Frederick County 4-H Newsletter August - September 2013 Outstanding 4-H’er of the Year

Frederick County
4-H Newsletter
August - September 2013
Outstanding 4-H’er of the Year
Congratulations to Jodi Shelton and Levi
Hooper for receiving the Outstanding
4-H’er of the Year awarded by the Frederick County Pomona Grange.
Inside this issue:
Club News
Attention Club Leaders !!
Very Important Dates!
Character Counts Nominations - due to
4-H Office September 6th by 4:00 p.m.
Application for National 4-H Conference
in DC - due to 4-H Office October 1st by
4:00 p.m. Must include application form,
senior resume & 2013 essay.
Diamond Clover Level 6 Report - due to
4-H Office, October 1st by 4:00 p.m.
Annual Financial Summary Report, Property Inventory Report and Treasurer’s
Book (Jan-Jun 2013) - due to 4-H Office
October 15th by 4:00 p.m.
Fall Leader’s Meeting: November 19,
2013; 6:30 p.m. at the 4-H Office.
Record Books - due to 4-H Office by February 3, 2014; by 4:00 p.m.
Spring Leader’s Meeting: March 25, 2014
6:30 p.m. at the 4-H Office.
November 2, 2013
all day
Cluster Talent Contest & Show
location TBA
Training Available: Record
Books are for Everyone!
Keeping accurate records is one of the
most valuable skills a young person can
learn in 4-H. Compiling a detailed record
of what was planned, accomplished and
learned in each project is an excellent way
to learn record keeping. Helping members
understand the value of record keeping
and rewarding them for their efforts is
very important.
There will be a county wide Record Book
training opportunity this fall for 4-H’ers
and adults to come and learn how to
properly assemble and complete a record
book. Date to come in October Newsletter.
Contact the 4-H Office for more details.
Great Frederick Fair
Fair Awards
Camp, Camp Center Clubs Service
Schedule, Website Rqst, MD 4-H In
Action, Frederick Sews, Livestock
MD Hereford Sale
Horse Activities, Jr. Hereford Asso.,
MD Vol. & Teen Forum, Newsletter
MD Horsemen’s Party
Calendar & UME Volunteer
2014 Ag Week At The Mall
February 17-22
Francis Scott Key Mall
Frederick County 4-H Office
330 Montevue Lane
Frederick, MD 21702
301-600-1589 Jennie Schiazzi
Mary Your Calendars!
Cluster Communications Contest
March 8, 2014 in Frederick County
The University of Maryland Extension programs are open to any person and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, national origin, marital status,
genetic information, political affiliation, and gender identity or expression.
Page 2
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Lewistown Mtn. View
The Lewistown Mtn. View 4-H Club held its annual achievement night on April 15th at Mountain
Gate Family Restaurant. The program started off
with an invocation then the club had dinner prepared by Mountain Gate Family Restaurant. The
club gathered to celebrate the achievements
over the past year in projects consisting of Dairy,
Beef, Swine, Sewing, Goats, Sheep, Cooking, Arts
and Crafts among other projects. The club did
not only celebrate the member’s projects but
thanked the participation from the members in
the fundraisers that we had and the activity’s
that we participated in. The club had several
members from the Frederick County Royalty attend that evening consisting of Sara Arnold,
Frederick County 4-H Queen; Matthew Lenhart,
Frederick County 4-H King (Lewistown Mtn.
View 4-H Club’s President); Eric Myers, Frederick County 4-H Prince; and Jocelyn Figgins, Frederick County 4-H Princess. The banquet was a
huge success and the Lewistown Mtn. View 4-H
Club strongly thanks and appreciates the involvement and cooperation that the community
has provided us over this past year. Thank you
On Tuesday, June 11th, Johnsville held it’s monthly meeting. We talked about all the
upcoming events and all the requirements for the fair such as entries, quality assurance, and important dates to remember.
July 10th, was our monthly meeting held at Allie and Josh Doody's home. We enjoyed an evening of great food and then our meeting. We talked about fair decorations and deadlines for fair entries. The meeting was topped off by a swimming party.
Friday, July 12th the Farm Bureau held it's annual Farm Queen contest in Woodsboro. Luke Gladhill participated by providing entertainment with a talk about poultry
Photo Luke Gladhill
speaking about poultry judging.
On Sunday, July 21st we held a meeting for fair decorations. We decided on our
theme and planed the next date for getting to all the hard work.
Reported by: Luke and Jacob Gladhill
The University of Maryland Extension programs are open to any person and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, national origin, marital status,
genetic information, political affiliation, and gender identity or expression.
Page 3
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Calico Clovers
C.M. Bloomers Florist & Gifts is spreading smiles in Brunswick Maryland with the help of The Calico Clovers 4-H Club.
Last week at our shop members of the Calico Clovers were
given a lesson in floral design and pitched in to make and
deliver 60 bright and sunny ‘Be Happy’ mugs to Brunswick
House (a local home for the elderly and disabled). The residents were very happy to receive the arrangements and
touched to have been thought of. It was a great experience
for all involved and the kids did a great job. They delivered
them with pride and got to see the impact they made with
their time and kindness. It was truly a heartwarming sight.
We are grateful to have had the opportunity to participate
in Make Someone Smile Week. Make Someone Smile Week
is a Teleflora sponsored project it is in its 13th year. This is
the first time we have been invited to participate. Teleflora
provided our shop with the ‘Be Happy’ mugs and our local
wholesalers donated the yellow and white flowers used.
Our staff and the 4-H’ers donated their time and smiles!!!
Despite the summer months, the Calico Clovers 4-H Club has
been as busy as ever! Continuing with helping the community, Calico Clovers members participated in two different volunteer programs. One program was serving lunch at the
Brunswick Library to young children who are in need, and
also to help encourage young library attendees to become
more interested in reading. Another program was creating
flower arrangements for needy seniors around the county
who otherwise may never receive a flower bouquet. Both
programs were very successful and the good work they did
was very worthwhile.
The club also had lots of fun doing activities together. The
club took a trip to beautiful Luray Caverns, which is a gorgeous, naturally-formed underground cave located in Virginia. The caverns were beautiful and the area is gorgeous. Members had so much fun! Club members also participated in the annual 4-H Campfire, where they performed
a skit and talked about the club to other 4-H’ers in the county. All in all, the summer months have been fun, successful,
and fulfilling for the Calico Clovers 4-H Club! To learn more
about the club, contact Sally Arnold at 301-371-3419.
By Erin Jones.
Photos include:
Maggie Spielman, Allie
Wilson, Ben, Ian and Patty
Sanville and a resident
from Brunswick House
High Adventures
On August 7, 2013, thirteen members of the Fredrick
County High Adventure 4-H Club will depart a five
day bike trip along the entirety of the 184.5 mile C&O
Canal Trail. Members will bike approximately 40
miles per day, stopping along the trail to learn about
interesting natural and historic features that members have researched in advance. Each evening, they
will set up a campsite and stay there for the night.
Members have been training for the trip since spring
and are ready for adventure!
Stephen Coyne, Club Reporter
The University of Maryland Extension programs are open to any person and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, national origin, marital status,
genetic information, political affiliation, and gender identity or expression.
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University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Come Volunteer For Frederick County 4-H
Therapeutic Riding
Therapeutic riding provides education, socialization, recreation and
therapy to more than 78
students in Frederick
County each spring and
fall at no charge to the
participants. The Program, a 501c3 nonprofit organization, is in
its 30th year of service
to Frederick County citizens with emotional, physical and/or mental disabilities. Students ride one hour per week for seven weeks during each session. Each class consists of 6 riders, with classes on Tuesday and
Thursday evenings and all day on Saturdays. We also provide a
Summer Session, a Winter Session and Saturday mornings and
private lessons throughout the year. All of these classes require
numerous volunteer support.
Class instructors and physical and/or occupational therapists design specific goals for each student, direct the implementation of
these goals, and monitor the progress of the students. Volunteers
are a vital part of the implementation of these goals. The Program always welcomes volunteers who serve as Barn Crew, Side
Walkers, or Horse leaders, and many other jobs.
Barn Crew members bring horses/ponies from the field that will
be used in the lessons, groom and then tack them with the rider’s
specific equipment.
Side Walkers are responsible for the implementation by the rider
of the Instructor’s or Therapist’s directions. They encourage and
help riders to obtain success.
Alpha Alpaca 4-H Club
On July 27th the Alpha Alpaca 4-H Club held a car
wash at Lohrs Family Restaurant. The club had a
great time. We spent the day washing cars and holding signs while talking about 4-H. Lohrs loves to
help non-profit organizations. It was a great way for
our club members to spend quality time together.
the car wash was a free fundraiser but we did accept donations but didn’t ask.
Jessica Buker
Rocky Ridge
For the July 2013 Community Service, members of the
Rocky Ridge 4-H Club donated school supplies to the
community to help out the needy for the 2013 school
year. Payton Troxell and family were in charge of this
monthly project.
Christopher Coblentz, Reporter
Horse Leaders are responsible for the control of the horse. They
give the rider time to respond to directions of the Instructor or
Therapist before taking control of the horse.
A Volunteer Training course is held twice a year – at the beginning of the Spring Session and at the beginning of the Fall Session.
This year Volunteer Training will be on Saturday, September 7th,
9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Farm.
We do provide OJT – On The Job Training. Come have lots of fun
and join the TRP Family.
The University of Maryland Extension programs are open to any person and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, national origin, marital status,
genetic information, political affiliation, and gender identity or expression.
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Page 5
“Fire Power” 4-H Shooting Sports Club
It was a great day for the Frederick County trap teams competing in the 2013 Maryland AIM Championship on June
29th at Harvey Cedar Gun Club. The Thurmont Top Shots placed 1st as a team in the Sub-Junior division. Nathaniel
Neuland placed 2nd overall with a sore of 91; Ashley Grimes place 3rd with a score of 90 and Tim Duley placed 5th
with a score of 87. In the Junior division, the Frederick 4-H Firepower team placed 2nd. Lucas Howell place 5th overall with a score of 88. In the Pre-Sub division, the Frederick 4-H team place 1st with Shane Biser leading the way.
Shane took 1st place honors in the sub-junior division with a score of 70.
Fredrick 4-H Firepower and Thurmont Topshots
before the shoot.
Frederick 4-H Pre-Sub division
winners (missing Kevin and Katie)
Ashley Grimes
to all
Sub-Junior Winners
Nathaniel 2nd, Ashley 3rd and Tim 5th overall.
2013 Maryland AIM Championship
Frederick 4-H and Thurmont winners
2013 Sub-Junior 1st Place team
Thurmont Top Shots
2013 Junior Division 2nd Place Team
Frederick 4-H Firepower
The University of Maryland Extension programs are open to any person and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, national origin, marital status,
genetic information, political affiliation, and gender identity or expression.
Page 6
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
“Fire Power” 4-H Shooting Sports Club
The "Wounded Warrior" (see the June-July Newsletter http://
FC_Jun-Jul%202013.pdf for the flyer or info on the website at:
and the "Law Enforcement Officer Tribute" Rifle Raffles (see info
below or online at:
-law-enforcement-officer-tribute-rifle-raffle) are underway to
help benefit some very good causes, so look for the flyers or contact us to purchase tickets or help out with them.
Great Community Service
Opportunity For Any Club!
ALL 4-H Members, Family Members and Friends
Needed! 2013 Family FUNomenon August 24th at
the Frederick Fairgrounds. Start thinking how you
can help. We have been asked to provide as many
volunteers as possible that day! All 4-H assistance
will be needed with Parking Attendants, Security,
the Food Tent (2nd wave), Trash Attendants, Clean
Up Crew. Shooting Sports members, Family members, Instructors and Leaders needed to assist
with the Range, Club Tent and Fundraisers. We are
preparing for hot weather and planning (3) main
shifts about 3-4 hours each with relief for each. 912, 12-3 and 3-done. They expect as many or more
than last year (about 7000 visitors) and need all
the help we can get. Please provide names, times
available and area to work ASAP to: or contact Karen
Cole or Mr. Farmer, so we can submit the list of
names soon.
3D Archery Catoctin Fish and Game-August
21st. Thurmont Conservation & Sportsman’s
Club Rim Fire Sporter Match-8/25/13 and
10/20/13. See the June-July Newsletter for the flyers and more information.
Hunter’s Challenge 3D Archery Shoot at
Mayberry Archer's on August 17th. This is a team
and individual event. Check out the photos from
last year's event. A very fun shoot. If there is
enough interest, let's send a Frederick 4-H team or
two. Youth teams are free! Contact us if interested
and get practicing! http://
National Wild Turkey Federation Hunter
Field Day: New Germany State Park Saturday, August 17th, 2013. For more information email Lisa at for the registration form. (limit to
the first 30 applicants)
The University of Maryland Extension programs are open to any person and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, national origin, marital status,
genetic information, political affiliation, and gender identity or expression.
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Page 7
Fundraisers are underway! Help support our club
and sell some 4-H candy bars or "Sportsman's Drawing"
tickets. The Sportsman's Drawing will be the last day of
the Fair September 21st. Thanks to our sponsors Tractor Supply and Rentals Unlimited, the drawing Grand
Prize is the Massimo 700-4 person Camo- 4x4 Utility
vehicle, with over $15,000 in total prizes! Tickets are
$10 each. For ticket info see flyer below, contact us or
main office, or order on event-brite page
Tickets can be purchased at
the 4-H Office with a check,
exact cash; or online at:
The University of Maryland Extension programs are open to any person and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, national origin, marital status,
genetic information, political affiliation, and gender identity or expression.
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Page 8
“Fire Power” 4-H Shooting Sports Club
2013 ATA AIM State Championship Frederick County Team
4-H Camp
CMP Match at TCSC for all ages
MSSA State Shoot Shot Shells
g Cars
at Trac
tor Sup
Thurmont Parade with County Commissioners
Billy Shrieve and Paul Smith
Recycling Lost Targets June 2
Eddie Eagle at Farm Safety Camp
Cast Your Vote For Shooting Sports!
The voting has started once again. Last year 4-H
Shooting Sports received enough votes to be
ranked #1 in the Truck Vault Cares program. National 4-H Shooting Sports received $3, 991 as a
result of this effort last year. The end result and
the final distribution of the $10,000 is based on
the proportion of votes received. Anyone can
vote one time daily for each email address that
they have. Go 4-H!! Vote Here:
The University of Maryland Extension programs are open to any person and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, national origin, marital status,
genetic information, political affiliation, and gender identity or expression.
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Page 9
Great Frederick Fair
September 13th - 21st
Great Frederick Fair Exhibitor Release
Form Don’t forget to complete the 2013 Exhibitor
Release form and send it to the Great Frederick Fair
Office, PO Box 604 Frederick, MD 21705 or for questions please call 301-663-5895. Due date is August
Save The Date: New Family Orientation
for the Fair is scheduled for September. 9th at 6
p.m. in the Dairy Show Ring Bldg. 32.
Livestock Exhibitor Meeting is scheduled for
September 9th at 7 p.m. in the Dairy Show Ring
Bldg. 32. Livestock exhibitor passes will be distributed at this time if all 4-H / FFA paperwork has been
completed by the posted deadlines
Please join us on Friday, September 13th
at 7p.m. as we crown this year’s Royal Court.
All Clubs in the "Beef Barn" at Frederick
Fair To be eligible for the club decoration award you
must do a display for the center of the barn promoting
"Beef". Display should be set up by Sunday morning at
9:00 a.m., tables will be provided. You are responsible
for the week to keep your area clean.
Poultry Set Up for Fair Anyone entering rabbits
and /or poultry please mark August 24th on your calendar. This is the day we will be cleaning and setting
up cages for the fair. It is asked that each person give
some of their time to help with the set up. Thanks. We
start at 9 a.m. – Poultry & Rabbit Superintendents.
Cake Auction
Did you know that most of the programs and activities that you enjoy through Frederick
County 4-H are funded by cakes? We need all 4-H’ers
to contact family and friends to come out to the Great
Frederick Fair on Sunday, September 15th at 6:00
p.m. to bid on 4-H Cakes! We also need 4-H’ers to
cheer on bidders during the auction. The more 4-H
members show up and show their support of the bidders, the higher the prices go!
Indoor Superintendents Evaluation
Meeting: October 15th 7-9 p.m. at the 4-H Office.
Landscape Design Contest @
The Great Frederick Fair Attention 4-H clubs, it’s
that time again to register for the Annual Landscape Design
Contest at the Great Frederick Fair. Entries are due to the
Fair Office by August 26th. Entry forms are available from
the Fair Office at 301-663-5895. The 2013 theme is
“Landscapes That Make Scents”.
Canning Entries at the MSF and the GFF:
NEW Changes for entries:
1. ALL foods should be processed using a tested recipe.
(Recipe sources - Ball Blue Book, USDA Complete Guide to
Home Canning and So Easy to Preserve, or recipes found in
pectin or other canning ingredients made by companies
such as Kerr, Mrs. Waggs, Ball, etc.)
2. Label each jar lid:
a. Product Name
b. Processing Time and Method
c. Source of Recipe
3. Fruits, pickled vegetables and some tomatoes should be
processed in a boiling water bath canner. Vegetables and
some tomato products must be processed in a pressure canner.
4. Use only mason jars (note size according to class specifications) and 2 piece self-sealing lids.
5. Jars should not be opened during judging.
For questions please email Donielle at
Livestock Superintendents Important Dates
Financial Budgets & Barn Requests Due: October 4th; Email
Request for Fair Book Changes Due: November 22nd; Email
Fall Wrap Up Meeting-December 11, 2013; 6:30 pm @ 4-H
Spring Meeting-April 16, 2013; 6:30 pm @4-H Office
All Swine Exhibitors: Swine Ambassador Essays are
being excepted as of now. Just write an essay on why you
want to be swine ambassador include what you plan on doing as swine ambassador. You can email Mrs. Murphy the
essay at or hand it to her by the
end of swine weigh-in at the Great Frederick Fair. Any questions call Mary Murphy at 301-401-2824.
The University of Maryland Extension programs are open to any person and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, national origin, marital status,
genetic information, political affiliation, and gender identity or expression.
Page 10
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Available Fair Awards
Below are awards in which we are seeking new sponsors. If you will receive a receipt that you have dropped off
you, your business, or your club would like to sponsor an
your award.
award for the Great Frederick Fair please email Lisa at
Sheep - Junior Slick Shorn Showmanship ASAP. Awards are $25.00 annually
Sheep - Senior Slick Shorn Showmanship
Sheep and Swine awards are made payable to Frederick
Swine - Light Weight Champion Gilt
County EAC. Dairy awards need to be self-purchased
Swine - Reserve Medium Heavy Weight Champion Gilt
since awards have already been purchased.
Dairy - See list below
NEW FOR 2013 !! All awards provided by the sponsor
should be delivered to the 4-H office by Sept. 1, 2013,
Ayrshire-4 Year Old
Ayrshire-Dry Cow 3 Years & Over
Ayrshire-Fall Calf
Ayrshire-Fall Yearling
Ayrshire-Junior 2 Year Old
Ayrshire-Junior 3 Year Old
Ayrshire-Milking Fall Yearling
Ayrshire-Spring Heifer
Ayrshire-Spring Yearling
Ayrshire-Summer Yearling
Ayrshire-Winter Heifer
Ayrshire-Winter Yearling
Brown Swiss-4 Year Old
Brown Swiss-Aged Cow
Brown Swiss-Dry Cow 3 Years & Over
Brown Swiss-Fall Calf
Brown Swiss-Fall Yearling
Brown Swiss-Junior 2 Year Old
Brown Swiss-Junior 3 Year Old
Brown Swiss-Milking Fall Yearling
Brown Swiss-Senior 2 Year Old
Brown Swiss-Senior 3 Year Old
Brown Swiss-Spring Heifer
Brown Swiss-Spring Yearling
Brown Swiss-Summer Yearling
Brown Swiss-Winter Heifer
Brown Swiss-Winter Yearling
Guernsey-4 Year Old
Guernsey-Aged Cow
Guernsey-Bred & Owned
Guernsey-Dam & Daughter
Guernsey-Dry Cow 3 Years & Over
Guernsey-Fall Calf
Guernsey-Fall Yearling
Guernsey-Junior 2 Year Old
Guernsey-Junior 3 Year Old
Guernsey-Milking Fall Yearling
Guernsey-Senior 2 Year Old
Guernsey-Senior 3 Year Old
Guernsey-Spring Heifer
Guernsey-Spring Yearling
Guernsey-Summer Yearling
Guernsey-Winter Heifer
Guernsey-Winter Yearling
Holstein-4 Year Old
Holstein-Aged Cow
Holstein-Fall Calf
Holstein-Fall Yearling
Holstein-Junior 2 Year Old
Holstein-Junior 3 Year Old
Holstein-Milking Fall Yearling
Holstein-Senior 2 Year Old
Holstein-Senior 3 Year Old
Holstein-Spring Heifer
Holstein-Spring Yearling
Holstein-Summer Yearling
Holstein-Winter Heifer
Holstein-Winter Yearling
Jersey-4 Year Old
Jersey-Aged Cow
Jersey-Dam & Daughter
Jersey-Dry Cow 3 Years & Over
Jersey-Fall Calf
Jersey-Fall Yearling
A tremendous thank you to
all our current and past award sponsors.
Jersey-Junior 2 Year Old
Jersey-Junior 3 Year Old
Jersey-Milking Fall Yearling
Jersey-Senior 2 Year Old
Jersey-Senior 3 Year Old
Jersey-Spring Heifer
Jersey-Spring Yearling
Jersey-Summer Yearling
Jersey-Winter Heifer
Jersey-Winter Yearling
Milking Shorthorn-4 Year Old
Milking Shorthorn-Aged Cow
Milking Shorthorn-Bred & Owned
Milking Shorthorn-Dam & Daughter
Milking Shorthorn-Dry Cow 3 Years & Over
Milking Shorthorn-Fall Calf
Milking Shorthorn-Fall Yearling
Milking Shorthorn-Junior 2 Year Old
Milking Shorthorn-Junior 3 Year Old
Milking Shorthorn-Milking Fall Yearling
Milking Shorthorn-Senior 2 Year Old
Milking Shorthorn-Senior 3 Year Old
Milking Shorthorn-Senior Champion Female
Milking Shorthorn-Spring Heifer
Milking Shorthorn-Spring Yearling
Milking Shorthorn-Summer Yearling
Milking Shorthorn-Winter Heifer
Milking Shorthorn-Winter Yearling
The University of Maryland Extension programs are open to any person and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, national origin, marital status,
genetic information, political affiliation, and gender identity or expression.
Page 11
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Thank you to everyone involved with the 2013 Day and
Residential Camp! An evaluation meeting will be held August 15th from 6-8 p.m. at the 4-H Office. Please RSVP via
Eventbrite if you are interested in attending this meeting.
2013-2014 Camp Center Community
Service Schedule for 4-H Clubs
August - 4-H Achievers, Jefferson Co-Eds
September - No Clubs
October - Shooting Sports, Tailwaggers
November - Greener Pastures, Lewistown Mt. View
December - Tom’s Creek, Monocacy Achievers
January - Middletown Valley Dairy, Adamstown
February - Calico Clovers, Bug Patrol, Rocky Ridge
March - Alpha Alpaca, Tailwaggers
April - Valley Urbanites, Shookstown
May - Paddock Pals, Green Valley
June - Myersville Mountaineers, (club needed)
July - Jr. Dairy, (club needed)
August - Breezy Hills Stables, High Adventure
September - Kaleidoscope
October - Boots ‘n Buckles, Unionville
November - Lewistown Mt. View, Johnsville
December - Tom’s Creek, Bits ‘n Bridles
Website Updates
Calling all reporters and historians! For the launch of the
new website we are asking each club to send in pictures,
press releases and program updates to include on their
web pages. This is a great way to encourage new members
to join your club, as well as an opportunity to show other
clubs what you have been up to. Please send your information to Samantha Murdock at
Maryland 4-H in Action
Calling 4-H members you like writing, sharing
stories or telling stories? Are you interested in learning
about the world of journalism? The Maryland 4-H Foundation and American Farm Publications are partnering together to produce 4-H in Action, an annual supplement to
the Delmarva Farmer to be published during National 4-H
Week. 4-H members are needed to write stories, take pictures and layout the newspaper. If you are interested or
have questions, contact Amanda Clougherty at or 301-314-7835.
Frederick Sews!
Anyone interested in competing in the
Frederick Sews! 2013 competition, registration packets are now available
online at https://
Interview and construction judging will take place during
entry take-in at the Great Frederick Fair. The show will take
the place of the Mini Fashion Show on Friday, September
20th at 2:30 p.m. Awards will be presented at the end of the
show. If you have any questions, please contact Samantha
Murdock at or by calling 301-600-3583.
Mark your calendars for June 14, 2014 for next year’s Cluster
Fashion Revue!
Frederick County Livestock
Skillathon Team – Get Involved !
Would you like to be a member of the Frederick County 4-H
Livestock Skillathon Team? Join us a the 4-H Office to learn
about being a member of the Frederick County 4-H Livestock
Skillathon Team. You do not have to show livestock to participate. The Maryland 4-H State Livestock Skillathon Competition is held every March. 4-H’ers from each county join together and test their knowledge in the areas of Breed ID,
Feed ID, Equipment, Meat Evaluation, Wool ID, and Quality
Assurance. Donielle will be holding skillathon practices at the
4-H Office for anyone interested in participating in the state
skillathon competition. The practices will cover the subjects
and materials which will be at the competition. The practices
will give all participants the opportunity to be prepared for
the state competition. Practices will be held once a week during the months of January and February from 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Attendance is recommended each week since there is a different topic discussed each week. For more information or to
RSVP for the practices please contact the 4-H Office at 301600-1589.
Jan. 9th
Jan 16th
Jan 23st
Jan 30th
Feb 5th
Feb 12th
Feb 19th
Feb 26th
Species and Breed Identification
Feed Identification
Meats Evaluation
Wool Identification
Quality Assurance & Animal Health
Judging / Animal Evaluation
Mock Contest and selection on team
The University of Maryland Extension programs are open to any person and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, national origin, marital status,
genetic information, political affiliation, and gender identity or expression.
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University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
The University of Maryland Extension programs are open to any person and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, national origin, marital status,
genetic information, political affiliation, and gender identity or expression.
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University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Upcoming Maryland 4-H Horse
Project Events and Activities
2013 Maryland State Fair 4-H/FFA Horse and
Pony Show: Timonium, August 22-25…
County Fairs and Shows are underway and the
Maryland State Fair will be held in just six short
weeks! We are looking forward to the Maryland
State Fair 4-H/FFA Horse and Pony Shows held
during Maryland’s “11 Best Days of Summer”. The
show schedule will be:
Thursday, August 22 - Junior & Intermediate
Friday, August 23 - Senior Western
Saturday, August 24 - Senior English
Sunday, August 25 - Junior & Intermediate
The daily class order will begin with Grooming
and Showmanship and Conformation. The
schedule for Equitation and Performance
classes will be available at the show.
2013 Maryland 4-H Horsemen’s Party: October
6th. Mark your calendars and plan to attend the
2013 Maryland 4-H Horsemen’s Party. This year’s
party will be held on Sunday, October 6th, 2:005:00 pm, at the Ten Oaks Ballroom in Clarksville,
MD. The Horsemen’s Party provides a chance to
recognize outstanding youth, volunteers and staff
of the Maryland 4-H Horse program and serves as
a very important fundraiser for the 4-H Horse program as well! The event features a great meal;
online, live and silent auctions; raffles; and more.
Tickets are $30 for Adults - $20 for Youth (13 and
under). Add $10 per ticket after September 20th.
For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact: Amanda Clougherty: (301)
314-7835 or See the attached
flyer, page 14.
Share A Bear Drive
Frederick County 4-H will be collecting new or gently used stuffed animals for the Share A Bear drive
with Maryland 4-H. The collection will go until the
end of November. Donations can be delivered to the
4-H office. At the end of the drive, the club with the
most donated stuffed animals will receive a gift
card for $50.00.
Maryland Junior Hereford Association
The 2014 Junior National Hereford Expo will be in Harrisburg,
Pennsylvania on July 5-12, 2014! This is a rare opportunity for
Maryland youth to compete at the very highest level, just a few
hours from home. These events are very rarely held east of the
Mississippi River! For an application for Maryland Junior Hereford
Association membership please email Lisa at
By completing this form, the youth will receive all information regarding Junior Nationals. For more information contact Michelle
Grimmel, Advisor for MJHA
Maryland 4-H Volunteer and Teen Forum
The Maryland 4-H Youth Development program invites you to join
us for this year’s Maryland 4-H Volunteer and Teen Forum in
Ocean City, MD. The event will be held at the Carousel Hotel in
Ocean City, MD November 22-24, 2013. We are currently seeking
proposals for poster displays and workshops for the 2013 Forum
and would like to extend our call to all faculty, staff, volunteers,
and 4-H youth. The conference focuses on the Maryland 4-H Core
Program Components; developing volunteers, strengthening and
expanding the 4-H club program, and outreach to under-served
and under-represented youth.
At this event you will have the opportunity to share your
knowledge as well as meet our outstanding 4-H volunteers and
youth. Plus it’s wonderful time to visit the resort area since air
temperatures are usually comfortable and traffic is minimal allowing you to enjoy the beauty of the area without the summer hassles. The event provides opportunities to learn about the all the
wonders of the 4-H program.
Deadline for Proposal: August 9, 2013. If interested in submitting
a proposal please go to:
TMYNB9B For more information about the 2013 Maryland 4-H
Volunteer and Teen Forum contact: Dr. Lisa Dennis at or 410-603-0000.
Frederick County Teens & Volunteers interested in attending
the Forum, please contact Samantha Murdock as scholarships
may be available.
2013 Oct-Nov
Newsletter deadline:
October 1, 2013
Send articles and pictures to
The University of Maryland Extension programs are open to any person and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, national origin, marital status,
genetic information, political affiliation, and gender identity or expression.
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University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
The University of Maryland Extension programs are open to any person and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, national origin, marital status,
genetic information, political affiliation, and gender identity or expression.
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University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
6 p.m.-9 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
BSS Advisory Meeting @ 4-H Office
Camp Evaluation Meeting @ 4-H Office
GFF Exhibitor Release Form due to Fair Office
Nominations for Horsemen’s Party Awards due to State
MD State Fair
Family FUNomenon @ Frederick Fairgrounds
9:00 a.m.
Poultry Set-Up for Fair
Landscape Design Contest Entries Due to Fair OFfice
6:00 p.m.
Indoor Building Set-Up
4:00 p.m.
Character Counts Nominations Due to 4-H Office
10:00 a.m.
4-H Indoor Building Non-Perishable Entry Judging
6:00 p.m.
New Family Orientation @ Fairgrounds-Dairy Show Ring
7:00 p.m.
Livestock Exhibitor Meeting @ Fairgrounds-Dairy Show Ring
Great Frederick Fair: See website or fair book for daily schedule
National Night Out at Carrollton Park
7:00 p.m.
Royalty Contest @ GFF
6:00 p.m.
Cake Auction @ GFF
2:30 p.m.
Mini Fashion Show @ GFF
7:00 p.m.
Youth Council Meeting @ 4-H Office
Deadline for October-November Newsletter
4:00 p.m.
Diamond Clover Level 6 Report Due to 4-H Office
4:00 p.m.
Application for National 4-H Conference in DC Due to 4-H Office
Livestock Superintendents-Financial Budgets & Barn Requests Due to 4-H Office
2:00 p.m.
MD 4-H Horsemen’s Party
3:00 p.m.
MD Hereford Association Sale-Viewing of Cattle & Dinner
10:00 a.m.
MD Hereford Association Sale
4:00 p.m.
Leaders: Club Reports Due to 4-H Office
UME Volunteer Information
Interested in becoming a certified UME 4-H Volunteer? Its a simple 3 step process:
Go to the Frederick County 4-H website and fill out and return the 5 necessary forms by email or postal mail to: Attn: Lisa 4-H, 330 Montevue Lane,
Frederick, MD 21702 or
Call or email Lisa to schedule an over the phone Interview after your completed paperwork has been returned to the
office. The Interview takes about 10 minutes.
After your Interview Lisa can sign you up for the online orientation training.
After these steps are done and all paperwork is in, the 4-H Educator will review your file and when approved you will receive
your 4-H Maryland Leader card. To keep your certified volunteer status current each year you will need to sign a Renewal
Appointment Agreement and a Behavioral Expectations Form.
Any questions contact Lisa Strong at or 301-600-1595.
The University of Maryland Extension programs are open to any person and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, national origin, marital status,
genetic information, political affiliation, and gender identity or expression.
See you
at the Fair!
Donielle R. Axline
Extension Educator
Samantha Murdock
Faculty Extension Assistant
The University of Maryland Extension programs are open to any person and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, national origin, marital status,
genetic information, political affiliation, and gender identity or expression.