Authored by: Kevin Lynott
Leigh McKean
Chris Kubik
Jacquleen Calabrese
Mike Radzieski
Reviewed by: Sean Dowling
Supervisor of PE/Health and Athletics
Adopted by the Board: August 27, 2013
Members of the Board of Education: Lisa Ellis, President
Patrick Rowe, Vice-President
David Arthur
Kevin Blair
Shade Grahling
Linda Gilbert
Thomas Haralampoudis James Novotny
Superintendent: Dr. Michael Rossi
Madison Public Schools
359 Woodland Road, Madison, NJ 07940
Family Life Education is a one marking period course offered at Madison High School as part of the
Grade 10 Health and Physical Education curriculum. The major areas covered in the course are
Male and Female Reproductive Systems, Sexual Decision Making, Abstinence and Birth Control,
Fetal Development, Pregnancy, Childbirth, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Sexual Assault, Date
Rape and Sexual Harassment. The course is designed to promote healthy sexual behaviors for the
present and for the future. The materials will be presented through lectures, PowerPoint
presentations, DVD’s, and the use of the textbook Health: A Guide to Wellness.
Despite a decline in teen pregnancy in the last few years, teens are still at risk for many problems
related to sex. A quarter of all sexually transmitted infections occur in teenagers (CDC2004).
Sexual assault most often occurs at younger ages, with 54% of rape incidents occurring before age 18
(CDC2004). In 2002, 47% of teen girls and 46% of boys reported having sex (CDC2002). Many of
the challenges related to sexual activity are the result of poor decision making, often influenced by
the media and music, and often under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Information about this
topic is constantly changing, and teenagers need a place to get accurate information and a forum to
express their feelings about this topic.
III. STUDENT OUTCOMES (Linked to the N.J. Core Curriculum Standards listed below)
Students will understand the organs and functions of the male and female reproductive
Students will understand the importance of reproductive health and where to seek it.(2.1)
Students will understand the steps to take to make good sexual decisions.(2.2)
Students will appreciate the consequences of poor sexual decision making.(2.2)
Students will understand the advantages and disadvantages of abstinence and other forms of
birth control.(2.4)
Students will appreciate the physical, emotional and financial responsibilities of
Students will understand the stages of fetal development.(2.4)
Students will understand the stages of a healthy pregnancy.(2.4)
Students should understand what happens during vaginal and cesarean childbirth.(2.4)
Students will explore the behaviors that may put them at risk for acquiring an STI.(2.4)
Students will understand the signs and symptoms of different kinds of STIs.(2.4)
Students should understand treatments for STIs and where to seek them.(2.1)
Students will comprehend behaviors that constitute sexual harassment.(2.4)
Students will understand ways to prevent date rape and sexual assault.(2.3)
N.J. Core Curriculum Standards for Physical Education and Health
2.1 Wellness: All students will learn and apply health promotion concepts and skills to support a
healthy, active lifestyle.
A. Personal Growth and Development
2.1.12.A.1. Analyze the role of personal responsibility in maintaining and enhancing personal,
family, community, and global wellness.
2.1.12.A.2. Debate the social and ethical implications of the availability and use of technology and
medical advances to support wellness.
C. Diseases and Health Conditions
2.1.12.C.1. Predict diseases and health conditions that may occur during one’s lifespan and speculate on
potential prevention and treatment strategies.
2.1.12.C.2. Develop strategies that will impact local, state, national, and international public health efforts
to prevent and control diseases and health conditions.
D. Safety
2.1.12.D.2. Explain ways to protect against abuse and all forms of assault and what to do if assaulted.
E. Social and Emotional Health
2.1.12.E.1. Predict the short- and long-term consequences of unresolved conflicts.
2.1.12.E.2. Analyze how new technologies may positively or negatively impact the incidence of conflict
or crisis.
2.1.12.E.3. Examine how a family might cope with crisis or change and suggest ways to restore family
balance and function.
2.1.12.E.4. Develop a personal stress management plan to improve/maintain wellness.
2.2 Integrated Skills - All students will develop and use personal and interpersonal skills to support a
healthy, active lifestyle.
A. Interpersonal Communication
2.2.12.A.1. Employ skills for communicating with family, peers, and people from other backgrounds and
cultures that may impact the health of oneself and others.
2.2.12.A.2. Demonstrate strategies to prevent, manage, or resolve interpersonal conflicts.
2.2.12.A.3. Analyze the impact of technology on interpersonal communication in supporting wellness and
a healthy lifestyle.
B. Decision Making and Goal Setting
2.2.12.B.1. Predict the short- and long-term consequences of good and poor decision-making on oneself,
friends, family, and others.
C. Character Development
2.2.12.C.2. Judge how individual or group adherence, or lack of adherence, to core ethical values impacts
the local, state, national, and worldwide community.
D. Advocacy and Service
2.2.12.D.1. Plan and implement an advocacy strategy to stimulate action on a state, national, or global
health issue, including but not limited to, organ/tissue donation.
2.3 Drugs and Medicines - All students will acquire knowledge about alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and
medicines and apply these concepts to support a healthy, active lifestyle.
A. Medicines
2.3.12.A.1. Determine the potential risks and benefits of the use of new or experimental medicines and
herbal and medicinal supplements.
B. Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs
2.3.12.B.1. Compare and contrast the incidence and impact of commonly abused substances (such as
tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, inhalants, anabolic steroids, and other drugs) on individuals and
communities in the United States and other countries.
2.3.12.B.4. Correlate the use of alcohol and other drugs with incidences of date rape, sexual assault, STIs,
and unintended pregnancy.
2.3.12.B.5. Relate injected drug use to the incidence of diseases such as HIV/AIDS and hepatitis.
2.4 Human Relationships and Sexuality - All students will acquire knowledge about the physical,
emotional, and social aspects of human relationships and
sexuality and apply these concepts to support a healthy,
active lifestyle.
A. Relationships
2.4.12.A.2. Compare and contrast the current and historical role of life commitments, such as marriage.
2.4.12.A.4. Predict how relationships may evolve over time, focusing on changes in friendships, family,
dating relationships, and lifetime commitments such as marriage.
2.4.12.A.5. Determine effective prevention and intervention strategies to address domestic or dating
violence (e.g., rules of consent).
2.4.12.A.6. Analyze how various technologies impact the development and maintenance of local and
global interpersonal relationships.
B. Sexuality
2.4.12.B.1. Predict the possible long-term effects of adolescent sex on future education, on career plans,
and on the various dimensions of wellness.
2.4.12.B.2. Evaluate information that supports abstinence from sexual activity using reliable research
2.4.12.B.3. Analyze factors that influence the choice, use, and effectiveness of contraception, including
risk-reduction and risk-elimination strategies.
2.4.12.B.4. Compare and contrast attitudes and beliefs about gender identity, sexual orientation, and
gender equity across cultures.
2.4.12.B.5. Relate preventative healthcare strategies of male/female reproductive systems to the
prevention and treatment of disease (e.g., breast/testicular exams, Pap smear, HPV vaccine).
C. Pregnancy and Parenting
2.4.12.C.1. Compare embryonic growth and fetal development in single and multiple pregnancies,
including the incidence of complications and infant mortality.
2.4.12.C.3. Evaluate the methods and resources available to confirm pregnancy.
2.4.12.C.2. Analyze the relationship of an individual’s lifestyle choices during pregnancy and the
incidence of fetal alcohol syndrome, sudden infant death syndrome, low birth weight,
premature birth, and other disabilities.
2.4.12.C.7. Analyze factors that affect the decision to become a parent.
2.4.12.C.5. Evaluate parenting strategies used at various stages of child development based on valid
sources of information.
2.4.12.C.4. Determine the impact of physical, social, emotional, cultural, religious, ethical, and legal
issues on elective pregnancy termination.
2.4.12.C.6. Compare the legal rights and responsibilities of adolescents with those of adults regarding
pregnancy, abortion, and parenting.
Male and Female Reproductive Systems
1. What are the organs of the male reproductive system and their functions?
2. What are the organs of the female reproductive system and their functions?
3. What steps should be taken to insure reproductive health?
Sexual Decision Making
1. What are the steps of the Decision Making Model?
2. What are the possible consequences of poor sexual decision making?
3. How can the use of drugs and alcohol influence sexual decision making?
Birth Control
1. What are the advantages of abstinence as a method of birth control?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of other methods of birth control?
3. Where can teens obtain information about abstinence and birth control?
Fetal Development, Pregnancy and Childbirth
1. List the four stages of fetal development.
2. What are the effects of drugs and alcohol on fetal development?
3. What changes occur in the mother during the first, second and third trimester of
4. What are important health precautions that a mother can take during pregnancy?
5. What is a healthy weight gain for the mother during pregnancy?
6. What are the signs and symptoms that childbirth is beginning?
7. What happens during each of the three stages of childbirth?
8. What might cause a mother to have a caesarian section?
9. What are the three main causes of birth defects?
10. What tests can be done to detect birth defects?
Sexually Transmitted Infections
1. What factors may put a person at risk of acquiring an STI?
2. Which STIs have no cure?
3. What are the symptoms of a bacterial STI?
4. What are symptoms of viral STIs?
5. Where should someone go to seek treatment from an STI?
6. What are the consequences of untreated STIs?
Sexual Harassment, Date Rape, Sexual Assault
Define sexual harassment and give examples.
Where should someone seek help if they are being sexually harassed?
What are behaviors that may put someone at risk for date rape?
How can people protect themselves from sexual assault?
What should someone do if they have been sexually assaulted?
Development of concepts will take place through video presentations, lectures, software and internet
activities. Small group discussion, brain storming, problem solving activities and class discussion
will be utilized to convey the information in the unit. Guest speakers will also be presented to
enforce key concepts in the unit. The students will use the textbook as a supplement to this unit.
Assessment may include:
 Notebooks
 Health Article Summaries
 Quizzes
 Tests
 Homework Assignments
Supplemental Test:
Merki, Mary, Merki, Don. Health: A Guide to Wellness, Glencoe, Eighth Edition.
Male and Female Reproductive Systems (3 days)
1. Male Reproductive System
2. Female Reproductive System
3. Reproductive Health
Sexual Decision Making (4 days)
1. The Decision Making Model
2. Responsibility of your actions
3. Consequences associated with poor decisions.
Birth Control (6 days)
1. Abstinence
2. Barrier methods
3. Hormone-based methods
4. Advantages and disadvantages of birth control methods.
Fetal Development, Pregnancy, Childbirth (7 days)
1. Conception
2. Stages of Fetal Development
3. Influence of Drugs and Alcohol on the fetus.
4. Stages of Pregnancy
5. Precautions taken during pregnancy.
6. Weight gain during pregnancy.
7. Causes of birth defects.
8. Tests used to detect birth defects.
9. Physical, emotional and financial responsibility of parenthood.
10. Stages of childbirth
11. Cesarean section
Sexually Transmitted Infections (5 days)
1. Risk factors for acquiring an STI.
2. Bacterial STIs.
3. Viral STIs.
4. Protozoan and Parasitic STIs.
6. Treatment and prevention.
Sexual Harassment, Date Rape, Sexual Assault (7 days)
1. Definition of sexual harassment.
2. Examples of sexual harassment.
3. Hazing and bullying
4. Risk factors for date rape.
5. Prevention of sexual assault.