/l) 16 COD 8 0 0 0 5 10 Discharge (l/s) 15 0 100 200 Discharge (l/s) c) Figure Eight Figure 4.6: Hysteresis loops for the residential catchment a) Clockwise loop b) Counter-clockwise loop 300 88 c) Figure Eight Commercial - 18 March 2004 Commercial - 11 March 2004 1600 Concentrations (mg/l) Concentrations (mg/l) 0.2 P 0.1 COD 1200 800 400 0.0 0 0 50 100 150 0 20 40 60 Discharge (l/s) Discharge (l/s) a) Clockwise loop Commercial - 20 August 2004 Commercial - 20 August 2004 5 Concentrations (mg/l) Concentrations (mg/l) NH3- N 0 P 5 0 40 80 0 40 Discharge (l/s) Discharge (l/s) b) Counterclockwise loop Commercial - 14 April 2004 80 Concentrations (mg/l) 0 NO3-N 40 0 0 40 80 Discharge (l/s) c) Figure Eight Figure 4.7: Hysteresis loops for the commercial catchment 80 89 a) Clockwise loop b) Counter-clockwise loop c) Figure Eight 4.7 First Flush Phenomenon For a given catchment, the pollutographs and hydrographs vary from one storm event to another depending on the rainfall intensity, the antecedent dry weather period, the condition of the sewer system, the dry deposits and the accumulation of pollutants. To resolve this discrepancy, Bertrand-Krajewski (1980) proposed a dimensionless representation of cumulative loading ratio curve against cumulative runoff ratio or M(V) curve. The diagonal line represents the loading of a hypothetical pollutant with constant concentration. The loadings for BOD, COD, SS, NO3-N, NO2-N, NH3-N and P are plotted in Figures 4.7 & 4.8 for the commercial and the residential catchments, respectively. Data points above the diagonal line represent a higher loading and associated with pollutants that exhibit a seasonal first flush (Lee et al., 2004). For the commercial catchment, most data points within the initial 30% of the runoff volume fall above the diagonal line. Again, this indicates that first flush is important. Table 4.11 shows averages cumulative pollutant loadings that fall in the 20-30% range of runoff volume. 90 COD - Commercial BOD - Commercial 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 Dimensio nless Cumulative Flo w rate 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Dimensio nless Cumulative Flo w rate NO3-N - Commercial SS - Commercial 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Dimensio nless Cumulative Flo w rate Dimensio nless Cumulative Flo w rate NO2-N - Commercial NH3 -N - Commercial 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Dimensio nless Cumulative Flo w rate 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Dimensio nless Cumulative Flo w rate P - Commercial 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Dimensionless Cumulative Flo w rate Figure 4.8: Mass Volume, M(V) ratios of BOD, COD, SS, NO3-N, NO2-N, NH3N and P in the commercial catchment 91 As shown in Table 4.11, the mean values ranged from 0.38 to 0.55, with a maximum of 0. 87. Since the average cumulative pollutant load that fall in the 2030% range of runoff volume are considered, hence, there is no first flush exist if the mean values was 0.25. It can be concluded that all contaminants exhibited strong first flush. Table 4.11: Cumulative load at 20-30% of the runoff volume in the commercial catchment Commercial Minimum Maximum Mean BOD COD SS NO3-N NO2-N NH3-N P 0.2 0.7 0.45 0.25 0.82 0.54 0.22 0.74 0.48 0.24 0.68 0.46 0.2 0.7 0.46 0.07 0.69 0.38 0.22 0.87 0.55 92 COD - Residential BOD - Residential 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 Dimensio nless Cumulative Flo w rate 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Dimensio nless Cumulative Flow rate NO3-N - Residential SS - Residential 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Dimensio nless Cumulative Flo w rate Dimensio nless Cumulative Flo w rate NH3-N - Residential NO2-N - Residential 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Dimensio nless Cumulative Flo w rate Dimensio nless Cumulative Flo w rate P - Residential 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Dimensio nless Cumulative Flo w rate Figure 4.9: Mass Volume, M(V) ratios of BOD, COD, SS, NO3-N, NO2-N, NH3N and P in the residential catchment 93 For the residential catchment, the mean values ranged from 0.17 to 0.47 as shown in Table 4.12. SS showed the strongest first flush with mean mass to volume ratio of 0.47 and NO2-N the weakest with a mean ratio of 0.17. Table 4.12: Cumulative load at 20-30% of the runoff volume in the residential catchment Residential Min Max Mean BOD COD SS NO3-N NO2-N NH3-N P 0.2 0.59 0.4 0.15 0.69 0.42 0.15 0.78 0.47 0.14 0.49 0.3 0.14 0.19 0.17 0.23 0.53 0.38 0.23 0.43 0.33 The degree of flushing, however, was higher in the commercial catchment as reflected by more points fall above the bisector line. The first 20 - 30% of the flow evacuated between 20-70% BOD, 25-82% COD, 22-74% SS, 24-68% NO3-N, 2070% NO2-N, 7-69% NH3-N and 22-87% P. For the residential catchment, the first 20 - 30% of the discharges evacuated between 20-59% BOD, 15-69% COD, 15-78% SS, 14-49% NO3-N, 14-19% NO2-N, 23-53% NH3-N and 23-43% P. For the commercial catchment, the relative strength of the first flush was P> COD>SS> NO3-N> NO2-N> BOD5> NH3-N but slightly different sequence in the residential catchment: SS> COD> BOD5> NH3-N> P> NO3-N> NO2-N. Study carried out by Lee et al., (2002) in Chongju, South Korea, found that the first 20 – 30% of the flow evacuated between 5 – 60% COD, 5 – 75% SS, 5 – 65% TKN, 5 – 75% TP, 5 – 50% PO4-P and 5 – 65% Fe, which are lower compared to this study. The relative strength of a first flush was TKN> PO4-P> TP> COD> Fe> SS. Diaz – Fierros et al. (2002) in their study highlighted that frequent first flush occur for TKN, TP, NH4+-N, COD and SS. Further, study carried out by Lee et al. (2004) in California defined that the first 20 – 30% of the flow evacuated between 21 – 59% COD, 18 – 63% TSS, 15 – 56% Pb, 18 – 48% Ni, 15 – 44% Cu and 20 – 53% Zn. 94 It can be concluded that the first flush was found in this study. The degree of first flush was determined by the storm characteristics and the antecedent dry day. Large storms tend to cause dilution on pollutant concentration. 4.8 Pollutant Loadings Pollutant loading obtained during a storm event represents the total local point source (PS) and non point source (NPS) pollution. To compare pollutant loads from the PS and NPS, the pollutant loadings were calculated as the product of EMC and runoff volume, expressed in per unit area (kg/ha) (Table 4.13). PS load which was determined from water sample during lowflow (non-rainy days and after mid-night) was subtracted from the total load (during storm) to estimate the contribution of NPS. Despite the apparently higher concentrations of SS and P in the residential catchment, the loadings were higher in the commercial catchment than in the residential catchment. This was attributed to a greater runoff volume per unit area in the commercial catchment than in the residential catchment. Table 4.13: Event pollutant loadings for residential and commercial catchments Parameters Loading (kg/ha) Residential BOD5 COD SS NO3-N NO2-N NH3-N P Pb Range 0.5-16.5 1.2-27.5 2.2-22 0.001-1.5 0.0003-0.01 0.013-1.2 0.002-0.14 undetactable-0.001 Mean 4.9 9 7.5 0.35 0.004 0.2 0.05 0.001 Commercial Range 5.9-25 28-38 7.4-26.3 0.03-2 0.002-0.4 0.13-0.93 0.05-0.19 undetectable -0.001 Mean 14 32 17 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.12 0.0003 95 Averages pollutant loading resulted from three storm events reported by Zulkifli et al. (2002) at Sg. Pandan, Johor, were BOD5 (1.2 kg/ha), COD (7 kg/ha), NO3-N (0.1 kg/ha) and NH3-N (0.1 kg/ha). These values were markedly smaller compared to the present. Sg Pandan is a much bigger catchment (17.1 km2). Due to high spatial variation of rainfall in the tropics, the observed storms may not fall on the entire catchment. As such the storms tend to produce smaller loadings when the values are expressed as per unit area basis. CHAPTER 5 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT MODEL (SWMM) This chapter discusses the application of Storm Water Management Model (SWMM). The model calibration and validation processes for simulating water quantity and quality are described in detail. Sensitivity analysis of the model was carried out prior to the calibration process. The observed and simulated data are compared using goodness of fit tests. The results are evaluated in terms of peak flow, runoff depth and time to peak (shape of hydrograph). For water quality modeling, SWMM was used to simulate suspended solids using local buildup and washoff data collected at the study sites. 5.1 Hydrologic Parameters Catchment characteristics required for the modeling of water quality using SWMM were derived from topography and landuse maps. Total impervious areas in the commercial and residential catchments were 90% and 85%, respectively. The catchments slopes were 0.001 for the commercial and 0.01 for residential catchments. The depression storage was determined from the relationship between the observed runoff and rainfall depth as suggested by Zaman and Ball (1994). The estimated values of the depression storages, obtained from the x-axis when runoff equal to zero, were 0.6 mm for the commercial and 0.3 mm for the residential catchments (Figures 5.1 and 5.2). 97 Runoff vs Rainfall - Commercial Runoff (mm) 50 25 Depression storage y = 1.4082x - 0.8546 R 2 = 0.9927 0.6 mm 0 -10 10 30 -25 Rainfall (mm) Figure 5.1: Relationship between observed runoff and rainfall depth for commercial catchment Runoff vs Rainfall - Residential 50 y = 0.5858x - 0.2042 Runoff (mm) R 2 = 0.9897 25 Depression storage 0.3 mm 0 -20 20 60 -25 Rainfall (mm) Figure 5.2: Relationship between observed runoff and rainfall depth for residential catchment Manning’s roughness values proposed by Huber and Dickinson (1988) were used for estimating runoff from pervious and impervious areas in both commercial and residential catchments (see Table 5.1). 98 Table 5.1: The Manning’s roughness values Ground Cover Manning's n Range Smooth Asphalt Asphalt or concrete paving Packed clay Light turf Dense turf Concrete or asphalt Bare sand Gravelled surface Bare clay-loam (eroded) Range (natural) 0.012 0.014 0.03 0.025 0.06 0.011 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.13 0.010-0.013 0.010-0.016 0.012-0.033 0.012-0.033 0.010-0.32 For the infiltration, Horton with maximum and minimum infiltration rate and decay rate parameters was used (Equation 3.6). In this study, kinematic wave equation was selected for the routing method (Equation 3.7). From this default values as shown in Table 5.2, the sensitivity analysis was performed for both catchments. Table 5.2: Default parameter coefficient in SWMM Parameters Impervious Areas Impervious Depression Storage Pervious Depression Storage Impervious Manning’s n Pervious Manning’s n Horton’s Max. Infiltration Rate Horton’s Min. Infiltration Rate Horton’s Decay Rate Default values Residential Commercial 85 90 0.6 0.3 1.5 2.5 0.012 0.012 0.03 0.03 150 150 15 15 0.00115 0.00115 99 5.2 Sensitivity Analysis Sensitivity analysis of the model was carried out prior to the calibration process. Data from three storm events were used for the sensitivity analysis i.e. on March 11, March 16, and April 14, 2004 for the commercial catchment and on March 4, July 12, and November 4, 2004 for the residential catchment. The model sensitivity was first examined by looking at the effects of varying the percentage of impervious areas on the model performance. Then, the model sensitivity was tested on the effect of changing the catchment width and the impervious depression storage. 5.2.1 Sensitivity to Runoff Depth For the same values of catchment imperviousness, depression storage and catchment width, the sensitivity analysis produced very similar runoff pattern for both catchments. This suggests that it is possible to use similar input values for calibrating SWMM to other catchments with similar basic characteristics. The percentage of imperviousness was the most sensitive parameter as it shows positive response to runoff depth (Figures 5.3 and 5.6). Even a small change in imperviousness can greatly influenced the runoff volume. The slope depicts the response of the model to a 1% change in the initial value of one parameter while holding the other parameter values constant. The second most sensitive parameter is impervious depression storage and followed by catchment width. The catchment width showed a positive response (Figures 5.4 and 5.7) but has small affect on the runoff depth. The percentage change in runoff depth was inversely related to the change in impervious depression storage with changes in the output of less than 5% for the commercial catchment (Figures 5.5 and 5.8). It suggests that depression storage produced small changes in the runoff depth. The results of this sensitivity analysis are very useful for selecting the most important parameters for modeling hydrograph. By knowing this, the less important parameters can be ignored and the modeling exercise becomes more cost effective. 100 Commercial Percentage Change in Volume 80 40 imp16/03/04 imp11/03/04 0 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 imp14/04/04 -40 -80 Percentage Change in imperv iousness Figure 5.3: Sensitivity analysis of impervious area on runoff volume Percentage Change in Volume Commercial 10 w 16/03/04 w 11/03/04 w 14/04/04 0 -100 -50 0 50 100 -10 Percentage Change in w idth Figure 5.4: Sensitivity analysis of catchment width on runoff volume Commercial Percentage Change in Volume 5 dp16/03/04 dp11/03/04 0 -100 -50 dp14/04/04 0 50 100 -5 Percentage Change in depression storage Figure 5.5: Sensitivity analysis of impervious depression storage on runoff volume 101 Residential Percentage Change in Volume 40 20 imp04/03/04 imp12/07/04 0 -40 imp4/11/04 -20 0 20 40 -20 -40 Percentage Change in imperv iousness Figure 5.6: Sensitivity Analysis of percentage of impervious area on runoff volume Percentage Change in Volume Residential 0.5 w 04/03/04 w 12/07/04 w 4/11/04 0.0 -100 -50 0 50 100 -0.5 Percentage Change in w idth Figure 5.7: Sensitivity analysis of runoff volume for catchment width Percentage Change in Volume Residential 20 dp12/07/04 dp04/03/04 10 dp04/11/04 0 -100 -50 0 50 100 -10 Percentage Change in depression storage Figure 5.8: Sensitivity analysis of runoff volume for impervious depression storage 102 5.2.2 Sensitivity to Peak Flow Similar to the runoff depth, the sensitivity analysis on the peak flow produced very similar response for each input parameter in both catchments. As shown in Figures 5.9 to 5.12, both the impervious percentage and catchment width showed positive correlations with peak flow. Again it shows that the peak flows was sensitive to the changes in the catchment imperviousness. For the catchment width, percentages of change between -60% and +60% for the residential and commercial catchments were tested. It suggests that the catchment width influenced the peak flows during the calibration but with smaller effect. Commercial Percentage Change in Peak Flows 80 40 imp16/03/04 0 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 imp11/03/04 imp14/04/04 -40 -80 Percentage Change in imperv iousness Figure 5.9: Sensitivity analysis of percentage of impervious area on the peak flows 103 Commercial Percentage Change in Peak Flows 15 w 16/03/04 w 11/03/04 5 -100 -50 w 14/04/04 0 50 100 -5 Percentage Change in w idth Figure 5.10: Sensitivity analysis of catchment width on the peak flows Percentage Change in Peak Flows Residential 60 imp04/03/04 20 imp12/07/04 imp4/11/04 -40 -10-20 20 50 -60 Percentage Change in imperv iousness Figure 5.11: Sensitivity analysis of percentage of impervious area on the peak flows Residential Percentage Change in Peak Flows 0.6 w 4/11/04 0.2 w 12/07/04 w 04/3/04 -100 -50 -0.2 0 50 100 -0.6 Percentage Change in w idth Figure 5.12: Sensitivity analysis of peak flows for catchment width 104 The parameter values in Table 5.3 were used for calibrating and validating on SWMM model in both catchments. These values were adopted from results of the sensitivity analysis. Table 5.3: Parameters values used for calibrating SWMM in the commercial and residential catchments Parameters Imperviousness of Subcatchment Impervious Depression Storage 0.2 0.2 Pervious Depression Storage 2.5 2.5 Subcatchment Slope 0.01 0.001 Impervious Manning’s n 0.014 0.014 Pervious Manning’s n 0.03 0.03 Horton’s Max Infiltration Rate 175 150 Horton’s Min Infiltration Rate 15 15 0.00115 0.00115 Horton’s Decay Rate 5.3 Default Values Residential Commercial 94 98 Model Calibration and Validation for Commercial Catchment The simulations of SWMM were evaluated in terms of runoff depths, peak flows and the shape of the hydrograph. 5.3.1 Calibration of Runoff Depth This analysis used larger storm size in view of the fact that the ultimate use of hydrological modeling is for designing hydraulic structures, for which calibration of large storms is more appropriate. The model was calibrated based on two storm events, observed on March 11and March 16, 2004. As for the validation exercise, three events were used, i.e. on March 19, April 14 and September 10, 2004. The 105 calibration results suggest that runoff depth is very sensitive to changes in imperviousness depression storage. Since the model is very sensitive to changes in impervious depression storage, this value was first adjusted and refined. In the first trial, an impervious area of 90% was used for both catchments. The depression storage was set between 0.15 and 0.25 mm. After several simulations, the best values for depression storage and impervious area were 0.2 mm and 94% (residential); 98% (commercial), respectively. The resulted RE and ARE during the calibration process were between 17.5% and 17.5% (see Table 5.4). The highest RMSE of 4.7 mm was obtained from event on March 16, 2004. Abustan (1997) found lower RE and ARE values of -5.2 and 6.7%, respectively. However, the modeling can be considered adequate because the average ARE for all events is less than 20% (Sivakumar and Codner, 1995). Table 5.4: Observed and simulated runoff depths of the calibrated events in the commercial catchment 5.3.2 Simulated (mm) RMSE (mm) Relative Errors (%) Abs. Relative Errors (%) 18 Events Observed (mm) 16-Mar-04 25 29.7 4.7 -18 11-Mar-04 14 16.5 2.5 -17 17 Average - - 3.6 -17.5 17.5 Validation of Runoff Depth During the validation process, runoff depth also resulted in quite high values of RE (-8%) and ARE (8.9%). Storm event on March 19, 2004 gave the highest RMSE of 0.17 mm. This despite the fact that the peakflow was satisfactorily fitted during the validation process (Table 5.5). Validation of runoff depth by Abustan (1995) in Australia resulted in RE of -1.1% and ARE of 5.2%. The errors were 106 slightly lower than the errors in this study. However, the errors are acceptable since the average RE was less than ± 10% and the average ARE was less than 15% (Baffaut and Delleur, 1990; Sriananthakumar 1992). Table 5.5: Observed and simulated runoff depth of validated events in the commercial catchment Simulated (mm) RMSE (mm) Relative Errors (%) Abs. Relative Errors (%) 4.4 5 0.6 -14 14 10.15 9.98 0.17 1.7 1.7 3.5 3.9 0.4 -11 11 - - 0.4 -8.2 8.9 Events Observed (mm) 19-Mar-04 14-Apr-04 10-Sep-04 Average 5.3.3 Calibration of the Peak Flows A comparison between the observed and simulated events is shown in Table 5.6. The storm on March 11, 2004 gave a higher RMSE than event on March 16, 2004 with a difference between observed and simulated of 0.02 m3/s. Absolute relative error for this event was 7.4%. Based on the small values of RE and ARE of 3.1% and 4.3%, respectively, it can be concluded that the calibration process for peak flows was successful. Abustan (1997) based on study at Centennial Park catchment, Australia, found RE value of -2% and ARE of 10%. Besides, this calibration was acceptable since the average RE was ± 10 percent and the average ARE was less than 15% (Sri Ananthakumar, 1992). Comparisons of the observed and simulated hydrograph shape are presented in Figures 5.13 and 5.14 for both events. 107 Table 5.6: Comparison between observed and simulated peak flows of calibrated events in the commercial catchment Simulated (m3/s) RMSE (m3/s) Relative Errors (%) Abs. Relative Errors (%) 0.23 0.24 0.01 -1.18 1.18 0.17 0.15 0.02 7.4 7.4 - - 0.015 3.1 4.3 Events Observed (m3/s) 16-Mar-04 11-Mar-04 Average Observed -⋅⋅-⋅⋅-⋅⋅- Simulated Figure 5.13: Observed and simulated hydrographs in the commercial catchment for storm on March 16, 2004 108 Observed -⋅⋅-⋅⋅-⋅⋅- Simulated Figure 5.14: Observed and simulated hydrographs in the commercial catchment for storm on March 11, 2004 5.3.4 Validation of the Peak Flows The model validation for the commercial catchment was performed using observed stormflow data on March 19, April 14 and September 10, 2004 (Table 5.7). All events produced very low RMSE ranging from 0.001 to 0.01. In terms of absolute relative error, the highest was 10.1% for event on March 19. This validation was acceptable since the average RE was less than ± 10% and the average ARE was less than 15% (Sri Ananthakumar, 1992). Again studied by Abustan (1997), found values of RE and ARE of -6.4 and 14%, respectively. It can be concluded, that the validation process for peak flows was successful. The validated hydrographs of these three events are presented in Figures 5.15 to 5.17. 109 Table 5.7: Statistical fits of the validated peakflow in the commercial catchment Simulated (m3/s) RMSE (m3/s) Relative Errors (%) Abs. Relative Errors (%) Events Observed (m3/s) 19-Mar-04 0.075 0.067 0.01 10.1 10.1 0.075 0.082 0.001 -9.3 9.3 0.043 0.048 0.001 -7 7 - - 0.004 -2.1 8.8 14-Apr-04 10-Sep-04 Average Observed -⋅⋅-⋅⋅-⋅⋅- Simulated Figure 5.15: Observed and simulated hydrographs of the commercial catchment for storm on April 14, 2004 110 Observed -⋅⋅-⋅⋅-⋅⋅- Simulated Figure 5.16: Observed and simulated hydrographs of the commercial catchment for storm on March 19, 2004 Observed -⋅⋅-⋅⋅-⋅⋅- Simulated Figure 5.17: Observed and simulated hydrographs of the commercial catchment for storm on September 10, 2004 111 Runoff depth exhibits marked deviations especially for the higher runoff where SWWM tended to overestimate the observed values (Figure 5.18). Runoff also produced a weaker correlation (r2 = 0.98). On the other hand, the simulated peakflows were very similar with the observed values. As shown in Figure 5.19, the data points fall close along the diagonal line with a coefficient of determination, r2 of 0.99. SWMM can predict the peakflow better than the runoff depth. Commercial 30 15 0 0 15 30 Observed Runo ff Depth (mm) Figure 5.18: Observed and simulated runoff depth in the commercial catchment Commercial 0.3 0.15 0 0 0.15 0.3 Observed Peak Flo ws (m 3/s) Figure 5.19: Observed and simulated peak flows in the commercial catchment 112 5.4 Calibration and Validation for Residential Catchment 5.4.1 Calibration of the Runoff Depth For the residential catchment, the model was calibrated using three storm events; on March 4, July 12 and November 4, 2004. As for the validation, two storm events on March 6 and September 8, 2004 were used. Similar to the commercial catchment, the simulated runoff obtained from the calibration and validation processes resulted in higher values of RE (-12%) and ARE (12%) compared to the peak flows (Table 5.8). However, this calibration is still acceptable as the average ARE is less than 15%. Table 5.8: Comparison between observed and simulated runoff depths of calibrated events in the residential catchment RMSE (mm) Relative Errors (%) 16 2 -14 Abs. Relative Errors (%) 14 11 13 2 -18 18 4-Nov-04 56 59 3 -5 5 Average - - -2.3 -12 12 Events Observed (mm) Simulated (mm) 4-Mar-04 14 12-July-04 5.4.2 Validation of the Runoff Depth Table 5.9 shows comparison between the observed and simulated hydrographs for the validation process. Runoff depth resulted in higher values of RE and ARE of -23% and 23%, respectively. The highest RE (25%) occurred on September 8, 2004. 113 Table 5.9: Comparison between observed and simulated runoff depths of validated events in the residential catchment 5.4.3 Events Observed (mm) Simulated (mm) 5 RMSE (mm) 1 Relative Errors (%) -25 Abs. Relative Errors (%) 25 8-Sept-04 4 6-Mar-04 1 1.2 0.2 -20 20 Average - - 0.6 -23 23 Calibration of the Peak Flows The highest error was observed from storm on November 4, 2004 with RMSE and RE of 0.13m3/s and 14.4%, respectively. The degree of error seems to increase with the magnitude of the peakflow with the smallest error was observed for the smallest storm on July 12 and the largest on November 4, 2004 (Table 5.10). This calibration is considered good with average ARE of 6.8%, which was less than 15% the allowable limit. Table 5.10: Observed and simulated peak flows of calibrated events in the residential catchment RMSE (m3/s) Relative Errors (%) Events Observed (m3/s) Simulated (m3/s) 4-Mar-04 0.49 0.47 0.02 3.3 Abs. Relative Errors (%) 3.3 12-July-04 0.28 0.29 0.01 -2.8 2.8 4-Nov-04 0.93 0.8 0.13 14 14 Average - - 0.05 5 6.7 Comparisons of the observed and simulated hydrograph shape are presented in Figures 5.20, 5.21 and 5.22. Except toward the end of the storm event, the rising and falling limbs of the simulated hydrographs generally followed closely the observed hydrographs. 114 Observed -⋅⋅-⋅⋅-⋅⋅- Simulated Figure 5.20: Observed and simulated hydrographs of the residential catchment for storm on March 4, 2004 Observed -⋅⋅-⋅⋅-⋅⋅- Simulated Figure 5.21: Observed and simulated hydrographs of the residential catchment for storm on July 12, 2004 115 Observed -⋅⋅-⋅⋅-⋅⋅- Simulated Figure 5.22: Observed and simulated hydrographs of the residential catchment for storm on November 4, 2004 5.4.4 Validation of the Peak Flows The validated hydrographs on September 8, 2004 and March 6, 2004 showed RE and ARE values slightly higher than the calibrated ones (Table 5.11). The average RE and ARE were -15% and 15%, respectively. The simulated hydrograph was overestimated during validation. The differences between the observed and simulated peak flows are summarised in Table 5.11. Table 5.11: Comparison between observed and simulated peak flows of validated hydrographs in the residential catchment Events Observed (m3/s) Simulated (m3/s) 0.2 RMSE (m3/s) 0.01 Relative Errors (%) -5 Abs. Relative Errors (%) 5 8-Sept-04 0.19 6-Mar-04 0.04 0.05 0.01 -25 25 Average - - 0.01 -15 15 116 The validated hydrographs are presented in Figures 5.23 and 5.24. The validated hydrograph shows a smooth shape on the rising and falling limbs compared to the observed one. The simulated peakflows were also higher than the observed values. Observed -⋅⋅-⋅⋅-⋅⋅- Simulated Figure 5.23: Observed and simulated hydrographs of the residential catchment for storm on September 8, 2004 117 Figure 5.24: Observed and simulated hydrographs of the residential catchment for storm on March 6, 2004 The SWMM model gives good accuracies for predicting peak flows and runoff because the observed and simulated values generally fall close to 1:1 line (Figures 5.25 and 5.26). Regression coefficients, r of 0.998 and 0.992 were obtained. Residential 1 0.5 0 0 0.5 1 Observed P eaks Flo ws (m 3/s) Figure 5.25: Observed and simulated peak flows for the residential catchment 118 Residential 60 30 0 0 30 60 Observed Runo ff Depth (mm) Figure 5.26: Observed and simulated runoff depth for the residential catchment 5.5 Water Quality For purposes of modeling water quality, local buildup data and washoff process are needed in order to calibrate the model. Buildup data was collected at both cathments and the data were then used for calculating washoff parameters. The calibration was carried out to obtain the closest agreement between measured and predicted event pollutant loadings. Similar to the runoff modeling, the observed and simulated data were compared using statistical fits analysis in order to achieved a good calibration. The simulation results are evaluated in terms of total load and peak load. 5.5.1 Estimation of Buildup Parameters The buildup data for both sites were developed and shown in Figures 5.27 and 5.29. The methodology for this estimation has been discussed in Chapter 3. Dust and dirt (DD) buildups of particulates ≤150 µm are also plotted (Figures 5.28 and 5.30) 119 Commercial Buildup DD (g/m of curb) 100 y = 303.93x 0.57 2 R = 0.7 50 0 0 4 8 Time (day s) Figure 5.27: Total dust and dirt (DD) buildup rate in the commercial catchment Particulates < 150 µm (Commercial) Buildup DD (g/m of curb) 30 y = 4.3241x 0.70 2 15 R = 0.45 0 0 2 4 6 8 Time (day s) Figure 5.28: Dust and dirt (DD) buildup rate of particulates ≤ 150 µm From the data collected (Table 5.12), it was found that commercial catchment showed a wide range of DD accumulation. For four days of dry period, the variation was from 44.7 g/m to 103.1 g/m. But for DD <150 µm the variations were smaller from 9.5 g/m and 14.1 g/m. The largest DD was obtained for five days dry period. 120 Table 5.12: Collected dust and dirt in the commercial catchment Date Dry periods (days) 4 4 6 5 1 4 1 2 Dec 2004 23 Dec 2004 30 Jan 2005 8 Jan 2005 13 Jan 2005 14 Jan 2005 19 Jan 2005 DD (g/m) 103.1 52.2 66.1 89.6 30.4 44.7 37.9 DD < 150 µm (g/m) 14.1 6.86 16.9 27.8 5.0 9.5 1.7 Buildup DD (g/m of curb) Residential 30 y = 65.5x 0.74 2 R = 0.49 20 10 0 0 2 4 6 Time (day s) Figure 5.29: Total dust and dirt buildup rate in the residential catchment Particulates < 150 µm (Residential) Buildup DD (g/m of curb) 0.6 0.3 y = 1.0908x 0.9 2 R = 0.46 0 0 3 6 Time (Day s) Figure 5.30: Dust and dirt (DD) buildup rate for particulates < 150 µm 121 Similar to the commercial catchment, the residential catchment shows a wide range of DD accumulation. For one day dry period, the variation was from 2.4 g/m to 12.4 g/m. For DD <150 µm the variations were smaller, from 0.08 g/m and 0.1 g/m. The DD data for the residential catchment was much smaller compared to the commercial catchment. The test strip in the commercial catchment adjoins a car park which is quite heavily used. This may contribute additional source of DD. In contrast, the residential catchment was not so busy compared to the commercial catchment. Table 5.13: Deposition of dust and dirt in the residential catchment Date 2 Dec 2004 23 Dec 2004 8 Jan 2005 13 Jan 2005 14 Jan 2005 19 Jan 2005 Dry periods (days) 4 4 5 1 4 1 DD (g/m) 31.7 11.9 18.1 2.4 6.6 12.4 DD < 150 µm (g/m) 0.36 0.51 0.55 0.1 0.3 0.08 Table 5.14 shows the buildup limit and buildup exponent for both catchments. These values were used in the calibration and validation of SWMM. Table 5.14: Parameters of buildup data in the commercial and residential catchments Total Dust and Dirt Fine DD (< 150 µm) Commercial Buildup Buildup Limit Exponent 80 (g/m) 0.57 15 (g/m) 0.7 Residential Buildup Buildup Limit Exponent 17 (g/m) 0.7 0.5 (g/m) 0.9 122 5.5.2 Estimation of Washoff Parameters Plotting of both cumulative values of washoff and runoff rate could indicate the washoff processes (using Equation 3.19). Figure 5.31 shows the calibrated values of washoff coefficients and washoff exponents used in this analysis. Commercial - 11/3/2004 Cumulative washoff 0.3 0.2 y = 0.001x 0.1 0.71 2 R = 0.87 0 0 750 1500 2250 Cumulative Runoff Rate (mm/hr) Commercial - 16/3/2004 Cumulative washoff 0.47 y = 0.4423x 0.01 2 R = 0.76 0.46 0.45 0 500 1000 1500 Cumulative Runoff Rate (mm/hr) 2000 123 Commercial - 19/3/2004 Cumulative washoff 3 y = 1.0272x 0.13 2 R = 0.82 1.5 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Cumulative Runoff Rate (mm/hr) Commercial - 14/4/2004 Cumulative washoff 4 y = 0.0075x 2 0.81 2 R = 0.93 0 0 1000 2000 Cumulative Runoff Rate (mm/hr) Commercial - 20/8/2004 Cumulative washoff 2 y = 0.0653x 0.4 2 R = 0.96 0 0 1000 Cumulative Runoff Rate (mm/hr) 2000 124 Commercial - 10/9/2004 Cumulative washoff 4 y = 0.987x 2 0.14 2 R = 0.94 0 0 1500 3000 Cumulative Runoff Rate (mm/hr) Figure 5.31: Cumulative washoff coefficient and cumulative runoff exponent for the commercial catchment Different values of n, ranging from 0.5 to 2, were tested for various events during the calibration to get the best estimate of the washoff parameters. The resulted washoff coefficients varied markedly from 0.001 to 1.0 (Table 5.15). Table 5.15: Washoff parameters for the commercial catchment Event 11-Mar-04 16-Mar-04 19-Mar-04 14-Apr-04 20-Aug-04 10-Sept-04 Washoff coefficient 0.001 0.4 1 0.01 0.1 0.9 Washoff exponent 0.7 0.01 0.1 0.8 0.4 0.1 n values 1.5 2 1 1 1 1 125 Cumulative washoff and runoff rates for residential catchment are plotted in Figure 5.32. Cumulative washoff Residential - 04/03/04 y = 0.0479x 8 0.7 2 R = 0.82 4 0 0 500 1000 1500 Cumulative Runoff Rate (mm/hr) Residential - 06/03/04 Cumulative washoff 2 y = 0.0479x 0.55 2 R = 0.87 1 0 0 300 600 Cumulative Runoff Rate (mm/hr) Residential - 12/07/04 Cumulative washoff y = 0.3826x 0.3 2 R = 0.79 3 0 0 1000 Cumulative Runoff Rate (mm/hr) 2000 126 Residential - 08/09/04 0.48 Cumulative washoff y = 0.4654x 0.002 2 R = 0.54 0.46 0 1000 2000 3000 Cumulative Runoff Rate (mm/hr) Residential - 04/11/04 Cumulative washoff 0.28 y = 0.1227x 0.11 2 R = 0.52 0.08 0 1000 Cumulative Runoff Rate (mm/hr) Figure 5.32: Cumulative washoff coefficient and cumulative runoff exponent for the residential catchment The values of washoff coefficients for the residential catchment were much smaller compared to commercial catchment (Table 5.16). The washoff coefficient range from 0.01 to 0.5 and for n values range from 1 to 2.5. Each value was used for calibrating and validating the water quality model in SWMM. Table 5.16: Washoff parameters for residential catchment Event Washoff coefficient Washoff exponent n values 04-Mar-04 0.05 0.7 1 06-Mar-04 0.05 0.5 1 12-July-04 0.4 0.3 1 14-Apr-04 0.01 0.8 1 08-Sept-04 0.5 0.002 2.5 04-Nov-04 0.12 0.1 2.5 127 5.6 Calibration of water quality for commercial catchment Using the buildup and washoff data obtained in the preceding sections, five events were calibrated and the results are presented in Tables 5.17 to 5.21 and Figures 5.33 to 5.37. The calibration was carried out to obtain the closest agreement between the measured and the predicted event pollutant loadings and at the same time attempt to match the measured and predicted loadographs as closely as possible (Sivakumar and Codner, 1995). Two parameters, relative load difference (RLD) and absolute load difference (ALD) (Equations 3.12 and 3.13) were used. The calibration is considered adequate when the average ALD for all events is less than 20%. If this criterion is not achieved, the average RLD was considered. The acceptable RLD values should be between -15% and +15% for all events and the difference between the number of events with under predicted values should be balances with the number of events with over predicted values (Baffaut and Delleur, 1990; Sivakumar and Codner, 1995). Further, Sivakumar and Boroumand-Nasab (1995) suggest that a calibration can be considered good when the average value of ALD is less than 30% and satisfactory when the average ALD is less than 60%. On the above basis, the calibration of SS loading for event on March 16, 2004, with an average ALD of 59% is considered satisfactory (Table 5.17). Studied by Abustan (1995) gave much smaller values of RLD (8%) and ALD (36%). The simulated peak load of SS was very similar with the observed value (0.182 vs. 0.18 kg/s) as shown in Table 5.18. Figure 5.33 shows the observed and simulated loadographs. The observed values slightly preceded the simulated values. Generally, the simulated loading followed the shape of the observed values well. 128 Table 5.17: Calibration of SS loading for 16 March 2004’s storm Sampling time 3:01:30 PM 3:22:23 PM 3:36:35 PM 3:42:35 PM 3:46:25 PM 3:51:20 PM 3:53:37 PM 3:55:45 PM 3:57:30 PM 4:01:18 PM 4:27:07 PM 5:00:00 PM Observed (kg/s) 0.0004 0.001 0.002 0.005 0.008 0.01 0.014 0.018 0.01 0.007 0.001 0.0003 Simulated (kg/s) 0.0003 0.0003 0.003 0.004 0.007 0.011 0.013 0.016 0.017 0.018 0.004 0.001 Mean RLD ALD 0.27 0.7 -0.15 0.32 0.14 -0.1 0.04 0.11 -0.24 -1.51 -3 -0.67 -0.34 0.27 0.7 0.15 0.32 0.14 0.1 0.04 0.11 0.24 1.51 3 0.67 0.59 Table 5.18: Peak load of SS (kg/s) for the event on March 16, 2004 Load (kg/s) Observed Simulated RLD 0.018 0.0182 -0.01 Observed and Simulated Loadograph March 16, 2004 0.02 Observed Simulated Load (kg/s) 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 2:52 PM 3:21 PM 3:50 PM 4:19 PM 4:48 PM 5:16 PM Time Figure 5.33: The observed and simulated loadographs of SS on 16 March, 2004 129 For event on March 11, 2004, the calibration results of SS loadings and the differences between the observed and simulated were presented in Table 5.19. The average RLD was -33% under predicted. However, the average ALD was not good with value of 82% which is greater than the acceptable limit of 60%. This is probably due to the small values of the observed data. For the peak loading of SS (Table 5.20), the calculated RLD of 2% is considered good. Table 5.19: Calibration of SS loading for March 11, 2004 Sampling time 3:47:00 PM 3:58:00 PM 4:07:40 PM 4:17:56 PM 4:22:30 PM 4:33:20 PM 4:36:12 PM Observed (kg/s) 0.019 0.025 0.012 0.012 0.013 0.006 0.003 Simulated (kg/s) 0.002 0.005 0.012 0.025 0.02 0.01 0.008 Mean RLD ALD 0.89 0.8 0.01 -1.1 -0.5 -0.73 -1.5 -0.33 0.89 0.8 0.01 1.1 0.5 0.73 1.5 0.82 Table 5.20: Peak load (kg/s) for the event on March 11, 2004 Load (kg/s) Observed Simulated RLD 0.025 0.0254 -0.02 130 Similar with the March 16 calibration, the observed values preceded the simulated values. Observed and Simulated Loadograph March 11, 2004 0.03 Observed Load (kg/s) Simulated 0.02 0.01 0 3:36 PM 3:50 PM 4:04 PM 4:19 PM 4:33 PM 4:48 PM Time Figure 5.34: The observed and simulated loadographs of SS on March 11, 2004 The third event was on March 19, 2004. Similar to the earlier event on March 16, the calibration is considered satisfactory. From Table 5.21, the averages of RLD and ALD were 38 % and 60 %, respectively. The calibration of SS peak loading was good with RLD of 29 % (Table 5.22). Table 5.21: Calibration of SS loading for storm on March 19, 2004 Sampling time 4:48:45 4:53:26 4:56:18 4:56:50 5:09:55 5:13:41 Observed (kg/s) 0.009 0.016 0.024 0.019 0.005 0.002 Simulated (kg/s) 0.007 0.014 0.016 0.017 0.009 0.007 RLD ALD 0.26 0.1 0.33 0.1 -0.94 -2.5 0.26 0.1 0.33 0.1 0.94 2.5 Mean -0.38 0.6 131 Table 5.22: Peak load of SS (kg/s) in the commercial catchment for storm on March 19, 2004 Observed Simulated RLD 0.024 0.017 0.29 Load (kg/s) It is obvious that the shape of the loadograph showed some differences. In terms of peak flow, the observed value is higher than the simulated one. Observed and Simulated Loadograph March 19, 2004 0.03 Observed Load (kg/s) Simulated 0.02 0.01 0 4:40 PM 4:48 PM 4:55 PM 5:02 PM 5:09 PM 5:16 PM Time Figure 5.35: The observed and simulated loadographs of SS on March 19, 2004 The calibration result for 14 April 2004’s storm is presented in Table 5.23. Even though the average RLD value was good but the ALD (66%) exceeded the acceptable value of 60%. However, the model can simulate peak load of SS well with a RLD of 16% (Table 5.24). 132 Table 5.23: Calibration of SS loading for storm on April 14, 2004 Sampling time 3:06:17 3:09:00 3:14:31 3:20:21 3:31:00 3:31:20 3:33:19 3:43:03 3:49:00 3:57:00 Observed (kg/s) 0.007 0.018 0.011 0.01 0.011 0.011 0.007 0.003 0.001 0.001 Simulated (kg/s) 0.003 0.006 0.011 0.014 0.014 0.013 0.013 0.007 0.004 0.002 Mean RLD ALD 0.6 0.66 0.001 -0.27 -0.24 -0.17 -0.95 -1.23 -1.44 -1 -0.4 0.6 0.66 1.14 0.27 0.24 0.17 0.95 1.23 1.44 1 0.66 Table 5.24: Peak load of SS (kg/s) in the commercial catchment on April 14, 2004 Load (kg/s) Observed Simulated RLD 0.018 0.015 0.16 Observed and Simulated Loadograph April 14, 2004 0.02 Observed Load (kg/s) Simulated 0.01 0 2:52 PM 3:07 PM 3:21 PM 3:36 PM 3:50 PM 4:04 PM Time Figure 5.36: The observed and simulated loadographs of SS on April 14, 2004 133 The last event used for the calibration was on September 10, 2004. SWMM model provides good agreement between the observed and simulated SS loading with RLD and ALD of 0.15 and 0.48, respectively. Table 5.26 shows peak loading with average RLD of 29%. Table 5.25: Calibration of SS loading in the commercial catchment for storm on September 10, 2004 Sampling time 4:15:00 4:19:20 4:20:50 4:23:00 4:25:57 4:38:25 Observed (kg/s) 0.002 0.012 0.017 0.014 0.016 0.005 Simulated (kg/s) 0.001 0.009 0.009 0.01 0.011 0.01 Mean RLD ALD 0.5 0.43 0.48 0.27 0.31 -1 0.15 0.5 0.43 0.48 0.27 0.31 1 0.48 Table 5.26: Peak load of SS (kg/s) in the commercial catchment for storm on September 10, 2004 Load (kg/s) Observed Simulated RLD 0.017 0.012 0.29 Observed and Simulated Loadograph 0.02 September 10, 2004 Observed Load (kg/s) Simulated 0.01 0 4:12 PM 4:19 PM 4:26 PM 4:33 PM 4:40 PM Time Figure 5.37: The observed and simulated loadographs of SS on September 10, 2004 134 The performance of SWMM in predicting SS loading was further examined by plotting the observed and simulated values on 1:1 line (Figure 5.38). It can be concluded that calibration processes was not satisfactory for the commercial catchment. Observed and Simulated SS Load Simulated Load (kg/s) 0.03 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.03 Observ ed Load (kg/s) Figure 5.38: Relationship between observed and simulated loadings of SS in the commercial catchment 5.7 Calibration of water quality for residential catchment Similar with the commercial catchment, four events were calibrated and the results are presented in Tables 5.26 to 5.32 and Figures 5.39 to 5.42. The first event was on March 4, 2004. Calibration of SS load was considered satisfied with ALD value of 50%. 135 Table 5.27: Calibration of SS loading in the residential catchment on March 4, 2004 Sampling time 3:21:30 PM 3:22:50 PM 3:23:36 PM 3:24:18 PM 3:26:00 PM 3:27:41 PM 3:36:30 PM 3:40:52 PM 3:43:25 PM 4:51:00 PM Observed (kg/s) 0.035 0.084 0.105 0.087 0.071 0.071 0.041 0.025 0.01 0.0001 Simulated (kg/s) 0.052 0.071 0.071 0.077 0.088 0.097 0.064 0.036 0.031 0.0001 Mean RLD ALD -0.47 0.16 0.32 0.12 -0.23 -0.35 -0.55 -0.39 -2.10 0 -0.38 0.47 0.16 0.32 0.12 0.23 0.35 0.55 0.39 2.10 0 0.50 For peak loading of SS, the difference in RLD was less than 2 % and this is considered good (Table 5.28). Figure 5.39 shows the simulated and observed loadographs. The observed SS peaked faster and higher than the simulated values. However, the simulated loadings exhibit quite similar pattern with the observed values except for the last one hour of the loadographs. Table 5.28: Peak load of SS (kg/s) on March 4, 2004 Load (kg/s) Observed Simulated RLD 0.105 0.1034 0.02 136 Observed and Simulated Loadograph March 4, 2004 Load (kg/s) 0.1 Observed Simulated 0.05 0 3:07 PM 3:21 PM 3:36 PM 3:50 PM 4:04 PM 4:19 PM 4:33 PM 4:48 PM 5:02 PM Time Figure 5.39: The observed and simulated loadographs of SS in the residential catchment on March 4, 2004 The calibration results for the event on July 12, 2004 were presented in Table 5.29. Both RLD and ALD were satisfied with averages of 8% and 54%, respectively. Table 5.29: Calibration of SS loading in the residential catchment for storm on July 12, 2004 Sampling time 2:22:00 PM 2:29:00 PM 2:47:00 PM 2:48:50 PM 2:50:20 PM 2:51:00 PM 2:52:00 PM 2:52:50 PM 2:54:00 PM 4:50:00 PM Observed (kg/s) 0.0025 0.0167 0.0252 0.0130 0.0136 0.0153 0.0155 0.0140 0.0072 0.0001 Simulated (kg/s) 0.0001 0.0001 0.016 0.017 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.019 0.019 0.00012 Mean RLD ALD 0.96 0.98 0.37 -0.3 -0.32 -0.2 -0.16 -0.33 -1.6 -0.2 -0.08 0.96 0.98 0.37 0.3 0.32 0.2 0.16 0.33 1.6 0.2 0.54 137 The peak loading as shown in Table 5.30 was also good with RLD values of 20%. The observed and simulated loadographs are shown in Figure 5.40. The observed loadograph declined very rapidly compared to the simulated loadographs. Table 5.30: Peak load of SS (kg/s) in the residential catchment on July 12, 2004 Observed Simulated RLD 0.025 0.02 0.2 Load (kg/s) Observed and Simulated Loadograph July 12, 2004 0.03 Load (kg/s) Observed Simulated 0.02 0.01 0 1:55 PM 2:24 PM 2:52 PM 3:21 PM 3:50 PM 4:19 PM 4:48 PM 5:16 PM Time Figure 5.40: The observed and simulated loadographs of SS in the residential catchment on July 12, 2004 From Table 5.31, both the averages RLD and ALD were not satisfied as they exceeded the maximum acceptable values. SWMM seems to under predict the SS loading. Table 5.32 shows the peak loading with average ALD of 17%. Similar to the March 4, 2004 simulation, the observed loadograph decrease rapidly after the peak load. 138 Table 5.31: Calibration of SS loading from residential catchment on September 8, 2004 Sampling time 2:49:31 2:52:17 2:55:27 2:57:20 2:58:15 2:58:58 3:01:05 3:03:03 3:05:38 3:10:08 3:14:10 3:29:27 Observed (kg/s) 0.0001 0.0006 0.006 0.024 0.035 0.032 0.025 0.011 0.005 0.003 0.002 0.0008 Simulated (kg/s) 0.0 0.0002 0.005 0.019 0.025 0.028 0.029 0.026 0.019 0.013 0.007 0.004 Mean RLD ALD 1.0 0.66 0.08 0.22 0.28 0.12 -0.15 -1.33 -2.36 -3.24 -2.5 -3.63 -0.98 1.0 0.66 0.08 0.22 0.28 0.12 0.15 1.33 2.36 3.24 2.5 3.63 1.2 Table 5.32: Peak load of SS (kg/s) from the residential catchment on September 8, 2004 Observed Simulated RLD 0.035 0.029 0.17 Load (kg/s) Observed and Simulated Loadograph September 8, 2004 0.04 Observed Load (kg/s) 0.03 Simulated 0.02 0.01 0 2:45 PM 2:52 PM 3:00 PM 3:07 PM 3:14 PM 3:21 PM 3:28 PM 3:36 PM Time Figure 5.41: The observed and simulated loadographs of SS from the residential catchment on 8 September 2004 139 The last event was on November 4, 2004. Here the calibration was not satisfactory as the average ALD was so large (111%). However, the model performs reasonably well in predicting the peak load with ALD of 23% (Table 5.33). The value, however, was slightly under predicted (Figure 5.42). Table 5.33: Calibration of SS loading from the residential catchment on November 4, 2004 Sampling time 2:27:41 PM 2:29:02 PM 2:52:31 PM 2:59:54 PM 3:02:33 PM 3:03:47 PM 3:07:12 PM 3:08:30 PM 3:13:13 PM 3:19:02 PM 3:22:20 PM 4:50:50 PM 6:30:32 PM Observed (kg/s) 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.004 0.008 0.009 0.015 0.025 0.013 0.006 0.003 0.0003 0.00001 Simulated (kg/s) 0.0 0.0 0.004 0.01 0.01 0.011 0.016 0.017 0.019 0.012 0.011 0.001 0.000005 Mean RLD ALD 1.0 1.0 -2.18 -1.57 -0.79 -0.15 -0.04 0.28 -0.48 -0.9 -2.53 -2.41 1.0 -0.6 1.0 1.0 2.18 1.57 0.79 0.15 0.04 0.28 0.48 0.9 2.53 2.41 1.0 1.1 Table 5.34: Peak load of SS (kg/s) from residential catchment on November 4, 2004 Load (kg/s) Observed Simulated RLD 0.0248 0.019 0.23 140 Observed and Simulated Loadograph November 4, 2004 0.03 Observed Load (kg/s) Simulated 0.02 0.01 0 2:09 PM 3:21 PM 4:33 PM 5:45 PM 6:57 PM Time Figure 5.42: The observed and simulated loadographs of SS from the residential catchment on November 4, 2004 The performance of SWMM in predicting SS loading was further examined by plotting the observed and simulated values on 1:1 line (Figure 5.43). It can be concluded that SWMM can model the SS load reasonably well for the residential catchment. Observed and Simulated SS Loadings Predicted Load (kg/s) 0.12 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.12 Observ ed Load (kg/s) Figure 5.43: Relationship between observed and simulated loadings for the residential catchment CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 Conclusion This concluding chapter presents important findings on the behaviour of stormwater quality in typical residential and urban catchments in the tropical region. The findings were able to support the objectives of the study especially in quantifying loadings of pollutant for both catchments and the potential use of XPSWMM to simulate NPS for local conditions. In addition, some analyses that have been discussed including statistical analysis, box plot analysis, hysteresis loops and first flush analysis also support the objectives of this study for a better understanding of non point source pollution. This study has made significant contribution in improving strategies to control and manage urban water pollution by providing new information/data and better describe the pollutant transport process in the urban areas. Recommendations to improve future studies are also highlighted. The following conclusions have been drawn from this study. i) By comparison to the Interim National Water Quality Standards for Malaysia, the stormwater quality from residential and commercial catchments was severely polluted with major parameters generally exceeded the acceptable limits for class V water; ii) Event mean concentrations for all parameters were found to vary greatly between storms. For the residential and commercial catchments, the values 142 (mg/l) were BOD5 (72, 94), COD (325, 437), SS (386, 269), NO3-N (2.5, 8.1), NO2-N (0.58, 0.9), NH3-N (6.8, 6.6), P (3.4, 2.4), respectively. iii) Both, hydrographs and pollutographs in the studied catchments showed rapid increases and rapid decreases or dilution in pollutant concentration as the storm event progress. For the residential catchment, SS showed strong flushing whereas NO2-N and P showed dilution effects. For the commercial catchment, NH3-N was diluted in all events. iv) In general, the peak concentrations preceded the peak runoff. This resulted in clockwise hysteresis loops, suggesting a short distant sources of pollutants into the water course. For both catchments, only a few events exhibit a counterclockwise loop which indicates dilution at the beginning of the storm event and then slightly increased during the long recession period. Figure eight loop was also observed which is associated with a clockwise and followed by consisting of a clockwise and counterclockwise loop. v) First flush phenomena were detected in this study. For the commercial catchment, the relative strength of the first flush was P> COD>SS> NO3-N> NO2-N> BOD5> NH3-N but slightly different sequence in the residential catchment: SS> COD> BOD5> NH3-N> P> NO3-N> NO2-N. vi) In terms of water quantity and quality modeling, the calibration and validation processes for both catchments were quite successful. Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) can satisfactorily predict storm runoff but is less promissing to predict SS load at the present catchments. 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APPENDIX A PHOSPHORUS, P ANALYSIS (ICP – MS) CALIBRATION Preparing P from H2NaO4P.2H2O 1000 ppm standard solution 2H = 2 x 1.00794 = 2.01588 1Na = 1 x 22.989770 = 22.989770 6O = 6 x 15.9994 = 95.9964 1P = 1 x 30.973761 = 30.973761 4H = 4 x 1.00794 = 4.03176 = 156.007571 Mol reagent = 156.007571 %P = 30.973761 / 156.007571 = 0.1985401% 1000 ppm P = 1000/0.1985401 = 5036.7659 ppm H2NaO4P.2H2O 5036.7659 ppm = 5036.7659 mg/l 1000 ml = 5.0367659 g/l 100 ml, a = 5.0367659 x 100 1000 a = 0.5036766 gram ; where a = reagent mass 161 i) For 1000 µg/l M1V1 = M2V2 V1 x 1000 ppm = 100 mL x (1000 x 10-3) ppm V1 = 0.1 mL Notes: 0.1 mL from standard solution added with deionized water in 100 mL container ii) For 100 µg/l M1V1 = M2V2 V1 x (1000 x 10-3) ppm = 100 mL x (100 x10-3) ppm V1 = 10 mL Notes: 10 mL from 1000 µg/l solution added with deionized water in 100 mL container ii) For 40 µg/l M1V1 = M2V2 V1 x (100 x 10-3) ppm = 100 mL x (40 x10-3) ppm V1 = 40 mL Notes: 40 mL from 100 µg/l solution added with deionized water in 100 mL container iii) For 20 µg/l M1V1 = M2V2 V1 x (40 x 10-3) ppm = 100 mL x (20 x 10-3) ppm V1 = 50 mL Notes: 50 mL from 40 µg/l solution added with deionized water in 100 mL container iv) For 10 µg/l M1V1 = M2V2 V1 x (20 x 10-3) ppm = 100 mL x (10 x 10-3) ppm V1 = 50 mL Notes: 50 mL from 20 µg/l solution added with deionized water in 100 mL container APPENDIX B SAMPLE ANALYSIS Figure B-1: Equipment for BOD5 analysis Figure B-2: Analysis of BOD5 at the laboratory 163 Figure B-3: Laboratory analysis of Electrical conductivity, turbidity, TDS and pH APPENDIX C RESIDENTIAL CATCHMENT From kitchen 165 Figure C-1: Rubbish and sullage from kitchen (during dry period) Figure C-2: Outlet for the residential catchment Figure C-3: Sampling during storm event APPENDIX D COMMERCIAL CATCHMENT Figure D-1: Discharge from restaurants and drains during non rainy day APPENDIX E HYDROGRAPHS AND POLLUTOGRAPHS Residential - 11 January 2004 Residential - 11 January 2004 1800 Flow 7 250 0 900 7 0 0 1.2 0.0 0.2 200 0 0.1 0.2 14 BOD 14 7 0 0 1.5 Flow (l/s) 100 Concentration (mg/l) NO3-N Flow Rainfall (m m) 0.1 Concentration (mg/l) 1.2 Rainfall (mm) 0 0.5 1 Storm Duration (hr) 0.6 Storm Duration (hr) Residential - 11 January 2004 Residential - 11 January 2004 0 SS Flow 1.2 7 0.0 0 0 0.5 1 Storm Duration (hr) 1.5 Flow (l/s) 0.4 0.8 Storm Duration (hr) 14 Flow 0 0.0 R ainfall (m m) 0.2 C oncentration (m g/L) COD Flow (l/s) Concentration (mg/L) 0.2 14 0.1 Flow (l/s) 0.1 500 0 R ainfall (mm) 0 168 0.2 14 0 0 0.5 1 Storm Duration (hr) Concentration (mg/l) 0 F low (l/s) C oncentration (m g/l) Flow 7 0.2 0.4 NH3-N 20 0.1 14 NO2-N Flow 0.2 7 0.0 0 0 1.5 0.5 1 Storm Duration (hr) Flow (l/s) 0.1 40 0 R ainfall (m m ) 0 R ainfall (mm) Residential - 11 January 2004 Residential - 11 January 2004 1.5 Residential - 11 January 2004 Rainfall (m m ) 0 0.1 0.2 14 14 Flow 7 Flow (l/s) Concentration (m g/l) P 7 0 0 0 0.5 1 Storm Duration (hr) 1.5 11 January 2004 Residential - 2 March 2004 0.3 0.3 1400 Flow 15 700 0 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 Storm Duration (hr) 0.6 Concentration (m g/l) COD Flow (l/s) Concentration (m g/l) 1400 0.1 SS Flow 15 700 0 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 Storm Duration (hr) 0.6 Flow (l/s) 0.1 0 Rainfall (m m ) 0 Rainfall (m m ) Residential - 2 March 2004 169 Residential - 2 March 2004 0.3 0.1 0.3 300 14 15 150 0 Flow (l/s) Flow Concentration (m g/l) 0 0.2 0.4 Storm Duration (hr) Flow 15 7 0 0.6 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 Storm Duration (hr) 0.6 Residential - 2 March 2004 Residential - 2 March 2004 0 R ainfall (m m ) 0 0.1 P Flow 15 0 Flow (l/s) NH3-N 10 0.3 Concentration (mg/l) C oncentration (m g/l) 0.3 0.1 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 Storm Duration (hr) Rainfall (m m) 0.0 NO3-N Flow 15 10 0 0.6 Flow (l/s) C oncentration (m g/l) BOD Flow (l/s) 0.1 0 R ainfall (m m ) 0 R ainfall (m m ) Residential - 2 March 2004 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 Storm Duration (hr) 0.6 2 March 2004 0 6 9 1500 0 6 9 Rainfall (mm) Residential - 4 March 2004 R ainfall (m m ) Residential - 4 March 2004 400 200 500 0 0 0 0.5 1 Storm Duration (hr) 1.5 COD Flow 1000 400 200 500 0 0 0 0.5 1 Storm Duration (hr) 1.5 Flow (l/s) Flow Flow (l/s) C oncentration (m g/l) SS 1000 Concentration (mg/l) 1500 170 Residential - 4 March 2004 Residential - 4 March 2004 R ainfall (m m ) 6 9 0 6 9 8 Flow 100 400 200 0 0 0.5 1 Storm Duration (hr) 400 Flow 4 200 0 1.5 0 0 Residential - 4 March 2004 0.5 1 Storm Duration (hr) 1.5 Residential - 4 March 2004 0 Rainfall (mm ) 0 6 9 6 9 28 Rainfall (mm) 0 NO3-N Flow (l/s) 200 Concentration (mg/l) BOD Flow (l/s) C oncentration (m g/l) Rainfall (mm) 0 NH3-N 0.2 200 0.0 0 0 0.5 1 Storm Duration (hr) Flow 14 200 0 1.5 0 0 Residential - 4 March 2004 Rainfall (m m ) 0 6 9 400 5.0 200 0.0 F low (l/s) Concentration (m g/l) P Flow 0 0 0.5 1 400 1.5 Storm Duration (hr) 4 March 2004 0.5 Storm Duration 1 (hr) 1.5 Flow (l/s) 400 Concentration (mg/l) Flow Flow (l/s) C oncentration (mg/l) NO2-N 171 Residential - 6 March 2004 1 0.5 1 700 20 0 C oncentration (m g/L) 40 Flow Flow (l/s) 120 20 0 0 0.0 1.0 Residential - 6 March 2004 0 20 Flow (l/s) C oncentration (m g/L) Flow NH3-N 40 Flow 4 20 0 0 0.5 1 8 40 NO2-N 0.5 Concentration (mg/L) 1 3 0 R ainfall (m m ) 0.5 0.0 1.0 Residential - 6 March 2004 0 1.5 0.5 Storm Duration (hr) Rainfall (mm) 0.5 Storm Duration (hr) 40 Flow 0 0.0 BOD 240 0 0.0 1.0 Flow (l/s) C oncentration (m g/L) 1400 COD R ainfall (m m ) 0.5 0 F low (l/s) 0 R ainfall (mm ) Residential - 6 March 2004 0.5 1.0 Storm Duration (hr) Storm Duration (hr) 6 March 2004 5 Flow 175 400 0 0 0.0 0.5 Storm Duration (hr) 1.0 3 5 400 COD F low (l/s ) C onc entration (m g/L) 800 0 SS Flow 175 200 0 0 0.0 0.5 Storm Duration (hr) 1.0 F low (l/s ) 3 C onc entration (m g/L) 0 R ainfall (m m ) Residential - 12 July 2004 R ainfall (m m ) Residential - 12 July 2004 172 Residential - 12 July 2004 5 BOD 175 150 0 F low (l/s ) Flow 16 0 0.5 Flow 0 1.0 0.5 1.0 Storm Duration (hr) Residential - 12 July 2004 0 3 5 10 Flow 175 5 F low (l/s) NH3-N 0 3 5 5 C oncentration (m g/L) R ainfall (m m ) Residential - 12 July 2004 P 175 Flow 3 0 0 0 0.0 0.5 R ainfall 0 0.0 Storm Duration (hr) C oncentration (m g/L) 175 8 R ainfall (m m ) 0.0 NO3-N Flow (l/s) C onc entration (m g/L) 300 0 3 5 Flow (l/s) 0 3 C oncentration (m g/L) R ainfall (m m ) Residential - 12 July 2004 0 0.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 Storm Duration (hr) Storm Duration (hr) 12 July 2004 Residential - 8 September 2004 4 2 4 150 Flow 1.0 75 0.5 0.0 0 0.0 0.4 Storm Duration (hr) 0.8 C oncentration (m g/L) NO3-N Flow (l/s) C oncentration (m g/L) 5.0 1.5 NH3-N Flow 150 2.5 75 0.0 0 0.0 0.4 Storm Duration (hr) 0.8 Flow (l/s) 2 0 R ainfall (m m ) 0 R ainfall (mm ) Residential - 8 September 2004 173 0 P Flow 450 0.8 0 Flow 75 0.0 0 0 2 150 15.0 0 0.0 4 0.4 0.8 Storm Duration (hr) Storm Duration (hr) 8 September 2004 Residential - 4 November 2004 150 0 0 2 0 2 4 Storm Duration (hr) Storm Duration (hr) Residential - 4 November 2004 Residential - 4 November 2004 450 0 6 9 Flow 5 0 C oncentration (mg/L) N03-N 10 12 900 NH3-N 12 900 Flow 6 450 3 0 0 2 Storm Duration (hr) 4 Flow (l/s) 0 0 6 C oncentration (m g/L) 450 4 0 12 900 Flow Rainfall (m m ) 0 BOD Rainfall (mm) 450 170 0 0 0 4 November 2004 2 Storm Duration (hr) 4 Flow (l/s) 300 Flow (l/s) Flow 6 Concentration (m g/L) SS 450 12 900 Flow (l/s) C oncentration (mg/L) 6 Rainfall (mm) 0 0 Rainfall (m m ) Residential - 4 November 2004 Flow (l/s) 1.6 4 Concentration (mg/L) 12 900 P 2 Flow (l/s) C oncentration (mg/L) 6 R ainfall (mm) 0 Rainfall (mm) Residential - 8 September 2004 Residential - 4 November 2004 174 COD Flow 75 450 0 F low (l/s) 1 Storm Duration (hr) Flow 75 900 0 0 0 0 3 1.5 1.5 3 Flow 75 250 0 0 1 C oncentration (m g/L) BOD F low (l/s) C oncentration (m g/L) 3 0 R ainfall (m m ) 0 0 3 Residential - 27 Disember 2004 Residential - 27 Disember 2004 500 1 Storm Duration (hr) 30 NO3-N Flow 75 15 0 0 0 3 R ainfall (m m ) 0 SS F low (l/s) C oncentration (m g/L) 900 3 1800 F low (l/s) 3 1.5 C oncentration (m g/L) 1.5 0 R ainfall (m m ) 0 R ainfall (m m ) Residential - 27 Disember 2004 Residential - 27 Disember 2004 1 3 Storm Duration (hr) Storm Duration (hr) 0 1.5 3 P Flow 75 3.5 0 F low (l/s) C onc entration (m g/L) 7 R ainfall (m m ) Residential - 27 Disember 2004 0 0 1 3 Storm Duration (hr) 27 Disember 2004 Figure E-1: Pollutographs and hydrographs in the residential catchment 175 Commercial - 11 March 2004 3 800 3 6 80 80 550 0 0 0.0 1.2 Commercial - 11 March 2004 Commercial - 11 March 2004 6 BOD Flow 80 0 F low (l/s) C onc entration (m g/L) 6 3 C oncentration (m g/L) 3 0 R ainfall (m m ) 0 150 0 0.0 0.5 NO3-N Flow 2 80 0 1.0 0 0.0 Storm Duration (hr) 0 0 1.0 Flow (l/s) Concentration (mg/L) Flow 80 6 20 NO2-N 0.05 3 Concentration (mg/L) 6 0.1 0 Rainfall (mm) 3 Storm Duration (hr) 1.0 Commercial - 11 March 2004 0 0.5 0.5 Storm Duration (hr) Commercial - 11 March 2004 0.0 0.5 1.0 Storm Duration (hr) R ainfall (m m ) 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Storm Duration (hr) Rainfall (mm) 0.2 0 NH3-N Flow 80 10 0 0 0.0 0.5 Storm Duration (hr) 1.0 Flow (l/s) 0.0 Flow F low (l/s) 0 SS 1100 F low (l/s) Flow C onc entration (m g/L) COD F low (l/s ) C onc entration (m g/L) 6 0 R ainfall (m m ) 0 R ainfall (m m ) Commercial - 11 March 2004 176 0 3 6 P Flow 5 80 0 0 0.0 0.5 Flow (l/s) C oncentration (mg/L) 10 Rainfall (mm ) Commercial - 11 March 2004 1.0 Storm Duration (hr) 11 March 2004 Commercial - 16 March 2004 SS Flow 200 100 0 6 COD 400 100 2.0 2.5 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Storm Duration (hr) 2.0 2.5 Commercial - 16 March 2004 Commercial - 16 March 2004 200 200 BOD Flow 100 100 0 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Storm Duration (hr) 2.0 2.5 Flow (l/s) C oncentration (mg/L) 12 6 12 3 NO3-N C oncentration (m g/L) 6 Rainfall (m m ) 0 0 R ainfall (mm ) 1.0 1.5 Storm Duration (hr) 0 200 Flow 2 100 0 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Storm Duration (hr) 2.0 2.5 Flow (l/s) 0.5 200 Flow 0 0.0 12 800 200 Flow (l/s) Concentration (m g/L) 400 Rainfall (m m ) 12 0 Flow (l/s) 6 C oncentration (m g/L) 0 R ainfall (m m ) Commercial - 16 March 2004 177 Commercial - 16 March 2004 Commercial - 16 March 2004 12 6 12 22 200 Flow 0.03 100 0.00 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Storm Duration (hr) 2.0 Flow 200 11 100 0 2.5 Flow (l/s) NO2-N C oncentration (m g/L) NH3-N F low (l/s ) C oncentration (m g/L) 0.06 R ainfall (m m ) 6 0 R ainfall (m m ) 0 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Storm Duration (hr) 2.0 2.5 0 6 12 P 200 Flow 4 100 0 F low (l/s) C oncentration (m g/L) 8 R ainfall (m m ) Commercial - 16 March 2004 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Storm Duration (hr) 2.0 2.5 16 March 2004 0 0.5 1 0.5 1 1500 SS 200 25 0 0 0.0 0.3 Storm Duration (hr) 0.6 Flow 1000 50 25 500 0 0 0.0 Storm Duration (hr) 0.5 F low (l/s) 50 C oncentration (m g/L) COD Flow F low (l/s) C oncentration (m g/L) 400 0 R ainfall (m m ) Commercial - 18 March 2004 R ainfall (m m ) Commercial - 18 March 2004 178 Commercial - 18 March 2004 Flow 50 250 25 0 F low (l/s ) 3 25 0 0.0 0.5 Storm Duration (hr) Commercial - 18 March 2004 0.5 0.5 1 0.2 R ainfall (m m ) Commercial - 18 March 2004 0 0 0.5 1 12 50 0.1 25 0.0 C oncentration (m g/L) P Flow Flow (l/s) C oncentration (m g/L) NO2-N Storm Duration (hr) Flow 50 6 25 0 0 0.0 50 R ainfall (m m ) Storm Duration (hr) Flow 0 0 0.0 NO3-N 5 0 0.0 0.5 Flow (l/s) C oncentration (m g/L) BOD 1 R ainfall (m m ) 1 500 0.5 F low (l/s) 0.5 0 C oncentration (m g/L) 0 R ainfall (m m ) Commercial - 18 March 2004 Storm Duration (hr) 0.5 18 March 2004 Commercial - 19 March 2004 COD Flow 35 500 0 0 0.0 0.3 Storm Duration (hr) 0.6 C oncentration (m g/L) 1000 4 1400 70 SS F low (l/s) C oncentration (m g/L) 4 2 R ainfall (m m ) 2 0 70 Flow 700 35 0 0 0.0 0.3 Storm Duration (hr) 0.6 F low (l/s) 0 R ainfall (m m ) Commercial - 19 March 2004 179 Commercial - 19 March 2004 NH3-N 70 Flow 3 35 0 0 0.0 0.3 Storm Duration (hr) 4 70 Flow F low (l/s) NO3-N F low (l/s ) C onc entration (m g/L) 4 2 C oncentration (m g/L) 2 6 0 R ainfall (m m ) 0 R ainfall (m m ) Commercial - 19 March 2004 15 35 0 0 0.0 0.6 0.3 Storm Duration (hr) 0.6 19 March 2004 Commercial - 14 April 2004 Commercial - 14 April 2004 800 BOD 35 200 0 0.5 1.0 Storm Duration (hr) 30 35 0 C onc entration (m g/L) 50 0.5 Duration (hr) 1.0 Storm 4 70 F low (l/s ) C onc entration (m g/L) Flow 2 NH3-N R ainfall (m m ) 4 0 R ainfall (m m ) 2 NO3-N 0.5 1.0 Storm Duration (hr) Commercial - 14 April 2004 0 0.0 0 0.0 Commercial - 14 April 2004 0 35 100 0 0.0 70 Flow 70 Flow 15 35 0 0 0.0 0.5 Storm Duration (hr) 1.0 F low (l/s ) 0 C onc entration (m g/L) 400 4 70 Flow F low (l/s ) C onc entration (m g/L) COD R ainfall (m m ) 4 2 F low (l/s ) 2 0 R ainfall (m m ) 0 180 Commercial - 14 April 2004 R ainfall (m m ) 0 2 4 4 70 Flow 2 F low (l/s ) C onc entration (m g/L) P 35 0 0 0.0 0.5 Storm Duration (hr) 1.0 14 April 2004 0.7 1.4 R ainfall (m m ) 0 0 0.7 1.4 20 0 0 20 60 1.0 0 0.0 0.7 1.4 1.2 0 R ainfall (m m ) 0 1.4 0.6 20 0.0 0 1.0 C oncentration (m g/L) 40 Flow F low (l/s ) C onc entration (m g/L) 0.7 0.4 NO3-N 0.5 Storm Duration (hr) 1.0 Commercial - 10 September 2004 Commercial - 10 September 2004 0.0 0.5 Storm Duration (hr) NO2-N 40 Flow 0.2 20 0.0 0 0.0 0.5 Storm Duration (hr) R ainfall (m m ) 0.5 Storm Duration (hr) 110 1.0 F low (l/s ) 0.0 40 Flow F low (l/s ) 1000 C onc entration (m g/L) BOD 40 Flow F low (l/s ) C onc entration (m g/L) COD R ainfall (m m ) Commercial - 10 September 2004 Commercial - 10 September 2004 181 1.4 0.7 1.4 40 Flow 0.3 20 0.0 0 0.0 0.5 Storm Duration (hr) 1.0 C onc entration (m g/L) 4.0 NH3-N F low (l/s ) C onc entration (m g/L) 0.6 P 40 Flow 2.0 20 0.0 F low (l/s ) 0.7 0 R ainfall (m m ) 0 R ainfall (m m ) Commercial - 10 September 2004 Commercial - 10 September 2004 0 0.0 0.5 Storm Duration (hr) 1.0 10 September 2004 Figure E-2: Pollutographs and hydrographs in the commercial catchment APPENDIX F HYSTERESIS LOOPS Residential - 8 November 2003 Concentration (mg/l) Concentration (mg/l) Residential - 8 November 2003 COD 300 0 SS 500 0 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 Discharge (l/s) Discharge (l/s) Residential - 8 November 2003 Residential - 8 November 2003 Concentration (mg/l) Concentration (mg/l) 0.04 NO3-N 4 2 0 NO2-N 0.02 0.00 0 50 100 Discharge (l/s) 150 200 0 50 100 Discharge (l/s) 150 200 183 Residential - 8 November 2003 Residential - 8 November 2003 Concentration (mg/l) Concentration (mg/l) 4 NH3-N 2 1 0 P 2 0 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 Discharge (l/s) 100 150 200 Discharge (l/s) 8 November 2003 Residential - 10 November 2003 Residential - 10 November 2003 100 COD Concentration (mg/l) Concentration (mg/l) 200 100 0 BOD 50 0 0 50 100 Discharge (l/s) 150 0 Residential - 10 November 2003 50 100 Discharge (l/s) 150 Residential - 10 November 2003 NO3-N Concentration (mg/l) Concentration (mg/l) 0.10 0.05 0.00 NO2-N 0.04 0.02 0.00 0 50 100 Discharge (l/s) 150 0 50 100 Discharge (l/s) 150 184 Residential - 10 November 2003 NH3-N Concentration (mg/l) Concentration (mg/l) Residential - 10 November 2003 0.5 0.0 P 1 0 0 50 100 Discharge (l/s) 150 0 50 100 Discharge (l/s) 150 10 November 2003 Residential - 11 January 2004 Residential - 11 January 2004 2000 BOD Concentration (mg/l) Concentration (mg/l) SS 1500 1000 500 0 100 0 0 5 10 Discharge (l/s) 15 0 Residential - 11 January 2004 5 10 Discharge (l/s) 15 Residential - 11 January 2004 0.4 NO2-N Concentration (mg/l) Concentration (mg/l) NO3-N 1 0 0.2 0.0 0 5 10 Discharge (l/s) 15 0 5 10 Discharge (l/s) 15 185 Residential - 11 January 2004 Residential - 11 January 2004 40 P Concentration (mg/l) Concentration (mg/l) NH3-N 20 0 10 0 0 5 10 Discharge (l/s) 15 0 5 10 Discharge (l/s) 15 11 January 2004 Residential - 2 March 2004 Residential - 2 March 2004 1600 BOD Concentration (mg/l) Concentration (mg/l) COD 1200 800 400 0 200 0 0 5 10 15 Discharge (l/s) 20 25 0 Residential - 2 March 2004 5 10 15 Discharge (l/s) 20 Residential - 2 March 2004 NO3-N NO2-N 10 Concentration (mg/l) Concentration (mg/l) 25 5 0 0.1 0.0 0 5 10 15 Discharge (l/s) 20 25 0 5 10 15 Discharge (l/s) 20 25 186 Residential - 2 March 2004 Residential - 2 March 2004 P Concentration (mg/l) Concentration (mg/l) NH3-N 10 0 10 0 0 5 10 15 Discharge (l/s) 20 25 0 5 10 15 Discharge (l/s) 20 25 2 March 2004 Residential - 4 March 2004 Residential - 4 March 2004 200 Concentration (mg/l) Concentration (mg/l) COD 1000 500 BOD 100 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 0 500 100 Discharge (l/s) 200 300 400 500 Discharge (l/s) Residential - 4 March 2004 Residential - 4 March 2004 Concentration (mg/l) Concentration (mg/l) 10 SS 1000 500 0 NO3-N 5 0 0 100 200 300 Discharge (l/s) 400 500 0 100 200 300 Discharge (l/s) 400 500 187 Residential - 4 March 2004 Residential - 4 March 2004 30 NO2-N Concentration (mg/l) Concentration (mg/l) 0.2 0.1 NH3-N 15 0 0.0 0 100 200 300 400 0 500 100 Discharge (l/s) 200 300 400 500 Discharge (l/s) Residential - 4 March 2004 Concentration (mg/l) 10 P 5 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Discharge (l/s) 4 March 2004 Residential - 6 March 2004 1200 Residential - 6 March 2004 COD SS 800 600 600 400 200 0 0 0 10 20 30 Discharge (l/s) 40 50 0 10 20 30 Discharge (l/s) 40 50 188 Residential - 6 March 2004 Residential - 6 March 2004 BOD NO3-N 3 200 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 Discharge (l/s) 20 30 40 50 Discharge (l/s) Residential - 6 March 2004 Residential - 6 March 2004 10 NH3-N Concentration (mg/l) Concentration (mg/l) NO2-N 2 0 5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Discharge (l/s) P 5 0 10 20 30 10 20 30 Discharge (l/s) Residential - 6 March 2004 0 0 40 50 Discharge (l/s) 6 March 2004 40 50 189 Residential - 12 March 2004 SS COD Concentration (mg/l) Concentration (mg/l) 800 Residential - 12 March 2004 600 400 200 400 200 0 0 0 100 200 Discharge (l/s) 300 0 100 200 Discharge (l/s) Residential - 12 March 2004 Residential - 12 March 2004 NH3-N Concentration (mg/l) Concentration (mg/l) BOD 200 0 5 0 0 100 200 Discharge (l/s) 300 0 Residential - 12 March 2004 4 Concentration (mg/l) P 2 0 0 300 100 200 Discharge (l/s) 300 12 March 2004 100 200 Discharge (l/s) 300 190 Residential - 8 September 2004 Residential - 8 September 2004 SS COD Concentration (mg/l) Concentration (mg/l) 800 600 400 200 400 200 0 0 0 50 100 Discharge (l/s) 150 200 0 Residential - 8 September 2004 50 100 Discharge (l/s) 150 Residential - 8 September 2004 NO3-N Concentration (mg/l) Concentration (mg/l) BOD 200 0 1 0 0 50 100 Discharge (l/s) 150 200 0 50 Residential - 8 September 2004 100 Discharge (l/s) 150 200 Residential - 8 September 2004 NH3-N P 4 Concentration (mg/l) Concentration (mg/l) 200 2 20 10 0 0 0 50 100 Discharge (l/s) 150 200 0 8 September 2004 50 100 Discharge (l/s) 150 200 191 Residential - 4 November 2004 Residential - 4 November 2004 200 BOD SS Concentration (mg/l) Concentration (mg/l) 400 200 0 100 0 0 500 1000 0 500 Discharge (l/s) 1000 Discharge (l/s) Residential - 4 November 2004 Residential - 4 November 2004 10 NO3-N Concentration (mg/l) Concentration (mg/l) COD 400 200 5 0 0 0 500 1000 0 Discharge (l/s) 500 1000 Discharge (l/s) Concentration (mg/l) Residential - 4 November 2004 NH3-N 5 0 0 500 1000 Discharge (l/s) 4 November 2004 Figure F-1: Hysteresis loops of BOD, COD, SS, NO3-N, NO2-N, NH3-N and P in the residential catchment 192 Commercial - 11 March 2004 Commercial - 11 March 2004 1500 Concentrations (mg/l) Concentrations (mg/l) 1400 SS 700 COD 1000 500 0 0 0 50 100 150 0 50 Discharge (l/s) Commercial - 11 March 2004 4 Concentrations (mg/l) 600 Concentrations (mg/l) 150 Discharge (l/s) Commercial - 11 March 2004 BOD 500 400 300 200 100 0 NO3-N 2 0 0 50 100 150 0 Discharge (l/s) 50 100 150 Discharge (l/s) Commercial - 11 March 2004 Commercial - 11 March 2004 20 Concentrations (mg/l) 0.10 Concentrations (mg/l) 100 NO2-N 0.05 0.00 NH3-N 15 10 5 0 0 50 100 150 Discharge (l/s) 0 50 100 Discharge (l/s) 11 March 2004 150 193 Commercial - 16 March 2004 Commercial - 16 March 2004 300 SS Concentrations (mg/l) Concentrations (mg/l) 600 400 200 BOD 200 100 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 0 50 Discharge (l/s) 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Discharge (l/s) Commercial - 16 March 2004 Commercial - 16 March 2004 COD Concentrations (mg/l) Concentrations (mg/l) 1000 500 0 2 0 0 50 0 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Discharge (l/s) Commercial - 16 March 2004 Commercial - 16 March 2004 NO2-N 0.05 0.00 NH3-N 20 10 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Discharge (l/s) Commercial - 16 March 2004 P 5 0 0 50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Discharge (l/s) 10 Concentrations (mg/l) 50 Discharge (l/s) Concentrations (mg/l) Concentrations (mg/l) NO3-N 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Discharge (l/s) 16 March 2004 194 Commercial - 18 March 2004 Commercial - 18 March 2004 600 SS Concentrations (mg/l) Concentrations (mg/l) 400 300 200 100 0 BOD 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 0 20 Discharge (l/s) 60 Discharge (l/s) Commercial - 18 March 2004 Commercial - 18 March 2004 6 0.2 NO3-N Concentrations (mg/l) Concentrations (mg/l) 40 3 0 NO2-N 0.1 0.0 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 Discharge (l/s) Discharge (l/s) Commercial - 18 March 2004 Commercial - 18 March 2004 NH3 Concentrations (mg/l) Concentrations (mg/l) 20 10 0 P 10 0 0 20 40 60 Discharge (l/s) 0 20 40 Discharge (l/s) 18 March 2004 60 195 Commercial - 19 March 2004 Commercial - 19 March 2004 1400 SS Concentrations (mg/l) Concentrations (mg/l) 1400 700 COD 700 0 0 0 20 40 60 0 20 Discharge (l/s) 60 Discharge (l/s) Commercial - 19 March 2004 Commercial - 19 March 2004 9 BOD 300 150 Concentrations (mg/l) 450 Concentrations (mg/l) 40 0 NO3-N 6 3 0 0 20 40 60 0 20 Discharge (l/s) 40 60 Discharge (l/s) Commercial - 19 March 2004 Commercial - 19 March 2004 0.12 30 Concentrations (mg/l) Concentrations (mg/l) NO2-N 0.08 0.04 0.00 20 15 10 5 0 0 20 40 60 0 Discharge (l/s) Commercial - 19 March 2004 Concentrations (mg/l) P 7 0 20 40 20 40 Discharge (l/s) 14 0 NH3-N 25 60 Discharge (l/s) 19 March 2004 60 196 Commercial - 14 April 2004 Commercial - 14 April 2004 800 Concentrations (mg/l) Concentrations (mg/l) 800 SS 400 C OD 400 0 0 0 40 80 0 Discharge (l/s) 40 80 Discharge (l/s) Commercial - 14 April 2004 Commercial - 14 April 2004 B OD Concentrations (mg/l) Concentrations (mg/l) 300 200 100 0 N H3 - N 20 0 0 40 80 Discharge (l/s) Concentrations (mg/l) P 3 0 40 40 Discharge (l/s) Commercial - 14 April 2004 0 0 80 Discharge (l/s) 14 April 2004 80 197 Commercial - 20 August 2004 Commercial - 20 August 2004 2000 Concentrations (mg/l) Concentrations (mg/l) 800 SS 400 C OD 1500 1000 500 0 0 0 40 80 0 Discharge (l/s) 40 80 Discharge (l/s) Commercial - 20 August 2004 Commercial - 20 August 2004 Concentrations (mg/l) Concentrations (mg/l) 150 B OD 0 N O3 - N 2 0 0 40 80 0 Discharge (l/s) Discharge (l/s) Commercial - 20 August 2004 Concentrations (mg/l) 1.0 N O2 - N 0.5 0.0 0 40 40 80 Discharge (l/s) 20 August 2004 80 198 Commercial - 10 September 2004 Commercial - 10 September 2004 3000 1200 Concentrations (m g/l) Concentrations (m g/l) SS 600 COD 1500 0 0 0 10 20 30 0 40 10 Discharge (l/s) Commercial - 10 September 2004 40 Commercial - 10 September 2004 1.4 BOD Concentrations (mg/l) Concentrations (mg/l) 30 Discharge (l/s) 200 100 NO3-N 0.7 0.0 0 0 10 20 30 0 40 10 20 30 40 Discharge (l/s) Discharge (l/s) Commercial - 10 September 2004 Commercial - 10 September 2004 0.5 0.9 NO2-N 0.4 Concentrations (mg/l) Concentrations (mg/l) 20 0.3 0.2 0.1 NH3-N 0.6 0.3 0.0 0.0 0 10 20 Discharge (l/s) 30 40 0 10 20 Discharge (l/s) 30 40 199 Commercial - 10 September 2004 Concentrations (m g/l) 4.0 P 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 0 10 20 30 40 Discharge (l/s) 10 September 2004 Figure F-2: Hysteresis loops of BOD, COD, SS, NO3-N, NO2-N, NH3-N and P in the commercial catchment APPENDIX G SIEVE ANALYSIS Figure G-1: Mechanical sieve shaker with timing device Figure G-2: Sieve analysis test APPENDIX H ESTIMATION OF WASHOFF PARAMETERS Equation:P0(t+∆t) = Po(t) exp{-KW∆t 0.5[R(t)n + R(t+∆t)n]} (3.19) Table G-1: Sample calculation with n = 1.0 (Storm on July 12, 2004) R Available SS The Time step KW (gram) Load (gram) n=1.0 8.41 42602.15 752.81 1.048 84.05 41849.34 7011.42 0.152 117.67 34837.92 27190.85 0.006 159.7 7647.07 1433.12 0.326 176.51 6213.95 955.00 0.509 201.73 5258.96 916.77 0.509 210.13 4342.19 932.96 0.422 226.94 3409.23 700.68 0.476 252.16 2708.55 506.57 0.395 184.92 2201.98 1657.30 0.014 84.05 544.68 475.30 0.008 50.43 69.38 67.87 0.004 25.22 1.51 1.51 ΣP(t) 42602.15