TRIBUNE CONTENTS 4-H Promotional Contest November 2015

November 2015
4-H Promotional Contest
Project Records Due ......................................... 2
Senior Portfolios ............................................... 2
Senior Portfolio Workshop ............................... 2
Diamond Clover Awards ................................... 2
New 4-Her Orientation ..................................... 3
UME Volunteer Training .................................. 3
Club Leader Updates ........................................ 3
Attitude of Gratitude......................................... 3
Scholarship Opportunity .................................. 4
4-H In Action .................................................... 4
Horseman’s Party ............................................. 4
Horse Webinar Series ....................................... 5
Horse Bowl Practices ........................................ 4
Steer Weigh-In .................................................. 4
Skillathon!! Skillathon!! ................................... 5
Lambing and Kidding School ........................... 5
Livestock Video Opportunity............................ 5
MD 4-H Volunteers’ Forum ............................. 6
MD 4-H Volunteers’ Association ...................... 5
Congratulations! ............................................... 6
Gala Basket ........................................................ 6
Carroll County 4-H All-Stars ............................ 6
Winter Residential Camp ................................. 7
Residential Camp Adult Staff Volunteers
Needed............................................................... 7
Youth Camp Staff Needed ................................ 7
Small Engines/Lawn Mower Workshop .......... 8
Welding Workshop ........................................... 8
Holiday Jams and Jellies .................................. 7
Blah’s ................................................................. 7
Club News ......................................................... 8
Community Service Opportunity ..................... 8
Fair Photos ........................................................ 9
CC 4-H/FFA Fair .............................................. 9
Gingerbread Village Festival ............................ 9
Ag Center News ................................................. 9
DATES TO REMEMBER: ............................... 10
Thank you to all of our 4-HMarch
clubs 2015
for promoting 4-H
during National 4-H Week! We had 13 club displays
located in various places in Carroll County.
Grand Champion Promotional Display
Fine Feathered Friends 4-H Club
Reserve Grand Champion Promotional Display
Lineboro 4-H Club
Window Display
Champion – Fine Feathered Friends
Reserve Champion – Lineboro 4-H Club
Bulletin Board/Banner
Champion – Progressive Clovers 4-H Club
Table Top Display
Champion – Carrollton 4-H Club
Reserve Champion – Clover Buddies 4-H Club
Leaders: Please stop by the Extension Office to pick up
your score sheets and club ribbon.
Oh Look… It’s Bad Weather!
If it’s bad weather that means things at the Extension Office
may be closing! If there is no school or there is early dismissal
in Carroll County due to inclement weather, all 4-H events are
to be cancelled. In addition, if the snow emergency plan is in
effect by 6:00 pm, all 4-H events are to be cancelled for that 1
evening. If you have any questions, call the Extension Office
at 410-386-2760.
Project Records Due
Project Records are due to the CC Extension Office from club leaders on Tuesday, December 1,
2015. Individual club leaders will need to set the date due to them. Other items to note:
**Tips to Complete Project Records are attached to the September Tribune.
**Remember to use the Animal Science Project Records.
**Remember, ALL market livestock, horse, rabbit, poultry, photography, garden and plants/flowers
project records are required to show at the 2016 CC 4-H/FFA Fair.
**Please staple rather than paper clip supplemental pieces (photos, etc.) to project records so they do
not get misplaced. Also, please DO NOT put project records in a folder, sheet protector, binder,
record book cover, etc. We take them out anyway to judge them, so please just staple them together.
Senior Portfolios
If you are a senior 4-H member and would like to apply to be awarded a National Trip, then it’s time
to start thinking about that senior portfolio! Trips for Senior Portfolios include National 4-H
Congress, Camp Miniwanca, West Virginia Older Members’ Conference and Virginia 4-H Congress. If
you are applying for a National Trip, don’t forget to fill out an application at: and turn it in with your
portfolio. All senior portfolios are due on January 4, 2016. If you would like help or advice on
putting together a senior portfolio please call Becky at the Extension Office. The 2016 Essay Topic:
Write an essay on your most memorable 4-H experience that will highlight the positive experiences
you have had in 4-H and what you would share with someone 10 or 12 years from now.
Senior Portfolio Workshop
The Senior Portfolio Workshop will be held at the Extension Office on
Saturday, November 7th from 9 am-2 pm. You will have the opportunity
to build your 4-H resume. The afternoon session will help you with
interviewing skills through mock interviews and give tips on how to dress. All
seniors and last year intermediates are welcome to attend. Don’t miss out on
this opportunity!! This is a great time to work on your interview skills for any
opportunity. RSVP to the Extension Office by Wednesday, November
2nd. Please plan on bringing a laptop if available, if not please let us know. If
you have questions, contact Becky at 410-386-2760 or
Diamond Clover Awards
Are you working toward achieving levels 1 thru 5 of the Diamond Clover Awards? They are
due to the 4- H Office by February 1, 2016 (or earlier!). All of the Diamond Clover forms can
be found on the Carroll County Extension website. If you have questions, please contact Ann
at the Extension Office.
New 4-Her Orientation
So you have joined the Carroll County 4-H program. Now what? Learn what opportunities await you
at this informative session. We will cover the basics of 4-H, opportunities, challenges, and resources
to make your 4-H career a successful one. This session is for parents and 4-Hers. Please bring any
questions that you already have. Next session is offered November 18th from 7-8 pm at the
Extension Office. Registration is required so please call the Extension Office at 410-386-2760 if you
are interested in this program.
UME Volunteer Training
Would you like to be a University of Maryland Extension Volunteer? Are you helping out at club
meetings with projects or activities? Do you have parents in your club who have expressed an interest
in being a 4-H volunteer? All adults who are working within our program should go through this
The next UME training will take place on Tuesday, November 17th at 7:00 pm. Registration is
required so please call the Extension Office at 410-386-2760 if you are interested in the next training.
Club Leader Updates
MANDATORY Leader Meeting for yearly enrollment is October 27th at 7 pm. If the leader cannot
attend, please send a representative from your club. Let’s have 100% participation!!!
990-Postcards must be submitted online by November 15th – Log on to
Club Paperwork –All club paperwork is due to the Extension Office by January 15th.
Newspaper Articles – When sending in an article/picture to the newspaper, please send it to Becky,
Kim, or Ann and we will get it on the Extension Website.
Ag Center Procedure – When reserving a building with the Ag Center, please follow these steps.
Call a 4-H Educator (Becky, Kim, or Ann)
Reason for needing building? If we can accommodate your room need at the Extension Office that will
be our first option.
If a building is still needed, the 4-H Educator will reserve the building for your club.
If you have questions about this new policy, please contact one of the 4-H Educators.
Attitude of Gratitude
Please remember that 4-H club leaders and mentors are volunteers, not paid employees. Show your
leaders you care. Take a minute to write them a Thank You note or draw a picture. As a 4-Her,
remember to say Thank You when your leaders take the time to help you. Try to keep an attitude of
gratitude all year long. 4-H leaders make a difference and help you explore your interests. Let them
know how much you appreciate their dedication.
Scholarship Opportunity
National 4-H Council is now accepting applications for the annual Youth in Action Awards to be
presented at the seventh annual Legacy Awards in Washington, D.C. on April 12, 2016.
As one of the highest honors achieved, the 2016 awards have expanded to honor one remarkable 4Her within each pillar area: Agriculture and Animal Sciences; Citizenship; Healthy Living; and STEM.
All applications must be submitted by 12:00 PM ET on Monday, November 30, 2015. For more
information about application rules and information on past honorees, visit
4-H In Action
Get the word out about 4-H! 4-H In Action is an annual promotional newspaper written and designed
by 4-H members across the state focused on 4-H participation and diverse projects. 4-Hers can
submit news stories, editorials, testimonials, columns, and/or take pictures from their projects and
get recognized for their work. Articles should be submitted by November 22nd. Workshops and
opportunities to learn more will be offered throughout MD 4-H Volunteer Forum November 20-22,
2015. For more information, contact Sean Clougherty, or Amanda
Clougherty, More information and a registration form can be found at the end of
this Tribune.
Steer Weigh-In
We have scheduled steer weigh in for Saturday, January 9th at the Ag Center TRP Building
beginning at 8 am until 11 am. Because of the location, all steers/heifers must be on a halter and
reasonably broken! Market Animal Registration forms and AnSc Code of Ethics can be found at the
Extension Office or from your club leader. Remember, the registration form is a 2-part
form. You must turn in the form intact. Remember to sign the front and back of the
form. Your copy will be given to you on the day of weigh-in. If you have questions, call 410-3862760. Registration forms are due to the CC Extension Office by Monday, January 4,
2016. Tag cost is $2 per steer/heifer. Make checks payable to CCEAC.
Horseman’s Party
The 29th Annual Maryland 4-H Horseman’s Party will be held on Sunday, November 1st at the
Maryland State Fairgrounds Vista Room. This year the party will feature a live and silent auction,
awards ceremony and dinner. Tickets are $25 for adults and $15 for children (12 and under). Tickets
can be purchased at This event serves an important fundraiser
to benefit the Sallie Robertson Memorial 4-H Horse Endowment Fund.
Horse Bowl Practices
It’s time to start preparing for Horse Bowl! Practices will be held every Wednesday at 7 pm beginning
on December 2nd at the Extension Office. You don’t need to ride or own a horse to participate in
Horse Bowl!
Horse Webinar Series
If you are interested in learning more about some of the research being conducted in the horse
industry then plan on registering for the University of Maryland Equine Studies horse
webinars. Three webinars will be offered on November 4th, 11th, and 18th. This could be a great
opportunity to come up with your next horse communication speech!! More information and
registration can be found at
Skillathon!! Skillathon!!
Everything you've ever wanted to know about livestock, and didn't know to ask!! Come learn about
Breeds of Livestock, Equipment, Cuts of Meat, Animal Part Identification, Livestock Feeds, Hay,
Wool, and play some online games and Jeopardy games!! Come to learn for the contest in March, or
just come to the sessions you want to learn about! Instead of waiting until the dead of winter and
having to cancel important sessions, let's try meeting a little earlier and hopefully we can get all of the
subjects covered and also have some fun!! All sessions will be on Thursday nights.
Dates to put on your calendar: November 12th, December 3rd, December 10th
There will be more sessions after the first of the year! For more information call Kathy Gordon, 301667-0559.
Lambing and Kidding School
The 2015 Lambing and Kidding School will be held on Saturday, December 5th at North Harford High
School. The main speaker for the program will be Dr. Richard Ehrhardt from Michigan State
University and a youth program will be provided with hands-on activities. Registration is required by
November 20th. Follow this link if you are interested in registering
Livestock Video Opportunity
Have an interest in sharing more about your livestock projects with the community? What about the
opportunity to enter one of the video contests at the fair, but you just don’t know how to go about
doing it? Here is the perfect opportunity for you! The Community Media Center is looking to team
up with 4-H members with animal projects to make videos that showcase how you select your animals
and care for them, to showing and marketing them for sale. Anything you do with your animals can
be shared through a video. If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity, call the
Extension Office at 410-386-2760 and talk with Becky.
MD 4-H Volunteers’ Association
Keep up to date by receiving notices for state association meetings, share 4-H program ideas and
concerns, and learn about state opportunities. To stay up to date please send your name, county and
email to:
MD 4-H Volunteers’ Forum
Make plans to attend the MD 4-H Volunteers’ Association Forum November 20-22 in Ocean City,
MD at the Carousel Hotel. There will be a variety of workshops and activities offered. Dr. Jim Cain
will be sharing his knowledge on subjects ranging from teamwork to creative problem
solving. Carroll County 4-H will cover the early registration cost ($85) for UME
Volunteers and senior 4-H Members to attend this event!! For more information go to:
Congratulations to Malinda Grimm for representing Maryland at the National Horticulture Judging
Contest in Orlando, Florida. Maryland’s team placed 1st overall and Malinda placed 4th in the nation!!
Congratulations to everyone who participated in the National Youth Engineering Challenge at
Purdue. Jacob Newton’s team won 1st in Aerospace, Bryce Davey was 1st in Electric and the Robotics
team members Samuel Krispin, Eli Garst and Kayley Kiesel won.
Gala Basket
Once again we will be putting together a county basket for the MD 4-H Gala. The gala will be held on
Sunday, January 17, 2016 at the Laurel Race Park. This year’s basket theme will be a “Baking
Basket”. Any items you can donate are appreciated and can include, baking pans, cupcake liners,
decorating supplies, baking mixes, etc. Please have your donations to the Extension Office by
January 13th. Clubs are also encouraged to make their own baskets! Proceeds from the gala baskets
go back to the MD 4-H Foundation to help fund national trips, scholarships, etc.
Carroll County 4-H All-Stars
Do you support 4-H? Do you have kids in 4-H? Do you want to know how you can help the program?
The 4-H All-Stars is a group of active senior 4-Hers and adult UME volunteers who support the 4-H
program. Come join us for our January 5th meeting at 7 pm at the Extension Office to learn more
about who we are. We will also be electing new officers.
The CC 4-H AllStars sponsor the Achievement Program AllStar Award. We will be
selling oval 4-H Car Magnets to help fund this award. The magnets are $5 each and
are available at the Extension Office. We will also try to have magnets available at
various countywide 4-H events.
Do you know a senior 4-Her or a Volunteer that deserves to be nominated as a Maryland 4-H AllStar?
If so, let us know. The criteria to be nominated is: the candidate must be a person of sterling
character; maintain high ideals and ethics pertaining to the home and his/her life therein; be loyal,
resourceful, responsible, with a sense of understanding the viewpoints and needs of others; have a
record of leadership and service; be one who through sincere interest and participation in support of
4-H Club work and community activities works for the progress of the group as a whole and not for
self-gain; and be one who demonstrates a practical application of the personal motto, “I serve.”
We are accepting nomination of officers through December 31st for President, Vice President,
Secretary, Treasurer and Scout. If you are interested in one of the above positions, please contact:
Cheryl –, JoAnn – or Darlene –
Winter Residential Camp
Chill out at 4-H Camp at Patuxent River 4-H Center January 15-18. There will be a variety of activities
for campers to participate in including archery, arts and crafts, ropes course, leadership building,
and/or team building. Winter camp will be held for those 8-11 years old and Teen Leadership Camp
will be for those 12-18 years old. See the attached flyer for more information.
Residential Camp Adult Staff Volunteers Needed
The Carroll County Residential Camp adult staff spends two weeks at Hashawha Environmental
Center assisting the Youth Leaders in creating a safe and productive camp environment. Volunteers
will need to participate in trainings held January 8-10. Applications are due on November 1st and can
be found in October’s Tribune. If you have any questions please contact Amy Petkovsek at
Youth Camp Staff Needed
Carroll County Residential Camp dates have been set for 2016: Week 1 (8-11 year olds) – June 19-23
Week 2 (10-14 year olds) – July 10-15. Youth Staff applications are due on December 1st and are
attached to this Tribune. Youth interviews will follow on December 19-20 at the Extension Office.
Staff must be able to attend training dates to accumulate the required number of hours to participate:
Youth Staff Training weekend-March 18-20; Training Dates are January 24, February 21, May 15, and
June 5.
Holiday Jams and Jellies
Are you already thinking about making homemade gifts for the holiday season? Then don’t miss out
on the Holiday Jam and Jelly workshop on Sunday, November 8th, 9 am - 1 pm or Sunday, December
6th, 1-4:30 pm at the Extension Office. We will make jam and add a personalized touch to the jars to
make the perfect holiday gift. This is a free workshop for 4-H members!!! Call the Extension Office at
410-386-2760 to register. If you have questions contact Becky at the office or at
A flyer is attached to this Tribune.
Blah’s Classes Needed
Beat the Midwinter Blah’s will be held on January 30th, 2016 at the Extension Office and
Ag Center. Please mark the date on your calendar now and plan on joining us for this
informative and fun day! Attached to the September Tribune is a form requesting classes for The
Blah’s. If you are interested in teaching, please fill out the form and return it to the Extension Office
by November 2nd. This is a great leadership opportunity to record in your record books!!!
Small Engines/Lawn Mower Workshop
Every year after the Small Engines and Lawn Mower Contest many ask how they can prepare for next
year. Come out to FSK High School on Saturday, January 30th and learn everything from overhead
valve engines to disassembling and assembling. More information and a registration form can be
found at the end of this Tribune.
Welding Workshop
Unleash your talent for mechanical arts while learning from an experienced welder and 4-H Alumni.
The welding workshop is open to 12-18 year olds and will cover topics such as torch work, oxy
welding, stick welding, MIG welding, etc. If you are interested, please contact Ann Dicke at by December 31st.
Club News
Check out the club news on the Carroll County Extension website at Articles being featured this month include:
Carrollton Fall Craft Night
Progressive Clovers October Meeting
4-H State Poultry Judging Contest
4-H State Small Engines/Lawn Mower Contest
2015 4-H Shooting Sports National Championships
***Gunpowder and High Ridge 4-H Clubs are collecting 2016 calendars. Any size and type of calendar
is welcome. They are also collecting sweat pants and shirts for Walter Reid Hospital patients. Please,
no buttons or zippers since patients are often missing limbs. There will be a collection box in the 4-H
office for these items.
***Come enjoy some great food and support the Green Outdoor and Environmental Science (G.O.E.S)
4-H Club on Tuesday, December 8 from 5 to 9 pm, at the Westminster Chipotle. Be sure to bring
the attached flyer, show it on your smartphone or simply tell the cashier you’re supporting the cause
to make sure 50% of the proceeds will be donated to the G.O.E.S. 4-H Club. Let’s show this new club
how Carroll County 4-H supports their own!!!
Community Service Opportunity
Join Westminster 4-H Club's Project Linus Day on Tuesday, November 10th. The club
will be making fringed fleece blankets that will be donated to Project Linus. Project
Linus believes that every child in the hospital should get their very own
blanket. Blanket making will start at 6 pm at the Extension Office. Bring a yard and
a quarter (45 inches) of 60 inch wide polar fleece. Bring 2 colors of the same size if you want to make
a reversible blanket! You'll also need a good pair of fabric shears to cut the fringes.
Can't get to the fabric store? Please call or email our club leader, Ms. Nave, at 410-596-4239 or to have her pick up some fleece for you to use.
Fair Photos
Photos from the 2015 CC 4-H/FFA Fair are available in the Extension Office. All orders are due by
November 13, 2015 and will be returned by December 18th. Any orders placed after the original
order date will be subject to a negative finding fee for each photo.
CC 4-H/FFA Fair
Everyone is welcome to participate in Fair Board meetings held at the Extension Office. The next
meeting date is: December 2nd at 7:00 pm at the Ag Center- Burns Hall.
Indoor Building Updates: There will also be a meeting November 24th at 7 pm for ALL indoor
building department superintendents with the exception of the Food Department.
Too Many Ribbons or Trophies? Don’t throw them away! Bring them to the Extension Office or
to a Fair Board meeting. The Fair will recycle them for next year! So don’t throw them out, let’s
Cookie Season is Coming! – Fair memories are still fresh in our minds, so it’s hard to believe that
the holidays are just around the corner. Each year the Fair Board likes to recognize and show our
appreciation to those businesses and individuals who so greatly support the fair. The Carroll County
4-H & FFA Fair Board is asking 4-H members to assist the Fair Board with baking homemade cookies
for the Fair’s Gold Sponsors.
Cookies are to be homemade, and not chocolate chip
We need at least 6 dozen of each type of cookie
The more cookies the better. Please deliver your cookies to the Extension Office on Tuesday,
December 1st or Wednesday, December 2nd. If you cannot make the delivery to the Extension
Office on either of those days, please contact Vicki Wagner at
or Becky Stem at to make other arrangements.
IMPORTANT DATES 2016 Carroll County Fair July 30th through August 5th. Mark these dates in your
2016 calendar and keep them in mind when making your summer plans!
Gingerbread Village Festival
The first free annual Gingerbread Village Festival will be held at TownMall of Westminster from
November 13th-28th. Gingerbread Houses on display highlight the event, which includes a mall
scavenger hunt for kids and the opportunity to win an incredible custom built playhouse for your
Ag Center News
Please be advised that all parking on the Shipley Ag Center lot must be in assigned, marked parking
spaces. Once these spaces are full please park in the millings area. There are to be no cars parked
along the building side of the parking lot.
In September 2016 the Ag Center will be hosting a 9/11 Remembrance event and will be looking for
support and displays from 4-H groups. More information will be released as we get closer to the date.
Kim Dixon
Extension Educator
4-H Youth Development
Becky Ridgeway
Extension Educator
4-H Youth Development
Carroll County 4-H Youth Development
University of Maryland Extension
700 Agriculture Center
Westminster, MD 21157-5700
Ann Dicke
Extension Educator
4-H Youth Development
The Carroll County 4-H Website. Find the Tribune online, plus other forms and information for youth and leaders.
The Maryland State 4-H Youth Development Website. News & information from all over the state, plus forms and
information for youth and leaders.
University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation,
physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender identity and
The information given herein is supplied with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by University of Maryland
Extension is implied.
If you have a disability that requires special assistance for your participation in a program, please contact the Carroll
County Extension Office at 410-386-2760, fax: 410-876-0132, two (2) weeks prior to the program.
November 7
November 17
November 18
November 20-22
November 24-25
December 1
December 25
2016 Dates
January 1
January 4
January 5
January 9
January 30
February 1
February 20
March 5
Senior Portfolio Workshop, CC Extension Office, 9 am-2 pm
UME Volunteer Training, CC Extension Office, 7 pm
New 4-Her Orientation, CC Extension Office, 7-8 pm
Northeast Regional Volunteer Forum, Ocean City
CC Extension Office Closed, Thanksgiving
Project Records due from Leaders
CC Extension Office Closed, Christmas
CC Extension Office Closed, New Year’s Day
Senior Portfolios Due
Steer Registration Forms due
4-H All-Star Meeting, CC Extension Office, 7 pm
Steer Weigh-In, TRP Building, 8-11 am
Beat the Mid-Winter Blahs, CC Ag Center & CC Ext Office, 8:30 – 3:30
Diamond Clover Awards Due
County Demonstration Contest, CC Extension Office
County Public Speaking Contest, CC Extension Office
What is 4-H In Action?
An annual newspaper to be written and designed by 4-H members across the state, covering Maryland geographically, 4-H participation, and diverse 4-H projects. 4-H members will write stories, editorials, testimonials, columns and/or take pictures and layout the paper.
The Maryland 4-H Foundation and the Delmarva farmer advertising staff will sell the advertisements to support our work.
What is the format of stories to be included?
News Story –this is an article about an event/happening/experience/person written in the 3rd point of view.
About 500 words. Example: a reporter asking interviewing the state 4-H communications winner and then
writing the story about the contest and the winner.
Editorial- the newspaper’s opinion on a topic or issue, supported with facts. Example: 4-H members opinion
on the power of 4-H on youth
Column-a story told from the first person point of view. Example: My experience traveling to National 4-H
Briefs- short article announcing event or workshop or small news. Covers the basic who, what, when, where,
why. 100-200 words. Example: New Club formed in Prince Georges County
Feature Photo- picture with longer caption. Caption has 3-5 sentences explaining picture and giving context.
Example: Picture of Grand Champion Market Lamb at County Fair where caption gives more than just 4-H
member’s name.
How do you participate? Where do I submit my article?
Send an email to Sean Clougherty, and/or Amanda Clougherty, Let us know what you intend to write about. When articles are complete email them as
word document to Sean Clougherty.
When is the Deadline?
Articles are to be submitted by Sunday November 22. Workshops and opportunities to meet up will be
offered throughout MD 4-H Volunteer Forum November 20-22, 2015
Winter Resident Camp
2016 Registration Form
January 15-18, 2016
Camper’s Name: ________________________
Phone: (_______)____________
Address: ________________________________________________________
City:________________________________ State:__________ Zip:________
Date of Birth :___/___/___ Age:______
Circle Sex: M or F
E-mail: ________________
Parent/ Legal Guardian’s Name:________________________________________
Cell number ___________________ T-shirt size (indicate adult or youth)___________
My check is enclosed for:
___ $50.00 Deposit (Balance due by Jan. 8, 2016)
___ $_____ for the full amount
____ I would like to pay with Credit card: #_________________ Exp. Date: _/___/__ CVV#_______
Signature:________________________ Visa: __ Mastercard: ____
A- Winter Camp- Ages 8-11 $150.00
(Fun filled long weekend with, crafts, teambuilding, campfire, and other naturally exciting adventures)
B- Teen Leadership Track - Ages 12 and older $150.00
(Leadership, Team and Adventure Challenges will be exciting and useful as you prepare for your future)
EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT $125.00 if registered before December 31st!
**Please list any food Allergies: ________________________________________________
The registration form and non-refundable deposit of $50 for each camp must be sent to the
Anne Arundel County 4-H Office to hold your spot for your child. Upon receipt of these items, a
confirmation letter with more detailed information, a health form, a code of conduct, and a permission to
participate will be mailed to you. The Health forms, code of conduct, and permission to participate
forms plus the balance of your camp fee are due by JANUARY 8th. Please make all checks
payable to: Patuxent River 4-H Center Foundation, Inc. Camp is on a first come first serve basis,
and the child does not have to be a member of 4-H.
TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED: $___________________
(Please note: Deposit will be deducted from total balance due)
Return Form and deposit to:
Anne Arundel County 4-H Office
97 Dairy Lane
Gambrills, MD 21054
Attention: Amanda Wahle
For more information contact Amanda Wahle at (410) 222-3900 or by email
“The University of Maryland is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Equal Access Programs”.
Make dinner a selfless act by joining us for a fundraiser to
support GOES 4-H Club. Come in to the Chipotle at 631
Baltimore Blvd in Westminster on Tuesday, December 8th
between 5:00pm and 9:00pm. Bring in this flyer, show it on
your smartphone or tell the cashier you’re supporting the
cause to make sure that 50% of the proceeds will be donated
to GOES 4-H Club.
Holiday Jams &
Registration Info
Learn how to create your own jams
and jellies from Extension experts.
The Workshop will be held at
UME Carroll County
700 Agricultural Center Drive
Westminster, MD 21157
on November 8, 2015
from 9:00am - 1:00pm
or December 6, 2015
from 1:00pm - 4:30pm
Due by Nov 2 or Nov 30
$25/person (Free for
4-H members)
No refunds after the
registration deadline
Call 410-386-2760 to
register. Payment must
be cash or check made
payable to CCEAC.
Payment is required
by the registration
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not
discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion,
ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
If you need special assistance to participate in the “Holiday Jams & Jellies” class, please contact the UME Carroll County
office at 410-386-2760 two weeks before the event.
Application Due Date:
Carroll County 4-H
700 Agriculture Center
Westminster, MD 21157
December 1, 2015
All interviews will be scheduled between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. Please check
your DATE & TIME preference:
___Dec. 19 ___Dec. 20
___ Morning ___ Afternoon ___ Evening
___Make Up Interviews – Jan. 9, 2016 at 10 a.m.
University of Maryland Extension is collecting information in order to
include you as an applicant for a 4-H youth camp staff position. If
you do not provide the requested information, you may not be able to
attend nor receive the appropriate information regarding this position.
The information you provide may be shared with UME and short-term
appointed volunteers or instructors. Information provided to UME may
also be shared among offices within the University and within the
University System of MD and outside entities as necessary or
appropriate in the conduct of legitimate University business and
consistent with applicable law. Because the University is a stateeducational institution, such information may also be subject to
disclosure under the MD Access to Public Records Act. Individuals may
inspect and/or correct their personal information as provided by the
“Public Records Act: and/or other applicable law or University policy.
[Please attach a current photo -- forms without photos will not be accepted!!!!]
All leaders must be 14 years or older as of June, 2016
Leaders-in-Training must be 12 years or older as of June, 2016
Birth Date:____________________ Grade:__________
Email address __________________________________
Please furnish complete contact information for three references (NON-FAMILY MEMBERS).
• Name: _________________________________________ Phone #: _______________________________
Street: ___________________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip:____________________________________________________________________________
Name: _________________________________________ Phone #: _______________________________
Street: ___________________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip:____________________________________________________________________________
Name: _________________________________________ Phone #: _______________________________
Street: ___________________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip:____________________________________________________________________________
We authorize the 4-H Youth Development Program, Carroll County Office, University of Maryland
Extension, to contact the individuals listed as references.
Applicant signature:______________________________________________Date:_______________________
Parent/Guardian signature:_______________________________________Date:_______________________
Page 2
Camp Youth Staff Application
[Feel free to attach additional pages if needed.]
I prefer to be (rank your preference beginning with #1 as your first choice):
____Small Group Leader (Leader will provide support and assistance to 16 to 18 youth campers at the
Resident Camp. Youth staff members will work closely with camp youth coordinators, fellow youth
leaders, and adult staff in coordinating all camp activities and programs.) Youth must be age 15 as of
June, 2016.
____Craft Leader (Leader will select, plan, teach, and assist 16 to 18 youth campers during camp craft
activities. Youth staff members will also assist the small group leader in coordinating all family activities.)
Youth must be age 14 as of June, 2016.
____Recreation Leader (Leader will select, plan, teach, and assist 16 to 18 youth campers during camp
recreational activities. Youth staff members will also assist the small group leader in coordinating all
family activities.) Youth must be age 14 as of June, 2016.
____Leader-In-Training (Youth will provide leadership and guidance of a cabin of 15 campers, and assist
their group’s leaders in coordinating all family activities.) Youth must be age 12 as of June, 2016.
I would like to be considered for the following setting:
____June 19-23 – residential camp dates for campers ages 8 to 11 years old
____July 10-15 – residential camp dates for campers ages 10 to 14 years old
____Either Residential Camp Week is fine
____Can/Will attend both residential camp weeks if appointed
____Day Camp (July 5-8, and/or July 19-22, and/or August 9-12, 2016) – for campers ages 5 to 8 years old
Working with children – check those experiences you have had:
____ Babysitting (indicated children’s ages - ________)
____Junior Leader
____ High School Child Development Classes
____Day-Care Aide
____ Nursery School or Church Nursery
____ Camp Staff Member other than 4-H
____ Outdoor School Staff Member
____ Other … (explain): _______________________________________________________________________________________
Other skills you can offer to a camping program:
a. Do you hold a certified Red Cross First Aid Card? _________________ Exp. Date: ____________
b. Are you a Red Cross Certified Life Guard? _______________________ Exp. Date: ____________
c. Do you have a current CPR card? _______________________________
Exp. Date: ____________
d. Other … (explain): ________________________________________________________________________________________
5. Have you served as a Carroll County 4-H Camp youth staff member before? ____ Yes
____ No
If your answer is YES, what position(s) did you hold and for how many years?
If you are a returning staff member applying for a new position this year, please
attach a short written response explaining why you would like to be considered for
this new position.
Page 3
Camp Youth Staff Application
If your answer is NO, proceed to questions 6, 7, and 8 AND …
Then, for new camp staff applicants please attach a written response to the following
question: Why do you want to be part of the youth staff at Carroll County 4-H
Why would you like to become a youth staff member?
Explain your experiences working with children. What is the best thing about
working with younger children?
What is the hardest part of working with younger children?
In completing and submitting this application, I understand that there
is an obligation to attend and participate in the planned camp staff
trainings. I understand that there will be a fee for me to attend the
Camp Training Weekend and camp weeks.
Youth Signature: _________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature:________________________________________
University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because
of race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin,
marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
Psssst! Hey... You!
This camp is brought to you by the Maryland 4-H Program
which is a part of the...
Got Cabin Fever?
Chill out
And this camp is accredited by...
at 4-H
Winter Camp
Patuxent River 4-H Center
January 15 - 18, 2016
University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all citizens and will not discriminate against
anyone because of race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry
or national origin, marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender identity and
Registration Information
Arts &
8 -11 yrs. old
Leadership: 12 - 18 yrs. Old
Rocks! &
Leadership, too!
Early Bird: $125 (Registration recv’d by Dec. 31)
Full Price: $150 (Registration after Dec. 31)
Amanda Wahle
Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
PH: 410-222-3900