SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT FOR WATER PRICING MODEL AIDA WEE SZE CHIA A report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Engineering (Civil – Environmental Management) Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia NOVEMBER 2006 iii To my beloved family iii iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In preparing this report, I was in contact with a great number of people. Here, I would like to express my greatest gratitude to those who have contributed to the success of my Masters project. First and foremost, I would like to offer my deepest thanks and appreciation to my supervisor, Professor Dr. Zaini bin Ujang for his continuous advice, encouragement and guidance. Without his patience and unfailing support and guidance, this report would not have been the same as presented here. My sincere thanks also goes to Mr. Azrin Harris, Executive of Policy and Procedure for Customer Service Department SAJ Holdings Sdn. Bhd. for spending time meeting me and furnish me with some of the important information. Furthermore, I am eternally grateful to all the staffs of the Institute of Environmental and Water Resource Management (IEWRM), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) for always providing a helping hand. In addition, I also want to thank my parents for their encouragement and understanding during the ups and downs as I pursued my master degree. Lastly, I would like to extend my appreciation and thanks to all my fellow friends who have provided assistance at various occasions. iv v ABSTRACT Water scarcity in terms of quantity and quality leads to increase cost of supplying water to users. The major concerns faced by the water industry are low tariffs that result in insufficient revenue to cover the costs of supplying water and cheap water that discourage water conservation. Underpricing has seriously affected the finances of service providers, and resulted in poor and unreliable water services. Water pricing is an essential component which is instrumental in achieving two important goals: to generate revenue for capital recovery, operation and maintenance, extension and upgrading of the system; and to promote efficiency in use. Hence water pricing model is developed in this study to generate appropriate water tariff that enables water utilities and regulatory bodies to balance the benefits and costs of water usage, and to ensure sufficient revenue for the long term financial sustainability of the water supply business. Visual Basic 6.0 was selected as a tool to develop the water pricing model due to its object-oriented programming. The water pricing model developed provides a user-friendly approach to access to essential knowledge on the water sector in Malaysia, emphasising the economic aspect, and the procedures to calculate the price of water. In the model developed, the price of water was calculated based on capital expenditures (CAPEX) and operating expenditures (OPEX), applying the principle of full cost recovery and partly subsidising the consumers. The water pricing model is limited to calculate water tariffs for domestic residential homes, and industrial and commercial supplies. The model also provides justifications for any adjustment to the current levels of water tariffs. This was obvious that the water pricing model developed in this study acts as an important tool in revising the current water tariffs to ensure the sustainability of water service provision. v vi ABSTRAK Masalah kekurangan sumber air dan kemerosotan kualiti air telah mengakibatkan kenaikan harga bekalan air. Masalah utama yang dihadapi oleh industri air ialah harga air sedia ada yang rendah menyebabkan ketidakmampuan untuk menanggung kos pembekalan air dan pembaziran yang disebabkan oleh harga air yang murah. Harga air yang rendah telah menjejaskan kedudukan kewangan syarikat air, dan seterusnya menyebabkan perkhidmatan air turut terjejas. Harga air merupakan komponen penting untuk mencapai dua objektif iaitu: menghasilkan pendapatan bagi pemulihan aset modal, kos operasi dan senggaraan, serta kos menaiktaraf sistem; dan mendorong penggunaan air secara efisien. Lantaran itu, model harga air telah dibentuk untuk menwujudkan harga air yang sesuai bagi membolehkan pembekal air mengimbangi antara pulangan dan kos bagi penggunaan air, serta memastikan pulangan yang mencukupi untuk kestabilan kewangan pembekal air bagi jangkamasa panjang. Visual Basic 6.0 telah dipilih untuk membentuk model harga air disebabkan oleh kebolehannya menjalankan program berteraskan objek dan sifatnya yang mesra pengguna. Model harga air yang dibentuk membolehkan pengguna mengakses ke maklumat penting berkenaan sektor air di Malaysia, menekankan aspek ekonomi dan prosedur sistematik untuk mengira harga air. Dalam model yang dibentuk, harga air dikira berdasarkan perbelanjaan dalam aset modal (CAPEX) dan perbelanjaan dalam operasi (OPEX), mengaplikasikan prinsip pemulihan kos penuh and subsidi sebahagian daripada harga air. Model harga air yang dibentuk hanya untuk mengira harga air bagi pengguna domestik, komersil dan industri sahaja. Model harga air yang dibentuk juga memberikan justifikasi bagi sebarang perubahan pada harga air semasa. Dengan ini, adalah jelas bahawa model harga air yang dibentuk dalam kajian ini berperanan sebagai perisian penting untuk pembaharuan harga air semasa bagi memastikan kestabilan sektor air berkekalan. vi vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE TITLE PAGE PAGE i DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY & EXCLUSIVENESS ii ` 1 2 DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xii LIST OF SYMBOLS xiii INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Preamble 1 1.2 Background of the Problems 1 1.3 Statement of the Problems 3 1.4 Objectives of Study 4 1.5 Scope of Study 5 1.6 Significance of the Study 5 LITERATURE REVIEW 6 2.1 Introduction 6 2.2 Water Pricing 6 vii viii 2.3 Functions and Roles of Water Pricing 8 2.4 Components of a Water Pricing Structure 10 2.5 Water Pricing Structures 11 2.5.1 Average versus Marginal Cost Pricing 12 2.5.2 Two-part Tariff 14 2.5.3 15 Increasing Block Tariff 2.6 Full Cost Recovery 17 2.7 Water and Development in Malaysia 18 2.8 Water Supply Services in Malaysia 20 2.8.1 Water Institutions Syarikat Air Johor Holdings (SAJH) 2.8.2 Water Tariffs 20 24 24 Average Water Tariff Levels 27 Water Tariff Structure 28 2.8.3 Impact of Water Tariffs on Financial Performance 32 3 METHODOLOGY 35 3.1 Introduction 35 3.2 Determination of Water Pricing 35 3.2.1 Data Collection 35 3.2.2 Calculation of the Price of Water 36 3.3 Software Development 38 3.3.1 Introduction to Visual Basic 6.0 38 3.3.2 Step by Step to Development of Water Pricing Model Software 39 Create the User Interface 39 Determine the Event of Each Object 40 Write the Event Procedure for Each Event 40 3.3.3 3.4 4 Model Verification Assumptions and Limitations 42 42 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 43 4.1 Introduction 43 4.2 Water Pricing Model 43 viii ix 4.3 4.4 5 Water Pricing Model Software 45 4.3.1 Information Screen 45 4.3.2 Calculation Worksheet 46 Capital Expenditure 46 Operating Expenditure 48 The Price of Water 50 Comparison 54 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 56 5.1 Introduction 56 5.2 Conclusions 56 5.3 Recommendations 57 REFERENCES 58 ix x LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Proposed industry model 21 2.2 Existing water supply operators in Malaysia 23 2.3 World Water Prices in 14 Countries in 2001 27 2.4 Average domestic and industrial water rates 28 2.5 Subsidization of residential water consumption in various states/areas in Malaysia as in the 2003 34 4.1 Financial Model of Water Pricing 44 4.2 Existing water tariffs charged by 3 private water companies, and the recommended tariffs obtained from the software developed 55 x xi LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Concepts of Full Cost Recovery Alternative 18 2.2 Residential water tariffs in Malaysia 29 2.3 Industrial and commercial water tariffs in Malaysia 30 2.4 Ratio between industrial/commercial tariffs to residential tariff 31 Level of residential water consumption based on minimum charge 32 Operating ratio of the various states/areas in Malaysia in the year 2003 33 3.1 Layout of the Water Pricing Model (Calculation Worksheet) 41 4.1 An example of the INFORMATION screen 45 4.2 Screen for the calculation of annuity loan repayment for the construction of water treatment plant 47 Screen displaying the list of work items in the construction of water treatment plant 48 4.4 Screen for the calculation of personnel costs 49 4.5 Screen for the calculation of electrical cost 50 4.6 Screen for the calculation of unit price of water 51 4.7 Screen displaying the water rates for domestic residential homes supplies 53 Screen displaying the water rates for industrial and commercial supplies 53 2.5 2.6 4.3 4.8 xi xii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS BOT - build, operate and transfer CAPEX - capital expenditures DBT - decreasing block tariff IBT - increasing block tariff OPEX - operating expenditures PBAPP - Perbadanan Bekalan Air Pulau Pinang SAJH - Syarikat Air Johor Holdings SPAN - National Water Services Commission (Suruhanjaya Perkhidmtan Air Negara) SYABAS - Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor WAMCO - Water Asset Management Company WHO - World Health Organisation xii xiii LIST OF SYMBOLS A - annuity loan repayment (RM) B - balance financed by utility (RM) f - annual average inflation rate (%) i - annual interest rate without the influence of inflation (%) i* - inflation-adjusted interest rate (%) n - duration of loan repayment (years) X - total loan (RM) xiii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Preamble This chapter discusses the overview of the thesis. It gives a brief introduction to the study conducted. The topics covered in this chapter are; background of the problems, statement of the problems, objectives of study, scope of study, and significance of the study. 1.2 Background of the Problems Water is the basic need of mankind. No life can survive without potable water. Water is one of the essential public utilities. Though large portion of the earth is covered by water, only 0.02 percent of the total are fresh water available from rivers, lakes, and subsurface (Baumann and Boland, 1997). Water resources are connected with worldwide population growth, lack of natural resources, and damage to the environment caused by economic growth and inconsiderate use of water. The sources of water are getting depleted and the quality deteriorates largely due to vast development. Fresh water is no longer pure and abundant, but instead scare and deteriorating. Hence the cost of providing wholesome water escalates continuously. Utilities are facing crisis due to the high costs in providing quality water for consumers and low revenues in return (Padwal, 2003). This has led to 2 deterioration in the quality of services, such as poor water quality, low water pressure, unreliable supply, slow in settling complaints, as well as inability to fully supply hygienic water to rural areas. The water bill paid by the majority of households is often very low which is underpriced (Whittington, 2002). At first glance, this appears to be good for households and bad for the utilities, but low utility revenues rebound to adversely affect households in terms of quality of service. Also, due to low water charges, water is used wastefully without realizing the scarcity of water. There is utter lack of appreciation on the part of the public about the tremendous costs and efforts required in making drinking water available right on their taps. The law of demand states that as the price of water increases, the demand should decrease. In short, pricing can be a useful tool in efforts to conserve water (Hanemann, 1997). The water supply sector in Malaysia has not been performing very well due to poorly organized pricing mechanism where tariff rates are determine without reflecting overall cost recovery. State water supply authorities have problems covering the cost of services and many have deferred maintenance due to capital shortages. The current low water tariffs are not generating sufficient revenues for full cost recovery (costs of operating and routinely maintaining the utilities). If the operating expenditure (OPEX) is to be recouped, the prevalent tariffs must be adjusted. In fact, there are water supply authorities that have not reviewed the water tariff in the last 20 years (Zainal Abidin, 2005). Therefore it is vital to develop a water pricing model to determine appropriate water tariff to ensure full cost recovery and to make the water supply entity financially viable. It is necessary to review and revise the current water tariff scheme (increasing block rate tariff) to reflect the resource optimization and financial availability. In Malaysia, public water supply at present is largely subsidised by the government (Malaysia Water Industry Guide 2005). Private operations may not find it viable to charge water to prevalent tariffs. To fulfill the aim of relieving itself of financial burden, the government can continue to charge the public at present tariff in which case it has to make up and pay the difference to the private operator. This option is very much hurting the government as the fund allocated for water supply is 3 limited and there are other sectors that are more in need of fund than the water supply sector. Therefore, the best option without affecting other necessary developments is to raise the water tariffs gradually so that it eventually matches the tariff charged by the private operator to the government. The need to raise water tariff becomes more urgent in light of the increase in fuel prices and power tariff lately. This option not only reduces the government’s burden, but also ensures continuous high level of service provided by private water companies. 1.3 Statement of the Problems Water is a fundamental necessity for all forms of life, of course, as well as to all the activities of human society. Unlike the past, present water supply is a drastically different, challenging, and complex task. The new challenges faced today and in the future include, sources of water are depleting, increase frequency of droughts, and the contamination of the natural water sources which has further limited the supplies. In view of the problems faced nowadays, the costs of supplying potable water to the public also rise. The water supply industry is a capital intensive industry, and involves high operational and maintenance costs. The infrastructure alone – from dams to treatment plants and distribution systems entails high investments. Operational costs such as energy and labour cost, and cost of maintaining the dams, treatment plants, distribution network, and pumps are no less costly. As the financial requirement to provide adequate services is ever increasing, the revenue generated from water charges paid by consumers is now inadequate to make the water supply industry financially sustainable for the long term. Most utilities have a zero-profit constraint. Hence, appropriate tariff that will generate sufficient revenue to enable well-managed water service providers to finance the delivery of the services according to the standard required must be designed. In designing appropriate water tariff, full cost recovery principles should be adopted, though not entirely recovered from the consumers. For the case in Malaysia, capital works are funded by the government to keep the tariff at affordable level. This is important to ensure fairness or equity among water users. In addition, the current low water prices also discourage water conservation and use of water inefficiently. 4 By raising the price of water to recover all reasonable operating expenses and to yield a fair rate of return, consumers tend to value and use water sparingly. Another weakness in the existing water pricing scheme in Malaysia is the cross-subsidization. The most obvious involves a cross-subsidy from industrial to residential water users where residential water users’ demand is financed by revenues derived from industrial users. Therefore, the effort to develop a water pricing model to determine the most appropriate water tariff that not only guarantees full cost recovery and encourages water conservation, but also reduces cross-subsidisation, has been chosen as the study goal. The water pricing reform aims at enhancing and sustaining the economic of the water industry. 1.4 Objectives of Study This study aims to develop a financial model for full cost recovery for the water supply services in Malaysia. The model developed is expected to achieve the following objectives: i) To ease policy makers and water supply utilities to look into various scenarios. ii) To recommend an approach to select a range of affordable prices of water and at the same time, generate adequate revenues to ensure that utilities can recover their costs. iii) To develop scenarios where the existing water tariffs could be adjusted to signal scarcity, thus encouraging the more efficient use of water. iv) To develop a software to allow adjustment and justification of water tariff. 5 1.5 Scope of Study This study focuses on the water supply industry in Malaysia. Data from Syarikat Air Johor Holdings (SAJH), a privatised water company in the State of Johor will be obtained to be applied to the proposed model. The scope of this study includes designing a software to determine water tariffs for domestic residential homes, commercial, and industrial supply. Many studies have compared the components of different water pricing schemes (Liu et al., 2003; Monteiro, 2005), and approached the implementation of water pricing reforms (Whittington, 2002; Azevedo and Baltar, 2005) but not the development of sustainable water pricing model holistically. So in this study, a water pricing model was developed to calculate a reasonable rate of water pricing in Malaysia. The model developed is targeted for private water companies and state water supply authorities. 1.6 Significance of the Study The significance of the study is as follows: (a) Water is indeed the basic human need, and to supply clean water to the public is a costly act. The price of water in most developing countries is underpriced. Without adequate pricing mechanisms, water service providers are unable to recover the costs to adequately fund their operation and thus, systems will deteriorate and the quality of service will suffer (Azevedo and Baltar, 2005). (b) The major problems faced by the water industry in Malaysia include, depleting water resources, pollution of water sources, as well as inadequate tariff structure to fund utility operations and maintenance (Shahabudin, 2004b). (c) One of the key features of Malaysia’s proposed water services reform is the necessity to determine an appropriate water tariff in the endeavor to establish a sustainable water services industry (Lim, 2004). CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction This chapter gives an overview of the price of water and focuses further on the water tariffs in Malaysia. This chapter begins a discussion of what exactly is the price of water. This is followed by the roles and functions of water pricing, components of a water pricing structure, commonly used water pricing structures, and the concept of full cost recovery. Then, the scopes are narrowed to the water supply sector in Malaysia, which includes, water institutions, water tariffs, and finally the impact of water tariffs on financial performance. In this chapter, these topics are reviewed to provide the basic insight to the rudiments of the studies of water tariffs design. 2.2 Water Pricing Anything scare and in demand commands a price; this is one of the basic principles of economics (Jones, 2003). Water is scare in some contexts (drought, degraded quality), so water pricing is increasingly seen as an acceptable instrument of public policy. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) hypothesizes that water should be treated as a product in the marketplace and discusses water pricing (Fujimoto and Tomosho, 2003). The price of water or 7 water tariff is the rate levied for the water supplied to consumers in order to develop sufficient revenues to provide for operation and maintenance and also for debt servicing. Water has traditionally been perceived as a public good which should be supplied free, or at a nominal price. But as the world’s population increases drastically, the water is becoming more and more scare and its quality deteriorates due to rapid urbanization and industrialization. Hence, the cost of supplying potable water to consumers becomes much more higher and must be recovered from water charges. Therefore, tariffs must be designed so that at least operation and maintenance costs (preferably capital costs) can be recovered (Merrett, 2002). Water is differentiated by location, method of delivery, extent of treatment, reliability, and other dimensions of quality. The costs of bringing water supplies to users differ greatly, so it can be expected the prices charged to the users also differ. There are different water prices, depending on the type of water service being provided, the decision being made, the revenue structure, or whether or not a water market is accessible to the water user. The correct definition of ‘water price’ should be: the charge or market price that would affect a rational water user’s decisions concerning their pattern of water use, including quantities of water and water-related investments (Howe, 2005). Water rate design depends on the objectives and these vary with circumstances. It is evident that there is no universal model (García, 2005). The solutions have to be tailored for each case and be acceptable by the community. Thus, each water rate is unique and only applicable those users which the rate is designed for. We should not carelessly apply the same water pricing mechanisms to every country, but should develop different types of water pricing mechanisms according to the different backgrounds, such as geophysical or historical characteristics of each country. 8 2.3 Functions and Roles of Water Pricing The World Commission on Water (WCW) has estimated that to meet all water supply and sanitation, irrigation, industrial and environmental management demands, investments in water infrastructure need to increase from the current level of $75 billion in the year 2000 to $180 billion a year (Azevedo and Baltar, 2005). This enormous investment gap will demand innovative thinking and that cooperative approaches be met, while well-targeted subsidized public investments will still be needed. The development and long-term sustainability of the necessary infrastructure will certainly require the systematic adoption of integrated water resources management and introduction of appropriate water pricing mechanisms. Water pricing is recognized as one of the most important non-structural incentive measures for demand management to achieve the objective of efficiency and sustainability of scare water resources (Liu et al., 2003). Free or underpriced resources are frequently misallocated, mismanaged, and wasted. Designing efficient water rates is a crucial issue for water utilities and local communities. The first objective of a water utility pricing scheme is to generate adequate revenues covering costs (Garcia and Reynaud, 2004). But intended or not, any water rates must also perform two other functions: a pricing rate serves to allocate costs between users and it has to provide incentives for efficient use and water conservation. Since price affects the quantities users demand, price can be used by water managers to adjust demand to the available supply. Example, during drought periods when demands are high and supplies low, price can be raised to equate supplies and demands. However, short-term price changes are often administratively or even politically difficult. The first major function of price is the production of revenues for the water supply agency (Howe, 1997). Water pricing aims at achieving financial sustainability rather than an instrument for water allocation and conservation. Only if the financial costs are recovered can an activity remain sustainability. Revenue generation is important to ensure the utility’s ability to operate on self-sustaining basis and meet its current and future financial obligations. Rate structure must generates revenue sufficient to cover operating costs such as salaries, chemical 9 supplies, gas and electricity, taxes, and capital costs for system expansion, upgrades, or equipment replacement. Free or underpriced water supply services result in inevitably politicization of the concerned agencies, inefficiency, lack of accountability, capture of the subsidies by influential groups, and a vicious cycle of poor quality services, water rationing, and insufficient resources for operation, maintenance, and investment (Azevedo and Asad, 2000). The deterioration of water systems can be seen worldwide, particularly in developing countries. Hence, rates should be sufficient, at all times, to recover all reasonable operating expenses and to yield a fair rate of return to ensure financial viability of water utilities. Water tariff also serves the other function of allocating costs among different types of use and user for fairness and equity (Howe, 2005). Every water utility has classes of customers (residential versus industrial, firm versus interruptible, etc.). In developing rate differentials for different classes of customers, it is necessary to identify the costs of service imposed by each class, including the nature of their demand, so that proper cost allocations can be made. discriminatory and free from cross-subsidization. Rates should be non- Rate structure with improper apportion costs of service among the different uses and users will result in unfairness and arbitrary, as well as the subsidy of one group of users at the expense of another. It is important that the water tariff gap between different classes of users should not be too large without cost justification. The third function of price is to encourage water conservation. In an article by Baumann and Boland (1997), it stated that the goal of water conservation is defined as “…the wise and judicious use of available supplies.” Without adequate pricing mechanisms, consumers have no incentive to use water more efficiently as they receive no signal indicating its relative value (Azevedo and Baltar, 2005). The law of demand states that if the price of a good increases, demand will decrease. This simple, but powerful observation is at the heart of using prices to manage urban water demands: as the price of water increases, the demand should decrease. In short, pricing can be a useful tool in efforts to conserve water. Water pricing is an important idea to recall the value of vulnerable water resources (Fujimoto and Tomosho, 2003). Only by charging consumers for the water supplied, the use of water will be reduced, the loss or waste of water will also be reduced, or the 10 recycling of water will be increased, so that supply is conserved or made partially available for future or alternate use. 2.4 Components of a Water Pricing Structure There are several basic components common to most water pricing structures. Traditionally, most urban water agencies were financed through fixed monthly charges (Hanemann, 1997b). Though these charges did not vary directly with consumption, they did sometimes vary according to customer characteristics or classes, which, in the absence of metering, utilities used to identify probable consumption levels. In other words, customers pay a constant monthly water charges no matter how much water is used. Since this is the most primitive water tariff, water rates have changed, becoming simpler in some ways, more complex in others. The common feature of most water rates today is that they are based on metered use. As for quantity-related price or most commonly known as volumetric pricing, it can be implemented in a variety of ways. The utility may implement a uniform rate where the amount paid per unit consumption is the same over all units consumed (Hanemann, 1997b). A uniform tariff, however, may differ according to the category of users. This uniform price can be based on the average or on the marginal cost of water supply, and may be combined with rebates or discounts to assure that no excessive profits are generated in the cases where marginal cost related prices exceed average cost. Although simple to use, a uniform rate does not provide any incentive to consumers to affect savings on water use. Another frequent solution is the implementation of nonlinear pricing with block tariffs (tiered pricing) (Monteiro, 2005). In this tariff structure, water use per billing is divided into a number of discrete blocks for which separate prices can be set. A block rate is one where the unit charge varies, either decreasing with the amount consumed (decreasing block rate) or increasing with the amount consumed (increasing block rate). In decreasing block tariff (DBT), block price falls as use rises while, in increasing block tariff (IBT), block price rises as use rises. DBTs may 11 be supported where a natural monopoly is recognized, while IBTs are often associated with the implementation of marginal cost pricing with equity or poverty alleviation concerns, or simply to signal potential scarcity or capacity constraints. To encourage conservation, the trend in volumetric charging is moving away from decreasing block tariffs and towards increasing blocks ones. For countries using these block tariffs, decisions must be made on the number of blocks (a managerial decision), volume of water associated with each block, and price to be charged for each block (these last two are social and political). Other possible variations are the differentiation of price structures according to seasons, which are referred to as seasonally differentiated rates, or more simply as seasonal rates (Hanemann, 1997b). In the water industry it is increasingly common to observe rates that vary by season; volume charges are higher during the peak season and lower during the off-peak season. Even the adaptation of time-of-day pricing has been advocated for the water industry, although it is more frequent in the electric power industry. A frequent solution is the adoption of a two-part tariff, which consists in the combination of a service charge with a uniform volumetric price, but other water pricing and allocation methods are possible. In addition, new customers may be required to pay a connection fee to gain access to the water supply system, known commonly as connection charge (Monteiro, 2005). This is intended to recover capital expenditures for new facilities required to meet the projected demands of new customers. A service charge is often required to cover costs that are not related to the quantity consumed (like metering cost; in fact, service charges are also frequently called meter charges.) or to guarantee cost recovery in situations where price differs from average cost. 2.5 Water Pricing Structures There is a bewildering diversity of actual water prices and rate structures implemented by different water utilities, even within areas where geographical 12 conditions are similar. A water rate structure is built using a combination of the basic elements discussed in Section 2.4 above. 2.5.1 Average versus Marginal Cost Pricing The oldest debate in the literature on water pricing is whether to price water by its average cost or by its marginal cost (Monteiro, 2005). Average cost is simply total cost divided by the quantity sold (i.e., it is the cost per unit), and it is based on financial reasons of cost recovery. As for marginal cost, it is the change in cost per unit change in quantity sold (i.e., it is the increment in cost per unit increase in quantity, or the decrement in cost per unit decrease in quantity). Correctly defined, marginal cost pricing of water services assures the optimal allocation of scare resources as it sends the right signal to both investors and consumers (Chambouleyron, 2004). Marginal cost is the price reflecting the resources that must be committed by society for the production of one additional unit of water. It is based on the economic reasoning of promoting an efficient use of the resource. When all units of a commodity cost the same, there is no difference between average and marginal cost – the two costs are equal. Otherwise, there is a difference between average and marginal cost, sometimes a very large difference. There are differences in the time frame of analysis, where economists made a distinction between long-run and short-run. In the short run, the capital stock is fixed and its cost is a fixed cost; in the long run capital is variable and its cost constitutes a variable cost. The question is should the price of water reflect a short-run or longrun perspective. If prices reflect short-run costs, this may encourage patterns of water use that are poorly suited to future circumstances when more expensive sources will be required. On the other hand, if prices reflect long-run costs, the utility may be in the position of charging for facilities before they exist. The distinction between average and marginal cost applies in both the short run and the long run. Thus, there are short-run average and marginal costs when capital is in place and its cost sunk, and long-run average and marginal costs, when capital is adjustable and all costs are variable (Hanemann, 1997). 13 Essentially, a resource is considered to be used efficiently if the benefit for society from consuming the last or marginal unit of the resource is the same as the cost of obtaining it (including the opportunity cost of foregoing other alternative uses) (Monteiro, 2005). If the price of the resource is equal to its marginal cost, then the consumer can adequately compare the benefits she obtains with the costs she imposes with her consumption decision. If the unit price differs from marginal cost, consumption levels will be either too high (for prices below marginal costs) or too low (for prices above marginal costs) in relation to the socially optimum level of consumption. Marginal cost pricing differs from average cost pricing in important ways. Prices based on average cost will not result in efficient consumption choices because consumers will not be matching marginal benefit with marginal cost. To achieve full cost recovery, water rates should incorporate long-run marginal cost pricing, which uses estimates of future capital cost to calculate water rates, rather than historical costs (sunk costs). However, marginal cost prices are more difficult to calculate than average cost prices. To calculate average cost prices, a utility needs some understanding of its total costs and production. Dividing one by the other yields an average price. To calculate marginal cost, on the other hand, a utility needs fairly detailed information on costs for a variety of plants and equipment, some of which may not yet be built. This data may be expensive and difficult to obtain and of uncertainty reliability. Chambouleyron (2003) compares both average and marginal cost pricing schemes under different metering regimes (universal metering and optimal metering), and concluded that marginal cost pricing is always the most efficient pricing regime. Though marginal cost is more preferable than average cost in determining the price of water, marginal cost pricing can result in over- or undercollection of revenue. Generating revenue insufficient to cover cost obviously is not sustainable in the long run. Collection of too much revenue may also be problem if a utility is constraint to earn zero profit. Various strategies to satisfy the zero-profit constraint while retaining the efficiency properties of marginal cost pricing have been proposed. For example, two-part tariffs and multiple block rates which will be discussed in details later. 14 2.5.2 Two-part Tariff Basically, a two-part tariff is a pricing system whereby each consumer would be charged a single price per unit of output (e.g., per cubic meter of water service) purchased, but, in addition would also pay a lump-sum, or fixed charge, for the opportunity to be able to buy any unit of the service (Ontario Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal, 2004). The price per unit, or volumetric charge would of course be based on the marginal cost of providing the service. Therefore, in short, two-part tariff is where a utility combines a commodity charge based on marginal cost with a fixed charge, for example, a service charge or connection charge. The idea of two-part tariff is that the fixed charge raises the additional revenue needed to cover total cost, but does not interfere with economic efficiency generated by having a commodity charge based on marginal cost. Since the customer pays the same fixed charge regardless of what quantity he consumes, only the commodity charge should influence his decision on quantity consumed, and this still provides the economically correct price signal of water conservation. Hence, the two-part tariff can satisfy the goals of both economic efficiency and revenue adequacy (Whittington et al., 2003). However, the efficiency of the two-part tariff has been challenged. One of the arguments is that, even though consumers ought to disregard the fixed charge when deciding how much water to use, perhaps some of them do not think the same way. Perhaps they are impressed by the fact that, if they increase their consumption, they can spread the fixed charge over more of the commodity and so reduce the overall unit cost. If so, this would be against the goal of the two-part tariff of creating an economically efficient incentive to minimize consumption. From this argument, there are recommendations to eliminate fixed charges from the water rates (Hanemann, 1997). 15 2.5.3 Increasing Block Tariff Increasing block tariffs (IBTs) can be regarded as multipart extensions of the two-part tariff. Though marginal value could reflect the economic value of water, but it is very difficult to be implemented as a tariff structure. Hence, an alternative for marginal value is IBTs (Liu et al., 2003). An IBT is based on the volumetric use of water. The pricing system begins with a low initial cost of water that increases after reaching the maximum volume within a block rate. In addition, IBTs are often called ‘lifeline’ or ‘social’ tariffs because they are created with the intent of protecting the poor. IBT is a widespread method of pricing water especially in developing countries, and is a popular tariff structure among many utility officials and experts due to its many advantages (Liu et al., 2003). First, easier cost recovery. Only if the cost is recovered can water activity remain sustainable. Increasing block rates differ from the previous rate setting methods because they represent an efficient pricing solution to the problem of cost recovery in increasing returns to scale utilities. Compared with the traditional uniform tariff, IBTs are easier to achieve this aim. Assume that both uniform tariff and IBT are initially designed to recover the same total revenue. In uniform tariff, water is sold at the same price for each household. Poor people may have no ability to pay for the piped water, which may result in the incapability of cost recovery for water. However, the increasing block design contains one or more prices which are higher than the uniform design, and one or more which are lower. It is assumed that the poor consume less water than the rich do. This consumption will lead to lower average price for the poor and higher for the rich in IBT, and will certainly result in easier cost recovery. Second, equity or fairness. Equity should be considered when water pricing is implemented. The human rights issue means that if water is to be provided for all, then it must be marketed at affordable rates (Liu et al., 2003). The IBT method of pricing is supported on the basis that it will ensure affordable water for the poor. The poor will be able to gain affordable access to piped water because the first block of 16 water used is provided to household at a low price, often below the cost of the service provision. High-income customers who consume larger volume of water face higher prices. It therefore appears that some form of cross subsidization occurs where the richer subsidized the poor. Third, demand management. Water demand management is related to water conservation (Baumann and Boland, 1997). Increasing block rates act to restrict demand by charging high volume water users proportionally more than low-income users, thus choking off demand quite severely, particularly where high volume users also exhibit higher price elasticities. This is best illustrated by comparing IBTs to the simplest alternatives uniform tariffs. Customers facing the higher prices at the margin will, in theory, use less water than they would under the uniform design. Also, the effect of steep increases in price, once the initial volume is exceeded, will cut down wastage of water. Although there is widespread consensus that increasing block tariffs have many advantages, this type of tariff still deserves more careful examination. An incorrect structure of the IBTs leads to several shortcomings as argued by Whittington (1992), such as difficulties to set the initial block, mismatch between prices and marginal costs, conflict between revenue sufficiency and economic efficiency, absence of simplicity, transparency and implementation, incapacity of solving shared connections, etc. The poorest households in a community generally do not have connections to the water network, and thus cannot take advantage of an IBT. In fact, these households generally purchase water from vendors, who purchase (and thus sell) water in the highest price block. Besides, volumetric tariffs are only relevant where all connections are metered. The theory that higher income households use more water than the poor is not always true (Whittington et al., 2003). It is fairly common for poor households to share water connections. A group of poor families might thus have collective consumption that pushes them into the highestpriced blocks of the IBT, leaving only relatively wealthy households in the lower (subsidized) blocks. 17 2.6 Full Cost Recovery Aforementioned in Section 2.3, the first major function of water pricing is to generate revenue sufficient to ensure long term sustainability of the water supply services, or ideally to ensure full cost recovery. The term ‘full cost recovery’ may mean different things to different people. Generally, full cost recovery encompasses at least two broad types of costs – operating and maintenance (O & M) costs, and capital costs (Whittington, 2003). As their names suggest, operating and maintenance costs basically involve the annual costs of operating and routinely maintaining the utilities. Capital costs are hard assets of utilities such as treatment plants, distribution pipes, pumps, etc. Accounting for these costs is somewhat more difficult, because of variations in accounting and economic practices that can be used. Recently, arguments have been put forth to include a third element – the environmental costs, or externalities, which are associated with water withdrawal/extraction and discharge by municipalities (Ontario Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal, 2004). Valuation of these costs is much more difficult and currently it is not taken into account in the determination of water tariff. Conceptually, these three cost elements can be shown in Figure 2.1. From the diagram, it is clear that the levels of effort required to determine these various costs increases from left to right. It is relatively simple to determine annual operating and maintenance costs. The issue of capital costs is significantly more difficult due to depreciation value of the fixed assets. The issues of environmental cost are more difficult still to address, because the theory of environmental damage evaluation is more experimental, and the property rights allocation related to those externalities are primarily the responsibility of higher levels of government (Howe, 2005). Therefore, in order to achieve full cost recovery status, water rates must be set at levels approximating long-run marginal costs (Ontario Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal, 2004). This implies incorporating both operating and maintenance costs, and capital costs in water rates. The use of long-run marginal cost means that all utility consumers will pay a price that approximates the actual long-run costs they impose on the utility for providing that service. Peak load 18 pricing can also contributes to full cost recovery. Peak load pricing refers to the practice of charging higher prices at times of peak demands. The rationale is that much of the capital expenditure on water utilities stems from meeting peak demands, particularly summer water demands. They can also have a significant effect in lowering demands in peak periods, and therefore, in the long run, lowering capital costs. Another means of full cost recovery is through connection charges. Connection charges refer to the costs of installing local distribution systems in new housing or industrial development. They commonly take the form of lot levies, frontage fees, or development charges. Total Annual Cost Annual O&M + Capital Costs Annual O&M + Capital + Environmental Costs (Green Taxes) Annual O&M Costs Cost Categories Included Figure 2.1 Concepts of Full Cost Recovery Alternative Source: Ontario Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal, 2004 2.7 Water and Development in Malaysia Malaysia is developing rapidly in pace with other developing countries in order to achieve developed country status by the year 2020. Malaysia, situated in the region of Southeast Asia is slightly smaller than the Federal Republic of Germany and is about the size of the State of New Mexico, USA with a population of approximately 25 million as reported by the current Ninth Malaysia Plan (2006 – 19 2010). Since achieving Independence from Britain in 1957, Malaysia has adopted Federation system of government, comprising a Central Government and 13 State Governments, each with their own constitution. Before the Independence in 1957, less than 40 percent of the population in the country had access to water supply (Shahabudin, 2005). At that critical time, priority was given to safety and stability in the country, and there was just insufficient fund for investments in utilities like water supply development. However, nearly 5 decades after Independence, much has been invested in water supply development to the extent that more than 92 percent of the country has now access to treated water supply. The impressive economic growth and development witnessed in Malaysia since its Independence is partly due to the adequate provision of infrastructure services in the country. In this regard, water services have played a crucial role in both improving the standard of living in the rural area and supporting industrial development in the modern sector. Despite the positive role played by the water sector in Malaysia’s economic development in the past, there are indications today that reforms of the water sector is essential to ensure that its continued contribution to the economy. The current perception amongst the public is that the quality of water services is very low and that major investments are needed to improve this situation (Lee, 2006). Concomitantly, politicians have emphasized the need to revise current water tariffs to pay for some of the projected investments. This implies that the past and current levels of water tariffs in the country have been very much below the levels that ensure sustainability of water service provision and that the governments have not been able to finance investments to further improve water services. 20 2.8 Water Supply Services in Malaysia 2.8.1 Water Institutions Water services in Malaysia cover both water and wastewater industries. The management of the country’s water supply and sewerage is by the newly created Ministry of Energy, Water and Communications on 27 March 2004. The creation of the ministry will enable more focused efforts and streamline management of the country’s water and sewerage services (Shahabudin, 2004). Previously, water supply was under the Ministry of Works and sewerage services under the Ministry of Housing and Local Government. After 14 years of forwarding the idea, finally water and sewerage management are now under the same roof. It is essential to combine water and sewerage under a single ministry because they were related to each other in terms of the river water quality depends on the degree of treatment of the sewerage. Before the Federal Constitution was amended in January 2005, water was under the jurisdiction of State Governments while sewerage came under the Federal Government (Malaysia Water Industry Guide 2005). Water supply services under the State’s responsibility have seen many weaknesses. Among the weaknesses are lack of coordination among various stakeholders, ineffective regulator structure and poor enforcement, and capital expenditure (CAPEX) constraints. All these weaknesses have resulted poor quality of services provided by each state. This has prompted the Federal Government to act decisively to revamp the existing water services industry to make it more sustainable. Hence, in a special sitting in January 2005, Parliament had approved the amendments to the Ninth Schedule to transfer water supplies and services from the State List to Concurrent List (except Sabah and Sarawak) (Zainal Abidin, 2005). In addition, amendments were also made to the Tenth Schedule whereby revenue generated from water supplies and services belongs to the Federal (assigned to the States before amendment) also except Sabah and Sarawak. After the amendments, the Federal Government will only regulate the water services industry in terms of licensing and regulating water operators. The ownership and control of rivers, canals, and the water are entrusted to the States (Lim, 2004). 21 In order to ensure that the restructuring process of the water services industry and its regulatory framework are carried out smoothly, the Ministry of Energy, Water and Communications had proposed two new bills; National Water Services Industry Bill and National Water Services Commission Bill. With the passing of the two new bills in Parliament, the National Water Services Commission (or Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara, SPAN) was established. SPAN would effectively be the first centralized national economic regulator for an integrated water and sewerage services industry. The key objectives of SPAN are to assist operators in providing effective management of water and sewerage services as well as to protect the interest of all users and consumers. Table 2.1 summarizes the related bodies and their responsibilities in the new water industry model. Table 2.1 : Proposed industry model Body Area of Responsibility Description Federal Government Policy matters Development of a holistic water policy for the country by setting policy directions. State Government Water basin matters Manage existing water basins with the view of protecting the quality of raw water and identifying new water basins when required. National Water Resources Council Governance matters Ensures coordination with the various State Government in the management of the water basins. SPAN Regulatory matters Regulate the whole water industry based on the policy directions set out by the Federal Government. Source: Malaysia Water Industry Guide 2005 Historically, the treatment and distribution of water is undertaken by state agencies, either by State Public Works Department, State Water Supply Department, or State Water Supply Board. Since the early 1990s, more states have opted to establish water supply companies via corporatization or privatization to improve the quality of water supply services (Lee, 2005). Table 2.2 summarizes the existing water supply operators in every state. Some states have fully privatized their water 22 supply services. These include the more developed states such as Selangor, Johor, and Pulau Pinang. In some cases, the State Government continues to hold equity in the privatized water entities. A few states (Labuan, Negeri Sembilan, and Sabah) have chosen a dual structure water system, whereby distribution is undertaken by state agencies and water treatment is privatized via concessions. Some of the smaller states (Melaka and Perlis) and less developed states (Sarawak, Kedah, and Pahang) have generally chosen to maintain a public water provision system. After the January 2005 amendments, the jurisdiction of water supply management had been transferred from the respective states to the Federal Government. With this change, the Federal Government now has full control over the water supply management in all states. Water supply regulators were also formed in states where water supply services are provided by State Water Supply Corporation or Company, and private companies to standardize and monitor the running of the water supply company. At present, there are five state water supply regulatory bodies in Johor, Kelantan, Pulau Pinang, Selangor, and Terengganu (Malaysia Water Industry Guide 2005). 23 Table 2.2 : Existing water supply operators in Malaysia Public Works Department (PWD) Kedah • Production and distribution by PWD • Privatized production and distribution by Taliworks Consortium at Langkawi Island Sarawak • • Production and distribution by PWD Privatized production and distribution for Miri, Bintulu, and Limbang – LAKU Management Sdn Bhd Perlis • Production and distribution by PWD Water Supply Department (WSD) Pahang • Production and distribution by WSD Negeri Sembilan • • Production and distribution by WSD Treatment plant management by Salcon Engineeering and Lee Engineering Sabah • • Distribution by WSD Privatization of 3 water treatment plants - Jetama Sdn Bhd, Timatch Sdn Bhd, and Lahad Datu Water Supply – concession period of 10 years Labuan • • Distribution by WSD Management contract of production by Encorp Utility Sdn Bhd Water Supply Board (WSB) Perak • • Distribution by WSB Privatization of treatment plants to 2 different operators – Metropolitan Utility Corporation and GSL Water Sdn Bhd – concession period of 20 years Melaka • Production and distribution by WSB (Perbadanan Air Melaka) Water Supply Company Pulau Pinang • Privatized in 2001 Production and distribution by Perbadanan Bekalan Air Pulau Pinang Bhd (State Government share 55%) Terengganu • Corporatized in 1999 Production and distribution by Syarikat Air Terengganu Sdn Bhd (State Government share 100%) Selangor • Privatization of distribution in 2005 by Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn Bhd (SYABAS) 7 water treatment plants (4 existing, 3 BOT) operated by 3 firms – Puncak Niaga Sdn Bhd, Abass Consortium, and Syarikat Pengeluaran Bekalan Air Selangor – concession period of 25 to 30 years • Johor • Privatized in 1999 Production and distribution by Syarikat Air Johor (SAJ) Holdings Sdn Bhd (State Government share 0%) – concession period 30 years Kelantan • Privatized in 1995 Production and distribution by Air Kelantan Sdn Bhd (State Government share 70%) – concession period of 25 years Source: Malaysia Water Industry Guide 2005 24 Syarikat Air Johor Holdings (SAJH) SAJ Holdings Sdn. Bhd., a subsidiary of Ranhill Utilities Berhad was awarded the concession to undertake water supply services in the state of Johor from the Government in the year 1999 for a concession period of 30 years (Malaysia Water Industry Guide 2005). SAJH is responsible in producing and distributing treated water to customers. SAJH is a fully privatised water company where Government does not subsidise any of the costs of water production. Hence, SAJH depends wholly on water charges paid by customers to cover all capital as well as operating expenses. Currently, water tariffs in Johor are based solely on operation and maintenance costs. Capital expenditures are financed through loans obtained from private financial institutions. This means that SAJH is only recovering part of its total expenditures and its annual income is heavily dependant on the amount of water sold. The last time SAJH revised its water rates is in the year 2003. Despite increase costs of supplying treated water to customers and heavy financial burden, SAJH has proposed to the Johor State Government to increase the existing water tariff last year but was unsuccessful (Harris, 2006). 2.8.2 Water Tariffs Malaysians have enjoyed low water tariff for a very long time. As a comparison, Table 2.3 indicates that Malaysia’s average water price is right at the bottom and has not increased much over the years. In most States, it is not a reflection of the actual cost. The effect of underpriced water is lack of resources to provide high quality, reliable water services, and the financial incentives to serve unconnected households, which are almost always poor. It becomes politically difficult to increase the tariff in such a situation. For the services to be sustainable, the service providers must attain full cost recovery position. Water supply utilities are like other enterprises. They spend money to build facilities and acquire equipment and to administer, operate, and maintain services and facilities. Because facilities and equipment have economic value over many 25 years, outlays for them are referred to as capital expenditures (CAPEX). Expenditures necessary to operate and maintain facilities, provide customer services, and administer the programmes, are lumped under the broad category of operating expenses (OPEX). A wide variety of capital facilities are typically required for water supply services especially in large urban demand centres. Supplies are typically taken from surface water reservoirs, transported over considerable distances through transmission mains or other conveyances, treated, stored in ground-level and elevated tanks, and distributed through a vast network of pipes. Therefore, CAPEX include construction of dams and water treatment plants, installation and/or replacement of pipes, fittings (e.g. tees, ells, and wyes) and pumps, and acquirement of large mechanical equipments. OPEX also cover a wide variety of categories. One large category is for the personnel (salaries, wages, and fringe benefits) required to operate and maintain the facilities, provide customer services, and administer the utilities. A second major category is electricity. Water is a heavy commodity, requiring large amounts of electrical energy to lift and move it. Chemicals, including coagulants, disinfectants, and pH controls, are another substantial category of expenses. Insurance, contractual services, supplies, and equipment not included in capital outlays must also fall under the general category of operating expenses. Other noncapital expenses for water supplies such as maintenance and repairing works are also included in the OPEX category. A water utility usually borrows money to finance construction of major new capital works, because the cost of such works is too large to meet from current income and can reasonably be spread over future consumers who will benefit from the works. Loans are provided by the Federal Government and/or private financing such as Built, Operate and Transfer (BOT) projects financing (Anon, 2004b). Loan repayments are typically 10 – 15 years for plant and machinery; 20 – 30 years for buildings; and 50 – 60 years for dam and land (Twort et al., 2000). Operating expenses which are usually less costly can normally be met from current income generated from charges and fees paid by customers. Three methods of loan 26 repayment are possible – capital plus interest; annuity; and sinking fund. The annuity loan repayment method is most usual. The capital plus interest method results in reducing yearly payments. New capital works to meet increasing demand and replacement of assets for maintaining the standard of service require large funding. Therefore, for some service providers to implement full cost recovery from consumers in the short term will result in very high tariff that may not be affordable. Since water is a life sustaining resource and also a public utility, water must be made available and affordable for all. In Malaysia, consumers have all the while been charged rates that are generally sufficient to make water production self-financing in terms of OPEX (Malaysia Water Industry Guide 2005). The cost of capital works were initially subsidized by State Governments, either from their own funds or through loans from the Federal Government. To date, the Government has provided RM8.3 billion loan to State Governments for the water supply sector (Zainal Abidin, 2005). Due to water tariffs being currently set at less than full cost recovery levels, a government-owned Water Asset Management Company (WAMCO) has been established to overcome capital expenditure constraints by providing financing to upgrade water supply infrastructure in the country. The Ministry of Energy, Water and Communications envisaged WAMCO as a temporary entity that will be relevant until the water services industry reached a full cost recovery level. This implies a gradual reduction of water subsidies in Malaysia in the future. 27 Table 2.3 : World Water Prices in 14 Countries in 2001 Germany Average price of water per m3 of water (US$) 1.52 Denmark 1.46 United Kingdom 1.11 The Netherlands 0.98 France 0.93 Belgium 0.75 Singapore 0.62 Italy 0.62 Spain 0.58 Finland 0.53 United States 0.52 Sweden 0.51 Australia 0.48 Canada 0.37 South Africa 0.34 Malaysia 0.09 Country Source: Malaysian Water Association, 2006 Average Water Tariff Levels Generally, domestic water tariff is cross-subsidized by industrial tariff in Malaysia, which involves the use of promotional water rates by industrial water users. Hence, industrial rates are higher than domestic rates. Table 2.4 shows the domestic and industrial water rates charged by various states or areas in the country according to ranking in ascending order. Most of the developed states (such as Selangor and Johor) have relatively higher industrial water tariff except for Pulau Pinang. It can also be noted from the table that Sabah and the Federal Territory of Labuan have 28 similar domestic and industrial rates of RM0.90/m3. This makes the domestic rates for Sabah and Labuan the highest, while their industrial rates the lowest. Table 2.4 : Average domestic and industrial water rates Domestic Rates States / Areas Average Water Tariff (RM/m3) Pulau Pinang 0.31 Terengganu 0.52 Kedah 0.53 Kelantan 0.55 Sarawak 0.56 Perlis 0.57 Pahang 0.57 Bintulu 0.61 Kuching 0.62 Sibu 0.62 Sri Aman 0.62 Limbang 0.62 Sarikei 0.62 Kapit 0.62 Perak 0.67 Negeri Sembilan 0.68 Selangor 0.72 Melaka 0.72 Labuan 0.90 Sabah 0.90 Johor 0.90 Industrial Rates States / Areas Average Water Tariff (RM/m3) Sabah 0.90 Labuan 0.90 Pulau Pinang 0.94 Kuching 1.06 Sibu 1.06 Sri Aman 1.06 Limbang 1.06 Sarikei 1.06 Kapit 1.06 Terengganu 1.15 Sarawak 1.19 Kedah 1.20 Bintulu 1.21 Kelantan 1.25 Perlis 1.30 Melaka 1.40 Perak 1.40 Pahang 1.45 Negeri Sembilan 1.59 Selangor 1.91 Johor 2.93 Source: Malaysia Water Industry Guide 2005 Water Tariff Structure In Malaysia, the general principles underlying the present water tariffs include the following (Malaysia Water Industry Guide 2005): 29 i) Higher rates for higher consumption to discourage wastage. ii) Cross-subsidy for domestic consumers by industrial consumers. iii) A very low ‘lifeline’ rate to meet the ‘ability to pay’ criterion of the lower-income group to cover basic everyday need for water for domestic purposes. The incentives for efficient use of water are applied through the use of volumetric charges (based on measured water use) under an increasing block structure, where block price rises as use rises. The lowest block is intended to be affordable by all consumers even the low-income group. Higher usage, presumably by higher-income earners, will be charged higher rates for higher consumption. This approach is used for the water tariffs for residential homes (with the exception of Sabah and Labuan which use a flat rate). The volume within a block and the rates vary from state to state. Figure 2.2 illustrates the residential water tariffs for each state in Malaysia. 2.00 1.80 1.60 Price (RM) 1.40 1.20 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 Unit of Consumption (m^3) Johor N. Sembilan Selangor & FTs P. Pinang Kedah Pahang Melaka Terengganu Saraw ak Perak Perlis Kelantan Sabah Labuan Figure 2.2 Residential water tariffs in Malaysia Source: Malaysia Water Industry Guide 2005 30 Similarly, many states also use an increasing block tariff structure for industrial and commercial water tariffs except for Melaka, Terengganu, Perlis, Kelantan, Sabah and Labuan that use flat rate tariffs. However, the increasing block structures are not very steep. In other words, the block increments are relatively small compared to residential block tariff structure. Figure 2.3 illustrates the industrial and commercial water tariffs for various states in Malaysia. 3.50 3.00 Price (RM) 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 69 73 77 81 85 89 93 97 Unit of Consumption (m^3) Johor - Industrial & Commercial P. Pinang - Industrial & Commercial Pahang - Trade Terengganu - Commercial Perak - Industrial & Commercial N. Sembilan - Industrial & Commercial Kedah - Industrial & Commercial M elaka - Industrial & Commercial Sarawak - Industrial Perlis - Trade Sabah - Commercial Labuan - Industrial & Commercial Selangor & FTs - Industrial & Commercial Pahang - Industrial Terengganu - Industrial Sarawak - Commercial Kelantan - Industrial & Commercial Figure 2.3 Industrial and commercial water tariffs in Malaysia Source: Malaysia Water Industry Guide 2005 After discussing residential and industrial/commercial water tariffs, it is clear that in almost all states (with the exception of Sabah and Labuan), residential water users are subsidized by industrial/commercial water users. This can be further illustrated in Figure 2.4 below. For the first 15 m3 of water consumption, the level of industrial/commercial water tariff is 2 to 6 times the corresponding level for residential water tariff. 31 7.00 6.00 5.84 5.00 4.00 4.00 3.16 3.25 3.00 2.73 3.00 2.49 2.36 3.13 2.74 2.55 2.16 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 La bu an ba h Sa an Ke la nt Pe rli s Pe ra k Sa ra wa k an u ng g Te re el a ka g M Pa ha n da h Ke na ng Pi P. Jo ho r N. Se m bi la Se n la ng or & FT s 0.00 Figure 2.4 Ratio between industrial/commercial tariffs to residential tariff Source: Malaysia Water Industry Guide 2005 There is also a minimum charge imposed for residential consumers ranging from as low as RM2.50 per month in Pulau Pinang to as high as RM5.40 per month in Johor. This minimum charge is used as a measure of the ‘lifeline’ rate to meet the ‘ability to pay’ criterion of the lower-income group (Lee, 2005). Dividing the minimum charge by the tariff rate of the initial block, the level of consumption related to minimum charge can be obtained (Figure 2.5). This computed level of consumption can be used as a proxy of the minimum level of consumption affordable by lowest income households. Studies by the WHO (2005) have determined each individual water requirement as follows: • For short-term survival (drinking and cooking), each individual requires 20 litres of water per day (0.02 m3 per person per day). Assuming an average household size of 4.4 persons (DOS, 2003), this is equivalent to 2.64 m3 per household per month). • For medium-term survival (drinking, cooking, personal washing, washing clothes, cleaning home, growing food for domestic consumption, and waste disposal), each individual requires 70 litres of water per day (0.07 m3 per person per day or 9.24 m3 per household per month). 32 By comparing the computed level of consumption based on minimum charges and the WHO water requirements, only six states in Malaysia have water tariff levels exceed the medium-term ‘lifeline’ level (corresponding to 9.24 m3 per household per month). This indicates that the prevailing lifeline tariff rates in the other remaining states are too high for the lower-income earners to use water for medium-term survival. 16.00 14.21 Water Consumption (m^3) 14.00 12.00 11.36 10.00 9.09 9.09 8.77 9.52 10.00 10.00 10.00 9.09 8.11 7.50 8.00 6.00 4.44 4.44 4.00 2.00 La bu an Sa ba h n Ke la nt a Pe rli s Pe ra k Sa ra w ak Te re ng ga nu M el ak a Pa ha ng Ke da h bi Se la n la ng or & FT s P. Pi na ng N .S em Jo ho r 0.00 Figure 2.5 Level of residential water consumption based on minimum charge Source: Malaysia Water Industry Guide 2005 2.8.3 Impact of Water Tariffs on Financial Performance Overall, the water supply sector in Malaysia has not been performing very well. In the year 2003, Malaysia recorded a revenue-cost deficit of RM403 million, which is about 12.8 percent of the total operating and maintenance costs (Malaysia Water Industry Guide 2005). Though this amount seems to be large, only about half of the states in Malaysia are currently experiencing a financial deficit in their water operations. This can be clearly shown in the operating ratio graph in Figure 2.6. Operating ratio is the total operating and maintenance cost over the total revenue. Hence, a state is said to experience financial deficit if its total operating and 33 maintenance cost is larger than its total revenue generated or in short, its operating ratio is greater than 1. From Figure 2.6, states with large operating ratio include Selangor (1.70) and Labuan (1.72). Both states experience deficits of 41.2 percent and 41.7 percent, respectively. The operating ratio of all these states result in the overall national average of 1.15. 2 1.8 1.6 Operating Ratio 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 State Si bu Sa ra wa k Pa ha ng Sa ba h Se la ng or La Na bu tio an na lA ve ra ge KU Ku ch N. in g Se m bi la n Pe rli s LA ra k an nt Pe a Ke la ak h ng da el M Ke r na ho Pi Jo P. Te re ng ga nu 0 Figure 2.6 Operating ratio of the various states/areas in Malaysia in the year 2003 Source: Malaysia Water Industry Guide 2005 One of the major reasons for these financial deficits is the loss of revenues from non-revenue water (NRW) (Anon, 2004). NRW is defined as the difference between the quantity of water that leaves the treatment plants and the quantity billed to the consumers based on their metered consumptions (Malaysia Water Industry Guide 2005). NRW is a measure of a water companies operating efficiency and as such has a direct effect on profit levels and company reputation. NRW can be a financial drain on any water utility. The main factor contributing to NRW is pipe leakages and breakages mainly due to old asbestos-cement pipes. Water may also lost through pilferages, meter under registration, system maintenance, and fire fighting. Across the country, NRW levels range from 21.4 percent (Pulau Pinang) to as high as 58 percent (Sabah). Currently, the average national NRW is 39 percent (Malaysia Water Industry Guide 2005). 34 Part of the financial deficits experienced by state water operations are due to the subsidy on residential water consumption. Generally, water subsidies are only provided for residential water consumption. These subsidies usually apply only for the first block of consumption to ensure affordable water for all. Table 2.4 shows the percentage of subsidy by governments on residential water supply for the year 2003. These subsidies range between 6.4 percent in Sarawak to as high as 57.1 percent in Selangor. The possible reason for Selangor to receive the highest subsidy from the government was mainly due to its high production cost that is unaffordable for most low-income consumers if the state government do not subsidized enough. With the exception of the Federal Territory of Labuan, there is no subsidy for industrial water consumption. Table 2.5 : Subsidization of residential water consumption in various states/areas in Malaysia as in the year 2003. State Unit Cost Kedah Sarawak Labuan Perlis Pahang N. Sembilan Sabah Perak Melaka Kuching Sibu P. Pinang Terengganu Selangor Johor Kelantan 0.33 0.47 1.38 0.40 0.52 0.53 0.60 0.52 0.58 0.57 0.75 0.41 0.33 1.33 0.72 0.43 Residential Rate Size of Subsidy 3 1st block (RM/m ) (%) (m3) 20 0.40 -21.2 15 0.44 6.4 Flat 0.90 34.8 15 0.40 0 18 0.37 28.8 20 0.55 -3.8 Flat 0.90 -50.0 10 0.30 42.3 15 0.45 22.4 15 0.48 15.8 15 0.48 36.0 20 0.22 46.3 20 0.42 -27.3 20 0.57 57.1 15 0.38 47.2 20 0.40 7.0 Industrial Rate Size of 1st block (RM/m3) (m3) 10,000 1.20 25 0.95 Flat 0.90 Flat 1.10 227 0.92 35 1.50 Flat 0.90 10 1.20 Flat 1.40 25 0.97 25 0.97 20 0.52 Flat 1.15 35 1.80 20 2.22 Flat 1.25 Note: Unit cost is derived by dividing total operating and maintenance costs by total water production. Source: Malaysia Water Industry Guide 2005 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction This chapter explains in detail and step by step how Visual Basic programming tool was used in the development of the water pricing software. Topics that are covered in this chapter are; determination of water pricing which includes data collection and calculation equations; software development which is further divided to introduction to Visual Basic 6.0, step by step to development of water pricing model software which includes create the user interface, determine the event of each object, and write the event procedure for each event; and lastly software verification. This chapter ends with assumptions and limitations. 3.2 Determination of Water Pricing 3.2.1 Data Collection Prior to determining the price of water, data must be obtained first. In this study, data for the calculation of the price of water were obtained from multiple sources. An interview was conducted with SAJH’s staff to understand the current water tariff charged and to obtain data on water consumption. However, it was not a fruitful interview as data on CAPEX and OPEX as well as how SAJH fixed their 36 water tariffs were unknown. But from the interview, it can be sure that no subsidy is given from the Johor State Government, and the existing water tariffs are based on operation and maintenance costs only. There are a total of 823,566 active customers (account holders) in the whole Johor state as recorded in July 2006, and this figure varies every month with new connections and old disconnections. As for water consumption, the total annual average water consumption is 314,170,291 cubic metres for the year 2005. All capital and operating expenses for the calculation of full cost recovery water rates such as construction of dam, water treatment plant, laying of pipelines, acquirement of equipment, personnel costs, electricity, chemicals, etc. were obtained from journals, books and internet. 3.2.2 Calculation of the Price of Water All the calculations involved in the development of the water pricing model are briefly explained below. The total cost for each capital work such as construction of dam, water treatment plant, laying of new pipelines, etc. is obtained by summing up all the main work items involved to complete the project. Total Cost = Summation (Σ) of all items (Eq. 3.1) Total loan is an amount part of the total cost financed by financial institutions. The amount of loan depends on the water utilities’ financial strength. Total loan can be calculated as: Total Loan, X = Percentage of Total Cost Financed by Debt x Total Cost (Eq. 3.2) Balance of the total cost financed by utility itself is defined as: Balance Financed by Utility, B = Total Cost – Total Loan, X (Eq. 3.3) 37 Inflation-adjusted interest rate is the interest rate where inflation rate is taken into consideration. This value can be obtained from the equation below. Inflation-Adjusted Interest Rate, i* = i + f + if (Eq. 3.4) where i = real interest rate / interest rate without the influence of inflation f = average inflation rate As for annuity loan repayment, it can be calculated from the equation below. Annuity Loan Repayment, A = Xi* (1 + i *) n (1 + i *) n − 1 (Eq. 3.5) Cost of water production is defined as: Cost of Water Production = Total Expenditures = Total CAPEX + Total OPEX (Eq. 3.6) The price of water supply is actually the cost of water production plus the profit targeted by water utilities, and can be expressed as: Price of Water Supply ⎡ ⎛ %% of annual profit profittargeted targeted ⎞ ⎤ of annual = Cost of Water Production x ⎢1 + ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎥ 100 ⎠⎦ ⎣ ⎝ (Eq. 3.7) After obtaining the price of water supply, it is divided by the total metered water sold to obtain the average price of water per cubic meter. The average unit price of water is defined as: Average Unit Price of Water = Price of Water WaterSupply Supply Total Consumption Total Annual Water Consumption (Eq. 3.8) 38 As for the water rates for each block of water usage, they can be calculated from the equation below. Water Rates for Each Block tax− -%%ooo of of subsidy given) Greentax subsidyg iven )++100 100 ⎤ ⎡ ((Green = Average Unit Price of Water x ⎢ ⎥ (Eq. 3.9) 100 ⎦ ⎣ 3.3 Software Development 3.3.1 Introduction to Visual Basic 6.0 Visual Basic is one of the most exciting developments in programming in many years. Visual Basic is the next generation of BASIC and is designed to make user-friendly programmes easier to develop. Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 was selected as a tool to develop the water pricing model because of its capability of doing object-oriented programming. Visual Basic was one of the first products to provide a graphical programming environment and a paint metaphor for developing user interfaces (Koay, 2000). Graphical user interfaces mean that users are presented with a desktop filled with little pictures called icons. Icons provide a visual guide to what the programme can do. These icons placed on the form have their underlying code written into the programme along with their properties and can react to different events such as mouse movements and button clicks, thus Visual Basic is sometimes called an event-driven language. An event must happen before Visual Basic will do anything. Event-driven programmes are reactive more than active, and that makes them more user friendly. Programmes in conventional programming languages run from the top down. For conventional programming languages, execution starts from the first line and moves with the flow of the programme to different parts as needed. A Visual Basic programme works completely differently. The core of a Visual Basic programme is a set of independent groups of instructions that are activated by the events they have 39 been told to recognise. This is a fundamental shift. Instead of doing what the programmer thinks should happen, the programme gives the user control. 3.3.2 Step by Step to Development of Water Pricing Model Software Generally, three basic steps that will be taken to develop the water pricing model using Visual Basic 6.0 are as follows: i) Decide how the windows that the user sees will look. ii) Determine which events the objects on the window should recognize. iii) Write the event procedures for those events. Create the User Interface One of the key elements of planning a Visual Basic application is deciding what the user sees – in other words, designing the user interface. What data will he or she be entering? How large a window should the application use? Where will the command buttons (buttons the user clicks on to activate the applications) be placed? Will the applications have places to enter text (text boxes) and places to display output? What kind of warning boxes (message boxes) should the application use? The user interface must be designed in such a way that it is user-friendly and accessible to maximise the use of the model developed. Basically, the water pricing model developed using Visual Basic 6.0 will be divided into two main parts, which are (a) the knowledge or information section, and (b) the computerized calculation section. The knowledge or information section consists of brief definition of the price of water, water tariffs in Malaysia, categories of expenditures, calculation parameters and functions, and assumptions. As for the computerized calculation worksheet, it requires input of data from users and results as output calculated from Visual Basic. Figure 3.1 shows the planned layout of the water pricing model, 40 emphasising on design calculation worksheet. The input and output steps will be implemented on each worksheet. When user entered the Main Menu, he/she could select menu at the top of the window to access calculation screen. All data can be entered into text boxes at input frame and results will be displayed in text boxes at output frame. Determine the Event of Each Object After drawing the interface, the command buttons, text boxes, and other objects placed in a window will automatically recognise user actions such as mouse movements, clicks, key strokes, and so on. The sequence of procedures executed in the programme is controlled by “events” that the user initiates rather than by a predetermined sequence of procedures in the programme. Example, when click on the “Calculate” button, Visual Basic detects an event and examines the programme to see what instructions are written to respond to the event. Write the Event Procedure for Each Event This is the final step before the programme can be run. Most of the programming instructions in Visual Basic that tell the programme how to respond to events like mouse clicks are called event procedures. Essentially, anything executable in a Visual Basic programme is either in an event procedure or is used by an event procedure to help the procedure carry out its job. Event procedure is written in a block of code and this code consists of statements that carry out tasks. 41 Data Input Data Output Start Login Screen (Password required) Select Calculation Menu Calculation for Operating Expenditure (OPEX) Calculation for Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) Dam Pumps Water Treatment Plant Calculation for Price of Water Dam Equipment Pipes & Fittings Input Frame Year of Project Commencement Total Cost Percent of Total Cost Financed by Debt Duration of Loan Repayment Annual Interest Rate Pumps Water Treatment Plant Input Frame Personnel Chemicals Electricity Insurance, Contractual Services, Supplies & Equipment Input Frame Percent of Annual Profit Targeted Total Annual Water Consumption Calculation for Operating Expenditure (OPEX) Calculation for Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) Calculation for Price of Water Equipment Pipes & Fittings Output Frame Total Loan InflationAdjusted Interest Rate Balance Financed by Utility Annuity Loan Repayment Average Inflation Rate Figure 3.1 Layout of the Water Pricing Model (Calculation Worksheet) Output Frame Total Operating Expenditure Output Frame Total CAPEX Total OPEX Cost of Water Supply Price of Water Supply Unit Price of Water 41 42 3.3.3 Software Verification Once the water pricing model has been developed, verification is then carried out by comparing manual calculations with calculations performed by Visual Basic. For even more accurate verification, existing calculation tool such as Microsoft Excel will also be used for comparing the results displayed in the model with the answers generated from Excel. 3.4 Assumptions and Limitations The assumptions made in developing the water pricing model are as follows: • Revenue on water supply is generated wholly from water charges paid by customers; it does not include funds received through grants or proceeds from issuance of debt. • Annual loan repayment, and operating and maintenance expenses start from the end of first year from the time money is borrowed (t = 1), while at the time money is borrowed (t = 0), the cost involved is only the balance financed by utility itself. • Total annual water consumption or total water sold is the total quantity of water billed to consumers based on their metered consumption. The few limitations of the water pricing model developed are: • The water pricing model is specially developed for water utilities in Malaysia. • The water pricing model developed is used to assist water utilities in estimating the water tariffs for domestic and industrial/commercial supplies only which are the two main water users. CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Introduction Results and discussion of the study are presented in this chapter. It discusses the water pricing model developed, as well as the software developed. The water pricing model software section covers information screen and calculation worksheet, which is further divided into sub-sections of capital expenditure, operating expenditure, and the price of water. This chapter ends with comparison between the existing water tariffs with the recommended tariffs calculated from the study. 4.2 Water Pricing Model The financial model developed for determining full cost recovery water tariffs can be summarized in Table 4.1. Calculations are based on a set of data obtained from Section 3.2.1. 44 Table 4.1 : Financial Model of Water Pricing Component Calculation CAPEX Total cost of construction of water treatment plant RM58,000,000 Cost of excavation and earthwork in the construction of water treatment plant 3 x RM58,000,000 = RM1,740,000 100 Total loan, XWTP 80 x RM58,000,000 = RM46,400,000 100 Balance financed by utility, BWTP RM58,000,000 – RM46,400,000 = RM11,600,000 Inflation-adjusted interest rate, i* [0.036 + 0.030 + (0.036 x 0.030)] x 100% = 6.71% Annuity loan repayment, AWTP (30 years loan repayment) RM46,400,0 00 x 0.0671 (1 + 0.0671) 30 = RM3,630,877.65 (1 + 0.0671) 30 − 1 OPEX Personnel costs Salaries & Wages Executives = RM2,500/month x 12 months/year x 552 employees = RM16,560,000/year Non-Executives = RM80/day x 313 days/year x 984 employees = RM24,639,360/year Bonus Executives = RM2,500/month x 2 months annual bonus x 552 employees = RM2,760,000/year Non-Executives = RM80/day x 26 days/month x 1.5 months annual bonus x 984 employees = RM3,070,080/year Fringe Benefits Insurance = RM960/year/employee x 853 employees insured = RM818,880/year Allowances = RM200/month x 12 months/year x 679 employees entitled = RM1,629,600/year Training = RM400/year/employee x 450 employees trained = RM180,000/year Price of Water Cost of water supply RM423,301,900 (CAPEX) + RM50,237,110 (OPEX) = RM473,539,000/year Price of water supply RM473,539,000 x 1.1 (10% profit) = RM520,892,900/year Unit price of water RM520,892, 900 = RM1.66/m3 314,170,29 1 m 3 Domestic water rate (2nd block) RM1.66/m3 x 0.7 (subsidise 30%) = RM1.16/m3 45 4.3 Water Pricing Model Software 4.3.1 Information Screen The MAIN MENU of the water pricing model consists of selection menus for users to access to different screens to obtain estimated water tariff at the end. One of the menus is INFORMATION. The purpose of the INFORMATION screens is to provide users with essential information on the price of water as a whole and specifically for the case of Malaysia. By accessing the INFORMATION screens, it helps users to understand what exactly the price of water is, the functions of water pricing, components of a water pricing structure, an introduction to the water tariffs in Malaysia, present levels of water tariffs in Malaysia, as well as the average tariff rates in all states in Malaysia. Figure 4.1 shows an example of the INFORMATION screen when users click on the WATER TARIFFS IN MALAYSIA in the drop down box under INFORMATION menu. Users can choose to either go back to the MAIN MENU to access to other screens by clicking on the BACK button or exit the software by clicking on the EXIT button. Figure 4.1 An example of the INFORMATION screen 46 4.3.2 Calculation Worksheet Calculation worksheet consists of several screens involving calculation to obtain end results of water rates. Under the CALCULATION menu is the capital expenditure, operating expenditure, and the price of water step-by-step to get the estimated water tariffs. Capital Expenditure When users place the mouse pointer on CAPITAL EXPENDITURE, a drop down box will appear on the right, listing down the major components of capital outlays. The components of CAPEX taken into consideration in this study are construction of dam, construction of water treatment plant, laying new pipelines or replacement of old pipelines and installation of fittings, replacement or installation of pumps, and acquirement of large mechanical equipment. Figure 4.2 shows the screen for the calculation of annuity loan repayment for the construction of water treatment plant. Users are required to enter data on year of which the construction of water treatment plant is commenced, total construction cost, percentage of total cost financed by debt, duration of loan repayment, annual interest rate charged by creditor, and annual average inflation rate. The annual average inflation rate is 3 percent for the year 2005 (Economic Planning Unit). Once all input data are entered, user can click on the CALCULATE button and automatically the results display in the OUTPUT frame. Results obtained from this screen include total loan, inflation-adjusted interest rate, balance financed by utility at the time the water treatment plant is built, and lastly, the annuity loan repayment starting from the end of first year of project commencement throughout the duration of loan repayment. 47 Figure 4.2 Screen for the calculation of annuity loan repayment for the construction of water treatment plant Items that constitute the total cost are listed out as in Figure 4.3 when users click on the little “star” next to the total cost. This screen is designed to let users know how the total construction cost of water treatment plant is spent on each major works. Percentage of total cost for each main work item is set as default values based on quantity surveyor’s experience and the corresponding cost for each item will be displayed when the CALCULATE button is clicked. However, users can also enter the percentage values based on their own experience and opinion by clicking on the CLEAR button to erase the default values. The RESET button is used to return the screen to its initial setting with default values given. 48 Figure 4.3 Screen displaying the list of work items in the construction of water treatment plant Operating Expenditure Major operating expenses involved in supplying treated water to consumers are personnel, chemicals, electricity, insurance, contractual services, supplies and equipment not included as capital expenditure, and repair and maintenance. These operating expenditures are usually calculated annually and are affordable to be financed by the water utilities itself. Figure 4.4 shows the screen for the calculation of personnel costs, one of the major components of operating expenditures. Personnel cost includes salaries, wages, bonus, and fringe benefits. Salaries and wages for personnel may account for as much as 40 percent of operating expenses (Moreau, 1997). Users are required to enter the number of staffs for executives and non-executives, as well as the average 49 rate per employee. The annual total cost for each item will be shown when the CALCULATE button is clicked. The RESET button in this screen will clear all entered data to allow users to make new calculation. Another significant component of operating expenses is electricity. Electrical power is required throughout the whole process of supplying treated water to consumers right from abstraction point till consumer’s tap. Pumps, treatment facilities, equipment, and machineries, all require high electrical power supply to operate and function. Hence electrical cost contributes significantly to the overall operating expenditures. The calculation of electrical cost is performed in the screen shown in Figure 4.5. Calculation of electrical cost is based on types of premises because different types of premises are charged different rates. Users are required to enter the average monthly unit used and the rate imposed by private electrical company. Total annual cost spent on electricity will be displayed when the CALCULATE button is clicked. Figure 4.4 Screen for the calculation of personnel costs 50 Figure 4.5 Screen for the calculation of electrical cost The Price of Water After obtaining all capital and operating expenditures, the final stage in the software is the calculation of the price of water. Under the PRICE OF WATER, it is divided to unit price of water, water rates for domestic residential homes supplies, and water rates for industrial and commercial supplies, each shown in a separately designed screen. Figure 4.6 is the screen for the calculation of unit price of water. Once all capital and operating expenses have been calculated, the average unit price of water can be known from this screen. The INPUT frame requires entry on year of which the price of water is to be known, percentage of annual profit targeted by the water utilities, and total metered water sold. The total metered water sold or total annual water consumption is the total water supplied after deducting all forms of losses (non-revenue water). When click on the CALCULATE button, all CAPEX and OPEX calculated individually from previous screens will be summarised in the OUTPUT frame, together with the cost of water supply which is the total 51 expenditures, price of water supply by adding cost of water supply with profit margin, and lastly the average unit price of water resulting from the price of water divided by the total metered water sold. In this example given, the average unit price of water is RM1.66 per cubic meter. Figure 4.6 Screen for the calculation of unit price of water Once the average unit price of water has been obtained, the water rate for each block of water consumption can be determined by subtracting subsidy from and adding green tax to the unit price of water. The water rates for domestic residential homes supplies screen is displayed in Figure 4.7, while the water rates for commercial and industrial supplies screen is shown in Figure 4.8. New tariff setting raises water prices to the true economic cost of the service. Therefore, the 52 affordability of consumption is the main issue, and a consumption subsidy is the obvious solution. By law, the subsidy can cover 25 to 85 percent of a household’s water bill for up to 20 m3 a month, with the client paying the rests (Gómez-Lobo and Contreras, 2003). The subsidy is based on the willingness to pay for water services among low-income households. Only households that would be unable to purchase what is considered to be a subsistence level of consumption should benefit, and the subsidy should cover only the shortfall between actual charges and willingness to pay. In Malaysia, governments do not give subsidy to private water companies but instead the private water companies itself subsidies part of the first few blocks of the domestic water tariffs to ensure affordable water for all. As shown in Figure 4.7, the first 30 m3 of water consumption is subsidised. This is because international standard recommends that each person requires an average 200 litres of water per day and based on a mean family of 5 persons, a family would need 1000 litres per day or 30 m3 per month. Green taxes are not new. Green taxes are used for three primary purposes. First, to generate revenue for the water supply utilities. These revenues generated are used to offset subsidies given to initial block domestic water users, and are also sometimes used to pay damages to the environment, associated with water withdrawal. Green taxes are also applied to change behaviour. Green taxes on higher water consumption aimed at encouraging water conservation because prices affect demand for water. The third purpose of green taxes is to achieve equity. The amount of water use is highly dependent on household’s income. Low-income households’ water use usually falls in the first and second block of water use. Hence, only high water consumption will be taxed so that it will not “hurt the poor” or be unfair to them. Green taxes are sometimes called “corrective taxes” because they correct the distorting price signals now given to resource depletion. In the example shown in Figures 4.7 and 4.8, cross-subsidisation, in this case, is flowing from industrial/commercial to residential water users. Thus, no subsidy is given to industrial/commercial water users but instead green tax is applied to the water tariffs. Counter-subsidy occurs within the residential users where large- volume users that are charged higher water rates subsidy small-volume users. In both the screens for the determining of water rates, the size of blocks is set as default 53 values and users are required to enter the percentage of subsidy and green tax in order to display the water rates for each block when the CALCULATE button is clicked. Figure 4.7 Screen displaying the water rates for domestic residential homes supplies Figure 4.8 Screen displaying the water rates for industrial and commercial supplies 54 4.4 Comparison Though data used for the calculation of the price of water in the example shown above is not all obtained from SAJH, part of the data not provided by SAJH are obtained from multiple reliable sources. Table 4.2 shows the existing water tariffs in Johor, Selangor and Pulau Pinang, and the tariffs calculated from the software developed. It is obvious that current water tariffs charged by SAJH, Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (SYABAS), and Perbadanan Bekalan Air Pulau Pinang (PBAPP) are lower than the recommended tariffs. One of the reasons that the calculated water tariffs are higher is because the software developed in this study is for a single new installation only, whereas the present tariffs are based on an average of several installations and plants, which some of the existing plants and installations are fully or partly subsidised by the government. The single new installation or plant is fully financed by the water utilities, resulting in higher water rates to offset the costly expenses of water supply. The water tariffs calculated from the software developed accomplish the concept of full cost recovery because the software is developed in a way that the price of water is calculated based on both CAPEX and OPEX. Hence, the water tariffs obtained from the software are higher compared to the existing tariffs which are only recovering part of its total costs (OPEX only). Full cost recovery is essential to reduce utilities’ financial burden as they cannot go on footing the increasingly large operation and capital investments without resorting to tariffs increase. Therefore, in order to fully recover the costs of water supply, narrowing the gap between expenditures and income, water utilities must revise and readjust the existing tariffs to ensure long term financial sustainability of the services. 55 Table 4.2 : Existing water tariffs charged by 3 private water companies, and the recommended tariffs obtained from the software developed Syarikat Air Johor Syarikat Bekalan Air Perbadanan Bekalan Example of Holdings Selangor Air Pulau Pinang recommended tariffs (SAJH) (SYABAS) (PBAPP) for full cost recovery Domestic 3 3 0-15m @ RM0.38/m 0-20m3 @ RM0.57/m3 0-20m3 @ RM0.22/m3 0-15m3 @ RM0.83/m3 residential 16-30m3 @ RM1.18/m3 21-35m3 @ RM0.91/m3 21-40m3 @ RM0.42/m3 16-30m3 @ RM1.16/m3 homes 31-45m3 @ RM1.64/m3 > 35m3 @ RM1.70/m3 41-60m3 @ RM0.52/m3 31-45m3 @ RM1.66/m3 supplies 46-100m3 @ RM1.98/m3 61-200m3 @ RM0.90/m3 46-100m3@ RM1.99/m3 > 100m3 @ RM2.01/m3 > 200m3 @ RM1.00/m3 > 100m3 @ RM2.32/m3 0-20m3 @ RM0.52/m3 0-20m3 @ RM1.83/m3 Type of Charge Industrial/ commercia l supplies 0-20m3 @ RM2.22/m3 3 3 > 20m @ RM2.96/m 0-35m3 @ RM1.80/m3 3 3 > 35m @ RM1.92/m 3 3 21-40m @ RM0.70/m 21-40m3 @ RM1.99/m3 41-200m3 @ RM0.90/m3 41-60m3 @ RM2.16/m3 > 200m3 @ RM1.00/m3 61-200m3 @ RM2.49/m3 > 200m3 @ RM2.82/m3 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Introduction This chapter concludes the findings of the development of water pricing model software. Recommendations to improve the software are also outlined in this chapter. 5.2 Conclusions The followings are the conclusions of this study: (a) The visual-based water pricing model is used as a tool to improve normal calculation procedures. Calculation of the price of water involves many variables and it is a tedious and time consuming work. In that case, the creation of the water pricing model is ideally useful to assist policy makers and water utilities in determining the price of water with optimal resources and time. (b) The water pricing model developed varies accordingly to changing conditions, and this ease policy makers and water utilities to look into various scenarios. 57 (c) The water pricing model is also developed in such a way that full cost recovery (capital and operating expenses) principle is accomplished, thus ensuring adequate and stable stream of revenue to cover all the expenditures. (d) (e) The new water rates designed successfully meet the following criteria: • Revenue sufficiency • Equity • Efficiency • Social acceptability and practical feasibility • Water conservation The detail and clear components that constitute the water tariff provide justification on water tariff hike. 5.3 Recommendations Recommendations to improve the software can be summarised as follows: (a) Conduct willingness-to-pay surveys to obtain data on willingness to pay for water services among low-income households for designing a rational water subsidy scheme (Foster et al., 2000). (b) Consider depreciation of asset. The amount an asset is depreciated is debited against income (Twort, 2000). REFERENCES Anon (2004). NRW in Malaysia: The Big Picture. In: Water Malaysia Issue No.8 (August / September 2004). Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Water Association. 19-20. Anon (2004b). Water Services Policy: Issues and Challenges. In: Water Malaysia Issue No.9 (December 2004). 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