Matakuliah : G0922/Introduction to Linguistics Tahun : 2008 Session 9 Semantic 2 LEARNING OUTCOMES • Students are able to give their own examples on semantics relation among sentences • Students are able to analyze sentences using presupposition, conversational maxims and deixis Bina Nusantara University 2 OUTLINE Phrasal meaning: thematic roles Semantic relations among sentences : - Paraphrase, - Entailment - Contradiction Pragmatics: - Presupposition - Conversational maxims - deixis Bina Nusantara University 3 Thematic Roles The thematic roles of verb consist of: • Agent : the one who perform an action. Joyce runs • Theme: the one that undergoes an action. Mary found the puppy • Location: the place where an action happens. It rains in Spain • Goal : the place to which an action is directed. Put the cat in the porch. • Source: the place from which an action originated. He flew from Iowa to Idaho • Instrument: the means by which an action is performed. Jo cuts hair with a razor. Bina Nusantara University 4 Thematic roles • Experiencer: one who perceives something. Helen heard Robert playing the piano • Causative: a natural force that causes a change. The wind damaged the roof. • Possessor : one who has something. The tail of the dog wagged furiously. Bina Nusantara University 5 Semantics relation among sentences • Truth condition : under what circumstances the sentence is true • Paraphrase Two sentences that have the same meaning. Two sentences are paraphrases if they have the same truth condition. It means when one sentence is true the other is true; and when one is false the other is false. – E.g. The police chased the burglar The burglar was chased by the police - It is unfortunate that the team lost – Unfortunately, the team lost Paraphrase often involve the same vocabulary in different syntactic structure Bina Nusantara University 6 Semantics relation among sentences • Entailment – The truth of one sentence guarantees the truth of another sentence – E.g. A. The park warden killed the bear – B. The bear is dead. – If sentence A is true, sentence B must be true – It means that A entails B – Prince is a dog – Prince is an animal – If it is true that Prince is a dog, it must be true that Prince is an animal Bina Nusantara University 7 Semantics relation among sentences • Contradiction – The relationship between two sentences in which that if one sentence is true, the other sentence must be false in the same situation and circumstances. – E.g. A. Charles is a bachelor – B. Charles is married – If it is true that Charles is a bachelor, it must false that Charles is married in the situation that Charles in Sentence A and Sentence B is the same. Bina Nusantara University 8 Absence of Meaning • Anomaly: expression that appear to follow the rules of syntax, but semantically wrong. Ex. : My brother is an only child. The bachelor is pregnant. • Metaphor: an expression used to designated another concept, to create implicit comparison. Ex. : My car is a lemon. • Idioms: an expression whose meaning cannot be inferred from the meanings of the individual words. Ex: She put her foot in her mouth. Bina Nusantara University 9 Pragmatics • Speech Acts: uses of language to do things - Performative verbs : bet, promise, warn,etc. - Directive : go, put, etch. • Presupposition : the fact whose truth is required for an utterance to be appropriate. This is also called implication - Have you stopped hugging your sheepdog? - In this sentence, the speaker is said to presuppose or assume the truth of the fact that the listener has hugged their sheepdog in the past. - Would you like another beer? This sentence presuppose that you have already had at least one beer. Bina Nusantara University 10 Conversational maxims • The general guide lines in conversations. • If people break the rules, there may be misunderstanding in the interpretation of the conversation • It is also called cooperative principle Bina Nusantara University 11 Conversational maxims • The maxim of quantity – Give enough information as it should be – E.g. I think she went somewhere. – (I know that she went to Hero Supermarket) • The maxim of manner – Say something clearly according to the manner of the society in order to avoid ambiguity. – E.g. Use “the man who lives with Mary instead of Mary’s husband’ Bina Nusantara University 12 Conversational maxims • The maxim of relation – – – – Be relevant E.g. A: Have you finished that term paper yet? B: It’s been raining a lot lately, hasn’t it? • The maxim of quality – Say something true (do not say anything that are false or for which you lack of adequate evidence. – A: What’s the weather like? – B: (without knowing the truth) It’s snowing Bina Nusantara University 13