Board of Education Regular Meeting of the Committee of the Whole September 13, 2012 - 6:15 PM Lake Zurich High School 300 Church Street, Lake Zurich, IL Agenda Board Work Session – Discussions/Collaboration/Presentations 1. *Public Comments – Please sign in before 6:15pm 2. 2012-2013 Budget (Adoption 9/27/2012) 3. Additional Information and Written Reports a. Personnel Annual Report (Information) b. Data Warehouse Update (Information) c. 2012 Summer School Review (Written Report) d. 2012 Summer Curriculum Report (Written Report) e. Gifted Program Update (Written Report) f. Summer Facilities Work (Information) g. Technology Update (Written Report) h. Transportation Safety Hazards (Action 9/27/12) i. Field Trip Approval (Action 9/27/12) 4 Closed Session – to discuss personnel and pending litigation matters. *Public comments are limited to 5 minutes per individual, 30 minutes total time for any one topic In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting or any other activity or program and who require certain accommodations so that they can observe and participate, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of the meeting room or the District’s facilities, should contact the Superintendent’s office (847-540-4963) promptly to allow the District to make reasonable accommodations for those persons. Dr. Michael J. Egan, Superintendent of Schools District 95 Administration Center - 400 South Old Rand Road - Lake Zurich IL 60047-2459 Phone: (847) 438-2831 Website: Fax: (847) 438-6702 Agenda Lake Zurich CUSD 95 Projected Revenues and Expenditures Final Budget FY 2012-13 FY 13 Projected Revenues FY 13 Projected Expenditures FY 13 Projected Rev. - Exp. Education $61,214,715 $60,378,020 $836,695 $9,311,920 $8,117,050 $1,194,870 $7,943,516 $8,037,700 ($94,184) $4,467,531 $3,611,320 $856,211 $1,679,932 $1,564,368 $115,563 Operations/Maintenance Debt Service Transportation IMRF/Social Security Capital Projects $10,500.00 $458,000 ($447,500) Working Cash Total $54,854 $0 $54,854 $84,682,969 $82,166,457 $2,516,510 LAKE ZURICH CUSD 95 FINAL BUDGET REVENUE 2011-12 Account Number 10R000 1110 0000 00 110000 10R000 1110 0000 00 120000 10R000 1110 0000 00 130000 10R000 1141 0000 00 000000 10R000 1142 0000 00 000000 10R000 1143 0000 00 000000 10R000 1230 0000 00 000000 10R000 1310 0000 00 000000 10R000 1311 0000 00 000000 10R000 1321 0000 00 000000 10R000 1323 0000 00 000000 10R000 1342 0000 00 000000 10R000 1510 0000 00 000000 10R000 1611 0000 00 000000 10R000 1613 0000 00 000000 10R000 1614 0000 00 000000 10R000 1620 0000 00 000000 10R000 1711 0000 00 000000 10R000 1712 0000 00 000000 10R000 1719 0000 00 000000 10R000 1720 0000 00 000000 10R000 1721 0000 00 000000 10R000 1722 0000 00 000000 10R000 1724 0000 00 000000 10R000 1725 0000 00 000000 10R000 1726 0000 00 000000 10R000 1727 0000 00 000000 10R000 1728 0000 00 000000 10R000 1729 0000 00 000000 10R000 1730 0000 00 000000 10R000 1750 0000 00 000000 10R000 1751 0000 00 000000 10R000 1790 0000 00 000000 10R000 1791 0000 00 000000 10R000 1811 0000 00 000000 10R000 1821 0000 00 000000 10R000 1829 0000 00 000000 10R000 1910 0000 00 000000 10R000 1920 0000 00 000000 10R000 1950 0000 00 000000 10R000 1960 0000 00 000000 10R000 1970 0000 00 000000 10R000 1999 0000 00 000000 10R000 3001 0000 00 000000 10R000 3100 0000 00 000000 Account Description ED//EDUC LEVY///CUR. YR TAX ED//EDUC LEVY///PRIOR YR TAX ED//EDUC LEVY///OTHER YRS TAX ED//CURRENT/// ED//PRIOR/// ED//OTHER/// ED//CPPRT/// ED//REG. TUITION/// ED//REG DAY TUITION/// ED//SS TUITION/// ED//SUM ACAD/TOURN/// ED//SP ED TUITION/// ED//INTEREST/// ED//SALES TO PUPILS/// ED//SALES TO PUPILS/// ED//SALES TO PUPILS/// ED//SALES TO ADULTS/// ED//ADMISSIONS/// ED//ADMISSIONS/// ED//SALES TO PUPILS/// ED//FEES/// ED//INTERSCH FEES/// ED//INTRAM FEES/// ED//BAND/ORC/CHORAL/// ED//PE UNIFORMS/// ED//PE LOCKS/// ED//HS PARKING FEE/// ED//CHILD DEVEL TUI/// ED//TRANSCRIPTS/// ED//YEARBOOK/// ED//STUDENT TESTING/// ED//A/P TESTING FEE/// ED//OTHER PUPIL ACT/// ED//HS WEIGHT ROOM/// ED//TEXT RENTAL REG/// ED//TEXT SALES/// ED//PLANNER/// ED//RENTALS/// ED//CONTRIBUTIONS/// ED//REFUND OF PR YR/// ED//TIF DIST MONEY/// ED//DRIVERS ED FEES/// ED//MISC REV/// ED//GSA/// ED//SE PRIVATE/// FY Activity 25,598,549.98 25,658,803.50 0 0 0 0 125,124.79 0 0 156,713.00 137,577.50 0 46,387.58 1,227,941.00 0 0 31,215.25 33,076.26 21,891.43 3,607.50 841,852.50 316,437.75 13,926.00 85,847.50 25,308.59 1,123.00 135,895.50 17,250.00 10,345.20 128,365.00 21,290.00 59,840.00 75,872.53 1,960.00 -11 12 430 0 25,000.00 34,715.25 592,430.82 62,939.00 19,668.67 2,357,064.57 918,676.64 Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 2012-13 Tent. Budget 25,793,309.00 25,270,311.00 0 0 0 0 125,000.00 0 0 155,000.00 115,000.00 0 52,000.00 1,200,000.00 0 0 28,000.00 33,000.00 4,500.00 1,500.00 825,000.00 308,000.00 14,000.00 85,000.00 25,000.00 0 135,000.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 130,000.00 22,000.00 61,000.00 65,000.00 2,000.00 0 0 400 0 0 20,000.00 787,325.39 62,000.00 10,000.00 2,100,000.00 1,119,000.00 2012-13 Final Budget 25,793,309.00 25,270,311.00 0 0 0 0 91,000.00 0 10000 155,000.00 130,000.00 0 52,000.00 1,228,000.00 0 0 32,000.00 33,000.00 4,500.00 1,500.00 835,000.00 315,000.00 14,000.00 84,000.00 25,000.00 1000 135,000.00 16,000.00 10,000.00 128,000.00 21,000.00 59,000.00 70,000.00 1,900.00 0 0 400 0 0 20,000.00 0.00 61,000.00 10,000.00 2,129,051.00 1,199,527.00 Page 1 2011-12 Account Number 10R000 3105 0000 00 000000 10R000 3110 0000 00 000000 10R000 3120 0000 00 000000 10R000 3130 0000 00 000000 10R000 3145 0000 00 000000 10R000 3220 0000 00 000000 10R000 3305 0000 00 000000 10R000 3360 0000 00 000000 10R000 3370 0000 00 000000 10R000 3651 0000 00 000000 10R000 3705 0000 00 000000 10R000 3715 0000 00 000000 10R000 3775 0000 00 000000 10R000 3800 0000 00 000000 10R000 3999 0000 00 000000 10R000 4100 0000 00 000000 10R000 4210 0000 00 000000 10R000 4215 0000 00 000000 10R000 4300 0000 00 000000 10R000 4400 0000 00 000000 10R000 4600 0000 00 000000 10R000 4620 0000 00 000000 10R000 4625 0000 00 000000 10R000 4770 0000 00 000000 10R000 4799 0000 00 000000 10R000 4850 0000 00 000000 10R000 4856 0000 00 000000 10R000 4857 0000 00 000000 10R000 4870 0000 00 000000 10R000 4880 0000 00 488000 10R000 4909 0000 00 000000 10R000 4932 0000 00 000000 10R000 4971 0000 00 000000 10R000 4990 0000 00 000000 10R000 4991 0000 00 000000 10R000 4992 0000 00 000000 10R000 4999 0000 00 000000 10R000 7140 0000 00 000000 10R000 7210 0000 00 000000 10R000 7300 0000 00 000000 20R000 1111 0000 00 110000 20R000 1111 0000 00 120000 20R000 1111 0000 00 130000 20R000 1230 0000 00 000000 20R000 1510 0000 00 000000 20R000 1720 0000 00 000000 Account Description ED//SE EXTRAORD/// ED//SE PERSONNEL/// ED//SP ED/// ED//SP ED/// ED//SP ED/// ED//VOC EDUCATION/// ED//BILINGUAL TPI/// ED//FREE LUNCH/// ED//DRIVER ED/// ED//NAT BOARD CERT/// ED//EARLY CHILDHOOD/// ED//RIP/// ED//ADA SAFETY/ED/// ED//State Library G/// ED//OTH STATE REV/// ED//T5-INNOVATIVE/// ED//National Sch Lu/// ED//Special Milk Pr/// ED//TITLE 1 LOW INC/// ED//TITLE IV S/D/// ED//Fed SpEd-Prshl/// ED//Fed SpEd-Low In/// ED//Fed SpEd-Room/B/// ED//PERKINS/// ED//VE- Other/// ED//ARRA-Gen St Aid/// ED//IDEA ARRA PRESC/// ED//IDEA ARRA funds/// ED//ARRA GSA-GOVSFS/// ED//ARRA JOBS///ED JOB PRG 4880 ED//TITLE 3 ENG LAN/// ED//TITLE 2 TCH QL/// ED//TECH ENH EDUC/// ED//FEMA/IEMA/// ED//MEDICAID OUTRCH/// ED//MEDICD FEE SVCE/// ED//Othr Fed Source/// ED//Perm Transfer o/// ED//SALE OF BONDS/// ED//SALE/COMP FIXED/// EDUCATION FUND O/M//OPER & MNT LEVY///CUR. YR TAX O/M//OPER & MNT LEVY///PRIOR YR TAX O/M//OPER & MNT LEVY///OTHER YRS TAX O/M//CPPRT/// O/M//INTEREST/// O/M//FEES/// FY Activity 815,991.98 1,200,631.59 0 0 7,278.74 13,184.37 52,593.00 5,755.13 39,627.40 0 0 0 0 4,584.30 3,696.85 0 0 0 73,883.00 0 12,617.00 1,337,073.00 40,294.74 18,954.26 0 0 4,055.00 0 0 3,416.00 13,325.00 68,125.00 0 13,283.78 0 67,147.56 0 0 0 0 62,582,645.01 4,408,838.63 4,209,285.15 0 0 8,966.05 0 Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 2012-13 Tent. Budget 823,000.00 972,000.00 0 0 7,000.00 14,000.00 72,000.00 6,000.00 38,000.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 176,763.00 0 28,697.00 988,191.00 0 16,352.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 22,740.00 81,754.00 0 0 14,000.00 50,000.00 0 0 0 0 61,883,842.39 4,474,505.00 4,352,300.00 0 0 8,500.00 0 2012-13 Final Budget 773,871.00 971,000.00 0 0 7,000.00 16,000.00 62,958.00 3,100.00 38,000.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 176,763.00 0 14,517.00 988,000.00 11,835.72 16,352.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 24,300.00 81,754.00 0 0 14,000.00 79,767.00 0 0 0 0 61,214,715.72 4,474,505.00 4,352,300.00 0 0 8,500.00 0 Page 2 2011-12 Account Number Account Description 20R000 1910 0000 00 000000 O/M//RENTALS/// 20R000 1911 0000 00 000000 O/M//CONTRACT RENTAL/// 20R000 1920 0000 00 000000 O/M//CONTRIBUTIONS/// 20R000 1950 0000 00 000000 O/M//REFUND OF PR YR/// 20R000 1981 0000 00 000000 O/M//ENERGY REBATE/// 20R000 1999 0000 00 000000 O/M//MISC REV/// 20R000 4600 0000 00 000000 O/M//IDEA FLOWTHR 20R000 4620 0000 00 000000 O/M//IDEA PS FLOWTHRU 20R000 3999 0000 00 000000 O/M//OTH STATE REV/// 20R000 4857 0000 00 000000 O/M//IDEA ARRA funds/// 20R000 4990 0000 00 000000 O/M//FEMA/IEMA/// 20R000 4999 0000 00 000000 O/M//Othr Fed Source/// 20R000 7130 0000 00 000000 O/M//Perm Transfer (/// 20R000 7140 0000 00 000000 O/M//Perm Transfer o/// 20R000 7300 0000 00 000000 O/M//SALE/COMP FIXED/// 20R008 7310 0000 00 000000 O/M/DIST/// OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE 30R000 1112 0000 00 110000 DEBT SERV//DEBT SERV LEVY///CUR. YR TAX 30R000 1112 0000 00 120000 DEBT SERV//DEBT SERV LEVY///PRIOR YR TAX 30R000 1112 0000 00 130000 DEBT SERV//DEBT SERV LEVY///OTHER YRS TAX 30R000 1190 0000 00 000000 DEBT SERV//OTHER/// 30R000 1510 0000 00 000000 DEBT SERV//INTEREST/// 30R000 1950 0000 00 000000 DEBT SERV//REFUND OF PR YR/// 30R000 7120 0000 00 000000 DEBT SERV//PT Wrking Csh-I/// 30R000 7140 0000 00 000000 DEBT SERV//Perm Transfer o/// 30R000 7170 0000 00 000000 DEBT SERV//Perm Transfer L/// 30R000 7200 0000 00 000000 DEBT SERV//SALE OF BONDS/// DEBT SERV//SALE OF BONDS/// 30R000 7210 0000 00 000000 30R000 7220 0000 00 000000 DEBT SERV//SALE OF BONDS/// 30R000 7230 0000 00 000000 DEBT SERV//SALE OF BONDS/// 30R000 7300 0000 00 000000 DEBT SERV//SALE/COMP FIXED/// 30R000 7600 0000 00 000000 DEBT SERV//TRANS TO DS PRI/// 30R000 7610 0000 00 000000 DEBT SERV//// 30R000 7700 0000 00 000000 DEBT SERV//TRANS DS INT/// 30R000 7710 0000 00 000000 DEBT SERV//// 30R000 7900 0000 00 000000 DEBT SERV//OTHER SOURCES/// DEBT SERVICE FUND 40R000 1113 0000 00 110000 TRANS//TRANS. LEVY///CUR. YR TAX 40R000 1113 0000 00 120000 TRANS//TRANS. LEVY///PRIOR YR TAX 40R000 1113 0000 00 130000 TRANS//TRANS. LEVY///OTHER YRS TAX 40R000 1190 0000 00 000000 TRANS//OTHER/// 40R000 1230 0000 00 000000 TRANS//CPPRT/// 40R000 1411 0000 00 000000 TRANS//PUPIL FEES/// 40R000 1412 0000 00 000000 TRANS//LEA FEES/// 40R000 1415 0000 00 000000 TRANS//REG TRANS/// 40R000 1422 0000 00 000000 TRANS//SUMMER TRANS/// 40R000 1423 0000 00 000000 TRANS//SUMMER TRANS/// FY Activity 215,373.95 0 0 66.82 9,029.70 70,555.26 0 0 0 125,745.00 0 0 0 12,040.33 0 0 9,059,900.89 3,916,973.08 3,948,880.23 0 0 12,040.33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 196,121.54 0 71,142.19 0 0 8,145,157.37 1,267,361.60 1,173,605.77 0 0 0 25,600.00 0 76,255.19 0 0 Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 2012-13 Tent. Budget 200,000.00 0 0 0 8,500.00 65,000.00 0 0 50,000.00 0 0 0 0 8,500.00 0 0 9,167,305.00 3,798,748.00 3,866,747.00 0 0 12,000.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 201,075.40 0 64,945.39 0 0 7,943,515.79 1,374,421.00 1,251,110.00 0 0 0 22,000.00 0 60,000.00 0 0 2012-13 Final Budget 211,000.00 0 0 0 8,000.00 65,000.00 77,615.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0 0 0 0 15,000.00 0 0 9,311,920.00 3,798,748.00 3,866,747.00 0 0 12,000.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 201,075.40 0 64,945.39 0 0 7,943,515.79 1,374,421.00 1,251,110.00 0 0 0 21,000.00 0 73,000.00 0 0 Page 3 Account Number 40R000 1431 0000 00 000000 40R000 1510 0000 00 000000 40R000 1950 0000 00 000000 40R000 1999 0000 00 000000 40R000 3500 0000 00 000000 40R000 3505 0000 00 000000 40R000 3510 0000 00 000000 40R000 7110 0000 00 000000 40R000 7120 0000 00 000000 40R000 7130 0000 00 000000 40R000 7300 0000 00 000000 40R000 7900 0000 00 000000 Account Description TRANS//VOC TRANS/// TRANS//INTEREST/// TRANS//REFUND OF PR YR/// TRANS//MISC REV/// TRANS//TRANS REGULAR/// TRANS//TRANS VOCATION/// TRANS//TRANS SPL EDUC/// TRANS//PT Wrking Csh-A/// TRANS//PT Wrking Csh-I/// TRANS//Perm Transfer (/// TRANS//SALE/COMP FIXED/// TRANS//OTHER SOURCES/// TRANSPORTATION FUND 50R000 1114 0000 00 110000 IMRF/SS//IMRF LEVY///CUR. YR TAX 50R000 1114 0000 00 120000 IMRF/SS//IMRF LEVY///PRIOR YR TAX 50R000 1114 0000 00 130000 IMRF/SS//IMRF LEVY///OTHER YRS TAX 50R000 1150 0000 00 000000 IMRF/SS//SS/MEDICARE/// 50R000 1150 0000 00 110000 IMRF/SS//SS/MEDICARE///CUR. YR TAX 50R000 1150 0000 00 120000 IMRF/SS//SS/MEDICARE///PRIOR YR TAX 50R000 1150 0000 00 130000 IMRF/SS//SS/MEDICARE///OTHER YRS TAX 50R000 1190 0000 00 000000 IMRF/SS//OTHER/// 50R000 1191 0000 00 110000 IMRF/SS//SEDOL IMRF LEVY///CUR. YR TAX 50R000 1191 0000 00 120000 IMRF/SS//SEDOL IMRF LEVY///PRIOR YR TAX 50R000 1191 0000 00 130000 IMRF/SS//SEDOL IMRF LEVY///OTHER YRS TAX 50R000 1230 0000 00 000000 IMRF/SS//CPPRT/// 50R000 1510 0000 00 000000 IMRF/SS//INTEREST/// 50R000 1950 0000 00 000000 IMRF/SS//REFUND OF PR YR/// IMRF/SS//MISC REV/// 50R000 1999 0000 00 000000 50R000 3001 0000 00 000000 IMRF/SS//GSA/// 50R000 3220 0000 00 000000 IMRF/SS//VOC EDUCATION/// 50R000 3305 0000 00 000000 IMRF/SS//BILINGUAL TPI/// 50R000 4300 0000 00 000000 IMRF/SS//TITLE 1 LOW INC/// 50R000 4620 0000 00 000000 IMRF/SS//Fed SpEd-Low In/// 50R000 4909 0000 00 000000 IMRF/SS//TITLE 3 ENG LAN/// 50R000 4932 0000 00 000000 IMRF/SS//TITLE 2 TCH QL/// 50R000 7130 0000 00 000000 IMRF/SS//Perm Transfer (/// 50R000 7140 0000 00 000000 IMRF/SS//Perm Transfer o/// 50R000 7900 0000 00 000000 IMRF/SS//OTHER SOURCES/// IMRF / SOCIAL SECURITY FUND 60R000 1510 0000 00 000000 CAP PROJ//INTEREST/// 60R000 1930 0000 00 000000 CAP PROJ//IMPACT FEES/// 60R000 1999 0000 00 000000 CAP PROJ//MISC REV/// 60R000 7120 0000 00 000000 CAP PROJ//PT Wrking Csh-I/// 60R000 7140 0000 00 000000 CAP PROJ//Perm Transfer o/// 60R000 7300 0000 00 000000 CAP PROJ//SALE/COMP FIXED/// 60R000 7320 0000 00 000000 CAP PROJ//SALE BLDG & GRD/// 60R000 7800 0000 00 000000 CAP PROJ//// 2011-12 2012-13 2012-13 FY Activity Tent. Budget Final Budget 0 12,822.21 0 0 325,444.25 0 1,283,231.80 0 0 0 4,184,455.73 0 8,348,776.55 251,318.16 335,315.94 0 0 445,192.17 335,315.94 0 0 0 0 0 100,000.00 935.91 0 0 0 816 170 7,980.00 118,020.00 210.00 500.00 0 0 0 1,595,774.12 1,296.01 13,880.40 0 0 0 0 0 0 Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 0 13,500.00 0 0 467,000.00 0 1,331,000.00 0 0 0 0 0 4,519,031.00 320,698.34 248,095.00 0 0 450,504.81 439,483.00 0 0 0 0 0 100,000.00 1,000.00 0 0 0 800 170 7,980.00 118,020.00 210.00 250.00 0 0 0 1,687,211.15 500 10,000.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,000.00 0 0 325,000.00 0 1,410,000.00 0 0 0 0 0 4,467,531.00 320,698.34 248,095.00 0 0 450,504.81 439,483.00 0 0 0 0 0 100,000.00 1,000.00 0 0 0 781 58 8,886.00 110,101.53 237.00 87.00 0 0 0 1,679,931.68 500 10,000.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 4 2011-12 Account Number Account Description 60R000 7900 0000 00 000000 CAP PROJ//OTHER SOURCES/// SITE AND CONSTRUCTION FUND 70R000 1115 0000 00 110000 WKG CASH//WKG CASH LEVY///CUR. YR TAX 70R000 1115 0000 00 120000 WKG CASH//WKG CASH LEVY///PRIOR YR TAX 70R000 1115 0000 00 130000 WKG CASH//WKG CASH LEVY///OTHER YRS TAX 70R000 1510 0000 00 000000 WKG CASH//INTEREST/// 70R000 1999 0000 00 000000 WKG CASH//MISC REV/// 70R000 7140 0000 00 000000 WKG CASH//Perm Transfer o/// 70R000 7180 0000 00 000000 WKG CASH//PT Wrking Csh-A/// 70R000 7900 0000 00 000000 WKG CASH//OTHER SOURCES/// WORKING CASH FUND 80R000 1510 0000 00 000000 TORT//INTEREST/// 80R000 1999 0000 00 000000 TORT//MISC REV/// 80R000 3999 0000 00 000000 TORT//OTH STATE REV/// 80R000 7120 0000 00 000000 TORT//PT Wrking Csh-I/// 80R000 7140 0000 00 000000 TORT//Perm Transfer o/// 80R000 7180 0000 00 000000 TORT//PT Wrking Csh-A/// 80R000 7300 0000 00 000000 TORT//SALE/COMP FIXED/// 80R000 7900 0000 00 000000 TORT//OTHER SOURCES/// TORT FUND 90R000 1510 0000 00 000000 FIRE/SAFTY//INTEREST/// 90R000 7120 0000 00 000000 FIRE/SAFTY//PT Wrking Csh-I/// 90R000 7140 0000 00 000000 FIRE/SAFTY//Perm Transfer o/// 90R000 7180 0000 00 000000 FIRE/SAFTY//PT Wrking Csh-A/// 90R000 7200 0000 00 000000 FIRE/SAFTY//SALE OF BONDS/// 90R000 7210 0000 00 000000 FIRE/SAFTY//SALE OF BONDS/// 90R000 7220 0000 00 000000 FIRE/SAFTY//SALE OF BONDS/// 90R000 7230 0000 00 000000 FIRE/SAFTY//SALE OF BONDS/// 90R000 7300 0000 00 000000 FIRE/SAFTY//SALE/COMP FIXED/// 90R000 7900 0000 00 000000 FIRE/SAFTY//OTHER SOURCES/// FIRE SAFETY FUND FY Activity 15,176.41 1,099.25 10,701.57 0 2,379.67 1,369,260.22 0 0 0 1,383,440.71 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 91,130,871.06 Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 2012-13 Tent. Budget 10,500.00 38,178.37 14,176.00 0 2,400.00 0 0 0 0 54,754.37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 85,266,159.70 2012-13 Final Budget 10,500.00 38,178.37 14,176.00 0 2,500.00 0 0 0 0 54,854.37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 84,682,968.56 Page 5 LAKE ZURICH CUSD 95 FINAL BUDGET EXPENDITURE Account Number 10E001 1110 1100 01 000000 10E001 1110 1100 04 000000 10E001 2220 1100 01 000000 10E001 2410 1100 01 000000 10E003 1110 1100 01 000000 10E003 1110 1100 04 000000 10E003 2220 1100 01 000000 10E003 2410 1100 01 000000 10E004 1110 1100 01 000000 10E004 1110 1100 04 000000 10E004 2220 1100 01 000000 10E004 2410 1100 01 000000 10E005 1120 1100 01 000000 10E005 1120 1100 04 000000 10E005 1400 1100 01 000000 10E005 2120 1100 01 000000 10E005 2220 1100 01 000000 10E005 2410 1100 01 000000 10E006 1130 1100 01 000000 10E006 1130 1100 04 000000 10E006 1400 1100 01 000000 10E006 1400 1100 19 000105 10E006 1700 1100 22 337000 10E006 2120 1100 01 000000 10E006 2220 1100 01 000000 10E006 2230 1100 01 000000 10E006 2410 1100 01 000000 10E006 2410 1100 05 000000 10E006 2410 1100 06 000000 10E006 2410 1100 07 000000 10E006 2410 1100 08 000000 10E006 2410 1100 12 000000 10E006 2410 1100 15 000000 10E006 2410 1100 22 000000 10E008 1110 1100 90 430000 10E008 1120 1100 01 000000 10E008 1200 1100 01 000000 10E008 1205 1100 01 000000 10E008 1213 1100 01 000000 10E008 1213 1100 01 462000 10E008 1218 1100 01 000000 10E008 1225 1100 01 000000 10E008 1600 1100 01 000000 10E008 1600 1100 89 490900 10E008 1600 1100 90 430000 10E008 1620 1100 01 000000 10E008 1650 1100 01 000000 10E008 1800 1100 01 000000 10E008 1800 1100 01 330500 10E008 2110 1100 01 000000 10E008 2130 1100 01 000000 10E008 2140 1100 01 000000 10E008 2150 1100 01 000000 10E008 2210 1100 01 330500 10E008 2210 1100 01 493200 10E008 2210 1100 81 493200 FY 13 Tentative Account Short Description Budget ED/MW/EL/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 1,662,590.30 ED/MW/EL/CERT SALARIES/RIP/ 188,172.00 ED/MW/LIB/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 75,724.00 ED/MW/PRIN/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 108,675.00 ED/SA/EL/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 1,614,063.70 ED/SA/EL/CERT SALARIES/RIP/ 206,952.00 ED/SA/LIB/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 57,742.00 ED/SA/PRIN/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 104,622.00 ED/SP/EL/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 1,619,904.00 ED/SP/EL/CERT SALARIES/RIP/ 181,507.00 96,381.00 ED/SP/LIB/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/SP/PRIN/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 96,876.00 ED/MSN/MS/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 3,277,214.00 ED/MSN/MS/CERT SALARIES/RIP/ 57,194.00 ED/MSN/VOC/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 202,211.00 ED/MSN/GUID/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 101,454.00 76,913.00 ED/MSN/LIB/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/PRIN/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 190,750.00 ED/HS/HS/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 6,100,695.00 ED/HS/HS/CERT SALARIES/RIP/ 53,362.00 ED/HS/VOC/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 526,512.00 ED/HS/VOC/CERT SALARIES/CAREER ED/CTEI 9,000.00 ED/HS/DRIVERS EDUC/CERT SALARIES/DRIVER ED/DRIVERS EDU 293,263.00 ED/HS/GUID/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 432,363.00 ED/HS/LIB/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 59,125.00 ED/HS/ASSESS/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 11,000.00 ED/HS/PRIN/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 660,900.00 ED/HS/PRIN/CERT SALARIES/LANG ARTS/ 75,843.00 ED/HS/PRIN/CERT SALARIES/MATH/ 99,029.00 ED/HS/PRIN/CERT SALARIES/SCIENCE/ 75,515.00 ED/HS/PRIN/CERT SALARIES/SOCIAL SCIENCE/ 70,000.00 ED/HS/PRIN/CERT SALARIES/ART/ 74,054.00 ED/HS/PRIN/CERT SALARIES/FOREIGN LAN/ 87,768.00 ED/HS/PRIN/CERT SALARIES/DRIVER ED/ 76,640.00 ED/DIST/EL/CERT SALARIES/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC 10,000.00 ED/DIST/MS/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 0 ED/DIST/SP ED/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 0 ED/DIST/LD/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 3,440,000.00 ED/DIST/OT/PT/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 0 ED/DIST/OT/PT/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/IDEA 376,505.00 ED/DIST/ADAPTED PE/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 84,545.00 ED/DIST/ECE/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 235,546.00 ED/DIST/SS/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 140,000.00 ED/DIST/SS/CERT SALARIES/TITLE 3 LIPLEP/TITLE III LIPL 14,500.00 ED/DIST/SS/CERT SALARIES/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC 4,500.00 ED/DIST/SS SPED/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 70,000.00 ED/DIST/GIFTED/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 297,433.00 ED/DIST/BILING/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 665,077.00 ED/DIST/BILING/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/TBE - TPI 1,000.00 ED/DIST/SW/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 1,001,463.00 ED/DIST/HEALTH/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 221,082.00 ED/DIST/PSYCH/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 469,066.00 ED/DIST/SPEECH/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 545,014.00 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/TBE - TPI 2,000.00 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/TITLE II 0 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/CERT SALARIES/TII TCH QLTY/TITLE II 0 Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 1,865,914.93 178,879.92 73,620.00 108,675.00 1,653,375.66 196,768.62 56,082.80 104,622.00 1,673,183.20 172,171.20 94,553.50 96,876.00 3,312,520.90 55,548.76 241,472.12 107,102.18 75,046.76 190,344.00 6,311,703.25 43,293.02 572,963.04 2,425.97 269,556.10 444,116.36 57,430.80 9,932.00 661,867.00 68,732.64 99,029.00 75,515.00 73,899.00 74,053.92 87,768.00 76,639.92 7,169.50 0 208 3,315,542.65 877.75 365,893.49 81,856.76 227,639.57 131,179.02 14,573.40 4,416.00 71,650.01 288,961.52 612,705.38 0 958,422.12 283,667.09 457,077.38 412,440.83 0 0 0 FY 13 Final Budget 1,800,000.00 187,000.00 75,750.00 109,762.00 1,637,000.00 206,952.00 57,742.00 109,330.00 1,689,000.00 183,600.00 96,381.00 100,270.00 3,308,000.00 57,194.00 205,500.00 102,000.00 76,913.00 195,105.00 6,174,000.00 53,362.00 528,500.00 0.00 295,500.00 460,000.00 59,125.00 11,000.00 680,050.00 78,120.00 101,505.00 77,780.00 72,000.00 76,000.00 90,000.00 79,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 3,400,000.00 1,000.00 374,017.80 84,545.00 239,000.00 140,000.00 14,500.00 21,360.00 73,000.00 299,500.00 667,500.00 0.00 1,001,463.00 160,000.00 475,000.00 510,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 Page 1 Account Number 10E008 2210 1100 82 410000 10E008 2210 1100 89 490900 10E008 2210 1100 90 430000 10E008 2320 1100 01 000000 10E008 2330 1100 01 000000 10E008 2510 1100 01 000000 10E008 2520 1100 01 000000 10E008 2620 1100 01 000000 10E008 2630 1100 01 000000 10E008 2640 1100 01 000000 10E008 2660 1100 11 000000 10E008 3000 1100 01 462000 10E008 6001 1100 01 000000 10E009 1110 1100 01 000000 10E009 1110 1100 04 000000 10E009 2220 1100 01 000000 10E009 2410 1100 01 000000 10E010 1120 1100 01 000000 10E010 1120 1100 04 000000 10E010 1400 1100 01 000000 10E010 2120 1100 01 000000 10E010 2220 1100 01 000000 10E010 2410 1100 01 000000 10E012 1110 1100 01 000000 10E012 1110 1100 04 000000 10E012 1110 1100 04 488000 10E012 2220 1100 01 000000 10E012 2410 1100 01 000000 10E008 2640 1102 01 000000 10E001 1110 1110 01 000000 10E001 2220 1110 01 000000 10E003 1110 1110 01 000000 10E003 2220 1110 01 000000 10E004 1110 1110 01 000000 10E004 2220 1110 01 000000 10E005 2220 1110 01 000000 10E006 1130 1110 01 000000 10E006 2120 1110 84 322000 10E006 2220 1110 01 000000 10E008 1110 1110 90 430000 10E008 1200 1110 01 000000 10E008 1205 1110 01 000000 10E008 1205 1110 01 462000 10E008 1225 1110 01 000000 10E008 1225 1110 01 462000 10E008 1600 1110 01 000000 10E008 1800 1110 01 000000 10E008 2130 1110 01 000000 10E008 2210 1110 01 000000 10E008 2210 1110 89 490900 10E008 2210 1110 90 430000 10E008 2310 1110 01 46200 10E008 3000 1110 01 330500 10E009 1110 1110 01 000000 10E009 2220 1110 01 000000 10E010 1120 1110 01 000000 10E010 2220 1110 01 000000 10E012 1110 1110 01 000000 FY 13 Tentative Budget ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/CERT SALARIES/T5 INNOVATIVE/TITLE V 0 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/CERT SALARIES/TITLE 3 LIPLEP/TITLE III LIP 114 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/CERT SALARIES/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC 2,000.00 ED/DIST/EXEC/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 202,900.00 ED/DIST/SP ED ADMIN/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 290,095.00 ED/DIST/BUSINESS/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 155,000.00 ED/DIST/FISCAL/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 0 ED/DIST/CURR/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 429,262.00 ED/DIST/COMMUNICATIONS/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 87,122.00 ED/DIST/STAFF/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 124,400.00 ED/DIST/TECH/CERT SALARIES/TECHN/ 128,750.00 ED/DIST/COMM SERV/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/IDEA 14,610.00 0 ED/DIST/CONTINGENCIES/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/IF/EL/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 1,700,801.00 ED/IF/EL/CERT SALARIES/RIP/ 209,365.00 ED/IF/LIB/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 76,913.00 ED/IF/PRIN/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 103,626.00 ED/MSS/MS/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 3,182,600.00 55,741.00 ED/MSS/MS/CERT SALARIES/RIP/ ED/MSS/VOC/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 268,325.00 ED/MSS/GUID/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 70,800.00 ED/MSS/LIB/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 76,726.00 ED/MSS/PRIN/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 207,300.00 ED/SL/EL/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 1,608,026.00 ED/SL/EL/CERT SALARIES/RIP/ 164,803.00 ED/SL/EL/CERT SALARIES/RIP/ED JOB PRG 4880 0 ED/SL/LIB/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 45,918.00 ED/SL/PRIN/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 115,000.00 ED/DIST/STAFF/RETIREMENENT PM/GENERAL/ 6,500.00 ED/MW/EL/AIDE SALARY/GENERAL/ 7,750.00 ED/MW/LIB/AIDE SALARY/GENERAL/ 15,000.00 ED/SA/EL/AIDE SALARY/GENERAL/ 10,000.00 ED/SA/LIB/AIDE SALARY/GENERAL/ 14,000.00 ED/SP/EL/AIDE SALARY/GENERAL/ 17,000.00 ED/SP/LIB/AIDE SALARY/GENERAL/ 15,500.00 ED/MSN/LIB/AIDE SALARY/GENERAL/ 19,000.00 ED/HS/HS/AIDE SALARY/GENERAL/ 169,000.00 ED/HS/GUID/AIDE SALARY/CTEI/CTEI 10,200.00 ED/HS/LIB/AIDE SALARY/GENERAL/ 23,000.00 ED/DIST/EL/AIDE SALARY/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC 43,200.00 ED/DIST/SP ED/AIDE SALARY/GENERAL/ 0 ED/DIST/LD/AIDE SALARY/GENERAL/ 535,000.00 ED/DIST/LD/AIDE SALARY/GENERAL/IDEA 122,000.00 ED/DIST/ECE/AIDE SALARY/GENERAL/ 115,000.00 ED/DIST/ECE/AIDE SALARY/GENERAL/IDEA 85,000.00 ED/DIST/SS/AIDE SALARY/GENERAL/ 15,000.00 ED/DIST/BILING/AIDE SALARY/GENERAL/ 0 ED/DIST/HEALTH/AIDE SALARY/GENERAL/ 173,000.00 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/AIDE SALARY/GENERAL/ 0 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/AIDE SALARY/TITLE 3 LIPLEP/TITLE III LIPL 0 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/AIDE SALARY/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC 0 ED/DIST/HEALTH/AIDE SALARY/GENERAL/IDEA 0 ED/DIST/COMM SERV/AIDE SALARY/GENERAL/TBE - TPI 3,000.00 ED/IF/EL/AIDE SALARY/GENERAL/ 8,900.00 ED/IF/LIB/AIDE SALARY/GENERAL/ 18,000.00 ED/MSS/MS/AIDE SALARY/GENERAL/ 0 ED/MSS/LIB/AIDE SALARY/GENERAL/ 17,000.00 ED/SL/EL/AIDE SALARY/GENERAL/ 0 Account Short Description Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 0 114 0 201,670.24 342,361.98 154,999.92 0 422,235.58 87,120.38 122,306.34 130,505.73 14,184.67 0 1,840,998.89 190,980.80 75,206.20 103,626.00 3,139,504.74 59,169.32 262,011.20 69,408.85 74,596.20 207,003.00 1,750,312.33 130,647.62 35,487.62 68,154.40 117,753.00 92,032.44 10,482.08 14,909.66 9,312.46 12,669.70 14,736.66 14,055.70 20,709.89 168,126.20 5,096.25 25,808.12 38,767.32 0 495,446.25 136,632.49 105,972.33 67,773.87 5,951.43 0 169,644.12 0 0 0 0 1,402.25 7,355.11 18,839.52 0 17,755.82 0 FY 13 Final Budget 0.00 0.00 0.00 208,000.00 294,000.00 159,650.00 0.00 445,000.00 89,900.00 125,900.00 134,500.00 15,500.00 0.00 1,751,752.00 210,000.00 76,913.00 109,900.00 3,190,000.00 57,370.00 268,325.00 70,800.00 77,000.00 211,600.00 1,718,000.00 165,000.00 35,487.62 45,500.00 92,000.00 6,500.00 9,000.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 14,000.00 17,000.00 15,500.00 21,000.00 169,000.00 10,200.00 26,000.00 46,649.00 0.00 555,000.00 96,874.06 155,000.00 39,888.94 15,000.00 0.00 220,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 43,772.12 2,000.00 8,500.00 19,000.00 0.00 18,000.00 9,000.00 Page 2 Account Number 10E012 2220 1110 01 000000 10E008 1200 1111 01 000000 10E001 1110 1112 01 000000 10E003 1110 1112 01 000000 10E004 1110 1112 01 000000 10E005 1120 1112 01 000000 10E006 1130 1112 01 000000 10E009 1110 1112 01 000000 10E010 1120 1112 01 000000 10E012 1110 1112 01 000000 10E005 1120 1113 01 000000 10E006 1130 1113 01 000000 10E010 1120 1113 01 000000 10E005 1120 1114 01 000000 10E006 1130 1114 01 000000 10E010 1120 1114 01 000000 10E001 2410 1120 01 000000 10E003 2410 1120 01 000000 10E004 2410 1120 01 000000 10E005 2410 1120 01 000000 10E006 2120 1120 01 000000 10E006 2410 1120 01 000000 10E008 2320 1120 01 000000 10E008 2330 1120 01 000000 10E008 2510 1120 01 000000 10E008 2520 1120 01 000000 10E008 2620 1120 01 000000 10E008 2630 1120 01 000000 10E008 2640 1120 01 000000 10E008 2660 1120 11 000000 10E009 2410 1120 01 000000 10E010 2410 1120 01 000000 10E012 2410 1120 01 000000 10E001 1110 1130 01 000000 10E001 1110 1130 04 000000 10E001 2210 1130 01 000000 10E001 2220 1130 01 000000 10E003 1110 1130 01 000000 10E003 1110 1130 04 000000 10E003 2210 1130 01 000000 10E003 2220 1130 01 000000 10E004 1110 1130 01 000000 10E004 1110 1130 04 000000 10E004 2210 1130 01 000000 10E004 2220 1130 01 000000 10E005 1120 1130 01 000000 10E005 1120 1130 04 000000 10E005 2210 1130 01 000000 10E005 2220 1130 01 000000 10E006 1130 1130 01 000000 10E006 1400 1130 01 000000 10E006 2210 1130 01 000000 10E006 2220 1130 01 000000 10E008 1110 1130 01 000000 10E008 1200 1130 01 000000 10E008 1205 1130 01 000000 10E008 1225 1130 01 000000 10E008 1650 1130 01 000000 Account Short Description ED/SL/LIB/AIDE SALARY/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SP ED/1 to 1 NURSE/GENERAL/ ED/MW/EL/LUNCH/PLAYGROUN/GENERAL/ ED/SA/EL/LUNCH/PLAYGROUN/GENERAL/ ED/SP/EL/LUNCH/PLAYGROUN/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/MS/LUNCH/PLAYGROUN/GENERAL/ ED/HS/HS/LUNCH/PLAYGROUN/GENERAL/ ED/IF/EL/LUNCH/PLAYGROUN/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/MS/LUNCH/PLAYGROUN/GENERAL/ ED/SL/EL/LUNCH/PLAYGROUN/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/MS/BUS DUTY/GENERAL/ ED/HS/HS/BUS DUTY/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/MS/BUS DUTY/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/MS/SIXTH PERIOD/GENERAL/ ED/HS/HS/SIXTH PERIOD/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/MS/SIXTH PERIOD/GENERAL/ ED/MW/PRIN/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/SA/PRIN/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/SP/PRIN/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/PRIN/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/HS/GUID/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/HS/PRIN/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/EXEC/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SP ED ADMIN/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/BUSINESS/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/FISCAL/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/CURR/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/COMMUNICATIONS/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/STAFF/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/TECH/SALARIES/TECHN/ ED/IF/PRIN/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/PRIN/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/SL/PRIN/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/MW/EL/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/MW/EL/SALARIES/RIP/ ED/MW/IMPR INSTR/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/MW/LIB/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/SA/EL/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/SA/EL/SALARIES/RIP/ ED/SA/IMPR INSTR/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/SA/LIB/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/SP/EL/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/SP/EL/SALARIES/RIP/ ED/SP/IMPR INSTR/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/SP/LIB/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/MS/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/MS/SALARIES/RIP/ ED/MSN/IMPR INSTR/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/LIB/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/HS/HS/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/HS/VOC/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/HS/IMPR INSTR/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/HS/LIB/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/EL/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SP ED/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/LD/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/ECE/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/GIFTED/SALARIES/GENERAL/ FY 13 Tentative Budget 15,500.00 0 22,000.00 24,000.00 22,000.00 16,000.00 41,000.00 27,000.00 12,000.00 26,000.00 5,500.00 10,000.00 3,400.00 70,000.00 7,200.00 53,000.00 43,000.00 56,000.00 45,000.00 60,000.00 46,000.00 207,000.00 43,000.00 82,000.00 0 150,000.00 41,000.00 28,500.00 170,000.00 35,000.00 46,000.00 57,000.00 54,000.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 675,000.00 0 0 0 0 Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 14,541.59 0 20,494.36 21,786.25 18,703.73 15,352.97 40,178.99 25,986.97 11,051.16 23,951.29 5,558.10 8,747.20 3,280.20 65,009.95 3,525.48 51,716.05 41,222.29 55,261.08 41,202.98 54,503.59 43,808.30 203,464.08 38,421.00 78,849.93 0 135,468.97 36,332.31 27,457.20 164,495.08 32,721.84 42,119.36 61,857.84 49,580.82 30,718.20 1,262.50 2,275.50 1,212.00 31,679.80 3,989.50 3,832.50 1,414.00 20,321.20 1,818.00 2,121.00 909 58,993.76 626 3,015.50 727 132,934.67 10,025.50 5,343.25 1,575.50 0 6,259.72 67,283.60 19,921.95 5,100.50 FY 13 Final Budget 16,000.00 0.00 22,000.00 24,000.00 22,000.00 16,000.00 41,000.00 27,000.00 12,000.00 26,000.00 5,800.00 9,000.00 3,400.00 70,000.00 7,350.00 58,750.00 43,000.00 56,500.00 45,000.00 60,000.00 46,000.00 207,000.00 43,000.00 82,000.00 0.00 145,000.00 41,000.00 41,000.00 175,000.00 36,000.00 46,000.00 57,000.00 54,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 675,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page 3 Account Number 10E008 1800 1130 01 000000 10E008 2110 1130 01 000000 10E008 2150 1130 01 000000 10E008 2210 1130 66 000000 10E008 2210 1130 81 493200 10E008 2210 1130 90 430000 10E008 2620 1130 01 000000 10E009 1110 1130 01 000000 10E009 1110 1130 04 000000 10E009 2210 1130 01 000000 10E009 2220 1130 01 000000 10E010 1120 1130 01 000000 10E010 1120 1130 04 000000 10E010 2210 1130 01 000000 10E010 2220 1130 01 000000 10E012 1110 1130 01 000000 10E012 1110 1130 04 000000 10E012 2210 1130 01 000000 10E012 2220 1130 01 000000 10E001 1110 1131 01 000000 10E003 1110 1131 01 000000 10E004 1110 1131 01 000000 10E005 1120 1131 01 000000 10E006 1130 1131 01 000000 10E008 1200 1131 01 000000 10E008 2130 1131 01 000000 10E009 1110 1131 01 000000 10E010 1120 1131 01 000000 10E012 1110 1131 01 000000 10E008 2640 1132 01 000000 10E008 2660 1132 01 00000 10E006 1130 1140 77 000000 10E001 1110 1150 01 000000 10E001 1110 1150 23 000000 10E001 1500 1150 01 000000 10E001 1500 1150 14 000000 10E001 1500 1150 23 000000 10E001 1500 1150 46 000000 10E003 1110 1150 01 000000 10E003 1110 1150 23 000000 10E003 1500 1150 01 000000 10E003 1500 1150 14 000000 10E003 1500 1150 23 000000 10E003 1500 1150 46 000000 10E003 1500 1150 73 000000 10E004 1110 1150 01 000000 10E004 1110 1150 23 000000 10E004 1500 1150 01 000000 10E004 1500 1150 14 000000 10E004 1500 1150 23 000000 10E004 1500 1150 46 000000 10E004 1500 1150 73 000000 10E005 1120 1150 01 000000 10E005 1500 1150 01 000000 10E005 1500 1150 14 000000 10E005 1500 1150 23 000000 10E005 1500 1150 31 000000 10E005 1500 1150 32 000000 Account Short Description ED/DIST/BILING/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SW/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SPEECH/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/SALARIES/TAFT/ ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/SALARIES/TII TCH QLTY/TITLE II ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/SALARIES/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC ED/DIST/CURR/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/IF/EL/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/IF/EL/SALARIES/RIP/ ED/IF/IMPR INSTR/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/IF/LIB/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/MS/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/MS/SALARIES/RIP/ ED/MSS/IMPR INSTR/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/LIB/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/SL/EL/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/SL/EL/SALARIES/RIP/ ED/SL/IMPR INSTR/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/SL/LIB/SALARIES/GENERAL/ ED/MW/EL/NONCERT SUBSTIT/GENERAL/ ED/SA/EL/NONCERT SUBSTIT/GENERAL/ ED/SP/EL/NONCERT SUBSTIT/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/MS/NONCERT SUBSTIT/GENERAL/ ED/HS/HS/NONCERT SUBSTIT/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SP ED/NONCERT SUBSTIT/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/HEALTH/NONCERT SUBSTIT/GENERAL/ ED/IF/EL/NONCERT SUBSTIT/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/MS/NONCERT SUBSTIT/GENERAL/ ED/SL/EL/NONCERT SUBSTIT/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/STAFF/TEMPORARY SALAR/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/DATA/TEMPORARY SALARY ED/HS/HS/SALARIES/DRAMA/ ED/MW/EL/EXTRACURR/GENERAL/ ED/MW/EL/EXTRACURR/INTRAMURALS/ ED/MW/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/GENERAL/ ED/MW/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/BAND/ ED/MW/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/INTRAMURALS/ ED/MW/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/ACTIVITIES/ ED/SA/EL/EXTRACURR/GENERAL/ ED/SA/EL/EXTRACURR/INTRAMURALS/ ED/SA/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/GENERAL/ ED/SA/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/BAND/ ED/SA/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/INTRAMURALS/ ED/SA/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/ACTIVITIES/ ED/SA/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/CHORUS/ ED/SP/EL/EXTRACURR/GENERAL/ ED/SP/EL/EXTRACURR/INTRAMURALS/ ED/SP/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/GENERAL/ ED/SP/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/BAND/ ED/SP/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/INTRAMURALS/ ED/SP/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/ACTIVITIES/ ED/SP/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/CHORUS/ ED/MSN/MS/EXTRACURR/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/BAND/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/INTRAMURALS/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/B BASKETBALL/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/B SOCCER/ FY 13 Tentative Budget 0 0 0 20,000.00 3,000.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 14,000.00 52,000.00 17,000.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 7,000.00 0 400 4,000.00 1,550.00 3,000.00 7,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,564.00 1,100.00 3,000.00 720 6,500.00 1,000.00 750 3,000.00 2,200.00 1,750.00 2,500.00 41,000.00 26,000.00 8,400.00 7,523.00 6,951.00 5,100.00 Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 11,209.40 11,455.75 50.5 17,338.89 2,989.50 303 56,118.85 29,694.00 12,603.90 2,575.50 1,818.00 50,995.50 1,111.00 5,202.00 1,161.50 20,811.15 656.5 4,266.50 959.5 3,768.67 1,953.67 3,746.88 937.51 11,876.86 48,927.07 15,244.72 4,312.54 551.65 1,141.88 4,899.08 0.00 4,750.10 6,828.60 0 330 3,918.53 716.8 2,947.80 4,935.00 782 275 1,549.35 0 2,771.60 0 6,165.00 0 395 2,943.72 1,475.00 1,564.00 2,199.00 29,927.66 23,777.80 8,618.76 6,767.60 6,936.00 2,520.36 FY 13 Final Budget 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 1,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 14,000.00 52,000.00 17,000.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 400.00 4,000.00 1,550.00 3,000.00 7,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,564.00 1,100.00 3,000.00 720.00 6,500.00 1,565.00 750.00 3,000.00 2,200.00 1,750.00 2,500.00 31,000.00 26,000.00 8,700.00 7,523.00 6,951.00 5,100.00 Page 4 Account Number 10E005 1500 1150 33 000000 10E005 1500 1150 34 000000 10E005 1500 1150 35 000000 10E005 1500 1150 41 000000 10E005 1500 1150 46 000000 10E005 1500 1150 51 000000 10E005 1500 1150 52 000000 10E005 1500 1150 53 000000 10E005 1500 1150 54 000000 10E005 1500 1150 57 000000 10E005 1500 1150 58 000000 10E005 1500 1150 71 000000 10E005 1500 1150 72 000000 10E005 1500 1150 73 000000 10E005 1500 1150 75 000000 10E005 1500 1150 76 000000 10E005 1500 1150 77 000000 10E005 1500 1150 80 000000 10E006 1130 1150 01 000000 10E006 1500 1150 01 000000 10E006 1500 1150 14 000000 10E006 1500 1150 29 000000 10E006 1500 1150 31 000000 10E006 1500 1150 32 000000 10E006 1500 1150 33 000000 10E006 1500 1150 34 000000 10E006 1500 1150 35 000000 10E006 1500 1150 36 000000 10E006 1500 1150 37 000000 10E006 1500 1150 38 000000 10E006 1500 1150 39 000000 10E006 1500 1150 41 000000 10E006 1500 1150 42 000000 10E006 1500 1150 46 000000 10E006 1500 1150 51 000000 10E006 1500 1150 52 000000 10E006 1500 1150 53 000000 10E006 1500 1150 54 000000 10E006 1500 1150 55 000000 10E006 1500 1150 57 000000 10E006 1500 1150 58 000000 10E006 1500 1150 59 000000 10E006 1500 1150 64 000000 10E006 1500 1150 69 000000 10E006 1500 1150 71 000000 10E006 1500 1150 72 000000 10E006 1500 1150 73 000000 10E006 1500 1150 75 000000 10E006 1500 1150 76 000000 10E006 1500 1150 77 000000 10E006 1500 1150 78 000000 10E006 1500 1150 79 000000 10E006 1500 1150 80 000000 10E009 1110 1150 01 000000 10E009 1110 1150 23 000000 10E009 1500 1150 01 000000 10E009 1500 1150 14 000000 10E009 1500 1150 23 000000 Account Short Description ED/MSN/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/B TRACK/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/B X-COUNTRY/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/B WRESTLING/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/B VOLLEYBALL/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/ACTIVITIES/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/G BASKETBALL/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/G SOFTBALL/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/G TRACK/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/G VOLLEYBALL/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/G X-COUNTRY/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/G SOCCER/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/POM POM/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/CHEERLEADING/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/CHORUS/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/NEWSPAPER/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/YEARBOOK/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/DRAMA/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/STUDENT GOV/ ED/HS/HS/EXTRACURR/GENERAL/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/GENERAL/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/BAND/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/TRAINER/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/B BASKETBALL/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/B SOCCER/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/B TRACK/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/B X-COUNTRY/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/B WRESTLING/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/B GOLF/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/B TENNIS/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/B BASEBALL/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/B FOOTBALL/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/B VOLLEYBALL/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/B BOWLING/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/ACTIVITIES/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/G BASKETBALL/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/G SOFTBALL/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/G TRACK/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/G VOLLEYBALL/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/G TENNIS/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/G X-COUNTRY/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/G SOCCER/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/G GOLF/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/G BOWLING/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/ORCHESIS/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/POM POM/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/CHEERLEADING/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/CHORUS/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/NEWSPAPER/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/YEARBOOK/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/DRAMA/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/SPEECH/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/CLASS SPONSER/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/STUDENT GOV/ ED/IF/EL/EXTRACURR/GENERAL/ ED/IF/EL/EXTRACURR/INTRAMURALS/ ED/IF/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/GENERAL/ ED/IF/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/BAND/ ED/IF/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/INTRAMURALS/ FY 13 Tentative Budget 5,500.00 3,999.00 11,000.00 7,500.00 15,000.00 6,820.00 5,100.00 6,318.00 10,227.00 4,096.00 5,100.00 2,531.00 5,500.00 10,500.00 1,570.00 3,544.00 6,443.00 1,506.00 2,200.00 80,000.00 15,804.00 6,849.00 46,000.00 34,000.00 32,000.00 10,000.00 32,000.00 13,000.00 13,190.00 39,000.00 83,000.00 11,563.00 4,602.00 82,000.00 38,032.00 26,971.00 32,000.00 33,400.00 11,318.00 9,869.00 28,583.00 6,372.00 4,602.00 5,350.00 11,239.00 17,500.00 23,000.00 4,602.00 5,191.00 25,455.00 0 16,007.00 9,204.00 7,800.00 2,000.00 400 1,565.00 2,346.00 Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 5,482.12 3,982.08 8,146.00 7,358.40 12,969.80 6,805.00 2,330.16 6,493.20 6,921.60 4,096.00 2,531.00 2,520.36 5,384.62 9,886.68 254.16 3,544.00 6,399.32 1,505.90 2,000.00 77,783.72 15,845.22 6,434.80 45,244.08 33,598.00 25,169.76 9,977.56 23,338.16 11,770.00 14,383.40 37,128.71 86,088.80 11,563.00 4,554.00 49,250.36 37,847.60 26,799.80 23,059.96 33,248.84 11,296.12 9,869.00 28,583.00 6,345.32 4,554.00 5,238.18 11,239.00 17,484.94 23,393.68 4,582.60 5,180.10 23,701.16 0 15,970.84 9,184.60 7,999.97 1,955.00 385 1,580.65 782 FY 13 Final Budget 5,500.00 3,999.00 11,000.00 7,500.00 15,000.00 6,820.00 5,100.00 6,600.00 10,227.00 4,096.00 5,100.00 2,531.00 5,500.00 10,000.00 1,570.00 3,544.00 6,443.00 1,506.00 2,200.00 80,000.00 20,250.00 15,000.00 46,000.00 34,000.00 32,000.00 10,216.00 30,000.00 13,000.00 12,000.00 39,000.00 83,000.00 11,563.00 5,614.00 75,000.00 37,750.00 26,971.00 32,000.00 33,400.00 11,318.00 10,039.00 28,583.00 5,614.00 5,614.00 3,300.00 14,248.00 17,570.00 23,000.00 2,600.00 4,300.00 25,455.00 7,531.00 16,007.00 11,228.00 8,000.00 2,000.00 400 1,565.00 2,346.00 Page 5 Account Number 10E009 1500 1150 46 000000 10E009 1500 1150 73 000000 10E010 1120 1150 01 000000 10E010 1500 1150 01 000000 10E010 1500 1150 14 000000 10E010 1500 1150 23 000000 10E010 1500 1150 31 000000 10E010 1500 1150 32 000000 10E010 1500 1150 33 000000 10E010 1500 1150 34 000000 10E010 1500 1150 35 000000 10E010 1500 1150 36 000000 10E010 1500 1150 38 000000 10E010 1500 1150 41 000000 10E010 1500 1150 46 000000 10E010 1500 1150 51 000000 10E010 1500 1150 52 000000 10E010 1500 1150 53 000000 10E010 1500 1150 54 000000 10E010 1500 1150 57 000000 10E010 1500 1150 58 000000 10E010 1500 1150 71 000000 10E010 1500 1150 72 000000 10E010 1500 1150 73 000000 10E010 1500 1150 75 000000 10E010 1500 1150 76 000000 10E010 1500 1150 77 000000 10E010 1500 1150 80 000000 10E012 1110 1150 01 000000 10E012 1110 1150 23 000000 10E012 1500 1150 01 000000 10E012 1500 1150 14 000000 10E012 1500 1150 23 000000 10E012 1500 1150 46 000000 10E012 1500 1150 73 000000 10E006 1130 1160 01 000000 10E008 2210 1160 01 000000 10E008 2660 1160 11 000000 10E008 2210 1161 01 000000 10E008 2210 1161 81 493200 10E008 2210 1161 89 490900 10E006 1130 1300 01 000000 10E008 1610 1300 01 000000 SALARIES 10E001 1110 2110 01 000000 10E001 1110 2110 04 000000 10E001 1500 2110 01 000000 10E001 1500 2110 14 000000 10E001 1500 2110 23 000000 10E001 1500 2110 46 000000 10E001 2210 2110 01 000000 10E001 2220 2110 01 000000 10E001 2410 2110 01 000000 10E003 1110 2110 01 000000 10E003 1110 2110 04 000000 10E003 1110 2110 23 000000 10E003 1500 2110 01 000000 10E003 1500 2110 14 000000 FY 13 Tentative FY 13 Final Budget 11/12 FYTD Budget ED/IF/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/ACTIVITIES/ 2,346.00 1,923.40 2,346.00 ED/IF/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/CHORUS/ 782 782 782 ED/MSS/MS/EXTRACURR/GENERAL/ 36,000.00 28,000.00 36,000.00 ED/MSS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/GENERAL/ 25,000.00 24,181.84 25,000.00 ED/MSS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/BAND/ 7,870.00 7,854.92 7,870.00 ED/MSS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/INTRAMURALS/ 9,162.00 8,871.96 9,162.00 ED/MSS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/B BASKETBALL/ 7,150.00 7,073.00 7,150.00 ED/MSS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/B SOCCER/ 5,100.00 2,531.00 5,100.00 ED/MSS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/B TRACK/ 6,318.00 6,307.36 6,318.00 ED/MSS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/B X-COUNTRY/ 2,340.00 2,330.16 2,340.00 ED/MSS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/B WRESTLING/ 11,000.00 7,858.60 11,000.00 ED/MSS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/B GOLF/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ED/MSS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/B BASEBALL/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/B VOLLEYBALL/ 6,850.00 6,936.60 6,850.00 ED/MSS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/ACTIVITIES/ 11,000.00 9,994.02 11,000.00 ED/MSS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/G BASKETBALL/ 7,088.00 7,058.00 7,088.00 ED/MSS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/G SOFTBALL/ 5,100.00 2,520.36 5,100.00 ED/MSS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/G TRACK/ 6,469.00 6,869.88 6,469.00 6,850.00 6,137.00 6,850.00 ED/MSS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/G VOLLEYBALL/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/G X-COUNTRY/ 2,366.00 2,777.90 2,366.00 ED/MSS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/G SOCCER/ 5,100.00 2,531.00 5,100.00 ED/MSS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/POM POM/ 2,531.00 2,520.36 2,531.00 ED/MSS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/CHEERLEADING/ 4,871.00 4,860.36 4,871.00 ED/MSS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/CHORUS/ 9,800.00 9,771.56 9,800.00 ED/MSS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/NEWSPAPER/ 2,894.00 2,887.80 2,894.00 ED/MSS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/YEARBOOK/ 3,544.00 3,544.00 3,544.00 ED/MSS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/DRAMA/ 7,595.00 7,738.52 7,595.00 ED/MSS/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/STUDENT GOV/ 1,504.00 1,504.00 1,504.00 ED/SL/EL/EXTRACURR/GENERAL/ 4,000.00 6,166.60 4,000.00 ED/SL/EL/EXTRACURR/INTRAMURALS/ 0 0 0 ED/SL/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/GENERAL/ 1,000.00 0 1,000.00 ED/SL/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/BAND/ 2,900.00 2,981.45 2,900.00 ED/SL/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/INTRAMURALS/ 1,564.00 1,564.00 1,564.00 ED/SL/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/ACTIVITIES/ 723 723 723.00 ED/SL/INTERSCH/EXTRACURR/CHORUS/ 0 0 0.00 ED/HS/HS/SALARIES/GENERAL/ 59,000.00 57,243.77 59,000.00 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/SALARIES/GENERAL/ 1,000.00 375 1,000.00 ED/DIST/TECH/SALARIES/TECHN/ 631,000.00 557,020.71 633,000.00 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/CURRICULUM WRIT/GENERAL/ 10,000.00 6,770.91 10,000.00 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/CURRICULUM WRIT/TII TCH QLTY/TITLE II 12,000.00 586.5 5,000.00 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/CURRICULUM WRIT/TITLE 3 LIPLEP/TITLE I 1,500.00 2,375.75 1,500.00 ED/HS/HS/HS SAL.SUM CAMP/GENERAL/ 0 0 0.00 ED/DIST/SS-ATHL/HS SAL.SUM CAMP/GENERAL/ 120,000.00 121,721.02 124,000.00 41,438,185.00 41,569,504.62 42,101,516.54 ED/MW/EL/TRS/GENERAL/ 11,000.00 11,081.95 10,440.00 ED/MW/EL/TRS/RIP/ 1,200.00 926.5 1,084.00 ED/MW/INTERSCH/TRS/GENERAL/ 5 1.92 5.00 ED/MW/INTERSCH/TRS/BAND/ 30 23.98 30.00 ED/MW/INTERSCH/TRS/INTRAMURALS/ 15 4.55 10.00 ED/MW/INTERSCH/TRS/ACTIVITIES/ 15 12.9 15.00 ED/MW/IMPR INSTR/TRS/GENERAL/ 20 12.87 20.00 ED/MW/LIB/TRS/GENERAL/ 500 437.58 450.00 ED/MW/PRIN/TRS/GENERAL/ 11,600.00 11,971.18 12,200.00 ED/SA/EL/TRS/GENERAL/ 10,650.00 9,902.07 10,000.00 ED/SA/EL/TRS/RIP/ 1,365.00 1,199.30 1,427.00 ED/SA/EL/TRS/INTRAMURALS/ 20 4.53 10.00 ED/SA/INTERSCH/TRS/GENERAL/ 10 1.28 10.00 ED/SA/INTERSCH/TRS/BAND/ 15 8.98 10.00 Account Short Description Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 Page 6 Account Number 10E003 1500 2110 23 000000 10E003 1500 2110 46 000000 10E003 2210 2110 01 000000 10E003 2220 2110 01 000000 10E003 2410 2110 01 000000 10E004 1110 2110 01 000000 10E004 1110 2110 04 000000 10E004 1110 2110 23 000000 10E004 1500 2110 01 000000 10E004 1500 2110 14 000000 10E004 1500 2110 23 000000 10E004 1500 2110 46 000000 10E004 1500 2110 73 000000 10E004 2210 2110 01 000000 10E004 2220 2110 01 000000 10E004 2410 2110 01 000000 10E005 1120 2110 01 000000 10E005 1120 2110 01 485000 10E005 1120 2110 04 000000 10E005 1400 2110 01 000000 10E005 1500 2110 01 000000 10E005 1500 2110 14 000000 10E005 1500 2110 23 000000 10E005 1500 2110 31 000000 10E005 1500 2110 32 000000 10E005 1500 2110 33 000000 10E005 1500 2110 34 000000 10E005 1500 2110 35 000000 10E005 1500 2110 41 000000 10E005 1500 2110 46 000000 10E005 1500 2110 51 000000 10E005 1500 2110 52 000000 10E005 1500 2110 53 000000 10E005 1500 2110 54 000000 10E005 1500 2110 57 000000 10E005 1500 2110 58 000000 10E005 1500 2110 71 000000 10E005 1500 2110 72 000000 10E005 1500 2110 73 000000 10E005 1500 2110 75 000000 10E005 1500 2110 76 000000 10E005 1500 2110 77 000000 10E005 1500 2110 78 000000 10E005 1500 2110 80 000000 10E005 2120 2110 01 000000 10E005 2210 2110 01 000000 10E005 2220 2110 01 000000 10E005 2410 2110 01 000000 10E006 1130 2110 01 000000 10E006 1130 2110 04 000000 10E006 1400 2110 01 000000 10E006 1500 2110 01 000000 10E006 1500 2110 14 000000 10E006 1500 2110 23 000000 10E006 1500 2110 29 000000 10E006 1500 2110 31 000000 10E006 1500 2110 32 000000 10E006 1500 2110 33 000000 Account Short Description ED/SA/INTERSCH/TRS/INTRAMURALS/ ED/SA/INTERSCH/TRS/ACTIVITIES/ ED/SA/IMPR INSTR/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/SA/LIB/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/SA/PRIN/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/SP/EL/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/SP/EL/TRS/RIP/ ED/SP/EL/TRS/INTRAMURALS/ ED/SP/INTERSCH/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/SP/INTERSCH/TRS/BAND/ ED/SP/INTERSCH/TRS/INTRAMURALS/ ED/SP/INTERSCH/TRS/ACTIVITIES/ ED/SP/INTERSCH/TRS/CHORUS/ ED/SP/IMPR INSTR/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/SP/LIB/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/SP/PRIN/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/MS/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/MS/TRS/GENERAL ED/MSN/MS/TRS/RIP/ ED/MSN/VOC/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/TRS/BAND/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/TRS/INTRAMURALS/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/TRS/B BASKETBALL/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/TRS/B SOCCER/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/TRS/B TRACK/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/TRS/B X-COUNTRY/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/TRS/B WRESTLING/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/TRS/B VOLLEYBALL/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/TRS/ACTIVITIES/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/TRS/G BASKETBALL/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/TRS/G SOFTBALL/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/TRS/G TRACK/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/TRS/G VOLLEYBALL/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/TRS/G X-COUNTRY/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/TRS/G SOCCER/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/TRS/POM POM/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/TRS/CHEERLEADING/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/TRS/CHORUS/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/TRS/NEWSPAPER/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/TRS/YEARBOOK/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/TRS/DRAMA/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/TRS/SPEECH/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/TRS/STUDENT GOV/ ED/MSN/GUID/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/IMPR INSTR/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/LIB/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/PRIN/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/HS/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/HS/TRS/RIP/ ED/HS/VOC/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/BAND/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/INTRAMURALS/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/TRAINER/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/B BASKETBALL/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/B SOCCER/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/B TRACK/ FY 13 Tentative Budget 10 40 30 385 11,200.00 10,690.00 1,125.00 0 5 20 15 15 20 15 640 10,675.00 21,650.00 0 375 1,334.00 175 60 50 50 40 40 30 75 50 100 45 40 50 70 28 40 20 40 70 10 25 45 0 10 675 25 510 21,015.00 40,275.00 352 3,475.00 500 105 0 50 310 225 210 Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 0 16.76 20.72 336.56 11,524.80 9,894.95 1,042.61 0 2.29 19.08 8.56 9.08 12.75 11.96 553.79 10,671.36 20,181.67 0 328.9 1,409.23 68.44 50.13 39.31 40.28 14.63 30.87 23.18 26.6 39.52 75.41 39.52 13.49 42.24 40.28 23.8 14.81 14.63 28.8 56.41 0 20.55 38.07 0 8.75 621.14 16.93 441.59 20,967.36 37,531.42 301 3,378.37 140.12 78.66 0 37.62 262.74 194.87 138.7 FY 13 Final Budget 10.00 25.00 25.00 350.00 12,042.00 10,000.00 1,200.00 0.00 5.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 600.00 11,040.00 21,650.00 0.00 394.00 1,425.00 100.00 60.00 50.00 50.00 30.00 40.00 30.00 75.00 50.00 100.00 45.00 35.00 50.00 70.00 30.00 40.00 20.00 40.00 65.00 0.00 25.00 45.00 0.00 10.00 675.00 25.00 510.00 21,500.00 40,275.00 350.00 3,475.00 500.00 100.00 0.00 50.00 310.00 225.00 200.00 Page 7 Account Number 10E006 1500 2110 34 000000 10E006 1500 2110 35 000000 10E006 1500 2110 36 000000 10E006 1500 2110 37 000000 10E006 1500 2110 38 000000 10E006 1500 2110 39 000000 10E006 1500 2110 41 000000 10E006 1500 2110 42 000000 10E006 1500 2110 46 000000 10E006 1500 2110 51 000000 10E006 1500 2110 52 000000 10E006 1500 2110 53 000000 10E006 1500 2110 54 000000 10E006 1500 2110 55 000000 10E006 1500 2110 57 000000 10E006 1500 2110 58 000000 10E006 1500 2110 59 000000 10E006 1500 2110 64 000000 10E006 1500 2110 69 000000 10E006 1500 2110 71 000000 10E006 1500 2110 72 000000 10E006 1500 2110 73 000000 10E006 1500 2110 75 000000 10E006 1500 2110 76 000000 10E006 1500 2110 77 000000 10E006 1500 2110 78 000000 10E006 1500 2110 79 000000 10E006 1500 2110 80 000000 10E006 1700 2110 22 337000 10E006 2120 2110 01 000000 10E006 2210 2110 01 000000 10E006 2220 2110 01 000000 10E006 2230 2110 01 000000 10E006 2410 2110 01 000000 10E006 2410 2110 05 000000 10E006 2410 2110 06 000000 10E006 2410 2110 07 000000 10E006 2410 2110 08 000000 10E006 2410 2110 12 000000 10E006 2410 2110 15 000000 10E006 2410 2110 22 000000 10E008 1110 2110 90 430000 10E008 1120 2110 90 430000 10E008 1200 2110 01 000000 10E008 1205 2110 01 000000 10E008 1205 2110 01 462000 10E008 1218 2110 01 000000 10E008 1225 2110 01 000000 10E008 1225 2110 01 462000 10E008 1600 2110 01 000000 10E008 1600 2110 89 490900 10E008 1600 2110 90 430000 10E008 1610 2110 01 000000 10E008 1620 2110 01 000000 10E008 1650 2110 01 000000 10E008 1800 2110 01 000000 10E008 1800 2110 01 330500 10E008 2110 2110 01 000000 Account Short Description ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/B X-COUNTRY/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/B WRESTLING/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/B GOLF/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/B TENNIS/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/B BASEBALL/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/B FOOTBALL/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/B VOLLEYBALL/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/B BOWLING/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/ACTIVITIES/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/G BASKETBALL/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/G SOFTBALL/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/G TRACK/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/G VOLLEYBALL/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/G TENNIS/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/G X-COUNTRY/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/G SOCCER/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/G GOLF/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/G BOWLING/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/ORCHESIS/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/POM POM/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/CHEERLEADING/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/CHORUS/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/NEWSPAPER/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/YEARBOOK/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/DRAMA/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/SPEECH/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/CLASS SPONSER/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/TRS/STUDENT GOV/ ED/HS/DRIVERS EDUC/TRS/DRIVER ED/DRIVERS EDUC ED/HS/GUID/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/IMPR INSTR/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/LIB/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/ASSESS/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/PRIN/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/PRIN/TRS/LANG ARTS/ ED/HS/PRIN/TRS/MATH/ ED/HS/PRIN/TRS/SCIENCE/ ED/HS/PRIN/TRS/SOCIAL SCIENCE/ ED/HS/PRIN/TRS/ART/ ED/HS/PRIN/TRS/FOREIGN LAN/ ED/HS/PRIN/TRS/DRIVER ED/ ED/DIST/EL/TRS/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC ED/DIST/MS/TRS/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC ED/DIST/SP ED/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/LD/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/LD/TRS/GENERAL/IDEA ED/DIST/ADAPTED PE/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/ECE/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/ECE/TRS/GENERAL/IDEA ED/DIST/SS/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SS/TRS/TITLE 3 LIPLEP/TITLE III LIPL ED/DIST/SS/TRS/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC ED/DIST/SS-ATHL/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SS SPED/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/GIFTED/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/BILING/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/BILING/TRS/GENERAL/TBE - TPI ED/DIST/SW/TRS/GENERAL/ FY 13 Tentative Budget 70 211 85 90 257 1,400.00 80 35 540 250 178 200 220 75 65 190 45 35 45 75 0 150 30 35 168 0 110 65 1,950.00 28,600.00 40 390 75 72,875.00 8,500.00 10,903.00 8,314.00 8,137.00 8,154.00 9,664.00 8,440.00 1,935.00 0 353 22,750.00 0 558 1,550.00 0 800 3,220.00 3,000.00 800 475 1,975.00 4,400.00 70 6,610.00 Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 58.04 94.45 68.31 76.5 135.47 1,344.85 67.07 26.6 283.71 220.44 156.37 133.82 193.77 65.56 57.17 165.78 36.86 26.79 453.55 35.53 0 114.19 26.79 30.06 64.33 0 92.74 53.58 1,566.33 2,628.22 26.17 341.64 52.42 72,908.12 7,571.19 10,908.71 8,318.17 8,140.31 8,157.36 9,667.92 8,442.24 1,827.66 0 39.17 19,830.59 0 480.71 1,458.71 0 759.17 3,570.36 1,125.60 628.68 248.55 1,721.64 3,689.34 0 5,728.02 FY 13 Final Budget 70.00 200.00 75.00 90.00 150.00 1,400.00 80.00 35.00 500.00 250.00 175.00 200.00 220.00 75.00 65.00 190.00 45.00 35.00 45.00 50.00 0.00 150.00 30.00 35.00 100.00 50.00 110.00 65.00 1,900.00 3,000.00 40.00 390.00 75.00 75,000.00 8,605.00 11,200.00 8,568.00 7,935.00 8,375.00 9,910.00 8,700.00 2,875.00 0.00 350.00 22,000.00 0.00 500.00 1,550.00 0.00 800.00 4,167.00 0.00 750.00 400.00 1,975.00 4,400.00 0.00 6,000.00 Page 8 Account Number 10E008 2130 2110 01 000000 10E008 2140 2110 01 000000 10E008 2150 2110 01 000000 10E008 2210 2110 01 000000 10E008 2210 2110 01 330500 10E008 2210 2110 66 000000 10E008 2210 2110 81 493200 10E008 2210 2110 89 490900 10E008 2210 2110 90 430000 10E008 2320 2110 01 000000 10E008 2330 2110 01 000000 10E008 2330 2110 44 000000 10E008 2510 2110 01 000000 10E008 2620 2110 01 000000 10E008 2640 2110 01 000000 10E008 2640 2110 01 365100 10E008 2660 2110 11 000000 10E008 3000 2110 01 330500 10E008 3000 2110 01 462000 10E009 1110 2110 01 000000 10E009 1110 2110 04 000000 10E009 1110 2110 23 000000 10E009 1500 2110 01 000000 10E009 1500 2110 14 000000 10E009 1500 2110 23 000000 10E009 1500 2110 46 000000 10E009 1500 2110 73 000000 10E009 2210 2110 01 000000 10E009 2220 2110 01 000000 10E009 2410 2110 01 000000 10E010 1120 2110 01 000000 10E010 1120 2110 04 000000 10E010 1400 2110 01 000000 10E010 1500 2110 01 000000 10E010 1500 2110 14 000000 10E010 1500 2110 23 000000 10E010 1500 2110 31 000000 10E010 1500 2110 32 000000 10E010 1500 2110 33 000000 10E010 1500 2110 34 000000 10E010 1500 2110 35 000000 10E010 1500 2110 36 000000 10E010 1500 2110 41 000000 10E010 1500 2110 46 000000 10E010 1500 2110 51 000000 10E010 1500 2110 52 000000 10E010 1500 2110 53 000000 10E010 1500 2110 54 000000 10E010 1500 2110 57 000000 10E010 1500 2110 58 000000 10E010 1500 2110 71 000000 10E010 1500 2110 72 000000 10E010 1500 2110 73 000000 10E010 1500 2110 75 000000 10E010 1500 2110 76 000000 10E010 1500 2110 77 000000 10E010 1500 2110 78 000000 10E010 1500 2110 80 000000 Account Short Description ED/DIST/HEALTH/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/PSYCH/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SPEECH/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/TRS/GENERAL/TBE - TPI ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/TRS/TAFT/ ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/TRS/TII TCH QLTY/TITLE II ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/TRS/TITLE 3 LIPLEP/TITLE III LIPL ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/TRS/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC ED/DIST/EXEC/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SP ED ADMIN/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SP ED ADMIN/TRS/HOMEBOUND SERV/ ED/DIST/BUSINESS/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/CURR/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/STAFF/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/STAFF/TRS/GENERAL/NBPTS CERT ED/DIST/TECH/TRS/TECHN/ ED/DIST/COMM SERV/TRS/GENERAL/TBE - TPI ED/DIST/COMM SERV/TRS/GENERAL/IDEA ED/IF/EL/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/IF/EL/TRS/RIP/ ED/IF/EL/TRS/INTRAMURALS/ ED/IF/INTERSCH/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/IF/INTERSCH/TRS/BAND/ ED/IF/INTERSCH/TRS/INTRAMURALS/ ED/IF/INTERSCH/TRS/ACTIVITIES/ ED/IF/INTERSCH/TRS/CHORUS/ ED/IF/IMPR INSTR/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/IF/LIB/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/IF/PRIN/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/MS/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/MS/TRS/RIP/ ED/MSS/VOC/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/TRS/BAND/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/TRS/INTRAMURALS/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/TRS/B BASKETBALL/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/TRS/B SOCCER/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/TRS/B TRACK/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/TRS/B X-COUNTRY/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/TRS/B WRESTLING/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/TRS/B GOLF/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/TRS/B VOLLEYBALL/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/TRS/ACTIVITIES/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/TRS/G BASKETBALL/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/TRS/G SOFTBALL/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/TRS/G TRACK/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/TRS/G VOLLEYBALL/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/TRS/G X-COUNTRY/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/TRS/G SOCCER/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/TRS/POM POM/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/TRS/CHEERLEADING/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/TRS/CHORUS/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/TRS/NEWSPAPER/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/TRS/YEARBOOK/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/TRS/DRAMA/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/TRS/SPEECH/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/TRS/STUDENT GOV/ FY 13 Tentative Budget 1,475.00 3,095.00 3,600.00 25 20 100 4,000.00 320 515 21,500.00 30,500.00 15 17,075.00 42,000.00 750 25 10 0 0 11,225.00 1,400.00 20 5 15 15 15 10 20 510 11,415.00 21,100.00 367 1,750.00 165 55 65 50 35 45 15 75 0 50 75 50 40 45 50 20 20 35 35 65 25 25 50 0 10 Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 1,403.63 2,402.65 2,419.53 59.3 0 77.01 816.81 634.66 77.23 21,667.18 37,318.22 15.66 17,074.08 38,431.40 515.46 21.44 8.12 20.6 0 10,894.55 1,223.49 11.35 2.24 9.17 4.54 8.92 4.54 14.66 447.89 11,414.88 19,111.79 323.37 1,525.71 104.14 45.6 52.8 41.04 14.63 36.59 13.49 26.6 0 40.28 57.93 41.23 14.63 37.48 38.95 13.73 14.63 14.63 28.12 56.99 16.75 20.56 14.63 0 8.74 FY 13 Final Budget 1,475.00 2,600.00 3,000.00 65.00 14.00 100.00 1,725.00 431.00 1,150.00 21,900.00 35,000.00 20.00 17,600.00 43,200.00 750.00 25.00 10.00 15.00 0.00 11,225.00 1,400.00 15.00 5.00 15.00 10.00 15.00 10.00 20.00 510.00 12,100.00 21,500.00 400.00 1,750.00 150.00 55.00 65.00 50.00 35.00 45.00 15.00 75.00 0.00 50.00 75.00 50.00 40.00 45.00 50.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 35.00 65.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 0.00 10.00 Page 9 Account Number 10E010 2120 2110 01 000000 10E010 2210 2110 01 000000 10E010 2220 2110 01 000000 10E010 2410 2110 01 000000 10E012 1110 2110 01 000000 10E012 1110 2110 04 000000 10E012 1110 2110 04 488000 10E012 1110 2110 23 000000 10E012 1500 2110 01 000000 10E012 1500 2110 14 000000 10E012 1500 2110 23 000000 10E012 1500 2110 46 000000 10E012 2210 2110 01 000000 10E012 2220 2110 01 000000 10E012 2410 2110 01 000000 10E008 1800 2140 01 330500 10E008 2210 2140 81 493200 10E009 1110 2140 04 371500 10E001 1110 2150 01 000000 10E001 1110 2150 04 000000 10E001 1500 2150 01 000000 10E001 1500 2150 14 000000 10E001 1500 2150 23 000000 10E001 1500 2150 46 000000 10E001 2210 2150 01 000000 10E001 2220 2150 01 000000 10E001 2410 2150 01 000000 10E003 1110 2150 01 000000 10E003 1110 2150 04 000000 10E003 1110 2150 23 000000 10E003 1500 2150 01 000000 10E003 1500 2150 14 000000 10E003 1500 2150 23 000000 10E003 1500 2150 46 000000 10E003 2210 2150 01 000000 10E003 2220 2150 01 000000 10E003 2410 2150 01 000000 10E004 1110 2150 01 000000 10E004 1110 2150 04 000000 10E004 1110 2150 23 000000 10E004 1500 2150 01 000000 10E004 1500 2150 14 000000 10E004 1500 2150 23 000000 10E004 1500 2150 46 000000 10E004 1500 2150 73 000000 10E004 2210 2150 01 000000 10E004 2220 2150 01 000000 10E004 2410 2150 01 000000 10E005 1120 2150 01 000000 10E005 1120 2150 01 485000 10E005 1120 2150 04 000000 10E005 1400 2150 01 000000 10E005 1500 2150 01 000000 10E005 1500 2150 14 000000 10E005 1500 2150 23 000000 10E005 1500 2150 31 000000 10E005 1500 2150 32 000000 10E005 1500 2150 33 000000 Account Short Description ED/MSS/GUID/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/IMPR INSTR/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/LIB/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/PRIN/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/SL/EL/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/SL/EL/TRS/RIP/ ED/SL/EL/TRS/RIP/ED JOB PRG 4880 ED/SL/EL/TRS/INTRAMURALS/ ED/SL/INTERSCH/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/SL/INTERSCH/TRS/BAND/ ED/SL/INTERSCH/TRS/INTRAMURALS/ ED/SL/INTERSCH/TRS/ACTIVITIES/ ED/SL/IMPR INSTR/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/SL/LIB/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/SL/PRIN/TRS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/BILING/MEDICARE/GENERAL/TBE - TPI ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/MEDICARE/TII TCH QLTY/TITLE II ED/IF/EL/MEDICARE/RIP/RIP ED/MW/EL/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/MW/EL/THIS/RIP/ ED/MW/INTERSCH/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/MW/INTERSCH/THIS/BAND/ ED/MW/INTERSCH/THIS/INTRAMURALS/ ED/MW/INTERSCH/THIS/ACTIVITIES/ ED/MW/IMPR INSTR/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/MW/LIB/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/MW/PRIN/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/SA/EL/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/SA/EL/THIS/RIP/ ED/SA/EL/THIS/INTRAMURALS/ ED/SA/INTERSCH/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/SA/INTERSCH/THIS/BAND/ ED/SA/INTERSCH/THIS/INTRAMURALS/ ED/SA/INTERSCH/THIS/ACTIVITIES/ ED/SA/IMPR INSTR/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/SA/LIB/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/SA/PRIN/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/SP/EL/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/SP/EL/THIS/RIP/ ED/SP/EL/THIS/INTRAMURALS/ ED/SP/INTERSCH/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/SP/INTERSCH/THIS/BAND/ ED/SP/INTERSCH/THIS/INTRAMURALS/ ED/SP/INTERSCH/THIS/ACTIVITIES/ ED/SP/INTERSCH/THIS/CHORUS/ ED/SP/IMPR INSTR/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/SP/LIB/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/SP/PRIN/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/MS/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/MS/THIS/GENERAL ED/MSN/MS/THIS/RIP/ ED/MSN/VOC/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/THIS/BAND/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/THIS/INTRAMURALS/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/THIS/B BASKETBALL/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/THIS/B SOCCER/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/THIS/B TRACK/ FY 13 Tentative Budget 475 50 510 22,805.00 10,750.00 1,100.00 0 0 0 20 15 5 50 310 12,971.00 0 0 0 11,000.00 1,240.00 5 30 15 20 25 500 1,775.00 11,000.00 1,375.00 10 10 15 0 20 40 390 1,780.00 11,000.00 1,200.00 0 20 20 15 15 20 15 640 1,650.00 21,750.00 0 400 1,400.00 175 60 50 50 35 40 Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 402.54 30.2 441.83 22,802.39 10,284.04 773.95 798.56 0 0 19.1 9.08 4.2 22.79 404.27 12,971.03 0 0 0 12,608.55 1,054.37 2.16 27.18 5.08 14.84 14.65 498.01 1,847.28 11,267.20 1,364.45 5.16 1.44 10.23 0 19.07 23.59 382.89 1,778.40 11,258.57 1,186.54 0 2.6 21.6 9.74 10.32 14.51 13.61 629.99 1,646.64 22,962.99 0 374.24 1,603.41 77.64 57.03 44.57 45.79 16.72 35.11 FY 13 Final Budget 475.00 50.00 510.00 23,350.00 11,000.00 1,100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.00 15.00 5.00 40.00 315.00 10,200.00 0.00 87.00 0.00 12,420.00 1,290.00 5.00 30.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 500.00 1,942.00 11,295.00 1,427.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 25.00 25.00 350.00 1,942.00 11,655.00 1,266.00 0.00 5.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 665.00 1,781.00 22,825.00 0.00 394.00 1,425.00 100.00 60.00 50.00 50.00 30.00 40.00 Page 10 Account Number 10E005 1500 2150 34 000000 10E005 1500 2150 35 000000 10E005 1500 2150 41 000000 10E005 1500 2150 46 000000 10E005 1500 2150 51 000000 10E005 1500 2150 52 000000 10E005 1500 2150 53 000000 10E005 1500 2150 54 000000 10E005 1500 2150 57 000000 10E005 1500 2150 58 000000 10E005 1500 2150 71 000000 10E005 1500 2150 72 000000 10E005 1500 2150 73 000000 10E005 1500 2150 75 000000 10E005 1500 2150 76 000000 10E005 1500 2150 77 000000 10E005 1500 2150 79 000000 10E005 1500 2150 80 000000 10E005 2120 2150 01 000000 10E005 2210 2150 01 000000 10E005 2220 2150 01 000000 10E005 2410 2150 01 000000 10E006 1130 2150 01 000000 10E006 1130 2150 04 000000 10E006 1400 2150 01 000000 10E006 1500 2150 01 000000 10E006 1500 2150 14 000000 10E006 1500 2150 23 000000 10E006 1500 2150 29 000000 10E006 1500 2150 31 000000 10E006 1500 2150 32 000000 10E006 1500 2150 33 000000 10E006 1500 2150 34 000000 10E006 1500 2150 35 000000 10E006 1500 2150 36 000000 10E006 1500 2150 37 000000 10E006 1500 2150 38 000000 10E006 1500 2150 39 000000 10E006 1500 2150 41 000000 10E006 1500 2150 42 000000 10E006 1500 2150 46 000000 10E006 1500 2150 51 000000 10E006 1500 2150 52 000000 10E006 1500 2150 53 000000 10E006 1500 2150 54 000000 10E006 1500 2150 55 000000 10E006 1500 2150 57 000000 10E006 1500 2150 58 000000 10E006 1500 2150 59 000000 10E006 1500 2150 64 000000 10E006 1500 2150 69 000000 10E006 1500 2150 71 000000 10E006 1500 2150 72 000000 10E006 1500 2150 73 000000 10E006 1500 2150 75 000000 10E006 1500 2150 76 000000 10E006 1500 2150 77 000000 10E006 1500 2150 78 000000 Account Short Description ED/MSN/INTERSCH/THIS/B X-COUNTRY/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/THIS/B WRESTLING/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/THIS/B VOLLEYBALL/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/THIS/ACTIVITIES/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/THIS/G BASKETBALL/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/THIS/G SOFTBALL/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/THIS/G TRACK/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/THIS/G VOLLEYBALL/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/THIS/G X-COUNTRY/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/THIS/G SOCCER/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/THIS/POM POM/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/THIS/CHEERLEADING/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/THIS/CHORUS/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/THIS/NEWSPAPER/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/THIS/YEARBOOK/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/THIS/DRAMA/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/THIS/CLASS SPONSER/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/THIS/STUDENT GOV/ ED/MSN/GUID/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/IMPR INSTR/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/LIB/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/PRIN/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/HS/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/HS/THIS/RIP/ ED/HS/VOC/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/BAND/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/INTRAMURALS/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/TRAINER/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/B BASKETBALL/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/B SOCCER/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/B TRACK/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/B X-COUNTRY/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/B WRESTLING/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/B GOLF/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/B TENNIS/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/B BASEBALL/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/B FOOTBALL/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/B VOLLEYBALL/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/B BOWLING/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/ACTIVITIES/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/G BASKETBALL/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/G SOFTBALL/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/G TRACK/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/G VOLLEYBALL/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/G TENNIS/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/G X-COUNTRY/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/G SOCCER/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/G GOLF/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/G BOWLING/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/ORCHESIS/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/POM POM/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/CHEERLEADING/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/CHORUS/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/NEWSPAPER/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/YEARBOOK/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/DRAMA/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/SPEECH/ FY 13 Tentative Budget 30 75 50 100 50 35 50 75 30 35 20 40 75 15 30 45 10 15 675 25 510 3,250.00 40,400.00 375 3,500.00 500 105 0 50 310 225 215 70 215 90 90 257 600 80 35 500 260 180 215 225 75 65 190 45 35 75 75 115 150 35 35 170 0 Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 26.41 30.4 44.99 85.64 44.99 15.39 48.17 45.79 26.96 16.72 16.72 32.84 64.31 0 23.39 43.01 0 10.09 706.85 19.23 502.41 3,235.44 42,705.43 342.42 3,844.23 146.77 89.68 0 42.75 299.01 221.76 157.89 66.09 107.46 77.77 87.06 154.09 592.76 76.32 30.4 322.26 251.02 178 152.13 220.32 74.64 65.13 188.65 41.99 30.4 77.44 40.47 0 130.15 30.4 34.23 73.18 0 FY 13 Final Budget 30.00 75.00 50.00 100.00 45.00 35.00 50.00 70.00 30.00 40.00 20.00 40.00 65.00 0.00 25.00 45.00 0.00 10.00 700.00 25.00 510.00 3,465.00 42,600.00 350.00 3,475.00 500.00 100.00 0.00 50.00 310.00 225.00 200.00 70.00 200.00 75.00 90.00 150.00 650.00 80.00 35.00 500.00 250.00 200.00 200.00 220.00 75.00 65.00 190.00 45.00 35.00 45.00 50.00 0.00 150.00 30.00 35.00 100.00 50.00 Page 11 Account Number 10E006 1500 2150 79 000000 10E006 1500 2150 80 000000 10E006 1700 2150 22 337000 10E006 2120 2150 01 000000 10E006 2210 2150 01 000000 10E006 2220 2150 01 000000 10E006 2230 2150 01 000000 10E006 2410 2150 01 000000 10E006 2410 2150 05 000000 10E006 2410 2150 06 000000 10E006 2410 2150 07 000000 10E006 2410 2150 08 000000 10E006 2410 2150 12 000000 10E006 2410 2150 15 000000 10E006 2410 2150 22 000000 10E008 1110 2150 90 430000 10E008 1200 2150 01 000000 10E008 1205 2150 01 000000 10E008 1205 2150 01 462000 10E008 1218 2150 01 000000 10E008 1225 2150 01 000000 10E008 1225 2150 01 462000 10E008 1600 2150 01 000000 10E008 1600 2150 89 490900 10E008 1600 2150 90 430000 10E008 1610 2150 01 000000 10E008 1620 2150 01 000000 10E008 1650 2150 01 000000 10E008 1800 2150 01 000000 10E008 1800 2150 01 330500 10E008 2110 2150 01 000000 10E008 2130 2150 01 000000 10E008 2140 2150 01 000000 10E008 2150 2150 01 000000 10E008 2150 2150 03 000000 10E008 2210 2150 01 000000 10E008 2210 2150 01 330500 10E008 2210 2150 11 000000 10E008 2210 2150 49 490000 10E008 2210 2150 66 000000 10E008 2210 2150 81 493200 10E008 2210 2150 89 490900 10E008 2210 2150 90 430000 10E008 2320 2150 01 000000 10E008 2330 2150 01 000000 10E008 2330 2150 03 000000 10E008 2330 2150 44 000000 10E008 2510 2150 01 000000 10E008 2620 2150 01 000000 10E008 2640 2150 01 000000 10E008 2640 2150 01 365100 10E008 2640 2150 03 000000 10E008 2660 2150 11 000000 10E008 3000 2150 01 330500 10E009 1110 2150 01 000000 10E009 1110 2150 04 000000 10E009 1110 2150 04 488000 10E009 1110 2150 23 000000 Account Short Description ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/CLASS SPONSER/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/THIS/STUDENT GOV/ ED/HS/DRIVERS EDUC/THIS/DRIVER ED/DRIVERS EDUC ED/HS/GUID/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/IMPR INSTR/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/LIB/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/ASSESS/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/PRIN/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/PRIN/THIS/LANG ARTS/ ED/HS/PRIN/THIS/MATH/ ED/HS/PRIN/THIS/SCIENCE/ ED/HS/PRIN/THIS/SOCIAL SCIENCE/ ED/HS/PRIN/THIS/ART/ ED/HS/PRIN/THIS/FOREIGN LAN/ ED/HS/PRIN/THIS/DRIVER ED/ ED/DIST/EL/THIS/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC ED/DIST/SP ED/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/LD/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/LD/THIS/GENERAL/IDEA ED/DIST/ADAPTED PE/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/ECE/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/ECE/THIS/GENERAL/IDEA ED/DIST/SS/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SS/THIS/TITLE 3 LIPLEP/TITLE III LIPL ED/DIST/SS/THIS/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC ED/DIST/SS-ATHL/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SS SPED/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/GIFTED/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/BILING/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/BILING/THIS/GENERAL/TBE - TPI ED/DIST/SW/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/HEALTH/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/PSYCH/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SPEECH/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SPEECH/THIS/2.2 TRS/ ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/THIS/GENERAL/TBE - TPI ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/THIS/TECHN/ ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/THIS/MEDICARE/MEDICARE ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/THIS/TAFT/ ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/THIS/TII TCH QLTY/TITLE II ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/THIS/TITLE 3 LIPLEP/TITLE III LIPL ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/THIS/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC ED/DIST/EXEC/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SP ED ADMIN/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SP ED ADMIN/THIS/2.2 TRS/ ED/DIST/SP ED ADMIN/THIS/HOMEBOUND SERV/ ED/DIST/BUSINESS/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/CURR/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/STAFF/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/STAFF/THIS/GENERAL/NBPTS CERT ED/DIST/STAFF/THIS/2.2 TRS/ ED/DIST/TECH/THIS/TECHN/ ED/DIST/COMM SERV/THIS/GENERAL/TBE - TPI ED/IF/EL/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/IF/EL/THIS/RIP/ ED/IF/EL/THIS/RIP/ED JOB PRG 4880 ED/IF/EL/THIS/INTRAMURALS/ FY 13 Tentative Budget 110 65 1,950.00 2,900.00 50 395 75 11,255.00 1,200.00 1,655.00 1,265.00 1,250.00 1,245.00 1,475.00 1,290.00 50 75 22,900.00 0 560 1,600.00 565 950 25 30 782 450 2,000.00 4,390.00 0 6,610.00 1,500.00 3,095.00 3,590.00 0 50 0 0 0 100 100 10 15 3,350.00 5,250.00 0 15 2,635.00 6,500.00 750 30 100,000.00 10 10 11,500.00 1,400.00 0 15 Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 105.77 60.61 1,782.54 2,990.63 29.79 388.73 59.68 11,250.45 1,168.28 1,683.36 1,283.53 1,256.16 1,258.80 1,491.84 1,302.72 47.42 44.49 22,565.36 0 547.02 1,659.66 0 864.09 92.44 29.12 614.65 283 1,959.09 4,197.21 0 6,517.26 1,597.07 2,733.50 2,752.98 0 48.79 0 0 0 87.49 21.05 16.45 1.99 3,343.41 5,758.55 0 17.82 2,634.72 6,507.54 586.35 24.4 11,312.73 9.24 9.27 12,395.98 1,392.15 0 12.9 FY 13 Final Budget 110.00 65.00 1,900.00 3,050.00 40.00 390.00 75.00 12,100.00 1,388.00 1,800.00 1,380.00 1,280.00 1,350.00 1,600.00 1,403.00 93.00 75.00 23,000.00 0.00 560.00 1,700.00 0.00 950.00 133.00 0.00 700.00 450.00 2,000.00 4,390.00 0.00 6,610.00 1,650.00 3,000.00 3,300.00 0.00 50.00 20.00 0.00 14.00 100.00 56.00 14.00 37.00 3,532.00 5,631.00 0.00 20.00 2,850.00 6,695.00 700.00 30.00 86,900.00 12.00 20.00 12,100.00 1,400.00 0.00 15.00 Page 12 Account Number 10E009 1500 2150 01 000000 10E009 1500 2150 14 000000 10E009 1500 2150 23 000000 10E009 1500 2150 46 000000 10E009 1500 2150 73 000000 10E009 2210 2150 01 000000 10E009 2220 2150 01 000000 10E009 2410 2150 01 000000 10E010 1120 2150 01 000000 10E010 1120 2150 04 000000 10E010 1400 2150 01 000000 10E010 1500 2150 01 000000 10E010 1500 2150 14 000000 10E010 1500 2150 23 000000 10E010 1500 2150 31 000000 10E010 1500 2150 32 000000 10E010 1500 2150 33 000000 10E010 1500 2150 34 000000 10E010 1500 2150 35 000000 10E010 1500 2150 36 000000 10E010 1500 2150 41 000000 10E010 1500 2150 46 000000 10E010 1500 2150 51 000000 10E010 1500 2150 52 000000 10E010 1500 2150 53 000000 10E010 1500 2150 54 000000 10E010 1500 2150 57 000000 10E010 1500 2150 58 000000 10E010 1500 2150 71 000000 10E010 1500 2150 72 000000 10E010 1500 2150 73 000000 10E010 1500 2150 75 000000 10E010 1500 2150 76 000000 10E010 1500 2150 77 000000 10E010 1500 2150 80 000000 10E010 2120 2150 01 000000 10E010 2210 2150 01 000000 10E010 2220 2150 01 000000 10E010 2410 2150 01 000000 10E012 1110 2150 01 000000 10E012 1110 2150 04 000000 10E012 1110 2150 04 488000 10E012 1110 2150 23 000000 10E012 1500 2150 01 000000 10E012 1500 2150 14 000000 10E012 1500 2150 23 000000 10E012 1500 2150 46 000000 10E012 2210 2150 01 000000 10E012 2220 2150 01 000000 10E012 2410 2150 01 000000 10E001 1110 2210 01 000000 10E001 1110 2210 04 000000 10E001 2220 2210 01 000000 10E001 2410 2210 01 000000 10E003 1110 2210 01 000000 10E003 1110 2210 04 000000 10E003 2220 2210 01 000000 10E003 2410 2210 01 000000 Account Short Description ED/IF/INTERSCH/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/IF/INTERSCH/THIS/BAND/ ED/IF/INTERSCH/THIS/INTRAMURALS/ ED/IF/INTERSCH/THIS/ACTIVITIES/ ED/IF/INTERSCH/THIS/CHORUS/ ED/IF/IMPR INSTR/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/IF/LIB/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/IF/PRIN/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/MS/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/MS/THIS/RIP/ ED/MSS/VOC/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/THIS/BAND/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/THIS/INTRAMURALS/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/THIS/B BASKETBALL/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/THIS/B SOCCER/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/THIS/B TRACK/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/THIS/B X-COUNTRY/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/THIS/B WRESTLING/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/THIS/B GOLF/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/THIS/B VOLLEYBALL/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/THIS/ACTIVITIES/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/THIS/G BASKETBALL/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/THIS/G SOFTBALL/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/THIS/G TRACK/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/THIS/G VOLLEYBALL/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/THIS/G X-COUNTRY/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/THIS/G SOCCER/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/THIS/POM POM/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/THIS/CHEERLEADING/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/THIS/CHORUS/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/THIS/NEWSPAPER/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/THIS/YEARBOOK/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/THIS/DRAMA/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/THIS/STUDENT GOV/ ED/MSS/GUID/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/IMPR INSTR/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/LIB/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/PRIN/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/SL/EL/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/SL/EL/THIS/RIP/ ED/SL/EL/THIS/RIP/ED JOB PRG 4880 ED/SL/EL/THIS/INTRAMURALS/ ED/SL/INTERSCH/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/SL/INTERSCH/THIS/BAND/ ED/SL/INTERSCH/THIS/INTRAMURALS/ ED/SL/INTERSCH/THIS/ACTIVITIES/ ED/SL/IMPR INSTR/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/SL/LIB/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/SL/PRIN/THIS/GENERAL/ ED/MW/EL/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/MW/EL/LIFE INS/RIP/ ED/MW/LIB/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/MW/PRIN/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/SA/EL/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/SA/EL/LIFE INS/RIP/ ED/SA/LIB/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/SA/PRIN/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ FY 13 Tentative Budget 30 15 15 15 10 20 510 1,775.00 21,100.00 400 1,800.00 165 55 60 50 35 45 20 75 0 50 75 50 40 50 45 20 35 20 35 70 20 25 50 15 475 50 510 3,520.00 11,000.00 1,100.00 0 0 10 20 15 10 50 310 2,000.00 1,650.00 150 85 355 1,500.00 150 60 375 Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 2.53 10.43 5.16 10.19 5.16 16.66 509.57 1,761.36 21,745.30 367.93 1,736.22 118.22 52.05 60.09 46.74 16.72 41.71 15.39 30.4 0 45.79 66.15 46.74 16.72 42.73 44.34 15.62 16.72 16.72 32.11 64.6 19.05 23.39 16.72 9.88 458.18 34.37 502.81 3,518.64 11,701.20 880.54 190.26 0 0 21.86 10.32 4.78 25.89 460 2,001.60 1,564.09 137.28 79.2 356.4 1,380.40 141.36 59.4 356.4 FY 13 Final Budget 20.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 20.00 522.00 1,955.00 22,000.00 400.00 1,851.00 150.00 55.00 75.00 50.00 35.00 45.00 20.00 75.00 0.00 50.00 75.00 50.00 40.00 50.00 50.00 20.00 35.00 20.00 35.00 70.00 20.00 25.00 50.00 15.00 475.00 50.00 510.00 3,775.00 11,854.00 1,138.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.00 15.00 10.00 50.00 313.00 1,650.00 1,650.00 150.00 85.00 360.00 1,500.00 150.00 60.00 360.00 Page 13 Account Number 10E004 1110 2210 01 000000 10E004 1110 2210 04 000000 10E004 2220 2210 01 000000 10E004 2410 2210 01 000000 10E005 1120 2210 01 000000 10E005 1120 2210 04 000000 10E005 1400 2210 01 000000 10E005 2120 2210 01 000000 10E005 2220 2210 01 000000 10E005 2410 2210 01 000000 10E006 1130 2210 01 000000 10E006 1130 2210 04 000000 10E006 1400 2210 01 000000 10E006 1500 2210 01 000000 10E006 1700 2210 22 337000 10E006 2120 2210 01 000000 10E006 2220 2210 01 000000 10E006 2410 2210 01 000000 10E006 2410 2210 05 000000 10E006 2410 2210 06 000000 10E006 2410 2210 07 000000 10E006 2410 2210 08 000000 10E006 2410 2210 12 000000 10E006 2410 2210 15 000000 10E006 2410 2210 22 000000 10E008 1110 2210 90 430000 10E008 1200 2210 01 000000 10E008 1205 2210 01 000000 10E008 1205 2210 01 462000 10E008 1213 2210 01 000000 10E008 1213 2210 01 462000 10E008 1218 2210 01 000000 10E008 1225 2210 01 000000 10E008 1225 2210 01 462000 10E008 1620 2210 01 000000 10E008 1650 2210 01 000000 10E008 1800 2210 01 000000 10E008 1800 2210 01 330500 10E008 2110 2210 01 000000 10E008 2130 2210 01 000000 10E008 2130 2210 01 46200 10E008 2140 2210 01 000000 10E008 2150 2210 01 000000 10E008 2210 2210 01 000000 10E008 2210 2210 01 493200 10E008 2320 2210 01 000000 10E008 2330 2210 01 000000 10E008 2510 2210 01 000000 10E008 2520 2210 01 000000 10E008 2620 2210 01 000000 10E008 2630 2210 01 000000 10E008 2640 2210 01 000000 10E008 2660 2210 11 000000 10E008 3000 2210 01 462000 10E009 1110 2210 01 000000 10E009 1110 2210 04 000000 10E009 2220 2210 01 000000 10E009 2410 2210 01 000000 Account Short Description ED/SP/EL/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/SP/EL/LIFE INS/RIP/ ED/SP/LIB/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/SP/PRIN/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/MS/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/MS/LIFE INS/RIP/ ED/MSN/VOC/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/GUID/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/LIB/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/PRIN/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/HS/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/HS/LIFE INS/RIP/ ED/HS/VOC/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/DRIVERS EDUC/LIFE INS/DRIVER ED/DRIVERS EDUC ED/HS/GUID/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/LIB/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/PRIN/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/PRIN/LIFE INS/LANG ARTS/ ED/HS/PRIN/LIFE INS/MATH/ ED/HS/PRIN/LIFE INS/SCIENCE/ ED/HS/PRIN/LIFE INS/SOCIAL SCIENCE/ ED/HS/PRIN/LIFE INS/ART/ ED/HS/PRIN/LIFE INS/FOREIGN LAN/ ED/HS/PRIN/LIFE INS/DRIVER ED/ ED/DIST/EL/LIFE INS/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC ED/DIST/SP ED/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/LD/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/LD/LIFE INS/GENERAL/IDEA ED/DIST/OT/PT/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/OT/PT/LIFE INS/GENERAL/IDEA ED/DIST/ADAPTED PE/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/ECE/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/ECE/LIFE INS/GENERAL/IDEA ED/DIST/SS SPED/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/GIFTED/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/BILING/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/BILING/LIFE INS/GENERAL/TBE - TPI ED/DIST/SW/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/HEALTH/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/HEALTH/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ IDEA ED/DIST/PSYCH/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SPEECH/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/LIFE INS/GENERAL/TITLE II ED/DIST/EXEC/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SP ED ADMIN/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/BUSINESS/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/FISCAL/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/CURR/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/COMMUNICATIONS/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/STAFF/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/TECH/LIFE INS/TECHN/ ED/DIST/COMM SERV/LIFE INS/GENERAL/IDEA ED/IF/EL/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/IF/EL/LIFE INS/RIP/ ED/IF/LIB/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/IF/PRIN/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ FY 13 Tentative Budget 1,450.00 155 80 330 2,800.00 55 210 66 86 640 6,000.00 40 565 0 255 400 70 2,150.00 245 325 245 245 245 290 250 30 0 3,450.00 120 0 310 66 300 90 0 275 700 0 875 375 0 375 370 0 0 375 920 330 260 1,025.00 300 400 800 20 1,650.00 200 92 350 Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 1,391.57 153.76 79.2 333.94 2,804.16 46.2 198 66 85.8 638.88 5,857.25 38.48 520.08 0 260.72 381.68 66 2,140.40 250.82 327.36 249.46 244.2 245.54 290.4 253.44 26.4 0 3,292.69 110 0 303 66 302.48 60.6 0 270.6 567.27 0 874.72 375.76 0 369.6 365.2 0 0 349.8 921.38 330 254.1 1,014.10 287.76 404.28 792.15 13.16 1,638.93 173.56 85.8 343.22 FY 13 Final Budget 1,450.00 155.00 80.00 330.00 2,900.00 55.00 210.00 66.00 86.00 640.00 6,000.00 40.00 565.00 0.00 260.00 400.00 70.00 2,150.00 260.00 330.00 260.00 260.00 260.00 300.00 260.00 202.00 0.00 3,450.00 85.31 0.00 319.44 66.00 310.00 32.78 0.00 275.00 700.00 0.00 875.00 380.00 26.22 375.00 375.00 0.00 0.00 375.00 940.00 330.00 260.00 1,025.00 350.00 425.00 800.00 0.00 1,650.00 200.00 92.00 350.00 Page 14 Account Number 10E010 1120 2210 01 000000 10E010 1120 2210 04 000000 10E010 1400 2210 01 000000 10E010 2120 2210 01 000000 10E010 2220 2210 01 000000 10E010 2410 2210 01 000000 10E012 1110 2210 01 000000 10E012 1110 2210 04 000000 10E012 1110 2210 04 488000 10E012 2220 2210 01 000000 10E012 2410 2210 01 000000 10E001 1110 2220 01 000000 10E001 1110 2220 04 000000 10E001 2220 2220 01 000000 10E001 2410 2220 01 000000 10E003 1110 2220 01 000000 10E003 1110 2220 04 000000 10E003 1110 2220 04 488000 10E003 2220 2220 01 000000 10E003 2410 2220 01 000000 10E004 1110 2220 01 000000 10E004 1110 2220 04 000000 10E004 1110 2220 04 488000 10E004 2220 2220 01 000000 10E004 2410 2220 01 000000 10E005 1120 2220 01 000000 10E005 1120 2220 04 000000 10E005 1400 2220 01 000000 10E005 2120 2220 01 000000 10E005 2220 2220 01 000000 10E005 2410 2220 01 000000 10E006 1130 2220 01 000000 10E006 1130 2220 04 000000 10E006 1400 2220 01 000000 10E006 1700 2220 22 337000 10E006 2120 2220 01 000000 10E006 2220 2220 01 000000 10E006 2410 2220 01 000000 10E006 2410 2220 05 000000 10E006 2410 2220 06 000000 10E006 2410 2220 07 000000 10E006 2410 2220 08 000000 10E006 2410 2220 12 000000 10E006 2410 2220 15 000000 10E006 2410 2220 22 000000 10E008 1110 2220 90 430000 10E008 1200 2220 01 000000 10E008 1205 2220 01 000000 10E008 1205 2220 01 462000 10E008 1213 2220 01 000000 10E008 1213 2220 01 462000 10E008 1218 2220 01 000000 10E008 1225 2220 01 000000 10E008 1225 2220 01 462000 10E008 1620 2220 01 000000 10E008 1650 2220 01 000000 10E008 1800 2220 01 000000 10E008 1800 2220 01 330500 Account Short Description ED/MSS/MS/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/MS/LIFE INS/RIP/ ED/MSS/VOC/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/GUID/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/LIB/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/PRIN/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/SL/EL/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/SL/EL/LIFE INS/RIP/ ED/SL/EL/LIFE INS/RIP/ED JOB PRG 4880 ED/SL/LIB/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/SL/PRIN/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ ED/MW/EL/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/MW/EL/MED INS/RIP/ ED/MW/LIB/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/MW/PRIN/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/SA/EL/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/SA/EL/MED INS/RIP/ ED/SA/EL/MED INS/RIP/ED JOB PRG 4880 ED/SA/LIB/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/SA/PRIN/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/SP/EL/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/SP/EL/MED INS/RIP/ ED/SP/EL/MED INS/RIP/ED JOB PRG 4880 ED/SP/LIB/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/SP/PRIN/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/MS/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/MS/MED INS/RIP/ ED/MSN/VOC/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/GUID/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/LIB/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/PRIN/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/HS/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/HS/MED INS/RIP/ ED/HS/VOC/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/DRIVERS EDUC/MED INS/DRIVER ED/DRIVERS EDUC ED/HS/GUID/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/LIB/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/PRIN/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/PRIN/MED INS/LANG ARTS/ ED/HS/PRIN/MED INS/MATH/ ED/HS/PRIN/MED INS/SCIENCE/ ED/HS/PRIN/MED INS/SOCIAL SCIENCE/ ED/HS/PRIN/MED INS/ART/ ED/HS/PRIN/MED INS/FOREIGN LAN/ ED/HS/PRIN/MED INS/DRIVER ED/ ED/DIST/EL/MED INS/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC ED/DIST/SP ED/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/LD/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/LD/MED INS/GENERAL/IDEA ED/DIST/OT/PT/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/OT/PT/MED INS/GENERAL/IDEA ED/DIST/ADAPTED PE/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/ECE/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/ECE/MED INS/GENERAL/IDEA ED/DIST/SS SPED/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/GIFTED/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/BILING/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/BILING/MED INS/GENERAL/TBE - TPI FY 13 Tentative Budget 2,700.00 66 200 66 80 635 1,575.00 100 30 66 365 196,100.00 31,800.00 11,342.00 19,292.00 170,660.00 9,434.00 0 11,236.00 23,648.60 188,468.00 32,860.00 0 12,720.00 21,200.00 349,800.00 6,572.00 26,500.00 8,957.00 8,533.00 43,990.00 763,200.00 0 77,910.00 34,768.00 45,580.00 12,190.00 168,116.00 21,094.00 21,094.00 8,480.00 21,094.00 21,094.00 21,094.00 21,094.00 116.6 0 413,400.00 530 0 24,645.00 8,443.84 38,584.00 3,869.00 530 42,400.00 84,800.00 0 Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 2,707.32 49.48 198 66 75.92 632.12 1,452.77 92.1 23.94 66 356.4 168,580.24 14,820.68 10,540.82 17,995.24 154,905.97 15,401.32 0 10,490.62 22,374.92 170,657.96 20,961.38 0 11,431.36 20,010.14 330,708.00 7,922.76 24,364.00 8,405.04 8,044.40 40,013.14 701,455.68 6,633.48 69,457.84 32,630.24 47,101.42 11,370.62 157,744.01 19,922.40 19,922.40 7,973.68 19,922.38 19,922.40 19,922.40 19,922.40 102.96 0 393,228.61 472.02 0 30,952.40 7,973.68 32,897.20 3,623.10 0 31,888.00 81,594.60 0 FY 13 Final Budget 2,800.00 66.00 200.00 66.00 80.00 635.00 1,575.00 100.00 30.00 66.00 330.00 185,000.00 31,800.00 11,342.00 19,292.00 170,660.00 16,500.00 0.00 11,236.00 23,800.00 188,468.00 32,860.00 0.00 12,720.00 21,300.00 352,000.00 8,400.00 26,000.00 8,957.00 8,533.00 43,990.00 750,000.00 7,050.00 75,000.00 34,768.00 50,000.00 12,190.00 168,116.00 21,094.00 21,094.00 8,480.00 21,094.00 21,094.00 21,094.00 21,094.00 0.00 0.00 413,400.00 329.84 0.00 37,823.04 8,445.00 38,584.00 135.85 0.00 42,400.00 84,800.00 0.00 Page 15 Account Number 10E008 2110 2220 01 000000 10E008 2130 2220 01 46200 10E008 2130 2220 01 000000 10E008 2140 2220 01 000000 10E008 2150 2220 01 000000 10E008 2210 2220 01 493200 10E008 2320 2220 01 000000 10E008 2330 2220 01 000000 10E008 2510 2220 01 000000 10E008 2520 2220 01 000000 10E008 2620 2220 01 000000 10E008 2630 2220 01 000000 10E008 2640 2220 01 000000 10E008 2660 2220 11 000000 10E008 3000 2220 01 462000 10E009 1110 2220 01 000000 10E009 1110 2220 04 000000 10E009 1110 2220 04 488000 10E009 2220 2220 01 000000 10E009 2410 2220 01 000000 10E010 1120 2220 01 000000 10E010 1120 2220 04 000000 10E010 1400 2220 01 000000 10E010 2120 2220 01 000000 10E010 2220 2220 01 000000 10E010 2410 2220 01 000000 10E012 1110 2220 01 000000 10E012 1110 2220 04 000000 10E012 1110 2220 04 488000 10E012 2220 2220 01 000000 10E012 2410 2220 01 000000 10E001 2410 2230 01 000000 10E003 2410 2230 01 000000 10E004 2410 2230 01 000000 10E005 2410 2230 01 000000 10E006 2410 2230 01 000000 10E006 2410 2230 05 000000 10E006 2410 2230 06 000000 10E006 2410 2230 07 000000 10E006 2410 2230 08 000000 10E006 2410 2230 12 000000 10E006 2410 2230 15 000000 10E006 2410 2230 22 000000 10E008 1200 2230 01 000000 10E008 2320 2230 01 000000 10E008 2330 2230 01 000000 10E008 2510 2230 01 000000 10E008 2520 2230 01 000000 10E008 2620 2230 01 000000 10E008 2630 2230 01 000000 10E008 2640 2230 01 000000 10E008 2660 2230 11 000000 10E009 2410 2230 01 000000 10E010 2410 2230 01 000000 10E012 2410 2230 01 000000 10E001 1110 2300 01 000000 10E003 1110 2300 01 000000 10E004 1110 2300 01 000000 Account Short Description ED/DIST/SW/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/HEALTH/MED INS/GENERAL/IDEA ED/DIST/HEALTH/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/PSYCH/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SPEECH/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/MED INS/GENERAL/TITLE II ED/DIST/EXEC/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SP ED ADMIN/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/BUSINESS/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/FISCAL/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/CURR/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/COMMUNICATIONS/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/STAFF/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/TECH/MED INS/TECHN/ ED/DIST/COMM SERV/MED INS/GENERAL/IDEA ED/IF/EL/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/IF/EL/MED INS/RIP/ ED/IF/EL/MED INS/RIP/ED JOB PRG 4880 ED/IF/LIB/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/IF/PRIN/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/MS/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/MS/MED INS/RIP/ ED/MSS/VOC/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/GUID/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/LIB/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/PRIN/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/SL/EL/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/SL/EL/MED INS/RIP/ ED/SL/EL/MED INS/RIP/ED JOB PRG 4880 ED/SL/LIB/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/SL/PRIN/MED INS/GENERAL/ ED/MW/PRIN/DENTAL INS/GENERAL/ ED/SA/PRIN/DENTAL INS/GENERAL/ ED/SP/PRIN/DENTAL INS/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/PRIN/DENTAL INS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/PRIN/DENTAL INS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/PRIN/DENTAL INS/LANG ARTS/ ED/HS/PRIN/DENTAL INS/MATH/ ED/HS/PRIN/DENTAL INS/SCIENCE/ ED/HS/PRIN/DENTAL INS/SOCIAL SCIENCE/ ED/HS/PRIN/DENTAL INS/ART/ ED/HS/PRIN/DENTAL INS/FOREIGN LAN/ ED/HS/PRIN/DENTAL INS/DRIVER ED/ ED/DIST/SP ED/DENTAL INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/EXEC/DENTAL INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SP ED ADMIN/DENTAL INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/BUSINESS/DENTAL INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/FISCAL/DENTAL INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/CURR/DENTAL INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/COMMUNICATIONS/DENTAL INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/STAFF/DENTAL INS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/TECH/DENTAL INS/TECHN/ ED/IF/PRIN/DENTAL INS/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/PRIN/DENTAL INS/GENERAL/ ED/SL/PRIN/DENTAL INS/GENERAL/ ED/MW/EL/TUITION/GENERAL/ ED/SA/EL/TUITION/GENERAL/ ED/SP/EL/TUITION/GENERAL/ FY 13 Tentative Budget 116,600.00 0 29,150.00 43,460.00 53,000.00 0 29,680.00 77,528.40 21,258.30 35,722.00 62,540.00 21,200.00 46,057.00 105,470.00 1,060.00 233,200.00 15,900.00 0 11,267.80 8,268.00 344,500.00 6,572.00 17,702.00 8,586.00 307.4 36,676.00 227,900.00 16,960.00 0 8,480.00 29,680.00 1,680.00 1,680.00 1,680.00 3,360.00 10,710.00 1,680.00 1,680.00 598.5 1,680.00 1,680.00 1,680.00 1,680.00 0 1,680.00 4,987.50 1,680.00 0 3,832.50 1,627.50 1,680.00 1,680.00 598.5 3,360.00 1,680.00 0 0 0 Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 105,625.64 0 36,802.28 40,807.80 43,044.00 0 25,776.40 73,360.22 19,922.40 32,333.57 52,285.19 19,990.38 44,221.70 100,531.76 817.6 216,854.58 22,629.92 0 10,552.32 11,419.60 333,707.48 7,928.88 16,593.96 8,007.48 285.8 35,766.61 197,364.60 5,948.76 2,910.32 8,011.60 27,785.30 1,586.40 1,586.40 1,586.40 3,172.80 9,986.60 1,586.40 1,586.40 558.48 1,586.40 1,586.40 1,586.40 1,586.40 0 1,586.40 4,759.20 1,586.40 1,586.40 3,731.28 1,586.40 1,586.40 1,586.40 558.48 3,172.80 1,586.40 8,718.00 7,985.00 6,709.00 FY 13 Final Budget 115,000.00 3,990.29 38,000.00 43,460.00 48,000.00 0.00 28,000.00 77,528.00 20,040.00 45,660.00 56,000.00 21,200.00 51,720.00 110,000.00 814.50 230,000.00 24,000.00 0.00 11,500.00 12,000.00 344,000.00 9,000.00 17,500.00 8,600.00 310.00 37,911.00 227,000.00 6,200.00 0.00 8,500.00 29,400.00 1,680.00 1,680.00 1,680.00 3,360.00 10,710.00 1,680.00 1,680.00 600.00 1,680.00 1,680.00 1,680.00 1,680.00 0.00 1,680.00 5,040.00 1,680.00 1,680.00 5,040.00 1,680.00 1,680.00 1,680.00 600.00 3,360.00 1,680.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page 16 Account Number 10E005 1120 2300 01 000000 10E006 1130 2300 01 000000 10E008 1110 2300 01 000000 10E008 2640 2300 01 000000 10E008 2660 2300 11 000000 10E009 1110 2300 01 000000 10E010 1120 2300 01 000000 10E012 1110 2300 01 000000 10E008 2320 2310 01 000000 10E008 1110 2320 01 000000 10E008 2640 2320 01 000000 10E008 1110 2330 01 000000 10E008 1600 3000 01 000000 Account Short Description ED/MSN/MS/TUITION/GENERAL/ ED/HS/HS/TUITION/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/EL/TUITION/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/STAFF/TUITION/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/TECH/TUITION/TECHN/ ED/IF/EL/TUITION/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/MS/TUITION/GENERAL/ ED/SL/EL/TUITION/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/EXEC/OTH BENEFITS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/EL/UNEMPLOYMENT/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/STAFF/UNEMPLOYMENT/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/EL/WORKER'S COMP/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SS/PURCH SVCS/GENERAL/ 10E001 1110 3100 01 000000 10E001 2210 3100 01 000000 10E003 1110 3100 01 000000 10E003 2210 3100 01 000000 10E004 1110 3100 01 000000 10E004 2210 3100 01 000000 10E005 1120 3100 01 000000 10E005 1120 3100 11 000000 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 10E005 2210 3100 01 000000 10E005 2410 3100 01 000000 10E006 1130 3100 01 000000 10E006 1130 3100 07 000000 10E006 1130 3100 09 000000 10E006 1130 3100 11 000000 10E006 1130 3100 12 000000 10E006 1130 3100 13 000000 10E006 1130 3100 15 000000 10E006 1130 3100 26 000000 10E006 1130 3100 67 000000 10E006 1400 3100 01 000000 10E006 1400 3100 17 000000 10E006 1400 3100 18 000000 10E006 1400 3100 86 4745 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 10E006 1500 3100 42 000000 10E006 1500 3100 64 000000 10E006 1500 3100 76 000000 10E006 1700 3100 22 337000 10E006 2120 3100 01 000000 10E006 2190 3100 01 000000 10E006 2210 3100 01 000000 10E006 2220 3100 01 000000 10E006 2410 3100 01 000000 10E006 2520 3100 11 000000 10E008 1110 3100 01 000000 10E008 1110 3100 01 330500 10E008 1110 3100 89 490900 10E008 1110 3100 90 430000 10E008 1130 3100 11 000000 10E008 1200 3100 01 000000 10E008 1600 3100 90 430000 10E008 1800 3100 01 000000 10E008 2130 3100 01 000000 ED/MW/EL/P/S/GENERAL/ ED/MW/IMPR INSTR/P/S/GENERAL/ ED/SA/EL/P/S/GENERAL/ ED/SA/IMPR INSTR/P/S/GENERAL/ ED/SP/EL/P/S/GENERAL/ ED/SP/IMPR INSTR/P/S/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/MS/P/S/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/MS/P/S/TECHN/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/P/S/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/IMPR INSTR/P/S/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/PRIN/P/S/GENERAL/ ED/HS/HS/P/S/GENERAL/ ED/HS/HS/P/S/SCIENCE/ ED/HS/HS/P/S/PHYS EDUCATION/ ED/HS/HS/P/S/TECHN/ ED/HS/HS/P/S/ART/ ED/HS/HS/P/S/MUSIC/ ED/HS/HS/P/S/FOREIGN LAN/ ED/HS/HS/P/S/SPECIAL ED/ ED/HS/HS/P/S/PAC/ ED/HS/VOC/P/S/GENERAL/ ED/HS/VOC/P/S/HOME EC/ ED/HS/VOC/P/S/INDUST ARTS/ ED/HS/VOC/P/S/PERKINS ED/HS/INTERSCH/P/S/GENERAL/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/P/S/B BOWLING/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/P/S/G BOWLING/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/P/S/YEARBOOK/ ED/HS/DRIVERS EDUC/P/S/DRIVER ED/DRIVERS EDUC ED/HS/GUID/P/S/GENERAL/ ED/HS/STUDENT SERVICE/P/S/GENERAL/ ED/HS/IMPR INSTR/P/S/GENERAL/ ED/HS/LIB/P/S/GENERAL/ ED/HS/PRIN/P/S/GENERAL/ ED/HS/FISCAL/P/S/TECHN/ ED/DIST/EL/P/S/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/EL/P/S/GENERAL/TBE - TPI ED/DIST/EL/P/S/TITLE 3 LIPLEP/TITLE III LIPL ED/DIST/EL/P/S/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC ED/DIST/HS/P/S/TECHN/ ED/DIST/SP ED/P/S/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SS/P/S/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC ED/DIST/BILING/P/S/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/HEALTH/P/S/GENERAL/ FY 13 Tentative Budget 0 0 100,000.00 30,000.00 0 0 0 0 6,600.00 0 75,000.00 0 0 5,923,059.44 300 5,000.00 0 0 0 750 2,000.00 0 7,500.00 0 0 56,000.00 4,000.00 500 20,000.00 1,000.00 9,090.00 3,410.00 0 5,000.00 0 0 630 0 60,640.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 95,000.00 12,000.00 3,000.00 300 0 1,300.00 10,000.00 100,000.00 7,500.00 2,500.00 1,104.00 0 0 125,000.00 15,000.00 500 900 Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 8,700.80 41,358.70 0 26,167.32 360 14,928.60 6,929.00 3,501.40 5,691.40 0 51,691.00 0 0 5,418,579.12 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,577.55 2,010.24 6,165.00 0 28.5 12,180.23 2,239.55 0 1,999.39 692 10,016.48 3,410.00 0 0 0 0 250 0 40,383.50 3,512.76 1,478.18 94,993.00 1,293.07 1,872.20 0 0 515.12 18,176.61 100,159.46 7,104.20 3,891.85 1,103.40 0 0 84,710.44 0 0 128 FY 13 Final Budget 0.00 0.00 100,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,000.00 0.00 75,000.00 0.00 0.00 5,921,958.27 300 5,000.00 0 0 0 750 2,000.00 0 7,500.00 0 0 26,000.00 4,000.00 500 2,000.00 0.00 13,500.00 0.00 0 5,000.00 0 0 630 900 60,640.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 95,000.00 12,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 20,000.00 100,000.00 7,500.00 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 125,000.00 21,360.00 500.00 500.00 Page 17 Account Number 10E008 2130 3100 90 430000 10E008 2140 3100 01 000000 10E008 2150 3100 01 000000 10E008 2210 3100 01 000000 10E008 2210 3100 01 330500 10E008 2210 3100 01 46000 10E008 2210 3100 02 462000 10E008 2210 3100 04 371500 10E008 2210 3100 11 000000 10E008 2210 3100 49 490000 10E008 2210 3100 66 000000 10E008 2210 3100 81 000000 10E008 2210 3100 81 493200 10E008 2210 3100 85 440000 10E008 2210 3100 89 000000 10E008 2210 3100 89 490900 10E008 2210 3100 90 430000 10E008 2230 3100 01 000000 10E008 2310 3100 01 000000 10E008 2320 3100 01 000000 10E008 2330 3100 01 000000 10E008 2510 3100 01 000000 10E008 2520 3100 01 000000 10E008 2550 3100 89 490900 10E008 2560 3100 01 000000 10E008 2570 3100 01 000000 10E008 2620 3100 01 000000 10E008 2630 3100 01 000000 10E008 2640 3100 01 000000 10E008 2640 3100 99 000000 10E008 2660 3100 11 000000 10E008 3000 3100 01 000000 10E008 3000 3100 01 330500 10E008 4100 3100 81 493200 10E008 4190 3100 81 493200 10E009 1110 3100 01 000000 10E009 2210 3100 01 000000 10E010 1120 3100 01 000000 10E010 1120 3100 11 000000 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 10E010 2210 3100 01 000000 10E010 2410 3100 01 000000 10E012 1110 3100 01 000000 10E012 2210 3100 01 000000 10E008 1200 3103 01 000000 10E008 2150 3104 01 462000 10E008 2660 3104 11 000000 10E008 3000 3104 01 462000 10E008 3000 3104 90 430000 10E008 2330 3105 44 000000 10E008 2330 3106 44 000000 10E008 2330 3107 44 000000 10E008 2630 3108 01 000000 10E008 1110 3109 01 000000 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 10E008 1110 3110 01 000000 10E008 2310 3110 01 000000 10E008 2320 3110 01 000000 FY 13 Tentative Budget ED/DIST/HEALTH/P/S/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC 500 ED/DIST/PSYCH/P/S/GENERAL/ 30,000.00 ED/DIST/SPEECH/P/S/GENERAL/ 5,100.00 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/P/S/GENERAL/ 97,000.00 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/P/S/GENERAL/TBE - TPI 3,500.00 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/P/S/ GENERAL/IDEA PS 0.00 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/P/S/IDEA/IDEA 0 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/P/S/RIP/RIP 0 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/P/S/TECHN/ 0 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/P/S/MEDICARE/MEDICARE 0 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/P/S/TAFT/ 55,000.00 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/P/S/TII TCH QLTY/ 0 2,000.00 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/P/S/TII TCH QLTY/TITLE II ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/P/S/T4 SAFE/DRUG/TITLE IV 0 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/P/S/TITLE 3 LIPLEP/ 0 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/P/S/TITLE 3 LIPLEP/TITLE III LIPL 0 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/P/S/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC 27,950.00 ED/DIST/ASSESS/P/S/GENERAL/ 60,000.00 3,000.00 ED/DIST/BOE/P/S/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/EXEC/P/S/GENERAL/ 5,000.00 ED/DIST/SP ED ADMIN/P/S/GENERAL/ 10,000.00 ED/DIST/BUSINESS/P/S/GENERAL/ 15,000.00 ED/DIST/FISCAL/P/S/GENERAL/ 54,000.00 ED/DIST/TRANS/P/S/TITLE 3 LIPLEP/TITLE III LIPL 650 ED/DIST/FOOD/P/S/GENERAL/ 1,550,000.00 ED/DIST/INTERNAL/P/S/GENERAL/ 21,000.00 ED/DIST/CURR/P/S/GENERAL/ 65,000.00 ED/DIST/COMMUNICATIONS/P/S/GENERAL/ 20,000.00 ED/DIST/STAFF/P/S/GENERAL/ 40,000.00 ED/DIST/STAFF/P/S/MENTORING/ 45,000.00 ED/DIST/TECH/P/S/TECHN/ 100,000.00 ED/DIST/COMM SERV/P/S/GENERAL/ 0 ED/DIST/COMM SERV/P/S/GENERAL/TBE - TPI 2,500.00 ED/DIST/PAYMENTS/P/S/TII TCH QLTY/TITLE II 0 ED/DIST/PMTS-OTH GOVT/P/S/TII TCH QLTY/TITLE II 5,300.00 ED/IF/EL/P/S/GENERAL/ 3,000.00 ED/IF/IMPR INSTR/P/S/GENERAL/ 3,500.00 ED/MSS/MS/P/S/GENERAL/ 14,500.00 ED/MSS/MS/P/S/TECHN/ 0 ED/MSS/INTERSCH/P/S/GENERAL/ 5,500.00 ED/MSS/IMPR INSTR/P/S/GENERAL/ 5,000.00 ED/MSS/PRIN/P/S/GENERAL/ 3,000.00 ED/SL/EL/P/S/GENERAL/ 400 ED/SL/IMPR INSTR/P/S/GENERAL/ 0 ED/DIST/SP ED/EMPLOYEE RECOGN/GENERAL/ 5,400.00 ED/DIST/SPEECH/OTH PURCH SERV/GENERAL/IDEA 150,000.00 ED/DIST/TECH/OTH PURCH SERV/TECHN/ 55,000.00 ED/DIST/COMM SERV/OTH PURCH SERV/GENERAL/IDEA 35,000.00 ED/DIST/COMM SERV/OTH PURCH SERV/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW IN 500 ED/DIST/SP ED ADMIN/REG ED HOMEBND/HOMEBOUND SERV/ 6,000.00 ED/DIST/SP ED ADMIN/SPEC ED HOMEBOU/HOMEBOUND SERV 10,000.00 ED/DIST/SP ED ADMIN/INTERPRETORS/HOMEBOUND SERV/ 2,000.00 ED/DIST/COMMUNICATIONS/STAFF RECOG/GENERAL/ 12,500.00 ED/DIST/EL/F/R STUD FEES/GENERAL/ 0 ED/HS/INTERSCH/P/S/GENERAL/ 57,960.00 ED/DIST/EL/P/S/GENERAL/ 90,000.00 ED/DIST/BOE/P/S/GENERAL/ 10,000.00 ED/DIST/EXEC/P/S/GENERAL/ 0 Account Short Description Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 0 27,745.00 4,890.00 17,441.06 6,737.94 0.00 0 0 0 0 73,508.35 0 0 2,890.16 0 0 28,011.85 59,586.29 2,703.29 1,683.00 4,582.61 150 54,130.43 522.12 1,330,849.99 4,253.91 62,944.69 16,740.00 85,644.12 0 79,712.99 0 2,361.23 0 5,313.00 4,678.11 0 2,500.00 0 5,150.00 0 680.83 398 0 2,639.00 187,327.75 62,478.37 30,188.61 -119.96 5,738.00 3,220.50 1,755.74 12,873.21 0 59,516.54 93,662.10 0 0 FY 13 Final Budget 500.00 30,000.00 5,100.00 97,000.00 2,000.00 4,290.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 75,000.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,000.00 60,000.00 3,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 165,000.00 650.00 1,550,000.00 10,000.00 65,000.00 30,000.00 40,000.00 45,000.00 100,000.00 0 2,500.00 0 5,300.00 3,000.00 3,500.00 14,500.00 0 5,500.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 400 0 5,400.00 205,000.00 55,000.00 35,000.00 500.00 6,000.00 8,000.00 3,000.00 12,500.00 0.00 57,960.00 95,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 Page 18 Account Number 10E008 2640 3110 01 000000 10E008 2640 3111 01 000000 10E008 2640 3111 96 480000 10E006 2210 3120 86 474500 10E008 1110 3120 01 000000 10E008 2210 3140 81 493200 10E008 3000 3140 81 493200 10E008 2310 3160 01 000000 10E008 2520 3160 01 000000 10E010 1120 3160 01 000000 10E010 2410 3160 01 000000 10E008 2310 3170 01 000000 10E008 2310 3180 01 000000 10E008 2310 3190 01 000000 10E008 2520 3190 01 000000 10E004 2410 3200 01 000000 10E005 1120 3200 01 000000 10E005 1500 3200 24 000000 10E006 1130 3200 01 000000 10E006 1500 3200 01 000000 10E010 1120 3200 01 000000 10E010 1500 3200 14 000000 10E010 1500 3200 24 000000 10E006 1500 3220 01 000000 10E010 1500 3220 01 000000 10E010 1500 3220 24 000000 10E006 1400 3230 84 210000 10E008 2560 3230 01 000000 10E008 2660 3230 11 000000 10E005 1120 3251 11 000000 10E006 1130 3251 11 000000 10E008 2660 3251 11 000000 10E010 1120 3251 11 000000 10E008 1100 3253 25 000000 10E001 1110 3300 01 000000 10E001 2410 3300 01 000000 10E003 1110 3300 01 000000 10E003 2410 3300 01 000000 10E004 1110 3300 01 000000 10E004 2410 3300 01 000000 10E005 1120 3300 01 000000 10E005 1500 3300 01 000000 10E005 2410 3300 01 000000 10E006 1130 3300 01 000000 10E006 2120 3300 01 000000 10E006 2410 3300 01 000000 10E008 1110 3300 01 000000 10E008 1205 3300 01 000000 10E008 1213 3300 01 000000 10E008 1218 3300 01 000000 10E008 1800 3300 01 000000 10E008 2110 3300 01 000000 10E008 2110 3300 01 460000 10E008 2130 3300 01 000000 10E008 2140 3300 01 000000 10E008 2150 3300 01 000000 10E008 2210 3300 01 000000 10E008 2310 3300 01 000000 FY 13 Tentative Budget ED/DIST/STAFF/P/S/GENERAL/ 40,000.00 ED/DIST/STAFF/COBRA ADMIN/GENERAL/ 0 ED/DIST/STAFF/COBRA ADMIN/ADMIN CENTER 0 ED/HS/IMPR INSTR/P/S/PERKINS/PERKINS CTE FED 4,452.00 ED/DIST/EL/P/S/GENERAL/ 0 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/P/S INSTRUCTION/TII TCH QLTY/TITLE II 44,800.00 ED/DIST/COMM SERV/P/S INSTRUCTION/TII TCH QLTY/TITLE II 6,400.00 ED/DIST/BOE/ARCHITECT/GENERAL/ 30,000.00 ED/DIST/FISCAL/ARCHITECT/GENERAL/ 0 ED/MSS/MS/ARCHITECT/GENERAL/ 0 ED/MSS/PRIN/ARCHITECT/GENERAL/ 0 ED/DIST/BOE/AUDIT/GENERAL/ 29,000.00 250,000.00 ED/DIST/BOE/P/S LEGAL/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/BOE/P/S/GENERAL/ 10,000.00 ED/DIST/FISCAL/P/S/GENERAL/ 10,000.00 ED/SP/PRIN/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ 0 ED/MSN/MS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ 2,500.00 ED/MSN/INTERSCH/PROP SERVICES/ORCHESTRA/ 1,000.00 3,000.00 ED/HS/HS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ 3,500.00 ED/MSS/MS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ 450 ED/MSS/INTERSCH/PROP SERVICES/BAND/ 567 ED/MSS/INTERSCH/PROP SERVICES/ORCHESTRA/ 0 ED/HS/INTERSCH/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ 3,500.00 ED/MSS/INTERSCH/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ 200 ED/MSS/INTERSCH/PROP SERVICES/ORCHESTRA/ 405 ED/HS/VOC/PROP SERVICES/CTEI/STATE FLOW THR 0 ED/DIST/FOOD/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ 25,000.00 ED/DIST/TECH/PROP SERVICES/TECHN/ 20,000.00 ED/MSN/MS/COMP LEASING/TECHN/ 7,500.00 ED/HS/HS/COMP LEASING/TECHN/ 0 ED/DIST/TECH/COMP LEASING/TECHN/ 0 ED/MSS/MS/COMP LEASING/TECHN/ 0 ED/DIST/COPIER LEASING/LEASES/ 149,000.00 ED/MW/EL/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ 100 ED/MW/PRIN/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ 0 ED/SA/EL/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ 0 ED/SA/PRIN/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ 0 ED/SP/EL/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ 350 ED/SP/PRIN/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ 200 ED/MSN/MS/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ 0 ED/MSN/INTERSCH/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ 0 ED/MSN/PRIN/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ 0 ED/HS/HS/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ 600 ED/HS/GUID/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ 600 ED/HS/PRIN/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ 1,500.00 ED/DIST/EL/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ 2,000.00 ED/DIST/LD/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ 1,000.00 ED/DIST/OT/PT/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ 1,750.00 ED/DIST/ADAPTED PE/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ 500 ED/DIST/BILING/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ 500 ED/DIST/SW/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ 100 ED/DIST/SW/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/IDEA PRESCHOOL 0 ED/DIST/HEALTH/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ 750 ED/DIST/PSYCH/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ 1,000.00 ED/DIST/SPEECH/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ 500 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ 1,000.00 ED/DIST/BOE/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ 0 Account Short Description Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 36,000.00 -438.48 0 9,403.22 0 49,521.80 8,411.53 0 0 0 0 26,510.00 262,643.03 0 12,500.00 0 0 583.92 0 10,473.12 332.39 522.45 0 4,666.68 182.83 403 774 27,912.45 2,761.69 7,500.00 15,000.00 273,133.61 7,500.00 146,058.82 158.89 0 0 0 510.26 0 0 187.68 0 481.92 0 456.14 0 411.3 915.47 312.63 0 0 0 471.84 490.01 0 1,073.90 0 FY 13 Final Budget 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 3,525.00 0.00 59,844.00 6,510.00 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29,000.00 300,000.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 3,500.00 450.00 567.00 0.00 3,500.00 200.00 405.00 0.00 25,000.00 20,000.00 7,500.00 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 149,000.00 100 0 0 0 350 200 0 0 0 1100 0 1,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,750.00 500.00 500.00 100.00 0.00 750.00 1,000.00 100.00 1,000.00 0.00 Page 19 Account Number 10E008 2320 3300 01 000000 10E008 2330 3300 01 000000 10E008 2330 3300 11 000000 10E008 2510 3300 01 000000 10E008 2520 3300 01 000000 10E008 2560 3300 01 000000 10E008 2620 3300 01 000000 10E008 2640 3300 01 000000 10E008 2660 3300 11 000000 10E009 1110 3300 01 000000 10E009 2410 3300 01 000000 10E010 1120 3300 01 000000 10E012 1110 3300 01 000000 10E012 2410 3300 01 000000 10E006 2120 3320 01 000000 10E006 2210 3320 84 322000 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 10E008 2620 3321 01 000000 10E008 2630 3321 01 000000 10E008 2660 3321 11 000000 10E008 2550 3340 90 430000 10E008 2310 3400 01 000000 10E008 2330 3400 01 000000 10E008 2630 3600 01 000000 10E008 2362 3800 01 000000 10E008 2364 3800 01 000000 10E008 2900 3800 01 000000 10E008 2520 3901 01 000000 PURCHASED SERVICES 10E008 1200 4000 01 485700 10E008 3000 4000 01 485600 10E001 1110 4100 01 000000 10E001 1110 4100 05 000000 10E001 1110 4100 06 000000 10E001 1110 4100 07 000000 10E001 1110 4100 08 000000 10E001 1110 4100 09 000000 10E001 1110 4100 11 000000 10E001 1110 4100 12 000000 10E001 1110 4100 13 000000 10E001 1110 4100 14 000000 10E001 1110 4100 24 000000 10E001 1110 4100 73 000000 10E001 2210 4100 01 000000 10E001 2220 4100 01 000000 10E001 2220 4100 11 000000 10E001 2410 4100 01 000000 10E003 1110 4100 01 000000 10E003 1110 4100 04 000000 10E003 1110 4100 05 000000 10E003 1110 4100 06 000000 10E003 1110 4100 07 000000 10E003 1110 4100 08 000000 10E003 1110 4100 09 000000 10E003 1110 4100 11 000000 10E003 1110 4100 12 000000 10E003 1110 4100 13 000000 10E003 1110 4100 14 000000 Account Short Description ED/DIST/EXEC/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SP ED ADMIN/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SP ED ADMIN/TRANS SERV/TECHN/ ED/DIST/BUSINESS/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/FISCAL/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/FOOD/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/CURR/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/STAFF/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/TECH/TRANS SERV/TECHN/ ED/IF/EL/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ ED/IF/PRIN/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/MS/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ ED/SL/EL/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ ED/SL/PRIN/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ ED/HS/GUID/TRAVEL/GENERAL/ ED/HS/IMPR INSTR/TRAVEL/CTEI/CTEI ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/STAFF DEVELOP/IDEA/IDEA ED/DIST/CURR/STAFF DEVELOP/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/COMMUNICATIONS/STAFF DEVELOP/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/TECH/STAFF DEVELOP/TECHN/ ED/DIST/TRANS/REG TRANS - P/S/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC ED/DIST/BOE/POSTAGE/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SP ED ADMIN/POSTAGE/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/COMMUNICATIONS/P/S/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/WORKER'S COMP/INSURANCE/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/INSURANCE/INSURANCE/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/OTHER/INSURANCE/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/FISCAL/LOST/STOLEN/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SP ED/SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ARRA Funds ED/DIST/COMM SERV/SUPPLIES/GENERAL/IDEA PRESCHOOL ED/MW/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ ED/MW/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/LANG ARTS/ ED/MW/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/MATH/ ED/MW/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/SCIENCE/ ED/MW/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/SOCIAL SCIENCE/ ED/MW/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/PHYS EDUCATION/ ED/MW/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/TECHN/ ED/MW/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/ART/ ED/MW/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/MUSIC/ ED/MW/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/BAND/ ED/MW/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/ORCHESTRA/ ED/MW/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/CHORUS/ ED/MW/IMPR INSTR/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ ED/MW/LIB/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ ED/MW/LIB/GEN SUPPLIES/TECHN/ ED/MW/PRIN/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ ED/SA/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ ED/SA/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/RIP/ ED/SA/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/LANG ARTS/ ED/SA/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/MATH/ ED/SA/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/SCIENCE/ ED/SA/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/SOCIAL SCIENCE/ ED/SA/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/PHYS EDUCATION/ ED/SA/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/TECHN/ ED/SA/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/ART/ ED/SA/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/MUSIC/ ED/SA/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/BAND/ FY 13 Tentative Budget 1,500.00 3,000.00 0 1,000.00 750 0 2,000.00 750 6,000.00 0 100 0 120 0 1,000.00 3,723.00 28,771.00 0 500 27,000.00 3,000.00 50,000.00 0 12,000.00 303,423.00 359,586.00 0 1,000.00 4,701,631.00 0 0 19,461.12 3,000.00 2,000.00 0 0 250 0 2,000.00 400 100 100 100 1,000.00 300 0 0 9,432.72 0 2,000.00 0 0 500 400 6,000.00 1,800.00 400 175 Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 1,048.71 2,922.88 0 515.19 121.21 0 0 695.72 2,548.94 207.6 0 12 118.41 235.04 1,019.25 0 41,918.75 15,145.00 419 16,232.89 0 37,609.87 0 0 317,202.00 312,336.44 0 0 4,404,114.56 0 0 17,870.39 2,223.70 1,778.49 0 0 229.99 20,106.69 1,680.95 100.29 0 0 0 0 309.28 1,641.52 0 8,281.82 4,522.54 1,599.57 0 300 0 0 5,364.24 1,678.95 0 293.79 FY 13 Final Budget 1,500.00 3,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 750.00 0.00 2,000.00 750.00 6,000.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 120.00 0.00 1,000.00 932.00 65,000.00 0.00 500.00 27,000.00 2,910.00 45,000.00 1,000.00 12,000.00 303,500.00 347,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 4,940,993.00 0.00 0.00 20,860.80 3,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 250 0 2,000.00 400 100 100 100 1,000.00 300 0 0 9,432.72 0 2,000.00 0 0 500 400 6,000.00 1,800.00 400 175 Page 20 Account Number 10E003 1110 4100 24 000000 10E003 1110 4100 73 000000 10E003 2210 4100 01 000000 10E003 2220 4100 01 000000 10E003 2410 4100 01 000000 10E004 1110 4100 01 000000 10E004 1110 4100 05 000000 10E004 1110 4100 06 000000 10E004 1110 4100 07 000000 10E004 1110 4100 08 000000 10E004 1110 4100 09 000000 10E004 1110 4100 11 000000 10E004 1110 4100 12 000000 10E004 1110 4100 13 000000 10E004 1110 4100 14 000000 10E004 1110 4100 24 000000 10E004 1110 4100 73 000000 10E004 2210 4100 01 000000 10E004 2220 4100 01 000000 10E004 2410 4100 01 000000 10E005 1120 4100 01 000000 10E005 1120 4100 05 000000 10E005 1120 4100 06 000000 10E005 1120 4100 07 000000 10E005 1120 4100 08 000000 10E005 1120 4100 09 000000 10E005 1120 4100 11 000000 10E005 1120 4100 12 000000 10E005 1120 4100 13 000000 10E005 1120 4100 14 000000 10E005 1120 4100 15 000000 10E005 1120 4100 16 000000 10E005 1400 4100 11 000000 10E005 1400 4100 17 000000 10E005 1400 4100 18 000000 10E005 1500 4100 01 000000 10E005 1500 4100 14 000000 10E005 1500 4100 24 000000 10E005 1500 4100 31 000000 10E005 1500 4100 32 000000 10E005 1500 4100 33 000000 10E005 1500 4100 34 000000 10E005 1500 4100 35 000000 10E005 1500 4100 41 000000 10E005 1500 4100 51 000000 10E005 1500 4100 52 000000 10E005 1500 4100 53 000000 10E005 1500 4100 57 000000 10E005 1500 4100 72 000000 10E005 1500 4100 73 000000 10E005 1500 4100 76 000000 10E005 1500 4100 77 000000 10E005 1650 4100 01 000000 10E005 2120 4100 01 000000 10E005 2210 4100 01 000000 10E005 2220 4100 01 000000 10E005 2410 4100 01 000000 10E005 2410 4100 11 000000 Account Short Description ED/SA/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/ORCHESTRA/ ED/SA/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/CHORUS/ ED/SA/IMPR INSTR/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ ED/SA/LIB/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ ED/SA/PRIN/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ ED/SP/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ ED/SP/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/LANG ARTS/ ED/SP/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/MATH/ ED/SP/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/SCIENCE/ ED/SP/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/SOCIAL SCIENCE/ ED/SP/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/PHYS EDUCATION/ ED/SP/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/TECHN/ ED/SP/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/ART/ ED/SP/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/MUSIC/ ED/SP/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/BAND/ ED/SP/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/ORCHESTRA/ ED/SP/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/CHORUS/ ED/SP/IMPR INSTR/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ ED/SP/LIB/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ ED/SP/PRIN/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/MS/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/MS/GEN SUPPLIES/LANG ARTS/ ED/MSN/MS/GEN SUPPLIES/MATH/ ED/MSN/MS/GEN SUPPLIES/SCIENCE/ ED/MSN/MS/GEN SUPPLIES/SOCIAL SCIENCE/ ED/MSN/MS/GEN SUPPLIES/PHYS EDUCATION/ ED/MSN/MS/GEN SUPPLIES/TECHN/ ED/MSN/MS/GEN SUPPLIES/ART/ ED/MSN/MS/GEN SUPPLIES/MUSIC/ ED/MSN/MS/GEN SUPPLIES/BAND/ ED/MSN/MS/GEN SUPPLIES/FOREIGN LAN/ ED/MSN/MS/GEN SUPPLIES/HEALTH/ ED/MSN/VOC/GEN SUPPLIES/TECHN/ ED/MSN/VOC/GEN SUPPLIES/HOME EC/ ED/MSN/VOC/GEN SUPPLIES/INDUST ARTS/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/BAND/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/ORCHESTRA/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/B BASKETBALL/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/B SOCCER/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/B TRACK/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/B X-COUNTRY/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/B WRESTLING/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/B VOLLEYBALL/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/G BASKETBALL/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/G SOFTBALL/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/G TRACK/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/G X-COUNTRY/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/CHEERLEADING/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/CHORUS/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/YEARBOOK/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/DRAMA/ ED/MSN/GIFTED/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/GUID/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/IMPR INSTR/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/LIB/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/PRIN/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/PRIN/GEN SUPPLIES/TECHN/ FY 13 Tentative Budget 175 0 0 400 1,200.00 10,014.76 750 1,200.00 500 1,500.00 200 3,500.00 1,700.00 200 225 160 500 300 300 0 15,420.16 5,700.00 2,800.00 7,500.00 2,700.00 2,100.00 1,000.00 5,500.00 500 0 2,400.00 800 17,500.00 6,000.00 2,700.00 4,000.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 500 500 750 500 1,500.00 500 500 500 750 1,000.00 3,500.00 1,000.00 16,500.00 2,000.00 500 0 0 500 0 2,000.00 Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 0 0 0 352.26 862.82 9,903.03 719.81 1,361.75 227.48 1,564.80 323.84 3,142.52 1,426.91 1,132.47 100.35 119.64 361.88 0 300 0 12,852.02 4,042.22 2,287.53 7,153.82 2,304.42 2,019.90 722.47 5,389.88 539.97 0 2,090.15 250.63 10,489.00 4,000.80 1,998.63 5,027.31 1,281.57 1,152.30 399.67 452.04 1,024.30 533.8 1,192.96 690.96 380.19 456.11 270.56 290.61 464.61 746.29 15,063.14 2,496.79 0 0 0 495.17 5,280.24 1,355.20 FY 13 Final Budget 175 0 0 400 1,200.00 10,481.00 750 1,200.00 500 1,500.00 200 3,500.00 1,700.00 200 225 160 500 300 300 0 16,123.12 6,700.00 2,800.00 7,500.00 2,700.00 2,100.00 1,000.00 5,500.00 500.00 0.00 2,400.00 800.00 17,500.00 6,000.00 2,700.00 5,000.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 500.00 500.00 750.00 500 1,500.00 500 500 500 750 1,000.00 3,500.00 1,000.00 16,500.00 2,000.00 500 0 750.00 500.00 0.00 2,000.00 Page 21 Account Number 10E006 1130 4100 01 000000 10E006 1130 4100 05 000000 10E006 1130 4100 06 000000 10E006 1130 4100 07 000000 10E006 1130 4100 08 000000 10E006 1130 4100 09 000000 10E006 1130 4100 11 000000 10E006 1130 4100 12 000000 10E006 1130 4100 13 000000 10E006 1130 4100 15 000000 10E006 1130 4100 16 000000 10E006 1130 4100 26 000000 10E006 1130 4100 46 000000 10E006 1130 4100 67 000000 10E006 1130 4100 77 000000 10E006 1400 4100 11 000000 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 10E006 1400 4100 18 000000 10E006 1400 4100 19 000000 10E006 1400 4100 21 000000 10E006 1400 4100 27 000000 10E006 1400 4100 84 210000 10E006 1400 4100 86 474500 10E006 1500 4100 01 000000 10E006 1500 4100 29 000000 10E006 1500 4100 31 000000 10E006 1500 4100 32 000000 10E006 1500 4100 33 000000 10E006 1500 4100 34 000000 10E006 1500 4100 35 000000 10E006 1500 4100 36 000000 10E006 1500 4100 37 000000 10E006 1500 4100 38 000000 10E006 1500 4100 39 000000 10E006 1500 4100 41 000000 10E006 1500 4100 51 000000 10E006 1500 4100 52 000000 10E006 1500 4100 53 000000 10E006 1500 4100 54 000000 10E006 1500 4100 55 000000 10E006 1500 4100 57 000000 10E006 1500 4100 58 000000 10E006 1500 4100 59 000000 10E006 1500 4100 71 000000 10E006 1500 4100 72 000000 10E006 1500 4100 74 000000 10E006 1500 4100 75 000000 10E006 1500 4100 76 000000 10E006 1500 4100 77 000000 10E006 1700 4100 22 337000 10E006 2115 4100 01 000000 10E006 2120 4100 01 000000 10E006 2190 4100 01 000000 10E006 2210 4100 01 000000 10E006 2220 4100 01 000000 10E006 2230 4100 01 000000 10E006 2230 4100 28 000000 10E006 2410 4100 01 000000 FY 13 Tentative Budget ED/HS/HS/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 8,000.00 ED/HS/HS/GEN SUPPLIES/LANG ARTS/ 3,900.00 ED/HS/HS/GEN SUPPLIES/MATH/ 8,875.00 ED/HS/HS/GEN SUPPLIES/SCIENCE/ 33,030.00 ED/HS/HS/GEN SUPPLIES/SOCIAL SCIENCE/ 7,650.00 ED/HS/HS/GEN SUPPLIES/PHYS EDUCATION/ 4,000.00 ED/HS/HS/GEN SUPPLIES/TECHN/ 5,000.00 ED/HS/HS/GEN SUPPLIES/ART/ 22,000.00 ED/HS/HS/GEN SUPPLIES/MUSIC/ 14,000.00 ED/HS/HS/GEN SUPPLIES/FOREIGN LAN/ 5,800.00 ED/HS/HS/GEN SUPPLIES/HEALTH/ 500 ED/HS/HS/GEN SUPPLIES/SPECIAL ED/ 500 14,000.00 ED/HS/HS/GEN SUPPLIES/ACTIVITIES/ ED/HS/HS/GEN SUPPLIES/PAC/ 5,000.00 ED/HS/HS/GEN SUPPLIES/DRAMA/ 1,000.00 ED/HS/VOC/GEN SUPPLIES/TECHN/ 0 ED/HS/VOC/GEN SUPPLIES/HOME EC/ 15,110.00 ED/HS/VOC/GEN SUPPLIES/INDUST ARTS/ 2,500.00 1,000.00 ED/HS/VOC/GEN SUPPLIES/CAREER ED/ ED/HS/VOC/GEN SUPPLIES/BUSINESS/ 2,500.00 ED/HS/VOC/GEN SUPPLIES/CHILD DEV/ 8,500.00 ED/HS/VOC/GEN SUPPLIES/CTEI/STATE FLOW THR 0 ED/HS/VOC/GEN SUPPLIES/PERKINS/PERKINS CTE FED 1,936.00 ED/HS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 5,832.00 ED/HS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/TRAINER/ 5,400.00 ED/HS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/B BASKETBALL/ 4,140.00 ED/HS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/B SOCCER/ 3,384.00 ED/HS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/B TRACK/ 2,538.00 ED/HS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/B X-COUNTRY/ 2,538.00 ED/HS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/B WRESTLING/ 3,384.00 ED/HS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/B GOLF/ 2,540.00 ED/HS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/B TENNIS/ 2,538.00 ED/HS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/B BASEBALL/ 4,140.00 ED/HS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/B FOOTBALL/ 9,900.00 ED/HS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/B VOLLEYBALL/ 3,384.00 ED/HS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/G BASKETBALL/ 4,140.00 ED/HS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/G SOFTBALL/ 4,140.00 ED/HS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/G TRACK/ 2,538.00 ED/HS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/G VOLLEYBALL/ 3,384.00 ED/HS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/G TENNIS/ 2,538.00 ED/HS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/G X-COUNTRY/ 2,538.00 ED/HS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/G SOCCER/ 3,384.00 ED/HS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/G GOLF/ 2,540.00 ED/HS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/POM POM/ 3,384.00 ED/HS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/CHEERLEADING/ 4,140.00 ED/HS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/BEAR'S FACTS/ 5,500.00 ED/HS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/NEWSPAPER/ 0 ED/HS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/YEARBOOK/ 0 ED/HS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/DRAMA/ 0 ED/HS/DRIVERS EDUC/GEN SUPPLIES/DRIVER ED/DRIVERS EDUC 200 ED/HS/DEAN'S OFF/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 2,000.00 ED/HS/GUID/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 1,000.00 ED/HS/STUDENT SERVICE/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 2,720.00 ED/HS/IMPR INSTR/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 0 ED/HS/LIB/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 0 ED/HS/ASSESS/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 15,000.00 ED/HS/ASSESS/GEN SUPPLIES/AP/ 54,000.00 ED/HS/PRIN/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 20,500.00 Account Short Description Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 23,191.81 4,252.86 8,818.00 26,636.50 5,529.57 4,081.32 15,572.95 20,830.21 13,122.16 2,393.64 250 569.86 11,624.29 6,580.70 941.1 0 17,289.28 0 0 24.99 2,608.22 515 1,182.83 18,032.53 5,400.00 3,860.77 3,816.69 2,212.03 2,717.30 4,653.60 8,695.49 2,283.19 3,756.78 10,130.80 4,328.36 2,755.66 4,597.05 4,450.80 3,825.00 2,077.70 3,354.95 3,795.50 8,037.50 3,635.00 4,240.00 5,728.00 0 0 0 0 143.25 2,169.80 1,632.38 0 2,400.81 12,400.61 57,188.00 7,095.11 FY 13 Final Budget 30,000.00 5,000.00 8,875.00 43,000.00 7,650.00 9,000.00 15,000.00 22,000.00 20,000.00 5,800.00 500.00 500.00 20,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 15,110.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 3,500.00 0.00 1,594.00 5,832.00 5,400.00 4,140.00 3,384.00 2,538.00 2,538.00 3,384.00 2,540.00 2,538.00 4,140.00 9,900.00 3,384.00 4,140.00 4,140.00 2,538.00 3,384.00 2,538.00 2,538.00 3,384.00 2,540.00 3,384.00 4,140.00 5,500.00 0 0 0.00 200.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 7,000.00 15,000.00 54,000.00 3,500.00 Page 22 Account Number 10E008 1110 4100 01 000000 10E008 1110 4100 01 330500 10E008 1110 4100 02 462000 10E008 1110 4100 85 440000 10E008 1110 4100 89 490900 10E008 1110 4100 90 430000 10E008 1200 4100 01 000000 10E008 1200 4100 02 462000 10E008 1205 4100 01 000000 10E008 1213 4100 01 000000 10E008 1213 4100 01 460000 10E008 1218 4100 01 000000 10E008 1225 4100 01 460000 10E008 1600 4100 01 000000 10E008 1610 4100 01 000000 10E008 1800 4100 01 000000 10E008 2110 4100 01 000000 10E008 2110 4100 01 460000 10E008 2130 4100 01 000000 10E008 2130 4100 01 460000 10E008 2140 4100 01 000000 10E008 2150 4100 01 000000 10E008 2210 4100 01 000000 10E008 2210 4100 01 330500 10E008 2210 4100 02 462000 10E008 2210 4100 04 371500 10E008 2210 4100 11 000000 10E008 2210 4100 49 490000 10E008 2210 4100 65 000000 10E008 2210 4100 81 493200 10E008 2210 4100 89 490900 10E008 2210 4100 90 430000 10E008 2210 4100 91 380000 10E008 2220 4100 01 330500 10E008 2220 4100 90 430000 10E008 2230 4100 01 000000 10E008 2230 4100 01 330500 10E008 2230 4100 90 430000 10E008 2310 4100 01 000000 10E008 2320 4100 01 000000 10E008 2330 4100 01 000000 10E008 2510 4100 01 000000 10E008 2520 4100 01 000000 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 10E008 2570 4100 01 000000 10E008 2620 4100 01 000000 10E008 2630 4100 01 000000 10E008 2640 4100 01 000000 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 10E008 3000 4100 01 000000 10E008 3000 4100 01 330500 10E008 3000 4100 01 460000 10E008 3000 4100 81 493200 10E008 3000 4100 89 490900 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 10E009 1110 4100 05 000000 10E009 1110 4100 06 000000 10E009 1110 4100 07 000000 FY 13 Tentative Budget ED/DIST/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 1,000.00 ED/DIST/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/TBE - TPI 35,773.00 ED/DIST/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/IDEA/IDEA 0 ED/DIST/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/T4 SAFE/DRUG/TITLE IV 0 ED/DIST/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/TITLE 3 LIPLEP/TITLE III LIPL 2,450.00 ED/DIST/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC 18,015.00 ED/DIST/SP ED/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 250 ED/DIST/SP ED/GEN SUPPLIES/IDEA/IDEA 60,000.00 ED/DIST/LD/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 7,000.00 ED/DIST/OT/PT/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 700 ED/DIST/OT/PT/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/IDEA PRESCHOOL 0 ED/DIST/ADAPTED PE/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 0 4,000.00 ED/DIST/ECE/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/IDEA PRESCHOOL ED/DIST/SS/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 10,000.00 ED/DIST/SS-ATHL/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 20,000.00 ED/DIST/BILING/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 1,000.00 ED/DIST/SW/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 100 ED/DIST/SW/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/IDEA PRESCHOOL 0 13,500.00 ED/DIST/HEALTH/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/HEALTH/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/IDEA PRESCHOOL 0 ED/DIST/PSYCH/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 500 ED/DIST/SPEECH/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 350 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 10,000.00 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/TBE - TPI 1,000.00 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/GEN SUPPLIES/IDEA/IDEA 0 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/GEN SUPPLIES/RIP/RIP 0 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/GEN SUPPLIES/TECHN/ 0 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/GEN SUPPLIES/MEDICARE/MEDICARE 0 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/GEN SUPPLIES/STUD PROG PPD/ 0 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/GEN SUPPLIES/TII TCH QLTY/TITLE II 6,000.00 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/GEN SUPPLIES/TITLE 3 LIPLEP/TITLE III LIPL 0 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/GEN SUPPLIES/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC 2,500.00 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/GEN SUPPLIES/CPTV LIB GRANT/LIBRARY G 5,000.00 ED/DIST/LIB/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/TBE - TPI 8,000.00 ED/DIST/LIB/GEN SUPPLIES/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC 0 ED/DIST/ASSESS/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 25,000.00 ED/DIST/ASSESS/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/TBE - TPI 1,500.00 ED/DIST/ASSESS/GEN SUPPLIES/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC 1,028.00 ED/DIST/BOE/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 12,000.00 ED/DIST/EXEC/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 2,500.00 ED/DIST/SP ED ADMIN/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 5,000.00 ED/DIST/BUSINESS/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 5,500.00 ED/DIST/FISCAL/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 85,000.00 ED/DIST/FOOD/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 5,000.00 ED/DIST/INTERNAL/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 0 ED/DIST/CURR/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 1,000.00 ED/DIST/COMMUNICATIONS/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 4,000.00 ED/DIST/STAFF/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 8,000.00 ED/DIST/TECH/GEN SUPPLIES/TECHN/ 147,000.00 ED/DIST/COMM SERV/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 0 ED/DIST/COMM SERV/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/TBE - TPI 1,500.00 ED/DIST/COMM SERV/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/IDEA PRESCHOO 1,697.00 ED/DIST/COMM SERV/GEN SUPPLIES/TII TCH QLTY/TITLE II 267 ED/DIST/COMM SERV/GEN SUPPLIES/TITLE 3 LIPLEP/TITLE III LIP 0 ED/IF/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 13,000.00 ED/IF/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/LANG ARTS/ 0 ED/IF/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/MATH/ 0 ED/IF/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/SCIENCE/ 0 Account Short Description Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 727.56 19,891.05 1,430.37 0 7,400.04 7,651.50 -131.15 48,838.77 5,996.11 773.29 0 0 3,983.90 8,963.29 9,954.79 0 83.49 0 13,780.20 0 114.73 286.76 2,850.33 1,065.34 0 0 0 0 0 10,216.07 -759.9 900.32 4,538.76 8,270.95 0 24,616.57 1,601.16 34,665.50 12,256.17 1,275.03 2,402.58 1,688.67 44,384.38 3,897.29 0 1.38 1,329.01 4,911.94 52,631.07 0 2,776.95 489.11 0 0 10,203.86 7,808.84 0 0 FY 13 Final Budget 10,000.00 20,008.00 0.00 0.00 2,668.00 35,000.00 500.00 45,500.00 9,000.00 1,700.00 0.00 75.00 8,000.00 10,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 100.00 0.00 13,900.00 0.00 1,150.00 350.00 10,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 4,600.00 8,000.00 9,000.00 25,000.00 2,000.00 15,000.00 12,000.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 5,500.00 85,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,500.00 2,227.00 100.00 0.00 13,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page 23 Account Number 10E009 1110 4100 08 000000 10E009 1110 4100 09 000000 10E009 1110 4100 11 000000 10E009 1110 4100 12 000000 10E009 1110 4100 13 000000 10E009 1110 4100 14 000000 10E009 1110 4100 24 000000 10E009 1110 4100 73 000000 10E009 2210 4100 01 000000 10E009 2220 4100 01 000000 10E009 2410 4100 01 000000 10E010 1120 4100 01 000000 10E010 1120 4100 05 000000 10E010 1120 4100 06 000000 10E010 1120 4100 07 000000 10E010 1120 4100 08 000000 10E010 1120 4100 09 000000 10E010 1120 4100 11 000000 10E010 1120 4100 12 000000 10E010 1120 4100 13 000000 10E010 1120 4100 15 000000 10E010 1120 4100 16 000000 10E010 1120 4100 77 000000 10E010 1400 4100 17 000000 10E010 1400 4100 18 000000 10E010 1500 4100 01 000000 10E010 1500 4100 14 000000 10E010 1500 4100 23 000000 10E010 1500 4100 24 000000 10E010 1500 4100 31 000000 10E010 1500 4100 32 000000 10E010 1500 4100 33 000000 10E010 1500 4100 34 000000 10E010 1500 4100 35 000000 10E010 1500 4100 41 000000 10E010 1500 4100 51 000000 10E010 1500 4100 52 000000 10E010 1500 4100 53 000000 10E010 1500 4100 57 000000 10E010 1500 4100 72 000000 10E010 1500 4100 73 000000 10E010 1500 4100 76 000000 10E010 1500 4100 77 000000 10E010 1500 4100 79 000000 10E010 2120 4100 01 000000 10E010 2120 4100 02 000000 10E010 2210 4100 01 000000 10E010 2220 4100 01 000000 10E010 2220 4100 11 000000 10E010 2410 4100 01 000000 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 10E012 1110 4100 05 000000 10E012 1110 4100 06 000000 10E012 1110 4100 07 000000 10E012 1110 4100 08 000000 10E012 1110 4100 09 000000 10E012 1110 4100 11 000000 10E012 1110 4100 12 000000 Account Short Description ED/IF/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/SOCIAL SCIENCE/ ED/IF/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/PHYS EDUCATION/ ED/IF/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/TECHN/ ED/IF/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/ART/ ED/IF/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/MUSIC/ ED/IF/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/BAND/ ED/IF/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/ORCHESTRA/ ED/IF/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/CHORUS/ ED/IF/IMPR INSTR/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ ED/IF/LIB/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ ED/IF/PRIN/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/MS/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/MS/GEN SUPPLIES/LANG ARTS/ ED/MSS/MS/GEN SUPPLIES/MATH/ ED/MSS/MS/GEN SUPPLIES/SCIENCE/ ED/MSS/MS/GEN SUPPLIES/SOCIAL SCIENCE/ ED/MSS/MS/GEN SUPPLIES/PHYS EDUCATION/ ED/MSS/MS/GEN SUPPLIES/TECHN/ ED/MSS/MS/GEN SUPPLIES/ART/ ED/MSS/MS/GEN SUPPLIES/MUSIC/ ED/MSS/MS/GEN SUPPLIES/FOREIGN LAN/ ED/MSS/MS/GEN SUPPLIES/HEALTH/ ED/MSS/MS/GEN SUPPLIES/DRAMA/ ED/MSS/VOC/GEN SUPPLIES/HOME EC/ ED/MSS/VOC/GEN SUPPLIES/INDUST ARTS/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/BAND/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/INTRAMURALS/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/ORCHESTRA/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/B BASKETBALL/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/B SOCCER/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/B TRACK/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/B X-COUNTRY/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/B WRESTLING/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/B VOLLEYBALL/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/G BASKETBALL/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/G SOFTBALL/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/G TRACK/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/G X-COUNTRY/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/CHEERLEADING/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/CHORUS/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/YEARBOOK/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/DRAMA/ ED/MSS/INTERSCH/GEN SUPPLIES/CLASS SPONSER/ ED/MSS/GUID/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/GUID/GEN SUPPLIES/IDEA/ ED/MSS/IMPR INSTR/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/LIB/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/LIB/GEN SUPPLIES/TECHN/ ED/MSS/PRIN/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ ED/SL/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ ED/SL/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/LANG ARTS/ ED/SL/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/MATH/ ED/SL/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/SCIENCE/ ED/SL/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/SOCIAL SCIENCE/ ED/SL/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/PHYS EDUCATION/ ED/SL/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/TECHN/ ED/SL/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/ART/ FY 13 Tentative Budget 2,300.00 100 2,000.00 1,600.00 130 150 250 200 1,000.00 300 1,500.00 13,500.00 2,916.00 1,823.00 6,415.00 2,843.00 2,000.00 1,823.00 5,103.00 1,312.00 1,312.00 1,166.00 600 5,670.00 2,349.00 200 1,721.00 0 1,721.00 90 162 162 50 300 202 121 210 162 41 810 1,721.00 18,000.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 200 3,000.00 500 1,000.00 1,620.00 2,987.72 29,391.00 0 0 0 0 500 3,200.00 2,200.00 Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 0 0 395 1,934.05 100.29 0 0 0 0 0 4,073.20 9,587.27 2,784.47 1,542.60 5,483.81 2,789.88 3,420.24 145.14 4,283.95 868.77 1,330.99 1,164.69 625.33 4,993.77 2,228.80 169.7 1,765.94 0 1,706.52 85.59 162 162 41 222.97 202 127.85 210 162 41 771.2 1,658.68 21,375.65 674.15 2,545.31 122.42 2,740.74 0 1,268.18 1,260.67 14,392.97 22,746.04 0 0 0 0 0 3,200.82 2,184.28 FY 13 Final Budget 2,300.00 100.00 2,000.00 1,906.00 130.00 150.00 250.00 200.00 2,076.04 300 1,500.00 13,500.00 2,916.00 1,823.00 6,415.00 2,843.00 2,000.00 1,823.00 5,103.00 1,312.00 1,312.00 1,166.00 600 5,670.00 2,349.00 200 1,721.00 0 1,721.00 90 162 162 50 300 202 121 210 162 41 810 1,721.00 18,000.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 200 3,000.00 500 1,000.00 1,620.00 2,987.72 29,391.00 0 0 0 0 500 3,200.00 2,200.00 Page 24 Account Number 10E012 1110 4100 13 000000 10E012 1110 4100 14 000000 10E012 1110 4100 24 000000 10E012 1110 4100 73 000000 10E012 2210 4100 01 000000 10E012 2220 4100 01 000000 10E012 2220 4100 11 000000 10E012 2410 4100 01 000000 10E008 1213 4101 01 000000 10E008 1213 4101 01 460000 10E008 1213 4101 49 490000 10E008 2110 4101 49 490000 10E008 2140 4101 01 000000 10E008 2140 4101 01 460000 10E008 2140 4101 49 490000 10E006 1130 4102 13 000000 10E008 2130 4105 01 000000 10E005 1120 4106 09 000000 10E006 1130 4106 09 000000 10E010 1120 4106 09 000000 10E006 1130 4107 09 000000 10E001 1110 4108 01 000000 10E003 1110 4108 01 000000 10E004 1110 4108 01 000000 10E005 1120 4108 01 000000 10E006 1130 4108 01 000000 10E009 1110 4108 01 000000 10E010 1120 4108 01 000000 10E012 1110 4108 01 000000 10E001 1110 4120 01 000000 10E003 1110 4120 01 000000 10E004 1110 4120 01 000000 10E005 1120 4120 01 000000 10E008 2210 4120 01 000000 10E008 3000 4120 90 430000 10E009 1110 4120 01 000000 10E010 1120 4120 01 000000 10E012 1110 4120 01 000000 10E004 1110 4130 01 000000 10E005 1120 4200 05 000000 10E005 1120 4200 06 000000 10E005 1120 4200 07 000000 10E005 1120 4200 08 000000 10E005 1120 4200 13 000000 10E005 1120 4200 15 000000 10E006 1130 4200 05 000000 10E006 1130 4200 06 000000 10E006 1130 4200 07 000000 10E006 1130 4200 08 000000 10E006 1130 4200 12 000000 10E006 1130 4200 13 000000 10E006 1130 4200 15 000000 10E006 1130 4200 16 000000 10E006 1130 4200 21 000000 10E006 1400 4200 17 000000 10E006 1400 4200 19 000000 10E006 1400 4200 21 000000 10E006 2220 4200 01 000000 FY 13 Tentative Budget ED/SL/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/MUSIC/ 0 ED/SL/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/BAND/ 0 ED/SL/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/ORCHESTRA/ 0 ED/SL/EL/GEN SUPPLIES/CHORUS/ 0 ED/SL/IMPR INSTR/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 0 ED/SL/LIB/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 500 ED/SL/LIB/GEN SUPPLIES/TECHN/ 0 ED/SL/PRIN/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 0 ED/DIST/OT/PT/DIAG MATERIALS/GENERAL/ 0 ED/DIST/OT/PT/DIAG MATERIALS/GENERAL/IDEA PRESCHOOL 0 ED/DIST/OT/PT/DIAG MATERIALS/MEDICARE/MEDICARE 2,000.00 ED/DIST/SW/DIAG MATERIALS/MEDICARE/MEDICARE 800 0 ED/DIST/PSYCH/DIAG MATERIALS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/PSYCH/DIAG MATERIALS/GENERAL/IDEA PRESCHOOL 0 ED/DIST/PSYCH/DIAG MATERIALS/MEDICARE/MEDICARE 7,500.00 ED/HS/HS/BAND UNIFORMS/MUSIC/ 0 ED/DIST/HEALTH/NURSE SUP SP ED/GENERAL/ 0 ED/MSN/MS/PE UNIFORMS/PHYS EDUCATION/ 5,000.00 3,450.00 ED/HS/HS/PE UNIFORMS/PHYS EDUCATION/ ED/MSS/MS/PE UNIFORMS/PHYS EDUCATION/ 6,000.00 ED/HS/HS/PE LOCKS/PHYS EDUCATION/ 3,612.00 ED/MW/EL/PAPER/GENERAL/ 6,042.00 ED/SA/EL/PAPER/GENERAL/ 5,000.00 ED/SP/EL/PAPER/GENERAL/ 6,200.00 ED/MSN/MS/PAPER/GENERAL/ 10,000.00 ED/HS/HS/PAPER/GENERAL/ 25,224.00 ED/IF/EL/PAPER/GENERAL/ 6,383.00 ED/MSS/MS/PAPER/GENERAL/ 8,028.00 ED/SL/EL/PAPER/GENERAL/ 5,652.00 ED/MW/EL/SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 5,200.00 ED/SA/EL/SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 5,000.00 ED/SP/EL/SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 7,000.00 ED/MSN/MS/SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 0 ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 0 ED/DIST/COMM SERV/SUPPLIES/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC 2,500.00 ED/IF/EL/SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 5,200.00 ED/MSS/MS/SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 0 ED/SL/EL/SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 0 ED/SP/EL/FUEL/GENERAL/ 0 ED/MSN/MS/TEXTBOOKS/LANG ARTS/ 0 ED/MSN/MS/TEXTBOOKS/MATH/ 0 ED/MSN/MS/TEXTBOOKS/SCIENCE/ 0 ED/MSN/MS/TEXTBOOKS/SOCIAL SCIENCE/ 0 ED/MSN/MS/TEXTBOOKS/MUSIC/ 0 ED/MSN/MS/TEXTBOOKS/FOREIGN LAN/ 0 ED/HS/HS/TEXTBOOKS/LANG ARTS/ 8,730.00 ED/HS/HS/TEXTBOOKS/MATH/ 1,000.00 ED/HS/HS/TEXTBOOKS/SCIENCE/ 3,000.00 ED/HS/HS/TEXTBOOKS/SOCIAL SCIENCE/ 1,000.00 ED/HS/HS/TEXTBOOKS/ART/ 0 ED/HS/HS/TEXTBOOKS/MUSIC/ 0 ED/HS/HS/TEXTBOOKS/FOREIGN LAN/ 18,000.00 ED/HS/HS/TEXTBOOKS/HEALTH/ 0 ED/HS/HS/TEXTBOOKS/BUSINESS/ 0 ED/HS/VOC/TEXTBOOKS/HOME EC/ 0 ED/HS/VOC/TEXTBOOKS/CAREER ED/ 0 ED/HS/VOC/TEXTBOOKS/BUSINESS/ 300 ED/HS/LIB/TEXTBOOKS/GENERAL/ 4,500.00 Account Short Description Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 0 1,880.00 0 0 0 478.94 191.13 0 0 0 1,892.03 154.8 0 0 7,344.69 0 0 8,443.52 10,276.80 7,743.50 0 4,473.60 4,941.02 6,171.47 9,955.50 31,204.74 6,164.25 7,634.20 6,052.04 0 0 0 0 0 7,624.55 0 0 0 3,767.10 -281 -71 -72 -181 0 -24 7,493.61 289.55 6,085.70 2,392.17 -15 0 17,209.46 0 0 0 0 2,087.63 1,291.74 FY 13 Final Budget 0 0 0 0 0 500 0 0 0 0 2,000.00 800.00 0.00 0.00 7,500.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 3,450.00 6,000.00 3,612.00 6,042.00 5,000.00 6,200.00 10,000.00 25,224.00 6,383.00 8,225.00 5,652.00 5,200.00 5,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 5,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,730.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 18,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 0.00 Page 25 Account Number 10E008 1110 4200 01 000000 10E008 1120 4200 01 000000 10E008 1200 4200 01 000000 10E008 1205 4200 01 000000 10E008 2210 4200 01 000000 10E008 2330 4200 01 000000 10E010 1120 4200 01 000000 10E010 1120 4200 05 000000 10E010 1120 4200 06 000000 10E010 1120 4200 07 000000 10E010 1120 4200 08 000000 10E010 1120 4200 15 000000 10E012 2410 4200 01 000000 10E001 2220 4300 01 000000 10E003 2220 4300 01 000000 10E004 2220 4300 01 000000 10E005 2220 4300 01 000000 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 10E009 2220 4300 01 000000 10E010 2220 4300 01 000000 10E012 2220 4300 01 000000 10E001 2220 4400 01 000000 10E001 2410 4400 01 000000 10E003 2220 4400 01 000000 10E004 2220 4400 01 000000 10E005 2220 4400 01 000000 10E006 2190 4400 01 000000 10E006 2220 4400 01 000000 10E008 2210 4400 01 000000 10E008 2320 4400 01 000000 10E008 2330 4400 01 000000 10E009 2220 4400 01 000000 10E010 2220 4400 01 000000 10E010 2410 4400 01 000000 10E012 2220 4400 01 000000 10E006 2220 4500 11 000000 10E006 1700 4640 22 337000 10E006 1400 4700 84 3220 10E006 1400 4700 86 474500 10E006 2120 4700 01 000000 10E008 1110 4700 01 000000 10E008 1200 4700 01 000000 10E008 1205 4700 01 000000 10E008 1213 4700 01 000000 10E008 1225 4700 01 460000 10E008 2110 4700 01 000000 10E008 2110 4700 01 460000 10E008 2140 4700 01 000000 10E008 2140 4700 01 460000 10E008 2150 4700 01 000000 10E008 2630 4700 01 000000 10E008 2660 4701 11 000000 10E008 2150 4900 49 490000 SUPPLIES 10E008 2660 5300 11 000000 10E006 1130 5400 13 000000 10E006 1400 5400 86 474500 10E006 1500 5400 01 000000 Account Short Description ED/DIST/EL/TEXTBOOKS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/MS/TEXTBOOKS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SP ED/TEXTBOOKS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/LD/TEXTBOOKS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/TEXTBOOKS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SP ED ADMIN/TEXTBOOKS/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/MS/TEXTBOOKS/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/MS/TEXTBOOKS/LANG ARTS/ ED/MSS/MS/TEXTBOOKS/MATH/ ED/MSS/MS/TEXTBOOKS/SCIENCE/ ED/MSS/MS/TEXTBOOKS/SOCIAL SCIENCE/ ED/MSS/MS/TEXTBOOKS/FOREIGN LAN/ ED/SL/PRIN/TEXTBOOKS/GENERAL/ ED/MW/LIB/LIBRARY BOOKS/GENERAL/ ED/SA/LIB/LIBRARY BOOKS/GENERAL/ ED/SP/LIB/LIBRARY BOOKS/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/LIB/LIBRARY BOOKS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/LIB/LIBRARY BOOKS/GENERAL/ ED/IF/LIB/LIBRARY BOOKS/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/LIB/LIBRARY BOOKS/GENERAL/ ED/SL/LIB/LIBRARY BOOKS/GENERAL/ ED/MW/LIB/PERIODICALS/GENERAL/ ED/MW/PRIN/PERIODICALS/GENERAL/ ED/SA/LIB/PERIODICALS/GENERAL/ ED/SP/LIB/PERIODICALS/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/LIB/PERIODICALS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/STUDENT SERVICE/PERIODICALS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/LIB/PERIODICALS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/PERIODICALS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/EXEC/PERIODICALS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SP ED ADMIN/PERIODICALS/GENERAL/ ED/IF/LIB/PERIODICALS/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/LIB/PERIODICALS/GENERAL/ ED/MSS/PRIN/PERIODICALS/GENERAL/ ED/SL/LIB/PERIODICALS/GENERAL/ ED/HS/LIB/AV EQUIP/TECHN/ ED/HS/DRIVERS EDUC/FUEL/DRIVER ED/DRIVERS EDUC ED/HS/VOC/SOFTWARE/CTEI ED/HS/VOC/SOFTWARE/PERKINS/PERKINS CTE FED ED/HS/GUID/SOFTWARE/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/EL/SOFTWARE/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SP ED/SOFTWARE/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/LD/SOFTWARE/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/OT/PT/SOFTWARE/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/ECE/SOFTWARE/GENERAL/IDEA PRESCHOOL ED/DIST/SW/SOFTWARE/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SW/SOFTWARE/GENERAL/IDEA PRESCHOOL ED/DIST/PSYCH/SOFTWARE/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/PSYCH/SOFTWARE/GENERAL/IDEA PRESCHOOL ED/DIST/SPEECH/SOFTWARE/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/COMMUNICATIONS/SOFTWARE/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/TECH/Tech Soft/TECHN/ ED/DIST/SPEECH/OTHER/MEDICARE/MEDICARE ED/DIST/TECH/BLDG IMPRO/TECHN/ ED/HS/HS/SITE IMPROV/MUSIC/ ED/HS/VOC/SITE IMPROV/PERKINS/PERKINS CTE FED ED/HS/INTERSCH/SITE IMPROV/GENERAL/ FY 13 Tentative Budget 70,000.00 650,000.00 250 2,000.00 0 15,000.00 800 160 0 0 0 405 0 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 12,000.00 5,000.00 8,910.00 5,000.00 600 0 600 600 0 400 22,000.00 1,000.00 250 0 600 1,377.00 350 600 2,625.00 3,000.00 0.00 5,840.00 6,000.00 0 2,000.00 2,000.00 0 0 200 0 800 0 300 18,000.00 200,000.00 3,500.00 2,421,180.48 0 6,000.00 0 0 Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 613,554.44 0 0 498.3 751.05 2,249.28 0 157.17 -62.25 -117.5 -20 -31.2 0 3,906.84 4,821.69 5,608.16 7,917.81 11,383.59 4,960.63 9,060.48 3,681.37 425.9 0 596.96 217.34 0 0 21,764.83 139.88 0 0 0 1,325.14 0 178.03 3,233.16 3,470.75 0.00 0 5,921.70 0 0 103 0 0 0 0 546 0 199 15,850.00 234,458.96 3,265.56 2,164,640.80 0 5,446.00 9,274.47 2,000.00 FY 13 Final Budget 70,000.00 640,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 800.00 160.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 405.00 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 12,500.00 5,000.00 8,910.00 5,000.00 600.00 0.00 600.00 600.00 0.00 0.00 22,000.00 1,000.00 250.00 0.00 600.00 1,377.00 350.00 600.00 3,125.00 3,000.00 4,300.00 5,840.00 6,100.00 25,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 200.00 0.00 200.00 0.00 800.00 0.00 300.00 18,000.00 200,000.00 3,500.00 2,337,284.40 133,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page 26 Account Number 10E008 2520 5400 01 000000 10E008 2540 5400 01 460000 10E008 2540 5400 01 462000 10E008 2560 5400 01 000000 10E008 2660 5400 11 000000 10E006 1130 5500 01 000000 10E006 1130 5500 13 000000 10E006 1130 5500 67 000000 10E006 1400 5500 86 474500 10E006 1500 5500 01 000000 10E008 2520 5500 01 000000 10E008 2540 5500 01 460000 10E008 2540 5500 01 462000 10E008 2560 5500 01 000000 10E008 2660 5500 11 000000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10E008 1400 6000 01 000000 10E001 1110 6400 01 000000 10E001 2410 6400 01 000000 10E003 1110 6400 01 000000 10E003 2410 6400 01 000000 10E004 1110 6400 01 000000 10E004 2410 6400 01 000000 10E005 1120 6400 01 000000 10E005 1120 6400 10 000000 10E005 1500 6400 01 000000 10E005 2410 6400 01 000000 10E006 1130 6400 01 000000 10E006 1500 6400 01 000000 10E006 2120 6400 01 000000 10E006 2410 6400 01 000000 10E008 1110 6400 01 000000 10E008 1200 6400 01 000000 10E008 2130 6400 01 000000 10E008 2140 6400 01 000000 10E008 2310 6400 01 000000 10E008 2320 6400 01 000000 10E008 2330 6400 01 000000 10E008 2510 6400 01 000000 10E008 2520 6400 01 000000 10E008 2560 6400 01 000000 10E008 2620 6400 01 000000 10E008 2630 6400 01 000000 10E008 2640 6400 01 000000 10E008 2640 6400 01 365100 10E008 2660 6400 11 000000 10E008 4220 6400 01 000000 10E009 1110 6400 01 000000 10E009 2410 6400 01 000000 10E010 1120 6400 01 000000 10E010 1120 6400 10 000000 10E010 1500 6400 01 000000 10E010 2410 6400 01 000000 10E012 1110 6400 01 000000 10E012 2410 6400 01 000000 10E008 8130 6600 00 000000 10E008 8130 6600 01 000000 10E008 8140 6600 01 000000 FY 13 Tentative Budget ED/DIST/FISCAL/SITE IMPROV/GENERAL/ 85,000.00 ED/DIST/OPERATIONS/SITE IMPROV/GENERAL/IDEA PRESCHOO 45,733.00 ED/DIST/OPERATIONS/SITE IMPROV/GENERAL/IDEA 27,000.00 ED/DIST/FOOD/SITE IMPROV/GENERAL/ 50,000.00 ED/DIST/TECH/SITE IMPROV/TECHN/ 133,000.00 ED/HS/HS/CAPITAL EQUIP/GENERAL/ 0 ED/HS/HS/CAPITAL EQUIP/MUSIC/ 0 ED/HS/HS/CAPITAL EQUIP/PAC/ 0 ED/HS/VOC/CAPITAL EQUIP/PERKINS/PERKINS CTE FED 0 ED/HS/INTERSCH/CAPITAL EQUIP/GENERAL/ 0 ED/DIST/FISCAL/CAPITAL EQUIP/GENERAL/ 0 ED/DIST/OPERATIONS/CAPITAL EQUIP/GENERAL/IDEA PRESCHO 0 0 ED/DIST/OPERATIONS/CAPITAL EQUIP/GENERAL/IDEA ED/DIST/FOOD/CAPITAL EQUIP/GENERAL/ 0 ED/DIST/TECH/CAPITAL EQUIP/TECHN/ 0 346,733.00 ED/DIST/VOC/OTHER/GENERAL/ 0 ED/MW/EL/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 0 500 ED/MW/PRIN/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ ED/SA/EL/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 0 ED/SA/PRIN/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 700 ED/SP/EL/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 0 ED/SP/PRIN/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 1,000.00 ED/MSN/MS/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 0 ED/MSN/MS/DUES/FEES/CONFERENCES/ 4,000.00 ED/MSN/INTERSCH/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 2,000.00 ED/MSN/PRIN/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 1,000.00 ED/HS/HS/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 0 ED/HS/INTERSCH/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 33,000.00 ED/HS/GUID/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 0 ED/HS/PRIN/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 4,500.00 ED/DIST/EL/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 10,000.00 ED/DIST/SP ED/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 0 ED/DIST/HEALTH/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 0 ED/DIST/PSYCH/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 0 ED/DIST/BOE/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 20,000.00 ED/DIST/EXEC/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 6,000.00 ED/DIST/SP ED ADMIN/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 2,000.00 ED/DIST/BUSINESS/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 1,200.00 ED/DIST/FISCAL/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 1,700.00 ED/DIST/FOOD/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 2,500.00 ED/DIST/CURR/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 1,500.00 ED/DIST/COMMUNICATIONS/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 750 ED/DIST/STAFF/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 2,000.00 ED/DIST/STAFF/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/NBPTS CERT 5,000.00 ED/DIST/TECH/DUES/FEES/TECHN/ 2,500.00 ED/DIST/SPED/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 0 ED/IF/EL/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 0 ED/IF/PRIN/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 2,000.00 ED/MSS/MS/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 0 ED/MSS/MS/DUES/FEES/CONFERENCES/ 0 ED/MSS/INTERSCH/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 0 ED/MSS/PRIN/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 2,500.00 ED/SL/EL/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 0 ED/SL/PRIN/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 500 ED/DIST/TRANSFER/TRANSFERS// 0 ED/DIST/TRANSFER/TRANSFERS/GENERAL/ 0 ED/DIST/TRANSFER/TRANSFERS/GENERAL/ 0 Account Short Description Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 0 0 0 0 158,772.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 175,492.47 0 0 189 0 315 0 974.26 872 2,341.00 738 0 6,000.00 21,327.28 0 6,285.00 5,938.72 0 0 0 17,151.48 5,753.51 436 1,354.91 4,354.71 2,142.00 434.7 714.41 2,292.25 3,696.85 1,225.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,235.00 0 535 0 0 0 FY 13 Final Budget 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,243.00 0.00 85,000.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 0.00 278,243.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 700.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 4,000.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 9,400.00 33,000.00 0.00 1,100.00 7,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 6,000.00 2,000.00 1,400.00 10,000.00 2,500.00 1,500.00 750 2,000.00 5,000.00 2,500.00 0 0 2,000.00 0 0 0 2,500.00 0 500 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page 27 Account Number 10E008 8600 6600 01 000000 10E008 8610 6600 00 000000 10E008 8700 6600 01 000000 10E008 8710 6600 00 000000 10E008 1911 6700 01 000000 10E008 4210 6700 01 000000 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 10E008 4220 6701 01 000000 10E008 1912 6703 01 000000 10E008 4220 6704 01 000000 10E008 4220 6705 01 000000 10E008 4220 6706 01 000000 10E008 4220 6707 01 000000 10E008 4210 6708 01 000000 DUES AND FEES 10E001 1110 7001 01 000000 10E003 1110 7001 01 000000 10E004 1110 7001 01 000000 10E004 1110 7001 11 000000 10E005 1120 7001 01 000000 10E005 1500 7001 01 000000 10E005 1500 7001 14 000000 10E005 1500 7001 77 000000 10E006 1130 7001 07 000000 10E006 1130 7001 08 000000 10E006 1130 7001 09 000000 10E006 1130 7001 11 000000 10E006 1130 7001 12 000000 10E006 1130 7001 13 000000 10E006 1130 7001 15 000000 10E006 1130 7001 16 000000 10E006 1130 7001 22 000000 10E006 1130 7001 26 000000 10E006 1130 7001 67 000000 10E006 1130 7001 77 000000 10E006 1400 7001 17 000000 10E006 1500 7001 01 000000 10E006 1500 7001 29 000000 10E006 2120 7001 01 000000 10E006 2120 7001 11 000000 10E006 2220 7001 01 000000 10E006 2410 7001 01 000000 10E008 1110 7001 01 000000 10E008 1110 7001 01 330500 10E008 1110 7001 90 430000 10E008 1120 7001 01 330500 10E008 1130 7001 01 330500 10E008 1200 7001 01 000000 10E008 1205 7001 01 000000 10E008 1213 7001 01 000000 10E008 1213 7001 01 460000 10E008 1225 7001 01 460000 10E008 2110 7001 01 000000 10E008 2130 7001 01 000000 10E008 2140 7001 01 000000 10E008 2210 7001 01 000000 10E008 2320 7001 01 000000 10E008 2330 7001 01 000000 Account Short Description ED/DIST/TRANSFERS/TRANSFERS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/TRANSFERS/TRANSFERS// ED/DIST/TRANSFERS/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/TRANSFERS/TRANSFERS// ED/DIST/REG ED PRIV TUI/TUITION/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/REG ED TUITION/TUITION/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SPED TUIT K-12/SE DAY TUITION/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SPED/SE DAY TUITION/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SPED TUIT K-12/RES TIUTION/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SPED/DIAGNOSTIC TUIT/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SPED/THER DAY/REHAB/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SPED/ITINERANT SERV/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SPED/PRE-VOC TUITION/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/REG ED TUITION/OMBUDSMAN/GENERAL/ ED/MW/EL/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ ED/SA/EL/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ ED/SP/EL/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ ED/SP/EL/EQUIP < $5000/TECHN/ ED/MSN/MS/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/EQUIP < $5000/BAND/ ED/MSN/INTERSCH/EQUIP < $5000/DRAMA/ ED/HS/HS/EQUIP < $5000/SCIENCE/ ED/HS/HS/EQUIP < $5000/SOCIAL SCIENCE/ ED/HS/HS/EQUIP < $5000/PHYS EDUCATION/ ED/HS/HS/EQUIP < $5000/TECHN/ ED/HS/HS/EQUIP < $5000/ART/ ED/HS/HS/EQUIP < $5000/MUSIC/ ED/HS/HS/EQUIP < $5000/FOREIGN LAN/ ED/HS/HS/EQUIP < $5000/HEALTH/ ED/HS/HS/EQUIP < $5000/DRIVER ED/ ED/HS/HS/EQUIP < $5000/SPECIAL ED/ ED/HS/HS/EQUIP < $5000/PAC/ ED/HS/HS/EQUIP < $5000/DRAMA/ ED/HS/VOC/EQUIP < $5000/HOME EC/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ ED/HS/INTERSCH/EQUIP < $5000/TRAINER/ ED/HS/GUID/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ ED/HS/GUID/EQUIP < $5000/TECHN/ ED/HS/LIB/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ ED/HS/PRIN/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/EL/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/EL/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/TBE - TPI ED/DIST/EL/EQUIP < $5000/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC ED/DIST/MS/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/TBE - TPI ED/DIST/HS/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/TBE - TPI ED/DIST/SP ED/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/LD/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/OT/PT/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/OT/PT/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/IDEA PRESCHOOL ED/DIST/ECE/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/IDEA PRESCHOOL ED/DIST/SW/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/HEALTH/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/PSYCH/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/IMPR INSTR/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/EXEC/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ ED/DIST/SP ED ADMIN/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ FY 13 Tentative Budget 0 201,075.40 0 64,945.39 0 228,000.00 2,380,000.00 594,000.00 20,000.00 50,000.00 600,000.00 2,000.00 0 80,000.00 4,326,870.79 0 5,000.00 0 0 1,500.00 0 0 0 10,000.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 890 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000.00 0 0 0 5,000.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 0 0 2,000.00 1,000.00 2,150.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 0 196,121.54 0 71,142.19 0 200,098.03 1,765,942.40 592,975.84 20,822.10 52,533.48 493,023.54 1,820.00 0 85,155.00 3,566,940.20 0 1,942.00 0 2,572.33 1,075.00 835 0 0 3,099.92 0 0 0 0 4,169.60 0 0 0 0 1,985.98 0 889.99 0 0 0 0 2,616.00 0 0 9,530.60 0 0 0 2,761.53 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 13 Final Budget 0.00 201,075.40 0.00 64,945.39 0.00 210,000.00 2,250,000.00 475,000.00 150,000.00 50,000.00 600,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 80,000.00 4,202,370.79 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 890.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18,000.00 4,600.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 Page 28 FY 13 Tentative FY 13 Final Account Number Account Short Description Budget 11/12 FYTD Budget 10E008 2520 7001 01 000000 ED/DIST/FISCAL/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ 175,000.00 15,645.31 75,000.00 10E008 2620 7001 01 000000 ED/DIST/CURR/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ 750 0 750.00 10E008 2630 7001 01 000000 ED/DIST/COMMUNICATIONS/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ 0 872.89 0.00 10E008 2660 7001 11 000000 ED/DIST/TECH/EQUIP < $5000/TECHN/ 449,000.00 93,129.72 449,000.00 10E008 3000 7001 01 460000 ED/DIST/COMM SERV/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/IDEA PRESCHO 0 1,223.52 0.00 10E009 1110 7001 01 000000 ED/IF/EL/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ 3,500.00 7,977.00 3,500.00 10E009 2220 7001 01 000000 ED/IF/LIB/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ 0 0 0.00 10E010 1120 7001 01 000000 ED/MSS/MS/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ 2,800.00 600 2,880.00 10E010 1120 7001 09 000000 ED/MSS/MS/EQUIP < $5000/PHYS EDUCATION/ 0 0 0.00 10E010 1120 7001 11 000000 ED/MSS/MS/EQUIP < $5000/TECHN/ 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 10E010 1120 7001 13 000000 ED/MSS/MS/EQUIP < $5000/MUSIC/ 10E010 1120 7001 77 000000 ED/MSS/MS/EQUIP < $5000/DRAMA/ 0 0 0.00 10E010 1500 7001 01 000000 ED/MSS/INTERSCH/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ 3,534.00 0 3,534.00 10E010 1500 7001 14 000000 ED/MSS/INTERSCH/EQUIP < $5000/BAND/ 1,500.00 1,566.37 1,500.00 0 0 0.00 10E010 1500 7001 23 000000 ED/MSS/INTERSCH/EQUIP < $5000/INTRAMURALS/ 10E010 1500 7001 24 000000 ED/MSS/INTERSCH/EQUIP < $5000/ORCHESTRA/ 0 0 0.00 10E010 2410 7001 01 000000 ED/MSS/PRIN/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ 0 0 0.00 10E012 1110 7001 01 000000 ED/SL/EL/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 10E008 8190 7100 01 000000 ED/DIST/TRANSFER/TRF BETWEEN FDS/GENERAL/ NON CAPITALIZED EQUIPMENT 687,624.00 152,492.76 595,654.00 EDUCATION FUND 59,845,283.71 57,451,764.53 60,378,020.00 20E008 2540 1100 01 000000 O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 104,712.00 104,711.92 107,400.00 20E008 2540 1120 01 000000 O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/SALARIES/GENERAL/ 86,000.00 51,966.67 86,000.00 20E008 2540 1162 01 000000 O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/SUMMER/PT SAL/GENERAL/ 46,800.00 48,364.93 46,800.00 SALARIES 237,512.00 205,043.52 240,200.00 20E008 2540 2210 01 000000 O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ 500 349.82 500.00 20E008 2540 2220 01 000000 O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/MED INS/GENERAL/ 41,000.00 20,569.86 41,000.00 20E008 2540 2230 01 000000 O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/DENTAL INS/GENERAL/ 1,900.00 1,586.40 1,900.00 BENEFITS 43,400.00 22,506.08 43,400.00 20E001 2540 3100 01 000000 O/M/MW/OPERATIONS/P/S/GENERAL/ 0 0 10,000.00 20E002 2540 3100 01 000000 O/M/CQ/OPERATIONS/P/S/GENERAL/ 0 0 0.00 20E003 2540 3100 01 000000 O/M/SA/OPERATIONS/P/S/GENERAL/ 0 0 25,000.00 20E004 2540 3100 01 000000 O/M/SP/OPERATIONS/P/S/GENERAL/ 0 0 0.00 20E005 2540 3100 01 000000 O/M/MSN/OPERATIONS/P/S/GENERAL/ 0 0 0.00 20E006 2530 3100 26 485700 O/M/HS/FACILITIES/P/S/SPECIAL ED/ARRA Funds 0 20,883.20 0.00 5,000.00 700 5,000.00 20E006 2540 3100 01 000000 O/M/HS/OPERATIONS/P/S/GENERAL/ 20E007 2540 3100 01 000000 O/M/PDC/OPERATIONS/P/S/GENERAL/ 0 0 0.00 20E008 2540 3100 01 000000 O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/P/S/GENERAL/ 2,285,000.00 2,272,936.81 0.00 20E009 2540 3100 01 000000 O/M/IF/OPERATIONS/P/S/GENERAL/ 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 20E010 2540 3100 01 000000 O/M/MSS/OPERATIONS/P/S/GENERAL/ 20E012 2540 3100 01 000000 O/M/SL/OPERATIONS/P/S/GENERAL/ 0 0 0.00 20E008 2540 3101 01 000000 O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/Purch Serv Oth/GENERAL/ 0 0 0.00 20E008 2540 3112 01 000000 O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/IAQ/GENERAL/ 50,000.00 50,672.17 50,000.00 0 2,063.40 0.00 20E006 2530 3160 26 485700 O/M/HS/FACILITIES/ARCHITECT/SPECIAL ED/ARRA Funds 20E008 2540 3160 01 000000 O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/ARCHITECT/GENERAL/ 250,000.00 205,195.20 250,000.00 20E008 2540 3190 01 000000 O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/P/S/GENERAL/ 0 0 5,500.00 20E001 2540 3210 01 000000 O/M/MW/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ 4,500.00 4,758.92 4,500.00 20E002 2540 3210 01 000000 O/M/CQ/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ 0 0 0.00 20E003 2540 3210 01 000000 O/M/SA/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ 3,500.00 3,243.57 3,500.00 20E004 2540 3210 01 000000 O/M/SP/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ 3,400.00 3,247.79 3,400.00 20E005 2540 3210 01 000000 O/M/MSN/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ 4,000.00 0 4,000.00 20E006 2540 3210 01 000000 O/M/HS/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ 22,000.00 21,681.16 22,000.00 20E007 2540 3210 01 000000 O/M/PDC/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ 1,500.00 1,099.61 1,500.00 20E008 2540 3210 01 000000 O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ 5,000.00 4,747.09 5,000.00 20E009 2540 3210 01 000000 O/M/IF/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ 3,600.00 3,403.91 3,600.00 20E010 2540 3210 01 000000 O/M/MSS/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ 5,500.00 5,115.45 5,500.00 20E012 2540 3210 01 000000 O/M/SL/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ 4,000.00 7,857.64 4,000.00 20E008 2540 3220 01 000000 O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ 0 0 2,285,000.00 Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 Page 29 Account Number 20E001 2540 3230 01 000000 20E002 2540 3230 01 000000 20E003 2540 3230 01 000000 20E004 2540 3230 01 000000 20E005 2540 3230 01 000000 20E006 2540 3230 01 000000 20E007 2540 3230 01 000000 20E008 2540 3230 01 000000 20E009 2540 3230 01 000000 20E010 2540 3230 01 000000 20E012 2540 3230 01 000000 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 20E002 2540 3240 01 000000 20E003 2540 3240 01 000000 20E004 2540 3240 01 000000 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 20E008 2540 3240 01 000000 20E009 2540 3240 01 000000 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 20E001 2540 3250 01 000000 20E002 2540 3250 01 000000 20E003 2540 3250 01 000000 20E004 2540 3250 01 000000 20E005 2540 3250 01 000000 20E006 2540 3250 01 000000 20E007 2540 3250 01 000000 20E008 2540 3250 01 000000 20E008 2540 3250 25 000000 20E009 2540 3250 01 000000 20E010 2540 3250 01 000000 20E012 2540 3250 01 000000 20E008 2540 3255 01 000000 20E008 2540 3300 01 000000 20E008 2540 3400 01 000000 20E008 2540 3401 01 000000 20E001 2540 3700 01 000000 20E002 2540 3700 01 000000 20E003 2540 3700 01 000000 20E004 2540 3700 01 000000 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 20E007 2540 3700 01 000000 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 20E009 2540 3700 01 000000 20E010 2540 3700 01 000000 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 PURCHASED SERVICES 20E001 2540 4100 01 000000 20E003 2540 4100 01 000000 20E004 2540 4100 01 000000 20E005 2540 4100 01 000000 20E006 2530 4100 26 485700 20E006 2540 4100 01 000000 20E007 2540 4100 01 000000 20E008 2540 4100 01 000000 20E009 2540 4100 01 000000 Account Short Description O/M/MW/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ O/M/CQ/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ O/M/SA/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ O/M/SP/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ O/M/MSN/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ O/M/HS/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ O/M/PDC/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ O/M/IF/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ O/M/MSS/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ O/M/SL/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ O/M/MW/OPERATIONS/INSP/PROP SERV/GENERAL/ O/M/CQ/OPERATIONS/INSP/PROP SERV/GENERAL/ O/M/SA/OPERATIONS/INSP/PROP SERV/GENERAL/ O/M/SP/OPERATIONS/INSP/PROP SERV/GENERAL/ O/M/MSN/OPERATIONS/INSP/PROP SERV/GENERAL/ O/M/HS/OPERATIONS/INSP/PROP SERV/GENERAL/ O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/INSP/PROP SERV/GENERAL/ O/M/IF/OPERATIONS/INSP/PROP SERV/GENERAL/ O/M/MSS/OPERATIONS/INSP/PROP SERV/GENERAL/ O/M/SL/OPERATIONS/INSP/PROP SERV/GENERAL/ O/M/MW/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ O/M/CQ/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ O/M/SA/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ O/M/SP/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ O/M/MSN/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ O/M/HS/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ O/M/PDC/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/LEASES/ O/M/IF/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ O/M/MSS/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ O/M/SL/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/ALARM SERV/GENERAL/ O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/POSTAGE/GENERAL/ O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/TELEPHONE/GENERAL/ O/M/MW/OPERATIONS/WATER/SEWER/GENERAL/ O/M/CQ/OPERATIONS/WATER/SEWER/GENERAL/ O/M/SA/OPERATIONS/WATER/SEWER/GENERAL/ O/M/SP/OPERATIONS/WATER/SEWER/GENERAL/ O/M/MSN/OPERATIONS/WATER/SEWER/GENERAL/ O/M/HS/OPERATIONS/WATER/SEWER/GENERAL/ O/M/PDC/OPERATIONS/WATER/SEWER/GENERAL/ O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/WATER/SEWER/GENERAL/ O/M/IF/OPERATIONS/WATER/SEWER/GENERAL/ O/M/MSS/OPERATIONS/WATER/SEWER/GENERAL/ O/M/SL/OPERATIONS/WATER/SEWER/GENERAL/ O/M/MW/OPERATIONS/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ O/M/SA/OPERATIONS/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ O/M/SP/OPERATIONS/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ O/M/MSN/OPERATIONS/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ O/M/HS/FACILITIES/GEN SUPPLIES/SPECIAL ED/ARRA Funds O/M/HS/OPERATIONS/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ O/M/PDC/OPERATIONS/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ O/M/IF/OPERATIONS/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ FY 13 Tentative Budget 100,000.00 1,000.00 60,000.00 65,000.00 30,000.00 280,000.00 25,000.00 100,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 40,000.00 8,000.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 6,000.00 60,000.00 30,000.00 5,000.00 7,000.00 6,000.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,000.00 115,000.00 0 0 0 18,000.00 1,000.00 250,000.00 0 8,000.00 10,000.00 4,500.00 7,500.00 22,500.00 45,000.00 0 850 8,000.00 25,500.00 7,500.00 4,174,350.00 8,000.00 5,000.00 5,500.00 6,000.00 0 25,000.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 66,817.29 1,040.00 22,322.38 171,556.78 17,004.78 214,015.15 4,549.14 538,522.81 13,754.25 19,917.52 11,618.13 7,070.65 542.35 4,259.36 13,898.76 5,407.47 24,366.12 21,188.69 3,198.04 5,807.12 5,938.39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,333.00 121,129.30 0 0 0 18,413.47 887.4 234,597.84 0 8,012.06 7,133.16 4,071.96 6,332.21 11,770.40 39,949.71 0 846.25 7,532.75 24,215.58 16,134.55 4,290,760.74 6,866.30 3,621.65 4,479.21 4,680.50 23,856.93 19,114.97 0 958.67 3,800.57 FY 13 Final Budget 90,000.00 1,000.00 60,000.00 65,000.00 30,000.00 280,000.00 25,000.00 100,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 40,000.00 8,000.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 6,000.00 60,000.00 30,000.00 5,000.00 7,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 115,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 250,000.00 8,000.00 10,000.00 4,500.00 7,500.00 22,500.00 45,000.00 0.00 850.00 8,000.00 25,500.00 7,500.00 4,204,850.00 8,000.00 5,000.00 5,500.00 6,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 Page 30 Account Number 20E010 2540 4100 01 000000 20E012 2540 4100 01 000000 20E008 2540 4111 01 000000 20E008 2540 4640 01 000000 20E001 2540 4650 01 000000 20E002 2540 4650 01 000000 20E003 2540 4650 01 000000 20E004 2540 4650 01 000000 20E005 2540 4650 01 000000 20E006 2540 4650 01 000000 20E007 2540 4650 01 000000 20E008 2540 4650 01 000000 20E009 2540 4650 01 000000 20E010 2540 4650 01 000000 20E012 2540 4650 01 000000 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 20E002 2540 4660 01 000000 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 20E002 2540 4900 01 000000 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 20E008 2540 4901 01 000000 SUPPLIES 20E001 2540 5300 01 000000 20E003 2530 5300 01 000000 20E003 2540 5300 01 000000 20E004 2540 5300 01 000000 20E005 2540 5300 01 000000 20E006 2540 5300 01 00000 20E007 2540 5300 01 000000 20E008 2540 5300 01 000000 20E009 2540 5300 01 000000 20E010 2540 5300 01 000000 20E012 2540 5300 01 000000 20E001 2530 5400 01 000000 20E001 2540 5400 01 000000 20E003 2540 5400 01 000000 20E004 2540 5400 01 000000 20E005 2540 5400 01 000000 20E006 2530 5400 26 485700 20E006 2540 5400 01 000000 20E007 2540 5400 01 000000 Account Short Description O/M/MSS/OPERATIONS/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ O/M/SL/OPERATIONS/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/FURNITURE/GENERAL/ O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/FUEL/GENERAL/ O/M/MW/OPERATIONS/NATURAL GAS/GENERAL/ O/M/CQ/OPERATIONS/NATURAL GAS/GENERAL/ O/M/SA/OPERATIONS/NATURAL GAS/GENERAL/ O/M/SP/OPERATIONS/NATURAL GAS/GENERAL/ O/M/MSN/OPERATIONS/NATURAL GAS/GENERAL/ O/M/HS/OPERATIONS/NATURAL GAS/GENERAL/ O/M/PDC/OPERATIONS/NATURAL GAS/GENERAL/ O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/NATURAL GAS/GENERAL/ O/M/IF/OPERATIONS/NATURAL GAS/GENERAL/ O/M/MSS/OPERATIONS/NATURAL GAS/GENERAL/ O/M/SL/OPERATIONS/NATURAL GAS/GENERAL/ O/M/MW/OPERATIONS/ELECTRICITY/GENERAL/ O/M/CQ/OPERATIONS/ELECTRICITY/GENERAL/ O/M/SA/OPERATIONS/ELECTRICITY/GENERAL/ O/M/SP/OPERATIONS/ELECTRICITY/GENERAL/ O/M/MSN/OPERATIONS/ELECTRICITY/GENERAL/ O/M/HS/OPERATIONS/ELECTRICITY/GENERAL/ O/M/PDC/OPERATIONS/ELECTRICITY/GENERAL/ O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/ELECTRICITY/GENERAL/ O/M/IF/OPERATIONS/ELECTRICITY/GENERAL/ O/M/MSS/OPERATIONS/ELECTRICITY/GENERAL/ O/M/SL/OPERATIONS/ELECTRICITY/GENERAL/ O/M/MW/OPERATIONS/OTHER/GENERAL/ O/M/CQ/OPERATIONS/OTHER/GENERAL/ O/M/SA/OPERATIONS/OTHER/GENERAL/ O/M/SP/OPERATIONS/OTHER/GENERAL/ O/M/MSN/OPERATIONS/OTHER/GENERAL/ O/M/HS/OPERATIONS/OTHER/GENERAL/ O/M/PDC/OPERATIONS/OTHER/GENERAL/ O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/OTHER/GENERAL/ O/M/IF/OPERATIONS/OTHER/GENERAL/ O/M/MSS/OPERATIONS/OTHER/GENERAL/ O/M/SL/OPERATIONS/OTHER/GENERAL/ O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/SALT & MULCH/GENERAL/ O/M/MW/OPERATIONS/BLDG IMPRO/GENERAL/ O/M/SA/FACILITIES/BLDG IMPRO/GENERAL/ O/M/SA/OPERATIONS/BLDG IMPRO/GENERAL/ O/M/SP/OPERATIONS/BLDG IMPRO/GENERAL/ O/M/MSN/OPERATIONS/BLDG IMPRO/GENERAL/ O/M/HS/OPERATIONS/BLDG IMPR O/M/PDC/OPERATIONS/BLDG IMPRO/GENERAL/ O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/BLDG IMPRO/GENERAL/ O/M/IF/OPERATIONS/BLDG IMPRO/GENERAL/ O/M/MSS/OPERATIONS/BLDG IMPRO/GENERAL/ O/M/SL/OPERATIONS/BLDG IMPROV O/M/MW/FACILITIES/SITE IMPROV/GENERAL/ O/M/MW/OPERATIONS/SITE IMPROV/GENERAL/ O/M/SA/OPERATIONS/SITE IMPROV/GENERAL/ O/M/SP/OPERATIONS/SITE IMPROV/GENERAL/ O/M/MSN/OPERATIONS/SITE IMPROV/GENERAL/ O/M/HS/FACILITIES/SITE IMPROV/SPECIAL ED/ARRA Funds O/M/HS/OPERATIONS/SITE IMPROV/GENERAL/ O/M/PDC/OPERATIONS/SITE IMPROV/GENERAL/ FY 13 Tentative Budget 7,000.00 9,000.00 0 32,000.00 25,000.00 14,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 51,000.00 125,000.00 0 25,000.00 20,000.00 48,000.00 17,000.00 52,500.00 7,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 175,000.00 415,000.00 19,000.00 22,000.00 38,500.00 125,000.00 75,000.00 30,000.00 1,500.00 20,000.00 15,000.00 30,000.00 90,000.00 5,000.00 25,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 15,000.00 80,000.00 1,851,500.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40,000.00 0 Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 5,246.98 8,227.58 0 28,925.62 21,608.83 10,506.52 20,072.57 18,765.12 36,231.69 112,680.24 0 12,106.33 16,867.62 45,709.95 17,066.15 49,837.29 7,592.38 31,566.22 39,520.70 188,679.05 455,684.83 18,938.53 23,093.25 40,871.49 137,704.48 98,217.46 18,511.17 1,528.01 18,223.13 10,775.92 28,144.90 80,512.88 4,360.23 18,398.47 12,514.95 18,814.36 9,943.08 42,748.65 1,777,575.43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 147,892.00 0 12,030.40 31,518.68 0 FY 13 Final Budget 7,000.00 9,000.00 75,000.00 32,000.00 25,000.00 14,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 51,000.00 125,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 20,000.00 48,000.00 17,000.00 52,500.00 7,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 175,000.00 415,000.00 19,000.00 22,000.00 38,500.00 125,000.00 75,000.00 30,000.00 1,500.00 20,000.00 15,000.00 30,000.00 90,000.00 5,000.00 25,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 15,000.00 80,000.00 1,926,500.00 75,000.00 0.00 175,000.00 35,000.00 25,000.00 243,000.00 65,000.00 0.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 35,000.00 282,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 25,000.00 Page 31 FY 13 Tentative Account Number Account Short Description Budget 20E008 2540 5400 01 000000 O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/SITE IMPROV/GENERAL/ 1,842,000.00 20E008 2540 5400 01 460000 O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/SITE IMPROV/GENERAL/IDEA PRESCHO 0 20E008 2540 5400 01 462000 O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/SITE IMPROV/GENERAL/IDEA 0 20E009 2540 5400 01 000000 O/M/IF/OPERATIONS/SITE IMPROV/GENERAL/ 0 20E010 2540 5400 01 000000 O/M/MSS/OPERATIONS/SITE IMPROV/GENERAL/ 0 20E008 2540 5401 01 000000 O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/VEHICLES/GENERAL/ 100,000.00 20E001 2540 5500 01 000000 O/M/MW/OPERATIONS/CAPITAL EQUIP/GENERAL/ 0 20E003 2540 5500 01 000000 O/M/SA/OPERATIONS/CAPITAL EQUIP/GENERAL/ 0 20E004 2540 5500 01 000000 O/M/SP/OPERATIONS/CAPITAL EQUIP/GENERAL/ 0 20E005 2540 5500 01 000000 O/M/MSN/OPERATIONS/CAPITAL EQUIP/GENERAL/ 0 0 20E006 2540 5500 01 000000 O/M/HS/OPERATIONS/CAPITAL EQUIP/GENERAL/ 20E007 2540 5500 01 000000 O/M/PDC/OPERATIONS/CAPITAL EQUIP/GENERAL/ 0 20E008 2540 5500 01 000000 O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/CAPITAL EQUIP/GENERAL/ 0 20E009 2540 5500 01 000000 O/M/IF/OPERATIONS/CAPITAL EQUIP/GENERAL/ 0 0 20E010 2540 5500 01 000000 O/M/MSS/OPERATIONS/CAPITAL EQUIP/GENERAL/ CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,982,000.00 20E008 5110 6200 01 000000 O/M/DIST/TAX ANTI WARRAN/INT/GENERAL/ 0 20E008 2540 6400 01 000000 O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 600 0 20E008 8130 6600 00 000000 O/M/DIST/TRANSFER/TRANSFERS// DUES AND FEES 600 20E003 2540 7001 01 000000 O/M/SA/OPERATIONS/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ 5,000.00 20E004 2540 7001 01 000000 O/M/SP/OPERATIONS/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ 5,000.00 20E006 2540 7001 01 000000 O/M/HS/OPERATIONS/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ 10,000.00 20E008 2540 7001 01 000000 O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ 115,000.00 20E008 2540 7010 01 000000 O/M/DIST/OPERATIONS/F,F&E/GENERAL/ 0 NON CAPITALIZED EQUIPMENT 135,000.00 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE FUND 8,424,362.00 30E008 5400 3190 01 001998 DEBT SERV/DIST/DEBT SVCE EXP/P/S/GENERAL/BOND 1998 1,200.00 30E008 5400 3190 01 002000 DEBT SERV/DIST/DEBT SVCE EXP/P/S/GENERAL/BOND 2000 1,200.00 30E008 5400 3190 01 002001 DEBT SERV/DIST/DEBT SVCE EXP/P/S/GENERAL/BOND 2001 1,200.00 30E008 5400 3190 01 002004 DEBT SERV/DIST/DEBT SVCE EXP/P/S/GENERAL/BOND 2004 1,200.00 PURCHASED SERVICES 4,800.00 30E008 5250 6100 01 200800 DEBT SERV/DIST/REVENUE BONDS/RDM PRINCPL/GENERAL/200 0 30E008 5320 6100 01 001997 DEBT SERV/DIST/PRINCIPAL/RDM PRINCPL/GENERAL/BOND 199 0 30E008 5320 6100 01 001998 DEBT SERV/DIST/PRINCIPAL/RDM PRINCPL/GENERAL/BOND 199 480,938.00 30E008 5320 6100 01 002000 DEBT SERV/DIST/PRINCIPAL/RDM PRINCPL/GENERAL/BOND 200 2,433,036.00 30E008 5320 6100 01 002001 DEBT SERV/DIST/PRINCIPAL/RDM PRINCPL/GENERAL/BOND 200 0 30E008 5320 6100 01 002004 DEBT SERV/DIST/PRINCIPAL/RDM PRINCPL/GENERAL/BOND 200 50,000.00 30E008 5350 6100 01 002007 DEBT SERV/DIST/PRINCIPAL/RDM PRINCPL/GENERAL/TECH CAM 15,315.00 42,989.35 30E008 5390 6100 01 200800 DEBT SERV/DIST/OTH PRINCIPAL/RDM PRINCPL/GENERAL/2008 30E008 5390 6100 01 200820 DEBT SERV/DIST/OTH PRINCIPAL/RDM PRINCPL/GENERAL/2008 142,771.05 30E008 5220 6200 01 001998 DEBT SERV/DIST/BOND INT/INT/GENERAL/BOND 1998 508,466.00 30E008 5220 6200 01 002000 DEBT SERV/DIST/BOND INT/INT/GENERAL/BOND 2000 3,706,964.00 0 30E008 5220 6200 01 002001 DEBT SERV/DIST/BOND INT/INT/GENERAL/BOND 2001 30E008 5220 6200 01 002004 DEBT SERV/DIST/BOND INT/INT/GENERAL/BOND 2004 572,475.00 30E008 5220 6200 01 002007 DEBT SERV/DIST/BOND INT/INT/GENERAL/TECH CAMP 2007 0 30E008 5250 6200 01 002007 DEBT SERV/DIST/REVENUE BONDS/INT/GENERAL/TECH CAMP 2 3,749.12 30E008 5250 6200 01 200800 DEBT SERV/DIST/REVENUE BONDS/INT/GENERAL/2008 SEDOL-C 0 30E008 5290 6200 01 200800 DEBT SERV/DIST/OTHER LT INT/INT/GENERAL/2008 SEDOL-CL 6,310.36 30E008 5290 6200 01 200820 DEBT SERV/DIST/OTHER LT INT/INT/GENERAL/2008A SEDOL 54,885.91 30E008 8140 6600 01 000000 DEBT SERV/DIST/TRANSFER/TRANSFERS/GENERAL/ 12,000.00 OTHER 8,029,899.79 DEBT SERVICE FUND 8,034,699.79 40E008 2550 1000 01 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/SALARIES/GENERAL/ 21,445.00 40E008 2550 1000 62 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/SALARIES/SPEC ED TRAN/ 29,000.00 40E008 2550 1100 01 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/CERT SALARIES/GENERAL/ 1,010,000.00 40E008 2550 1100 62 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/CERT SALARIES/SPEC ED TRAN/ 175,000.00 40E008 2550 1120 01 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/SALARIES/GENERAL/ 45,000.00 Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 1,104,936.93 0 0 0 0 84,553.33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,380,931.34 0 655 0 655 0 624 6,685.21 5,122.20 0 12,431.41 7,689,903.52 900 1,035.00 550 1,035.00 3,520.00 0 0 509,167.00 2,656,901.00 0 50,000.00 14,702.40 51,627.00 129,792.14 480,833.00 3,483,099.00 0 574,162.50 0 4,410.72 0 7,578.66 59,152.81 12,040.33 8,033,466.56 8,036,986.56 9,966.50 29,055.22 997,376.01 169,334.95 44,134.86 FY 13 Final Budget 178,885.00 50,000.00 77,615.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 75,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,541,500.00 0.00 600.00 0.00 600 5,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 115,000.00 25,000.00 160,000.00 8,117,050.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 4,800.00 0 0 480,938.00 2,433,036.00 0 50,000.00 15,315.00 42,989.35 142,771.05 508,466.00 3,706,964.00 0 572,475.00 0 3,749.12 0 6,310.36 54,885.91 15,000.00 8,032,899.79 8,037,699.79 15,000.00 30,000.00 1,030,000.00 175,000.00 47,000.00 Page 32 Account Number Account Short Description 40E008 2550 1120 62 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/SALARIES/SPEC ED TRAN/ 40E008 2550 1150 01 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/EXTRACURR/GENERAL/ 40E008 2550 1180 01 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/SALARIES/GENERAL/ SALARIES 40E008 2550 2210 01 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/LIFE INS/GENERAL/ 40E008 2550 2210 62 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/LIFE INS/SPEC ED TRAN/ 40E008 2550 2220 01 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/MED INS/GENERAL/ 40E008 2550 2220 62 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/MED INS/SPEC ED TRAN/ 40E008 2550 2230 01 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/DENTAL INS/GENERAL/ BENEFITS 40E008 2550 3100 01 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/P/S/GENERAL/ 40E008 2550 3110 01 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/P/S/GENERAL/ 40E008 2550 3120 01 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/P/S/GENERAL/ 40E008 2550 3130 01 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/P/S/GENERAL/ 40E008 2550 3230 01 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ 40E008 2550 3252 01 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/Ath Veh Rental/GENERAL/ 40E008 2550 3254 01 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/ATH STATE COMP/GENERAL/ 40E008 2550 3300 01 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/TRANS SERV/GENERAL/ 40E008 2550 3310 01 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/REG TRANS/GENERAL/ 40E008 2550 3310 90 430000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/REG TRANS/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC 40E008 2550 3311 01 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/VOCAT TRANS/GENERAL/ 40E008 2550 3330 01 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/SPED TRAN - P/S/GENERAL/ 40E008 2550 3340 01 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/REG TRANS - P/S/GENERAL/ PURCHASED SERVICES 40E008 2550 4100 01 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 40E008 2550 4110 01 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/LICENSE PLATES/GENERAL/ 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ 40E008 2550 4130 01 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/FUEL/GENERAL/ 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/BUS PARTS/GENERAL/ SUPPLIES 40E008 2550 5400 01 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/SITE IMPROV/GENERAL/ 40E008 2550 5500 01 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/CAPITAL EQUIP/GENERAL/ CAPITAL OUTLAY 40E008 5110 6200 01 000000 TRANS/DIST/TAX ANTI WARRAN/INT/GENERAL/ 40E008 2550 6400 01 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ 40E008 2550 6410 01 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/LICENSE/GENERAL/ DUES AND FEES 40E008 2550 7001 01 000000 TRANS/DIST/TRANS/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ NON CAPITALIZED EQUIPMENT TRANSPORTATION FUND 50E001 1110 2000 01 000000 IMRF/SS/MW/EL/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 50E001 1500 2000 46 000000 IMRF/SS/MW/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/ACTIVITIES/ 50E001 2220 2000 01 000000 IMRF/SS/MW/LIB/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 50E001 2410 2000 01 000000 IMRF/SS/MW/PRIN/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 50E003 1110 2000 01 000000 IMRF/SS/SA/EL/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 50E003 1500 2000 46 000000 IMRF/SS/SA/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/ACTIVITIES/ 50E003 2210 2000 01 000000 IMRF/SS/SA/IMPR INSTR/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 50E003 2220 2000 01 000000 IMRF/SS/SA/LIB/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 50E003 2410 2000 01 000000 IMRF/SS/SA/PRIN/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 50E004 1110 2000 01 000000 IMRF/SS/SP/EL/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 50E004 2220 2000 01 000000 IMRF/SS/SP/LIB/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 50E004 2410 2000 01 000000 IMRF/SS/SP/PRIN/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 50E005 1120 2000 01 000000 IMRF/SS/MSN/MS/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 50E005 1500 2000 01 000000 IMRF/SS/MSN/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 50E005 1500 2000 33 000000 IMRF/SS/MSN/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/B TRACK/ 50E005 1500 2000 35 000000 IMRF/SS/MSN/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/B WRESTLING/ 50E005 1500 2000 52 000000 IMRF/SS/MSN/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/G SOFTBALL/ 50E005 2220 2000 01 000000 IMRF/SS/MSN/LIB/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ FY 13 Tentative Budget 0 92,000.00 24,000.00 1,396,445.00 1,000.00 150 100,000.00 25,000.00 1,750.00 127,900.00 2,800.00 9,500.00 0 0 60,000.00 4,000.00 22,000.00 1,600.00 50,000.00 3,000.00 51,000.00 1,400,000.00 40,000.00 1,643,900.00 8,000.00 0 20,000.00 329,000.00 25,000.00 382,000.00 15,000.00 0 15,000.00 0 1,000.00 1,710.00 2,710.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 3,568,955.00 3,900.00 150 2,550.00 6,500.00 3,500.00 0 0 2,200.00 8,500.00 4,700.00 2,150.00 6,800.00 750 1,500.00 0 250 0 3,525.00 Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 0 88,080.93 21,061.99 1,359,010.46 923.26 88.84 95,546.40 20,097.42 1,586.40 118,242.32 8,734.50 7,908.25 0 0 47,863.61 3,394.79 15,266.57 0 59,222.50 3,000.00 49,363.68 1,207,795.00 33,323.77 1,435,872.67 4,975.24 600 14,575.65 311,848.83 14,448.84 346,448.56 14,388.00 4,873,850.00 4,888,238.00 0 300 390 690.00 502.4 502.40 8,149,004.41 3,559.40 123.13 2,505.10 6,402.75 3,217.09 0 0 2,128.26 8,500.10 4,208.69 2,087.27 6,915.09 455.48 1,348.90 0 219.73 0 3,479.92 FY 13 Final Budget 0.00 92,000.00 24,000.00 1,413,000.00 1,000.00 150.00 102,000.00 25,000.00 1,750.00 129,900.00 3,200.00 12,000.00 0.00 0.00 60,000.00 4,000.00 22,000.00 1,600.00 60,000.00 2,910.00 51,000.00 1,400,000.00 40,000.00 1,656,710.00 8,000.00 0.00 20,000.00 340,000.00 25,000.00 393,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,710.00 2,710.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 3,611,320.00 3,900.00 150.00 2,600.00 6,550.00 3,500.00 0.00 0.00 2,250.00 8,600.00 4,700.00 2,150.00 7,000.00 550.00 1,500.00 0.00 250.00 0.00 3,550.00 Page 33 Account Number 50E005 2410 2000 01 000000 50E006 1130 2000 01 000000 50E006 1130 2000 77 000000 50E006 1400 2000 19 000105 50E006 1500 2000 01 000000 50E006 1500 2000 14 000000 50E006 1500 2000 31 000000 50E006 1500 2000 32 000000 50E006 1500 2000 35 000000 50E006 1500 2000 38 000000 50E006 1500 2000 39 000000 50E006 1500 2000 41 000000 50E006 1500 2000 51 000000 50E006 1500 2000 52 000000 50E006 1500 2000 53 000000 50E006 1500 2000 54 000000 50E006 1500 2000 57 000000 50E006 1500 2000 58 000000 50E006 1500 2000 69 000000 50E006 1500 2000 71 000000 50E006 1500 2000 72 000000 50E006 1500 2000 73 000000 50E006 1500 2000 77 000000 50E006 2120 2000 00 322000 50E006 2120 2000 01 000000 50E006 2120 2000 84 322000 50E006 2210 2000 81 493200 50E006 2220 2000 01 000000 50E006 2230 2000 01 000000 50E006 2410 2000 01 000000 50E008 1110 2000 90 430000 50E008 1200 2000 01 000000 50E008 1205 2000 01 000000 50E008 1205 2000 01 462000 50E008 1213 2000 01 000000 50E008 1213 2000 01 462000 50E008 1214 2000 01 000000 50E008 1225 2000 01 000000 50E008 1225 2000 01 462000 50E008 1600 2000 01 000000 50E008 1600 2000 89 490900 50E008 1610 2000 01 000000 50E008 1620 2000 01 000000 50E008 1650 2000 01 000000 50E008 1800 2000 01 000000 50E008 2130 2000 00 000490 50E008 2130 2000 01 000000 50E008 2130 2000 01 46200 50E008 2130 2000 87 000000 50E008 2130 2000 97 000000 50E008 2140 2000 01 000000 50E008 2210 2000 01 000000 50E008 2210 2000 11 000000 50E008 2210 2000 49 490000 50E008 2210 2000 66 000000 50E008 2210 2000 81 493200 50E008 2210 2000 89 490900 50E008 2210 2000 90 430000 FY 13 Tentative Budget IMRF/SS/MSN/PRIN/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 8,800.00 IMRF/SS/HS/HS/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 40,000.00 IMRF/SS/HS/HS/EMP BENEFITS/DRAMA/ 325 IMRF/SS/HS/VOC/EMP BENEFITS/CAREER ED/CTEI 300 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 4,900.00 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/BAND/ 150 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/B BASKETBALL/ 0 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/B SOCCER/ 0 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/B WRESTLING/ 1,000.00 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/B BASEBALL/ 1,800.00 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/B FOOTBALL/ 0 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/B VOLLEYBALL/ 0 0 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/G BASKETBALL/ IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/G SOFTBALL/ 0 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/G TRACK/ 0 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/G VOLLEYBALL/ 0 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/G X-COUNTRY/ 0 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/G SOCCER/ 0 0 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/ORCHESIS/ IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/POM POM/ 250 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/CHEERLEADING/ 1,200.00 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/CHORUS/ 500 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/DRAMA/ 1,350.00 IMRF/SS/HS/GUID/EMP BENEFITS//CTEI 0 IMRF/SS/HS/GUID/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 7,500.00 IMRF/SS/HS/GUID/EMP BENEFITS/CTEI/CTEI 316 IMRF/SS/HS/IMPR INSTR/EMP BENEFITS/TII TCH QLTY/TITLE II 0 IMRF/SS/HS/LIB/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 4,200.00 IMRF/SS/HS/ASSESS/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 175 IMRF/SS/HS/PRIN/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 32,000.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/EL/EMP BENEFITS/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC 5,000.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/SP ED/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 5,686.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/LD/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 82,000.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/LD/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/IDEA 23,000.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/OT/PT/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/OT/PT/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/IDEA 45,000.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/EC/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/ECE/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 19,000.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/ECE/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/IDEA 11,500.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/SS/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 700 IMRF/SS/DIST/SS/EMP BENEFITS/TITLE 3 LIPLEP/TITLE III LIPL 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/SS-ATHL/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 1,500.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/SS SPED/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 4,000.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/GIFTED/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/BILING/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/HEALTH/EMP BENEFITS//MEDIC MATCH 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/HEALTH/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 33,000.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/HEALTH/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/IDEA 0.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/HEALTH/EMP BENEFITS/OT/PT/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/HEALTH/EMP BENEFITS/LEARNING IMPROV/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/PSYCH/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/IMPR INSTR/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/IMPR INSTR/EMP BENEFITS/TECHN/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/IMPR INSTR/EMP BENEFITS/MEDICARE/MEDICAR 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/IMPR INSTR/EMP BENEFITS/TAFT/ 500 IMRF/SS/DIST/IMPR INSTR/EMP BENEFITS/TII TCH QLTY/TITLE II 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/IMPR INSTR/EMP BENEFITS/TITLE 3 LIPLEP/TITLE 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/IMPR INSTR/EMP BENEFITS/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW 0 Account Short Description Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 9,145.87 38,516.54 294.54 133.92 4,891.71 138.11 0 0 990.1 1,739.60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 316.85 1,084.07 304.48 1,249.20 0 7,354.54 316 0 4,165.67 147.37 32,520.86 6,514.38 3,005.95 80,879.89 22,600.56 127.79 57,709.35 0 17,765.52 11,134.44 767.08 35.12 2,224.98 4,248.09 0 0 0 31,517.20 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 438.3 0 0 0 FY 13 Final Budget 9,500.00 40,000.00 325.00 0.00 5,000.00 150.00 0.00 0.00 1,100.00 1,800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 325.00 1,200.00 500.00 1,350.00 0.00 7,500.00 632.40 0.00 4,200.00 165.00 33,000.00 8,006.00 4,000.00 82,000.00 15,619.86 130.00 67,426.13 0.00 19,000.00 6,843.34 900.00 0.00 2,500.00 4,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33,000.00 7,509.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page 34 Account Number 50E008 2320 2000 01 000000 50E008 2330 2000 01 000000 50E008 2330 2000 11 000000 50E008 2330 2000 44 000000 50E008 2490 2000 01 000000 50E008 2510 2000 01 000000 50E008 2520 2000 01 000000 50E008 2540 2000 01 000000 50E008 2550 2000 01 000000 50E008 2550 2000 62 000000 50E008 2550 2000 90 430000 50E008 2620 2000 01 000000 50E008 2630 2000 01 000000 50E008 2640 2000 01 000000 50E008 2660 2000 11 000000 50E008 3000 2000 01 000000 50E008 3000 2000 01 462000 50E009 1110 2000 01 000000 50E009 1500 2000 01 00000 50E009 1500 2000 46 00000 50E009 2220 2000 01 00000 50E009 2410 2000 01 00000 50E009 1120 2000 01 00000 50E010 1500 2000 01 00000 50E010 1500 2000 23 000000 50E010 1500 2000 35 000000 50E010 1500 2000 53 000000 50E010 1500 2000 73 000000 50E010 1500 2000 77 000000 50E010 2220 2000 01 000000 50E010 2410 2000 01 000000 50E012 1110 2000 01 000000 50E012 1500 2000 01 000000 50E012 2210 2000 81 493200 50E012 2220 2000 01 000000 50E012 2410 2000 01 000000 50E008 1600 2120 01 000000 50E008 2120 2120 01 000000 50E008 2130 2120 01 000000 50E008 2210 2120 01 000000 50E008 2220 2120 01 000000 50E008 2320 2120 01 000000 50E008 2410 2120 01 000000 50E008 2550 2120 01 000000 50E008 2640 2120 01 000000 50E008 2660 2120 01 000000 50E008 4120 2120 01 000000 50E008 1600 2130 01 000000 50E008 1800 2130 01 000000 50E008 2110 2130 01 000000 50E008 2120 2130 01 000000 50E008 2130 2130 01 000000 50E008 2210 2130 01 000000 50E008 2210 2130 98 000000 50E008 2540 2130 01 000000 50E001 1110 2140 01 000000 50E001 1110 2140 04 000000 50E001 1110 2140 04 488000 FY 13 Tentative Budget IMRF/SS/DIST/EXEC/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 6,500.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/SP ED ADMIN/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 13,000.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/SP ED ADMIN/EMP BENEFITS/TECHN/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/SP ED ADMIN/EMP BENEFITS/HOMEBOUND SERV 10 IMRF/SS/DIST/OTHER SUPPORT/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/BUSINESS/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/FISCAL/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 22,000.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/OPERATIONS/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 30,000.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/TRANS/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 185,000.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/TRANS/EMP BENEFITS/SPEC ED TRAN/ 35,000.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/TRANS/EMP BENEFITS/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/CURR/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 6,000.00 18,750.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/COMMUNICATIONS/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ IMRF/SS/DIST/STAFF/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 48,000.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/TECH/EMP BENEFITS/TECHN/ 115,000.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/COMM SERV/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/COMM SERV/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/IDEA 2,500.00 IMRF/SS/IF/EL/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 4,362.00 20.00 IMRF/SS/IF/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ IMRF/SS/IF/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/ACTIVITIES/ 70.00 IMRF/SS/IF/LIB/ EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 3,200.00 IMRF/SS/IF/PRIN/ EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 6,600.00 IMRF/SS/MSS/MS/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL 500.00 IMRF/SS/MSS/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL 650.00 IMRF/SS/MSS/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/INTRAMURALS/ 0 IMRF/SS/MSS/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/B WRESTLING/ 225 IMRF/SS/MSS/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/G TRACK/ 0 IMRF/SS/MSS/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/CHORUS/ 0 IMRF/SS/MSS/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/DRAMA/ 400 IMRF/SS/MSS/LIB/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 2,900.00 IMRF/SS/MSS/PRIN/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 10,250.00 IMRF/SS/SL/EL/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 3,280.00 IMRF/SS/SL/INTERSCH/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 0 IMRF/SS/SL/IMPR INSTR/EMP BENEFITS/TII TCH QLTY/TITLE II 0 IMRF/SS/SL/LIB/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 2,500.00 IMRF/SS/SL/PRIN/EMP BENEFITS/GENERAL/ 7,800.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/SS/IMRF/GENERAL/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/GUID/IMRF/GENERAL/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/HEALTH/IMRF/GENERAL/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/IMPR INSTR/IMRF/GENERAL/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/LIB/IMRF/GENERAL/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/EXEC/IMRF/GENERAL/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/PRIN/IMRF/GENERAL/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/TRANS/IMRF/GENERAL/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/STAFF/IMRF/GENERAL/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/TECH/IMRF/GENERAL/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/PAYMENTS/IMRF/GENERAL/ 10,312.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/SS/RETIREMENT/GENERAL/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/BILING/RETIREMENT/GENERAL/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/SW/RETIREMENT/GENERAL/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/GUID/RETIREMENT/GENERAL/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/HEALTH/RETIREMENT/GENERAL/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/IMPR INSTR/RETIREMENT/GENERAL/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/IMPR INSTR/RETIREMENT/STATE DRUG/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/OPERATIONS/RETIREMENT/GENERAL/ 0 IMRF/SS/MW/EL/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 25,000.00 IMRF/SS/MW/EL/MEDICARE/RIP/ 2,500.00 IMRF/SS/MW/EL/MEDICARE/RIP/ED JOB PRG 4880 0 Account Short Description Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 6,445.36 13,191.29 0 0.88 0 0 22,595.58 27,896.96 187,068.02 31,354.76 0 6,081.16 19,244.17 47,765.73 115,207.75 0 2,379.13 3,280.49 0 203.11 0 0 357.4 2,985.23 10,040.64 1,571.29 0 0 2,442.78 8,294.21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,312.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25,399.64 2,450.22 0 FY 13 Final Budget 6,600.00 13,500.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 24,000.00 30,000.00 190,000.00 34,000.00 0.00 6,250.00 20,000.00 51,000.00 120,000.00 0.00 4,171.15 4,000.00 0.00 0.00 3,200.00 6,600.00 500.00 650.00 0.00 225.00 0.00 0.00 400.00 3,000.00 10,250.00 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 2,400.00 7,800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,312.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26,000.00 2,500.00 0.00 Page 35 Account Number 50E001 1500 2140 01 000000 50E001 1500 2140 14 000000 50E001 1500 2140 23 000000 50E001 1500 2140 46 000000 50E001 2210 2140 01 000000 50E001 2220 2140 01 000000 50E001 2410 2140 01 000000 50E002 1110 2140 01 000000 50E002 1500 2140 14 000000 50E002 1500 2140 23 000000 50E002 1500 2140 46 000000 50E003 1110 2140 01 000000 50E003 1110 2140 04 000000 50E003 1110 2140 04 488000 50E003 1110 2140 23 000000 50E003 1500 2140 01 000000 50E003 1500 2140 14 000000 50E003 1500 2140 46 000000 50E003 2210 2140 01 000000 50E003 2220 2140 01 000000 50E003 2410 2140 01 000000 50E004 1110 2140 01 000000 50E004 1110 2140 04 000000 50E004 1110 2140 04 488000 50E004 1110 2140 23 000000 50E004 1500 2140 01 000000 50E004 1500 2140 14 000000 50E004 1500 2140 23 000000 50E004 1500 2140 46 000000 50E004 1500 2140 73 000000 50E004 2210 2140 01 000000 50E004 2220 2140 01 000000 50E004 2410 2140 01 000000 50E005 1120 2140 01 000000 50E005 1120 2140 01 485000 50E005 1120 2140 04 000000 50E005 1120 2140 04 488000 50E005 1400 2140 01 000000 50E005 1500 2140 01 000000 50E005 1500 2140 14 000000 50E005 1500 2140 23 000000 50E005 1500 2140 31 000000 50E005 1500 2140 32 000000 50E005 1500 2140 33 000000 50E005 1500 2140 34 000000 50E005 1500 2140 35 000000 50E005 1500 2140 41 000000 50E005 1500 2140 46 000000 50E005 1500 2140 51 000000 50E005 1500 2140 52 000000 50E005 1500 2140 53 000000 50E005 1500 2140 54 000000 50E005 1500 2140 57 000000 50E005 1500 2140 58 000000 50E005 1500 2140 71 000000 50E005 1500 2140 72 000000 50E005 1500 2140 73 000000 50E005 1500 2140 75 000000 Account Short Description IMRF/SS/MW/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ IMRF/SS/MW/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/BAND/ IMRF/SS/MW/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/INTRAMURALS/ IMRF/SS/MW/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/ACTIVITIES/ IMRF/SS/MW/IMPR INSTR/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ IMRF/SS/MW/LIB/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ IMRF/SS/MW/PRIN/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ IMRF/SS/CQ/EL/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ IMRF/SS/CQ/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/BAND/ IMRF/SS/CQ/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/INTRAMURALS/ IMRF/SS/CQ/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/ACTIVITIES/ IMRF/SS/SA/EL/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ IMRF/SS/SA/EL/MEDICARE/RIP/ IMRF/SS/SA/EL/MEDICARE/RIP/ED JOB PRG 4880 IMRF/SS/SA/EL/MEDICARE/INTRAMURALS/ IMRF/SS/SA/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ IMRF/SS/SA/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/BAND/ IMRF/SS/SA/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/ACTIVITIES/ IMRF/SS/SA/IMPR INSTR/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ IMRF/SS/SA/LIB/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ IMRF/SS/SA/PRIN/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ IMRF/SS/SP/EL/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ IMRF/SS/SP/EL/MEDICARE/RIP/ IMRF/SS/SP/EL/MEDICARE/RIP/ED JOB PRG 4880 IMRF/SS/SP/EL/MEDICARE/INTRAMURALS/ IMRF/SS/SP/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ IMRF/SS/SP/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/BAND/ IMRF/SS/SP/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/INTRAMURALS/ IMRF/SS/SP/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/ACTIVITIES/ IMRF/SS/SP/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/CHORUS/ IMRF/SS/SP/IMPR INSTR/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ IMRF/SS/SP/LIB/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ IMRF/SS/SP/PRIN/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ IMRF/SS/MSN/MS/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ IMRF/SS/MSN/MS/MEDICARE/GENERAL IMRF/SS/MSN/MS/MEDICARE/RIP/ IMRF/SS/MSN/MS/MEDICARE/RIP/ED JOB PRG 4880 IMRF/SS/MSN/VOC/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ IMRF/SS/MSN/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ IMRF/SS/MSN/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/BAND/ IMRF/SS/MSN/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/INTRAMURALS/ IMRF/SS/MSN/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/B BASKETBALL/ IMRF/SS/MSN/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/B SOCCER/ IMRF/SS/MSN/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/B TRACK/ IMRF/SS/MSN/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/B X-COUNTRY/ IMRF/SS/MSN/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/B WRESTLING/ IMRF/SS/MSN/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/B VOLLEYBALL/ IMRF/SS/MSN/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/ACTIVITIES/ IMRF/SS/MSN/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/G BASKETBALL/ IMRF/SS/MSN/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/G SOFTBALL/ IMRF/SS/MSN/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/G TRACK/ IMRF/SS/MSN/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/G VOLLEYBALL/ IMRF/SS/MSN/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/G X-COUNTRY/ IMRF/SS/MSN/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/G SOCCER/ IMRF/SS/MSN/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/POM POM/ IMRF/SS/MSN/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/CHEERLEADING/ IMRF/SS/MSN/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/CHORUS/ IMRF/SS/MSN/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/NEWSPAPER/ FY 13 Tentative Budget 10 75 25 50 35 1,250.00 2,300.00 0 0 0 0 26,000.00 3,000.00 0 15 10 30 50 65 950 2,300.00 25,000.00 2,500.00 0 0 15 50 40 40 40 40 1,600.00 2,200.00 50,000.00 0 800 0 2,200.00 400 125 125 125 75 100 75 150 110 200 100 75 125 125 75 50 50 100 150 15 Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 4.63 53.26 10.26 41.55 32.61 1,165.39 2,059.11 0 0 0 0 24,873.62 2,843.79 0 11.32 3.88 21.76 37.77 55.52 867.55 2,152.76 22,952.41 2,368.25 0 0 5.72 39.88 21.32 22.68 31.53 30.76 1,496.83 2,004.97 48,093.63 0 798.01 0 2,097.29 333.78 119.52 94.35 95.76 36.39 77.69 57.8 118.11 105.26 173.57 93.36 33.68 93.27 99.91 55.15 36.71 36.56 77.84 138.4 3.12 FY 13 Final Budget 10.00 75.00 25.00 50.00 35.00 1,250.00 2,300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 15.00 10.00 30.00 50.00 65.00 950.00 2,300.00 25,000.00 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 50.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 1,600.00 2,200.00 50,000.00 0.00 825.00 0.00 2,200.00 350.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 75.00 100.00 75.00 150.00 110.00 200.00 100.00 75.00 100.00 100.00 60.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 140.00 15.00 Page 36 Account Number 50E005 1500 2140 76 000000 50E005 1500 2140 77 000000 50E005 1500 2140 78 000000 50E005 1500 2140 79 000000 50E005 1500 2140 80 000000 50E005 2120 2140 01 000000 50E005 2210 2140 01 000000 50E005 2220 2140 01 000000 50E005 2410 2140 01 000000 50E006 1130 2140 01 000000 50E006 1130 2140 04 000000 50E006 1130 2140 77 000000 50E006 1400 2140 01 000000 50E006 1400 2140 19 000105 50E006 1500 2140 01 000000 50E006 1500 2140 14 000000 50E006 1500 2140 23 000000 50E006 1500 2140 29 000000 50E006 1500 2140 31 000000 50E006 1500 2140 32 000000 50E006 1500 2140 33 000000 50E006 1500 2140 34 000000 50E006 1500 2140 35 000000 50E006 1500 2140 36 000000 50E006 1500 2140 37 000000 50E006 1500 2140 38 000000 50E006 1500 2140 39 000000 50E006 1500 2140 41 000000 50E006 1500 2140 42 000000 50E006 1500 2140 46 000000 50E006 1500 2140 51 000000 50E006 1500 2140 52 000000 50E006 1500 2140 53 000000 50E006 1500 2140 54 000000 50E006 1500 2140 55 000000 50E006 1500 2140 57 000000 50E006 1500 2140 58 000000 50E006 1500 2140 59 000000 50E006 1500 2140 64 000000 50E006 1500 2140 69 000000 50E006 1500 2140 71 000000 50E006 1500 2140 72 000000 50E006 1500 2140 73 000000 50E006 1500 2140 75 000000 50E006 1500 2140 76 000000 50E006 1500 2140 77 000000 50E006 1500 2140 78 000000 50E006 1500 2140 79 000000 50E006 1500 2140 80 000000 50E006 1700 2140 22 337000 50E006 2120 2140 00 322000 50E006 2120 2140 01 000000 50E006 2120 2140 84 322000 50E006 2210 2140 01 000000 50E006 2210 2140 81 493200 50E006 2220 2140 01 000000 50E006 2230 2140 01 000000 50E006 2330 2140 44 000000 FY 13 Tentative Budget IMRF/SS/MSN/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/YEARBOOK/ 55 IMRF/SS/MSN/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/DRAMA/ 100 IMRF/SS/MSN/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/SPEECH/ 0 IMRF/SS/MSN/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/CLASS SPONSER/ 0 IMRF/SS/MSN/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/STUDENT GOV/ 25 IMRF/SS/MSN/GUID/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 1,450.00 IMRF/SS/MSN/IMPR INSTR/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 50 IMRF/SS/MSN/LIB/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 1,450.00 IMRF/SS/MSN/PRIN/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 3,500.00 IMRF/SS/HS/HS/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 88,000.00 IMRF/SS/HS/HS/MEDICARE/RIP/ 0 IMRF/SS/HS/HS/MEDICARE/DRAMA/ 75 8,500.00 IMRF/SS/HS/VOC/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ IMRF/SS/HS/VOC/MEDICARE/CAREER ED/CTEI 50 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 1,400.00 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/BAND/ 250 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/INTRAMURALS/ 0 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/TRAINER/ 100 475 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/B BASKETBALL/ IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/B SOCCER/ 490 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/B TRACK/ 350 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/B X-COUNTRY/ 150 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/B WRESTLING/ 355 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/B GOLF/ 100 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/B TENNIS/ 200 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/B BASEBALL/ 550 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/B FOOTBALL/ 1,250.00 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/B VOLLEYBALL/ 200 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/B BOWLING/ 75 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/ACTIVITIES/ 800 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/G BASKETBALL/ 550 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/G SOFTBALL/ 400 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/G TRACK/ 375 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/G VOLLEYBALL/ 500 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/G TENNIS/ 175 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/G X-COUNTRY/ 155 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/G SOCCER/ 450 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/G GOLF/ 100 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/G BOWLING/ 75 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/ORCHESIS/ 90 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/POM POM/ 190 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/CHEERLEADING/ 275 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/CHORUS/ 350 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/NEWSPAPER/ 75 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/YEARBOOK/ 75 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/DRAMA/ 450 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/SPEECH/ 0 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/CLASS SPONSER/ 275 IMRF/SS/HS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/STUDENT GOV/ 150 IMRF/SS/HS/DRIVERS EDUC/MEDICARE/DRIVER ED/DRIVERS ED 3,900.00 IMRF/SS/HS/GUID/MEDICARE//CTEI 0 IMRF/SS/HS/GUID/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 7,500.00 IMRF/SS/HS/GUID/MEDICARE/CTEI/CTEI 75 IMRF/SS/HS/IMPR INSTR/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 100 IMRF/SS/HS/IMPR INSTR/MEDICARE/TII TCH QLTY/TITLE II 0 IMRF/SS/HS/LIB/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 1,250.00 IMRF/SS/HS/ASSESS/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 150 IMRF/SS/HS/SP ED ADMIN/MEDICARE/HOMEBOUND SERV/ 0 Account Short Description Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 48.71 86.34 0 0 20.73 1,425.76 43.15 1,399.08 3,528.13 86,213.14 587.23 68.89 8,059.33 31.32 1,018.94 220.67 0 93.08 437.43 475.08 341.95 134.5 328.23 88.12 208.26 525.33 1,197.96 167.32 58.33 678.12 534.27 386.96 329.2 480.7 163.7 142.66 403.64 91.6 65.84 75.18 162.9 253.53 336.06 65.46 73.01 339.84 0 230.04 132.85 3,735.36 0 6,890.15 73.9 76.85 0 1,184.99 138.08 0 FY 13 Final Budget 50.00 100.00 50.00 0.00 25.00 1,450.00 50.00 1,450.00 3,600.00 88,000.00 600.00 75.00 8,500.00 50.00 1,350.00 250.00 0.00 100.00 450.00 490.00 350.00 150.00 350.00 100.00 225.00 540.00 1,250.00 200.00 75.00 800.00 550.00 400.00 350.00 500.00 175.00 155.00 450.00 100.00 75.00 90.00 190.00 275.00 350.00 75.00 75.00 450.00 0.00 250.00 150.00 3,900.00 0.00 7,500.00 75.00 100.00 0.00 1,250.00 150.00 0.00 Page 37 Account Number 50E006 2410 2140 01 000000 50E006 2410 2140 05 000000 50E006 2410 2140 06 000000 50E006 2410 2140 07 000000 50E006 2410 2140 08 000000 50E006 2410 2140 12 000000 50E006 2410 2140 15 000000 50E006 2410 2140 22 000000 50E008 1110 2140 90 430000 50E008 1200 2140 01 000000 50E008 1205 2140 01 000000 50E008 1205 2140 01 462000 50E008 1210 2140 01 000000 50E008 1213 2140 01 000000 50E008 1213 2140 01 462000 50E008 1214 2140 01 000000 50E008 1218 2140 01 000000 50E008 1225 2140 01 000000 50E008 1225 2140 01 462000 50E008 1600 2140 01 000000 50E008 1600 2140 89 490900 50E008 1600 2140 90 430000 50E008 1610 2140 01 000000 50E008 1620 2140 01 000000 50E008 1650 2140 01 000000 50E008 1800 2140 01 000000 50E008 1800 2140 01 330500 50E008 2110 2140 01 000000 50E008 2120 2140 01 000000 50E008 2130 2140 00 000490 50E008 2130 2140 01 000000 50E008 2130 2140 87 000000 50E008 2130 2140 97 000000 50E008 2140 2140 01 000000 50E008 2130 2140 01 46200 50E008 2150 2140 01 000000 50E008 2210 2140 01 000000 50E008 2210 2140 01 000120 50E008 2210 2140 01 330500 50E008 2210 2140 01 485700 50E008 2210 2140 11 000000 50E008 2210 2140 49 490000 50E008 2210 2140 65 000000 50E008 2210 2140 66 000000 50E008 2210 2140 81 000000 50E008 2210 2140 81 493200 50E008 2210 2140 89 490900 50E008 2210 2140 90 430000 50E008 2210 2140 93 497100 50E008 2220 2140 01 000000 50E008 2300 2140 90 430000 50E008 2320 2140 01 000000 50E008 2330 2140 01 000000 50E008 2330 2140 11 000000 50E008 2330 2140 44 000000 50E008 2490 2140 01 000000 50E008 2510 2140 01 000000 50E008 2520 2140 01 000000 FY 13 Tentative Budget IMRF/SS/HS/PRIN/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 12,500.00 IMRF/SS/HS/PRIN/MEDICARE/LANG ARTS/ 1,250.00 IMRF/SS/HS/PRIN/MEDICARE/MATH/ 1,500.00 IMRF/SS/HS/PRIN/MEDICARE/SCIENCE/ 1,250.00 IMRF/SS/HS/PRIN/MEDICARE/SOCIAL SCIENCE/ 1,250.00 IMRF/SS/HS/PRIN/MEDICARE/ART/ 1,200.00 IMRF/SS/HS/PRIN/MEDICARE/FOREIGN LAN/ 1,250.00 IMRF/SS/HS/PRIN/MEDICARE/DRIVER ED/ 1,250.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/EL/MEDICARE/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC 1,000.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/SP ED/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 1,000.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/LD/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 53,000.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/LD/MEDICARE/GENERAL/IDEA 2,000.00 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/SLI/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ IMRF/SS/DIST/OT/PT/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 20 IMRF/SS/DIST/OT/PT/MEDICARE/GENERAL/IDEA 5,100.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/EC/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/ADAPTED PE/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 1,300.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/ECE/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 5,000.00 1,100.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/ECE/MEDICARE/GENERAL/IDEA IMRF/SS/DIST/SS/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 1,800.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/SS/MEDICARE/TITLE 3 LIPLEP/TITLE III LIPL 150 IMRF/SS/DIST/SS/MEDICARE/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC 200 IMRF/SS/DIST/SS-ATHL/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 1,500.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/SS SPED/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 1,000.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/GIFTED/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 4,250.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/BILING/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 8,500.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/BILING/MEDICARE/GENERAL/TBE - TPI 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/SW/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 14,000.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/GUID/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/HEALTH/MEDICARE//MEDIC MATCH 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/HEALTH/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 6,750.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/HEALTH/MEDICARE/OT/PT/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/HEALTH/MEDICARE/LEARNING IMPROV/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/PSYCH/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 6,200.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/HEALTH/MEDICARE/GENERAL/IDEA 0.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/SPEECH/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 6,000.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/IMPR INSTR/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 60 IMRF/SS/DIST/IMPR INSTR/MEDICARE/GENERAL/BREAKTHROUG 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/IMPR INSTR/MEDICARE/GENERAL/TBE - TPI 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/IMPR INSTR/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ARRA Funds 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/IMPR INSTR/MEDICARE/TECHN/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/IMPR INSTR/MEDICARE/MEDICARE/MEDICARE 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/IMPR INSTR/MEDICARE/STUD PROG PPD/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/IMPR INSTR/MEDICARE/TAFT/ 300 IMRF/SS/DIST/IMPR INSTR/MEDICARE/TII TCH QLTY/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/IMPR INSTR/MEDICARE/TII TCH QLTY/TITLE II 1,250.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/IMPR INSTR/MEDICARE/TITLE 3 LIPLEP/TITLE III L 40 IMRF/SS/DIST/IMPR INSTR/MEDICARE/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC 25 IMRF/SS/DIST/IMPR INSTR/MEDICARE/TECH ENH EDUC/TECH EN 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/LIB/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/GRANT ADM/MEDICARE/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/EXEC/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 4,000.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/SP ED ADMIN/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 5,700.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/SP ED ADMIN/MEDICARE/TECHN/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/SP ED ADMIN/MEDICARE/HOMEBOUND SERV/ 50 IMRF/SS/DIST/OTHER SUPPORT/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/BUSINESS/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 2,200.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/FISCAL/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 2,000.00 Account Short Description Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 12,207.40 998.64 1,443.84 1,097.26 1,073.99 1,079.07 1,242.79 1,114.44 659.01 798.13 52,036.24 1,897.82 0 11.22 4,968.61 0 1,186.94 4,886.26 926.46 1,946.45 208.37 59.62 1,701.62 1,028.64 4,258.10 8,603.25 0 13,559.08 0 0 6,480.27 0 0 6,183.06 0.00 5,814.27 101.86 0 0 0 0 0 0 236.24 0 49.97 34.64 4.4 0 0 0 3,504.26 6,128.00 0 39.19 0 2,197.45 1,959.92 FY 13 Final Budget 12,500.00 1,150.00 1,500.00 1,150.00 1,150.00 1,150.00 1,300.00 1,200.00 822.00 850.00 54,000.00 1,404.66 0.00 100.00 5,698.75 0.00 1,250.00 5,000.00 578.38 2,000.00 215.00 0.00 1,900.00 1,200.00 4,400.00 8,800.00 0.00 14,000.00 0.00 0.00 6,750.00 0.00 0.00 6,250.00 634.70 6,000.00 150.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 0.00 87.00 22.00 58.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 6,800.00 0.00 50.00 0.00 2,268.00 2,455.00 Page 38 Account Number 50E008 2540 2140 01 000000 50E008 2550 2140 01 000000 50E008 2550 2140 62 000000 50E008 2550 2140 90 430000 50E008 2560 2140 01 000000 50E008 2620 2140 01 000000 50E008 2630 2140 01 000000 50E008 2640 2140 01 000000 50E008 2640 2140 01 365100 50E008 2660 2140 01 000000 50E008 2660 2140 11 000000 50E008 3000 2140 01 000000 50E008 3000 2140 01 330500 50E008 3000 2140 01 462000 50E008 3000 2140 01 485700 50E009 1110 2140 01 000000 50E009 1110 2140 04 000000 50E009 1110 2140 04 371500 50E009 1110 2140 04 488000 50E009 1110 2140 23 000000 50E009 1500 2140 01 000000 50E009 1500 2140 14 000000 50E009 1500 2140 23 000000 50E009 1500 2140 46 000000 50E009 1500 2140 73 000000 50E009 2210 2140 01 000000 50E009 2220 2140 01 000000 50E009 2410 2140 01 000000 50E010 1120 2140 01 000000 50E010 1120 2140 04 000000 50E010 1120 2140 04 488000 50E010 1400 2140 01 000000 50E010 1500 2140 01 000000 50E010 1500 2140 14 000000 50E010 1500 2140 23 000000 50E010 1500 2140 31 000000 50E010 1500 2140 32 000000 50E010 1500 2140 33 000000 50E010 1500 2140 34 000000 50E010 1500 2140 35 000000 50E010 1500 2140 36 000000 50E010 1500 2140 41 000000 50E010 1500 2140 46 000000 50E010 1500 2140 51 000000 50E010 1500 2140 52 000000 50E010 1500 2140 53 000000 50E010 1500 2140 54 000000 50E010 1500 2140 57 000000 50E010 1500 2140 58 000000 50E010 1500 2140 71 000000 50E010 1500 2140 72 000000 50E010 1500 2140 73 000000 50E010 1500 2140 75 000000 50E010 1500 2140 76 000000 50E010 1500 2140 77 000000 50E010 1500 2140 78 000000 50E010 1500 2140 80 000000 50E010 2120 2140 01 000000 FY 13 Tentative Budget IMRF/SS/DIST/OPERATIONS/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 3,500.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/TRANS/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 16,000.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/TRANS/MEDICARE/SPEC ED TRAN/ 2,900.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/TRANS/MEDICARE/TITLE 1/TITLE 1 LOW INC 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/FOOD/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/CURR/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 7,500.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/COMMUNICATIONS/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 1,800.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/STAFF/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 5,250.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/STAFF/MEDICARE/GENERAL/NBPTS CERT 75 IMRF/SS/DIST/TECH/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/TECH/MEDICARE/TECHN/ 10,100.00 IMRF/SS/DIST/COMM SERV/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 0 0 IMRF/SS/DIST/COMM SERV/MEDICARE/GENERAL/TBE - TPI IMRF/SS/DIST/COMM SERV/MEDICARE/GENERAL/IDEA 200 IMRF/SS/DIST/COMM SERV/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ARRA Funds 0 IMRF/SS/IF/EL/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 28,000.00 IMRF/SS/IF/EL/MEDICARE/RIP/ 3,000.00 IMRF/SS/IF/EL/MEDICARE/RIP/RIP 0 0 IMRF/SS/IF/EL/MEDICARE/RIP/ED JOB PRG 4880 IMRF/SS/IF/EL/MEDICARE/INTRAMURALS/ 30 IMRF/SS/IF/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 15 IMRF/SS/IF/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/BAND/ 25 IMRF/SS/IF/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/INTRAMURALS/ 20 IMRF/SS/IF/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/ACTIVITIES/ 35 IMRF/SS/IF/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/CHORUS/ 15 IMRF/SS/IF/IMPR INSTR/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 50 IMRF/SS/IF/LIB/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 1,300.00 IMRF/SS/IF/PRIN/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 2,150.00 IMRF/SS/MSS/MS/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 45,000.00 IMRF/SS/MSS/MS/MEDICARE/RIP/ 1,000.00 IMRF/SS/MSS/MS/MEDICARE/RIP/ED JOB PRG 4880 0 IMRF/SS/MSS/VOC/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 2,300.00 IMRF/SS/MSS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 320 IMRF/SS/MSS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/BAND/ 110 IMRF/SS/MSS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/INTRAMURALS/ 120 IMRF/SS/MSS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/B BASKETBALL/ 60 IMRF/SS/MSS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/B SOCCER/ 0 IMRF/SS/MSS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/B TRACK/ 125 IMRF/SS/MSS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/B X-COUNTRY/ 40 IMRF/SS/MSS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/B WRESTLING/ 150 IMRF/SS/MSS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/B GOLF/ 0 IMRF/SS/MSS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/B VOLLEYBALL/ 50 IMRF/SS/MSS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/ACTIVITIES/ 160 IMRF/SS/MSS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/G BASKETBALL/ 105 IMRF/SS/MSS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/G SOFTBALL/ 75 IMRF/SS/MSS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/G TRACK/ 105 IMRF/SS/MSS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/G VOLLEYBALL/ 100 IMRF/SS/MSS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/G X-COUNTRY/ 45 IMRF/SS/MSS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/G SOCCER/ 0 IMRF/SS/MSS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/POM POM/ 45 IMRF/SS/MSS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/CHEERLEADING/ 70 IMRF/SS/MSS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/CHORUS/ 150 IMRF/SS/MSS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/NEWSPAPER/ 50 IMRF/SS/MSS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/YEARBOOK/ 70 IMRF/SS/MSS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/DRAMA/ 115 IMRF/SS/MSS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/SPEECH/ 0 IMRF/SS/MSS/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/STUDENT GOV/ 25 IMRF/SS/MSS/GUID/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 1,200.00 Account Short Description Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 2,942.13 15,595.48 2,428.18 0 0 7,473.12 1,666.63 4,571.16 52.09 0 9,689.87 0 20.06 205.69 0 27,250.19 2,945.04 0 0 28.34 9.84 22.21 11.34 27.19 11.34 37.26 1,255.73 2,049.06 44,339.26 868.82 0 2,245.85 291.47 103.88 111.77 50.93 0 91.04 33.68 108.57 0 49.03 142.67 101.88 36.34 96.77 86.83 39.3 0 36.28 63.1 140.8 41.63 51.4 108 0 20.04 1,006.35 FY 13 Final Budget 3,500.00 16,000.00 2,900.00 0.00 0.00 7,550.00 1,800.00 4,700.00 75.00 0.00 10,200.00 0.00 29.00 215.35 0.00 29,000.00 3,200.00 0.00 0.00 30.00 15.00 25.00 20.00 35.00 15.00 50.00 1,300.00 2,150.00 45,500.00 1,000.00 0.00 2,350.00 320.00 110.00 120.00 60.00 0.00 125.00 40.00 150.00 0.00 55.00 160.00 105.00 75.00 105.00 105.00 45.00 0.00 45.00 70.00 150.00 50.00 70.00 125.00 0.00 25.00 1,200.00 Page 39 Account Number Account Short Description 50E010 2210 2140 01 000000 IMRF/SS/MSS/IMPR INSTR/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 50E010 2220 2140 01 000000 IMRF/SS/MSS/LIB/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 50E010 2410 2140 01 000000 IMRF/SS/MSS/PRIN/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 50E012 1110 2140 01 000000 IMRF/SS/SL/EL/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 50E012 1110 2140 04 000000 IMRF/SS/SL/EL/MEDICARE/RIP/ 50E012 1110 2140 04 371500 IMRF/SS/SL/EL/MEDICARE/RIP/RIP 50E012 1110 2140 04 488000 IMRF/SS/SL/EL/MEDICARE/RIP/ED JOB PRG 4880 50E012 1500 2140 01 000000 IMRF/SS/SL/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 50E012 1500 2140 14 000000 IMRF/SS/SL/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/BAND/ 50E012 1500 2140 23 000000 IMRF/SS/SL/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/INTRAMURALS/ 50E012 1500 2140 46 000000 IMRF/SS/SL/INTERSCH/MEDICARE/ACTIVITIES/ 50E012 2210 2140 01 000000 IMRF/SS/SL/IMPR INSTR/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 50E012 2210 2140 81 493200 IMRF/SS/SL/IMPR INSTR/MEDICARE/TII TCH QLTY/TITLE II 50E012 2220 2140 01 000000 IMRF/SS/SL/LIB/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ 50E012 2410 2140 01 000000 IMRF/SS/SL/PRIN/MEDICARE/GENERAL/ BENEFITS IMRF / SOCIAL SECURITY FUND 60E008 2530 3100 01 000000 CAP PROJ/DIST/FACILITIES/P/S/GENERAL/ 60E008 2540 3100 01 000000 CAP PROJ/DIST/OPERATIONS/P/S/GENERAL/ 60E008 2530 3120 01 000000 CAP PROJ/DIST/FACILITIES/P/S/GENERAL/ 60E008 2530 3160 01 000000 CAP PROJ/DIST/FACILITIES/ARCHITECT/GENERAL/ 60E008 2540 3160 01 000000 CAP PROJ/DIST/OPERATIONS/ARCHITECT/GENERAL/ 60E004 2540 3200 00 000000 CAP PROJ/SP/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES// 60E006 2540 3200 00 000000 CAP PROJ/HS/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES// 60E008 2530 3200 01 000000 CAP PROJ/DIST/FACILITIES/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ 60E008 2540 3200 00 000000 CAP PROJ/DIST/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES// 60E005 2540 3230 01 000000 CAP PROJ/MSN/OPERATIONS/PROP SERVICES/GENERAL/ PURCHASED SERVICES 60E008 2530 4100 01 000000 CAP PROJ/DIST/FACILITIES/GEN SUPPLIES/GENERAL/ SUPPLIES 60E001 2540 5200 01 000000 CAP PROJ/MW/OPERATIONS/BUILDINGS/GENERAL/ 60E002 2540 5200 01 000000 CAP PROJ/CQ/OPERATIONS/BUILDINGS/GENERAL/ 60E003 2540 5200 01 000000 CAP PROJ/SA/OPERATIONS/BUILDINGS/GENERAL/ 60E004 2540 5200 01 000000 CAP PROJ/SP/OPERATIONS/BUILDINGS/GENERAL/ 60E006 2540 5200 01 000000 CAP PROJ/HS/OPERATIONS/BUILDINGS/GENERAL/ 60E010 2540 5200 01 000000 CAP PROJ/MSS/OPERATIONS/BUILDINGS/GENERAL/ 60E001 2540 5400 01 000000 CAP PROJ/MW/OPERATIONS/SITE IMPROV/GENERAL/ 60E002 2540 5400 01 000000 CAP PROJ/CQ/OPERATIONS/SITE IMPROV/GENERAL/ 60E003 2540 5400 01 000000 CAP PROJ/SA/OPERATIONS/SITE IMPROV/GENERAL/ 60E004 2540 5400 01 000000 CAP PROJ/SP/OPERATIONS/SITE IMPROV/GENERAL/ 60E005 2540 5400 01 000000 CAP PROJ/MSN/OPERATIONS/SITE IMPROV/GENERAL/ 60E006 2540 5400 01 000000 CAP PROJ/HS/OPERATIONS/SITE IMPROV/GENERAL/ 60E007 2540 5400 01 000000 CAP PROJ/PDC/OPERATIONS/SITE IMPROV/GENERAL/ 60E008 2530 5400 00 002000 CAP PROJ/DIST/FACILITIES/SITE IMPROV//BOND 2000 60E008 2530 5400 01 000000 CAP PROJ/DIST/FACILITIES/SITE IMPROV/GENERAL/ 60E008 2540 5400 01 000000 CAP PROJ/DIST/OPERATIONS/SITE IMPROV/GENERAL/ 60E009 2540 5400 01 000000 CAP PROJ/IF/OPERATIONS/SITE IMPROV/GENERAL/ 60E010 2540 5400 01 000000 CAP PROJ/MSS/OPERATIONS/SITE IMPROV/GENERAL/ 60E011 2540 5400 01 000000 CAP PROJ/NMSN/OPERATIONS/SITE IMPROV/GENERAL/ 60E012 2540 5400 01 000000 CAP PROJ/SL/OPERATIONS/SITE IMPROV/GENERAL/ CAPITAL OUTLAY 60E008 5110 6200 01 000000 CAP PROJ/DIST/TAX ANTI WARRAN/INT/GENERAL/ 60E008 2530 6400 01 000000 CAP PROJ/DIST/FACILITIES/DUES/FEES/GENERAL/ OTHER FEES 60E008 2530 7001 01 000000 CAP PROJ/DIST/FACILITIES/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ 60E008 2540 7001 01 000000 CAP PROJ/DIST/OPERATIONS/EQUIP < $5000/GENERAL/ NON CAPITALIZED EQUIPMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND FY 13 Tentative Budget 90 1,450.00 3,800.00 23,000.00 1,000.00 0 0 0 45 25 15 75 0 1,250.00 2,500.00 1,519,431.00 1,519,431.00 55,000.00 55,000.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25,000.00 0 0 0 0 0 25,000.00 0 0 0 0 125,000.00 125,000.00 205,000.00 Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 11/12 FYTD 64.58 1,356.05 3,830.22 21,835.05 997.92 0 0 0 40.4 22.6 9.67 61.81 0 1,163.86 2,435.67 1,486,029.23 1,486,029.23 131,562.83 703,138.99 4,050.00 838,751.82 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77,060.00 0 0 0 0 0 77,060.00 0 0 0 0 103,932.00 103,932.00 1,019,743.82 FY 13 Final Budget 90.00 1,450.00 4,000.00 23,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.00 25.00 15.00 75.00 0.00 1,250.00 2,300.00 1,564,368.27 1,564,368.27 10,000.00 400,000.00 410,000.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 48,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 48,000.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 458,000.00 Page 40 Account Number Account Short Description FY 13 Tentative FY 13 Final Budget 11/12 FYTD Budget 81,597,731.50 83,833,432.07 82,166,458.06 Prepared by Cullinan, Vicky 9/12/2012 Page 41 Agenda FROM THE OFFICE OF Julia Becich DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES September 6, 2012 TO: Mike Egan, Superintendent FROM: Julia Becich, Director of Human Resources RE: 2012-13 Annual Staffing Update and Current Enrollment Numbers th Attached are the 6 day enrollment numbers and the annual staffing update for the 2012-13 school year. Here is a summary of the information: Elementary Buildings: K-5 enrollment has increased by 15 students for the 2012/13 school year. Overall, K-5 staff are down by 1.1 FTE. This includes the change in LZEA time and all staffing changes and additions. From March 2012 through mid-August, 7 FTE in additional section pops were added based on enrollment. The district nd th st maintains the class size targets of 27 to 1 in grades 2 through 5 and at 23 to 1 in grades Kindergarten and 1 . Middle Schools: th th 6 – 8 grade enrollment has decreased slightly by 4 students. An increase of .6 FTE in ELL support was added to the middle schools due to student needs. th The attached staffing report shows an increase of 1.12 FTE for the middle schools, however that is due to 6 period assignments added to cover fractions for special education services and are offset by the 1.0 FTE reduction seen in the Special Education services section. High School: th th 9 – 12 grade enrollment has declined by 44 students. Additional support for students has been added by shifting FTE and increasing ELL services to 1.0 FTE. Overall, the High School is down .2 FTE. Support Staff: Due to needs of students and programs, shifting and changes were made to certain support staff positions. Overall, the District has a reduction of 2.5 support staff positions. District 95 Administration Center – 400 South Old Rand Road - Lake Zurich IL 60047-2459 Phone: (847) 438-2831 FAX: (847) 540-7129 ANNUAL STAFFING UPDATE 2012/2013 school year High School Staff 2011/12 Department Chairs Guidance Counselors Teachers (FTE) Library Media Specialist Reading Specialist ELL Total difference Staff 2012/13 7 7 107.5 1 1 0.8 Difference 7 7 107.1 1 1 1 0 DC teaching FTE counted here 0 -0.4 includes all 6th period assignments 0 0 0.2 -0.20 Middle Schools Staff 2011/12 Guidance Counselors Library Media Specialist Teachers Reading Specialist ELL Total Difference Staff 2012/13 2 2 94.26 2 1 Difference 2 2 95.38 2 1.6 0 0 1.12 includes all 6th period assignments 0 0.6 1.72 Spec Ed 6th period counted here Elementary Schools Staff 2011/12 Teachers Library Media Specialist Reading Specialist ELL/Bilingual Total Difference 124 5 13.4 9 Staff 2012/13 Difference 122.9 -1.1 includes LZEA release time .6 5 0 13.4 0 9 0 -1.1 Special Education Services Staff 2011/12 Certified School Nurse Physical Therapist Psychologist Social Worker Student Assistant Program Coordinator (SAP) Special Ed Classroom Teachers Occupational Therapist Speech/Language Pathologist Behavior Specialist Early Childhood Teachers Adaptive PE Pre-Vocational Coordinator Transitional High School Teacher Vision Itinerant Hearing Itinerant Total Difference Difference Staff 2012/13 3 1.4 5.6 13.6 1 46.8 3.8 7.2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 3 1.4 5.6 13.6 1 45.8 3.8 7.2 2 4 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 still contracting out for 2.6 services 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 -2 District Wide Staff 2011/12 Technology Support Specialist Net change to the Distict for the 2012-13 school year Staff 2012/13 1.5 Difference 1.5 0 -1.58 Updated 8/30/2012 6th day enrollment K-1 70=4th section, 93=5th section, 116= 6th section 12/13 Enrollment 2-5 82=4th section, 109=5th section, 136= 6th section K-1 at 23 max, special ed included, actual current enrollments Isaac Fox Sections by Enrollment Current FTE 2011/12 Kdg. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 61 93 97 106 82 114 553 3.05 4.04 3.88 4.24 3.28 4.56 23.1 Sections by Enrollment 2012/13 2 5 4 4 4 5 24.0 70 72 101 99 108 83 533 Anticipated FTE 2.5 4 4 4 4 4 22.5 3.04 3.13 4.04 3.96 4.32 3.32 21.8 Number of Sections Class Size Difference 4 4 4 4 4 4 24.0 17.50 18.00 25.25 24.75 27.00 20.75 0.5 4 reg and 1 EDK- section added August 2012 -1.0 section added June 2012 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0 -1.5 12/13=2 Self contained classes- 3rd grade (8 students) and 4th grade (4 students) Sarah Adams Sections by Enrollment Current FTE 2011/12 Kdg. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 49 70 74 60 78 65 396 2.45 3.04 2.96 2.40 3.12 2.60 17 Sections by Enrollment 2012/13 2 3 3 3 3 3 17.0 61 64 72 74 63 78 412 Anticipated FTE 2 3 3 3 3 3 17.0 2.65 2.78 2.88 2.96 2.52 3.12 17 Number of Sections Class Size Difference 3 3 3 3 3 3 18.0 20.33 21.33 24.00 24.67 21.00 26.00 0.0 3 reg and 1 EDK 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12/13= 2 Self contained classES - 1st grade (6 students) and 4th Grade Self contained (7 students) Seth Paine Kdg. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Sections by Enrollment Current FTE 2011/12 65 56 61 62 96 63 403 3.25 2.43 2.44 2.48 3.84 2.52 17.0 Sections by Enrollment 2012/13 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 18.0 63 72 54 64 63 95 411 2.74 3.13 2.16 2.56 2.52 3.80 17 Anticipated FTE 2.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 19.0 Number of Sections Class Size Difference 3 4 3 3 3 4 20.0 21.00 18.00 18.00 21.33 21.00 23.75 0.0 3 reg and 1 EDK 1.0 section added July 2012 0.0 0.0 -1.0 1.0 1.0 12/13= 1 self contained classes 5th grade (7-students) May Whitney Sections by Enrollment Current FTE 2011/12 Early Childhood 3 yr old Early Childhood 4 yr old Early Childhood 4/5 yr old Spec Ed Kind Kdg. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Sections by Enrollment 2012/13 Anticipated FTE number of sections Class Size Difference 8 2 1 5 2 1 2 2.50 0.0 14 1 2 7 1 1 1 7.00 -1.0 0 9 73 81 81 94 78 85 514 1 1 3.65 3.52 3.24 3.76 3.12 3.40 25.7 0 1 2.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 25.5 8 8 73 89 85 80 98 82 527 1 1 3.17 3.87 3.40 3.20 3.92 3.28 26 1 1 2.5 4.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 25.5 1 1 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 28 8.00 8.00 18.25 22.25 21.25 26.67 24.50 20.50 1.0 0.0 0.0 4 reg and 1 EDK- section added August 2012 0.0 0.0 section added August 1st -1.0 1.0 0.0 section added August 21st 0.0 12/13=4 Early Childhood classes Spencer Loomis 2011/2012 Kdg. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 47 90 80 99 82 104 502 Sections by Enrollment Current FTE 2.35 3.91 3.20 3.96 3.28 4.16 20.9 2012/2013 1 4 3 4 4 4 20.0 Sections by Enrollment 58 63 99 87 103 88 498 Anticipated FTE 2.52 2.74 3.96 3.48 4.12 3.52 20 2 3 4 4 4 4 21.0 number of sections Class Size Difference 3 3 4 4 4 4 22 19.33 21.00 24.75 21.75 25.75 22.00 1.0 section added July 2012 (half day and EDK) -1.0 1.0 0.0 section added July 2012 0.0 0.0 1.0 12/13= 1 self contained classes-2nd grade (8 students) TOTAL FTE 104.5 Average per grade level district wide: 2011/12 School Year total for grade # FTE 31 4.0 4/5 year old K 295 9.50 1st 390 19.00 2nd 393 17.00 3rd 421 18.00 4th 416 18.00 5th 431 19.00 Totals: 2368 2012/13 School Year total for grade # of FTE 28 4.0 325 11.0 360 18.0 411 18.0 404 17.0 435 18.0 426 19.0 ave for district 7.8 31.1 20.5 23.1 23.4 23.1 22.7 104.5 2381 Difference in enrollment k-5 Middle School North 6th 7th 8th totals 0.5 105.0 105.0 15.0 2011/12 Enrollment 262 250 233 745 current FTE Core 2012/13 Classes Enrollment 8 9 11 28 225 279 246 750 FTE Core Classes Difference 9 9 10 28 -37 29 13 5 ave for district 7.0 29.5 20.0 22.8 23.8 24.2 22.4 NOTE: Self Contained Kind at MW included in 4/5 count and in Kind count but removed from total so not counted twice. Middle School South 6th 7th 8th totals total Middle Schools High School Freshman Sophmores Juniors Seniors totals 2011/12 Enrollment current FTE Core 2012/13 Classes Enrollment 208 244 226 678 1423 2011/12 Enrollment 8 8 8 24 0 FTE Core Classes Difference 220 207 242 669 8 8 8 24 12 -37 16 -9 1419 Current FTE Total (without Sped Ed Staff) 491 530 565 516 2102 112.2 Private/Other Placements (Special Education, Transition, Ombudsman) -4 2012/13 Enrollment Difference 485 479 533 561 2058 55 Total District Wide 12-13 5913 Total District Wide 11-12 5944 Difference in Enrollment -31 -6 -51 -32 45 -44 Agenda FROM THE OFFICE OF Jodi Wirt ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION Stacie Noisey DIRECTOR OF CURRICULUM Dr. Terry Mootz DIRECTOR OF DATA & ASSESSMENT INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Dr. Mike Egan FROM: Dr. Terry Mootz DATE: September 13, 2012 SUBJECT: Update on Data Warehouse Leveraging Student Data as the Foundation for Continuous Improvement BACKGROUND: During the 2008-09 a district team comprised of students, parents, teachers, administrators, Board, and community members developed a three year, research-based Technology Plan which was approved by the Board of Education in June 2009. As part of CUSD 95's commitment to continuous improvement, the district continues the process of developing a district wide data system so that: • Teachers are able to analyze data in order to design learning experiences that enhance students' ability to meet the district mission and state standards • Data is available for analysis to support a building's efforts to make data-informed decisions (School Improvement Plans) • Teach students to examine their own assessment data and set learning goals • Assist the Board of Education in communicating with the public One of the observations the committee made was that it is important for the district to continue to allocate resources for personnel to manage the data as well as assist staff with analyzing the data. The purpose of this report is to update on the progress and next steps in the implementation of the data warehouse. The data warehouse is a storage and processing application that allows districts to collect and store student and school data from a number of sources across multiple years. A data warehouse is used to view and compare current data with longitudinal data, to identify trends, and to help develop educational improvements. Our goal is to provide teachers and administrators with easily accessible data to improve student learning and understanding. The data warehouse must support efficiently the data analysis needs of teachers and administrators throughout the District. It has the capability to extract data elements from major information systems used by the District, and to make the data readily available in an integrated manner for analysis of inter-system information. Examples of data available for integration in the warehouse include student demographic and achievement information, and teacher and course information. The system will provide efficient, easy-to-use means to find and combine information, and generate standardized reports. UPDATE: We are happy to report that the project continues to move forward. Annual student demographics and program information (special education, free/reduced lunch status, ELL, Gifted, LEP), attendance, discipline, mark reporting, GPA populated, and assessment data continue to be loaded and verified into the data warehouse. State data from last year is currently in the loading process and will be verified and available shortly. The data verification process is persistent and on-going. The purpose of the verification protocol is to assess, on a statistical scale, if service delivery is collecting and reporting data accurately and to cross-verify the reported results with other data sources. To accomplish this, a sample of aggregate data housed in the data warehouse is cross-checked to ensure that assessment information has been accurately recorded and transposed from source documents to the data warehouse. In 2012, all district elementary and middle school administrators and staff had access to aggregated class/course level student data to support PLC conversations and student support conversations, also known as the Response-to- FROM THE OFFICE OF Jodi Wirt ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION Stacie Noisey DIRECTOR OF CURRICULUM Dr. Terry Mootz DIRECTOR OF DATA & ASSESSMENT Instruction (RtI) processes. This information was aggregated in custom designed dashboards from the Data Base Administrator for each appropriate level and extended to a pilot for high school placement. The high school course placement pilot involved teachers, as well as the technology and curriculum/instruction departments, and the collaborative interfacing of the student information system and the data warehouse to provide a platform of information to guide teachers and increase the efficiency of the placement process and provide information into one cogent location for communication. The 2011 and 2012 data retreats utilized report generation from the data warehouse to review and analyze student achievement data, as well as examine historical data for longitudinal trends to aid in the analysis and evaluation of the School Improvement Process (SIP) cycle and the development of actions steps for continuous improvement. Clearly the Data Warehouse is enhancing District 95’s ability to model best practice; John Hattie (2009) sums up informed improvement best, “Reflective teaching must be based on evidence of student learning and is most powerful when it is collaborative. “ Capacity Building An anticipated outcome from the formative use of data is the natural tendency to seek out more data to answer more complex questions. The Director of Assessment, Curriculum Director, and Assistant Superintendent of Instruction modeled for administrators and teachers some questions that emerged as a result of analyzing the data from a district level. The charts and graphs included below required specialized data analysis and report development not currently part of the standardized reporting available from the data warehouse. As a result, more than thirty-six different reports were internally developed and utilized over the course of the year. The District has worked with the vendor over the summer to begin to incorporate these reports into the data warehouse standard report inventory. In addition, the district technology and curriculum and instruction departments have collaborated for continuous learning with the data warehouse vendor to create a multi-state users group to problem-solve and share expertise to improve product function. We believe this user group can also assist us in analyzing data for the mandated implementation of administrative evaluations predicated on student growth data, district curriculum writing and assessment design, and new teacher evaluation standards. It is remarkable that in two calendar years the district has been able to move from having no system to a system that is operational, in use, and expanding. This is even more noteworthy when consideration is given to other districts seeking a data warehousing system that have been unable to be operational in three years. The success of the implementation of this project is truly an example of the district living its mission as all areas encompassed have been continuous learners and responsible, caring professionals. Reference Hattie, J.C. (2009). Visible Learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement. Routledge, New York, NY. FROM THE OFFICE OF Jodi Wirt ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION Stacie Noisey DIRECTOR OF CURRICULUM Dr. Terry Mootz DIRECTOR OF DATA & ASSESSMENT QUESTION: Who are the students not Meeting MAP Growth Targets annually? 2011, Percent of CUSD 95 5th Graders NOT meeting MAP Math Target Growth by RIT Points Two-fifths (40.0%) of 2011 CUSD 95 5th graders who did not meet their RIT growth target missed by 3 or fewer points (68 out of 170 students). The standard error of a student's RIT score is approximately 3.0. Fifth grade Math had a true potential of 330 students meeting their MAP RIT growth target, which translates to an overall percentage of 76.6% (current 60.6%). 11.2 17.1 28.8 18.8 23.5 Missed by 1 point Missed by 2-3 points Missed by 4-5 points Missed by 6-8 points Missed by 9 or more points FROM THE OFFICE OF Jodi Wirt ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION Stacie Noisey DIRECTOR OF CURRICULUM Dr. Terry Mootz DIRECTOR OF DATA & ASSESSMENT 2011, Percent of CUSD 95 5th Gd Students NOT meeting MAP Math Growth Target by RIT Band 11.8 12.4 27.6 83.0% of 2011 CUSD 95 5th graders students not meeting math growth targets were clustered in the RIT bands 201-210, 211-220, 221-230, and 231240. Nearly three-fifths (58.8%) were isolated into bands 211-220 and 221230. Focused instruction in these bands, followed with extension to concepts of number sense, problem-solving, and algebra may have had a profound effect on district 5th grade MAP MATH growth target results. 31.2 RIT 201-210 RIT 211-220 RIT 221-230 RIT 231-240 Other QUESTION: Who are the students that had no or regressive growth last year? Last Name First Name 10 RIT 11 RIT Growth Index 211 207 -12 225 224 -9 222 221 -9 236 227 -16 229 224 -12 246 246 -7 229 222 -14 FROM THE OFFICE OF Jodi Wirt ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION Stacie Noisey DIRECTOR OF CURRICULUM Dr. Terry Mootz DIRECTOR OF DATA & ASSESSMENT QUESTION: How do we move from good to GREAT student growth in 6th Grade? Student ID Student Name PGM Indicator Math Tchr FA '11 Math RIT WI '12 Math RIT 2012 Math Growth Projection Percent Growth Progress Math '12 RIT Target 232 235 6 50% 214 216 6 234 232 6 237 239 6 231 240 6 IEP Rdn Sup Lit Tchr FA '11 RDNG RIT WI '12 RDNG RIT 2012 RDNG Growth Projection Percent Growth Progress RDNG '12 RIT Target 238 228 227 4 -125% 232 33% 221 212 208 4 -200% 216 -133% 240 228 233 4 125% 232 33% 243 222 224 4 50% 226 167% 237 224 224 4 0% 228 Percent of 6th Graders' Progress toward meeting MAP Math Growth Target, Mid-Year Not quite two-thirds of 6th graders have already met/exceed growth expectations in mathematics. More than two-fifths of 6th graders are less than half-way toward meeting growth expectations in mathematics. 30.7 30.7 Not quite one-third, 30.7%, of 6th grade students have made no or demonstrated regressive progress toward their mathematics growth expectations. Meet/Exceed Growth Target Between 50-99% of Growth Target 12.2 26.3 Between 1-49% of Growth Target No or Regressive Target Growth FROM THE OFFICE OF Jodi Wirt ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION Stacie Noisey DIRECTOR OF CURRICULUM Dr. Terry Mootz DIRECTOR OF DATA & ASSESSMENT % of Non-Program Students Percent of 6th Gd Non-Program Student Progress toward meeting MAP Growth Target, Mid-Year 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 48.7 38.2 30.6 The students not in an academic support program (i.e., at tier 1; students not in gifted or IEP) comprise 59% (121 students) of the 6th graders. 29.9 27 Meet/Exceed Growth Target Between 50-99% of Growth Target Between 1-49% of Growth Target 12.5 9 NonPgm Math No or Regressive Target Growth 4.1 NonPgm Reading Percent of 6th Graders' Progress by Program toward meeting MAP Math Growth Target, Mid-Year 50 45 % of Students 40 35 30 25 20 35 30.7 23.8 30.7 27 26.3 10 17.5 12.2 5 Meet/Exceed 50-99% of 27.5 26.8 29.9 Gifted Pgm IEP 20 15 0 ALL 6th Gd 33.3 30.6 NonPgm 14.3 12.5 1-49% of No or Regressive Meet/Exceed Between 50-99% of Growth Target Between Growth 1-49% of Growth Target No or Regressive Target Growth Growth Growth Target Target Growth Target Target Target Growth FROM THE OFFICE OF Jodi Wirt ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION Stacie Noisey DIRECTOR OF CURRICULUM Dr. Terry Mootz DIRECTOR OF DATA & ASSESSMENT TCHR Name Sect -1 Sect-2 Sect-3 Sect-4 Sect-5 AVG Number Sense Measurement Data Analysis & Class Mean RIT Mean Mean Algebra Mean Geometry Mean Probability Mean Fall Winter Fall Winter Fall Winter Fall Winter Fall Winter Fall Winter 225.9 228.9 223.3 227.6 227 228.5 223.1 225.6 224.8 227.3 230.7 234.8 222.4 225.6 223.2 225.5 221.7 226.5 218.8 224.3 223.3 221.3 224.8 229.6 222.3 224.8 219.6 225.8 227.1 224.3 219.8 221.1 219.7 222.7 225.6 230.7 224.1 226.3 221.5 226 225.5 229 221.8 222.5 223.5 224.6 227.4 230.2 233.6 236.3 230.4 235.9 236.2 234.5 232.6 233.6 232.4 237.8 236.4 239 225.66 228.38 223.6 228.16 227.5 228.56 223.22 225.42 224.74 226.74 228.98 232.86 FROM THE OFFICE OF Jodi Wirt ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION Stacie Noisey DIRECTOR OF CURRICULUM Dr. Terry Mootz DIRECTOR OF DATA & ASSESSMENT 2012 6th Gd Math RIT Growth v. Natl. true growth projected (fall to winter) 236 235 234 m = 3.2 233 232 m = 3.2 Mean RIT Score 231 m = 3.2 m = 3.2 230 229 m = 3.2 m = 3.5 228 m = 3.2 = Overall Mean RIT from Fall to Winter = Mean RIT for Number Sense from Fall to Winter = Mean RIT for Measurement from Fall to Winter = Mean RIT for Algebra from Fall to Winter = Mean RIT for Geometry from Fall to Winter = Mean RIT for Data Analysis & Probability from Fall to Winter m = 1.6 227 226 m = 2.8 225 m = 2.0 m = 3.8 224 223 m = 3.3 222 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 FROM THE OFFICE OF Jodi Wirt ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION Stacie Noisey DIRECTOR OF CURRICULUM Dr. Terry Mootz DIRECTOR OF DATA & ASSESSMENT QUESTION: Are our students the same as in the past? FROM THE OFFICE OF Jodi Wirt ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION Stacie Noisey DIRECTOR OF CURRICULUM Dr. Terry Mootz DIRECTOR OF DATA & ASSESSMENT Agenda FROM THE OFFICE OF Jodi Wirt ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION Stacie Noisey DIRECTOR OF CURRICULUM Dr. Terry Mootz DIRECTOR OF DATA & ASSESSMENT INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Dr. Mike Egan FROM: Jodi Wirt, Eric Hamilton, and Kara Dohman DATE: September 5, 2012 SUBJECT: 2012 Summer School Review The Summer School Program addresses the following strategies from the Strategic Plan: • Align and develop curriculum, innovative instructional practices, and learning opportunities that promote rigorous learning, promote connections to global issues, and support students’ pursuit of personally meaningful goals. Description/Purpose/Objective The Department of Curriculum and Instruction oversees the Lake Zurich CUSD95 Summer School program. The K-8 Summer School Program is under the direction of Kara Dohman who is responsible for Enrichment, Extended School Year, Band/Orchestra, Kindergarten Kick-off, Skills Reinforcement, and ELL. The 9-12 summer school program is under the direction of the High School Assistant Principal for Curriculum and Instruction, Eric Hamilton. High School The summer school program was located at the high school and ran Monday through Thursday, from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The high school summer school program had two sessions: June 11 to June 28 and July 2 to July 19. This year’s enrollment continues to follow past years enrollment patterns. Most students attending the Lake Zurich CUSD 95 Summer School elect to take classes for credit advancement. However, at the request of the English Department an English course was offered for credit recovery this year. The chart below summarizes the courses which ran this summer: Session I Session II Art Foundations I Behind the Wheel Astronomy Consumer Education Consumer Education Digital Photo Creative Writing and English 3 (combined) Government FROM THE OFFICE OF Jodi Wirt ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION Stacie Noisey DIRECTOR OF CURRICULUM Dr. Terry Mootz DIRECTOR OF DATA & ASSESSMENT Digital Photo Driver’s Education Classroom and Behind the Wheel English 1 and 2 (combined) Biology (Honors), Journalism 1, Physical Science (Honors) Transitions to Honors Algebra, and Gemoetry were offered but due to lack of enrollment, these courses did not run. High School Budget There was a tuition fee of $180 for each semester course. For out-of-district students, the fee was $255. The exceptions to this were study skills ($75), Driver’s Education Classroom ($100), and Behind the Wheel ($300). The salary for teachers was $34.50 per hour of teaching plus one hour of preparation time for every four hours in the classroom. This past summer, 338 students were enrolled in the high school’s summer school program. This was an increase of 79 students. The total tuition paid was $63,470. The total salary, security, and supply expenditures were $57,469.07. This left a surplus of $6,000.93. K-8 program This year the Summer School Program was located at Spencer Loomis Elementary School and Middle School North. Classes were held Monday through Thursday from 8:30 - 11:45. The K-8 program offered two sessions of Enrichment, Skills Reinforcement, ELL, Extended School Year, and Kindergarten Kick-off. The Skill Reinforcement program offered a session for reading and a session for math at each grade level. ELL was offered as a double session class only. In addition, there were five sections of Reading Recovery. Thirty-five different enrichment classes were offered between the two sessions. Classes included arts and crafts, cooking, technology, volleyball, reading, math, strategy games, science, writing, physical education and the performing arts. Nine skill reinforcement classes emphasized reading and language arts for one session and math the other session. There were five ELL classes and one bilingual ELL class offered that emphasized English language acquisition skills, reading, and math. In addition, ELL students were offered the opportunity to go on a field trip to the Museum of Science and Industry. There were two sections of Kindergarten kickoff this year to familiarize incoming kindergartners to the expectations of school. Reading Recovery was offered as a pull out program from the Skill Reinforcement classes. The students who were in Reading Recovery throughout the school year were allowed to continue their services in order to complete their Reading Recovery Program. Twelve extended school year classes were offered for student with IEP’s. FROM THE OFFICE OF Jodi Wirt ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION Stacie Noisey DIRECTOR OF CURRICULUM Dr. Terry Mootz DIRECTOR OF DATA & ASSESSMENT A total of 558 students participated in the K-8 Summer School program. There were 258 students enrolled in Session I of the Enrichment program, 258 students enrolled in Session II of the Enrichment Program, 87 in the Skills Reinforcement program, 79 in the Extended School Year, 39 in Kindergarten Kick-off, 87 in ELL, 76 students in Band, and 71 for Orchestra. There were also 17 students who participated in the Reading Recovery program. K-8 Budget Tuition was $150 for one session and $300 for two sessions, with some variations depending on the class and scholarships issued. This year there was a slight decrease of 16 students enrolled in K-8 summer school. A total of 577 students registered for some portion of the K- 8 Summer School. Title I grant money was used to fund vouchers for scholarships and to off-set transportation costs. In addition, Title III funds paid for the salaries for ELL teachers. All ELL students and Reading Recovery students were allowed to attend Summer School free of charge. Teachers were paid at a rate of $34.50 an hour. The final page of this report provides a summary of the K-12 Summer School Expenditures and Revenues. Evaluation As the district revises the Mathematics and English Language Arts Curriculum, the Summer School Remediation courses will need to be revised. The district will need to consider increasing tuition K-8 in order to cover salaries, benefits, transportation and supplies. FROM THE OFFICE OF Jodi Wirt ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION Stacie Noisey DIRECTOR OF CURRICULUM Dr. Terry Mootz DIRECTOR OF DATA & ASSESSMENT Lake Zurich CUSD 95 2012 Summer School Results 9/5/2012 Receipts Parent Paid Tuition $ 157,343 Title III 25,049 Tuition vouchers 9,860 Title I Transportation reimbursement 3,600 Total Receipts $ 195,852 Expenditures Salaries $ 164,171 Benefits 9,442 Supplies 8,298 Security 2,075 Transportation Total Expenses Net 15,461 $ $ 199,447 (3,595) Agenda FROM THE OFFICE OF Jodi Wirt ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION Stacie Noisey DIRECTOR OF CURRICULUM Dr. Terry Mootz DIRECTOR OF DATA & ASSESSMENT INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Dr. Michael Egan FROM: Jodi Wirt, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction DATE: September 13, 2012 SUBJECT: 2012 Summer Curriculum Report This synopsis addresses the following strategy from the Strategic Plan: Align and develop curriculum, innovative instructional practices, and learning opportunities that promote rigorous learning, connections to global issues, and support students’ pursuit of personally meaningful goals. The program addresses the following board policy: Instruction: School Accountability; 6:15: “The School Board continuously monitors the quality of the District’s work. The Superintendent shall supervise the following quality assurance components, in accordance with the State Board of Education rules, by establishing school improvement plans that utilize: • District student learning objectives, • Assessment systems for measuring students’ progress in the fundamental learning areas, and • Reporting systems for informing the community and the State of assessment results Description During the summer, teams of teachers continued the work of the K-12 curriculum committees. st nd th th th • 1 , 2 , 6 , 7 , 8 , and Algebra I committee members developed mathematics units to be field tested during the 2012-13 school year. th th • 6 , 7 , World Cultures, and English 3 Honors committee members developed writing/literature units to be implemented during the 2012-13 school year. th • 9 grade Reading Strategies teachers developed the curriculum to be implemented during 2012-13. • 9-12 Applied Technology teachers developed a course proposal for an Entrepreneurial course to be presented to the Board of Education in October. • 9-12 Science teachers designed the Advanced Robotics course approved by the Board during the 20112012 school year. • 9-12 Science teachers revised the Environmental Science course to incorporate ipad devices. The AP Environmental course approved by the Board of Education in 2011-12 was also developed. The AP course also incorporated the use of ipad devices. th • 8 grade science teachers explored “flipping” the learning environment. th At the Board of Education meeting, we will highlight the Environmental Science and 8 grade Science summer work. Budget impact The summer curriculum work was funded from Title II funds and the curriculum office budget. • • Title II – $6,018 Curriculum Budget- $1,166.50 Agenda FROM THE OFFICE OF Jodi Wirt ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT FOR CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION K-12 Stacie Noisey DIRECTOR OF CURRICULUM Terry Mootz DIRECTOR OF DATA & ASSESSMENT INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Dr. Egan FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Stacie Noisey 9/6/12 Summary of Gifted Report District gifted services are evaluated as part of an annual report to the Board of Education. District 95 offers honors level and advanced placement classes at the high school, advanced classes in math, gifted classes in social studies, literature, language arts, and science at the middle school, and math replacement classes in grades three through five at the elementary level. Current Program Design The current program design includes one gifted specialist at each elementary building who is responsible for providing gifted math services in second through fifth grades. This teacher assists with flexible grouping at the second grade, and has a math pull-out class called Math Replacement at grades three through five. The gifted math class is an accelerated course. No other gifted services are offered at the elementary level. At the middle school level, the gifted program consists of core content area classes. Students who are identified as gifted in grades six through eight may qualify for math only, or a combination of math and a block of literacy, science, and social studies. At the high school level there are no gifted classes. Students who were previously identified as gifted may be recommended for Honors or AP classes as available. Considerations • • • • • Elementary gifted specialists are participating in curriculum writing with the K-12 math committee to address the changes that are required to meet the Common Core State Standards and provide a viable Math Replacement curriculum in all district elementary schools. Additional curriculum writing is planned this school year to address curricular alignment in the Gifted program with Common Core State Standards in the areas of literacy and reading across the content areas for grades 6-8. Professional development is scheduled for Institute Days which will address differentiation for students, including those who excel and those who are identified as gifted. Gifted programs continue to be unfunded by the state. Gifted students have special learning needs that need to be addressed. Continued gifted programming allows the opportunity to meet the needs of these unique learners. Recommendations Based on the recommendations of the program review committee, we continue to work toward the following changes to improve the gifted program. • • • Include gifted reading services at the elementary level Develop a systematic means to address the needs of high ability learners through flexible grouping and instructional enrichment for those students who do not meet the criteria for the gifted program Continue to implement strategies that promote critical/creative thinking o additional professional development o maintain required standards for teachers of gifted classes o curriculum development or revision to offer a guaranteed, viable curriculum to students enrolled in the Gifted Program The following chart reflects the ISAT scores of students in grades 3-8 who are not in the Gifted program compared to students in grades 3-8 who are in the Gifted program. One hundred percent of the students in Gifted programs met or exceeded the Illinois State Standards as measured by ISAT. 100% 94.1% 100.0% ISAT - Mathematics 94.1% 100.0% 94.1% 100.0% 94.7% 100.0% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% N 40% Y 30% 20% 10% 0% 2009 2010 2011 2012 Agenda MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Dr. Mike Egan Lyle Erstad September 13, 2012 Agenda Item – Summer Facilities Work Agenda Item: Summer Facilities Work A photo update on summer work projects will be provided. Final budget information will be forthcoming as soon as final pay requests are processed, which are dependent on the full completion of “Punch List” items. Dr. Michael J. Egan, Superintendent of Schools District 95 Administration Center - 400 South Old Rand Road - Lake Zurich IL 60047-2459 Phone: (847) 438-2831 Website: Fax: (847) 438-6702 Agenda FROM THE OFFICE OF Crystal Steker DIRECTOR OF TECHNOLOGY INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Education and Dr. Michael Egan, Superintendent FROM: Crystal Steker DATE: September 6, 2012 SUBJECT: Technology Update to the Board of Education As we begin the 2012-2013 school year, it’s my pleasure to update you on summer technology improvements and projects as well as several new initiatives. The successful implementation of these projects was possible through a team effort: a Superintendent and Administrative Team with a vision for how instructional technology can positively impact learning, a supportive Board of Education, a talented tech staff to ensure it works, and most importantly, a teaching staff committed to providing the best possible learning resources to students. Because of these strengths, District 95 was selected as one of 19 districts nationwide to participate in CoSN’s newly established consortium Teaming for Transformation: Leading the Digital Conversion for Student Learning. I look forward to the progress we will make as a learning organization over the next school year. New Computers, W7, and Office 2010 The District continued its commitment to provide up to date and reliable technology in the classroom with our annual refresh program. Replacement decisions are based on age and software requirements summarized in the 2012 Standards Document. This year marks a tipping point in the District’s technology purchasing. For the first time, no desktop computers were replaced. Instead we focused our replacement efforts on 425 laptops and 100+ iPads through the obsolescence budget. And with the help of the Educational Foundation and other district funds, purchased an additional 150 iPads which will be in student’s hands this fall. We successfully transitioned 95% of district laptops and desktops to Windows 7 and Office 2010 and opened software resources to staff with the development of our self-service Digital Software Library. The software library houses district and school software and allows easy access for staff to licensed software. Student to Computer Ratio Improves Our current technology plan identified the lack of student devices as a significant challenge to successful use of digital resources in the learning environment. When compared either to national averages or to surrounding districts, our student to computer ratio was low. Through the collaborative efforts of our Educational Foundation’s “Smart Classrooms. Bright Futures” campaign, and a supportive Administration and Board of Education we are making outstanding progress in providing our students with additional devices. The chart below shows our progress over the last four years. Our overall student to computer ratio in January 2008 was 4.6 students to each computer. Our student to computer ratio for the start of this school year is 3.39 students to each computer. This puts us at just above the 2008 national student to computer average of 3.1. Our ratio ratio becomes even more positive when looked at from the broader perspective of students to total devices [where device includes tablets (iPads and Xooms) and iPods]. Our overall student to device ratio is 2.5 students to each device. We would like to acknowledge and thank the Educational Foundation for their partnership in bringing these resources to our students. Page 1 FROM THE OFFICE OF Crystal Steker DIRECTOR OF TECHNOLOGY As positive as this ratio is, I feel it prudent to point out that we are just now reaching the point where surrounding school districts were several year ago in students sharing a computer. An increasing number of school districts, nationally and locally, have now set their goal on a ratio of 1 to 1 (one computer for each student). Districts are viewing the 1:1 initiative as the next natural step in the evolution of instructional technology. Local districts are in varying stages of researching, piloting or implementing a 1:1 initiative: • Libertyville District 128 has several active pilots • Niles Township District 219 is in the third year of a phased rollout to all students http://www.nileshs. • Leyden has implemented full 1 to 1 this year to all students • Barrington District 220 – second year of middle school 1:1 • New Trier has implemented 1:1 for all student this school year • Arlington Heights 214 third year of adding pilots based on course with anticipated 1200 students this school year • District 211 has moved forward with a 1300 student pilot this school year • Gurnee District 56 (K-8) will implement 1:1 for all students this school year • Glenview District 34 (K-8) second year pilot anticipated 1300 students this school year Page 2 FROM THE OFFICE OF Crystal Steker DIRECTOR OF TECHNOLOGY Increased bandwidth to the Internet/ New and Improved Internet Filter Increased need for digital resources continues to drive the need for additional bandwidth. To address this need, we increased bandwidth to a total of 280 Mbps (250 Mbps from ATT and 30 Mbps at no cost through Illinois Century Network) which will provide approximately 47 kilobits per second per student. According to COSN’s Leadership Initiative’s America’s Digital Schools Five Year Forecast, Districts reported bandwidth in 2006 of 2.90 kilobits per second per student and anticipated 9.57 kilobits per second need in 2011. In fact, the report states, that even revised estimates of 40 kilobits per kilobit second (6000 D95 students * 40 or 234 Mb for our district) is not sufficient given the more sophisticated modeling and increased resources available in the cloud. We will closely monitor and review usage each year to ensure that our students have sufficient access to ever increasing digital resources. The graph (above) shows Internet usage for August 31 and already consistently tops last year’s capacity. Watch for ongoing updates to show the increased usage as the school year gets underway. Additionally we upgraded our Internet filter. The new Palo Alto filter, actually a next generation firewall highly ranked by Gartner, provides significantly better URL filtering as well as future proofing for increased Internet traffic of up to a potential 1 gbps. The new filter along with the adoption last spring of the Technology and Social Media Board Policy allowed the filtering rules to be reviewed and updated by the Superintendent’s Cabinet. Social Networking and Personal Sites/Blogs are now unblocked for all staff. Through the adoption of the new social media procedure, the District recognizes that today’s students are deeply engaged in electronic forms of communication for their daily interactions and that we, as educators, have also turned to email, websites, blogs, and social media tools to communicate. These categories are unblocked with the expectation of professional use as outlined in our board policy and procedures which will be further discussed at faculty meetings at the beginning of the school year. . Network Infrastructure Upgrade at Middle School South and Isaac Fox We completed major infrastructure improvements (mirroring network upgrade at the High School completed summer 2011) to future proof the wired network core for five to seven years at both Middle School South and Isaac Fox and provide wireless density for potential BYOD (bring your own device) or student 1:1 at Middle School South. Upgrading the Isaac Fox wireless, as well as upgrading the network infrastructure at our other elementary schools, is planned over the next few years. Page 3 FROM THE OFFICE OF Crystal Steker DIRECTOR OF TECHNOLOGY New Initiatives and Digital Resources High School Student iPad pilot: Ninety three high school Environmental Science students will receive a district owned iPad to use at school and home for the duration of the school year. This is a natural evolution of last year’s STAR (bring your own device to school) initiative. This pilot will explore the effects a 1:1 has on student engagement and assisting students to become active learners, collaboration, and use of technology to meet district standards. Teacher, student and parent feedback will provide additional data on what works well and what needs improvement. Middle School flipped classroom: Two eighth grade science classrooms will be exploring the flipped classroom concept. Additional student devices, made possible through the Educational Foundation, will allow students to create and study videos of labs, communicate with classmates and teachers, research content to deepen understanding and create digital portfolios of learning. At the elementary level, we began a collaborative discussion last spring to explore how to best leverage technology to improve instruction. The feedback from the PLC teams in each school has been invaluable in the development of a plan for moving forward. The common thread in this feedback was the need for more and multiple devices for students. Overall, primary teachers saw power in devices that allowed students to acquire and practice skills while secondary teachers saw potential in the opportunity to collaborate, create, and produce. Teachers reported daily use of document cameras and projectors. Many teachers noted a strong connection between the Daily 5 and using technology within that block. There was much discussion about the need for professional development to be focused and ongoing as opposed to optional or by “invitation.” Principals and the Curriculum Department weighed teacher input along with curriculum priorities, educational best practices, and budget constraints in the development of a strategy for technology deployment preK-5 to support student learning which provided an iPad and mini laptops (grades 1 to 5) or iPad and desktops (K). Additional digital resources available to students include: • All middle school students will have access to additional cloud based resources: (paid) Glogster and Discovery Education subscriptions are available. • Elementary students will have access to a wider variety of digital resources as we move to the shared vision of multiple kinds of student devices in instructional spaces. New resources include Wixie, Type to Learn 4, Stationary Studio, and NGConnect. • All students and staff now have an active D95 Google documents account. Training will be available throughout the year. Organizing Our Digital Resources Through a partnership with the Curriculum and Instruction Department all middle school students now have access to details (URL and credentials) regarding on line resource for each course through Home Access. Page 4 FROM THE OFFICE OF Crystal Steker DIRECTOR OF TECHNOLOGY We also made a significant process improvement to help our elementary students use the increasing amount of strong curricular digital resources more effectively. As we all know, it is difficult to remember multiple passwords from different systems or website. Technology worked with each publisher to identify acceptable user names and allowed passwords (each publisher/ website has different requirements), uploaded our student data to those sites, and then reloaded the files back into eSchool so that each teacher can run password cards through Teacher Access Center to distribute to her students. An example of the card is shown above. New Phone System Over the summer we replaced the core PBX phone system at the PDC, North, South, Seth Paine, Sarah Adams and the Administration Center with a NEC hybrid VoIP/ PBX through our maintenance agreement with vendor at no cost to District. This new core system will allow for true IP connection between sites utilizing our existing wide area network (WAN). Existing T-1 service will no longer be needed as each site is transitioned to the WAN for an anticipated cost savings of approximately $8,500.00 per year. Upgraded eSchool, Destiny (library system), and Moodle Updated key systems to stay current (and under warranty/ support) and take advantage of new product enhancements. Established classroom projector replacement plan We worked with the Business Office to establish an ongoing replacement plan and budget line item for projector obsolescence and replacement. This year we replaced fifty two of the oldest projectors in district. Thank you to our Facilities Department for taking on in house installation to keep our overall costs low. Page 5 Agenda MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Board of Education Karen Mlynek-Janschutz – Director, Transportation Services September 13, 2012 Agenda Item – Transportation Safety Hazards Agenda Item: Transportation Safety Hazards BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Section 29-3 of the School Code (105 ILCS 5/29-3) allows local school districts to receive reimbursement from the State Superintendent of Education for the busing of pupils for distances less than one and one-half miles (1-1/2) when conditions such that walking, either to or from the school to which a pupil is assigned for attendance or to or from a pick-up point or bus stop, constitutes a serious hazard to the safety of the pupil due to vehicular traffic or rail crossings. It provides that a school board may provide free transportation in such cases, but does not mandate such transportation. HB 3680, Public Act 94-0439 requires the school board to annually review the hazardous conditions, but no longer requires the school board to send a copy of the resolution to the State Superintendent of Education. However, those resolutions should remain on file in the district for audit purposes. The list of IDOT approved Serious Transportation Safety Hazards is attached. There are no recommended changes to the list for the 2012-2013 school year. It will be presented to the Board as an action item at the September 27, 2012 Board of Education meeting. Dr. Michael J. Egan, Superintendent of Schools District 95 Administration Center - 400 South Old Rand Road - Lake Zurich IL 60047-2459 Phone: (847) 438-2831 Website: Fax: (847) 438-6702 Lake Zurich CUSD 95 Serious Safety Hazards Listed below are the IDOT approved serious safety hazard designations. We are required to certify annually that there have been no changes that would alter the hazardous designation. NUMBER DESCRIPTION SCHOOL______ 95-03-01 ALONG MIDILOTHIAN FROM W. MAIN ST. TO SCHOOL DRIVE MAY WHITNEY 95-03-02 CROSSING OLD MCHENRY AT ABBEY GLEN SPENSER LOOMIS 95-03-03 CROSSING OLD MCHENRY AT ABBEY GLEN MIDDLE-NORTH 95-03-04 CROSSING BRIERWOODS AT MILLER RD SETH PAINE 95-03-05 ALONG SO OLD RAND FROM CEDAR TO SURRYSE ST. FRANCIS 95-03-06 CROSSING ROUTE 12 AT CUBA ROAD ISAAC FOX 95-03-07 CROSSING ROUTE 12 AT CUBA ROAD MIDDLE SOUTH 95-03-08 ALONG MILOTHIAN FROM JAIMIE LN TO SCHOOL ENTRANCE SENIOR HIGH 95-03-09 ALONG OLD MCHENRY .01 MILES EAST OF SCHOOL ENTRANCE MIDDLE-NORTH 95-03-10 ALONG OLD MCHENRY .01 MILES WEST OF SCHOOL ENTRANCE MIDDLE NORTH 95-03-11 ALONG OLD MCHENRY .01 MILES EAST OF SCHOOL ENTRANCE SPENCER LOOMIS 95-03-12 ALONG OLD MCHENRY .01 MILES WEST OF SCHOOL ENTRANCE SPENCER LOOMIS 95-93-01 FROM SCHOOL DRIVE TO PHEASANT TRAIL MIDDLE-SOUTH 95-93-02 FROM SCHOOL DRIVE TO INGLENOOK ISAAC FOX 95-93-03 FROM SCHOOL DRIVE TO PHEASANT TRAIL ISAAC FOX 95-93-04 FROM SCHOOL DRIVE TO LEXINGTON INTERSECTION AT CHASEWOOD & LEXINGTON ISAAC FOX 95-93-05 CROSSING BUESCHING AT SURRYSE SARAH ADAMS 95-93-06 FROM SCHOOL DRIVE TO LEXINGTON LN MIDDLE-SOUTH 9/7/2012 INTERSECTION AT CUBA AND CHASEWOOD 95-93-07 CROSSING ROUTE 12 AT PHEASANT RIDGE SARAH ADAMS 95-93-08 CROSSING SO OLD RAND AT PHEASANT RIDGE SARAH ADAMS 95-93-09 FROM SCHOOL DRIVE TO INGLENOOK INTERSECTION AT CUBA AND CHASEWOOD MIDDLE-SOUTH 95-93-10 FROM SCHOOL DRIVE TO ELA RD MIDDLE-SOUTH 95-91-1 ALONG VISTA RD FROM MILLER RD TO GOLFVIEW SETH PAINE 95-91-2 ALONG CRESCENT FROM 4 CRESCENT TO MILLER RD SETH PAINE 95-91-3 ALONG RUGBY RD FROM 19 RUGBY TO MILLER RD SETH PAINE 95-91-4 ALONG RUGBY RD FROM MILLER RD TO PROSPECT SETH PAINE 95-83-1 ALONG MIDLOTHIAN TO SCHOOL SENIOR HIGH 95-83-4 ALONG MILLER RD FROM MILLER AND LIONS TO TO .2 MILE EAST OF LIONS SETH PAINE 95-83-5 ALONG BRIERWOODS FROM TANGLEWOOD TO MILLER SETH PAINE 95-83-6 CROSSING AT ROUTE 12 AND MILLER SETH PAINE 95-83-7 ROUTE 12 AND NO OLD RAND SETH PAINE 95-83-8 ALONG ROUTE 12 FROM .2 MILE NORTH OF MILLER TO MILLER RD SETH PAINE 95-83-9 ALONG ROUTE 12 FROM WINNETKA RD TO GOLFVIEW SETH PAINE 95-82-1 ALONG MIDLOTHIAN FROM ECHO LAKE RD TO SCHOOL DRIVE MAY WHITNEY 95-82-2 ALONG LIONS AND MILLER FROM NORTH LN TO SCHOOL DRIVE SETH PAINE 95-82-3 ALONG SO OLD RAND AND GENESEE FROM PRAIRIE TO 100' NO OF E.J. & E. RR TRACKS MAY WHITNEY 95-82-4 ALONG OLD MCHENRY FROM LAGOON TO SCHOOL ST. MATTHEW 95-82-5 ALONG OLD MCHENRY AND QUENTIN RD FROM HEATHER LANE TO SCHOOL ENTRANCE ST. MATTHEW 95-82-8 BUESCHING RD FROM SOUTH OLD RAND TO SURRYSE INTERSECTION OF BUESCHING AND GRAND AVE ST. FRANCIS 95-82-9 CROSSING SO OLD RAND AT EVERGREEN ST. FRANCIS 95-82-10 LIONS DR FROM OAK TO W. MAIN STREET MAY WHITNEY Agenda MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Board of Education Mike Egan September 13, 2012 Agenda Item – Field Trip Approval Agenda Item: Field Trip Approval LZHS Journalism Students – San Antonio, Texas Board Policy 6:240 requires Board approval of any field trip that will take students more than 200 miles from Lake Zurich or will last overnight. The following field trip falls into the guidelines requiring Board approval. The Lake Zurich High School Journalism students will travel to San Antonio, Texas on November 15 - 18, 2012 to attend the National Scholastic Press Association/Journalism Education Association national convention. The cost per student is approximately $500 - $700. Please see the attached summary and itinerary for details. The Administration recommends that the Lake Zurich High School Journalism trip to San Antonio, Texas be approved at the September 27th Board meeting. Dr. Michael J. Egan, Superintendent of Schools District 95 Administration Center - 400 South Old Rand Road - Lake Zurich IL 60047-2459 Phone: (847) 438-2831 Website: Fax: (847) 438-6702 September 5, 2012 To the Board of Education, The LZHS journalism program respectfully requests permission to travel to San Antonio, Texas to attend the National Scholastic Press Association / Journalism Education Association national convention November 15-18. We have the permission of our school administration, and we would like to gain your permission so we can begin the process of securing flights and hotels. As you may remember from last year, this national convention highlights the best-of-the-best for high school journalism. At the last national convention, NSPA/JEA hosted over 6,000 student journalists from 38 states. The convention, which spans three days, offers over 200 best-practice educational sessions ranging from digital photography to news reporting to design packaging and more. Sessions are taught by field professionals, scholastic professionals, and/or collegiate journalists. I have attended several conventions and always learn something new – and the staff definitely finds renewed enthusiasm for this special craft. Students learn in small group settings and receive handouts or other materials to bring back to the classroom. Some classes even offer hands-on instruction for topics such as writing on deadline, advanced design, or image manipulation. Students also have the opportunity to join competitions for writing (news, feature, entertainment, sports, or editorial), photography, cartooning, or design. One of the great benefits of a national convention is the opportunity to learn from and share with other student journalists and professionals. Our students are exposed to new ideas for writing and design, and they feel terrifically empowered throughout the convention because they choose the sessions which address their interests. We then have a chance as publication staffs to share all the information we’ve learned throughout the three-day experience – so everyone benefits, even if not everyone attends the same sessions. This setting also gives us a chance to grow as a journalism program, bringing us together with staffs from around the country to exchange ideas and philosophies. This helps to keep us focused on staff goals rather than mere individual goals. We have put together the following information on a “best guess” basis using our previous convention experiences. Once we have Board approval, we will move forward with reserving flights and hotel accommodations. Proposed itinerary: Thursday, November 15 o leave O’Hare Airport early morning o arrive, register, check in to hotel o attend preliminary sessions and/or “get to know you” functions o visit Exhibition Hall to view new industry materials and meet professionals in industry o possible additional sight seeing Friday, November 16 o attend choice of sessions, 8 am – 5 pm o staff dinner and sharing o NSPA/JEA student dance (sponsored by local planning committee) Saturday, November 17 o attend choice of sessions, 8 am – 5 pm o staff dinner and sharing o NSPA/JEA student dance or staff outing to local sights? Sunday, November 18 o arrive O’Hare Airport mid-afternoon Accommodations: stay at the Marriott Rivercenter & Riverwalk Convention Center (site of the convention) students will share rooms (three-four students to a room – no co-ed housing) Chaperones: Carolyn Wagner, CJE: journalism teacher and Bear Facts adviser Laura Stanton and Emily Boyas: Elyte co-advisers Students Attending: No more than 8 Advanced Journalism Newspaper Production staff members No more than 8 Elyte staff members Costs: approximately $500-700 (estimate is based on previous year’s expenses and dependent on number of students) cost includes: registration, airline, hotel, and meals students will share rooms and split the cost any “touristy” costs (t-shirts, visitor attractions, etc) are at students’ expense Bear Facts and Elyte will cover some student costs, dependent on each publication’s abilities; this has been negotiated with our respective staffs no cost will be incurred by District 95 except for substitutes A detailed catalogue of session choices, etcetera, will be available to students as we approach the convention; the exact session titles and descriptions are not finalized until a few weeks prior to the event. As the school’s publication advisers, we hope you will see the educational value in taking the students to this phenomenal, knowledge-rich experience. Journalism students are a special breed, and this convention does for them and their craft what national competitions do for band students or student athletes. If we can answer any questions regarding the convention, please don’t hesitate to contact any of us. We, the students and advisers, greatly look forward to this opportunity to attend the national convention! Sincerely, Carolyn Wagner, CJE 847.540.4733 Laura Stanton Emily Boyas