MADISON PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT MHS Multi-Media I Curriculum Authored by: Rachel Bonnema Reviewed by: Lee Nittel, Director of Curriculum and Instruction Thomas Paterson, Supervisor of Science and Technology Education Approval Date: January, 2013 Members of the Board of Education: Lisa Ellis, President Patrick Rowe, Vice-President Kevin Blair Thomas Haralampoudis Linda Gilbert James Novotny David Arthur Shade Grahling Superintendent: Dr. Michael Rossi Madison Public Schools 359 Woodland Road, Madison, NJ 07940 I. OVERVIEW Multi-Media I is an introductory semester course, which provides students the opportunity to explore the two-dimensional world of multi-media through the use of computer applications related to audio, video, animation, and editing. Students will work primarily with Macromedia Director 8.5 and other programs such as Audacity, Adobe Photoshop, and conversion software. II. RATIONALE Whether it be movie making, advertising/marketing, graphic design or video game design, many professions and industries rely on the various computer applications to create the digital imagery for their movies, promotional messages, and/or virtual interactivity. Multi-Media I seeks to provide students with an opportunity to explore the ever expanding world of multi-media through the concepts and skill sets associated with design and computer applications such as Macromedia Director. This course will not only expand students computer competency, but it will provide them with a foundation from which to build, particularly if they would like to pursue a career in video game design, industrial/graphic design, movie making, marketing/advertising, as well as other career opportunities. III. STUDENT OUTCOMES (Link to New Jersey Core Curriculum Standards) STANDARD 8.1 Educational Technology: All students will use digital tools to access, manage, evaluate, and synthesize information in order to solve problems individually and collaboratively and to create and communicate knowledge. B. Creativity and Innovation • 8.1.12.B.1: Design and pilot a digital learning game to demonstrate knowledge and skills related to one or more content areas or a real world situation. STANDARD 8.1 Educational Technology: All students will use digital tools to access, manage, evaluate, and synthesize information in order to solve problems individually and collaboratively and to create and communicate knowledge. C. Communication and Collaboration • Digital tools and environments support the learning process and foster collaboration in solving local or global issues and problems. • 8.1.12.C.1: Develop an innovative solution to a complex, local or global problem or issue in collaboration with peers and experts, and present ideas for feedback in an online community. STANDARD 8.1 Educational Technology: All students will use digital tools to access, manage, evaluate, and synthesize information in order to solve problems individually and collaboratively and to create and communicate knowledge. D. Digital Citizenship • Technological advancements create societal concerns regarding the practice of safe, legal, and ethical behaviors. • 8.1.12.D.1: Evaluate policies on unauthorized electronic access (e.g., hacking) and disclosure and on dissemination of personal information. • 8.1.12.D.2: Demonstrate appropriate use of copyrights as well as fair use and Creative Commons guidelines. STANDARD 8.1 Educational Technology: All students will use digital tools to access, manage, evaluate, and synthesize information in order to solve problems individually and collaboratively and to create and communicate knowledge. E. Research and Information Literacy • Effective use of digital tools assists in gathering and managing information. • 8.1.12.E.1: Develop a systematic plan of investigation with peers and experts from other countries to produce an innovative solution to a state, national, or worldwide problem or issue. STANDARD 8.1 Educational Technology: All students will use digital tools to access, manage, evaluate, and synthesize information in order to solve problems individually and collaboratively and to create and communicate knowledge. F. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision-Making • Information accessed through the use of digital tools assists in generating solutions and making decisions. • 8.1.12.F.1: Select and use specialized databases for advanced research to solve real-world problems. • 8.1.12.F.2: Analyze the capabilities and limitations of current and emerging technology resources and assess their potential to address educational, career, personal, and social needs. STANDARD 8.2 Technology Education, Engineering, and Design: All students will develop an understanding of the nature and impact of technology, engineering, technological design, and the designed world, as they relate to the individual, global society, and the environment. A. Design: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision-Making • The design process is a systematic approach to solving problems. • 8.2.12.B.3: Analyze the full costs, benefits, trade-offs, and risks related to the use of technologies in a potential career path. STANDARD 8.2 Technology Education, Engineering, and Design: All students will develop an understanding of the nature and impact of technology, engineering, technological design, and the designed world, as they relate to the individual, global society, and the environment. B. Technological Citizenship, Ethics, and Society • Knowledge and understanding of human, cultural, and societal values are fundamental when designing technology systems and products in the global society. • 8.2.12.C.3: Evaluate the positive and negative impacts in a design by providing a digital overview of a chosen product and suggest potential modifications to address the negative impacts. STANDARD 8.2 Technology Education, Engineering, and Design: All students will develop an understanding of the nature and impact of technology, engineering, technological design, and the designed world, as they relate to the individual, global society, and the environment. F. Resources for a Technological World • Technological products and systems are created through the application and appropriate use of technological resources. • 8.2.12.F.1: Determine and use the appropriate application of resources in the design, development, and creation of a technological product or system. IV. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS AND CONTENT A. Introduction to Multi-Media Concepts & Purpose a. What is multi-media? b. How is it used within various industries? c. What computer applications are required to create multi-media content? d. How should computer applications, folders, files, and directories be managed? B. Digital Citizenship & Ethics within Multi-Media a. What is digital citizenship? b. What are ethics? c. How does obeying copyright laws and internet safety relate to being a good digital citizen? d. What is required to ensure material created is in compliance with copyright laws? C. The Basics to Creating an Multi-Media Presentation (Animation) a. What are the components to a good animation? b. What is a storyboard and why is it beneficial to utilize one? c. What resources are utilized to gather images, sounds, etc. that will be utilized within the animation. D. Primary Computer Application Called ‘Macromedia Director’ a. What are the two-dimensional basic features and components of Director? b. How does understanding the user interface and its features allow for the creation of an animation? c. Why are cast members and the score vital to an animation? E. Bringing the Basics Together a. With an understanding of storyboards, gathering resources, and the basics of Director, how is a basic animation created? b. What tools and methods must be taken to create the animation? c. What is a projector file and why is it important? F. Incorporating Intermediate Level Concepts & Tools within an Animation to Create Interactivity a. How does sound play a vital role within an animation? b. What editing techniques and software can be utilized to successfully import audio files into a Director animation file? c. How are animation tools such as tweening, keyframes, sprite properties, transitions, and loops utilized within Director? d. How does an animation become interactive for the individual viewing it? e. How are the interactive tools of buttons, rollovers, etc. created in Director? f. What benefits do these concepts and tools provide to the overall quality of the animation? G. An Introduction to the Advanced Tools of Director, the 3D World, & Scripting a. What is scripting and how is it created? b. What benefits does scripting add to an animation? c. How are common scripts such as events, movements, and 3D features within Director utilized in an animation? d. How are basic scripts written? H. Creating a Final Animation a. With an understanding of the basics, intermediate, and advanced tools and methods, how is an interactive animation created in its entirety? V. STRATEGIES In order to effectively teach the various skills and content of this course, the following strategies will be utilized throughout the units of the course: • Group Discussions • Guided Practice and Demonstration • Daily Individual Classroom Practice Activities • Individual & Partner Based Unit Projects • Tier-Based Activities • Unit Pre-assessments • Additional Differentiated Instruction Techniques VI. EVALUATION In order to effectively evaluate each student’s participation, understanding, application, and completion of the course material required, the following measures of evaluation may be utilized throughout the course: • Formative assessments • Unit Benchmarks • Unit Projects • Daily Participation (This is defined within a rubric provided to all students on their weekly goal sheets, as well as on the course website. Participation is a combination of classroom conduct, time management, staying on task, and completion of activities associated with the day’s objectives.) • Final Project • Electronic Portfolio (This is created at the end of the semester containing three pieces the student chooses of their work, of which the student then presents one of the three to the class.) VII. REQUIRED RESOURCES The resources utilized within this course are: • Tutorial Websites (i.e. Lynda, Adobe) • Search Engines (i.e. Google) • Director Files & Footage • PDF Notes & Tutorials via Course Website VIII. SCOPE AND SEQUENCE This semester course is divided into units that provide the student the ability to develop a strong foundation in multi-media, and from that foundation build upon their skill sets to enhance their expertise and create advanced animations and presentations. Unit 1: Introduction to Multi-Media Concepts & Purpose (2 Days) a. Multi-Media Defined b. The Role of Multi-Media within Industry c. Computer Applications Used to Create Multi-Media Content d. The Management of Computer applications, Folders, Files, and Directories Unit 2: Digital Citizenship & Ethics within Multi-Media (2 Days) a. Digital Citizenship Defined b. Ethical Behavior within Industry c. Understanding Copyright Laws and Internet Safety d. Compliance with Copyright Laws Unit 3: The Basics to Creating an Multi-Media Presentation (Animation) (2 Days) a. Components of an Animation b. Storyboards and Their Benefits c. Utilizing Online Resources and Computer Applications for Gathering Animation Content Unit 4: Primary Computer Application Called ‘Macromedia Director’ (12 Days) a. The Interface of Director b. The 2-D Basic Features and Components of Director c. Significance of the Stage, Cast Members, Property Inspector, and the Score d. Utilizing the Stage, Cast, Property Inspector, and the Score Unit 5: Bringing the Basics Together (12 Days) a. Combining Storyboards, Resources, and the Basics of Director in a Basic Animation b. Important Tools and Methods to Create the Animation c. Creating a Projector file Unit 6: Incorporating Intermediate Level Concepts & Tools to Create Interactivity (16 Days) a. Editing Sound Files with Audacity b. Adding Sound to a Director File c. Key Frames Defined d. Using the Tools Menu to Insert Key Frames, Tween, Adjust Sprite Properties, Add Transitions, and Add Loops e. The Library Palette Defined f. Using the Library Palette to Add Interactivity through Buttons, Rollovers, Navigation, Control, and Animation Unit 7: An Introduction to the Advanced Tools of Director, the 3D World, & Scripting (12 Days) a. Scripting Defined b. The Benefits of Scripting in Director c. Introduction to Lingo (The Scripting Language of Director) d. Common Scripts of Lingo to Add Interactivity and 3D Features to Animation e. Writing Lingo Scripts for Sprites Unit 8: Creating a Final Animation & Electronic Portfolio (20 Days) a. Utilizing the basics, intermediate, and advanced tools and methods to create a cohesive animation. b. Analysis of Case Studies for Inspiration