4-H Flash Caroline County 4-H Youth

April/May 2016
4-H Flash
Welcome SPRING! With school
Caroline County
4-H Youth
coming to a close for the year you
will soon have more time to devote to
4-H. Plan ahead for the county fair
Missy Tucker,
4-H Program Assistant
Wendi L. Potter,
Administrative Asst. II
Mailing Address:
9194 Legion Road,
Suite 4
Denton, MD 21629
and work on your projects now. Now
is the time to start your garden,
plant your flowers and plan your exhibits. Let’s make a big
effort to have even more participation in the county fair
this year. It is an awesome time to build friendships,
share your skills and interest and have fun.
Phone Info:
Phone: 410-479-4030
Fax: 410-479-4042
Re-enrollment for the 2016 year:
At this time all members from last year should have completed
re-enrollment forms. If you have not reenrolled, please contact
the 4-H office immediately to complete this task. You will not be eligible to
participate in either the county or Maryland State Fair without completing reenrollment and providing your membership payment. Clover members do not
pay a fee.
University of Maryland –
Caroline County 4-H
Equal Access Programs
“Making the
Best Better”
County Fair Information:
The Caroline- Dorchester County Fair will take place from August 3 – 6, 2016. We
expect the county fair premium book to be online the first week in June at our
county website: extension.umd.edu/caroline-county. Please be looking for the
information and be sure to complete your registration form and return to the 4-H
office by July 1.
If your family has connections to sponsors interested in advertising in the gate book
please email: 4h.fairboard@gmail.com .
Folks receive the book when they enter
the fair at the gate. The Saturday night
concert will feature Hubcaps. We are
seeking sponsors for this event as well.
Sponsors may earn perks such as
seats to the show and dinner. Again, go
to the above email address for details.
A very BIG thanks goes out to all the club leaders. Without your direction, 4-H would
not be alive, well and growing in the county. The good news is that we are gaining
members and still have willing adults serving as key volunteers sharing their skills.
Members do not forget to say thanks to your leaders!
The yard and craft sale was a big hit! Thanks to Ms. Becky Boncella and Mrs. Marcia Boncella for organizing this
event. The profit supports scholarships and other resources for the clubs.
Our annual Achievement banquet was a big success! Congratulations to each member in attendance. Thank you to Paul
Gunther for catering our meats and to each family who brought a side or dessert. Also a big thank you to those who helped
set up or clean up. If you have not picked up your year/project pins and certificates, please do so prior to May 1st. After
this date they will be unavailable.
Parents: If you are interested in helping the clubs in any way please contact the 4-H office and consider
becoming a 4-H volunteer. We are not asking you to commit to becoming a club leader. As a parent support
you can offer much to help us make the 4-H experience even better. It is an on-line training.
Seniors: Scholarship funds are available through the Maryland 4-H Foundation. Go to:
http://www.mymaryland4hfoundation.com/ click on How we give and then scholarships for details.
Applications are due June 1. All applicants must have participated in 4-H for 2 years and be pursuing a
post- secondary degree or certification.
If you are pursuing a career related to agriculture consider applying to the Maryland Grain Producers for a
scholarship. Forms are due June 1. The scholarship can be found at:
Diamond Clover levels 1-5. Please consider working on these levels as you work on your 4-H projects. Go to
http://extension.umd.edu/4-h/youth-families/awards-recognition for details.
Are you on Facebook? Be sure to like the Caroline County 4-H page to get updates. State level programs are
available at www.extension.umd.edu/4-h
New! UME 4-H Volunteer Orientations
These volunteer trainings will be held ONLINE at 6:30pm, so you can do them from the comfort of your own home! This
training provides an overview on: The History of Extension, Eight Essential Elements of Youth Development, Ages & Stages
of Youth Developments, and Maryland 4-H Policies and Procedures. Only 4-H faculty and/or staff can register an individual
to participate in these online opportunities, so please let us know if you would like to be signed up! All paperwork,
interviews, and background checks should be completed prior to class participation.
This class will take approximately 2 hours. This class will provide participants basic information on the University of
Maryland Extension 4-H Youth Development program. It will cover UME policies and procedures and detail the process to
becoming an appointed UME 4-H Volunteer. Again this class will be taught via webinar, participants will need access to a
computer with internet connection as well as a phone.
Market livestock news: We are reminded that everyone must play an active role in working to
reduce the chance of disease transmission among 4-H animals. Don’t forget you must own your
market, sheep, goat, swine by May 1, 2016; breeding animals by June 1st.
RECORD KEEPING details: If you are planning to show and sell a
market livestock animal during the county fair then we would like to
encourage you to keep close records of the cost of the feed, veterinarian
bills, etc. and to complete and submit a record of at least one species for
this year. Go to http://extension.umd.edu/4-h/4-h-programareas/animal-science-resources. You will find forms at this webpage that
you can type directly into. Consider adding details as you work with your
project animal all year long. Do not forget to take photos of your project
animal and submit as an indoor exhibit for the fair as well.
Clover age youth are not permitted to show any animals including small pets at the county fair as a 4-H member – this
is a rule that follows the National 4-H Council policy which Maryland 4-H supports.
Registration papers MUST be in the full name of the 4-H EXHIBITOR ONLY in order to be eligible as a 4-H project.
 An animal can be tagged either commercial breeding or market but NOT BOTH
 Rabbit/Cavy Ownership Forms due June 1, 2016
 Dog and Horse Identification Cards due June 1, 2016
 Breeding and Performance Animal Leases due June 1, 2016 (3 components-Guidelines, Agreement, and Statement
of Understanding and Release)
 Breeding Animal Leases (Beef, Dairy, Sheep, Swine and Goats)-A member may not own and lease animals in the
same general project area
 Performance Animal Leases (Horse, Dog, Alpacas and Llamas)-An animal may be leased by up to two different 4-H
members and can be exhibited in a single class by only one 4-H member.
 Commercial (tagged) and Purebred Beef Heifers owned by June 1, 2016
Maryland Animal Health Requirements 2016
Complete MD health regulations and forms are online at http://mda.maryland.gov/animalHealth/Pages/Fairs-Shows.aspx.
Again this year-All animals except Rabbits will need to have an official identification. In most cases, this means the animal
will have to be identified using an official USDA or MD tag that is associated with a registered premise. Health certificates
will be three carbon copy pages and again will no longer need to be stamped by MDA as it will be your veterinarian’s
responsibility to send the approved copy to MDA to be filed. Exhibitors will still be expected to do the Animal Health Selfcertification for livestock, poultry, rabbits and horses. Papers will still be due within 60 days of your first show, and if your
animal required vaccinations, they should be vaccinated at least 15 days prior to the first show so that the vaccinations are
The State 4-H Horse Jamboree is scheduled for July 6-8, 2016 at the Queen Anne’s County 4-H Park.
A mandatory Caroline/Dorchester County Fair Barn meeting for all 4-H youth showing any livestock,
including horses will take place at the Williams Building on Tuesday, July 12 at 7 p.m. This includes any youth planning to
raise and sell a market pen of rabbits at the livestock auction. Fair Clean-up Night will be July 27th.
**Due to an Avian Flu Outbreak poultry and wild fowl will not be allowed at the fair this year.**
Maryland 4-H On-Line Animal Husbandry and Quality Assurance Training Program
The Animal Husbandry and Quality Assurance Training (AH&QA) program must be completed individually by all 4H members enrolled in beef,(dairy steer), dairy, goats, horse and pony, poultry, sheep, swine and rabbits projects
for eligibility to exhibit their project animals in Maryland county 4-H and State 4-H Shows in 2016.
All new youth who exhibit animal projects or those intermediate and senior aged youth who completed the
program in the past and have added new projects for 2016 (beef, dairy, goats, horse & pony, rabbit, sheep and
swine) must complete the online training. In addition, youth need to take the training online once as a Junior
member (4-H age 8), once when they become an Intermediate member (4-H age 11) and once when they
become a Senior member (4-H age 14). The training is available online and will remain open until July 1 at
There are two major parts to the program:
· Part 1 is completed by all members (Juniors, Intermediates and Seniors)
· Part 2 contains specific information for each animal species – Intermediate and Senior aged members will need
to complete Part 2 of the program for each specie project they are enrolled in and wish to exhibit.
Market livestock news: A change to Maryland 4-H livestock policies is that weighing swine when they are tagged is
permitted again this year. We are reminded that everyone must play an active role in working to reduce the
chance of disease transmission among 4-H animals. Don’t forget you must own your market, sheep, goat, swine by
May 1, 2016; breeding animals by June 1st.
April 1 ............. Regional Public Speaking at 6:30pm held at Easton High School
April 1-3 .......... State Shooting Sports Instructor Training held at Camp Thendera in Hurlock, MD
April 9 – 14 ..... National 4-H Conference held at the National 4-H Center in Chevy Chase, MD
April 9 ............. Maryland 4-H Foundation Sporting Clays Fundraiser & Sporting Clays Tournament
April 15 ........... Eastern Shore Spring Show Entries are due!
April 15-17 ...... 4-H Engineering Camp held at the 4-H Camp at the Rocks
April 16 ........... Dairy Bowl held at the University of Maryland, College Park
April 23 ........... Horse Judging & Hippology Contest held at the University of Maryland, College Park
April 28 ........... 4-H Online Volunteer Orientation 6:30pm
April 30 ........... Maryland Day at the University of Maryland
April 30 ........... Maryland State Communications Contest (During Maryland Day)
May 1 .............. Market Animal Ownership/Tagging deadline
May 8 .............. Goat, Sheep & Wool Skillathon at the Howard County Fairgrounds
May 14 ............ Eastern Shore Spring Show held at the Queen Anne’s County Fairgrounds
May 23 ............ Online Volunteer Orientation 6:30pm
May 27 ............ Fair Books will be on-line
June 1 .............. State 4-H scholarship deadline
June 17 ............ 4-H Day at Camden Yards (Orioles Game)
June 20 ............ MD 4-H Foundation Golf Tournament
July 1 ............... Fair Entries due
July 12 ............. Barn Meeting, 7pm, Williams Building
August 3-6 ....... Caroline/Dorchester County Fair