University of Maryland Extension, Cecil County County Administrative Building

University of Maryland Extension, Cecil County
County Administrative Building
200 Chesapeake Blvd., Suite 1500
Elkton, MD 21921
Ph: 410-996-5280
Fax: 410-996-5285
4-H Talk Newsletter
September 2015
Access 4-H Talk Online and upcoming 4-H events at:
and open up the 4-H & Youth Tab
“This issue of 4-H Talk Contains Important Information about the 2015 & 2016 4-H Project Years”
Cecil County Fair Thank You!!!
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the Fair Board Members, Chair people, 4-H Volunteers,
4-H Members and parents who helped to make this year's Cecil County Fair a big success. Thanks to all those that helped
with set up, clean up, barn security and 4-H promotion. Without the help and dedication of committed volunteers, it would
be difficult to achieve what we do. Look under the results section to see a list of the 4-H grand champions. The entire fair
results listing should be posted on the fair website by the end of September.
Cecil County Fair Suggestions
If you have any suggestions on helping to improve the 4-H end of the Fair, please drop April an e-mail by October 1st at If it is a Fair issue, you can send your suggestions in writing to the Cecil County Fair, at P. O. Box 84,
Childs, MD 21916. Send an e-mail to, leave a message at 410-392-3440, or bring the
suggestion up at the open Fair Board meeting which will be held on November 12th at 7:00 PM in the Cecil County
Administrative Building, Elk Room.
Cecil County Fair Premiums
Fair premium checks were mailed on Wednesday, August 26th. If you do not receive your fair premium check by
September 4th or have a question about your payment, contact the Cecil County Fair via e-mail at or give her a call at 410-392-3440. Our fair officers are volunteers for the fair and works
full time. Please allow them several days to get back to you with an answer.
Cecil County Fair Livestock Sale Checks
If you have not received your Livestock Sale check it is because April has not received your buyer’s thank you notes. As a
reminder, you must turn in your original, self-addressed, stamped thank you letters to April Hall Barczewski by October
1, 2015 in order to receive your Livestock Sale Check and to be eligible to sell in 2016. If you need the buyer’s name
and/or address, you may contact April at the Extension Office at or 410-996-5280.
Cecil County 4-H Camp Kudos
From August 9th through 13th, over 130 youth campers, counselors and adult volunteers attended the Cecil County 4-H
Camp at the Rocks in Harford County. Thanks go to the dedicated camp counselors and adults who helped make this
event run smoothly and made it a fun-filled week for the campers. Also, many thanks go to all the campers as we look
forward to having you back at camp next year. Training for camp counselors (actual age 15 as of the start of camp) will
begin in January. More information about the counselor trainings will be in the next issue of 4-H Talk.
Maryland State Fair
The Maryland State Fair is currently underway. Check out all the indoor exhibits and upcoming shows as the fair runs
until Monday, September 7, 2015. For more information check out the Maryland State Fair website online at: Good luck Cecil 4-H participants in the upcoming judging events and contest.
National 4-H Congress Trip Recipient
Kudos to Lindsay Smith for earning a trip to Atlanta, Georgia on November 27 – December 1, 2015. She will represent
Cecil County as a delegate to National 4-H Congress. Lindsay will be traveling with fellow 4-H teens from across
Maryland. 4-H youth from across the United States and Puerto Rico attend National 4-H Congress.
National 4-H Horse Bowl Team Participation
Kudos to River Shannon who will be traveling to participate as a member of the Maryland 4-H Horse Bowl team to the
All-American Quarter Horse Congress in Columbus, Ohio in mid-October and Eastern National 4-H Horse Roundup in
early November in Louisville, Kentucky. Congratulations and Good Luck at both events!
Diamond Clover Level 6 Proposals
If you were thinking about doing a Diamond Clover Level 6 project in 2016 proposals were due to the County Office by
September 1, 2015 for review as they are due to the State by no later than September 15, 2015 in the online portal. Please
contact April via e-mail if you missed the county deadline on September 1st to see if we can work an arrangement out to
review your proposal by no later than Friday, September 11, 2015 so that it is submitted in the online portal by the State
Cecil County 4-H Reenrollments
Reenrollment time for the 2016 project year will take place in October & November and data entry will not begin until the
State rolls over to next year. The intent is for enrollments to be streamlined and take place online. More information will
be forthcoming as we transition to the new system.
Cecil County 4-H Record Books
Completing a record book is not something most 4-Hers think of as fun but it can be one of the most
important things you do in 4-H. Learning to keep good records of the work you do is something that will
help you in school and may lead to a successful career, plus more. Record Books will be due to the
Extension Office by January 22, 2016 by 7:00 p.m. Your 4-H record book must be signed by your leader
prior to submission the county level, so please make those arrangements well ahead of the due date. Any
book submitted without a leader’s signature will not be accepted. Record books can be either typed or hand written.
Forms are available online at our website, or in paper
form from the Extension Office. As a reminder we started using the new State Animal Specific Forms last year and
those will be the ONLY Animal Forms that will be accepted in 2016. Please do not use the Cecil County 4-H
Market Animal and Non-Market Animal Forms but use the specific species from that the State developed. We will
be offering two record book workshops. One on Thursday, November 5, 2015 at 6:30 PM and the other on Tuesday,
January 5, 2016 at 6:30 PM in the Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton. Please RSVP your attendance by the day of the
National 4-H Conference Opportunity for Teens
National 4-H Congress is a once in a lifetime experience where youth from all across the nation get together to address the
needs and issues of youth, listen to motivational speakers and socialize with fellow 4-Hers. The trip will take place April
9-14, 2016 in Washington, DC. Applicants must be enrolled in 4-H and not older than 4-H age 18 the year the trips take
place. Youth interested in applying must do a 4-H resume, essay, fill out an appropriate selection process application and
receive an interview. Completed applications for National 4-H Conference are due to the Cecil County Extension Office
by October 9, 2015 and the interviews will take place in November. The essay topic for 4-H Conference is “Write an
essay describing the impact that being in 4-H has had on your life.”
Upcoming Activities, Events and Meetings
Countywide Archery Practices
The Sanford-Cranes will be hosting weekly archery practices in preparation for the State Contest beginning on Thursday,
September 10, 2015 and running until October 15, 2015. Practices begin at 6:30 PM. Practice will not be held on
Thursday, September 3, 2015.
4-H Sewing Workshops 2015-2016
4-H Volunteer, Joan Gaffney, will be having county-wide Sewing Workshops every month starting in September. The
workshops will take place from 2-4 pm at Trinity Church, 105 N. Bridge Street, Elkton. If you would like to learn how to
sew, please attend the workshops. These workshops are open to any 4-H’er, including clovers, parent or volunteer.
Please RSVP for each workshop at least one week in advance by calling Joan at 443-553-7492. Below are the dates and
topics. Please complete the flyer and bring it with you to the workshop! See the attached flyer with additional
• Sunday, September 20 “Sewing 101”
• Sunday, October 18 “Let’s Sew”
• Sunday, November 15 “Measuring Up”
• Sunday, December 20 “Seam Finish Tips”
• Sunday, January 17 “Finishing Touches”
• Sunday, February 21 “Recycling”
• Sunday, March 20 “Sewing Sense”
• Sunday, April 17 “Show-N-Tell”
Hands-On Animal Science Classes
We will be offering fun, hands-on Animal Science classes for 4-Hers on the 4th Tuesday of each month from 6:30-8:00
PM in the Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton. You do not have to attend all the class topics. Please RSVP online at: or call 410-996-5280 the
day prior to each scheduled class so that enough supplies can be gathered and materials prepared in advance.
The dates and topics are as follows:
• September 22nd“Animal-ology-Test Your Animal Knowledge” we will be learning and participating in a
skillathon event.
• October 27th “Mighty Muscles” we will be learning about muscles and dissecting chicken wings
All the classes will be very fun and energetic as all the sessions will be hands-on.
Cecil County 4-H Goat Interest Meeting
Are you interested in dairy goats, pet goats, cart goats or pack goats? There will be a Goat Interest Meeting covering all
these topics on Wednesday, September 23rd at 7 PM at the Cecil County Extension Office in Elkton. Come learn about a
variety of opportunities that the goat project has to offer.
Cecil County Carrot Crunchers Rabbit Interest Group
The Cecil County Carrot Crunchers, a rabbit based group will be meeting at the Kalman residence, 2565 Lewisville Rd,
Lewisville, PA on Sunday, September 27th at 6:00 pm. They hope to start a rabbit judging team for 2016 and will be
covering a variety of rabbit related topics at each meeting.
Cecil County 4-H Animal Science Planning Meeting
On Tuesday, September 29, 2015 at 7 PM in the Cecil County Extension Office in Elkton, we will be discussing 4-H
Animal Science (beef, dairy, goats, horse, pet, poultry, rabbit, sheep & swine) issues, planning for the 2015 project year
and discussing animal science opportunities. We will be discussing Skillathon, Quiz Bowl, Judging, Animal Science
Workshops and Animal Science Rules. Anyone (youth and adults) who is interested in the animal science project area are
welcome to attend.
Cecil County 4-H Horse Bowl Practices
Practices for Horse Bowl are just getting underway as the first practice is scheduled for Wednesday, September 30, 2015
at 6:30 PM in the Cecil County Extension Office. Additional practice dates and times will be set after the first meeting.
Please contact Elaine Keys at 856-332-3380 or if you have any questions or can’t make the first
National 4-H Week Activities
National 4-H Week is October 4-10, 2015. Show that you are proud to be a 4-H member during National 4-H Week.
This year we encourage 4-H clubs/youth to prepare displays and/or posters to exhibit in schools, libraries, or businesses
during National 4-H Week. This is a great way to use your club’s banner. Friday, October 9, 2015 has been designated as
Cecil County 4-H Spirit Day, when youth and volunteers are encouraged to wear their 4-H t-shirts. This is a great way to
show your 4-H spirit by telling others what you do in 4-H and encouraging others to join. 4-H promotional materials are
available in the Cecil County Extension Office.
The Goblin Gallop
The Cecil County 4-H Horse Program is sponsoring a Halloween Themed Paper Chase on Sunday, October 4, 2015,
beginning from Lot 1 at Fair Hill. There will be Slowpokes and Daredevils, a Costume Contest, great food, great
photographer, great prizes, great fun. . . basically, GREAT EVERYTHING! The cost is $20 for 4-H members and
volunteers and $30 for all other riders. The horse program fundraising event helps keep the cost down for 4-H horse
activities including Horse Hoopla. See the Goblin Gallop Flyer for additional information. Please contact Monica Mason
at for more information.
National Youth Science Day
Join us on Tuesday, October 6th at 6:30 PM in the University of Maryland Extension, Cecil County Office, for the eight
annual 4-H National Youth Science Day, entitled Motion Commotion, to learn about physics, speed and safety! Contact
the Extension Office by Friday, October 2nd if you plan to participate.
Delaware Livestock Exposition
The 2015 Delaware Livestock Exposition will be held on October 10-11, 2015 at the Delaware State Fairgrounds in
Harrington, DE. The exhibitor’s handbook and entries forms are available online at
The entry deadline is September 18, 2015.
State Archery Contest
The State 4-H Archery Event will be held at the Thendara 4-H Center, 6275 Lords Crossing Road, Hurlock, MD in
Dorchester County on Saturday, October 17, 2015. Each youth participant must register in advance and include a
registration fee payable to Maryland 4-H Foundation. Any registration postmarked after 10/2/15 or any registration
received without payment will incur a late fee. Contact your archery instructor or the Cecil County Extension Office to
receive registration materials.
Cecil County 4-H Open House and Project Fair
Come to the Cecil County 4-H Open House and Project Fair on Wednesday, October 21, 2015 at the Cecil County
Extension Office, Elkton from 6-8 PM. Our faculty, staff, volunteers and 4-H youth will have displays and activities to
share with prospective and current 4-H families.
Apple/Pumpkin Fest
Apple/Pumpkin Fest will be held on Saturday, November 7, 2015 at the Calvert Grange Hall in Calvert. Entries will be
accepted from 9:00 to 10:00 AM. The judging and program will begin at 10 AM. The main ingredients in the recipe must
be apples or pumpkins. See the attached flyer for registration and class information. Registration is due by Friday,
October 30th in the Cecil County Extension Office.
Open Fair Board Meeting/Fair Board Opportunities
The open Fair Board meeting is scheduled on November 12th at 7:00 PM in the Elk Room of the County Administrative
Building. This is the meeting to attend if you are interested in serving on the Cecil County Fair Board or have information
or changes to propose to the Fair Board. The Fair Board also has positions for 4-H youth who are interested in serving on
the Cecil County Junior Fair Board. The application is available on the Cecil County Extension website and is due by
October 31, 2015 to Mark Barczewski.
Holiday Craft Workshop
The 4-H Junior Council is planning an exciting Holiday Workshop on Saturday, December 5, 2015 from 9:30 A.M. until
noon at the Walls Activity Hall in Fair Hill. There is also a class offered for adults. Registration materials will be available
by October 1st on the Cecil County Extension website.
Friends of Cecil County 4-H Benefit Auction
Mark your calendar for Saturday, December 5th! We will be holding another benefit to help the Cecil County 4-H
Program. There are several events scheduled that day at the Walls Activity Hall at the Fair Hill
Natural Resources Management Area (fairgrounds). Following the Holiday Crafts Workshop, the
Friends of 4-H Fundraiser will be held beginning with a roast beef dinner. Refreshments will be
available. Beginning at 7:00 P.M. there will be a Silent and Live Auction to raise money for our clubs
and county 4-H programs. Club donations are due by Monday, November 23th. Clubs can contribute
to the auction by getting items donated or creating a gift basket. One half of whatever your items earn
at the auction will go to your club and the other half will go to fund county 4-H programs like
Achievement Night. Any questions may be answered by contacting April or Vicki at the Extension Office. Please
support your local 4-H program! To make this event successful, everyone needs to help. If every club and the All Stars
can get items donated for the auction, we will have a great turnout!
University of Maryland Extension 4-H Volunteer Trainings
Are you interested in becoming a University of Maryland Extension Volunteer or do you know anyone that might be
interested? Don’t wait because now is the time April and/or Vicki will be conducting two UME Volunteer trainings this
fall and one in January. They are:
• Monday, October 19, 2015 in the Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton from 6:30-8:30 PM
• Tuesday, November 10, 2015 in the Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton from 6:30-8:30 PM
• Thursday, January 7, 2016 in the Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton from 6:30-8:30 PM
If you are interested in becoming a 4-H Volunteer please register online at or call the Extension Office at 410-996-5280 to confirm your attendance.
Club Activities and Highlights
Calvert Boys and Girls-Great Potato Contest Ending Event
The 2015 Great Potato Contest Ending Event will be on Friday, September 11, 2015 at the Calvert Grange.
Weigh-in will run from 6-6:30 PM. Remember to bring your bucket back so that the weigh-in committee can dig your
potatoes for you and weigh them. Any Clover or Junior contestants bringing back their potatoes already out of bucket will
be disqualified. Seniors and Intermediates need to bring their 4 best potatoes to be entered by 6:30 PM. As a reminder do
not wash your potatoes. Please bring them on a white paper plate. The Great Potato Dinner will start at 6:30 PM. Please
bring a potato dish and drink to share. Place settings and hotdogs will be provided. At the event participants will be
playing some potato games! Please contact Ellen Larrimore with questions at 443-945-0370 or
Making Strides 4-H Club-Car Wash-Saturday, September 20, 2015
Making Strides 4-H Club is hosting a car wash at Tractor Supply of Elkton from 10 AM-2 PM.
Calvert Boys and Girls-Chicken BBQ-Saturday, October 10, 2015
Please contact Ellen Larrimore with questions at 443-945-0370 or
Calvert Boys and Girls & Other 4-H Clubs-Quarter Auction-Friday, November 7, 2015 at the Calvert Grange
Please contact Ellen Larrimore with questions at 443-945-0370 or
Leaders Corner
4-H Leaders and Volunteers Meetings
The next Cecil County 4-H Leaders and Volunteers meeting will be on Monday, September 21, 2015 at 7 PM in the Cecil
County Extension Office, Elkton. Another 4-H Leaders and Volunteers meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 23,
2015 at 7 PM in the Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton
4-H Leaders Reminder-Club Financial Books
Don't forget to close out treasurer's books, ending June 30, 2015. The treasurer's book have transitioned to the 4-H Fiscal
Year from July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015. Please submit your completed books to the Cecil County Extension Office by
October 15, 2015 and complete the online 990-N e-postcard no later than November 15, 2015. Thank you for your
diligence on this important club paperwork!
Cecil 4-H UME Volunteer Development Series
Volunteers and teen leaders are encouraged to enhance their skills by registering for the Cecil County 4-H Volunteer
Development Series. You can pick and choose which topics you would like to attend. The topics and dates are as follows:
o 11/2-Club Management & Program Planning and Youth Adult Partnerships and Working with Your Officer
The programs take place from 6:30-8 PM in the University of Maryland Extension Cecil County 4-H Office at 200
Chesapeake Blvd, Elkton in Suite 1500. If you would like to attend, please register online at or call the Extension Office at
Educational Videos, Learning Kits, and Materials Available For Loan
The Cecil County 4-H Office has some educational videos, learning kits, curriculum and equipment which club leaders
can borrow from our office on a variety of topics. If you are interested in borrowing videos, learning kits, curriculum or
equipment stop by the Extension office.
Upcoming Extension Opportunities
Pasture Site Tour and Hay Evaluation Workshop
September 16, 2015
The second event will focus on the knowledge and skills needed to evaluate hay quality. The workshop will be held at the
Baltimore County Agriculture Center, 1114 Shawan Road in Cockeysville on Wednesday, September 16 from 6:30 p.m. –
8:30 p.m. Dr. Les Vough will present a program on hay quality evaluation; Dave Martin, agriculture educator for
Baltimore County Extension, will conduct a tour of the newly established rotational grazing site and lead a discussion on
cool season grasses commonly used in hay production. Registration for the event is $10 per person. A limited number of
spots are available so registration is requested by September 11. Light refreshments will be provided. See more
Toxic Plant Seminar
October 20, 2015
The third and final event of the fall series will explore toxic plants that pose a threat to livestock in Maryland. This
seminar will be held at the Harford County Extension Office, 2335 Rock Spring Road in Forest Hill, on Tuesday, October
20 from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Veterinarian Dr. Anna Snarski and Extension Educator Sara BhaduriHauck will discuss the
principles of plant toxicity, identification of toxic plants and tips for keeping livestock safe from plant poisoning. Light
refreshments and printed resources will be provided. Registration is $5 per person; please register by October 12. For
more information on any of these programs, or to register, please contact Sara BhaduriHauck at the Harford County
Extension Office at 410-638-3255 or
See more at
Maryland 4-H Foundation Opportunities
Bag and Basket Bingo hosted by the Maryland 4-H Foundation
The Maryland 4-H Foundation will be hosting a Bag and Basket Bingo on October 2nd at the Maryland State
Fairgrounds! Doors open at 6:00pm and the games start at 6:30pm. 20 games will be played along with 5 special games. If
interested in sponsoring a basket or filling a basket please contact Amanda Clougherty at To order
tickets or for more information, please check out
Support MD 4-H by Purchasing an Ad in Our 4-H in Action Supplement to the Delmarva Farmer!
The Maryland 4-H Foundation needs your support! Please put your advertising dollars to good use and reserve space in
the October 6th special 4-H in Action supplement to the Delmarva Farmer. The supplement is completely written and
designed by Maryland 4-H youth! 50% of the advertising revenue will be donated directly to the Maryland 4-H
Foundation! To advertise in this special supplement, call Tiffany or Emily at 1-800-634-5021. Advertising deadline is
September 30th.
Calling All 4-H Writers, Reporters & Photographers!
The Maryland 4-H in Action supplement to the Delmarva Farm is back for
2015! This is an opportunity for
4-Hers to showcase Maryland 4-H through their own eyes. The supplement
will be written, edited and designed by 4-H youth interested in media and
writing under the guidance of Maryland 4-H and Delmarva Farmer staff. A share of the advertising sales will go toward
the Maryland 4-H Foundation. All articles must be emailed to Sean Clougherty at by September
21, 2015. Still have questions? Contact Amanda Clougherty at or 301-314-7835.
Maryland 4-H Horsemen’s Party
The 29th Annual Maryland 4-H Horsemen’s Party is scheduled for Sunday, November 1, 2015 from 3-6:30 pm. The event
will be held in the Vista Room at the Maryland State Fairgrounds in Timonium, MD. The event serves two main purposes
for the Maryland 4-H Horse Program. First it provides an opportunity to recognize
4-H members, volunteers and supporters for their outstanding accomplishments and amazing support. Second, the party is
an important fundraising event. Proceeds benefit the Sallie Robertson Memorial 4-H Horse Endowment Fund which helps
to underwrite the Maryland 4-H Horse Program. We hope you will plan to join us! Registration materials and additional
information are available online at
Other Opportunities
J.A.K.E.S. Conservation Day
The Tri-County Longbeards Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation invites you to a J.A.K.E.S. (Juniors
Acquiring Knowledge, Ethics & Sportsmanship) Conservation Field Day on Saturday, October 10, 2015 from 8:30 AM3:30 PM at Thendara 4-H Center, 6275 Lord’s Crossing Rd, Hurlock. Activities include Air Rifle and BB Trailer,
Trapping, 3-D & Field Archery, Fishing, Turkey Calling and Retriever Demonstration. The cost is Ages 17 and under
$10 and Parents/Adults $5 for more information contact Conrad Arnold at 410-330-5967.
REMINDER: Now that County Fair is over, 4-Hers are encouraged to work on Record Books now to avoid last minute
delays and mishaps
Support the Tractor Supply Paper Clover program from October 7h-18th at the Tractor Supply Store
here in Elkton as part of the proceeds benefit the Cecil County 4-H Program.
4-H Calendar of Events
August 2015
27-9/7 Maryland State Fair, Timonium
September 2015
Deadline: 4-H Diamond Clover Level 6 Proposals to UME-Cecil 4-H Office
Most State 4-H Judging Contests at the Maryland State Fair
State 4-H Smallbore Rifle Match, Marriottsville
Calvert Boys & Girls Great Potato Ending Event, Weigh In 6-6:30 PM, Dinner-6:30 PM, Calvert Grange, Calvert
Deadline: 4-H Diamond Clover Level 6 Proposals in State 4-H Portal
State 4-H Shooting Sports Instructor Update (for instructors certified & trained prior to 2013), Patuxent River 4-H Center,
Upper Marlboro
4-H Sewing Workshop, 2-4 PM, Trinity Church, Elkton
Making Strides 4-H Club Car Wash, 10 AM-2 PM, Tractor Supply, Elkton
Cecil 4-H Leaders and Volunteer Meeting, 7 PM, UME Cecil County 4-H Office, Elkton
Hands-On Animal Science Class, 6:30-8 PM, Animal-ology-Test Your Animal Knowledge, Cecil County Extension Office,
Cecil 4-H Dairy Goat Interest Meeting, 7 PM, UME Cecil County 4-H Office, Elkton
Cecil 4-H Carrot Crunchers Rabbit Interest Meeting, 6 PM, Kalman Residence, Lewisville, PA
Cecil 4-H Animal Science Planning Meeting, Elkton, 7:00 PM, UME Cecil County 4-H Office, Elkton
Horse Bowl Practice, 6:30 PM, UME-Cecil County Office, Elkton
Archery Practice, 6:30 PM, Sanford-Crane Residence, Elkton (Beginning 9/10)
October 2015
National 4-H Week
Cecil County 4-H Horse Program-Goblin Gallop Fundraiser, Fair Hill
National 4-H Youth Science Day Activity, 6:30 PM, UME Cecil County 4-H Office, Elkton
Cecil 4-H Spirit Day, Wear Your 4-H Shirts to Promote and Showcase the 4-H Program
Deadline: National 4-H Conference Portfolios Due to UME-Cecil 4-H Office (After County Approval must be submitted to
State in online portal by 10/15)
Calvert Boys and Girls Chicken BBQ Fundraiser
10-11 Delaware Livestock Exposition, Harrington (Entry Deadline-9/18/15)
DEADLINE: Club Financial Report for July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015 and 4-H Property Inventory Due to Cecil County
Extension Office
15-18 Fair Hill International & Festival in the Country, Fair Hill
State 4-H Archery Match, Camp Thendara, Hurlock
Cecil County Farm Museum Apple Butter Festival, 10 AM-4 PM, Fair Hill
4-H Sewing Workshop, 2-4 PM, Trinity Church, Elkton
University of Maryland Extension Volunteer Training, 6:30 PM, UME Cecil County 4-H Office, Elkton
Cecil County 4-H Open House & Project Showcase, 6-8:30 PM, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton
State 4-H Shotgun Match, PG Trap & Skeet Club, Glenn Dale (Tentative as registration is not out yet)
Hands-On Animal Science Class, 6:30-8 PM, Mighty Muscles, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton
DEADLINE: Junior Fair Board Application (Due to Mark Barczewski)
Archery Practice, 6:30 PM, Sanford-Crane Residence, Elkton (Until 10/15)
Horse Bowl Practice, 6:30 PM, UME-Cecil County Office, Elkton
November 2015
Maryland 4-H Horsemen’s Party, 3-6:30 PM, Vista Room, Timonium
Volunteer Series: Club Management, Program Planning & Working with your Officer Team, Elkton, 6:30 PM, UME Cecil
County 4-H Office, Elkton
Cecil 4-H Record Book Workshop, 6:30 PM, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton
Apple/Pumpkin Fest, 10 AM, Calvert Grange, Calvert (Entries received between 9-10 AM)
Calvert Boys and Girls & Other 4-H Clubs Quarter Auction, Calvert Grange
University of Maryland Extension Volunteer Training, 6:30 PM, UME Cecil County 4-H Office, Elkton
Cecil County Fair Open Fair Board Meeting, Cecil Co. Commissioners Office, Elkton, 7:00 pm
4-H Sewing Workshop, 2-4 PM, Trinity Church, Elkton
DEADLINE: 4-H Club 990-N E-postcard submission
20-22 Maryland 4-H Volunteer Forum, Ocean City
Cecil 4-H Leaders & Volunteer Meeting, Elkton, 7:00 PM, UME Cecil County 4-H Office, Elkton
DEADLINE: Cecil County 4-H Benefit Auction Items
Horse Bowl Practice, 6:30 PM, UME-Cecil County Office, Elkton
December 2015
Breakfast with Santa, Walls Activity Hall, Fair Hill
Holiday Craft Workshop, Fair Hill
Lambing and Kidding School, North Harford High School,
Countywide 4-H Benefit Auction, Fair Hill, Live auction begins at 7 PM (Doors open at 5:30 PM)
4-H Sewing Workshop, 2-4 PM, Trinity Church, Elkton
January 2016
DEADLINE: Senior 4-H Essay & Resume due to Cecil County Extension Office for National 4-H Congress, West Virginia
Older Members Conference, Camp Miniwanca, & Virginia 4-H Congress for Review (After County Approval must be
submitted to State in online portal by 1/15)
DEADLINE: 2015 4-H Club Plans to be turned into the Extension Office or E-mailed to April
2 or 9 Tagging & Weigh In & Ownership Deadline for Market Ready Beef & Dairy Steers
Cecil 4-H Record Book Workshop, 6:30 PM, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton
University of Maryland Extension Volunteer Training, 6:30 PM, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton
Dairy Bowl Practices Begin, Elkton, 7 PM
State 4-H Awards Gala, Carriage Room, Laurel Park
4-H Sewing Workshop, 2-4 PM, Trinity Church, Elkton
Cecil County Breeders Fair Planning Meeting, 7 PM, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton
DEADLINE: All Cecil County 4-H Record Books, 7 PM, UME Cecil County Office, Elkton
Horse World Expo including 4-H Horse Art Contest, Maryland State Fairgrounds, Timonium
DEADLINE: Completed 2015 Diamond Clover Level 1-5, Horsemanship Standards and Service Learning Forms
DEADLINE: Completed 2015 Club Forms
DEADLINE: Members & Volunteer reenrollment forms due so not to be dropped off the e-mail/mailing list
***For more information about any event, call, email or stop by the University of Maryland Extension Cecil County 4-H Office.
If you need special assistance to participate in any of our programs, please contact the University of Maryland Extension, Cecil
County Office, at 410-996-5280 at least 1 week prior to the scheduled program.
***For more information about any event, call, email or stop by the University of Maryland Extension Cecil County 4-H Office.
Rabbit Wranglers-2nd Sunday
Tailwinds Trotters -2nd Sunday
Making Strides-3rd Sunday
Puddle Jumpers -2nd Monday
Stars & Stripes -2nd Monday
Calvert Boys & Girls Clovers-2nd
Kids of the Future-2nd Tuesday
4-H Club Meeting Dates
Junior Council -3rd Tuesday
Kibbles-N-Kids-2nd Wednesday
Rising Sun Milk Squirters-2nd
Cecil Sliders-2nd Wednesday
Young Guns Shotgun Practice-Every
Kuntry Livestock-1st Thursday
April Hall Barczewski
Extension Educator
4-H Youth Development
Cecil County
Calvert Boys and Girls-3rd Thursday
Krazy Kritters-3rd Thursday
County Archery Practice-Thursdays
C-Line 1st Placers-2nd Friday
Tri-State Trotters-2nd Friday
Rainbow Riders-TBA
Reaching for the Stars-2nd Saturday
Victoria “Vicki” Stone
Program Assistant
4-H Youth Development
Cecil County
“University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or
mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.”
The following documents are located on the Cecil County Extension website at under the 4-H Youth Development Tab
Cecil County Fair 4-H Awards Ceremony Results
UME Cecil County 4-H Open House Flyer
Cecil 4-H Horse Program Goblin Gallop Flyer
Apple/Pumpkin Fest Flyer & Registration
Cecil County Junior Fair Board Application
4-H Sewing Workshops Flyer
Cecil County Fair 2015 4-H Awards Ceremony Results
Indoor Exhibits
Food Preservation:
Canned Fruit-Olivia Richart
Canned Vegetables & Meats-Sarah Megee
Pickles & Relishes-Hunter Johnson
Jellies, Jams & Bread Spreads-Anna Reyburn
Baked Products & Candy:
Yeast Breads & Rolls-Anna Reyburn
Quick Breads-Madelyn Patrick
Cakes & Cupcakes-Anna Reyburn
Cookies-Abby Shortall
Pies-Sarah Megee
Candy-Sarah Megee
Healthy Choices-Bethany Wilson
Dried Foods-Rhandi Brown
Expressive Arts:
Fine Arts-Sarah Megee
Photography-Morgan Shipley
Handicrafts & Handiwork:
Knitting/Crocheting/Tatting/Felting-Brynn LaSala
Crafts-Gabriella Smith
Home Furnishing-Olivia Richart
Woodworking-Crimson Haubrich
Garments/Clothing-Arianna Cordrey
Collection-Seth Donnelley
Fashion Revue:
Junior Constructed Wear-Tarra Todd
Intermediate Constructed Wear-Taylor Todd
Senior Constructed Wear-Arianna Cordrey
Junior Ready to Wear-Tarra Todd
Intermediate Ready to Wear-Gavra Goldie
Senior Ready to Wear-Arianna Cordrey
Farm & Garden Products:
Potted Plants-Abby Shortall
Cut Flowers-Abby Shortall
Flower Arrangements-Abby Shortall
Field Products: Hay-Mary Lawrence
Field Products: Straw-Anna Reyburn
Field Products: Grains-Courtney Schrader
Field Products: Corn-Mary Lawrence
Eggs-Taylor Knight
Fruit-Rhandi Brown
Garden Products-Sarah Megee
Large Animals:
Dairy Fitting & Showing-Alison Ferver
Supreme Champion Dairy- Jared Schrader
Dairy Steer Fitting & Showing-Lindsay Smith
Dairy Steer-Olivia Ness
ROG Dairy Steer –Mary Lawrence
Beef Fitting & Showing-Lindsay Smith
Beef Steer-Joseph O’Brien
ROG Beef Steer-Alex Kerns
Beef Heifer-James Sprout
Swine Fitting & Showing-Lindsay Smith
Market Hog-Madison McMillan
ROG Market Hog-Justin Ward
Sheep Fitting & Showing-Jayci Mitchell
Market Lamb-Sarah Megee
ROG Lamb-Mary Lawrence
Breeding Ewe-Sarah Megee
Breeding Ram-Sarah Megee
Dairy Goat Fitting & Showing-Erricka Maule
Champion Challenge Fitting & Showing-Jillian Seay
Best Doe of Show-Erricka Maule
Premier Exhibitor-Jillian Seay
Meat Goat Fitting & Showing-Alison Ferver
Market Meat Goat-Jayci Mitchell
ROG Meat Goat-Jayci Mitchell
Breeding Meat Goat Doe-Jayci Mitchell
Breeding Meat Goat Buck-Alison Ferver
Junior Grooming & Showmanship-Angela Edelson
Intermediate Grooming & Showmanship-Gavra Goldie
Senior Grooming & Showmanship-Sarah Megee
Halter Senior Hunter Type-Sarah Megee
Walk/Trot Rider-Crimson Haubrich
Beginner Rider-Paige Kelleher
Junior Equitation-Danielle Triola
Intermediate Equitation-Gavra Goldie
Senior Equitation-Cecelia Lucatamo
Green Horse/Pony-Arianna Thawley
Pleasure Pony-Danielle Triola
Pleasure Horse-Morgan Shipley
Pony Hunter-Cecelia Lucatamo
Horse Hunter-Arianna Thawley
Junior Grooming & Showmanship-Vivian Miller
Intermediate Grooming & Showmanship-Madelyn Patrick
Senior Grooming & Showmanship-Morgan Shipley
Halter Type Senior-Morgan Shipley
Junior Rider-Danielle Triola
Intermediate Rider-Madelyn Patrick
Senior Rider-Arianna Cordrey
Junior Pleasure-Vivian Miller
Senior Pleasure-Andrew Dvorak
Green Horse-Zoe Bramble
Junior Speed-Sadie Kalman
Intermediate Speed-Carly Mekluski
Senior Speed-Andrea Gold
Overall-Sarah Megee
High Point-Sadie Kalman
Combined Test:
High Point-Abbey Kegley
Small Animals:
Best of Show Small Pets-Jillian Seay
Best of Show Large Pets-Sarah Megee
Pygmy Goat-Sadie Kalman & Taylor Todd
Rabbit Showmanship-Gavra Goldie
Best of Show Rabbit-Gavin Davis
Market Rabbits-Hannah Kirk
Best of Show Guinea Pig-Anna Chidester
First Year Novice Fitting and Showing-Sadie Kalman
Novice Fitting and Showing-Emma Schmidt
Open Fitting and Showing-Ruby Garvey
Overall Fitting and Showing-Ruby Garvey
Poultry and Fowl:
Poultry Showmanship-River Shannon
Overall Poultry-Grace Ryan
Egg Production-Brynn LaSala
Purebred Large Fowl-Grace Ryan
Bantam Purebred-Rhandi Brown
Crossbred-Arianna Cordrey
Market Broiler Pair-Selena Oceanic
Engineering Events:
Farm Tractor-Lindsay Smith
Lawn Tractor-Josh Kline
Computer-Travis Ward
Electric/Energy-Ethan Lacher
Small Engines-Hunter Madron
ATV Safety-Matt Larrimore
Welding-Ethan Lacher
Shooting Sports:
Compound Archery Junior-Danielle Triola
Recurve Archery Junior-Isabella Fausnaught
Compound Archery Intermediate-Mackenzie Barnett
Recurve Archery Intermediate-Marc DiSciullo (Champion)
Compound Archery Senior-James Sprout
Recurve Archery Senior-Grace Lusby
Shotgun Junior-Hunter Johnson
Shotgun Intermediate-Noah Cage
Shotgun Senior-Gavin LaSala
Shotgun Advanced-Austin Brown
Overall Shotgun Champion-Austin Brown
Pretty Animal:
Small Animal-Casey Johnson
Large Animal-Shiyann Mullins
Overall Beef: Cole Stafford
Overall Swine: Justin Ward
Overall Sheep: Ruby Garvey, Cara Keene, Adele Macatee, PJ
Macatee, Alexis Malpas and Olivia Young
Overall Dairy: Alison Ferver, Selena Oceanic, Courtney
Schrader and Jared Schrader
Overall Goat: Hunter Johnson
Overall Individual Horse: Morgan Shipley
Group Horse: Arianna Cordrey & Lily Planck
Individual with Multiple Horses: Sara Megee
Poultry Husbandry Team: Brynn & Gavin LaSala
Poultry Husbandry Individual: Arianna Cordrey
Rabbit Husbandry Team: Sadie Kalman & Tara Lander
Rabbit Husbandry Individual: Gavra Goldie
Club Entries:
Club Promotional Booth-Calvert Boys & Girls
Club Themed Booth-Making Strides
Club Promotional Banner-Stars & Stripes
Club Themed Banner-Kuntry Livestock
Clover Banner-Calvert Boys & Girls Clovers
Club Decorated Board-Kids of the Future
Club Promotional Trashcan-Cecil Sliders
Club Themed Trashcan-Kibbles-N-Kids
Clover Decorated Trashcan-Calvert Boys & Girls Clovers
Club Scrapbook-Kids of the Future
Parade Promotional Walking Unit-Kibbles-N-Kids
Parade Themed Walking Unit-Kids of the Future
Parade Promotional Float-Kibbles-N-Kids
Parade Themed Float-Kids of the Future
Clover Walking Unit-Calvert Boys & Girls Clovers
Junior Fairboard Poster Contest:
Clover-Abby Barnhart, Isabel Severson, Todd
Junior-Gabby Severson
Intermediate-Ethan Lacher
Senior-Lexy Droz
Best Overall-Lexy Droz
Team Goat Fitting-Chicken Wings
4-H All-Star Scholarship Recipients: Alison Ferver, Lucas
LaMonica & Lindsay Smith
Carl Stafford Spirit Award: Matt Gaffney
You’re Invited!
You and your Family are invited to the
Cecil County 4-H Open House and Project Fair!
Join your fellow 4-Hers and new youth as you
learn about what Cecil County 4-H has to offer.
Bring a friend and join in on the fun!
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
6-8 PM
University of Maryland Extension
Cecil County Office
200 Chesapeake Blvd, Suite 1500, Elkton
“University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color,
sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information, or political
affiliation, or gender identity and expression.”
If you need special assistance to participate in this program, please contact the University of Maryland Extension, Cecil County Office
by October 1, 2015 at 410-996-5280.
The Cecil County 4-H Horse Program Presents
The Annual Goblin Gallop
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Fair Hill NRMA, Lot 1 across from the main entrance on Rt. 273
Join us for a Halloween-Themed
Paper Chase!
Registration opens at 8:30 AM
Slower Spooks start @ 9:30-11:30 AM
Screamin’ Demons start @ 12-1:30 PM
$30 per rider, $20 for 4-H members and volunteers
All proceeds benefit the Cecil County 4-H Horse Program
Prizes awarded first through sixth place for closest to optimum time (Bonus obstacles at the
end for extra points for the bravest souls! Approach if you dare . . . muahaha!)
Costume Contest! Awesome prizes awarded in the
following categories:
Judge’s Special
Most Original
Themed Group
Terrific Fall food available before and after your ride, and photographer on site!
For more information or to pre-enter check out or contact
Monica at
“University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation,
physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.”
“If you need special assistance to participate in this program, please contact the University of Maryland Extension, Cecil County Office,
at 410-996-5280 by September 15, 2015.”
Apple/Pumpkin Fest
Saturday, November 7, 2015
10:00 am – 12:00 noon
Calvert Grange Hall
2357 Telegraph Rd., Rising Sun, MD
Pie Making Demonstrations
Apple/Pumpkin Contest (submit your recipe for judging)
Apple/Pumpkin Craft
Competition classes for persons ages 5 through 100! Win prizes and ribbons! Door prizes, too!
Apple Preparation Contest Rules and Registration
The main ingredient must be apples or pumpkins.
Classes are: Pies, Cakes, Other Desserts, Main Dish, Craft
Recipe cards must accompany the prepared recipe – DO NOT PUT NAME ON RECIPE CARD.
Craft entries must include directions.
Clovers may enter 1 craft and /or 1 dessert recipe. They will be judged and presented a Participation Ribbon.
Registration Forms must be received by Friday, October 30, 2015 in the University of Maryland Extension, Cecil County Office.
All prepared recipes and recipe cards must arrive at the Apple/Pumpkin Fest location (Calvert Grange Hall) between 9AM – 9:45
AM on Saturday, November 7, 2015. Judging and program begin at 10AM.
Apple/Pumpkin Fest Registration Form - Must be received by Friday, October 30, 2015
Mail to: University of Maryland Extension-Cecil County, 200 Chesapeake Blvd., Suite 1500, Elkton, MD 21921
Contestant Name ____________________________________________________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________
I would like to participate in the following APPLE division(s):
□ Pies □ Cake
□ Other Dessert
□ Main Dish
□ Apple Craft (made with real apples)
I would like to participate in the following PUMPKIN division(s):
□ Pies □ Cake
□ Other Dessert
□ Main Dish
□ Pumpkin Craft (made with real pumpkins)
Please check the appropriate age group (age as of 1/1/15)
□ Clover (Age 5-7)
□ Junior (Age 8-10)
□ Intermediate (Age 11-13)
□ Senior (Age 14-18) □ Adult (Over 18)
____ Yes, I will be participating in an Demonstration
University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color, sexual
orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender
identity and expression.
If you need special assistance to participate in this program, please contact the University of Maryland Extension, Cecil County Office, at 410-996-5280. by October 16, 2015
Trinity Church, 105 N. Bridge St., Elkton
2pm to 4pm
4-H Sewing Class Series 2015-16
4-H Volunteer, Joan Gaffney will be having county-wide Sewing Classes every month
starting in September. If you would like to learn how to sew and make cool stuff, please
attend the following class series. These classes are open to any 4-H’er, including
clovers, parent, or volunteer. Please RSVP for each class at least one week in
advance by calling Joan at 443-553-7492 and leave a message. Please complete the
information sheet and bring it with you to your first class!
Information Sheet
Child’s Name ___________________________ Age____________
Parent’s Names _________________________________________
Phone Number ______________________ Email address_______________________
I belong to _____________________________________4-H club.
Have you ever sewn before? ___Yes ___No
Do you own a sewing machine? ___Yes ___No
List 5 sewing tools and how to use them….
1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________
When filling out your record sheets indicate name of lessons under “project activities
4-H Sewing Class Series 2015-16
#1 (Sun Sept 20) “Sewing 101” lesson. Create your own sewing box. Learn about
sewing machine parts and uses. Thread your machine, wind a bobbin, straight stitches
(regular and baste). Bring a box to decorate and items to put in it (ages 8-10 --bring
8 items and ages 11-13 --bring 12 items). Bring your sewing machine and tools.
#2 (Sun Oct 18) “Let’s Sew” lesson. Making a bookmarker and a drawstring bag.
Bring cotton fabric with a pattern (9-inch long by 3-inch wide). Bring ½ yard
cotton fabric and 45-inch long cording, sewing machine and tools.
#3 (Sun Nov 15) “Measuring Up” lesson. Starting your first outfit and learn how to use
a tape measure. Bring fabric, pattern, notions, sewing machine, tools and a
#4 (Sun Dec 20) “Seam Finish Tips” lesson. Continue sewing and learn about seam
finishes. Bring fabric, pattern, notions, sewing machine, tools.
#5 (Sun Jan 17) “Finishing Touches” lesson. Learn about irons, accessorizing and
modeling. Finish your first outfit (bring sewing machine & tools). Bring finished outfit,
footwear to be worn with it, jewelry and props.
#6 (Sun Feb 21) “Recycling” lesson. Will make a scented sachet and a patchwork
placemat from scraps of cotton fabric. Potpourri will be provided. Bring your sewing
machine, tools, scraps of fabric and least 5” x 5” square.
#7 (Sun Mar 20) “Sewing Sense” lesson. Start your second outfit and learn about
zippers and Velcro. Bring fabric, pattern, notions, sewing machine, tools and a
#8 (Sun Apr 17) “Show-N-Tell” lesson. Continue sewing or finishing up second outfit.
Bring fabric, pattern, notions, sewing machine, tools and a pencil.
{Year 5 Series will include braided bracelets, tie blankets, demonstrations, create display board,
tie dye white apron and embellish it, label a swatch of fabric, pull a thread to make a straight line
to cut on, make a nine patch pillow case}
Junior Fair Board Responsibilities
A big part of 4-H is the Cecil County Fair, which is a lot of work but is also very fun and rewarding! Junior Fair
Board members have an important role at the fair, before the events begin and after the events end. Members
help with accepting Home Art and Farm and Garden entries, at Livestock check in and at the shows. They plan
and help lead special events including the “Cecil Celebrities Gone Hog Wild”, 4-H Team Goat Fitting Event,
4-H awards ceremony, children’s day, pretty animal contest, senior day, recycling, social media, and at other
events. Moreover, they coordinate educational displays in the barns and buildings promoting 4-H and
Agriculture. Responsibilities start before the fair opens with members working with adult committees,
organizing ribbons and trophies and assisting with set up and after the fair is over with clean up.
Junior Fair Board members are expected to attend meetings in January, March, May, June, July,
October, and the dinner in December and help with work sessions at the fairgrounds. In addition,
members are to be positive role models as you are representing 4-H and the fair. Members help
establish rules and assist in carrying out the entire county Junior Fair program under the guidance of
the Cecil County Fair Board and Cecil County Extension Office. The board is made up of 4-H youth.
Members are selected for a one-year term and can reapply each year. Applicants must be between the
ages of 14-20 as of January 1, 2016 and be a good standing member in the Cecil County 4-H program
or a 4-H Alumni. Those out of 4-H must have a Cecil County Fair Board Director who is a committee
chairperson to be your mentor. The mentor cannot be a direct relative.
Please submit application and one letter of recommendation (from a non-relative) (letter of
recommendation only needed for new members) to:
April Barczewski, UME-Cecil County, 200 Chesapeake Blvd, Suite 1500, Elkton, MD 21921 or or Mark Barczewski, 38 North Edgewood Dr, Elkton, MD 21921 or
Cecil County Junior Fair Board Application
DUE: OCTOBER 31, 2015
Name: ______________________________________________________
Age (1/1/16): ______
Address: __________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________ E-mail: _________________________________
School: _____________________________________________________
Grade: __________
1. Activities, Leadership and Interest
a. Years as a Junior Fair Board Member: _______
Explain Responsibilities:
b. Years in 4-H: _______ Name of Club(s): _________________________________________
Explain Positions Held/Responsibilities:
c. Explain School and Other Outside Activities and Positions Held:
d. Hobbies and Interest:
2. Explain your leadership experiences?
3. What have you exhibited or how have you participated in the Cecil County Fair in the past three
4. Why do you wish to serve on the Cecil County Junior Fair Board?
5. What is your favorite aspect of the Cecil County Fair and why?
6. What, in your opinion, is the Junior Fair Board’s responsibility to the Fair?
7. Describe, in your opinion, what you believe to be the Fair’s responsibility to our community?
8. If selected to the Junior Fair Board, what changes or improvements would you like to see at the
Cecil County Fair?
If out of 4-H, name of Fair Board Director and Committee Chairperson who will be your mentor
Mentor Name: _________________________
Mentor Signature: __________________________
In signing this I understand my responsibilities in serving on the Cecil County Junior Fair Board.
Signature: ___________________________________________