The University of Maryland Extension Agriculture and Food Systems and Environment and Natural Resources Focus Teams proudly present this publication for commercial agronomic field crops and livestock industries. Volume 6 Issue 6 Agronomic Crop Insect Update By Joanne Whalen DE Extension IPM Specialist Alfalfa and Grass Hay Crops Continue to watch for defoliators in grass hay crops and alfalfa. We continue to see economic levels in an occasional field. Significant damage can occur in grass hay fields from true armyworm and fall armyworm. It is important to catch populations before significant damage has occurred and when larvae are small. In addition to checking labels for rates, be sure to check for all restrictions, including, but not limited to, comments on control under high populations and size of larvae; days to harvest and forage/silage restrictions. No thresholds are available; however, controls should be applied before significant defoliation occurs. Small Grains As you make plans to plant small grains, you need to remember that Hessian fly can still be a problem. Since the fly survives as puparia (“flax seeds”) in wheat stubble through the summer, you should still consider this pest as you make plans to plant small grains. Although damage in our area has generally been the result of spring infestations, we can see damage in the fall. Plants attacked in the spring have shortened and weakened stems that may eventually break just above the first or second node, causing plants to lodge near harvest. Plants attacked in the fall at the one-leaf stage may be killed outright. Wheat attacked later in the fall will be severely stunted, with the first tillers killed and plant growth delayed. Plants infested in the fall can be recognized by their darker than normal bluish coloration and leaves with unusually broad blades. The following combinations of strategies are needed to reduce problems from Hessian fly: (a) Completely plowing under infested wheat stubble to prevent flies from emerging. (b) Avoid planting wheat into last season’s wheat stubble, especially if it was infested with Hessian fly. (c) Avoid planting wheat next to last season’s wheat fields – the most serious infestations can occur when September 11, 2015 wheat is early planted into wheat stubble or into fields next to wheat stubble. (d) Eliminate volunteer wheat before planting to prevent early egg-laying. (e) Do not use wheat as a fall cover crop near fields with infestations. (f) Plant after the fly-free date. (g) Plant resistant varieties. You should look for varieties that have resistance to Biotype L. You will need to check with your seed dealers to identify varieties that our adapted our area. The following link from Alabama provides additional information on Hessian Fly Management at: Available at: docs/IPMAgronomicCropsGuide2009.pdf CDMS: Pesticide Labels and MSDS On-Line at: Local Governments • U.S. Department of Agriculture It is the policy of the University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station, and University of Maryland Extension that all persons have equal opportunity and access to programs and facilities without regard to race, color, gender, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital or parental status, or disability. Identifying Palmer Amaranth complete control of Palmer amaranth plants also in offfield areas, cleaning of harvest equipment from Palmer amaranth seeds and if possible collect seed heads prior to seed set to remove the potential of increasing weed seeds in infested fields. By Burkhard Schulz, Weed Science, University of Maryland, The first and often critical step in dealing with Palmer amaranth is to identify the plants at the seedling stage. Next would be to design an effective herbicide program that includes pre-emergence residual herbicide(s) that can be applied as close to planting as possible. Palmer amaranth is an aggressive weed of the “pigweed” family (Amaranthus spp.) that invades more and more counties in Maryland and poses a significant threat to our regional cropping systems as it can overwhelm soybean and corn fields in just a few years. Already well known as the most troublesome weed in cropping systems in Midwestern and Southern states, Palmer amaranth has become established in Maryland and the Delmarva region. This weed deserves to be met with a “zero-tolerance” attitude concerning its control, as it is able to grow and spread with so far unseen speed and vigor. Seedling growth can exceed 2 inches per day and a female plant can produce up to a million seeds per growing season. Palmer amaranth belongs to the pigweed family (Amaranthus) and shares a number of characteristics with other species of this group of weeds. Pigweeds are annual plants, which grow in open fields with full sun. They produce a great number of very small seeds (10,000 to 1,000,000) (Fig. 1), which usually do not go into long periods of dormancy. They thrive in no-till cropping systems as their small seeds germinate at the soil surface. Within the pigweeds we find either species which have separate male and female flowers on the same plant (monoecious) or have separate male and female plants (diecious). Palmer amaranth belongs to the latter group together with tall waterhemp (A. tuberculatus) and common waterhemp (A. rudis). This characteristic can be used as the first hint for the identification of mature plants. If you find male and female plants within a pigweed population it is likely that these plants are either Palmer amaranth or waterhemp. Both weeds have also smooth and hairless stems and petioles (short stems that connect leaves with the main stem). Palmer amaranth and waterhemp share this feature with spiny amaranth (A. spinosus). All other pigweeds have hairs on stems and petioles (Fig. 2). Figure1. Five hundred Palmer amaranth seeds. A female plant can produce up to one million very small seeds per year. Figure 2. Hairless stems of Palmer amaranth. Stems of Palmer amaranth are hairless (left), stems of smooth and redroot pigweed are covered with hairs (right). Plants can reach more than 6 feet tall in one season. Flowering time is from June to September. Growers in Maryland cannot rely on established weed control tools as nearly all Palmer amaranth in our region shows multiple-resistance to glyphosate (Roundup, mechanism of action group 9) and ALS inhibitor herbicides (mechanism of action group 2). Especially in soybean cropping systems the control of Palmer amaranth has to include coordinated herbicide programs with the integration of non-herbicide weed control strategies. Long-lasting control will require a multi-year strategy of integrated weed management, which includes scouting and monitoring of fields before and after planting and spraying, coordinated application of burn-down and residual herbicides in a timely manner (before Palmer amaranth seedlings exceed 3-4 in. in height), rotation of crops and rotation of mechanisms of herbicide action, The first developed seed leaves (cotyledons) are oarshaped with shorter petioles than waterhemp. Palmer amaranth has longer, wider seed leaves with a longer petiole. A very striking identification characteristic of older plants is the petiole length of mature leaves. Palmer amaranth has very long petioles that are as long or longer than the leaf blade. In most cases if one bends the petiole over the leaf blade it will be longer or at least as long as the leaf blade. Waterhemp and other pigweed 2 Figure 5. Hair formation on leaf tip in Palmer amaranth. Many Palmer amaranth plants show a hair on the tip of the leaf. plants have much shorter petioles than leaf blades (Fig. 3). The shape of the mature leaves is diamond-shape in Palmer amaranth and oblong lancet-shaped in waterhemp. Waterhemp plants often exhibit a glossy surface on leaves and stems as if covered with a thin layer of oil. Figure 3. Petiole length of Palmer amaranth. The length of the petiole of mature Palmer amaranth leaves surpasses the length of the leaf blades in most cases. This is not true for most other pigweeds. Palmer amaranth petioles (upper panel) are longer than the leaf blade, petiole of smooth pigweed (lower panel) are about half the length of the leaf blade. Young Palmer amaranth plants show a poinsettia-like rosette shape with symmetrical leaf arrangement when viewed from above (Fig. 6). This plant shape symmetry is not found in other Amaranthus species. Figure 6. Poinsettia-shaped rosette of younger Palmer amaranth plant. Palmer amaranth plants often show a v-shaped white “watermark” on the leaves. Similar “watermarks”, however, can also be found in some cases in spiny amaranth (Fig. 4). However, spiny amaranth has sharp spines and can be eliminated from consideration based on that feature. Another characteristic of Palmer amaranth is a hair formed at the leaf tip (Fig. 5). Again, this is a feature that is not exclusively found in Palmer amaranth but has also been observed in some populations of waterhemp in Nebraska. Flower structures and seed heads of Palmer amaranth can be a long as 3 feet and have a diameter of more than 1⁄2 inch. Some branching occurs in both male and female flower structures (Fig. 7). Waterhemp will have somewhat shorter seed heads that are more slender and branched. All other Amaranthus species have much shorter and often more compact flower and seed heads. Female Palmer amaranth flower and seed heads feel prickly to the touch, whereas male flower structures feel soft (Fig. 8). Female as well as male waterhemp flower heads do not have spines and are smooth when touched. Figure 4. “Watermarks” on Palmer amaranth leaves. Two Palmer amaranth plants are shown in a soybean field with (left) and without (right) the typical chevron-shaped “watermark” discoloration on the leaf surface. Figure 7. Flower heads of Palmer amaranth. Palmer amaranth has male and female flowers on separate plants. The flower heads of Palmer amaranth are the longest found within the pigweed family (left panel). Flower heads of other pigweed species such as smooth pigweed are often more compact and shorter than in Palmer amaranth (right panel). 3 Fall Control of Perennial Weeds Figure 8. Female flowers are spiny and feel prickly to the touch (right), male flower heads are smooth (left). By Mark VanGessel DE Extension Weed Specialist Fall is often the best time and the most convenient time to treat most perennial weeds because it is the time that plants are best able to move the herbicide to the roots where it will do the most good. When considering fall weed control the emphasis should be on what the patch of weeds will look like next spring or summer not the amount of dead stems this fall. Also, it is important to consider that a fall application will not eradicate a stand of perennial weeds; the fall application will reduce the stand size or the stand vigor. Fall application of glyphosate is the most flexible treatment for most perennial weeds such as bermudagrass, Canada thistle, common milkweed, common pokeweed, dock, hemp dogbane, horsenettle and johnsongrass. Rates of 1 to 1.25 lb acid per acre are consistently the most economical (or about 1.5X the normal use rate for annual weeds). Dicamba (Banvel) at 2 to 4 pints is also labeled for artichoke, bindweeds, dock, hemp dogbane, horsenettle, milkweeds, pokeweed or Canada thistle. Planting small grains must be delayed after dicamba application 20 days per pint of dicamba applied. Fall herbicide applications should be made to actively growing plants. It is best to allow plants to recover after harvest and to spray prior to mowing the corn stalks. Allow 10 to 14 days after treatment before disturbing the treated plants. If fall applications are delayed, remember weed species differ in their sensitivity to frost; some are easily killed by frost (i.e. horsenettle) others can withstand relatively heavy frosts. Check the weeds prior to application to be sure they are actively growing. Summary of Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) identification criteria: Petiole (leaf stem): as long or longer as leaf blade (bending over test) Leaves often with chevron-shaped watermarks Leaves with hair at the tip Male and female plants separated Nematode Assay Laboratories for Maryland Samples This message is to inform you all that the University of Delaware no longer accepts out of state soil samples for nematode testing. There are other university-affiliated nematology labs that will accept out of state samples for nematode testing - three are listed below. Sample submission information, fees and addresses can be found at the websites for each lab. Virginia Tech Nematology Laboratory (phone 540-231-4650) at: EPA Releases Report on Maryland Agriculture Programs Clemson Plant Problem Clinic and Nematode Assay Lab at: t_industry/pest_nursery_programs/plant_prob_c linic/ The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced today it has completed an evaluation of Maryland’s animal agriculture regulations and programs. The assessment, which is one of six that the agency is conducting of state animal agriculture programs within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, found that Maryland has a robust and well-implemented state program. Rutgers Plant Diagnostic Laboratory and Nematode Detection Service at: EPA conducts periodic reviews of state programs as part of its oversight responsibilities under the Clean Water Act. This assessment looked at Maryland’s implementation of federal and state regulatory programs, as well as voluntary incentive-based programs 4 to meet the nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment pollution reduction commitments in its Watershed Implementation Plan under the Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load or TMDL. requirements, pesticide issues in the works, overview of risk assessment in the pesticide program Fact Sheets Search general interest and technical fact sheets. health and safety, regulatory actions, specific chemicals Information Sources Additional information of general interest. General information, hotlines, information centers, databases Pesticide Program Reports Reports produced by the Office of Pesticide Programs Annual Reports, Performance Management & Accountability, Pesticide Industry Sales and Usage, Progress Reports, Restricted Use Products Reports Pesticide News Stories Pesticide related articles appearing in news media Publications | Glossary | A-Z Index | EPA will use the assessment along with its ongoing Chesapeake Bay TMDL evaluations to help ensure that Maryland has the programs, policies, and resources necessary to succeed with its plan to meet the Chesapeake Bay TMDL. The assessment found that Maryland’s Nutrient Management Program has broad coverage, regulating over 5,400 farms throughout the state, including both crop and livestock farms. In addition to requiring farmers to develop and implement nutrient management plans, the program requires agricultural conservation practices such as setbacks for nutrient applications next to streams, and livestock stream exclusion practices. Maryland also finalized the Phosphorus Management Tool regulations in June 2015 which will help farmers properly manage phosphorus, based on the latest science. According to the assessment, Maryland’s Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) program is wellimplemented and requires permit coverage for approximately 570 farms out of about 5,400 farms regulated by the state Nutrient Management Program. The Maryland Department of the Environment issues CAFO permits, conducts regular farm visits, and takes enforcement actions and issues fines for noncompliance. The University of Maryland Extension Woodland Stewardship Education program serves woodland owners, natural resource professionals and interested citizens. Please consider attending one of these offerings. Additional events are listed on the Event Calendar at Maryland has developed an Agricultural Certainty Program to further encourage farmers to implement agricultural conservation and maintains the Maryland Agricultural Water Quality Cost Share Program which provides funding to farmers to implement required conservation practices. Nature-based Forestry: The Pro Silva Movement in Europe – September 17, 2015, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm, online In addition to the Maryland assessment, EPA also released its evaluations today of animal agriculture programs in Delaware and West Virginia. The agency issued similar reports on animal agriculture programs in New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia earlier this year. The next presentation in our WSE Webinars series features Lyle Almond, University of Maryland Forest Stewardship Educator. Lyle will provide an overview of the “Pro Silva” movement that is sweeping across the continent. It promotes continuous cover forestry, which mimics natural forest stand development for optimizing social, ecological, and economic benefits. The webinar will include Lyle’s first-hand experience with the movement through his work in the nation of Slovenia. The reports are available at: ngResults.html. (Click on the Agriculture tab) Contact Information: David Sternberg (215) 814-5548 This webinar is free and will be conducted through Adobe Connect. Registration is requested. To register, go to: EPA Site Quick Finder About EPA's Pesticides Program Overview of EPA's program evaluating potential new pesticides and uses, providing for special local needs and emergency situations, reviewing safety of older pesticides, registering pesticide producing establishments, enforcing pesticide Visit our website: 5 Mid-Atlantic Crop Management School November 17-19, 2015 The Mid-Atlantic Crop Management School will be held at the P rincess Royale Hotel in Ocean City on November 17-19, 2015. Individuals seeking advanced training in soil and water, soil fertility, crop production and pest management will have an opportunity at hands on, intensive sessions that also provide continuing education units (CEU’s) for the Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) Program. Register at: Secretary Bartenfelder Announces Record Cover Crop Enrollment During the Governor’s Agriculture Day lunch at the 134th Maryland State Fair, Maryland Department of Agriculture Secretary Joe Bartenfelder announced record cover crop program enrollment by Maryland farmers as he applauded the agriculture community for their extraordinary stewardship efforts. For the 2015/2016 Cover Crop Program, 1,835 Maryland farmers requested funding to plant a record 656,170 acres of winter grains. Maryland farmers have exceeded the Watershed Implementation Plan milestone goals in 2011, 2013 and 2015 for cover crops and are on track to exceed the next two year milestone in 2017 with this new record enrollment acreage. Cover crops are one of the most cost-effective means of helping to restore the Chesapeake Bay. The State has allocated $22.5 million for the 2015/2016 program, which is estimated to pay for every certified planted acre in program. Agricultural Law Education Initiative “The State Fair is a chance to remind ourselves of our roots and to see the work that Maryland farmers are doing to create jobs, strengthen our economy, and feed our families. Agriculture contributes $8.25 billion annually to our state and the future of agriculture and our rural economies is strong,” said Governor Hogan. “Our record cover crop announcement is great news for our farmers who continue to voluntarily take strong conservation actions on their farms, diversify their operations and use new technologies as they become available.” The Potential Impacts of Mandatory Labeling for Genetically Engineered Food in the United States “Not only is Maryland’s cover crop program a very attractive and flexible program, it has the potential to do more for the Bay than ever before,” said Agriculture Secretary Bartenfelder. “We commend and thank all farmers who, together, have applied to plant more than half a million acres of small grain crops that protect our soil and water by taking up any remaining nutrients and preventing soil erosion over the winter.” _mandatory_labeling_for_genetically_engineered_f ood_in_the_united_states_qc&show=product&prod uctID=282272 For a chart showing cover crop acres and applications, 2007 to 2015: ments/CC_2015_Poster.pdf For enrollment statistics by county, visit: cc_by_county15.16.pdf 6 Pesticide Regulation The Pesticide Regulation Section administers Maryland's Pesticide Applicator's Law, approves training courses in the handling, storage and use of pesticides, conducts examinations to determine that pesticide applicators are competent to follow prescribed pest control practices, enforces federal laws on the sale and use of pesticides, and investigates pesticide accidents or incidents and consumer complaints on pesticide misuse. See the Attachments! 1) 2015 Wheat & Barley Trial Results Agronomy News A timely publication for commercial agronomic field crops and livestock industries available electronically in 2015 from April through October on the following dates: New! Online Pesticide Licensing and Certification renewal & Pesticide Search April 16; May 14; June 11; July 9; August 13; September 11; and October 22 Research Edition. Pesticide Regulation Published by the University of Maryland Extension Focus Teams 1) Agriculture and Food Systems; and 2) Environment and Natural Resources. • Pesticide Regulation Home Submit Articles to: Editor, R. David Myers, Extension Educator Agriculture and Natural Resources 97 Dairy Lane Gambrills, MD 21054 410 222-3906 • Searchable Pesticide Database • Pesticide Information for Consumers • Pesticide Information for Professionals • Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in Schools • Pesticide Applicator Certification and Business Licensing Requirements To find out more, call Pesticide Regulation at (410) 841-5710. Article submission deadlines for 2015 at 4:30 p.m. on: April 15; May 13; June 10; July 8; August 12; September10; and October 21. The University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, national origin, marital status, genetic information, political affiliation, and gender identity or expression. Note: Registered Trade Mark® Products, Manufacturers, or Companies mentioned within this newsletter are not to be considered as sole endorsements. The information has been provided for educational purposes only. 7 Maryland State Wheat Trials 2014-15 Yield Summary Table Wye Yield Entry USG 3523 Beltsville Test Wt Yield Clarksville Test Wt Yield bu ac-1 lbs bu-1 bu ac-1 lbs bu-1 bu ac-1 80.9 * 55.4 68.5 * 54.9 70.4 Keedysville -1 lbs bu-1 bu ac-1 lbs bu-1 bu ac 56.0 57.8 * 51.8 69.4 * SC 1325TM USG 3895 USG EXP 3756 MAS #49 VA10W-21 9233 SS EXP 8513 Jamestown Hilliard MD07W64-13-4 MD04W249-11-7 SY547 SW550 LCS 3211 FSX 866 FSX 860 MAS #46 USG 3404 MAS #37 FSX 867 FSX 862 9522 Shirley SS 8415 LCS 2564 MD04W249-11-12 FS 850 MDC07026-F2-19-13-4 MAS #51 FSX 869 Newport USG 3251 USG 3013 EXP 1510 FSX 868 MBX 11-V-258 TN 1201 79.5 * 77.9 * 75.8 * 75.1 * 71.4 74.0 * 74.5 * 77.1 * 73.6 66.9 73.1 69.7 72.2 79.6 * 77.1 * 76.4 * 75.9 * 71.3 71.1 75.5 * 76.4 * 78.4 * 74.0 * 65.6 68.3 77.5 * 66.6 68.3 74.5 * 71.3 77.8 * 72.8 77.5 * 72.3 77.1 * 56.7 76.8 * 53.5 53.6 55.8 55.6 57.9 55.2 54.5 57.0 56.4 56.1 56.9 54.5 55.0 56.4 55.4 55.2 54.2 54.0 56.0 53.3 55.9 54.9 55.4 55.7 57.0 58.1 56.5 57.7 54.0 54.2 51.8 54.1 55.6 55.4 53.8 56.6 54.5 60.6 * 60.5 * 67.2 * 59.4 * 63.9 * 61.6 * 66.3 * 57.4 59.6 * 62.4 * 61.9 * 68.9 * 65.9 * 62.3 * 59.6 * 60.2 * 63.6 * 56.7 58.7 * 63.7 * 57.6 64.1 * 69.5 * 64.8 * 62.0 * 62.6 * 53.7 62.3 * 57.1 59.4 * 58.8 * 61.5 * 61.1 * 54.1 55.7 65.6 * 58.0 52.9 52.9 53.5 52.6 55.4 54.1 54.6 56.3 54.9 54.9 56.2 55.6 54.3 54.9 52.7 53.6 52.4 53.6 53.9 53.2 54.6 52.7 53.6 54.3 55.8 56.2 54.4 55.9 54.5 52.9 53.5 54.1 54.5 54.3 53.9 55.0 53.4 68.1 79.1 * 74.8 * 65.1 69.6 63.0 76.2 * 63.3 69.7 63.6 70.1 71.5 70.7 69.1 na 63.5 68.1 76.2 * 71.5 67.2 66.7 66.8 52.4 74.1 * 70.6 70.6 71.4 65.9 70.6 69.1 71.2 67.0 60.1 70.4 57.7 72.3 * 61.1 55.5 57.2 56.0 55.9 57.1 57.5 57.0 58.6 57.0 56.4 57.3 57.4 57.6 55.8 na 54.9 56.7 57.9 56.3 56.1 56.5 57.9 56.9 57.0 57.2 57.6 56.9 58.8 57.7 56.2 55.0 56.9 57.4 56.6 55.3 57.5 56.4 na 57.3 50.9 na 60.3 na 44.0 61.5 54.9 na 51.1 45.8 47.0 43.8 53.5 52.3 44.9 47.5 50.1 44.8 50.4 41.4 53.5 44.6 48.2 38.1 56.8 51.7 45.4 47.6 39.3 45.8 48.3 50.0 55.6 50.8 49.4 SC 1315TM MAS #59 GA04417-12E33 MAS #32 MBX 14-S-210 USG 3201 MAS #6 MAS #35 LCS NEWS 13EF171 FS 854 FSX 863 69.4 71.2 72.2 76.2 * 72.0 72.1 75.2 * 76.0 * 69.7 76.2 * 75.9 * 57.6 55.7 58.6 54.6 56.7 58.3 52.5 55.1 58.1 53.7 55.2 54.1 54.8 60.8 * 59.7 * 61.6 * 58.0 60.7 * 67.0 * 56.5 56.0 62.3 * 53.2 54.2 56.0 53.0 54.6 55.7 52.2 54.4 53.9 54.2 55.6 68.7 71.2 58.7 na 66.8 na 56.6 62.0 63.7 67.9 na 55.7 56.8 58.6 na 54.9 na 54.9 56.5 59.1 57.2 na SC 1342TM SS EXP 8530 MAS #42S MAS #45 FS 888 WX 14611 SS 8360 LCS 2141 MAS #53 9552 Featherstone 73 (VA09W-73) SW 52 SY483 GA03564-12E6 SY474 MAS # 7 VA 11W-106 MBX 15-E-229 Laurel WX 15733 MERL USG 3315 GA04434-12LE28 FS 820 MBX 14-K-297 MAS #47 MBX 12-V-251 SS 8340 FSX 861 SS 5205 MD09W272-8-4-13-3 EXP 1502 SY007 Mean Coefficient of Variation (%) LSD05‡ 75.9 * 76.2 * 75.0 * 77.0 * 72.6 71.2 71.0 71.5 64.1 78.1 * 63.8 68.0 66.2 71.5 65.8 70.7 68.7 67.5 76.9 * 71.2 72.6 72.6 63.9 77.4 * 69.4 68.4 62.0 81.9 * 73.0 65.0 62.7 67.1 69.2 72.3 8.9 54.4 53.6 55.8 55.5 57.2 54.7 55.2 55.6 58.4 55.4 56.7 57.1 54.4 57.5 56.5 55.2 55.3 53.8 53.0 52.5 55.9 57.4 53.8 58.0 55.2 53.7 54.2 55.9 55.0 56.4 58.4 54.6 57.5 55.5 3.4 62.9 * 63.9 * 58.4 * 48.9 54.2 60.3 * 57.0 60.5 * 56.5 59.3 * 59.7 * 56.7 69.9 * 55.4 61.3 * 66.0 * 65.8 * 59.5 * 60.6 * 59.4 * 62.2 * 64.2 * 59.6 * 59.7 * 60.1 * 55.7 60.0 * 69.3 * 57.2 63.2 * 49.7 57.6 52.8 60.4 11.6 53.5 52.9 54.3 54.6 55.6 54.8 54.8 53.2 56.8 53.4 54.9 55.5 53.3 56.5 56.1 53.1 54.4 53.8 53.8 51.1 56.8 54.1 56.1 56.2 55.1 53.0 54.8 56.1 55.2 54.9 55.3 53.6 53.7 54.3 2.9 63.8 64.6 67.4 72.2 68.5 63.9 75.0 * 64.8 67.3 64.3 68.0 73.0 * 62.0 62.5 61.6 51.5 56.1 64.7 43.3 63.7 50.6 51.5 57.2 45.5 56.2 57.8 67.2 36.3 45.1 54.9 53.8 50.9 52.5 63.6 14.0 8.0 2.1 2.4 6.8 † 10.4 Statewide Test Wt Yield† Test Wt Yield Test Wt† lbs bu-1 52.9 na 52.6 54.2 na 54.4 na 51.1 52.1 54.3 na 56.3 55.8 52.9 50.2 53.4 54.2 51.7 50.8 52.9 49.2 48.9 54.8 54.1 54.9 53.5 52.8 50.9 56.6 52.6 50.9 50.8 50.0 52.5 52.4 54.0 54.9 53.1 69.4 * 68.7 * 67.2 * 66.5 * 66.3 * 66.2 * 65.3 * 64.8 * 64.4 * 64.3 * 64.0 * 64.0 * 63.9 * 63.7 * 63.4 * 63.1 * 63.1 * 62.9 * 62.9 * 62.8 * 62.8 * 62.7 * 62.3 * 62.3 * 62.3 * 62.2 * 62.1 * 62.1 * 61.9 * 61.9 * 61.8 * 61.8 * 61.8 * 61.7 * 61.5 * 61.4 * 61.3 * 52.8 52.8 53.3 53.3 54.4 55.6 53.0 54.4 54.0 54.4 55.0 54.2 53.4 52.6 52.6 53.1 52.5 52.7 52.5 50.5 52.2 55.1 53.5 53.8 54.4 54.1 54.7 54.9 52.0 52.2 51.8 51.6 53.3 54.7 52.3 53.2 53.4 52.8 47.7 52.5 47.3 43.2 52.6 50.9 38.3 53.1 42.8 43.8 52.5 52.9 56.7 53.6 52.9 52.8 53.5 52.5 56.1 53.0 53.6 61.3 * 61.2 * 61.1 * 61.0 60.9 60.9 60.9 60.8 60.7 60.7 60.7 53.3 53.3 55.7 52.7 53.2 54.3 52.2 53.3 55.0 52.9 53.6 56.1 55.0 56.6 56.4 57.3 55.9 56.9 56.1 59.6 57.4 55.9 58.0 56.7 57.1 55.0 55.2 58.4 56.1 56.5 53.8 59.0 58.8 57.6 58.0 57.8 55.9 56.7 58.2 54.6 57.3 59.3 56.8 56.3 56.8 2.3 39.0 36.1 39.8 41.8 43.8 43.6 35.7 41.7 50.4 35.7 45.4 39.3 38.8 45.5 46.0 46.1 43.5 42.0 52.4 37.2 45.7 41.9 48.8 45.4 39.2 42.1 34.7 35.9 47.1 38.1 52.0 38.3 37.8 46.1 16.1 51.6 54.5 54.1 52.2 54.0 49.7 49.4 49.6 53.0 52.3 54.4 53.6 51.2 57.4 55.4 53.4 54.2 50.1 51.8 51.1 52.7 52.0 53.4 54.3 51.0 55.7 53.4 49.5 50.8 53.7 57.7 51.5 50.0 52.8 4.5 60.4 60.2 60.2 60.0 59.8 59.7 59.7 59.6 59.6 59.3 59.2 59.2 59.2 58.7 58.7 58.6 58.5 58.4 58.3 57.9 57.8 57.6 57.4 57.0 56.2 56.0 56.0 55.9 55.6 55.3 54.6 53.5 53.1 60.8 16.4 52.3 52.7 53.5 53.3 54.3 52.6 52.3 52.1 54.2 54.6 55.5 54.5 52.5 54.1 54.0 52.6 54.0 52.3 52.3 51.2 54.5 53.7 53.8 56.6 51.9 53.1 53.5 53.4 52.7 54.1 56.0 54.1 51.7 53.4 4.1 1.3 7.0 3.6 8.0 1.9 All yields and test weights are reported at a 13.5% grain moisture content. ‡ Values followed by * are not significantly different from the leading entry. * * * * * * Management and Results Notes: An extraordinarily cold and wet planting and harvest season reduced tillering and raised variability in the test sites. This increased our coefficients of variance to higher than normal, but the Fishers’LSD05, which is the test used to separate which means are significantly different from each other, are acceptable. However, Poplar Hill data were not published, because these data are not representative, due to values being low and highly variable. It is notable that as harvest dates progressed from Late June and into the first week of July, variability increased. There were many rains throughout the state, which tends to and decrease grain test weight and increase variability. The data exhibiting the lowest variability were those sites harvested earliest, from the Wye and Beltsville locations, and as such may be considered more representative and with the greatest ability to detect differences between entries. Generally, it is recommended for producers to select entries that perform consistently as well as the top entry across the majority of testing locations. These entries include, but are not limited to: USG 3523, SC 1325TM, MAS # 49, VA10W21, SS EXP 8513, and Hilliard. Choosing these varieties is not a guarantee of yield, and many other entries could perform similarly to those previously stated under a given environment and management system. Further, it is recommended for producers planting a new variety to do so utilizing a relatively small acreage. Management Summary: Plant Date Harvest Date Tillage 20-Oct 25-Jun Mi ni mum 9-Oct 1-Jul Mi ni mum Fertilization 100 l bs March 45l bs Mar., 45l bs Apr.10l bs Sept, 65 l bs Apr. 50 l bs Mar., 40 l bs Apr. Weed Control Harmony Harmony Extra 9-Oct 2-Jul Mi ni mum Harmony SG 6-Oct 7-Jul Conventi onal Vol ta Extra Maryland State Barley Trials 2014-15 Yield Summary Table Statewide Wye Yield† Test Wt† Yield bu ac-1 lbs bu-1 bu ac-1 AMAZE 10 (VA07H-31WS) 67.5 * 56.5 82.3 Atlantic 73.5 * 47.6 99.0 * FS 501 70.2 * 44.6 88.8 * FS 950 77.2 * 46.1 103.3 * Nomini 72.2 * 44.4 94.7 * Secretariat (VA08B-85) 74.7 * 47.7 96.7 * Thoroughbred 67.6 * 47.2 84.2 Mean 71.8 47.7 92.7 Coefficient of Variation (%) 31.8 8.5 11.3 LSD05‡ 8.4 0.7 16.6 † All yields and test weights are reported at a 13.5% grain moisture content. ‡ Values followed by * are not significantly different from the leading entry. Plant Date 20-Oct Harvest Date 25-Jun Clarksville Test Wt lbs bu-1 58.1 48.8 46.1 47.6 45.1 48.2 48.9 49.0 8.3 0.9 Yield bu ac-1 52.6 * 48.1 * 51.6 * 51.0 * 49.6 * 52.6 * 51.0 * 50.9 12.4 11.2 Test Wt lbs bu-1 54.8 46.4 43.1 44.5 43.8 47.2 45.4 46.5 8.0 1.0 9-Oct 2-Jul Tillage Mi ni mum Mi ni mum Fertilization 80 l bs Ma rch 10l bs Sept, 55 l bs Apr. Weed Control Ha rmony Ha rmony SG More information can be found online at: Produced by: Dr. Jason P. Wight, Field Trials Coordinator Dr. Angus Murphy, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture Department Chair Mr. Dave Myers, Principal Agent & Program Leader Agriculture, Maryland Extension Mr. Aaron Cooper, Technician Mr. Andy Bauer, Undergraduate Research Assistant Ms. Alyssa Mills, Undergraduate Research Assistant We gratefully acknowledge the assistance and experience of the personnel of the University of Maryland Research and Experiment Centers. Maryland Crop Improvement Association, Inc. P.O. Box 581 Preston, MD 21655 Serving Maryland Agriculture Since 1908 Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board