Eggstravaganza Results
Eggstravanza took place on Saturday,
March 26, 2016 at the Calvert Grange in
Calvert. Congratulations to all the
participants! Below are the results:
Regional 4-H Communications Contest Results
Congratulations to our four Cecil 4-Hers that participate in the
Eastern Shore Regional 4-H Communications Contest on Friday,
April 1, 2016 at Easton High School in Talbot County. Lexy
Droz placed first out of eight participants in the senior prepared
division with her alarming speech entitled “Social Media, The
Ugly Truth”. Other Cecil participants included: Brynn LaSala
in the intermediate prepared division, Gavin LaSala in the senior
extemporaneous division and Evan Wilson in the junior prepared division.
Breakfast/Brunch: Participation / Jesse Wilson
Lunch/Dinner: Participation / Victoria Todd
Cake: Participation / Madison Cross
Egg Craft: Madison Cross / Participation,
Kathryn Iadiaicco / Participation, Geo Iadicicco,
Nathaniel Smith / Participation, Victoria Todd /
Participation, Jesse Wilson / Participation
Breakfast/Brunch: Reed Mason-1st, Tarra Todd1st, Thomas Button-2nd
Cake: Evan Wilson-2nd
Egg Craft: Reed Mason-1st, Evan Wilson-2nd,
Abby Barnhart-3rd, Tarra Todd-4th
State 4-H Communications Contest
Congratulations to our Cecil 4-Hers
Marissa Civatte, Lexy Droz, Sydney
Keys and Evan Wilson that participated
in the State 4-H Communications
Contest on Saturday, April 30, 2016 at
the University of Maryland. Kudos!
Breakfast/Brunch: Taylor Todd-1st, Brynn
LaSala-2nd, Gavra Goldie-3rd, Samuel Button-4th
Lunch/Dinner: Ethan Lacher-1st
Egg Craft: Gavra Goldie-1st, Brynn LaSala-2nd,
Taylor Todd-3rd
Breakfast/Brunch: Rebekah Maggitti-1st, Nadine
Cake: Nadine Sylva-Brown-1st
Dessert: Mikayla Maggitti-1st, Seth Donnelley-2nd,
Nadine Sylva-Brown-3rd, Rachel Rhoades-4th
Egg Craft: Gavin LaSala-1st
4-H Dairy Bowl Participant
Congratulations to our Cecil 4-H youth, Nadine Sylva-Brown that
participated in the Maryland 4-H Dairy Bowl Competition on
Saturday, April 16, 2016 at the University of Maryland, College
Park. Nadine competed on a combined team with one 4-Her from
Frederick County and one 4-Her from Anne Arundel County which
placed 6th overall. Way to go Nadine!
Cake: Pam Sayers-2nd
Dessert: Tammy Maggitti-3rd
Egg Craft: Mary Smith-1st, Michele McClellen2nd
Overall Champion-Rebekah Maggitti
Dairy Goat Judging
Please contact April by May 15th if interested in participating in the State Contest. We will offer several practice
sessions if enough youth are interested in participating.
Poultry and Egg Judging
Please contact Kara Barnhart by May 15th if interested in participating in the State Contest
Rabbit Judging
Please contact Kelly Kalman by May 15th if interested in participating in the State Contest
Livestock Judging
Please contact April by May 15th if interested in participating in the State Contest. We will offer several practice
sessions if enough youth are interested in participating.
Dairy Judging
Cecil County 4-H Dairy Judging practices will be starting soon. Please contact Wayne
Carlisle at 443-907-2339 for more information. Below is the State Practice Schedule.
Included are the dates for the 2016 Maryland 4-H dairy cattle judging sessions. Please contact
the Cecil County Extension Office for directions. Unless otherwise stated, all practice sessions
will run from 10:00am until 2:30pm. If you have any additional questions or practices that
should be listed, please contact Jeff Semler at 301-791-1304 or jsemler@umd.edu.
July 5th
July 12th
July 18th
June 26th
August 2nd
July 26th
July 31st
Eric and Faith Burall and Family, New Windsor,
David Patrick and Families Maple Dell Farm,
Woodbine, MD
State FFA Contest, Washington Co. Ag Expo, 9
AM-12 noon
Wayne and Allen Stiles Spring Valley Farm,
Westminster, MD
John Schnebly and Family Crown Stone Farm,
Clear Spring, MD
Delaware State Fair FFA Dairy Judging Contest,
Harrington, DE, 9 AM
Carroll County Fair, Westminster, MD, 9:30 AM
Most breeds
Most breeds
Most breeds
Horticulture Judging
Information Meetings and
Horticulture judging practices will be
held on Monday, May 16th and 23th at
Rosebank Church, Rising Sun and
Monday, May 9th at Fair Hill Florist,
Elkton. In June, practices will take
placed on Wednesday, June 1st and
Mondays, June 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th at
information contact Ruth Brown at 410658-6446 or 410-920-7838.
Camp Updates
The camp staff is planning another fun and memorable 2016 Cecil County 4-H
Camp. Camp will take place on August 7-12, 2016 at the Harford County 4-H
Camp at the Rocks outside Forest Hill. Camp is open to youth ages 8-14.
Discounted applications are due by July 1, 2016. An orientation will take place
on July 6, 2016 in the Elk Room at the Cecil County Administration Building..
You can download a camp application and required materials online at
Cecil County Fair Updates
The Cecil County Fair will be July 2230, 2016 in Fair Hill (Clean-Up Day
July 31st)
The Club Theme will be “Make a
Lasting Memory with 4-H”
The Fair Book will be out by late May
The Fair Entry Deadline is July 1,
2016 (Animal, Engineering & Club
The Cecil County 4-H program will be
offering a Cecil County Fair “Ask an
Expert” open sessions to help 4-H
youth fill out their entry forms & entry
tags and answer any fair related
questions on Thursday, June 16, 2016
from 6:30-8 PM in the Cecil County
Extension Office
4-H Livestock Orientation will take
place on Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at
6:00 PM at the Fairgrounds
Small Animals will be limited to 12
entries per exhibitor per species so you
can enter 12 chickens, 12 waterfowl
(ducks & geese), 12 rabbits, 12 cavies,
12 dogs & 12 small/large pets in the 4H division and open divisions. (Each
Broiler pair, Meat Duck pair & Meat
Rabbit Trio counts as one entry)
Poultry & Waterfowl will be allowed
to be exhibited and stay the duration of
the fair as the ban will be lifted on May
15th (as long as an AI outbreak does
not occur in the region)
The poultry and waterfowl testing date
will be Sunday, July 17, 2016. The
cost will be $1 per bird.
Maryland State Fair Updates
Maryland State Fair takes place August 26-September 5, 2016
The Maryland State Fair Book has been posted online at:
The Maryland State Fair 4-H newsletter is posted online at:
http://www.marylandstatefair.com/exhibitors/4-h (April edition)
The online registration system will open up by the end of May and the system
closes on July 31st at 11:59 PM
Below are some descriptions of some changes
The Maryland State Fair 4-H Horse Division has undergone a full revamp!
Class additions include a Junior & Intermediate Walk/Trot Equitation Division
as well as changes to the English & Conformation classes. For a complete list
The Horse Shows will be August 25-28, 2016. The schedule is August 25-Junior
& Intermediate Western; August 26-Senior Western; August 27-Senior English;
and August 28-Junior and Intermediate English. Exhibitors will be allowed to
cross enter their horses between English and Western shows. If a horse is leased
by two Exhibitors, each Exhibitor may cross enter between English and Western
shows not to exceed a total class limit of twelve total performance classes per
horse/rider combo. NO HORSE MAY BE SHOWN IN MORE THAN 24
Youth must pass the Maryland 4-H Horsemanship Standards riding level 3 in
order to participate at the State Fair. State Fair information can be found online
at http://www.marylandstatefair.com/exhibitors/4-h.
The 4-H Dog Show will take placed on Monday August 29th with a tentative start
time at 3 PM in the Cow Palace show ring
The 4-H Poultry Show will take place on Friday, August 26th at 10 AM
The 4-H Rabbit Show will take place on Saturday, August 27th at 10 AM
Fashion Revue-Junior and Intermediate Fashion Revue participants can come
and showcase their fashions on the Maryland State Fair Fashion Revue stage and
every senior youth participant will have the opportunity to attend a bus trip to
New York City in late February/early March of 2017 so that youth can explore
career options available in the fashion industry.
Cecil County Breeders’ Fair
The Breeders’ Fair Livestock, Rabbit, Cavy
& Dog Shows are scheduled for Saturday,
June 4, 2016, and the Horse Shows are
scheduled for Sunday, June 5, 2016, at Fair
Volunteers and teen leaders are
encouraged to enhance their skills
by registering for the Cecil
Development Series. You can
pick and choose which topics you
would like to attend. The topics
and dates are as follows:
Dog Handling Classes
Mrs. Debbie Moore will be offering Dog handling classes again this
year. Classes will be on Wednesday evenings starting, April 20th at
6 PM under the Stafford Pavilion on the Cecil County
Fairgrounds. Class will not take place on May 11th. Please contact
Debbie at 410-392-5434, if you are interested in participating.
5/3 - Life Skills Development and
Fun Activities to Do at Club
Food Safety Training-Contact
Vicki Stone at vstone@umd.edu
6/7 - Preparing Diamond Clover
Service Project Applications and
Other Teen Opportunities
4-H Leaders and Volunteers
9/29 - Animal Science Planning
10/19 - 4-H Project Opportunities
and Open House
The next Cecil County 4-H Leaders and Volunteers meeting will be on Monday,
May 23, 2016 at 7 PM in the Cecil County Extension Office. The main topics
of discussion will be upcoming 4-H programming including the County Fair and Breeders
Fair. Additional 2016 Leaders and Volunteers meetings will take place on Monday,
September 19th and Monday, November 21st.
Club Leader: All Club Forms and Resources Available Online:
Leaders & Volunteers Updates
University of Maryland Extension 4-H Volunteer Trainings
Are you interested in becoming a University of Maryland Extension Volunteer or do you
know anyone that might be interested? Don’t wait because now is the time April and/or
Vicki will be conducting two UME Volunteer trainings this fall and one in January. They
Wednesday, May 18, 2016 in the Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton from 6:30-8:30 PM
Monday, June 6, 2016 in the Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton from 6:30-8:30 PM
11/1 - Club Management &
Program Planning and Youth
Adult Partnerships and Working
with Your Officer Team
The programs take place from
6:30-8 PM in the University of
County 4-H Office at 200
Chesapeake Blvd, Elkton in Suite
1500. If you would like to attend,
https://extension.umd.edu/cecilcounty/4-h-youth/cecil-4-hvolunteer-development-series or
call the Extension Office at 410996-5280.
Junior Sheep & Goat Skillathon
The 2016 Junior Sheep & Goat Skillathon will be held Sunday, May 8, at the
Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival. The Festival is always held the first full
weekend of May at the Howard County Fairgrounds in West Friendship.
Registration for the contest begins at 8 a.m. The contest starts at 9 a.m.
Awards will be presented at approximately 1 p.m. A small donation is
requested to cover the cost of lunch (pizza and sodas). The event provides
youth with the opportunity to blend knowledge and skills acquired in
livestock judging, demonstrations and care and exhibition of animals into a
single activity. It consists of a series of stations where youth are tested on their
knowledge and abilities related to livestock. In the Sheep & Goat Skillathon,
all stations will pertain to sheep and/or goats. The skillathon is open to any
youth between the ages of 8 and 18. Individuals and teams (of 3 or 4) from
any county or state may compete. Youth compete according to their age as of
January 1st of the current year. Youth ages 8 to 10 compete as juniors; youth
ages 11 to 13 compete as intermediates; and youth 14 to 18 compete as
seniors. Pre-registration of individuals and teams for the 2016 Junior Sheep
& Goat Skillathon is requested but not required. Pre-register by sending
names, ages and team affiliations via e-mail to Susan Schoenian at
sschoen@umd.edu. A set of online quizzes is available for study
at http://www.sheepandgoat.com/#!online-quizzes/c9r1.
information, contact Susan at (301)432-2767 x343 or visit the web site at
Maryland Animal Health Requirements 2016
The complete Maryland health regulations and forms will be available
online at http://mda.maryland.gov/animalHealth/Pages/Fairs-Shows.aspx
One new change in 2016: In-State Health papers will be good for only
120 days from the date issued not the entire show season like in past years.
Out-of-State Health papers will continue to be good for only 30 days from
the date issued which is not a change.
Again this year-All animals except Rabbits will need to have an official
identification. In most cases, this means the animal will have to be
identified using an official USDA or MD tag that is associated with a
registered premise. Health certificates will be three carbon copy pages and
again will no longer need to be stamped by MDA as it will be your
veterinarian’s responsibility to send the approved copy to MDA to be filed.
Exhibitors will still be expected to do the Animal Health Self-Certification
for Livestock, Poultry, Rabbits and Horses. If your animal requires
vaccinations, they should be vaccinated at least 15 days prior to the first
show so that the vaccinations are effective.
At this point the poultry and waterfowl ban will be lifted after May 15,
2016 and poultry shows including waterfowl will be able to be exhibited
and stay the duration of the fair. (Again, poultry shows are subject to
cancelation if an Avian Influenza Outbreak occurs in the region).
Market Animal Tagging and
Weigh-In Information
Cecil County 4-H will be tagging
and weighing all 4-H Market
Goats, Market Sheep and Feeder
Calf projects on Thursday, May
19, 2016 from 6:00-8:00 P.M. and
Friday, May 20, 2016 from 6:008:00 P.M. at the 4-H Scales at the
Cecil County Fairgrounds in Fair
Hill, MD.
Horse Hoopla
Cecil County 4-H Horse Hoopla is
back for another year. Hoopla
will be held on June 21-23, 2016
in Fair Hill. This three-day
program features workshops, fun
activities and competitive events
in the horse project area. Many
exciting activities and events are
planned and are open to all Cecil
4-Hers ages 8-18 as of 1/1/2016
and a clover & horseless track is
open to Cecil 4-Hers ages 5-18 as
of 1/1/2016. The Horse Hoopla
Horse Judging and Hippology Participants & Results
Congratulations to our Cecil 4-H youth that participated in the Maryland 4-H Horse
Judging and Hippology Contest on Saturday, April 23, 2016 at the University of
Maryland, College Park. Congratulations to Sydney that qualified for a spot on the
State 4-H Hippology team that will compete this fall.
In the Hippology contest junior participants Vivian Miller and Reed Mason
received blue ribbons. In the Intermediate age division Gavra Goldie received a
blue ribbon. Other intermediate participants included: Morgan Blackaby, Sadie
Kalman and Isabel Lopez. In the senior age division Arianna Cordrey and
Sydney Keys received blue ribbons. Arianna was the top placing senior
In the Horse Judging contest Junior Vivian Miller placed 2nd in Overall Halter, 1st
in Oral Reasons and 10th overall. In the intermediate age group Sadie Kalman
placed 4th in the halter division, 7th in the performance division and 3rd overall.
Also, in the intermediate age division Gavra Goldie placed 8th in the halter
division, 6th in the performance division, 3rd in oral reasons and 6th overall.
Morgan Blackaby also participated as a member of the intermediate team which
placed 4th overall. In the intermediate novice division Isabelle Lopez placed 4th
overall. In the senior age group Sydney Keys placed 8th in the performance
division and 7th in the oral reasons division.
Animal Science Tidbits
The State Horse Jamboree is scheduled for July 6-8, 2016 at the Queen
Anne’s County 4-H Park, Centreville
The State Horse Communications Contest will take place on July 7th at the
Queen Anne’s County 4-H Park, Centerville
Maryland 4-H Day at Camden Yards
Save the date for the annual Maryland 4-H Day at Camden Yards! Enjoy an evening at
an Orioles baseball game with your 4-H friends and family on Friday, June 17, 2016 at
7:05 PM as the Orioles take on the Toronto Blue Jays. You do not have to be in 4-H to
purchase tickets to help raise money for the State 4-H program! Ticket information is
available. See the attached flyer.
Cecil County Young Farmer’s
The Cecil County Young Farmers are proud to support local
4-Her's by providing funding for participation in state,
regional and national events. If you are interested in this
opportunity please complete the Cecil County Young
Farmers Funding Request Form, which can be found on the
4-H website. Requests are to be made as soon as possible and
must be submitted at least one month prior to the event in
order to be considered. In addition, 4-Hers are strongly
encouraged to attend a Cecil County Young Farmer's
Meeting to request funds. (Funds are not guaranteed by only
completing the request form.)
Young Farmer’s meetings are held every other month at the
Cecil County Administrative Building in the Rising Sun
room on the third Monday at 6:00 pm (unless otherwise
noted). Additional meetings are held as needed and are to be
announced when scheduled.
Meetings are currently scheduled for 5/16, 7/18
(Fairgrounds), 9/19 and 11/21.
Questions, as well as funding request forms, can be sent
directly to the community service chair via email at
erikaledwards117@gmail.com. As always, we are actively
seeking new members and encourage those who are 18 years
or older to consider joining the Cecil County Young Farmers.
Educational Videos, Learning Kits
and Materials are available for loan
Club Leader-All Club Forms and Resources Available Online
http://extension.umd.edu/cecil-county/4-h-youth/leader-forms including the
fundraiser approval request that we ask you to submit at least 30 days prior to
your planned fundraiser.
The Cecil County 4-H Office has some
educational videos/CD’s, learning kits,
curriculum, and equipment which club
leaders can borrow from our office on a
variety of topics. If you are interested in
borrowing videos, learning kits,
curriculum or equipment stop by the
Extension office.
Kids of the Future 4-H Club Fundraiser
The Kids of the Future 4-H Club will be selling tickets for a restaurant gift
card basket raffle from March 1-July 30, 2016. Contact Susan Knight for
additional information.
Archery Practices
The Sanford-Crane family will be hosing
any interested 4-H youth in archery on the
3rd Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM at
their residence at 125 W. Lewis Shore Rd,
Club Financial Books
Don't forget to close out your
clubs treasurer's books, ending
June 30 as the treasurer's book
runs from July 1, 2015 through
June 30, 2016.
Beginner and Advanced Welding Classes
There are plans to offer two welding classes this year: a beginner class starting on May 10th
for one night a week for 4 consecutive weeks, and then an advanced class starting after the
completion of the beginner class for 4 additional weeks. Beginner classes will start on
Tuesday, May 10th and will be held on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:30 PM at Windmill
Farm, Elkton. The welding classes are open to intermediate and senior aged 4-Hers.There
will be a cost of $5 for gloves and safety glasses to participate with additional potential cost
for supplies. The advanced classes will tentatively begin on Tuesday, June 7th. In order to
participate in the advanced class, you must have participated in the beginner class either this
year or in the past. If you are interested in participating in the welding classes, please register
in the Extension Office by May 6th and let us know if you are interested in the beginner and/or
advanced classes. Contact the Extension office to register at 410-996-5280. Space is limited
and offered on a first come, first serve basis, so sign up now to reserve your place.
Maryland Grain Producers Scholarship
The Maryland Grain Producers offer a scholarship to Maryland residents
interested in pursuing an agriculturally related career. The scholarship deadline is
June 1, 2016. The scholarship can be downloaded online at:
4-H Promotional Poster Contest for the Cecil County Fair
All members of 4-H are eligible to participate in the 4-H promotion poster contest. The
categories are: Clover, Junior, Intermediate and Senior. Members of the Junior Fair
Board are able to participate but cannot vote on the posters in their respective age
category. Posters are due by July 8th by 4:30 PM in the Cecil County Extension Office.
Posters will laminated and displayed around the fairgrounds- barns, bathrooms,
grandstands, ice cream booth, exhibit hall, etc. to promote the 4-H program. The
winners of the contest will be announced at the awards ceremony on Saturday.
Cecil County 4-H All-Star Book
The Cecil County 4-H All-Stars will be
awarding a select number of book
scholarships to 4-Hers who are 4-H
members and plan to enroll in or are
enrolled in a 2- or 4-year college or
technical school for the 2016-2017
academic year. You can download the
http://www.extension.umd.edu/cecilcounty/4-h-youth/scholarshipopportunities or pick one up from the
Cecil County Extension Office. The
postmarked by May 16, 2016.
Maryland 4-H Foundation
The 4-H promotional poster contest rules are listed below:
One Entry per 4-H member
Posters may be either horizontal or vertical.
Poster must be designed by the 4-H Member.
Poster must be designed on or affixed to 14”x 22” poster board
Poster may use any medium, water color, ink, crayon, acrylic charcoal, oils or collage.
They may not be three dimensional.
Well know cartoon figures such as Snoopy, Garfield Charlie Brown, etc. cannot be
used because they are copyrighted.
The 4-H Members name and age are to be clearly written and attached to the back of
the poster in the upper left hand corner.
All posters must have “AA Statement” (located on the last page of this newsletter)
clearly affixed to the front of the poster and display the proper use of the 4-H clover.
Scholarship applications are available
online for the Maryland 4-H Foundation
Scholarship. They will be awarding over
30 scholarships with a minimum of $1,000
each. All applicants must have participated
in Maryland 4-H for 2 years and be
pursuing a post-secondary degree or
certification. Visit the Maryland 4-H
Foundation Website for all the details at
m/how-we-give/scholarships. Applications
are due postmarked by June 1, 2016.
4-H/FFA On-Line Animal Husbandry and Quality Assurance Training Program
All Maryland 4-H members enrolled in alpacas, beef, dairy, goats, horse and pony, poultry, sheep, swine and rabbits are required to complete
the 4-H and FFA On-Line Animal Husbandry & Quality Assurance (AH&QA) Program to be eligible to exhibit their project animals in 2016
Maryland County 4-H and State 4-H Shows. The AH&QA program has been revised for 2016 in partnership with West Virginia University
and will also be completed by West Virginia 4-H and FFA members this year.
For 2016, members will have access to the AH&QA program from now until July 1st. Cecil Members MUST complete the AH&QA training
no later than July 1st.
4-H’ers are required to complete the on-line training program when they reach each 4-H age division (Juniors (ages 8-10), Intermediates (ages
11-13), Seniors (ages 14-18)) – all as of January 1 of the current year OR when as Intermediate and Senior 4-H members, they choose to show
a new species since last completing the program within their age division.
Members may go directly to the AH&QA program at http://www.agnr.umd.edu/ahqa/ The program must be completed using Firefox, Chrome
or Safari web browsers. The program is not supported by Internet Explorer. The on-line program gives youth the opportunity to fulfill the
Animal Husbandry and Quality Assurance training requirement via internet from their home, school or local library. The AH&QA program has
voice narration, so the material is shared in both written and oral form. Members will be asked to respond to questions to evaluate knowledge
at different points during the program.
There are two levels to the program: one level is for Junior members and a second level is for Intermediate and Senior members. Members will
be automatically taken to the appropriate Level according to the birthdate entered on the registration screen The program takes about 45-75
minutes to complete, depending on which level is being completed. When members register for the program, they will be provided a unique
passcode. Members should write their passcode down and keep it in a safe place! If a member needs to stop the AH&QA training in the
middle of the program, he or she may return to the program where they left off by entering their Passcode on Welcome screen of the program.
ALL members completing the program in 2016 (or any portion of the program) must register and a NEW PASSCODE will be assigned.
Passcodes from prior years are no longer valid.
A member must be LOGGED IN for the system to track their progress and record their completion of the program. There is a note at the top of
the screen indicating the member’s status. When logged in, the message will read “Logged in: [Member’s Name]“. If the member is not logged
in correctly, the message will not identify them by name it will identify them as a “Guest“. Progress will NOT be recorded as a “Guest”. Upon
completion of the program, members will have an opportunity to print a Certificate of Completion for their records. It is suggested that members
keep the Certificate of Completion with their animal health papers, registration papers and other animal records. Each member’s progress will
be kept in a statewide database and their County 4-H staff will receive notification that they have completed the AH&QA training.
Ducks Unlimited Youth Day at Oxford Gun Club
All youth are welcome to attend a Ducks Unlimited Youth Day at the Oxford Gun Club on Saturday, May 7, 2016 starting at 9 AM. The
program is FREE for all youth. Activities to participate in with instructors include: Trap Shooting, BB Gun Target Shooting, 22 Shot Target
Shooting, Archery and Fly fishing hooks and tying. Additional games include: Corn Hole and Duck Box Throwing. Hunting Dogs will
also be on display. You can check out the Cecil Young Guns 4-H display. Door prizes will be drawn for participating youth. Food will be
available for purchase.
Cecil County Fair Mandatory Livestock Sale Meeting Dates Have Been Set
The Cecil County 4-H Livestock Sale Meeting is mandatory every other year. All new sellers and all youth who
did not attend a meeting in 2015 along with a parent are required to attend a meeting in 2016, if they would like
to sell an animal in the Cecil County Fair 4-H Livestock Sale. The meetings are scheduled for the following
Thursday, May 26, 2016-Calvert Grange, Rising Sun, 7 PM
Wednesday, June 1, 2016-UME-Cecil County 4-H Office, Elkton, 7 PM
Eastern Shore Spring Show
The show is scheduled for Saturday, May 14, 2016 at the Queen Anne’s County 4-H Park in Centreville.
The entry deadline has passed, however, you can come support your fellow 4-Her’s.
Maryland 4-H Congress Information
Maryland 4-H Congress is the state's premier teen leadership opportunity which will be held
from June 26-30, 2016 on the University of Maryland College Park Campus. The program
gives 4-Hers ages 13-18 the opportunity to explore career opportunities in a variety of areas
and to experience life on a college campus. Youth attending Maryland 4-H Congress live in
campus residence halls and eat in dining halls, enjoy campus recreational activities, and attend
workshops and tours in campus classrooms, labs, and facilities. Participants have the chance
to meet and make friends with fellow 4-Hers from across the state, discover career
opportunities, perform community service, and learn skills that help them prepare for college
and the workforce.
4-Hers attending Maryland 4-H Congress choose a “career track” consisting of workshops, tours, and activities
hosted/supported by one or more of the University of Maryland’s colleges or schools. Tracks for 2016 are: Animal
Science, Architecture and Design, Communications & Leadership, Engineering, Health & Wellness and Plant &
Environmental Science. Early Bird Registration is from now until May 15, 2016 and costs $125 while regular registration
is from May 16-31, 2016 and the cost is $175. Please contact April Barczewski at the Cecil County Extension Office
at adhall@umd.edu for more information about registering for this event as participants register via 4-H Online.
An adult chaperone is needed to supervise the Cecil County 4-H participants. Please contact April if you are interested
in serving as a chaperone and are a UME 4-H volunteer.
Show Like A Pro: Dairy Fitting & Showing Workshop
The Show Like a Pro Dairy Fitting & Showing Overnight Workshop will be held on June 11 & 12, 2016 at the
dairy pavilion at the Great Frederick Fairgrounds in Frederick, Maryland. More information can be found
online at: http://showlikeapro.org/. Completed registrations are due no later than May 25, 2016.
2016 Great Sweet Potato Contest Rules
The 2016 Great Sweet Potato contest is being managed and sponsored by the Calvert Boys and Girls 4-H Club.
Clovers and Juniors – You will be receiving a sweet potato plant, a pot and some soil. You will plant your sweet potato any method you want
and you will need to add soil (again your own type). Please pick up your potatoes on May 14 or May 21, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at “Buttercups
& Fireflies” (Ellen’s store). Please have exact change or a check to pay for your entry fee. YOUR ENTRY FEE IS $3.00. We do not have a final
date yet. It will be sometime in September. At the end of the contest, youth will bring back their pot with the sweet potato still planted. Youth
will be disqualified if the sweet potato has been removed from the container. We will then weigh the sweet potatoes in front of the judges. Prizes
will be given for the biggest sweet potato, the heaviest sweet potato harvest, and the funniest sweet potato.
Intermediates and Seniors- Your contest involves you planting of six sweet potato plants and bringing back 4 sweet potatoes for judging to our
contest night. We will have details of the contest night later on. It will be in September. You will need to bring your sweet potatoes on a white
paper plate to display. Please pick-up your 6 sweet potatoes on May 14 or May 21, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at “Buttercups & Fireflies” (Ellen’s
store). Your entry fee is $5. Please have exact change or a check to pay when you pick up your plants.
The Great Sweet Potato Contest will conclude with a covered dish potato dinner. (Each family will be asked to bring a dish containing potatoes to
Hands-On Animal Science Classes
Animal Science Activities & Update
We will be offering fun, hands-on Animal Science
classes for 4-Hers on the 4th Tuesday of each month
from 6:30-8:00 PM in the Cecil County Extension
Office, Elkton. You do not have to attend all the
class topics. Please RSVP online at:
http://extension.umd.edu/cecil-county/4-hyouth/cecil-county-4-h-hands-animal-scienceclasses or call 410-996-5280 the day prior to each
scheduled class so that enough supplies can be
gathered and materials prepared in advance.
Cecil 4-H Animal Ownership & Lease Deadlines for Cecil County &
Maryland 4-H
The 4-H animal ownership and lease deadlines were printed in the last the
Late March-April 2016 4-H Talk Newsletter or you can check out the
for details.
The dates and topics are as follows:
2016 Cecil County Fair Market Animal Ages and Weights
May 24, 2016 - Your Message Matters
September 27, 2016 - Hay What’s Up
October 25, 2016 - Donut Do Injections Like
November 22, 2016 - Fiber Fun (Rescheduled
from January, 2016)
The 2016 Cecil County Fair Animal Ages and Weighs were printed in the
last the Late March-April 2016 4-H Talk Newsletter or you can check out
the Cecil County 4-H Website at http://extension.umd.edu/cecil-county/4-hyouth/animal-science-information for details.
All the classes will be very fun and energetic as all
the sessions will be hands-on.
4-H Animal Science Reminder Information
An animal can be tagged either commercial breeding or market but not both
4-H project animals MUST be registered in the individual name of the 4Her only
Cecil County 4-H Animal Science Information
Cecil County 4-H Animal Science information can be found online at:
and individual information about each animal project area can found by
clicking on the tab to the left. It contains specific project information along
with project information and basics.
4-H Calendar of Events
May 2016
Ducks Unlimited Youth Day at Oxford Gun Club, 9 AM, Oxford Gun Club, Oxford
Sheep and Wool Festival, West Friendship
Sheep & Goat Skillathon, West Friendship
Cecil County Junior Fairboard Meeting, 7 PM, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton
Eastern Shore Spring Show, Centreville
DEADLINE: Cecil County 4-H All-Star Book Scholarship
DEADLINE: Early Bird Registration for Maryland 4-H Congress
University of Maryland Extension Volunteer Training, 6:30 PM, UME Cecil County 4-H Office, Elkton
19 & 20 Tagging, Weigh In & Ownership Deadline of Market Goats, Sheep, Swine and Feeder Calves, Fair Hill
DEADLINE: Market Rabbit, Market Broilers & Market Duck Intent Form Due in Extension Office
First State Livestock Jackpot Preview Show, Delaware State Fairgrounds, Harrington
Cecil 4-H Leaders and Volunteer Meeting, 7 PM, Cecil County Extension Office
Hands-On Animal Science Class: Your Message Matters, 6:30-8 PM, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton
Cecil County Fair 4-H Livestock Sale Meeting, 7:00 PM, Calvert Grange, Rising Sun
DEADLINE: Registration for Maryland 4-H Congress
4-H Horticulture Judging Practice, (5/2, 5/16, 5/23) Rosebank Church, Rising Sun or (5/9) Fair Hill Florist, Elkton, 7 PM
4-H Beginner Welding Classes, (Starting 5/10) 6:30 PM, Windmill Farm, Elkton
4-H Dog Handling Classes, 6 PM, Cecil County Fairgrounds-Stafford Pavilion, Fair Hill (Except 5/11)
June 2016
DEADLINE: Horse/Dog Identification Cards & Rabbit/Poultry/Waterfowl Ownership Registration Due in Extension Office
DEADLINE: Performance/Breeding Animal Arrangements Due in Extension Office
DEADLINE: County Ownership Deadline for Commercial Breeding Animal Projects
DEADLINE: Maryland 4-H Foundation Scholarship Applications
DEADLINE: County Ownership Deadline for Registered Breeding Animal Projects
Cecil County Fair 4-H Livestock Sale Meeting, 7:00 PM, UME Cecil County 4-H Office, Elkton
Cecil County Breeders’ Fair Set Up, Fair Hill
Cecil County Breeders’ Fair Livestock, Rabbit & Dog Shows, Fair Hill
Cecil County Breeders’ Fair Horse Shows, Fair Hill
University of Maryland Extension Volunteer Training, 6:30 PM, UME Cecil County 4-H Office, Elkton
Volunteer Series: Diamond Clover & Other Teen Opportunities Workshop, 6:30 PM, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton
Cecil County Junior Fairboard Meeting, 6:45 PM, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton
Cecil County Fair “Ask the Expert”, Open Session, 6:30-8 PM, UME Cecil County 4-H Office, Elkton (to help 4-H youth fill out their
entry forms & entry tags and answer any fair related questions)
Maryland 4-H Day at Camden Yards, Game Starts at 7:05 PM, Baltimore
21-23 Horse Hoopla, Fair Hill
26-30 Maryland 4-H Congress, College Park
6/1, 6/6, 6/13, 6/20 & 6/27 4-H Horticulture Judging Practice, Rosebank Church, Rising Sun, 7 PM
4-H Advanced Welding Classes, (Starting 6/7) 6:30 PM, Windmill Farm, Elkton
4-H Dog Handling Classes, 6 PM, Cecil County Fairgrounds-Stafford Pavilion, Fair Hill (Except 5/11)
July 2016
DEADLINE: Cecil County Fair Animal, Club & Engineering Entries Deadline
DEADLINE: State Ownership Deadline for Registered Breeding Animal Projects
DEADLINE: Maryland 4-H Online Animal Husbandry & Quality Assurance Program Closes for Cecil County Fair 4-H Participation
DEADLINE: Cecil County 4-H Camp Application
State Horse Jamboree, Queen Anne’s County 4-H Park, Centreville
State Horse Communications Contest, Queen Anne’s County 4-H Park, Centreville
DEADLINE: 4-H Promotional Poster Contest Submission
Cecil County Fair Bicycle Event, 8:30 AM, Location TBA
Cecil County Fair 4-H Shotgun Event & Written Exam, Oxford Gun Club, Oxford
Cecil County Junior Fair Board Meeting & Children’s Bag Stuffing, Elkton
Cecil County 4-H Camp Orientation, County Administration Building, Elkton, 6:30-8 PM
Cecil County Fair Poultry Testing, April & Mark Barczewski’s, Fair Hill (Maryland Residents), Oxford Feed & Lumber,
Oxford (Pennsylvania Residents), Location TBA (Delaware Residents)-Time slots will be assigned
Eastern Shore District Holstein Show, Queen Anne’s County 4-H Park, Centerville, 9:30 AM
Cecil County Fair Animal Orientation & Set Up, Fair Hill
Cecil County Fair, Fair Hill
DEADLINE: ALL Maryland State Fair 4-H Entries
TBA State Dairy Judging Practices (Tuesdays or Thursdays)
August 2016
7-12 Cecil County 4-H Camp, Harford County 4-H Camp at the Rocks, Street
State 4-H Dairy Goat Judging & Skills Event, Timonium
25-9/5 Maryland State Fair, Timonium
September 2016
Deadline: 4-H Diamond Clover Level 6 Proposals to UME-Cecil 4-H Office
Most State 4-H Judging Contests at the Maryland State Fair
State 4-H Smallbore Rifle Match, Marriottsville
Deadline: 4-H Diamond Clover Level 6 Proposals in State 4-H Portal
Cecil 4-H Leaders and Volunteer Meeting, 7 PM, Cecil County Extension Office
Hands-On Animal Science: Hay What’s Up, Elkton
Cecil 4-H Animal Science Planning Meeting, Elkton
October 2016
National 4-H Week
Cecil County 4-H Horse Program, Goblin Gallop, Fair Hill
National 4-H Youth Science Day Activity
National 4-H Conference Portfolios Due to UME-Cecil 4-H Office
State 4-H Archery Match, Thendara 4-H Center, Hurlock
University of Maryland Extension Volunteer Training, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton, 6:30 PM
DEADLINE: 4-H Club Financial Reports FY2016
Cecil 4-H Open House & Project Showcase, Elkton (Tentative)
State 4-H Shotgun Match, Prince George’s Trap & Skeet Center, Glenn Dale
Hands-On Animal Science: Donut Do Injections Like This, Elkton
Apple/Pumpkin Fest
Maryland 4-H Horsemen’s Party, Timonium
State 4-H Dressage Show
November 2016
Volunteer Series: Club Management, Program Planning & Working with your Officer Team, 6:30 PM, UME-Cecil County
Office, Elkton
DEADLINE: MD 4-H Foundation Grants
University of Maryland Extension Volunteer Training, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton, 6:30 PM
DEADLINE: 990-N E-postcard for Club
Cecil 4-H Leaders & Volunteer Meeting, 7 PM, Cecil County Extension Office
Hands-On Animal Science: Fiber Fun, Elkton
December 2016
Holiday Craft Workshop, Fair Hill
Countywide 4-H Benefit Auction, Fair Hill
For more information about any event, please call, email or stop by the University of Maryland Extension Cecil County 4-H
Office. If you need special assistance to participate in any of our programs, please contact the office at 410-996-5280 at
least one week prior to the scheduled program.
4-H Club Meeting Dates
Rabbit Wranglers
Making Strides Puddle Jumpers
Calvert Boys & Girls
Junior Council Rising Sun Milk Squirters
Young Guns
(Shotgun Practice)
Calvert Boys & Girls
County Archery
Tri-State Trotters
Reaching for the
2nd Sunday
3rd Sunday
2nd Monday
2nd Monday
Tailwinds Trotters
Carrot Crunchers
Stars & Stripes Kids of the Future
2nd Sunday
4th Sunday
2nd Monday
2nd Tuesday
2nd Wednesday
Kibbles n Kids
Cecil Sliders
2nd Wednesday
2nd Wednesday
Kuntry Livestock
1st Thursday
3rd Thursday
3rd Thursday
Krazy Kritters
C-Line 1st Placers
3rd Thursday
2nd Friday
2nd Friday
2nd Saturday
Rainbow Riders
April Hall Barczewski
Extension Educator
4-H Youth Development
Victoria “Vicki” Stone
Program Assistant
4-H Youth Development
The following documents are located on the Cecil County Extension website at:
Cecil County 4-H Camp Forms
Cecil County 4-H All-Star Book Scholarship Application
Great Sweet Potato Contest
Maryland 4-H Day at Oriole Park
University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation,
physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender identity and
2016 Great Sweet Potato Contest Rules
Thank you for participating in the 2016 contest sponsored by the Calvert Boys and Girls 4-H Club.
Clovers and Juniors – You will be receiving a sweet potato plant, a pot and some soil.
You will plant your sweet
potato plants any method you want and you will need to add soil (again your own type). Please pick up your plants on
May 14th or May 21st between 10 AM-2 PM from Buttercups and Fireflies (Ellen’s shop). Please have exact change or a
check to pay for your entry fee. YOUR ENTRY FEE IS $3.00.
We do not have a final date yet. It will be sometime in September. At the end of the contest, youth will bring back their
pot with the sweet potato still planted. Youth will be disqualified if the sweet potato has been removed from the
container. We will then weigh the sweet potatoes in front of the judges.
Intermediates and Seniors- Your contest involves you planting six sweet potato plants and bringing back 4
potatoes for judging to our contest night. We will have details of the contest night later on. It will be in September. You
will need to bring your sweet potatoes on a white paper plate to display.
Please pick-up your sweet potato plants on Please pick up your plants on May 14th or May 21st between 10 AM-2 PM
from Buttercups and Fireflies (Ellen’s shop). YOUR ENTRY FEE IS $5. Please have exact change or a check to pay when
you pick up your potatoes.
Prizes will be given for the biggest sweet potato (Clovers & Juniors), best 4 sweet potatoes (Intermediates & Seniors)
and the funniest sweet potato.
Our contest will conclude with a covered dish potato dinner. (Each family will be asked to bring a dish containing
potatoes to share).
Calvert Boys and Girls 4-H Club Ellen Larrimore, Leader elarrimore@zoominternet.net
Chairpeople: Seth Donnelley and Josh Kline
“University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color, sexual
orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender
identity and expression.”
I have read the rules for the 2016 Great Sweet Potato Contest and understand them. I understand at the end of the
contest Clovers and Juniors need to bring back the pot with the sweet potato still planted. Intermediates and Seniors
need to bring back their best 4 sweet potatoes.
Contestant ___________________________________________________________________
4-H Age___________ Club______________________________________________________
Parent Signature__________________________________________
Friday, June 17th at 7:05 p.m. vs. Toronto Blue Jays
Fireworks (Postgame) Presented by BGE
Upper Reserve (Sections 316-356, Rows 13-25): $12*
**$5 of every ticket sold will benefit Maryland 4-H**
*There is an additional 10% service charge per ticket.
For any questions or accessible seating, please call 888.848.BIRD (2473) and ask for the Ticket
Services team.
1. Click on the link below
2. Select a quantity of tickets
3. Create a Baltimore Orioles ticket account
4. Purchase and print your tickets
Tickets posted for re-sale are subject to cancellation. Offer is NOT valid at the Box Office.