Frederick County 4-H Newsletter February - March 2013 Ag Week At The Mall

Frederick County
4-H Newsletter
February - March 2013
Ag Week At The Mall
February 18th-23rd
Monday - Cake Sale
Entries: 6:30 - 7 p.m.
Judging: 7- 7:30 p.m.
Sale: 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday - Ice Cream Contest
Registration : 7-7:30 p.m. - Contestants
are responsible for bringing own items!
Contest: 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday - TBA
Thursday - 4H Livestock Skill-A-Thon
Friday - Log Sawing
Registration : 7-7:30 p.m.
Contest: 7:30 p.m.
Saturday Bug Patrol's Entomology Exhibit midafternoon
Scales and Tales - 6 p.m.
Tractor Pull - Registration 7-7:30 p.m.
Contest starts at 7:30 p.m.!
We are transitioning to a new way to register for events. Everything from workshops, to competitions, to fundraisers
will now be registered for online. If your
club has an upcoming event, please contact Samantha to
setup your event registration.
Current registrations:
BSS Club fees
(Now through April 1st)
Officer Training
March Sewing Workshop
Taking registrations February 15th –
March 11th
Overnight Sewing Workshop
Taking registration March 1st-March
Registrations are available on the 4-H
New Livestock Record Book Forms for 2013
Maryland 4-H has launched the new livestock record book forms. Please check out
the new forms on our website These forms are to be
utilized for the 2013 4-H calendar year and will replace ALL preexisting record
books forms for the animal science projects. For questions please email Donielle at
4-H Royalty Program is Keeping Busy!
The Frederick County 4-H Royalty members have been keeping very busy since
they were honored at the Great Frederick
Fair! This past November, the members
(not to mention their clubs too!) helped
out local needy families by donating various canned vegetables, potatoes, and numerous gift cards to nearby grocery stores
for Thanksgiving dinners.
In December, the Royalty program received a list of about 5 families that could
use a little extra help buying gifts around
Christmas time. The members and their
Inside this issue:
Beef, Sheep & Swine
Club News
Broiler Chick Project
Dairy Cattle Photos Needed,
Dairy Bowl, Livestock Judging,
Intl Exchange Program,
Secret Millionaires’ Contest
4-H Happenings,
Frederick Sews
Caps for Cures-Update,
Premier Fashion Weekend,
Sheep Shearing School
UME Certified Volunteer
Maryland Day
April 27, 2013
4-H clubs went out and bought everything
from clothing and toys to baby supplies –
whatever was needed for that particular
family. We were glad to help the families
in any way we could!
Frederick County 4-H Office
Coming up for the 4-H Royalty program is
“Ag Week” which is held at the Francis
Scott Key mall on the week of February
18th to the 23rd.
Keep a look out for Frederick County 4-H
Royalty members, we hope to see everyone there!
330 Montevue Lane
Frederick, MD 21702
301-600-1589 Jennie Schiazzi
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University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Frederick County 4-H Beef, Sheep, & Swine Club
Club Meeting
2/28/13 7pm @ 4-H Camp Center
Advisory Meeting
3/13/13 6:30 pm @ Roy Rogers Rt. 26
Club Meeting
3/19/13 7pm @ 4-H Camp Center
Sheep & Swine Workshop
3/23/13 @ Fairgrounds
Club Meeting
4/24/13 7pm @ 4-H Camp Center
Beef Workshop
5/11/13 @ Fairgrounds
Club Meeting
5/23/13 7pm @ 4-H Camp Center (SNOW DATE ONLY)
Sheep & Swine Registrations Due to 4-H Office
5/24/13 by 4:00 pm
Swine Weigh In @ Fairgrounds
ALL DAY, Club Times TBA @ April Meeting
Sheep Weigh In @ Fairgrounds
6 pm – 8 pm
Quality Assurance Training – Completed online by 7/1/13
Frederick Fair Entries – Completed online by 7/31/13
Maryland State Fair Entries – Completed online by 7/31/13
Advisory Meeting
8/13/13 6:30 pm @ 4-H Office
** Dates subject to revision, please check website and newsletter for the most current information **
Valley Urbanites 4-H Club
On Friday, January 4, 2013 the Valley Urbanites installed the newly elected officers. During the ceremony, leader, Mrs. Sturtz, explained the meaning of each
leaf of the 4-H clover. Then the members who
were present lit candles to represent their
new office. The 2013 officers are: Katelyn Allen, President; Caroline Edwards, Vice President; Aubrey Cole, Secretary; Claire Edwards,
Treasurer; Meghan Cole, News Reporter;
Ryan Allen, Sergeant of Arms; Angela Bueso,
Song Leader; Faith Anderson, Game Leader;
Amanda Deener, Refreshment Coordinator;
Mallory Anderson, Community Service Coordinator and Dalton Anderson; County Council
Representative. The Valley Urbanites are
looking forward to a busy and productive
Valley Urbanites Officer Installation: Leader Myrtle Sturtz, Claire Edwards,
year in 4-H.
Aubrey Cole, Ryan Allen, Angela Bueso and Meghan Cole
Reported By: Meghan Cole
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Rocky Ridge 4-H Club Community Service
The Rocky Ridge Progressive 4-H Club had a busy
month in December with their Community Service projects. Rocky Ridge is a large club, having about 60
members, and when everyone did their part for a coat
and blanket drive, the results were impressive! Many
coats and blankets were collected for the Thurmont
Community Clothing Closet that the car used to make
the delivery was completely packed full! New toys
were also collected for Toys for Tots, and the participation toward that effort was equally notable. The highlight for the 4-H’ers was on December 14th, when the
club met in downtown Thurmont for an evening of caroling. After posing for pictures at Ace Hardware, the
collection point for the coat and blanket drive, the kids
climbed aboard wagons, the use of which was generously donated by Catoctin Mt. Orchard. Then it was off
through the streets, singing everyone’s favorite carols,
including “Jingle Bells”, “Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer”, “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” and many
other well-known songs. Stops along the way included
Moser Manor Apartments, and the homes of many other delighted senior citizens of Thurmont, including
several members’ grandparents. To finish off the
evening’s events, a pizza party was held at the home of
the club leader, Brenda Seiss. Rocky Ridge 4-H really
knows how to help their community, and have fun, too.
Story by Club Reporter, Olivia Dutton
The Alpha Alpaca 4-H Club has recently participated in the “ShareA-Bear” fundraiser. It was organized for our club by Rylea Oesterle.
We collected over 200 stuffed animals for children in need so they
could have a good Christmas too. There were over 8 trash bags
filled with stuffed animals. It was a great accomplishment.
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Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Calico Clovers 4-H Club
On December 6th 2012 the Calico Clovers 4-H Club went to
the Wal-Mart store on Guilford Drive and bought fourteen
presents for needy children. The club chose to go to Valley
Elementary School and pick names and received information on what to buy for these children. After the shopping was finished the club went to the Golden Corral to wrap
the gifts and have dinner that was paid for by the club.
Back Row: Daniel Summers, Rachel Summers, Allie Wilson, Maggie
Spielman, Natalie Schazzi, Sara Arnold, Sarah Heiland. Front Row: Sara
Sutton, Amelia Summers, Amy Tarcza, Amy Lieberman, Erin Jones, and
Anna Hartman.
The first Calico Clovers 4-H Club meeting of the year has definitely started the year off on the right foot. Following the
conclusion of the club meeting in early January, members
were treated to a very unique presentation by Dr. Teri Heiland. Dr. Heiland is the vice president of research and development for molecular biology at Immunomic Theraputics,
Inc., and was able to bring some fun aspects of the lab to the
meeting. Dr. Heiland brought some liquid nitrogen, an extremely cold liquid used for freezing cells in her laboratory, to
the meeting for the purpose of making ice cream. Liquid nitrogen was able to freeze cream, sugar, and vanilla, and create
ice cream within minutes that the entire club enjoyed at the
conclusion of the presentation. Yum!
To learn more about the Calico Clovers 4-H Club, contact Sally Arnold at 301-371-3419.
Photo by Roy Lieberman (Dr. Heiland).
Above article by Erin Jones.
Frederick County Goat Club Upcoming Events
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Club meetings are held at the Linganore Grange Hall in Unionville
Beginning at 7:00 p.m.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Frederick Fair Grounds
Weigh In will begin at 6:00 p.m. followed by both the Dairy and Meat
Goat Workshops
All Stars
Many thanks to all who participated in
the first Frederick County 4-H All Stars'
fund-raiser at Bob Evans Restaurant on
October 17, 2012.
We are grateful for the support and donations. There will be more All-Star fund
-raisers in the future. Please watch for
With much appreciation:
Janice Dommerich
Bob Evans' Fund-Raiser Chairman
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Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Johnsville 4-H Club News
On November 12th our club met for our monthly meeting and
our program was a skillathon. We learned about sewing, writing “Thank You's”, record books, parliamentary procedure,
and poultry judging. It was a good time to learn about projects and things you need to know for 4-H and things members have done for their projects.
On December 2nd we had our Christmas bowling party. We
had a great time bowling, and had some guessing jars to win.
We brought our gifts for the CASS project which collects
things at the holidays for families in our community that are
less fortunate. We also helped out a family where their Mom
Bingo: Back row: Chase Ferguson, Emma Mullineaux,
Caroline Mullineaux and Hanna Houck. Front Row: Lukas was just diagnosed with MS and we got crafts for her 5 children so they would have something to do when she wasn't
Hofman, Luke Gladhill. Ella Jacobs and Jacob Gladhill
feeling well.
On December 21st our club hosted bingo for 21 residents at
Crumland Retirement Home. We called bingo and provided
the prizes. The club loves doing this community service. The
residents really enjoy having us there.
Officers: Back Row: Sabrina Moxley, Sydnie Grossnickle,
Sara Harshman, Ben Davis and Kira Zimmerman. Front
Row: Jacob Gladhill and Luke Gladhill.
To start the new year, on January 8th, our club held the first
meeting. We elected the new officers for 2013 Ben Davis,
President; Kira Zimmerman, Vice President; Sara Harshman,
Secretary; Sydnie Grossnickle, Treasurer; Sabrina Moxley, Attendance; Jacob and Luke Gladhill; Reporters. We also went
over the enrollment forms for this year. We would also like to
thank our new member Ella Jacobs’ family for donating 4 new
banners for our club to use at the fair or other activities.
Reported by Luke Gladhill
4-H High Adventure Club Forming
On Friday, February 1st, a small group of interested 4-H’ers got together to
discuss plans for a new club in Frederick County, the Frederick County 4-H
High Adventure Club. This club will be for youth interested in outdoor adventures that stretch them both physically and mentally. Currently being
considered as the culminating adventure for 2013 is a multiday biking/
camping trip along the 184.5 mile C&O Canal Trail in Maryland. In the High
Adventure Club, monthly meetings will be devoted to developing the
knowledge, skills, and teamwork needed for each year’s “high adventure”. Watch for more information on how to join once the club’s charter is
approved! The next club meeting is scheduled for Friday, March 15th from
6-8 p.m. at the 4-H office.
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Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Lewistown 4-H Club
Shooting Sports News
Members of the Lewistown Mt. View 4-H Club have
been very busy over the last several months. In November, our club adopted a needy family from the Seton Center in Emmitsburg and we provided gift certificates and canned food items to the family in need.
For more information check out our webpage at
We also held an election of officers in November and
those elected were – President, Matthew Lenhart;
Vice President, Kayla Lenhart; Secretary, Jonathan
Hubbard; Treasurer, Eric Myers; Corresponding Secretary, Konnor Sowell; Reporter, Daniel Myers; Historian, Austin Welty; 4-H Council Representative, Wyatt
Farmer; Alternate 4-H Council Representative, Kayla
Some of our 4H members helped Eddie explain a gun safety message and
helped pass out workbooks and
stickers to kids at the NRA Great
American Hunting & Outdoor Show.
Thanks to "Eddies helpers" Colin
Lynch, Alicia Fitzgibbon, Morgan
Farmer and Waylon Farmer. Trevor
Fitzgibbon, Amelia Summers and John Schroyer (not pictured).
The club also held its annual Christmas Party at the
Mount St. Mary’s Knott Arena on November 30, 2012.
Members, families and guests enjoyed use of the basketball court, volleyball court, and swimming pool.
Everyone enjoyed the pizza from Rocky’s and also the
other snacks and refreshments which were provided.
Guessing games, crafts, and board games (for adults)
were enjoyed by all.
We participated in the Lewistown Elementary
School’s “Giving Tree” at the holiday season and
“giving hands” were removed from the school tree
and members purchased the items listed on each
“giving hand”. We also provided meals for two families at the holiday season and our members were very
thoughtful in purchasing items for those less fortunate.
The 2013 Club Officer photo includes: L-R President, Tyler
McDonald; Safety Officer, Matthew Lenhart; Vice President
and Youth Council Rep., Garrett Buckmeier; Treasurer, Riley
Hoffman; Historian, Summer Grove; Reporter, Sabrina Tooney
(not pictured Secretary, Rachel Summers; Youth Council Representatives Ian Sanville and Alternate Representative
Kameron Dorsey).
Our January, 2013 meeting occurred on January 21,
2013 and we had our installation of officers, made
donations to the church for use of the hall for our
meetings, Maryland 4-H Foundation; 4-H Camp Center (items for bingo); and made a donation in memory
of Richard Carbaugh, whose family members belong
to our club. Our February meeting will be held on
Tuesday, February 19, 2013 at the FSK Mall during Ag
Week at the Mall. Members will be participating in
the ice-cream making contest that night. Our March
meeting will be held on March 18, 2013 at the Creagerstown Parish Hall for our annual Pizza Party, craft
and game night.
Ethan Crocker with his
Grandfather (Mark Crocker)
at the February meeting.
They were cleaning their rifle during the "proper care
and cleaning session" at the
last meeting.
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Poster project displaying
ATV safety
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Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
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Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Dairy Cattle Photos Needed
Livestock Judging
The Great Frederick Fair Dairy Department is looking for dairy cattle
photos of the past to post on the double showcases at the end of the
Superintendents' Office during Fair Week. Please send copies to Carolyn Maher, 323 Adam Road, Frederick, MD 21701 or e-mail them to Please be sure to label as to who is in the
photo, the year if possible, and what the photo is about (example; Jr.
Champion Jersey). Open Class and 4-H photos accepted.
Frederick County 4-H Livestock Judging
practice starts Thursday, March 14th at
6:30 p.m. at the Extension Office Large
Conference Room. If you have interest in
learning more about judging Beef, Sheep
and Swine while having a lot of fun, make
sure to join us on March 14th. The team
practice & contest schedule starts in
March and goes until the State contest
during the Maryland State Fair on Labor
Day Weekend. We have a Junior Division:
4-H age 8-10, Intermediate Division: 4-H
age 11-13 and a Senior Division: 4-H age
14-18. No judging experience required!
For more information, contact Colby Ferguson at 240-285-1933 or
Dairy Bowl
Anyone interested in the dairy industry. Practice for Dairy Bowl
teams will begin February 17th, 7-9 p.m. @ Glade United Church of
Christ on Fulton Ave. in Walkersville. Any questions or for study material contact Cindy Rhoderick
Other dates for practices are: February 7th, 24th; March 3rd, 10th,
17th all are 7-9 p.m. @ Glade United Church of Christ in Walkersville.
States’ 4-H International Exchange Program
This summer, Maryland 4-H families are being offered the exciting
opportunity to take part in the States’ 4-H International Exchange
Program by hosting youth from Japan. This Program’s mission is to
enhance world understanding and global citizenship through highquality 4-H international cultural immersion.
Toward the end of July, ten 4-H aged Japanese students and one
adult chaperone will be arriving in Maryland and will be staying
with host families for a little less than one month. During this time,
the Japanese delegates are to be included as if they were family,
sharing in family outings, responsibilities, and everyday life.
If you have 4-H aged youth at home and are potentially interested in
hosting a delegate or know anyone who might be, share your interest with your county’s Extension Educator and go to to learn more about the program.
Secret Millionaires' Club Grow Your Own Business Contest
SMC is looking for business ideas from budding young entrepreneurs 7 to 16! Encourage youth to enter their ideas today in the 2nd Annual "Grow Your Own Business Challenge," sponsored by the Fairholme Foundation. The
grand prize is $5,000 plus a chance to meet Mr. Buffett. Teachers win prizes, too! Direct youth to the Secret Millionaires' website
The Secret Millionaires Club Learn & Earn program teaches financial literacy and entrepreneurship through activities for the classroom, home, and other settings where students and families learn. It was developed to extend
the lessons of the Secret Millionaires Club webisodes and prime-time TV specials, both of which feature Warren
The second annual “Grow Your Own Business Challenge” is accepting submissions between December 3, 2012
and February 15, 2013. Individuals or teams of 2 to 4 students, ages 7 to 16, will have an opportunity to submit
their entries to win prizes and a chance to meet Mr. Buffett!
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Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Frederick Sews!
Officer Training
Officer Training has been rescheduled for March 8th at 7
p.m. at the 4-H Office. This is recommended for all current officers to attend. Please register by using the
Eventbrite registration on the home page of the 4-H
4-H Presents Info
This year we will be participating in a Cluster Contest for
Communications, Healthy Lifestyles, and Visual Presentation contests.
Communications Contest: March 9th at 9 a.m. at
Bushy Park Elementary School, Howard County.
Healthy Lifestyles and Visual Presentation Contest: March 23rd at 9 a.m. at Montgomery County
Extension, 4-H Office.
4-H Presents Registration – Due February 25th to the
Howard County Office. Registration packets are now
available on our website.
Youth Council
The Youth Council will meet March 19th at 7pm to vote
in officers and by-laws for the 2013 year. All clubs are
required to send at least one representative to each meeting in order to benefit from Youth Council funding. Please
send the names of your club’s representative (and any
alternates) NO LATER THAN February 18th to Samantha Representatives will receive an
email with the proposed changes to the Youth Council bylaws to review prior to the meeting.
Wanted – Someone with Audio/Visual Technical
knowledge that is interested in putting together a TV
Achievement night
Frederick County 4-H Achievement Night is scheduled for
April 16, 2013 at the 4-H Camp and Activities Center.
4-H’ers will be recognized for their record book achievements, diamond clover awards, and county awards. Doors
open at 6 p.m, for light deserts; program begins at 6:30
Calling all seamsters and seamstresses!! If you entered any items
in the clothing section at the Fair or
you would like to in the future then
you should consider participating
in Frederick Sews. Frederick Sews
is a program where young people sew garments of
clothing and then they model t hem to the public. They
will be judged on such things as the construction of the
garment, their poise and the suitability of the garment. If this activity sounds like something you would
be interested in please contact Bailey Roe at so that she can get you on
an e-mail notification list.
Aside from this program, the 4-H Fashion Department
has also organized several workshops for 4H’ers who
would like to learn how to sew or who would like to
improve their skills. To register for this activity please
use the Eventbrite link on the home page of the website.
February 18, 2013: 1-3 p.m. at the 4-H Office, “PJ Pants
& Aprons”. Registration - FREE if providing own materials. $10 for the Office to provide materials.
March 16, 2013: 1-3 p.m. at the 4-H Office, “Wool 101”.
Registration – FREE – Everything you could ever want
to know about working with wool!
April 12-13, 2013: "Premier Fashion Weekend". Registration will be available March 1st-25th. See Flyer on
page 9 for more details.
If you have any additional questions or comments,
please call Samantha Murdock at 301-600-3583 or
email me at
The 4-H Office will be transitioning to
our new permanent web home
on or around April 4th.
Clubs: please send any information, flyers,
pictures, write-ups, etc. that you wish
to include on your new club page to:
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Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Page 10
Caps For Cures
Caps for Cures update – As of the January 21st workshop, Megan has received
135 hats and $198. Her fundraiser will
run until the first week in May. The
4-H Office will continue to collect donations and has created an Eventbrite
page for folks to register for the program and track her progress.
2013 April - May
Newsletter deadline:
April 1, 2013
Send articles and pictures to
Yoga At the Camp Center
Sponsored by Adamstown Community
4-H Club. Yoga instructor: Joan Twigg,
Kripalu style yoga.
March 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd at 9:30
a.m. to about 10:45 a.m. $10 per
week, with a minimum of 5 to hold the
So invite a friend to try this gentle yoga
style that focuses on stretching, breathing, and relaxation... a great way to start
your week-end!! email Maggie Dawson
to sign up:
The Frederick County 4-H Camp & Activities Center will hold a Basket & Cash BINGO on Friday, March 1st at the Camp
Center on Basford Road, Frederick. ALL
BASKETS ARE FILLED! There will be 20
regular games, specials, drawings, and
King Tut for Cash. Tickets are $20 and
available at the door.
Doors open 5 p.m. with games beginning
at 7 p.m. Food will be available. Event is
Non-Smoking. Please call (301) 606-1806
for additional information.
Next Bingo is Friday, April 5th.
Monetary donations are always welcome!
Please make checks payable to the 4-H
Camp Center and mail to:
Stacy Rumpf; 7913 Edgewood Farm Rd;
Frederick, MD 21702
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Secret Millionaires’ Club - Submissions Due
4:00 p.m.
Youth Council - Club Representative Name Due to 4-H Office
1-3 p.m.
Sewing Workshop “PJ Pants and aprons” @ 4-H Office
Ag Week at the Mall (FSK)
6:00 p.m.
Livestock Skill-A-Thon Practice @ 4-H Office
4-H Presents Due to Howard County Office
7:00 p.m.
Royalty Meeting @ 4-H Office
6:00 p.m.
Livestock Skill-A-Thon Practice @ 4-H Office
6:00 p.m.
Camp Counselor Training @ 4-H Office
7:00 p.m.
BSS Club Meeting @ 4-H Camp Center
ck o
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Re-enrollment & Scholarship Applications Due to 4-H Office
5:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
Officer Training @ 4-H Office
9:00 a.m.
Cluster Communications Contest @ Bushy Park Elementary
4:00 p.m.
Broiler Chick Program - Orders Due
1-3 p.m.
Sewing Workshop “Wool 101” @ 4-H Office
Sheep Shearing School Registration Deadline
BINGO at 4-H Camp Center - Games Start at 7:00 p.m.
Livestock Skill-A-Thon Contest @ Hagerstown
7:00 p.m.
BSS Club Meeting @ 4-H Camp Center
7:00 p.m.
Youth Council Meeting @ 4-H Office
9:00 a.m.
Healthy Lifestyles & Visual Presentation Contest @ Montgomery County 4-H Office
Sheep and Swine Workshop @ Fairgrounds
7:00 p.m.
Royalty Meeting @ 4-H Office
6:00 p.m.
Camp Counselor Training @ 4-H Office
April-May Newsletter Deadline
Broiler Chicks Pick Up @ 4-H Office
5:00 p.m.
Premier Fashion Weekend (overnight sewing workshop) @ 4-H Camp Center
6:00 p.m.
Achievement Night @ 4-H Camp Center
7:00 p.m.
Royalty Meeting @ 4-H Office
7:00 p.m.
Youth Council Meeting @ 4-H Office
7:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
BSS Club Meeting @ 4-H Camp Center
Maryland Day - Agriculture Day
Camp Counselor Training @ 4-H Office
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Changes to Online
Volunteer Training
Only UME Staff and Faculty can register volunteers for the online training. If you wish
to become a UME Volunteer, you must contact Lisa Strong to fill out the required paperwork.
Thank you to those who have
returned their 2013 Renewal forms.
If you have not sent yours in,
please do so, as soon as possible.
4-H Leader cards will be sent out
in March.
UME Trained Volunteer Information
Interested in becoming a certified UME 4-H Volunteer?
Its a simple 3 step process:
Go to the Frederick County 4-H website then fill out
and return the necessary forms by email or postal mail:
An Application which needs three references with name, complete address, and phone number. We
will be sending out reference letters so complete addresses are necessary
A Position Description
A Confidentiality Statement should have an adult witness signature, which can be your
spouse, another adult in your household or a friend or neighbor.
A Behavioral Expectations form
The 2013 Appointment Agreement
Call or email Lisa to schedule an over the phone Interview after your completed paperwork has been sent to
the office. The Interview takes about 10 minutes.
3. Contact Lisa to sign up for the online orientation training.
After these steps are done and all paperwork is in, the 4-H Educator will review your file and when approved you
will receive your 4-H Maryland Leader card. To keep your certified volunteer status current each year you will
need to sign a Renewal Appointment Agreement and a Behavioral Expectations Form. Any questions contact Lisa
Strong at or 301-600-1595.
All forms are sent to: Attn: Lisa 4-H, 330 Montevue Lane, Frederick, MD 21702
or can be emailed to
Online UME Volunteer Orientation Training Information
Volunteers must have completed all their UME Volunteer paperwork, available online at: http:// Paperwork must be sent to the Frederick County 4-H Office.
Volunteers should have access to a phone line as well as high speed internet connection (not dial-up).
Target Audience: New UME 4-H Volunteers
Length: 2 hours
Learning Objective: 1) Improve volunteer's understanding and knowledge of the University of Maryland 4-H
youth development program. 2) Increase the quality of program delivery for 4-H members in Maryland. 3) Build a
base of committed volunteers to increase program capacity.
Description: This class will provide participants basic information on the University of Maryland Extension 4-H
Youth Development program. It will cover UME policies and procedures and detail the process to becoming an
appointed UME 4-H Volunteer.
Methodology: The course will be taught via Webinar. Participants will need access to a computer with internet
connection as well as telephone. The sessions will not be recorded.
Prerequisites: A volunteer must have completed all UME Volunteer paperwork before attending the training.
The University of Maryland is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Equal Access Programs.
Donielle R. Axline
Extension Educator
Samantha Murdock
Faculty Extension Assistant
The University of Maryland is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Equal Access Programs.