Truckee Meadow• Cammunlty College
Program/Unit Reviewed: Maxine S. Jacobs Nursing Program
Self-Study Chair: Jody Covert
Division: Sciences
Dean: Lance Bowen
Year of Last PUR: 2013-2014
Year of next PUR: 2019-20
Program/Unit Mission Statement:
"Provide high quality associate degree nursing education in order lo positively influence the health and
well-being of the community and the clients our students serve. Valuing social and cultural differences,
the faculty believes that students are active learners and use current nursing educational theory and
practice to prepare students to be critical thinkers and competent professionals. Student success is
encouraged by providing a thorough welcome and orientation to the nursing program and access to
essential services, college resources and community mentors for the duration that the student is enrolled
in the TMCC nursing program. The importance of lifelong learning for the graduate is emphasized."
The Description of the Degree{s)/Emphasis(s)/Certificate(s) for your PUR area are listed below. Please review for
Description of Degree/Emphasis/Certificates:
Associate of Applied Science, Nursing Degree.
Associate of Science, Nursing Degree to begin in fall 2015.
The Outcomes and Measures listed below were retrieved from Degree/Emphasis or Certificate submissions provided by
your area to CAP and approved. Please review the outcomes to ensure accuracy or submit changes to CAP via the
Degree, Emphasis, Certificate {DEC) Revisions form located on the CAP Resources web page.
Nursing Program Goals/Outcome:
Degree/Certificate Requirements
Truckee Meadows Community College's Nursing Program offers an Associate of Applied Science,
Nursing degree. The department also offers a Registered Nurse Refresher program for nurses wishing to
reenter practice.
The Nursing program's primary goal is to graduate associate degree prepared nurses that successfully
pass the national licensing exam and practice as professional nurses, adding to Nevada's workforce. In
order to accomplish this, the following objectives must be achieved:
I. Comply with Nevada State Board of Nursing regulations for the Registered Nurse.
2. Maintain and comply with standards from the ACEN.
3 . Sustain a curriculum that prepares students to pass the NC LEX-RN exam, maintaining a passing rate at
or above 80% for first time test takers as required by the Nevada State Board of Nursing.
4. Retain students who will add to the Nevada's Registered Nurse workforce.
APR I REV: 5/2014
Truakoo Moadowa Community Collogo
The following recommendations and strategies were identified in your most recent Program/Unit Review.
Please respond to the strategies by including the status, actions taken to respond to the strategy, projected
timeline, and if resources are anticipated to fulfill the strategy.
Unit Strategy #1
Status: choose
Explore the part-time nursing degree option to meet student and
community needs over the 2014-15 academic year to develop a
financial and programmatic impact proposal by March 2015.
Action: Part-time evening program being developed. Degree and courses will remain the same but the
course sequence will change. Anticipated start date will be summer with one course taken beginning late
May until early June and second class early August. This will be presented to the Educational Advisory
Committee of the Nevada State Board of Nursing for approval prior to the general meeting of the Nevada
State Board of Nursing. It will then be presented to the TMCC college committees for approval prior to being
presented to the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN).
Anticipated Resources Needed: Nine of the ten full-time faculty are on overload by choice each semester.
This will require one additional faculty to teach the theory courses and up to two clinical faculty for the
clinical sessions. The clinical can hypothetically be covered by part-time faculty or full-time faculty if they
request additional workload. These clinical rotations will be held in the late evenings throughout the week
and potentially on the weekend. Because clinical space in the community is very scarce, it will require
collaboration with the other programs to secure consistent, appropriate units in order to meet the outcomes
of the nursing program.
Unit Strategy # 2
Status: choose
Develop a plan for increasing diversity of students entering nursing
program, perhaps in partnership with STEM initiatives and WCSD
and review annually.
Action: The nursing program works with Reed high school, Wooster high school and other schools at fairs to
increase awareness of the nursing program atTMCC. We participate annually in Operation Healthcare Bound
as well to increase awareness in those students who participate. Faculty participates in all the fairs held on
the main campus. We are seeing an increase in the number of "non-traditional" students and several from
more diverse backgrounds.
Anticipated Resources Needed: The resource utilized is time by the faculty and the director. Several faculty
and the director have been working to educate and inform the WCSD students about the nursing program
and the nursing program. Resources continually needed are pamphlets about the nursing program. Those
who go out into the community or schools also bring pens, and other "swag" to share wit h the students.
Unit Strategy # 3
Status: choose
Continuously explore grant opportunities and hospital partnerships
to provide additional support to students and to increase diversity.
Action: The program continues to work with all clinical agencies and always looking for new opportunities
for the students to meet the program outcomes. Beginn ing Fall 2014, the fourth semester graduating
students began a rotation to Renown Rehabilitation center allowing our students to participate in post-acute
care wh ich is very important in the continuum of care for the patients they care for. In addition, the facility is
interviewing some of these students for new graduate jobs.
Anticipated Resources Needed: This requires no monetary resource as the position is shared with Renown.
The Renown employee is a ble to work as a TMCC faculty durinq one of t heir reqular work days.
APR I REV: 5/2014
Truclloo Moadowo Community Co11ogo
Unit Strategy #4
Continuously monitor graduates of program and employment
opportunities to ensure that TMCC is meeting workforce needs with
the correct program and program level.
Action: We send out a nursing graduate survey 6 months after graduation. This meets our accreditation
requirement. The survey is sent using Survey Monkey and we have seen an increase in the number of
respondents since this has begun.
Currently 100% of our students have secured employment as a Registered Nurse within 6 months of
graduation. One change we have seen is that Saint Mary's, one of our main employers is preferentially hiring
nursing graduates with a bachelor's of science in nursing (BSN}. This may pose a problem in the future
because potential students realize this and may seek to enter nursing programs that offer the BSN .
Anticipated Resources Needed: The nursing program pays an annual fee for the use of Survey Monkey. This
fee is s300.oo.
APR I REV: 5/2014
Truallee Meedowa Community College
(OPTIONAL - Fill out only if adding new Unit Strategies)
Please include any newlv identified strategies for the Program/Unit. Please respond to the strategies by
including the status, actions taken to respond to the strategy, projected timeline, and if resources are
needed to fulfill the strategy. If there are no new strategies, please leave this blank and no signatures are
Unit Strategies: New
Status: choose
Ongoing Complete
Timeline: Date range
Action: Recap of accomplishments work to do
Anticipated Resource Needed: What are they and what are the approximate costs?
Status: choose
Unit Strategies: N ew
Ongoing Complete
Action: Recap ofaccomplishments work to do
Anticipated Resource Needed: What are they and what are the approximate costs?
Status: choose
Unit Strategies: New
Ongoing Complete
Action: Recap of accomplishments work to do
Timeline: Dare range
Timeline: Date range
Anticipated Resource Needed: What are they and what are the aooroximate costs?
Approvals (Signa tures and dates are required)
AP" I REV: 5/2014