LAST DAY JUNE 11 505 Railroad Avenue, Suite 4 Centreville, Maryland 21617 CLOVERPRESS JUNE, 2013 MAY 27 30 31 JUNE 1 1 2 3 4 6 11 16 21 21-23 24-27 27 JULY 1 2 4 8 10-13 17 18-21 30 31-3 31 AUGUST 5 12-17 23-Sept 2 OFFICE CLOSED, MEMORIAL DAY QACHS Graduation KIHS Graduation University of Maryland Extension has a new look on their web page…check it out! Just go to Scroll down and find our county. At the top of our page will be tabs click on 4-H or whatever you are interested in viewing. Remember this web page is a work in progress. LAST DAY to update Horse & Pony ID CARDS FOR STATE OWNERSHIP DEADLINE, MKT GOATS, LAMBS, & HOGS The Mill Swine Show Tagging and Weigh In, 4-H Park 5-8 p.m. Novice Animal Project Class, 4-H Park, 7 p.m. Canning Workshop, 9-2 , 4-H Park LAST DAY OF SCHOOL….YIPEE!! FATHERS DAY FIRST DAY OF SUMMER! SMILE Livestock Show CONGRATULATIONS AND 4-H Day Camp GREAT NEWS….THE QA ALL 4-H Night at Camden Yards STARS PRESENTED FIVE (5) Ownership deadline for breeding stock Canning Workshop, 9-2, 4-H Park OFFICE CLOSED, HOLIDAY Beef Workshop, 4-H Park Talbot County Fair MANDATORY Pre-Fair Meeting, 7 p.m. 4-H Park Kent County Fair Canning Workshop, 9-4, 4-H Park Caroline County Fair Canning Workshop, 9-2, 4-H Park $900.00 BOOK SCHOLARSHIPS TO THE FOLLOWING: CYLE JOHNSTON, SARAH BRANHAM, OLIVIA SULTENFUSS, AMBER CRUZ AND ANNA SISSOM. Congratulations!! Second Option MANDATORY Pre-Fair Meeting, 7 p.m. QUEEN ANNE’S COUNTY FAIR MARYLAND STATE FAIR CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR NEW 2013 ALLSTAR INDUCTEES!!!! THEY ARE AS FOLLOWS: OLIVIA SULTENFUSS, JOANN WHALEN, LAUREN BRANHAM AND JENNIFER BRANHAM 2013 EASTERN SHORE SPRING SHOW RESULTS SHEEP SHOW Champion F/S Reserve Champion F/S Champion Market Reserve Champion Champion Ewe Reserve Champion Ewe Champion Ram Reserve Champion Ram - Doug Megee, Cecil County Katrina Schmidt, Queen Anne’s Doug Megee, Cecil County Hunter Russell, Cecil County Lydia Hokuf, Queen Anne’s Cade Eyman, Cecil County Hunter Russell, Cecil County Hunter Russell, Cecil County CAVY SHOW Best of Breed -American Best of Breed – Abyssinian Best of Opposite – Abyssinian Cythina Lednum, Caroline County Meredith Strickland, Tabitha Lednum, Caroline County Champion Cavy Reserve Cavy - Meredith Strickland Cynthia Lednum, Caroline County RABBIT SHOW Best of Breed Polish Best of Opposite Polish - Tabitha Lednum, Caroline County Cythnia Lednum, Caroline County Best of Breed Netherland Dwarf Best of Opposite N Dwarf Jillian Lovett,Kent County Jillian Lovett, Kent County Best of Breed Lionhead - Samantha Van Pelt, Kent County Best of Breed English Lop - Jennifer Quinn, Kent County Best of Breed Mini Lop Best of Opposite - Anna Sissom, Queen Anne’s Anna Sissom, Queen Anne’s Best of Breed Jersey Wooly Gabrielle Parsley, Caroline County Best of Breed Dutch Best of Opposite Dutch Casey Roberts, Kent County Shelby Tracy, Queen Anne’s Best of Breed Mini Lop Best of Opposite Mini Lop Tabitha Lednum, Caroline County Tabitha Lednum, Caroline County Best of Breed California Best of Breed Holland Lop Best of Opposite Holland Lop - Sandra Todd, Caroline County Logan Bozarth, Queen Anne’s Katelynn Cherry,Talbot County Best of Breed Lilac Best of Opposite Lilac - Samantha Vanfelt,Kent County Nickie Vanfelt, Kent County Best of Breed Velveteen Lop - Selinde Roosenburg,Talbot County Best of Breed Rex - Samantha Tracy, Queen Anne’s County Best of Opposite Rex - Shelby Tracy, Queen Anne’s County Best of Breed New Zealand Best of Opposite New Zealand - Helen King, Queen Anne’s Helen King, Queen Anne’s Best of Breed Giant Chinchilla Cynthia Lednum, Caroline County Best of Breed Standard Chinchilla Katelynn Cherry, Talbot County Best of Breed English Angora - Katelynn Cherry, Talbot County Best of Breed Trianta - Stephen Quinn, Kent County Best of Breed American - Sandra Todd, Caroline County Best of Breed Himalayan Best of Opposite Himalayan - Casey Roberts, Kent County Casey Roberts, Kent County Champion Rabbit - Giant Himalayan Reserve Rabbit – Mini Rex Cynthia Lednam, Caroline County Anna Sissom, Queen Anne’s County Champion Showmanship Reserve Showmanship - Samantha Vanfelt, Kent County Kendall Larrimore, Kent County DOG SHOW Champion First Year Novice Obedience Natalie Whitehair, Kent County Champion Novice F/S Intermediate Gillian Weigman, Queen Anne’s County Champion First Year Rally Natalie Whitehair, Kent County MEAT GOAT SHOW Champion Showman Reserve Showman - Erica Willing, Dorchester County Jayci Mitchell, Cecil County Champion Market Goat Reserve Champion - Kylee Mitchell, Cecil County Jacyi Mitchell, Cecil County Champion Registered Doe Champion Registered Buck - Jayci Mitchell, Cecil County Eric Willing, Dorchester County Champion Commercial Doe Reserve Champion Commercial Doe – Erica Willing, Dorchester County Claudia Severson, Cecil County BEEF SHOW Grand Champion Showman Reserve Champion Showman - Lindsay Smith, Cecil County James Sprout, Cecil County Champion Dairy Steer Reserve Champion Dairy Steer Lindsay Smith, Cecil County Lindsey Smith, Cecil County Grand Champion Showman Reserve Champion Showman - Hannah Story, Queen Anne’s County Jake Schuman, Talbot County Champion Angus Reserve Champion Angus - Michael Nickerson, Kent County Julia Smith, Queen Anne’s County Champion Cross-Bred Reserve Champion Cross-Bred Hannah Story, Queen Anne’s County Hannah Story, Queen Anne’s County Champion Hereford Reserve Champion Hereford - Jake Schuman, Talbot County Drew Frase, Talbot County Grand Champion Heifer Reserve Champion Heifer - Jake Schuman, Talbot County Michael Nickerson, Kent County Grand Champion Market Steer Reserve Champion Market Steer - Trent Riggs, Queen Anne’s County James Sprout, Cecil County SWINE SHOW Grand Champion Showman Reserve Champion Showman - Tony Wise, Queen Anne’s County Caroline Saathoff, Caroline County Champion Duroc Boar Reserve Champion Duroc Boar - Nick Kinnamon, Queen Anne’s County Julia Jackson, Queen Anne’s County Grand Champion Boar Reserve Champion Boar - Nick Kinnamon, Duroc, Queen Anne’s County Tony Wise, Yorkshire, Queen Anne’s County Champion Berkshire Gilt Reserve Champion Berkshire Gilt Quinn Williams, Queen Anne’s County Nick Kinnamon, Queen Anne’s County Champion Chester White Gilt Reserve Champion Chester White Gilt – Julia Jackson, Queen Anne’s County Andrew Jackson, Queen Anne’s County Champion Duroc Gilt - Nick Kinnamon, January, Queen Anne’s County Champion Hampshire Gilt Reserve Champion Hampshire Gilt Julia Jackson, January, Queen Anne’s County Ginny Faust, January, Queen Anne’s County Champion Spot Gilt Reserve Champion Spot Gilt - Julia Jackson, February, Queen Anne’s County Ginny Faust, January, Queen Anne’s County Champion Yorkshire Gilt - Tony Wise, February, Queen Anne’s County Reserve Champion Yorkshire Gilt Ginny Faust, January, Queen Anne’s County SUPREME CHAMPION GILT RESERVE SUPREME CHAMPION GILT - Tony Wise, February Yorkshire, Queen Anne’s County Champion Prospect Market Reserve Champion Prospect Mkt – Andrew Williams, Queen Anne’s County Caroline Saathoff, Caroline County Light Weight Champion Light Weight Reserve - Nick Kinnamon, Queen Anne’s County Allie Harris, Queen Anne’s County Middle Weight Champion Middle Weight Reserve - Andrew Williams, Queen Anne’s County Tony Wise, Queen Anne’s County Heavy Weight Champion Heavy Weight Reserve - Caroline Saathoff, Caroline County Paul Saathoff, Caroline County Nick Kinnamon, Duroc, Queen Anne’s County DAIRY F/S Novice Champion F/S Junior Champion F/S Intermediate Champion F/S Senior Champion - Parker Miller, Kent County Eric Smith, Queen Anne’s County Courtney Schrader, Cecil County R.J. Baldwin, Kent County Senior Heifer Calf Champion Senior and Grand Champion 3 year old Cow - Cassandra Plummer, Kent County Cassandra Plummer, Kent County Junior Champion Sr. Yearling Heifer - Cassidy Schirmer, Kent County Sr. and Grand Champion Jr. 2 year old - Ethan Miller, Kent County Junior Champion Calf Under 4 months Paul Myers, Kent County Senior and Grand Champion 4 Year Old Cow - Henry Myers, Kent County Junior Champion Summer Yearling - Jared Schrader, Cecil County Grand Champion Junior 2 Year old cow - Eric Smith, Queen Anne’s County SUPREME CHAMPION - Eric Smith, Queen Anne’s County REGIONAL AND STATE PUBLIC SPEAKING RESULTS Congratulations to all who participated in the Regional and State Contest. Radio Spots Jr- Jonathan Irons, 1st ; April Lee, participation; Intermediate-Kiersten Lancaster, 1st; Jacob Elborn, 2nd and Kayla Eisenhart, participation. Sr. Annie Seward, 2nd; and Gabbi Millken, 3rd. Prepared Speeches Jr-Daniel King, 3rd, and Ashlynn Kunes, participation; Int-Brigid King, 1st and State Reserve Champion; Melyn Rhodes, 3rd place. Sr-Helen King, 2nd and Anna Sissom, participation Extemporaneous Speeches Jr- Caitlin Milliken, 1st; Int- Willow Podraza, participation; Sr- Jennifer Huffman, 2nd; and Taylor Meyr, participation. Interpretations Jr- Skylar Podraza, 1st and State Reserve Champion! place. Daniel Irons, 2nd place. Int- Hannah Irons, 2nd SHOOTING SPORTS – WHAT AN AWESOME AND OUTSTANDING ACCOMPLISHMENT! Five members of the Queen Anne’s County 4-H Marksmanship Club traveled to Colorado Springs to compete with air rifles in the Junior Olympic National Championships Competition. The members were: Mark Mathaney, Drew Cheezum, Tyler Martin, David Sink and Mekenna Richardson. Mark Mathaney finished 5th in the NATION and was High J2 (15-17 yr. olds) and Drew Cheezum finished 13th in the NATION and was 2nd J2 out of 102 competitors! Mark received a Gold medal and Drew a Silver Medal for their J2 placing’s. Tyler Martin also received a Silver medal. David and Mekenna represented us well in their competitions too. CONGRATULATIONS 2013 GRADUATING SENIORS Congratulations to the Class of 2013, what an awesome accomplishment: The following 4-H’ers will be graduating this year: Savanna Tasler - Graduate of Queen Anne’s High School, a member of the Church Hill 4-H Club will be attending Chesapeake College in the fall. Tony Wise – Graduate of Queen Anne’s County High School, a member of the Farm to Market 4-H Club will be working for Bell Nursery. Anna Sissom- Graduate of Chestertown Christian Academy, a member of Growing Together 4-H Club will be attending Chesapeake College in the fall. Sarah Wooters – Graduate of Queen Anne’s High School, a member of Loco Llamas 4-H Club and will be attending Chesapeake College in the fall. 4-H DAY CAMP – JUNE 24-27 If you are 5 through 12 years old, come join us for a fun-filled day camp! Camp will be held at the Queen Anne’s County 4-H Park from 8:30am until 4:30pm Monday through Thursday. Each day we will focus on a different theme. We will have animals to learn about and interact with, science and engineering to explore, games and healthy activities to learn about and occupational trades to examine. There will be crafts to make along with the many fun activities planned. . Clovers will have a separate program in the mornings and join the older campers in the afternoons. Everyone is encouraged to bring their bicycles, helmets required, for some recreational bike riding. There will be a water activity on the last day for everyone’s enjoyment. Snacks and drinks will be provided each day. Lunch will be provided by the Queen Anne’s County 4-H All Stars on Thursday and you will need to pack and bring lunches on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Refrigeration and a microwave are available. The cost of camp will be $80.00. Families with more than one child attending will pay full price for the first child and $70.00 for their siblings. Some scholarships are available for those in need of assistance or those who have more than two children attending camp. We are looking for 13 year olds to be “CIT’s” (counselors in training) and 14 years and up to be counselors. Counselors attend for free and CIT’s attend for half price. If you are interested in being a CIT or a counselor, please contact Miss Sally at or call 410-758-0166, ext.17. The registration form is enclosed and needs to be returned to the Extension office by June 10th. CALLING ALL MODELS FOR FASHSION REVUE!! Fashion Revue is a project that teaches you self-confidence, poise, money management, fashion expertise and more. It is open to all ages and to boys as well as girls. There are two categories to fashion revue. The first is the “Constructed” category which means you make (construct) your outfit that you will model. The other is the “Ready to Wear” category which means your outfit has been purchased at a bargain or is a “hand-me-down” from siblings or friends. You will be judged in a two part process. The first part will be an interview with the judges where they will ask you questions about your outfit check the fit and look on you and check the construction of what you have sewn. The second part is being judged on the runway. We will hold some classes on makeup, hair and modeling prior to the contest. You will have to write a short script to be read as you do your runway modeling. We will also give you help with that process. Clovers and juniors will have their interview judging held on July 11 th at the Queen Anne’s County Extension Office. Intermediates and seniors will have their interview judging also at the Extension Office but on July 18th. Both interview judging days will begin at 6:30pm. Runway judging will have all ages judged together, date to be determined. Families will be allowed to watch the runway judging. The Fashion Revue Show will be held during the Queen Anne’s County Fair on Wednesday August 14th at 7:00pm. All of the ribbons and awards will be handed out at the show during the fair. You also receive fair premiums for participating in the Fashion Revue as long as you model in the show at the fair. A list of the classes and the entry form are enclosed in this newsletter. Entries are due by July 3rd. SEWING WORKSHOP Beginner sewers, come make an apron on Wednesday, July 10th at the 4-H Park. Our class will be from 8:30am until 4:30pm. We will cover basic sewing skills and learn to use a sewing machine. Bring a sewing machine if you can. We have a few that we will bring too. Please try to bring a “helper” with you too. We will have irons and ironing boards for adults to use. Other items you need to bring are: One yard of 45” fabric for your apron that you have washed and dried. (That will preshrink the fabric so that your apron turns out nicely.) Thread to match the fabric Sewing shears Seam gauge or ruler and tape measure Pins Please bring a packed lunch. We will have snacks and drinks available and access to refrigeration. Class size is limited to 15 4-Hers. Cost will be $1.50. RSVP by July 5th. Registration is enclosed. SEWING REGISTRATION FORM (THIS CLASS IS ONLY FOR BEGINNERS) NAME: ADDRESS: CLUB: AGE: CONTACT NUMBER: FEE: $1.50 Please bring or drop off or mail registration and fee to the Extension Office no later than July 5th! University of Maryland Extension c/o Sally Rosenberry 505 Railroad Avenue, Suite 4 Centreville, MD 21617 MARYLAND 4-H NIGHT AT CAMDEN YARDS The Orioles will be playing the Cleveland Indians at 7:05 p.m. on the 27th. Maryland 4-H will be reserving seats in the upper reserve, sections 316-356, rows 13-25 for $13 a ticket. $5 of every ticket purchased will support Maryland 4-H. Tickets are only available online. Visit ANIMAL SCIENCE NEWS BEEF WORKSHOP The Farm to Market 4-H Club will be hosting a workshop for beef cattle at the 4-H Park on July 8th. It will be held in the evening. The exact time is yet to be determined. Ethan Whiteside will be teaching the workshop. Bring ONE cow to the 4-H Park to work with. The focus will be on how to handle your cow and how to show it. To sign up or for more information, please email Jody Story by July 1st at: ARE YOU A FIRST TIME ANIMAL PROJECT MEMBER?? June 4 - 7pm at the Queen Anne’s County 4-H Park in Queen Anne’s county we will do a face to face novice quality assurance training for first time animal science project members. We will also include basic information about what is expected and how to feed, groom and show your animal. Email by June 1 to register for the workshop. Include what species you are showing so that we can prepare for the class and your interests. MANDATORY PRE-FAIR INOFRMATION SESSIONS: If you plan on exhibiting any animal (dogs excluded)at the Queen Anne’s County Fair in 2013 you will be REQUIRED to attend one of two pre-fair information sessions. Important information regarding animal health issues, behavior expectations, livestock sale information and requirements will be shared. We are offering two dates for you to choose from. If the 4-H member is not available either date than a family representative should attend. We encourage both youth and parents to attend. The Maryland Department of Agriculture has set some new policies in place for our fairs and shows and it is important that you attend or send a representative. You can come on July 17th or August 5th - 7pm at the 4-H Park. IMPORTANT DATES FOR OWNERSHIP AND TAGGING Important Dates: June 1 ownership deadline for Market goats, lambs and hogs; June 1 ownership deadline for feeder calves and commercial females; July 1 Ownership deadline for breeding animals Reminders market animals MUST be weighed and tagged at the June 3 tagging from 5pm to 8pm at the 4-H Park unless you already tagged at the Eastern Shore Spring Show. Feeder calves only need to be tagged by June 3rd. Important details for breeding stock. The 4-H member must have bona -fide ownership by July 1st. This means that the registration papers from the respective breed association are in the 4-H members name only – not a farm name or siblings. Purebred breeding stock does not need to be tagged but any commercial or crossbred breeding stock will need to be tagged by June 3. Maryland 4-H On-Line Animal Husbandry & Quality Assurance (AH&QA) Program The Maryland 4-H Animal Husbandry & Quality Assurance (AH&QA) Program is an on-line training program which enables youth to fulfill the Quality Assurance training requirement via internet from their home, school or local library. A new Junior Level has been added for 2013. 2013 PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS * All 4-H members enrolled in alpacas, beef, dairy, goats, horse and pony, llamas, poultry, sheep, swine and rabbits are required complete the training to be eligible to exhibit their project animals in 2013 Maryland County 4-H and State 4-H Shows. *4-Hers are required to complete the on-line training program when they reach each 4-H age division (Juniors (ages 8-10), Intermediates (ages 11-13), Seniors (ages 14-18) – all as of January 1 of the current year) OR when as Intermediates and Seniors, they are new to an animal science project listed above. Thus, each time a member enters a new age division, they will be required to complete the training PLUS if an Intermediate or Senior 4-H member chooses to show a new species since last completing the program within an age division they must return to the program and complete the program for the new species area. There are two different Levels to the program. Members will be automatically taken to the appropriate Level according to the birthdate entered on the registration screen: Junior AH&QA Level There is one part to the Junior Level. There is not species specific information as in the Intermediate and Senior Level Intermediate and Senior AH&QA Level There are two parts to the Intermediate and Senior Level: Part 1 is completed by all intermediate and senior members. Part 2 - contains specific information for each animal species - members will need to complete Part 2 of the program for each specie project they are enrolled in and wish to exhibit. For 2013, members will have access to the AH&QA program from March 15 through July 31st. Members MUST complete the AH&QA training no later than July 31st. Also for 2013, ALL members completing the program (or any portion of the program) must register and a NEW PASSCODE will be assigned. Passcodes from prior years are no longer valid. Information to Help You Successfully Complete the Maryland 4-H AH&QA Program: Members may access the AH&QA program at: or a link to the program will be posted on the Animal Science Program Resources page of the Maryland 4-H website at . The AH&QA program has voice narration, so the material is shared in written and oral form. Members will be asked to respond to questions to evaluate knowledge at different points during the program. When members register for the program, they will be provided a unique Passcode. Members should write their Passcode down and keep it in a safe place! They will be asked to enter their passcode when responding to the “Check Your Knowledge” and “What I Learned” quizzes. The program takes about 45 minutes for Juniors to complete and 60-75 minutes for Intermediates and Seniors to complete. If a member needs to stop the AH&QA training in the middle of the program, he or she may return to the program where they left off by entering their Passcode on Page 1 of the program. A member may log out at any point by clicking on the Log Out? link underneath each slide. A member must be LOGGED IN for the system to track their progress and record their completion of the program. There is a note at the bottom of each slide indicating the member’s status. When logged in, the message will read “Welcome, [Member’s Name]. Log out? “. If the member is not logged in correctly, the message will read “You are not currently logged in. Your progress will NOT be recorded”. Upon completion of the Junior Level or the Intermediate and Senior Level individual specie sections, members will have an opportunity to print a Certificate of Completion for their records. It is suggested that members keep the Certificate of Completion with their animal health papers (CVI forms), registration papers and other important animal records. If a member is correctly logged in, the Certificate of Completion will automatically fill in the member’s name and date of completion. A blank Certificate of Completion would indicate that the member was not correctly logged in. Each member’s progress will be kept in a statewide database and their County 4-H staff will receive notification that they have completed the AH&QA training. JUDGING TEAM INFORMATION The Maryland Shorthorn Association will host a Shorthorn Beef Judging Contest and Clinic on Saturday, June 15, 2013 at the Howard County Fairgrounds. There will be three age divisions - Juniors 8-10; Intermediates - 11-13; and Seniors 14-21. All ages as of January 1, 2013. There will be three classes of heifers and one class of steers. There will be individual awards for the top 10 in each age division. There will be no teams. There is no entry fee and no admission fee to the grounds. Registration will start at 8:30 AM and the contest will begin at 9:00 AM. This is an excellent way to start your summer judging season. There will be food available on the grounds. We look forward to seeing 4-H members, coaches, and parents on Saturday, June 15, 2013 DAIRY JUDGING KENT COUNTY 4-H is hosting several dairy judging practice sessions for youth interested in learning how to judge dairy cattle and give oral reasons. Patrick Welch is coordinating the practices and invites 4-H members from any county to attend. Contact the Kent county 4-H office for the current list of dates and locations. This is an opportunity to learn more about your dairy cattle, improve your showmanship, better select breeding traits and learn to better select animals at sales. Adult volunteers are also welcome to attend and assist with coaching the youth. 410 778-1661. UPCOMING SHOWS The Mill of BelAir is hosting a show on Sunday June 2 at the State Fairgrounds. Go to their website for entry information. The Southern Maryland Invitational Livestock Show (SMILE) will be held June 21-23 at the St. Mary’s County Fairgrounds in Leonardtown MD. Go to their website for details OTHER COUNTY FAIRS – Several other local counties hold 4-H invitational shows that you can also attend. Check their county 4-H websites for dates and information. MARYLAND 4-H AVIAN BOWL The Third Annual Maryland 4-H Avian Bowl event is being offered on June 29, 2013 at the University of Maryland Animal and Avian Sciences Building in College Park, MD 20742. Registration is at 8:30am and the Contest begins at 9:00am. Registration for the Avian Bowl is due by June 1. Registration Forms can be found at the link below: \\\shares\users\campus\terp23\documents\IT Support\eNews\eNewsArticles\Avian_Bowl_Entry_Form_2013.doc 2013 MARYLAND 4-H LIVESTOCK ROUND-UP Register now! The 4th offering of the Maryland 4-H Livestock Round-Up will be held July 1-3, 2013 at the Frederick County 4-H Camp and Activity Center, Frederick, Maryland for 4-H youth, ages 8-18. Registration Packets are now available on the Maryland 4-H website. Registration is limited. 2013 MARYLAND 4-H HORSE TRIPE CROWN RESULTS The 2013 Maryland 4-H Horse Triple Crown was held April 20-21 on the University of Maryland campus. 94 4-H members participated in the Horse Judging contest; 106 members participated in the Hippology contest; and 161 members participated in the Horse Bowl contest. 15 counties were represented. HORSE BOWL RESULTS…GREAT JOB ! Congratulations to our QA County 4-H’ers who participated in Horse Bowl and Hippolgy, the following are the results: HORSE BOWL Jr. Team- 12th; Emma Golden, 10th; Int. Team- 2nd ; Hannah Irons, 3rd; Dakota Albers, 4th; Jen Gannon, 14th Sr. Team- 12th; Jen Huffman, 12th HIPPLOGY Jr. – Individual; Morgan Kling, 10th ; Int. – Individual; Dakota Albers, 3rd; Maggie Kling, 10 ; Jen Gannon, 19th….Great job! th 2013 HORSE JAMBOREE The 2013 Horse Jamboree Committee has been hard at work planning this year’s event. The 2013 Jamboree is being hosted by Carroll County, July 12-14, at Hashawha Environmental Center Westminster, MD. The Jamboree features a variety of Workshops, Demos, Farm Visits, a Horsemanship Contest, a Horse Artistic Expressions Show, and other fun and educational Equine and camp activities, as well as the annual Maryland 4-H Horse Communications Contest. Registration information will soon be posted on the Maryland 4-H website at and Maryland 4-H Horse pages at . 2013 MARYLAND 4-H HORSE COMMUNICATIONS CONTEST The Horse Communications Contest will be held Saturday, July 13, 12:30pm, in conjunction with the Horse Jamboree at Hashawha Environmental Center Westminster, MD. The event includes three areas of presentation including: 1) Individual Speech, 2) Individual Presentation, and 3) Team Presentation. Three age divisions are offered: Juniors (8-10), Intermediates (11-13), and Seniors (14-18), based on a member’s age as of January 1 of the current year. Ribbons will be awarded in each division for each age group. The top placing senior(s) in each division will be eligible to compete in the National 4-H Horse Communication Contest at the Eastern National 4-H Horse Roundup in Louisville, Kentucky this fall as a part of the Maryland 4-H State Horse Communications Team. Registration information will soon be posted on the Maryland 4-H and Maryland 4-H Horse websites listed above. MARYLAND 4-H HORSE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING The Maryland 4-H Horse Advisory Committee will meet on Saturday, July 13, 7:00pm, in conjunction with the Horse Jamboree being held at Hashawha Environmental Center Westminster, MD. The Maryland 4-H Horse Advisory Committee meets bi-annually to discuss and evaluate the 4-H horse program and to plan future horse activities and events. These discussions may include but are not limited to: State Contests (including Horse Bowl, Judging, Hippology, and Communications), Horse Jamboree, Horsemanship Standards, Horseman’s Party, Awards, and State Fair. These meetings are also used to generate new ideas and resources to benefit the program. The Committee is made up of representatives (volunteers, youth, and UME staff) from Maryland counties that participate in the 4-H Horse Program. NOTE: committee is not meeting on June 1 as had been posted due to conflict with the Southern Maryland Regional Spring Show. 2013 MARYLAND 4-H HORSEMEN’S PARTY Mark your calendars now! Plan to join us for the 2013 Maryland 4-H Horsemen’s Party on October 6, 2013, 2:00-5:00 pm, at Ten Oaks Ballroom, 5000 Signal Bell Lane, Clarksville, MD 21029. The Horsemen's party serves as the primary fundraiser for the Sallie Robertson Memorial 4-H Horse Endowment Fund which supports 4-H equine educational programs and the annual trip for 4-Hers representing Maryland at the Eastern National 4-H Horse Round Up in the areas of horse judging, hippology, horse bowl, demonstrations and public speaking and other national contests. The fund may also provide scholarships for 4-H volunteers and members to attend leadership conferences, equine-related workshops and National 4-H Congress. The planning committee meets Tuesday, May 14, 2013, 7pm, via teleconference. Contact Amanda Clougherty, Maryland 4-H Foundation, at to become involved in the event’s planning. Please contact me by phone (301-314-7187) or email ( )if you have questions. Thank you for all you do to support Maryland 4-H Horse programs. INTERNATIONAL 4-H EXCHANGE OPPORTUNITY Our state 4-H staffs are currently in the process of searching for Maryland 4-H families to host delegates from Japan as part of our involvement with the States’ 4-H International Exchange Program. Our ten Japanese youth and one adult chaperone will be arriving in the United States on July 21st and staying through August 19th. Because the 4-H States’ Exchange Program wants to make sure that each delegate has a host sibling that they can relate to, these families will need to have at least one child between the ages of 12 and 17. If you think that your family would be interested in participating please go to the event website for more information Click the “Become a host family” tab and follow the instructions to fill out the Electronic Host Family Information Sheet(e-HFIS). As a reminder, filling out the e-HFIS is not any form of official commitment, but simply the first step in finding out if the family is a good fit for the program. Please notify our county 4-H office if you are interested so that we can assist you with the UME volunteer process. STATE 4-H SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES The Maryland 4-H Foundation was able to present twenty-six academic scholarships to well deserving students attending an accredited university, college, or post high school vocational program in the year 2012. The 4-H Foundation plans to match this once again this year, planning to present several different scholarships ranging from $500-$2500. Scholarship Applications must be postmarked by June 1, 2013. Completed applications can be sent to the Maryland 4-H Foundation, Inc. Applicants must meet all requirements listed in the application to be considered for awards. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. Recipients will be selected by a committee composed of the Maryland 4-H Foundation Board of Directors, who will review all applications and select the most qualified applicants. All committee decisions are final. Winners will be notified by October 1, 2013. Academic Scholarship Award winners will receive their scholarship payment in full at the 2013 Maryland 4-H Gala, Sunday January 19, 2014, Laurel Park, Laurel MD. The individual or family representative must attend to receive the award. One World, One 4-H, One Dream…To Make the Best Better June 25-27, 2013 Maryland State 4-H Teen Leadership Conference will be held at the beautiful University of College Park Campus June 25-27, 2013. This is the premier, statewide annual 4-H event for teens. The mission of Teen Focus is to provide educational experiences on a campus setting that help participants to develop life and leadership skills. This is a great opportunity for youth to make decisions about their future educational and professional endeavors. In 2013 we will be teaming up with Future Farmers of America (FFA) to offer a fabulous event. This collaboration provided both organizations the ability to increase their capacity to offer premier youth development programs. One example is the keynote speaker, Ricky Kalmon a famous motivational speaker. Many of you may recognize him from the Disney show Snapp. In addition, he has made numerous special guest appearances on Fox, FX, E, and Comedy Central. Kalmon’s uniqueness comes from the way he combines music, audience participation, and comedy to create an unforgettable show which is unmatched by anyone. It’s a show that will keep you on the edge of your seat and take you on a Vacation of the Mind! We know it will be an awesome memorable experience for all in attendance. FFA and 4-H have an amazing line up of workshops for the conference. Combining the groups has allowed us to bring in outside presenters from a variety of organizations. Our extraordinary line up of classes for Teen Focus range from CSI-Barnyard, Zumba, Campus Tours, Health Rocks! Youth MiniGrants, Livestock, Healthy Lifestyles, Community Leadership, to Entrepreneurship. It is definitely a line up everyone will love. 4-H’ers and FFA youth will attend classes together. This year, instead of signing up for classes in advance, youth will receive an on-line link where they can register on-line. By combining the two groups, we now expect more than 400 teens from all across the state of Maryland in attendance. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Champions’ Choice Jackpot Pig Show Sunday- June 2, 2013 Maryland State Fairgrounds - Swine Building 2200 York Road Timonium, MD 21093 Check-In and Weigh-In 7:00 am to 9:30 am Show Starts at 10:30 am (Conformation Classes Only - No Showmanship) Guaranteed Jackpot Prizes – $250.00 Grand Champion $150.00 Reserve Grand Champion $50.00 Breed Champion *Early-Entry fee $10.00 per head* - Entries will be accepted the day of the show. Entries the day of the show will be $15.00 per head and exhibitors may not be guaranteed a t-shirt. Exhibitors must be no older than 21 years of age as of January 1, 2013. Exhibitors must show their own animals. – There is no limit on the number of animals shown. Only barrows and gilts are eligible to show. Weight limits - no minimum weight; maximum weight = 280lbs *Pigs will only be weighed once.* Pigs are shown by breed Berkshire Chester White Duroc and weightHampshire Landrace Poland China Spotted Yorkshire All Other Registered Breeds Crossbred There must be a minimum of 6 pigs in a breed to show as a breed division (if not 6 head in a given breed, pigs will be shown in the “All Other Registered Breeds” Division). In order to show in any of the purebred classes or the “All Other Registered Breeds” classes, pigs must have pedigrees and matching ear notches that correspond to the pedigree. Exhibitors are responsible for providing their own bedding. Exhibitors are responsible for cleaning their pens before leaving the fairgrounds. Contact Information: For more information, please contact us – Karen Holloway 443-807-8642 or Dave Holloway 717-515-4147 MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ANIMAL HEALTH REQUIREMENTS: Refer to the Maryland Department of Agriculture website for complete health requirements: (Click on the Animal Health tab, then Fairs and Shows link) All hogs must meet health requirements set by the Maryland Department of Agriculture: Maryland Swine 1. Swine shall be identified by an official ear tag, tattoo or recognized breed ear notch. 2. Ear notch identification is acceptable for barrows, crossbred gilts and breeding swine. 3. Animals showing clinical signs of contagious or infectious disease or external parasites will not be allowed to show or remain on the fairgrounds. 4. All hogs to be exhibited must be accompanied by a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection signed by an accredited veterinarian. The certificate must be issued within 30 days of the show. A Livestock Exhibotor’s Self Certification of Animal Health must also be completed and signed, and must accompany pigs upon arrival at the show. 5. Brucellosis: Maryland is a Brucellosis Class-Free State. Brucellosis testing is not required for Maryland Swine. Tuberculosis: Maryland is an Accredited Tuberculosis-Free State. Tuberculin test is not required for Maryland Swine 6. Leptospirosis immunization is recommended. Out-of-State Swine 1. Swine shall be identified by an official ear tag, tattoo or recognized breed ear notch. 2. Ear notch identification is not acceptable for crossbred animals. 3. Animals showing clinical signs of contagious or infectious disease or external parasites will not be allowed to show or remain on the fairgrounds. 4. Out of state hogs to be exhibited must be accompanied by a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection signed by an accredited veterinarian. The certificate must be issued within 30 days of the show. A Livestock Exhibitor’s Self Certification of Animal Health must also be completed and signed and accompany pigs upon arrival at the show. 5. Brucellosis: All swine, except barrows, 6 months of age and older shall test negative for brucellosis within 30 days prior to exhibition entry, or originate directly from a validated brucellosis-free herd. Pseudorabies: Swine over 6 months of age shall be negative to an official test for Pseudorabies conducted within 30 days prior to exhibition entry, or originate immediately and directly from a qualified Pseudorabies negative herd. 6. Leptospirosis immunization is recommended. Champions’ Choice Jackpot Pig Show 2013 Entry Form Name:____________________________ email:_________________________ Age as of January 1, 2013:_____ Date of Birth: ___________________ Address: _______________________________City: _____________State:___ Telephone: ________________________________________________________ Breed Ear Notch and/or Tag Date of Birth Number of Pigs Entered: __________ x $10.00 = $_____________ All exhibitors who register by May 17, 2013 will receive a FREE Champions’ Choice Jackpot Show t-shirt! Please circle your shirt size: Youth L Adult S Adult XL Adult 2XL Adult M Adult L Adult 3XL Signature of exhibitor:___________________________ Date:_______ *** Send Entry Form and Fees to: The Mill of Bel Air c/o Karen Holloway 424 N. Main Street Bel Air, MD 21014 *Make checks payable to “The Mill of Bel Air” Any questions please contact: Karen Holloway 443-807-8642 (cell) The Mill of Bel Air 410-838-6111 Dave Holloway 717-515-4147 (cell) 2013 Queen Anne’s County 4-H Fashion Revue Application (Due by July 3rd at the Extension Office) Email to: Or mail to UME Queen Anne’s County, 505 Railroad Ave., Suite 4, Centreville, MD 21617 Name: _____________________________________________________________ Telephone_________________________4-H Club__________________________ Email__________________________________ Age :( as of 1/01/ 13) _______________ Circle one: Clover Junior Intermediate Senior Clover – One (1) outfit, any category Jr. and Int. – Any two (2) outfits from any 2 different classes Senior – Any three (3) outfits from any 3 different classes Category A (Garment Made by 4-Her) 1) Class # Entered #_____________________________________________ 2) Class # Entered #______________________________________________ 3) Class # Entered #_______________________________________________ Category B (Ready to Wear Garment) 1) Class# Entered #___________________________________________________ 2) Class# Entered #___________________________________________________ 3) Class# Entered #____________________________________________________ Clovers and juniors will do their interview judging on July 11 th at the Extension Office at 6:30pm. Intermediates and seniors will do their interview judging on July 18 th at the Extension Office at 6:30pm. Runway judging will be held for all ages at the same time. This will be held at the 4-H Park on a date yet to be determined. The runway judging will be open for families to watch. The Fashion Show is the evening of Wednesday, August 14th at the Fair. You will receive your awards that night. *Seniors who win the opportunity to continue to the State Contest must complete a more extensive application form. QUEEN ANNE’S COUNTY FASHION REVUE CLASSES Classes are as follows: SECTION A. GARMENT MADE & MODELED BY 4-H MEMBER 1. Sports Wear/ Lounge Wear- Outfits include jogging outfits, beach wear, tennis wear, riding habits, ski outfits, skating, or other sports outfits. Lounge wear includes appropriate sleep wear. 2. Costumes- costumes which are historic, ethnic, or created for theatrical or special events. 3. Creative Choice- Outfits which are knitted, crocheted, or made from fabric that the member has tiedyed, batiked, hand painted, appliqued or created by similar methods. 4. Re-design- Outfits created by re-constructing or re-utilizing an existing garment. 5. Formal Wear- Outfit suitable for evening or semi-formal events, including men’s wear, long or short dress, skirt or evening pants. 6. Business/Professional- Outfits appropriate for job interviews or professional settings. 7. Outer Wear- Pull-over jackets, short and long coats, rain wear, capes, blazers, and other garments to be worn outdoors but not specifically designed for a particular sport. 8. Dresses- Could include a sundress or other non-formal dress. 9. Separates- Jacket, vest, slacks, skirt, blouse, shorts-an outfit appropriate for school or casual affair (2 or more pieces required- all constructed) 10. Regular Wear- Skirt, slacks, shirt, blouse, capris, shorts, skorts, etc. ( This class does NOT go to State Fair) SECTION B. READY-TO-WEAR FASHION MODELED BY 4-H MEMBER 11. Sports Wear/Lounge Wear- Outfits include jogging outfits, beach wear, tennis wear, riding habits, ski outfits, skating, or other sports outfits. Lounge wear includes appropriate sleep wear. 12. Costumes- Costumes which are historic, ethnic, or created for theatrical or special events. 13. Formal Wear- Outfit suitable for evening or semi-formal events, including men’s wear, long or short dress, skirt or evening pants. 14. Business/Professional- Outfits appropriate for job interviews or professional settings. 15. Outer Wear- Pull-over jackets, short and long coats, rain wear, capes, blazers, and other garments to be worn outdoors but not specifically designed for a particular sport. 16. Dresses- Could include a sundress or other non-formal dress. 17. Separates- Jacket, vest, slacks, skirt, blouse, shorts-an outfit appropriate for school or casual affair (2 or more pieces required- all ready-to-wear) SECTION C. THIRTEEN YEAR OLD Two 4-H members per 4-H unit, who are 13 as of January 1 of the current year, may participate in the MD. State Fashion Revue but will NOT be judged. Their participation will be as a learning experience and as a member of the county group. These activities are offered to the 13 year olds to prepare them for their first competitive year on the state level. Queen Anne’s County 4-H Day Camp June 24, 25, 26, 27, 2013 The Queen Anne’s County 4-H Summer Day Camp is open to 4-H and Clover Members ages 5-12 as of January 1, 2013. Registration is limited to 60 with a minimum of 24 campers. Campers are on a first come, first serve basis. Clovers will have a separate program in the morning and join the older campers in the afternoon. The fee for the camp is $80.00 with the registration deadline being June 10th. Upon receipt of the registration form and a $40.00 deposit (or payment in full), all applicants will receive a full registration packet that will include a health form, behavioral expectations form along with further information. Some scholarship money is available. *Requests for scholarships may be made to the 4-H office at 410-758-0166. Deposit is refundable if cancellation is received prior to June 17th. Make all checks payable to QACEAC. Snacks and drinks will be provided each day. LUNCH WILL ONLY BE PROVIDED ON THURSDAY. University of Maryland Extension ATTN: CAMP 505 Railroad Avenue, Suite 4 Centreville, MD 21617 (Please print clearly) NAME: Age as of 1/1/12: Sex: Male or Female Address: State: Zip Code: 4-H Club: Parents Name: Home Phone: Work Phone: Cell Phone: Email Address: Adult volunteers will be needed each day. Please indicate if you would be willing and able to help out on the days listed: (Please circle): MONDAY (TIME: WEDNESDAY (TIME: THURSDAY (TIME: TUESDAY (TIME: UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION QUEEN ANNE’S COUNTY 505 RAILROAD AVENUE, SUITE 4 CENTREVILLE, MD 21617 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 46 CHESTERTOWN, MD 21620 Or Current Occupant THIS ISSUE OF THE CLOVERPRESS HAS BEEN PREPARED BY: Christine M. Johnston Extension Educator, 4-H and Youth And Sally G. Rosenberry, 4-H Program Assistant University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all people and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender identity expression.