vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 2 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xi LIST OF SYMBOLS AND ABREVIATIONS xv LIST OF APPENDICES xvii INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Problem Statement 3 1.3 Objective of the Study 5 1.4 Scope of the Study 5 1.5 Important of the Study 6 LITERATURE REVIEW 7 2.1 Introduction 7 2.2 An Overview of Leachate 8 2.2.1 Leachate Generation 8 2.2.2 Leachate Characterization 10 viii 2.2.3 2.3 Leachate Composition 13 Treatment of Leachate 16 2.3.1 Biological Treatment of Leachate 16 2.3.2 Physical-Chemical Treatment of Leachate 18 2.4 Problem in Leachate Treatment 27 2.5 Wetland 28 2.6 Constructed Wetland 29 2.7 Types of Constructed Wetland 30 2.7.1 Free Water Surface Wetlands 31 2.7.2 Subsurface Flow Wetlands 34 2.7.3 Combine FWS-SSF Constructed Wetland System in Wastewater Treatment 2.8 Pollutants Removal Process Mechanisms 40 2.9 Wetland Plant 45 2.10 Role of Wetland Vegetation 47 2.11 Application of Constructed Wetlands in 2.12 3 37 Treating Landfill Leachate 49 Conclusion 57 METHODOLOGY 59 3.1 Introduction 59 3.2 Research Design and Operational Framework 59 3.3 Leachate Sample Collection and Preparation 61 3.4 Experiment Set up 61 3.5 Plants 64 3.6 Media 67 3.7 Sampling and Analysis 67 3.8 Analysis Procedure 67 3.8.1 3.9 Analysis of Heavy Metals in Plant Tissues 68 Performance Evaluation 69 ix 4 5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 70 4.1 Introduction 70 4.2 Basic Characteristics of the Landfill Leachate 71 4.3 Nutrients Removal 71 4.3.1 Ammonia Nitrogen 71 4.3.2 Nitrate Nitrogen 75 4.3.3 Orthophosphate 78 4.4 Suspended Solid Removal 81 4.5 Turbidity 84 4.6 Heavy Metals Removal 87 4.6.1 Ferum 87 4.6.2 Manganese 90 4.7 Heavy Metal in Plant’s Tissues 93 4.8 Comparison with Other Researchers 96 4.9 Conclusion 98 CONCLUSIONS 100 5.1 Conclusion 100 5.2 Recommendations 101 REFERENCE 102 APPENDICES 113 x LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Data on the composition of leachate from landfill 14 2.2 Leachate sampling parameters 15 2.3 Physical, chemical and biological treatment processes applicable to process trains for leachate treatment 2.4 Summary of biological and physical-chemical treatment processes applied to leachate treatment 2.5 24 Advantages and disadvantages of Free Water Surface Flow wetlands 2.6 21 32 Advantages and disadvantages of Subsurface Flow wetlands 35 2.7 Overview of pollutant removal process 41 2.8 Roles of macrophytes in constructed wetlands 48 2.9 Wastewater pollutants removal in constructed wetland 51 2.10 Leachate pollutants removal in constructed wetland 54 3.1 Summary of experimental design 64 3.2 The parameter observed in leachate analysis 68 4.1 Influent characteristics of the Pasir Gudang leachate 71 4.2 Comparison of different models of constructed wetlands for landfill leachate treatment 97 xi LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE 2.1 How leachate is generated 2.2 Factors influencing gas and leachate composition in PAGE 9 landfills 10 2.3 Wetland design categories 31 2.4 Types of Free Water Surface (FWS) treatment wetlands 2.5 Typical arrangement of horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland system 2.6 37 Plan view of constructed wetland at Munroe Country wastewater treatment , New York 2.8 36 Typical arrangement of vertical subsurface flow constructed wetland system 2.7 33 38 Layout of the pilot-scale FW-SSF series constructed wetlands system for treating fishpond water. (A) Sampling location for the influent; (B) sampling location for the FWS effluent; (C) sampling location for the SSF effluent 2.9 Schematic diagram of the recirculating aquaculture system 2.10 2.11 39 40 Major pollutants uptake and release pathway in wetland system 41 Nitrogen transformation in wetland system 43 xii 2.12 Summary of the major physical, chemical and biological processes controlling contaminant removal in wetlands 45 2.13 Types of wetland plants 46 3.1 Frameworks and experimental design 60 3.2 Schematic diagram of SSF-FWS constructed wetland used in experiment. (1) Storage tank; (2) Media without plant; (3) water tank without plant; (4) SSF tank with Limnocharis flava (5) FWS tank with Eichhornia crassipes; (6) Settling tank; and (A) Sampling location for the influent; (B) sampling location for the SSF effluent; (C) sampling location for the FWS effluent. 3.3 Arrangement of SSF-FWS constructed wetland systems 3.4 62 63 Two-stage lab-scaled system comprised of a SSF and FWS constructed wetland located outside of the building in an open area 64 3.5 Short description of Limnocharis. flava 65 3.6 Short description of Eichhornia crassipes 66 3.7 Plants digestion for root and leaves 69 4.1 NH4-N concentration profile in Control and Planted system through SSF constructed wetland within 18 days of treatment 4.2 72 NH4-N concentration in profile in Control and Planted system through FWS constructed wetland within 18 days of treatment 4.3 72 Comparison of NH4-N concentration (C/CO) for overall performance in Control and Planted system through SSF-FWS constructed wetland 4.4 73 NO3-N concentration profile in Control and Planted system through SSF constructed wetland within 18 days of treatment 76 xiii 4.5 NO3-N concentration profile in Control and Planted system through FWS constructed wetland within 18 days of treatment 4.6 76 Comparison of NO3-N concentration (C/CO) for overall performance in Control and Planted system through SSF-FWS constructed wetland 4.7 77 PO43- concentration profile in Control and Planted system through SSF constructed wetland within 18 days of treatment 4.8 79 PO43- concentration profile in Control and Planted system through FWS constructed wetland within 18 days of treatment 4.9 79 Comparison of PO43- concentration (C/CO) for overall performance in Control and Planted system through SSF-FWS constructed wetland 4.10 80 SS concentration profile in Control and Planted system through SSF constructed wetland within 18 days of treatment 4.11 82 SS concentration in profile in Control and Planted system through FWS constructed wetland within 18 days of treatment 4.12 82 Comparison of SS concentration (C/CO) for overall performance in Control and Planted system through SSF-FWS constructed wetland system 4.13 83 Turbidity measure in Control and Planted system through SSF constructed wetland within 18 days of treatment 4.14 85 Turbidity measure in Control and Planted system through FWS constructed wetland within 18 days of treatment 4.15 85 Comparison of turbidity value (C/CO) for overall performance in Control and Planted system through SSF-FWS wetland 86 xiv 4.16 Fe concentration profile in Control and Planted system through SSF constructed wetland within 18 days of treatment 4.17 88 Fe concentration profile in Control and Planted system through FWS constructed wetland within 18 days of treatment 4.18 88 Comparison of Fe concentration (C/CO) for overall performance in Control and Planted system through SSF-FWS wetland 4.19 89 Mn concentration profile in Control and Planted system through SSF constructed wetland within 18 days of treatment 4.20 91 Mn concentration profile in Control and Planted system through FWS constructed wetland within 18 days of treatment 4.21 91 Comparison of Mn concentration (C/CO) for overall performance in Control and Planted system through SSF-FWS wetland 4.22 92 Heavy metal (Fe) accumulation by Limnocharis flava and Eichhornia crassipes in SSF-FWS wetland systems 4.23 94 Heavy metal (Mn) accumulation by Limnocharis flava and Eichhornia crassipes in SSF-FWS wetland systems 95 xv LIST OF SYMBOLS AND ABREVIATIONS BOD - Biochemical Oxygen Demand cm/day - Centimeter per day CAP - Consumers Association of Penang Ca2- - Calcium CaCO3 - Calcium carbonate C/CO - Present concentration over initial concentration Cl - Clorine Cl2 - Chlorine gas Cd - Cadmium Cr - Chromium COD - Chemical Oxygen Demand CWs - Constructed wetland Fe - Ferum FWS - Free Water Surface HCO3- - Bicarbonate HF-SSF - Horizontal Subsurface Flow HLR - Hydraulic Loading Rate HRT - Hydraulic Retention Time IUCN - International Union for the Conservation of Nature kg - Kilogram kg/m3 - Kilogram per meter cube m - Meter mm - Millimeter m/day - Meter per day mg/g - Milligram per gram xvi mg/L - Milligram per liter mL/s - Milliliter per second Mg2+ - Magnesium MLVSS - Mix liquor Volatile Suspended Solid Mn - Manganese N2 - Nitrogen gas N2O - Nitrogen Oxides NH4+ - Ammonia NH4-N - Ammonia Nitrogen NO2- - Nitrite - - Nitrate NO2 -N - Nitrite Nitrogen NO3 -N - Nitrate Nitrogen P - Phosphorus PO43- - Orthophosphate SO4- - Sulfate SSF - Subsurface Flow SSF-FWS - Combine Subsurface Flow and Free Water Surface System SS - Suspended Solid TIN - Total Inorganic Carbon TKN - Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen TN - Total Nitrogen TP - Total Phosphorus TOC - Total Organic Carbon TSS - Total Suspended Solid VF - Vertical Flow VF-SSF - Vertical Subsurface Flow VFA - Volatile Fatty Acid VOC - Volatile Organic Carbon RBC - Rotating Biological Reactor Zn - Zinc µg/g - Microgram per gram % - Percent ˚C - Degrees Celsius NO3 xvii LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A Raw Data 113 B Varian Analysis Calculation (ANOVA) 117 C Lab Apparatus and Equipments 124