2012-13 Truckee Meadows Community College Division of Sciences MATHEMATICS PROGRAM/UNIT REVIEW SELF STUDY TRUCKEE MEADOWS COMMUNITY COLLEGE PROGRAM/UNIT REVIEW SELF-STUDY SUMMARY PROGRAM/UNIT REVIEWED: MATHEMATICS Division: Division of Sciences Year of Review: 2012-13 Date Submitted to Dean: December 3, 2012 Self Study Committee Members: Name Title Bill Gallegos Professor Jim Winston Professor Shannon McCool Instructor Paula Farrenkopf Professor Chris Herald UNR Faculty/Math Core Coordinator Monica Roes Student Janet Bricker Administrative Assistant Self Study Committee Chair: Name Title Ted Plaggemeyer Self-Study Summary Interim Department Chair Signature Date Signature Date Major Findings and Conclusions of the Program Review: The Self Study Team consisted of all members of the Mathematics Department. The official self study members signing above were spokespersons for each of the sub groups assigned to provide the analysis for that section of the report. The following items are key findings and conclusions of the various work groups: 1. The budget situation at TMCC is a significant factor affecting curriculum. Performance-based funding concepts will likely put tremendous pressure on the Department to increase student pass rates, potentially at the expense of student success as it relates to outcomes and standards. 2. The Department is committed to encouraging student use of available academic support services such as tutoring and supplemental instruction, but larger institutional investment will need to be made in these services for increased student success and accessibility. 3. Another significant factor affecting curriculum is the proliferation of Massive Open Online Classes, (MOOCs), which could allow under-prepared students to gain access to TMCC Mathematics courses if MOOCs are accepted as equivalent to TMCC prerequisites. It is imperative that institutional and departmental policies be established which require students to show prerequisite skills in the absence of institutionally recognized articulation agreements. 4. The general acceptance of the Complete College America recommendations will decrease the relevancy of the current set of course outcomes relative to the aims of the recommendations. What will likely result is a need to re-design course outcomes so foundational skills, (Developmental skills), can be woven into the college level outcomes while maintaining acceptable college-level Standards for Intellectual Development. A process for re-designing the course outcomes will need to be implemented to address the lack of prerequisite skills. In order for this process to be completed successfully, additional Professional Development opportunities for Faculty will need to be made available 5. There is a clear break in the data beginning in the fall 2009 semester. The percentage of students taking a developmental math class prior to completing 12 credits fell from 86% to 76%. This is due to TMCC restructuring its developmental offerings. Many fewer sections of math 095 and 096 were offered, and math 093 is no longer offered at TMCC. One effect of this is to delay enrollment in a developmental math class at TMCC. This is not necessarily negative, since it includes students taking classes who are in the Skills Center and who thus delay enrolling in a developmental class. 6. Over the past 5 years, the Math Department has seen an increase in retention rates for developmental classes (41% Fall 07 to 64% Spring 12) as well as for college classes (58% Fall 07 to 68% Spring 12). The department continually reviews the data and assesses each course on a continual basis in order to make adjustments to the curriculum, course requirements, Accuplacer cut scores and teaching methods that will help improve retention and student success. As we look towards the future, this assessment of the data must continue and is imperative to meeting the demands of the students while maintaining a high level of rigor in the courses offered in the department. 7. The department will also look to increase the enrollment of female and Hispanic students in the STEM focused university parallel courses as these groups tend to be underrepresented across the nation. As mentioned in the demographic findings, we already see a higher percentage of these groups in developmental courses, but our target would be to increase the percent of these groups in STEM math courses with completion of the math emphasis. 8. Cooperation and communication with local high school students is an important task of the college and the math department. As such, it is suggested that this work continues. 9. In the coming years, the department plans on offering more mini sessions available for a greater variety of courses. Currently, we offer mini sessions for Math 95 and Math 96, but are in the planning process to offer it for Math 120, Math 126, and Math 127. Additionally, this will help meet the needs of the students since they will potentially be able to complete the required math classes in one semester. The department is also currently looking into offering stretch courses as well to help shorten the time it takes students to complete the math requirements. These stretch classes will incorporate developmental and college level math class material in within one semester. All of these new course offerings will need to be assessed in the coming years to determine their effectiveness. Self-Study Summary 10. As a large department, it is necessary to maintain communication with part-time faculty. Current work by math faculty is being done in conjunction with the college to create a best practices document for working with part-time faculty to improve communication with students and to ensure the curriculum is being covered and assessed. It is suggested that work continues on this document and is made available for all faculty to review and implement in the coming years. 11. With a full-time/part-time ratio of roughly 60/40 we are doing well compared to the college average which is 53/47. With the difficulties associated with finding qualified part-time faculty in mathematics, we hope to keep the ratio at its present level or improve it further. Self-Study Summary Mathematics DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM/UNIT The Mathematics Department is a unit operating within the TMCC Division of Sciences. Mission Statement The mission of the TMCC Mathematics Department is to provide students with the mathematical skills and conceptual understanding needed for success in college-level courses, to help students succeed in their chosen fields of study, to give students life-long problem solving and analytical thinking skills, and to increase the math literacy of the student population. Degrees, Certificates, and/or Non-Credit Courses offered All programs of study leading to a degree at TMCC include Mathematics or Quantitative Reasoning among the General Education requirements for the degree. For the vast majority of these programs, the Mathematics or Quantitative Reasoning General Education requirement is satisfied by one or more mathematics classes. The Mathematics Department thus plays an essential role in the satisfaction of General Education requirements for TMCC students. The Mathematics Department offers an Emphasis in Mathematics. “This is a two-year transferable program leading to an associate of science degree with an emphasis in mathematics. This program will provide students with the necessary background in calculus and differential equations needed for a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and will also provide the computer science needed for a Bachelor of Science degree at UNR. All courses recommended will partially satisfy the degree requirements for any of the bachelor’s degree options offered by the Mathematics Department at the University of Nevada, Reno” (2011-2012 TMCC Catalog, p. 125). Primary Goals and Objectives The primary goals of the department are found in its mission statement: “The mission of the TMCC Mathematics Department is to provide students with the mathematical skills and conceptual understanding needed for success in college-level courses, to help students succeed in their chosen fields of study, to give students life-long problem solving and analytical thinking skills, and to increase the math literacy of the student population.” These goals tie in directly with the mission of the institution: “Truckee Meadows Community College promotes student success, academic excellence and access to lifelong learning by supporting high-quality education and services within our diverse community.” Current objectives aligned with the department’s goals include more judicious placement of students, standardization of curriculum and assessment, and acceleration of course sequences. Factors Expected to Affect Future National and state trends continue to show an increasing number of students in need of developmental math classes when they enter college. National trends also continue to show a high workforce demand for MSET (Math, Science, Engineering, and Technology) graduates. These two factors will continue to keep enrollment in math classes strong. The rising popularity of online instruction, driven by economic and social factors and the rising computer literacy of the student population, will demand careful attention to the modalities of offering such classes, especially in the Program/Unit Review Self Study | Description of Program/Unit 1.1 2012-13 PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW developmental program. The current national and state pressure to increase completion and persistence in math programs, together with the continuing mathematical weakness of entering students, will continue to engage the department to give careful attention to matters of placement, curriculum and standards. D2 Description of Program/Unit | Truckee Meadows Community College MATHEMATICS 2012-13 CURRICULUM Program/Unit Review Assessment Reports APR APR 2016-17 APR 2015-16 APR 2014-15 APR 2013-14 APR 2012-13 2009-10 APR 2011-12 2008-09 SS 2010-11 2007-08 Degree/emphasis: University Parallel Math Program 2006-07 2005-06 List title(s) of past Program/Unit Reviews; indicate programs (degrees, emphases, and certificates) and disciplines. Degree/emphasis: Associate of Science, Mathematics Emphasis Discipline: Mathematics Discipline: Developmental Mathematics SS SS=Self Study APR=Annual Progress Report The Mathematics Department’s last Program Unit Review took place in 2005 (Developmental) and 2006 (University Parallel). These programs have been since merged into a single unit for Program Unit Review purposes. Numerous curricular changes have been made based on recommendations made in the last Program Unit Reviews. Several large changes have been made and many smaller changes have been implemented. A summary of these changes follows. • • • • • • • • It was found that only a small percentage of students starting in Math 091 and 093 ever passed a university-level math class. To address this problem these classes were discontinued and replaced with a self-funded math skills center that is separate from the Mathematics Department. Skills Center students must now place into the developmental math courses by attaining a sufficient score on the ACCUPLACER Exam. Course outcomes for all mathematics courses have been revised to reflect TMCC standards and all math classes are now assessed on an annual basis. Four new tenure-track faculty members were hired by the department in 2012. Through the new PeopleSoft enrollment system the enforcement of prerequisites has been greatly improved. To address the low success rate of online developmental classes, new policies have been put into effect. Only Math 96 is now offered online. Students cannot enroll in an online class if they have previously failed or withdrawn from the class (unless their overall GPA is above 3.0). They must have an A or B in the Math 95 and satisfy a more rigorous placement standard which includes a reading and writing component. ACCUPLACER cut scores for classes have been made based on both our own data and recommendations from the ACCUPLACER handbook. The scheduling of mini-term classes has been expanded. The two 4-week term summer sessions have been replaced with a single 7-week session. Stricter policies for calculator use in some of the classes have been adopted to address the concern that new calculators and other personal electronic devices shortcut a student’s practice with basic mathematical concepts needed in later classes. Program/Unit Review Self Study | Curriculum 2.1 MATHEMATICS • • • • • • 2012-13 All math classes with multiple sections now have generic syllabi which contain catalog course descriptions and course outcome statements. Curricular changes have been made to several classes to address overlaps. For instance, linear equations and systems of linear equations are taught in Math 095. The Tutoring and Learning Center was brought to a new level of organization and training under a full time coordinator. Special Instruction tutors now attend classes and hold special sessions for many of the classes. Students can now receive help on both a drop-in basis and through appointments. Full-time faculty members are now represented at the various education centers. Stretch courses, which allow stronger developmental students to take augmented university-parallel classes, are now being developed and tested. These classes allow some students to accelerate their plans of study. An AS with an emphasis in Mathematics is now offered. This emphasis is designed to provide students with the first two years of a bachelor’s curriculum in either Mathematics or Statistics. Course Assessment Report Summaries Course Number MATH 90 Title Continuing Studies In Math Most Recent Date of Approved CAR Established CAR Assessment Cycle Date(s) Assessment-driven Course Modifications SLO Approval Date SLO Review Due 2010 Yes MATH 91 Basic Mathematics 2009 Yes MATH 92 Algebra Review 2009 Yes MATH 93 Pre-Algebra 2009 Yes MATH 95 Elementary Algebra 2010-11 MATH 96 Intermediate Algebra 2010-11 MATH 096L MATH 97 MATH 100 MATH 105R MATH 106 Intermediate Algebra Success Skills Elementary and Intermediate Algebra Math For Allied Health Programs Math for Radiologic Technicians Geometry 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 F'11, S'12, F'12, S'13, F'13, S'14, F'14, S'15, F'15, S'16 F'11, S'12, F'12, S'13, F'13, S'14, F'14, S'15, F'15, S'16 F'12, S'13, F'14, S'15 F'12, S'13, F'14, S'15 F'12, S'13, F'14, S'15 2010 2010 2010 Yes 2010 Yes 2010 2010 2010 Program/Unit Review Self Study | Curriculum 2.2 MATHEMATICS Course Number Title MATH 107 Real Estate Math MATH 108 Math For Technicians MATH 120 Fundamentals of College Mathematics MATH 122 MATH 123 Number Concepts for Elementary School Teachers Statistical and Geometrical Concepts for Elementary School Teachers Most Recent Date of Approved CAR 2009-10 2010-11 MATH 126 Pre-Calculus I MATH 127 Pre-Calculus II 2010-11 MATH 128 Pre-Calculus and Trigonometry 2011-12 MATH 176 Elements Of Calculus 2010-11 MATH 181 Calculus I 2010-11 MATH 182 Calculus II 2011-12 MATH 190 Math For Electronics Applications Established CAR Assessment Cycle Date(s) F'12, S'13, F'14, S'15 F'11, S'12, F'12, S'13, F'13, S'14, F'14, S'15, F'15, S'16 F'11, S'12, F'12, S'13, F'13, S'14, F'14, S'15, F'15, S'16 F'11, S'12, F'13, S'14, F'15, S'16 F'11, S'12, F'13, S'14, F'15, S'16 F'11, S'12, F'12, S'13, F'13, S'14, F'14, S'15, F'15, S'16 F'11, S'12, F'12, S'13, F'13, S'14, F'14, S'15, F'15, S'16 F'11, S'12, F'12, S'13, F'13, S'14, F'14, S'15, F'15, S'16 F'11, S'12, F'12, S'13, F'13, S'14, F'14, S'15, F'15, S'16 F'11, S'12, F'12, S'13, F'13, S'14, F'14, S'15, F'15, S'16 Assessment-driven Course Modifications 2012-13 SLO Approval Date SLO Review Due 2010 2010 2009 Yes 2011 2011 2009 Yes 2009 Yes 2009 Yes 2009 Yes 2005 Yes 2009 Yes 2010 Yes Program/Unit Review Self Study | Curriculum 2.3 MATHEMATICS Course Number MATH 283 MATH 285 STAT 152 SKC 1 SKC 80 SKC 85 Title Calculus III Most Recent Date of Approved CAR 2010-11 Differential Equations Introduction to Statistics Established CAR Assessment Cycle Date(s) F'11, S'12, F'12, S'13, F'13, S'14, F'14, S'15, F'15, S'16 S'13, F'13, F'14, S'15 Assessment-driven Course Modifications 2012-13 SLO Approval Date SLO Review Due 2009 Yes 2009 Yes 2009 Yes Skills Center Skills Center Mathematics Level I Skills Center Mathematics Level II Yes 2012 Yes 2012 Yes The course assessment cycles for each course can be found in the tables above. Course assessment reports are included in Appendix C of this report. Assessment results and recommendations from those results are contained in the course assessment reports. Recommended changes can also be found in the section titled Assessment Driven Improvements below. Assessment Driven Improvements The Mathematics program at TMCC now offers an Associate of Science, Emphasis in Mathematics that gives students the first two years of a BA or BS in Mathematics. This program provides students with the necessary background in Calculus and Differential Equations needed for a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and will also provide the computer science needed for a Bachelor of Science degree at UNR. All full- and part-time faculty members conduct outcomes assessment data collection. The following are some changes motivated by student learning outcomes assessment: Math 95 (2008 – 2011) Instructors have been working to revise outcome 3 (finding an equation of a line given two points). For one year they revised the problem to check whether dealing with fractions was causing poor results. The following year, they chose a problem that involved no fractions but found there was still no improvement. This year they will once again revise the assessment question for outcome 3. Their goal is to figure out exactly where students have problems with this procedure. Math 96 (2010-11) The department piloted a comprehensive department final during the Fall 2010 and Spring 2011 semesters which was the main method of assessing the student learning outcomes. This final was found to have deficiencies in the grading format, limited problem set and/or the delivery rules. Math 96 instructors are currently assessing 3 course outcomes with a few common final exam questions. Program/Unit Review Self Study | Curriculum 2.4 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 Math 120 (2009-10) Over the past 5 years, a custom written textbook, lecture videos and homework software were introduced. Student feedback on these items has been very positive and assessment results support the conclusion that they have improved student success. Developing a set of strategies based on student feedback, a large lecture class was taught without any measurable detrimental effect to student success; in fact the success rate improved. Instructors also attempted to provide Math 120 in a hybrid format. One of the strategies referred to previously was to provide all course lectures on video. This allowed the class to meet for 1 hour and 15 minutes a week instead of the usual 3 hours a week, putting the rest of the instruction in an online format. Those students who were successful in this format reported that it was an excellent option; unfortunately overall success rates were noticeably lower. Most students found that it was difficult for them to provide the additional time outside of class needed to compensate for the lowered contact time. Based on these results it has been decided to cease offering the hybrid format at this time. In the future this option may be offered with the criterion used for online classes, i.e. students must have a B or better in the previous course and students cannot have failed or withdrawn from this course in either this format or an online format. Math 181 (2010-11) Math 181 instructors have decided that outcome 3 (related rates problem) can have just one component for this year. Math 182 (2010-11) Math 182 instructors are working to adjust outcome 3 (Determine Convergence for Series) because they found that this outcome had many components making it susceptible to partially incorrect work. Evaluating Relevancy of Curriculum The mathematics curriculum provides the foundations for quantitative work in STEM fields. TMCC has approximately 120 STEM graduates per year. Mathematics also provides the foundation for work in other nonSTEM fields such as business, finance and accounting. In addition to the support that the mathematics curriculum provides for other fields, the study of mathematics is important in its own right. Logical thinking skills that are relevant to all areas of life can be learned in the study of abstract mathematics. The difference between correlation and causation is studied in statistics courses. The relationship between hypotheses and conclusions and the importance of precise definitions is studied as part of the deductive reasoning process. Course Content Discussions are taking place about altering the focus of the mathematics courses. Currently, much emphasis is placed on computational procedures. Less emphasis has been placed on logic and deductive and inductive reasoning. Some instructors are putting greater emphasis on the latter topics. Program/Unit Review Self Study | Curriculum 2.5 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 Degree/Certificate Requirements The Mathematics program does not have a degree, but an emphasis. The Emphasis in Mathematics could best be described as a pathway through the Associate of Science. The emphasis follows all of the degree requirements for the AS but prepares the student for transfer without a loss of credits or shortage of prerequisites. Since community colleges are not allowed to offer majors, the emphasis has been selected as an advising tool for students wishing to major in mathematics at the Bachelor’s level. Most students following this blueprint but often choose to utilize the AS, General option for a degree because they can fulfill the AS, General option quicker. The emphasis from the 2012-13 catalog is included in Appendix B. The emphasis was revised in the fall 2012 semester to reflect changes in the NSHE general education requirements. Those changes will be printed in the 2013-14 catalog. The course sequence is also included in Appendix B. This graphic assists the student in selecting the proper math courses and prerequisites necessary to complete the appropriate course(s) for their academic goals. Methods of Instruction TMCC offers math classes in a variety of formats to accommodate varying student needs and preferences. Students are encouraged to check with the Mathematics Department when in doubt as to the format of a particular class. Lecture format. Class meets twice a week for one hour and fifteen minutes on one of the TMCC sites. Traditional and/or non-traditional learning/instruction methods may be used (lecture, group work, discovery modules, in-class exercises, question-and-answer sessions, etc.). A lecture math class may include an online component (for example, homework and quizzes). Computer-based format (Math 95 and 96). These classes meet in a classroom equipped with computers. Students work with interactive software, completing homework and assessments on the computer. Faculty instruct on an individual and/or small group basis. Access to a computer outside of class time is required in order to complete coursework. Computer-based math classes are described in the TMCC class schedule as: "COMPUTER-BASED CLASS: ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE COMPLETED ON A COMPUTER. STUDENTS NEED COMPUTER ACCESS OUTSIDE CLASS TIME." Online format. Syllabus, class notes, videos, homework, quizzes, practice tests, etc. are delivered online. Students interact with the instructor and with their classmates online. Students must come to the college to take their midterm and final exams (unless proctoring arrangements have been made with the instructor). Hybrid format. In this format, a class is delivered online class but also meets on campus one day per week for discussion. Self-paced lab format. Class meets twice a week for one hour and fifteen minutes in a math lab. Students work individually and at their own pace. Homework isn't collected. Students take exams after studying the appropriate sections of the textbook. The instructor helps students on an individual and/or small group basis. Program/Unit Review Self Study | Curriculum 2.6 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 The latest change has been to offer “stretch courses” to students who almost place into a college-level math course. These courses will review part of the prerequisite course in the subsequent course. The hope is that these courses will reduce the time to graduation by a semester Faculty Qualifications The qualifications of the Math Department faculty can be found in the Resources section of this report. No changes have been made in this area. Post Completion Objectives (transfer, job placement, etc.) Courses offered by the Mathematics Department are structured to be transferrable as similar courses to nearly any accredited two or four year college. Course Descriptions are very specifically worded to make articulation easy for individual courses to College and Universities outside the NSHE. Within the NSHE, courses offered by the TMCC Mathematics Department, with the exception of designated “B” courses, adhere to the “Common Course Numbering” requirements as established by the System. Thus, TMCC Mathematics Courses transfer seamlessly to other System institutions, as do their common numbered courses into TMCC. A recent “Post-requisite” study with data from 2005 through 2009 as completed by the System office shows that the TMCC Mathematics courses, Math 120, Math 126 and Math 181 continue to serve as effective pre-requisites based on student completion of the post-requisite course in the next academic semester both at TMCC and UNR. The data for Math 120 has showed a better than 50% overall success rate in post-requisite courses throughout the time of the study. For Biology 100, for example, students completing Math 120 at TMCC had a next-semester success rate of between 74.4% and 86.4% during the time of the study on large combined sample sizes between the two institutions. The data for Math 126 also showed better than 50% overall rate of completion in postrequisite courses in the next semester during the time of the study, with the only Academic Year 2008-2009 Physics 151 as an exception with 28% overall success on 25 students. The two students who attended UNR for PHYS 151 both passed the course, however. Finally, data for Math 181 also showed this course to have better than 50% overall completion rate in post-requisite courses during the time of the study. Student completion in Physics 180 ranged between 64.3% on 14 students in AY 2005-2006 to 89.5% on 19 students during AY 20062007. When only Physics 180 at UNR is considered, TMCC Math 181 students proved to be between 87.2% and 100% successful. A total of 47 TMCC Math 181 students took PHYS 181 at UNR between AY 2005-2006 and AY 2008-2009. The actual studies are included in Appendix D. The AAS Math Emphasis degree satisfies the UNR/UNLV Core Curriculum and provides a degree earner the flexibility to choose any one of the Mathematics or Statistics Bachelor’s degrees offered at those institutions. The transferability of the degree outside of the NSHE and its usefulness as a potential terminal degree would be Program/Unit Review Self Study | Curriculum 2.7 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 greatly enhanced by including a course in Linear Algebra and a course in Discrete Mathematics. Unfortunately, NSHE Common Course Numbering prohibits TMCC’s Mathematics Program from offering these courses as equivalent and transferrable to other system institutions. Secondary Student Preparation Efforts Students are placed into TMCC math classes either by testing into the class or by having completed an appropriate prerequisite class. ACCUPLACER, ACT and SAT test scores are accepted per NSHE Board of Regents policy for placement into TMCC math classes provided that these scores are not more than two years old. If a student's test scores are more than two years old and the student has not completed an appropriate prerequisite class with a grade of "C" or better within the past two years, the student must re-test to place into a math class. Success First Program Many TMCC math instructors are involved in the TMCC Success First Program. One instructor worked with the program during the summer and many instructors are working with the Summer Bridge Students during the semester. The Success First program goal is to increase the college readiness, persistence, retention and graduation rates of first-time, full-time, first generation students at TMCC. The program utilizes a summer bridge program to give students a jump start to college, gain information about science technology, math and engineering, growing career fields, and academic/motivational support during their first year at TMCC. Math Skills Center The TMCC Skills Center provides foundation level mathematics education for entering students whose math placement scores indicate preparation levels below Math 095 (elementary algebra). The primary goal of the Skills Center program is to prepare students to place into Math 095 and to develop the mathematical foundation necessary to succeed in this and other college-level mathematics courses. However, the Skills Center also provides training in basic mathematics skills for students taking occupational courses and others who want to develop these skills for other purposes. Students who enroll in the Skills Center are first given a comprehensive diagnostic assessment to determine exactly what they already know and what they are ready to learn. Then, each student is paired with a math instructor who is a specialist in developmental education. This instructor will design an individualized program for each student so that the program matches the student's needs. Students will then progress through this program at their own individual pace until they have mastered the skills and gained the knowledge necessary to succeed in Math 095. A portfolio will be maintained in the Center for each student as a record of the individualized program and the student's progress. TMCC High School TMCC High School is a Washoe County School District high school located on the Dandini Campus. A current high school student can enroll in TMCC High School and earn college credit while still attending high school. The combined high school and college atmosphere gives students the opportunity to achieve academically and accept responsibility in a safe and comfortable environment. Program/Unit Review Self Study | Curriculum 2.8 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 External Review A meeting was held with the math faculty of UNR to discuss the possibility of making the Emphasis in Mathematics more flexible. Due to the small number of sections of required classes offered it is very difficult for a student to satisfy the requirements. Since not all of the requirements of the TMCC Emphasis in Mathematics are required for all of the UNR math degrees it was agreed that some flexibility is warranted. For example, everybody attending the meeting agreed that a core science class could replace CS202 without setting the student back in the Math Major. Because of the small number of students affected, this is currently being handled through course substitutions on an individual basis. Non-credit Training Offered Beginning in the fall semester of 2011, two Developmental Mathematics Courses, Math 091 and Math 093, were removed from the curriculum. Students who place at the level of these courses are now encouraged to utilize the “Mathematics Skills Center” to develop skills needed at this level in order to gain placement into Math 095 from the ACCUPLACER test. The Skills Center is a non-credit option for students which uses a combination of the automated delivery system ALEKS, (Assessment and Learning in Knowledge Spaces), and individualized instruction/workshops by instructors qualified for developmental math using traditional arithmetic and pre-algebra materials as appearing in nationally accepted textbooks from major publishers. Students who sign up for Skill Center pay a fee to utilize the center and then are required to purchase an ALEKS code for access to the ALEKS website. In a manner similar to Math 090, student are assessed for initial placement into the ALEKS curriculum tree designed to replicate what was formerly offered in Math 091 and Math 093. They them begin progress toward curriculum completion. When students have completed their ALEKS curriculum, they may then attempt the ACCUPLACER test. Individual student success in Skill Center is defined by successful placement into Math 095 or Math 096. Beginning in spring of 2013, students will now earn credit hours for Skill Center through newly created courses, SKC 080 and SKC 085. Curriculum Strategic Plan The following section summarizes the findings above related to curriculum and outlines the self-study committee’s recommended targets for improvement to be implemented over the next five year period. Assessment Findings and Strategies Generally, TMCC Mathematics courses have been assessed using the embedded assessment concept as established as part of the General Education Outcomes Assessment approach in 2005. The Department has Program/Unit Review Self Study | Curriculum 2.9 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 used a Lead Instructor for each course since prior to the University Parallel Program Review of 2006. It is within this structure that assessment and revision of Course Outcomes takes place. As the tables and summaries above indicate, TMCC Mathematics Courses are generally assessed at least once every academic year with improvements made as a result of assessment as guided and facilitated by Lead Instructors. While the Lead Instructor system has proved effective at course level assessment and improvement, it does not provide a cohesive way to facilitate curricular and course design/redesign on a larger scale. All TMCC Mathematics Courses are recommended for review each year. Stat 152, in particular, will undergo an outcomes and assessment revision during the spring of 2013. With the exception of Stat 152, all existing outcomes remain relevant. There is currently a plan to implement outcomes changes in Stat 152 through the existing Lead Instructor system. This revision will be completed by spring of 2013 with assessment to take place during spring of 2013. Outcome Review Plan All TMCC Mathematics Courses are recommended for review each year. Stat 152, in particular, will undergo an outcomes and assessment revision during the spring of 2013. External Resource Recommendations and Implementation Plans The TMCC Mathematics Department is not subject to any external accrediting body exclusive of the entire institution. The Department does maintain an institutional membership in the American Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges and recognizes the AMATYC Standards in the curricular design of its courses. Anticipated Factors Affecting Curriculum and Strategies The budget situation at TMCC is a significant factor affecting curriculum. Performance-based funding concepts will likely put tremendous pressure on the department to increase student pass rates, potentially at the expense of student success as it relates to outcomes and standards. Given our current outcomes, the pressure will most likely be to lower standards. The department is committed to encouraging student use of available academic support services such as tutoring and supplemental instruction, but larger institutional investment will need to be made in these services for increased student success and accessibility. Another significant factor affecting curriculum is the proliferation of Massive Open Online Classes, (MOOCs), which could allow under-prepared students to gain access to TMCC Mathematics courses if MOOCs are accepted as equivalent to TMCC prerequisites. It is imperative that institutional and departmental policies be established which require students to show prerequisite skills in the absence of institutionally recognized articulation agreements. The general acceptance of the Complete College America recommendations will decrease the relevancy of the current set of course outcomes relative to the aims of the recommendations. A central concept of these recommendations is to allow underprepared students access to college courses in order to increase overall degree and certificate completion rates by removing semesters in Mathematics. Since Mathematics curriculum is heavily dependent on the development of sequences of computational, problems solving and conceptual skills with higher levels of sophistication, allowing underprepared students access to courses in the current Program/Unit Review Self Study | Curriculum 2.10 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 model puts the entire model at risk, even with increased contact time, stretch courses, etc. What will likely result is a need to re-design course outcomes so foundational skills, (developmental skills), can be woven into the college level outcomes while maintaining acceptable college-level Standards for Intellectual Development. A process for re-designing the course outcomes will need to be implemented to address the lack of prerequisite skills. In order for this process to be completed successfully, additional professional development opportunities for Faculty will need to be made available. One example of the clear need for outcomes re-design is the pending removal of Intermediate Algebra as pre-requisite for Math 120. Program/Unit Review Self Study | Curriculum 2.11 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 DEMOGRAPHICS AND ENROLLMENT General Student Demographics Age Developmental 5 -year Average Headcount DEV MATH TMCC 62% 54% 22% 24% 11% 2% 13% 2% 2% Under 18 yrs. Fall 07 Spr 08 Fall 08 Spr 09 Fall 09 Spr 10 Fall 10 Spr 11 Fall 11 Spr 12 DEV MATH Avg TMCC Avg 18-24 yrs. N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % % % 25-34 yrs. 35-49 yrs. Under 18 yrs. 18-24 yrs. 25-34 yrs. 35-49 yrs. 44 1,396 364 210 2% 68% 18% 10% 26 1,218 468 263 1% 60% 23% 13% 41 1,475 448 232 2% 66% 20% 10% 32 1,357 532 286 1% 60% 24% 13% 93 1,670 505 267 4% 64% 19% 10% 38 1,484 604 318 2% 59% 24% 13% 73 1,495 591 311 3% 58% 23% 12% 28 1,244 513 228 1% 60% 25% 11% 78 903 332 160 5% 60% 22% 11% 22 768 330 142 2% 60% 26% 11% 2% 62% 22% 11% 2% 54% 24% 13% 6% 50+ yrs. 50+ yrs. 37 2% 39 2% 42 2% 45 2% 60 2% 65 3% 86 3% 50 2% 32 2% 26 2% 2% 6% Total 2,051 100% 2,014 100% 2,238 100% 2,252 100% 2,595 100% 2,509 100% 2,556 100% 2,063 100% 1,505 100% 1,288 100% 100% 100% The above data show the enrollment by age of students in Developmental Math. It can be seen that a large percentage of students in the 18 – 24 year range require developmental education. Also, enrollment patterns based on age are similar to the college as a whole, with the biggest difference being in the 18 – 24 year age Program/Unit Review Self Study | Demographics and Enrollment 3.1 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 range again. This could be due to the fact that most students enrolling in college soon after high school will need math as part of their general education requirements. Additionally, many students will forget what they have learned if there is a gap in time between their high school math class and college enrollment, leading to the requirement for remediation. College 5 -year Average Headcount College MATH TMCC 65% 54% 22% 24% 13% 8% 3% 2% Under 18 yrs. Fall 07 Spr 08 Fall 08 Spr 09 Fall 09 Spr 10 Fall 10 Spr 11 Fall 11 Spr 12 Collg MATH AVG TMCC Avg 6% 1% 18-24 yrs. N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % % % 25-34 yrs. 35-49 yrs. Under 18 yrs. 18-24 yrs. 25-34 yrs. 35-49 yrs. 53 1,098 295 116 3% 70% 19% 7% 36 1,109 332 91 2% 70% 21% 6% 85 1,205 350 112 5% 68% 20% 6% 48 1,051 350 121 3% 66% 22% 8% 46 981 367 96 3% 65% 24% 6% 42 970 331 116 3% 66% 22% 8% 36 963 370 142 2% 63% 24% 9% 50 917 345 159 3% 61% 23% 11% 40 796 335 109 3% 61% 26% 8% 48 826 314 109 4% 62% 24% 8% 3% 65% 22% 8% 2% 54% 24% 13% 50+ yrs. 50+ yrs. 17 1% 14 1% 20 1% 14 1% 23 2% 16 1% 19 1% 28 2% 23 2% 25 2% 1% 6% Total 1,579 100% 1,582 100% 1,772 100% 1,584 100% 1,513 100% 1,475 100% 1,530 100% 1,499 100% 1,303 100% 1,322 100% 100% 100% The above data show the enrollment by age of students in College Math. Once again, we see a larger percentage of students enrolled in college math classes versus the college as a whole in the 18 – 24 year age range. This could be due to the fact that many students enroll in college directly or soon after graduating from Program/Unit Review Self Study | Demographics and Enrollment 3.2 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 high school and need math to fulfill the general education requirements for a degree. The lower math enrollment in the 35 – 49 and 50+ age ranges versus TMCC may be due to the majority of the students enrolling at a younger age to pursue their goal of earning a degree and advancing into the workplace. Furthermore, college level math courses are used as prerequisites for other courses outside of the math department. Therefore, many students will need to complete their math requirements early on in order to move forward with their degree. Gender Developmental 5-year Average Headcount DEV MATH 59% TMCC 56% 44% 41% Female Male Female Fall 07 Spr 08 Fall 08 Spr 09 Fall 09 Spr 10 Fall 10 Spr 11 Fall 11 Spr 12 DEV MATH Avg TMCC Avg N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % % % Male 1,235 60% 1,232 61% 1,398 62% 1,360 60% 1,516 58% 1,441 57% 1,493 58% 1,175 57% 804 53% 676 52% 59% 56% Unreported 816 40% 782 39% 840 38% 891 40% 1,074 41% 1,065 42% 1,057 41% 888 43% 701 47% 612 48% 41% 44% Total 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 <1% 5 <1% 3 <1% 6 <1% 1 <1% 0 0% 0 0% <1% 0% Program/Unit Review Self Study | Demographics and Enrollment 2,051 100% 2,014 100% 2,238 100% 2,252 100% 2,595 100% 2,509 100% 2,556 100% 2,064 100% 1,505 100% 1,288 100% 100% 100% 3.3 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 The above data show the enrollment based on gender for Developmental Math. Enrollment appears to be similar to that of TMCC as a whole with a female bias of 59% female to 41% male over the five years. The trends from Fall 07 to Spring 12 show this same bias with the smallest variation being 52% female in the Spring 12 to the largest variation being 62% female in the Fall 08. This shows a trend of more female students pursuing a college education than male students. College 5-year Average Headcount College MATH TMCC 56% 54% 46% Female Male Female Fall 07 Spr 08 Fall 08 Spr 09 Fall 09 Spr 10 Fall 10 Spr 11 Fall 11 Spr 12 Collg MATH Avg TMCC Avg N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % % % 44% Male 878 56% 876 55% 973 55% 872 55% 825 55% 807 55% 800 52% 795 53% 680 52% 701 53% 54% 56% Unreported 701 44% 706 45% 799 45% 712 45% 686 45% 666 45% 729 48% 706 47% 622 48% 620 47% 46% 44% Total 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 2 <1% 2 <1% 1 <1% 0 0% 1 <1% 1 <1% <1% 0% 1,579 100% 1,582 100% 1,772 100% 1,584 100% 1,513 100% 1,475 100% 1,530 100% 1,501 100% 1,303 100% 1,322 100% 100% 100% The above data show enrollment based on gender for College Math. Again, we see a similar trend to the developmental math classes in that there is a female bias in enrollment over the five year average of 54% Program/Unit Review Self Study | Demographics and Enrollment 3.4 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 female to 46% male. These are similar numbers to enrollment based on gender at TMCC overall. The numbers stay fairly steady over the five years with female enrollment ranging from 52% to 56% and the male enrollment ranging from 44% to 48%. Ethnicity Developmental 5-year Average Headcount DEV MATH TMCC 64% 66% 21% 3% 3% 5% 6% African American Asian 16% 2% 2% 0% 1% Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Hispanic Native American White 2% 3% 0% 1% 2% 3% Two or more races International Students Unreported African Asian Hawaiian Hispanic Native White Two or InterUnTotal Fall N 80 114 384 52 1,327 8 86 2,051 07 % 4% 6% 19% 3% 65% 0% 4% 100% Spr N 81 123 346 50 1,320 9 85 2,014 08 % 4% 6% 17% 2% 66% 0% 4% 100% Fall N 71 122 445 45 1,462 7 86 2,238 08 % 3% 5% 20% 2% 65% 0% 4% 100% Spr N 84 135 439 55 1,468 4 67 2,252 09 % 4% 6% 19% 2% 65% 0% 3% 100% Fall N 80 104 47 568 54 1,649 63 12 18 2,595 09 % 3% 4% 2% 22% 2% 64% 2% 0% 1% 100% Spr N 108 89 44 525 48 1,610 60 14 11 2,509 10 % 4% 4% 2% 21% 2% 64% 2% 1% 0% 100% Fall N 89 99 24 579 50 1,600 84 10 21 2,556 10 % 3% 4% 1% 23% 2% 63% 3% 0% 1% 100% Spr N 62 77 22 500 39 1,265 64 9 26 2,064 % 3% 4% 1% 24% 2% 61% 3% 0% 1% 100% 11 Fall N 31 65 8 341 21 945 58 7 29 1,505 11 % 2% 4% 1% 23% 1% 63% 4% 0% 2% 100% Spr N 23 50 4 289 23 816 41 11 31 1,288 % 2% 4% 0% 22% 2% 63% 3% 1% 2% 100% 12 DEV MATH Avg 3% 5% <1% 21% 2% 64% 2% 0% 2% 99% TMCC Avg 3% 6% 1.0% 16% 2% 66% 3% 1% 3% 100% Note: Ethnicity categories were changed in Fall 2009 to align with new IPEDS and NSHE reporting requirements. The above data show enrollment based on ethnicity in Developmental Math. For most ethnicities, enrollment in developmental courses follows the same trends as enrollment at TMCC as a whole. However, Hispanic Program/Unit Review Self Study | Demographics and Enrollment 3.5 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 enrollment in these courses is significantly higher than the overall trends seen at TMCC, with 21% Hispanic enrollment in Developmental Math versus 16% at TMCC. Since enrollment at the college does follow a similar trend to the local community, this would be expected, but the trend should follow closer to the overall TMCC trend. There also appears to be an increase in Hispanic enrollment in Developmental Math between Fall 09 and Spring 11. This may be due to departmental changes including revising ACCUPLACER cut scores, although we don’t see these changes in the other ethnicities. This may indicate a need for outreach and involvement with this ethnic group in the local high schools. The drop in the overall enrollment numbers in Developmental Math in the Fall 11 and Spring 12 semesters is due to the implementation of the Skills Center. At this time two developmental courses, Math 91 and Math 93, were no longer offered in the department which cut developmental math course offerings significantly. Program/Unit Review Self Study | Demographics and Enrollment 3.6 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 Student Status Educational Goals 5-year Average Headcount MATH TMCC 88% 77% 3% Earn a Degree Fall 07 Spr 08 Fall 08 Spr 09 Fall 09 Spr 10 Fall 10 Spr 11 Fall 11 Spr 12 MATH Avg TMCC Avg N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % % % 5% 0% 2% Earn a Certificate Improve Job Skills Earn a 3,039 84% 3,009 84% 3,451 86% 3,258 85% 3,531 86% 3,454 87% 3,760 92% 3,289 92% 2,543 91% 2,388 92% 88% 77% Earn a Improve Job 116 14 3% 0% 102 16 3% 0% 111 11 3% 0% 107 14 3% 0% 111 13 3% 0% 102 12 3% 0% 104 2 3% 0% 75 3 2% 0% 46 2 2% 0% 35 6 1% 0% 3% 0% 5% 2% 6% 10% Personal Enrichment Personal 238 7% 251 7% 281 7% 309 8% 312 8% 271 7% 147 4% 118 3% 145 5% 123 5% 6% 10% 2% 3% Transfer 1% 2% Undecided Transfer Undecided 108 116 3% 3% 94 111 3% 3% 80 83 2% 2% 65 83 2% 2% 58 76 1% 2% 81 57 2% 1% 65 4 2% 0% 70 4 2% 0% 64 3 2% 0% 54 3 2% 0% 2% 1% 3% 2% Total 3,631 100% 3,583 100% 4,017 100% 3,836 100% 4,101 100% 3,977 100% 4,082 100% 3,559 100% 2,803 100% 2,609 100% 100% 100% In most categories listed in this section, there is an obvious break in the data between the Spring and Fall 2010 semesters. Prior to Fall 2010, an average of 85% of TMCC math students stated their goal was that they were seeking a degree. Beginning in Fall 2010, that percent jumped to an average 92% stating a degree to be their goal for attending TMCC. At the same time, undecided students dropped from 2% to 0% of the math student population. Students seeking a certificate rather than a degree dropped from 3% to 2%. The number of math students seeking personal enrichment dropped in the Fall of 2010 from an average 7% before to an average 4% Program/Unit Review Self Study | Demographics and Enrollment 3.7 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 since. These numbers probably reflect the administration’s project of helping students clarify their goals, along with the administration’s emphasis on granting degrees that was well underway in Fall 2010. The number of math students stating improving job skills as their goal has been consistently under 0.5% for the whole period from Fall 2007 through Spring 2012. The percent of students stating transferring to a four-year college as their goal remained steady at 2% through the whole period as well. There is a much higher percentage of math students at TMCC who have a degree as their goal than students at large, 88% as compared with 77% of the entire TMCC population. Also, a lower percentage (6%) of math students than general students (10%) have personal enrichment as their goal. This is consistent with mathematics being a requisite course for a degree. Program/Unit Review Self Study | Demographics and Enrollment 3.8 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 College 5-year Average Headcount College MATH TMCC 64% 66% 18% 16% 2% 3% African American 8% 6% Asian 2% 2% 0% 1% Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Hispanic Native American White 2% 3% 2% 1% 2% 3% Two or more races International Students Unreported African Asian Hawaiian Hispanic Native White Two or InterUnTotal Fall N 37 137 229 30 1,052 33 61 1,579 07 % 2% 9% 15% 2% 67% 2% 4% 100% Spr N 30 150 236 32 1,027 43 64 1,582 08 % 2% 9% 15% 2% 65% 3% 4% 100% Fall N 41 152 276 29 1,148 41 85 1,772 08 % 2% 9% 16% 2% 65% 2% 5% 100% Spr N 29 141 249 24 1,037 31 73 1,584 09 % 2% 9% 16% 2% 65% 2% 5% 100% Fall N 36 94 28 263 25 972 51 23 21 1,513 09 % 2% 6% 2% 17% 2% 64% 3% 2% 1% 100% Spr N 15 96 29 269 22 960 48 22 14 1,475 10 % 1% 7% 2% 18% 1% 65% 3% 1% 1% 100% Fall N 26 107 21 308 13 965 58 23 9 1,530 10 % 2% 7% 1% 20% 1% 63% 4% 2% 1% 100% Spr N 35 114 15 285 16 961 51 15 9 1,501 % 2% 8% 1% 19% 1% 64% 3% 1% 1% 100% 11 Fall N 25 80 14 251 17 849 40 15 12 1,303 11 % 2% 6% 1% 19% 1% 65% 3% 1% 1% 100% Spr N 32 96 11 298 20 776 52 20 17 1,322 % 2% 7% 1% 23% 2% 59% 4% 2% 1% 100% 12 Collg MATH Avg 2% 8% <1% 18% 2% 64% 2% 2% 2% 99% TMCC Avg 3% 6% 1.0% 16% 2% 66% 3% 1% 3% 100% Note: Ethnicity categories were changed in Fall 2009 to align with new IPEDS and NSHE reporting requirements. The above data show the enrollment based on ethnicity for College Math. Enrollment across ethnicities is very similar in College Math compared to TMCC overall. Enrollment numbers for these courses has been decreasing in the last few years with the lowest numbers occurring during the Fall 11 to Spring 12 school year, leaving fewer course offerings at this level. Part of this can be explained again by the increasing ACCUPLACER cut scores put in place by the department. Program/Unit Review Self Study | Demographics and Enrollment 3.9 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 Student Status Educational Goals 5-year Average Headcount MATH TMCC 88% 77% 3% Earn a Degree Fall 07 Spr 08 Fall 08 Spr 09 Fall 09 Spr 10 Fall 10 Spr 11 Fall 11 Spr 12 MATH Avg TMCC Avg N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % % % 5% 0% 2% Earn a Certificate Improve Job Skills Earn a 3,039 84% 3,009 84% 3,451 86% 3,258 85% 3,531 86% 3,454 87% 3,760 92% 3,289 92% 2,543 91% 2,388 92% 88% 77% Earn a Improve Job 116 14 3% 0% 102 16 3% 0% 111 11 3% 0% 107 14 3% 0% 111 13 3% 0% 102 12 3% 0% 104 2 3% 0% 75 3 2% 0% 46 2 2% 0% 35 6 1% 0% 3% 0% 5% 2% 6% 10% Personal Enrichment Personal 238 7% 251 7% 281 7% 309 8% 312 8% 271 7% 147 4% 118 3% 145 5% 123 5% 6% 10% 2% 3% Transfer 1% 2% Undecided Transfer Undecided 108 116 3% 3% 94 111 3% 3% 80 83 2% 2% 65 83 2% 2% 58 76 1% 2% 81 57 2% 1% 65 4 2% 0% 70 4 2% 0% 64 3 2% 0% 54 3 2% 0% 2% 1% 3% 2% Total 3,631 100% 3,583 100% 4,017 100% 3,836 100% 4,101 100% 3,977 100% 4,082 100% 3,559 100% 2,803 100% 2,609 100% 100% 100% In most categories listed in this section, there is an obvious break in the data between the Spring and Fall 2010 semesters. Prior to Fall 2010, an average of 85% of TMCC math students stated their goal was that they were seeking a degree. Beginning in Fall 2010, that percent jumped to an average 92% stating a degree to be their goal for attending TMCC. At the same time, undecided students dropped from 2% to 0% of the math student population. Students seeking a certificate rather than a degree dropped from 3% to 2%. The number of math students seeking personal enrichment dropped in the Fall of 2010 from an average 7% before to an average 4% Program/Unit Review Self Study | Demographics and Enrollment 3.10 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 since. These numbers probably reflect the administration’s project of helping students clarify their goals, along with the administration’s emphasis on granting degrees that was well underway in Fall 2010. The number of math students stating improving job skills as their goal has been consistently under 0.5% for the whole period from Fall 2007 through Spring 2012. The percent of students stating transferring to a four-year college as their goal remained steady at 2% through the whole period as well. There is a much higher percentage of math students at TMCC who have a degree as their goal than students at large, 88% as compared with 77% of the entire TMCC population. Also, a lower percentage (6%) of math students than general students (10%) have personal enrichment as their goal. This is consistent with mathematics being a requisite course for a degree. Program/Unit Review Self Study | Demographics and Enrollment 3.11 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 Educational Status Developmental 5-year Average Headcount DEV MATH TMCC 78% 68% 25% 6% Continuing Students Fall 06 Spr 07 Fall 07 Spr 08 Fall 08 Spr 09 Fall 09 Spr 10 Fall 10 Spr 11 DEV MATH Avg TMCC Avg N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % % % 13% 9% New Transfers Continuing Students 1,211 59% 1,591 79% 1,290 58% 1,723 77% 1,361 52% 1,970 79% 1,424 56% 1,789 87% 982 65% 1,072 83% 68% 78% New Students New Transfers New Students 127 6% 104 5% 130 6% 131 6% 205 8% 137 5% 196 8% 122 6% 103 7% 69 5% 6% 9% Total 713 35% 319 16% 818 37% 398 18% 1,029 40% 402 16% 936 37% 153 7% 420 28% 147 11% 25% 13% 2,051 100% 2,014 100% 2,238 100% 2,252 100% 2,595 100% 2,509 100% 2,556 100% 2,064 100% 1,505 100% 1,288 100% 100% 100% The proportion of continuing students taking developmental math classes is lower than the proportion taking any TMCC class. The school’s policy of requiring students to finish developmental classes as early as possible appears to be working in this regard. The proportion of continuing students in developmental classes is also much lower than in college level math classes. This is consistent with the facts that TMCC serves many students who could not otherwise qualify to enter college, and that developmental math classes are possible prerequisites for college math classes. Program/Unit Review Self Study | Demographics and Enrollment 3.12 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 College 5-year Average Headcount College MATH TMCC 86% 78% 5% Continuing Students N Fall 06 % N Spr 07 % N Fall 07 % N Spr 08 % N Fall 08 % N Spr 09 % N Fall 09 % N Spr 10 % N Fall 10 % N Spr 11 % Collg MATH Avg % TMCC Avg % 9% 8% New Transfers Continuing Students 1,195 76% 1,375 87% 1,344 76% 1,451 92% 1,282 85% 1,352 92% 1,290 84% 1,417 94% 1,121 86% 1,245 94% 86% 78% 13% New Students New Transfers New Students 109 7% 103 7% 122 7% 81 5% 92 6% 58 4% 91 6% 60 4% 64 5% 48 4% 5% 9% Total 275 17% 104 7% 306 17% 52 3% 139 9% 65 4% 149 10% 24 2% 118 9% 29 2% 8% 13% 1,579 100% 1,582 100% 1,772 100% 1,584 100% 1,513 100% 1,475 100% 1,530 100% 1,501 100% 1,303 100% 1,322 100% 100% 100% The proportion of continuing versus new students in college level math classes is much higher than for a general TMCC class (86% continuing in math vs. 78% continuing in general). Many TMCC students delay math as long as possible in their class sequence. Both developmental and college level math class data indicate that a much higher proportion of continuing students enroll in a math class in the spring than in the fall semester. This is consistent with the fact that most new students enter TMCC in the fall rather than the spring. Program/Unit Review Self Study | Demographics and Enrollment 3.13 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 Enrollment Status Developmental 5-year Average Headcount DEV MATH TMCC 48% 37% 23% 21% 19% 15% 14% 12+ 9-11.9 12+ Fall 07 Spr 08 Fall 08 Spr 09 Fall 09 Spr 10 Fall 10 Spr 11 Fall 11 Spr 12 DEV MATH Avg TMCC Avg N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % % % 22% 293 14% 271 13% 324 14% 332 15% 572 22% 590 24% 587 23% 433 21% 377 25% 310 24% 19% 15% 6-8.9 Credits Earned 9-11.9 6-8.9 393 19% 347 17% 413 18% 428 19% 553 21% 513 20% 593 23% 437 21% 369 25% 274 21% 21% 14% Less than 6 credits Less than 6 450 22% 521 26% 577 26% 516 23% 601 23% 562 22% 592 23% 459 22% 316 21% 308 24% 23% 22% 915 45% 875 43% 924 41% 976 43% 869 33% 844 34% 784 31% 735 36% 443 29% 396 31% 37% 48% Total 2,051 100% 2,014 100% 2,238 100% 2,252 100% 2,595 100% 2,509 100% 2,556 100% 2,064 100% 1,505 100% 1,288 100% 100% 100% There is a clear break in the data beginning in the fall 2009 semester. The percentage of students taking a developmental math class prior to completing 12 credits fell from 86% to 76%. This is due to TMCC restructuring its developmental offerings. Many fewer sections of math 095 and 096 were offered, and math 093 is no longer offered at TMCC. One effect of this is to delay enrollment in a developmental math class at Program/Unit Review Self Study | Demographics and Enrollment 3.14 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 TMCC. This is not necessarily negative, since it includes students taking classes who are in the Skills Center and who thus delay enrolling in a developmental class. College 5-year Average Headcount College MATH TMCC 48% 31% 27% 15% 14% 12+ 9-11.9 12+ N % N Spr 08 % N Fall 08 % N Spr 09 % N Fall 09 % N Spr 10 % N Fall 10 % N Spr 11 % N Fall 11 % N Spr 12 % Collg. MATH Avg % TMCC Avg % Fall 07 22% 21% 21% 367 23% 361 23% 466 26% 414 26% 411 27% 418 28% 454 30% 420 28% 397 30% 408 31% 27% 15% 6-8.9 Credits Earned 9-11.9 6-8.9 305 19% 308 19% 353 20% 372 23% 294 19% 314 21% 355 23% 314 21% 261 20% 294 22% 21% 14% Less than 6 credits Less than 6 358 23% 343 22% 412 23% 331 21% 313 21% 312 21% 304 20% 338 23% 277 21% 257 19% 21% 22% 549 35% 570 36% 541 31% 467 29% 495 33% 431 29% 417 27% 429 29% 368 28% 363 27% 31% 48% Total 1,579 100% 1,582 100% 1,772 100% 1,584 100% 1,513 100% 1,475 100% 1,530 100% 1,501 100% 1,303 100% 1,322 100% 100% 100% This data set indicates a steady downward trend in the number of students taking college level math prior to finishing 12 credits at TMCC. In 2007, 77% took math before completing 12 credits or more, while that percentage decreased steadily to 68% in spring 2012. There is no sharp break corresponding to any significant policy change. The change may be due to gradual decline in the number of sections offered since the budget Program/Unit Review Self Study | Demographics and Enrollment 3.15 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 cuts began. But it does mean that more students are taking college level math classes at a later point in their schooling. Student Recruitment Activities The Mathematics Department has participated in several outreach activities to attract and retain students in mathematics classes. Members of the Math Department have participated in the following recruitment activities and created the following variety of class formats to allow for flexibility for student enrollment: · Summer Bridge Program to help prepared students for college math courses · Yearly campus Welcome Fairs to encourage enrollment in mathematics courses · Establishment of a Mathematics Emphasis and an Engineering Emphasis at TMCC · Late Start classes to allow students to take the prerequisite math class if falling behind in a regular semester class · Mini-session classes to allow students to complete two developmental classes in one semester · Hybrid math course that include online and in class work · Online math courses offered at all levels of mathematics Additionally, Bill Newhall serves as the Math Liaison for the K – 12 Mathematics Council in Washoe County. Jim Winston has worked with area high schools for recruitment. Various members of the department are coordinating with WCSD to allow high school students to take the math placement test, the ACCUPLACER, while in high school to view their potential college math placement Underserved Student Populations All ethnic minorities enrolled in developmental mathematics mirrored college enrollment with the exception of Hispanics, which were enrolled in developmental math at a slightly higher rate than in the college as a whole. All ethnic minorities enrolled in college mathematics mirrored college enrollment. The slight variation of 2% points occurred in the population of Whites, which were enrolled in college math at a slightly lower rate than in the college as a whole. However, Hispanics and Asian students were enrolled at a rate 2% higher than their overall enrollment at the college. Overall, enrollment in mathematics of all ethnic groups, including underserved populations, appears to reflect the college enrollment. Program/Unit Review Self Study | Demographics and Enrollment 3.16 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 Enrollment Patterns Number of Sections Developmental Number of Sections: Fall Semesters 145.0 148 141 135.0 125.0 115.0 121 119 105.0 95.0 81 85.0 75.0 Fall 07 Fall 08 Fall 09 Fall 10 Fall 11 Number of Sections: Spring Semesters 145.0 146 135.0 130 125.0 115.0 116 105.0 105 95.0 85.0 78 75.0 Spr 08 Academic Years 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 DEV MATH (5 yr Avg) SOSC (5 yr Avg) TMCC (5 yr Avg) *SOSC = School of Science Spr 09 Fall 121.0 119.0 148.0 141.0 81.0 122 695 1594 Spr 10 Number of Sections % Change --2% 24% -5% -43% -6% -5% -4% Spr 11 Spring 116.0 130.0 146.0 105.0 78.0 115 692 1602 Spr 12 % Change -12% 12% -28% -26% -7% -4% -2% We can see from the data that the number of developmental section in math increased from Fall 2007 until the Spring of 2010, with a minor dip in the fall of 2008. However since the Spring of 2010, the number of Program/Unit Review Self Study | Demographics and Enrollment 3.17 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 developmental sections in math has continued to fall until the last data point in Spring 2012. The highest number of developmental sections occurred in Fall 2009 with 148 sections. The lowest number of sections is the latest data point in Spring 2012 with 78 developmental sections. There has been a decrease in the number of sections offered for developmental math. A policy change by the Board of Regents dramatically changed the types of developmental sections as well as the number of section that took place beginning Fall 2010. No longer were sections of Math 91 (Arithmetic) nor Math 93 (PreAlgebra) offered as part of the developmental curriculum. Additionally, the number of sections of Math 95 (Introductory Algebra) decreased as enrollment dropped for this level of Algebra, presumably since student could no longer matriculate to these courses at TMCC. In the place of the lowest courses, a Math Skills Center was developed to accommodate students not ready for Introductory Algebra, Math 95, nor Intermediate Algebra, Math 96. Program/Unit Review Self Study | Demographics and Enrollment 3.18 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 College Number of Sections: Fall Semesters 75.0 73.0 71.0 69.0 67.0 65.0 63.0 61.0 59.0 57.0 55.0 53.0 51.0 49.0 47.0 45.0 66 61 57 Fall 07 Fall 08 Fall 09 57 Fall 10 55 Fall 11 Number of Sections: Spring Semesters 75.0 73.0 71.0 69.0 67.0 65.0 63.0 61.0 59.0 57.0 55.0 53.0 51.0 49.0 47.0 45.0 69 60 60 57 50 Spr 08 Academic Years 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Collg. MATH (5 yr Avg) SOSC (5 yr Avg) TMCC (5 yr Avg) *SOSC = School of Science Spr 09 Fall 61.0 66.0 57.0 57.0 55.0 59 695 1594 Spr 10 Number of Sections % Change -8% -14% 0% -4% -2% -5% -4% Spr 11 Spring 69.0 60.0 57.0 60.0 50.0 57 692 1602 Spr 12 % Change --13% -5% 5% -17% -7% -4% -2% The pattern for college sections offered in math is different than that of the developmental sections. We can see from the data that the number of college section in math increased from Fall 2007 until the Spring of 2008, then had a minor dip in the Fall of 2008. However since the Fall of 2008, the number of college Program/Unit Review Self Study | Demographics and Enrollment 3.19 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 sections in math has continued to fall until the last data point in Spring 2012. The highest number of college sections occurred in Spring of 2008 with 69 sections. The lowest number of sections is the latest data point in Spring 2012 with 50 developmental sections. These decreases in sections of college math reflect the economic shortfall preparation and the budget cutting measures necessary to address the state deficit and the resultant cuts to higher education in Nevada. Program/Unit Review Self Study | Demographics and Enrollment 3.20 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 Full Time Equivalent Enrollment Developmental FTE: Fall Semesters 550.0 525.0 500.0 475.0 450.0 425.0 400.0 375.0 350.0 325.0 300.0 275.0 250.0 517.2 527.6 453.8 416.2 313.4 Fall 07 Fall 08 Fall 09 Fall 10 Fall 11 UPDATE D FTE: Spring Semesters 550.0 525.0 500.0 475.0 450.0 425.0 400.0 375.0 350.0 325.0 300.0 275.0 250.0 456.6 510.1 424.3 407.2 264.9 Spr 08 Academic Years 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 DEV MATH (5 yr Avg) SOSC (5 yr Avg) TMCC (5 yr Avg) *SOSC = School of Science Spr 09 Fall 416.2 453.8 527.6 517.2 313.4 445.6 2780 6820 Spr 10 FTE % Change -9% 16% -2% -39% -4% -2% -1% Spr 11 Spr 12 Spring 407.2 456.6 510.1 424.3 264.9 412.6 2776 6761 % Change -12% 12% -17% -38% -8% -1% 0% Enrollments in the Developmental Mathematics trended upward until the Spring of 2011, and after this time enrollments have been trending down. There are several reasons for this: Program/Unit Review Self Study | Demographics and Enrollment 3.21 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 1. One is the elimination of Math 91 (eliminated Spring 2011) and Math 93 (eliminated Fall 2011). 2. Adjustment of the ACCUPLACER scores to require an arithmetic score of 80 to place into Math 95. This went into effect in February of 2011 and has affected enrollment for Fall 2011 and thereafter. 3. TMCC F11 enrollments were down overall affecting subsequent enrollments next in sequence. College FTE: Fall Semesters 550.0 525.0 500.0 475.0 450.0 425.0 400.0 375.0 350.0 325.0 300.0 275.0 250.0 517.2 527.6 453.8 416.2 313.4 Fall 07 Fall 08 Fall 09 Fall 10 Fall 11 UPDATE D FTE: Spring Semesters 550.0 525.0 500.0 475.0 450.0 425.0 400.0 375.0 350.0 325.0 300.0 275.0 250.0 456.6 510.1 424.3 407.2 264.9 Spr 08 Academic Years 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 DEV MATH (5 yr Avg) SOSC (5 yr Avg) TMCC (5 yr Avg) *SOSC = School of Science Spr 09 Fall 416.2 453.8 527.6 517.2 313.4 445.6 2780 6820 Spr 10 FTE % Change -9% 16% -2% -39% -4% -2% -1% Spr 11 Spr 12 Spring 407.2 456.6 510.1 424.3 264.9 412.6 2776 6761 % Change -12% 12% -17% -38% -8% -1% 0% Program/Unit Review Self Study | Demographics and Enrollment 3.22 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 College math was mostly flat up until F11 and S12. Perhaps the drop at F11/S12 is due to a drop in TMCC F11 and S12 overall enrollments?? Retention Rates Developmental 5 year Average Retention Rates DEV MATH SOSC TMCC 72.5% 73.1% 52.4% Retention Rate Term Fall 07 Spr 08 Fall 08 Spr 09 Fall 09 Spr 10 Fall 10 Spr 11 Fall 11 Spr 12 DEV MATH (5 year Avg) SOSC (5 year Avg) TMCC (5 year Avg) *SOSC= School of Science Retention by Semester - Fall 07 to Spring 12 Total Enrollments Number Retained 2,081 851 2,036 904 2,269 971 2,283 1,014 2,642 1,401 2,553 1,538 2,588 1,615 2,066 1,116 1,581 972 1,329 852 2,143 1,123 134,927 97,826 339,139 247,856 Retention Rate 41% 44% 43% 44% 53% 60% 62% 54% 61% 64% 52.4% 72.5% 73.1% The department has seen an increase in the retention rates for developmental math classes of over 50%. This increase is likely due to three factors (1) the adjustment of the ACCUPLACER cut scores, (2) the elimination of Math 91 and 93, and (3) increased pressure on faculty from the administration to raise retention rates. It is not surprising that the retention rate in developmental math falls well below the division and college average. This is to be expected because many of our developmental students come from the Washoe County School District with weak skills in math, and they are frequently unable to follow the faster pace of a Math 95 or 96 course. Program/Unit Review Self Study | Demographics and Enrollment 3.23 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 College 5 year Average Retention Rates College MATH SOSC TMCC 72.5% 73.1% 61.3% Retention Rate Term Fall 07 Spr 08 Fall 08 Spr 09 Fall 09 Spr 10 Fall 10 Spr 11 Fall 11 Spr 12 Collg MATH (5 year Avg) SOSC (5 year Avg) TMCC (5 year Avg) *SOSC= School of Science Retention by Semester - Fall 07 to Spring 12 Total Enrollments Number Retained 1,599 933 1,596 919 1,792 1,036 1,595 984 1,530 888 1,487 904 1,548 955 1,517 963 1,313 892 1,335 910 1,531 938 134,927 97,826 339,139 247,856 Retention Rate 58% 58% 58% 62% 58% 61% 62% 63% 68% 68% 61.3% 72.5% 73.1% The retention rates for college math classes show an upward trend as well, particularly at the end of the period (F 11 and S12). This is likely due to the more rigorous ACCUPLACER cut scores that went into effect in the Spring 2011. Another reason may be the increased pressure on faculty from the administration to raise retention rates. Program/Unit Review Self Study | Demographics and Enrollment 3.24 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 Student to Faculty Ratios Developmental Student to Faculty Ratio: Fall Semesters 25.0 24.0 23.0 22.0 21.0 20.0 19.0 17.0 16.0 19.5 19.1 18.0 17.9 17.2 18.4 15.0 Fall 07 Fall 08 Fall 09 Fall 10 Fall 11 UPDATE Student to Faculty Ratio: Spring Semesters 25.0 24.0 23.0 22.0 21.0 20.0 19.0 19.7 18.0 17.0 17.6 17.6 17.5 Spr 08 Spr 09 Spr 10 16.0 17.0 15.0 Academic Years 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 DEV MATH (5 yr Avg) SOSC (5 yr Avg) TMCC (5 yr Avg) *SOSC = School of Science Fall 17.2 19.1 17.9 18.4 19.5 18 20 21 Student to Faculty Ratio % Change -11% -6% 3% 6% 3% 3% 3% Spr 11 Spr 12 Spring 17.6 17.6 17.5 19.7 17.0 18 19 21 % Change -0% 0% 13% -13% 0% 3% 2% Student-to-faculty ratios for both Developmental Math and College Math have remained fairly constant throughout the period. The maximum class size for developmental courses is 22 and that of college level classes is 33. This explains why the developmental ratio is lower than the college ratio. Program/Unit Review Self Study | Demographics and Enrollment 3.25 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 College Student to Faculty Ratio: Fall Semesters 30.0 29.0 28.0 27.0 26.0 25.0 27.2 26.2 26.8 27.2 24.0 23.9 23.0 22.0 21.0 20.0 Fall 07 Fall 08 Fall 09 Fall 10 Fall 11 UPDATE Student to Faculty Ratio: Spring Semesters 30.0 29.0 28.0 27.0 26.0 26.6 25.0 26.7 26.1 25.3 24.0 23.0 22.0 23.1 21.0 20.0 Spr 08 Academic Years 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Collg MATH (5 yr Avg) SOSC (5 yr Avg) TMCC (5 yr Avg) *SOSC = School of Science Spr 09 Fall 26.2 27.2 26.8 27.2 23.9 26 20 21 Spr 10 Student to Faculty Ratio % Change -4% -1% 1% -12% -2% 3% 3% Spr 11 Spr 12 Spring 23.1 26.6 26.1 25.3 26.7 26 19 21 % Change -15% -2% -3% 6% 4% 3% 2% Please see comments under Developmental Student to Faculty Ratio for observations. Program/Unit Review Self Study | Demographics and Enrollment 3.26 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 Number of Declared Degree/Emphasis Seekers The data shows that since TMCC began offering the A.S. Mathematics degree program, there have been 65 students declare Mathematics as there degree. Total Active Declared Degree/Emphasis Seekers Since the Fall of 2007, there have been 61 students that have declared Mathematics as their major. The data here shows 65 students, but that number is not consistent with number declared in the next section, according to the Office of Institutional Research. The number declared in the following section excludes summer terms. To be consistent it should be reported that 61 students were counted as degree-seeking students of the A.S. with an emphasis in Mathematics from the Fall of 2007 to the Spring of 2011. The A.S. Mathematics is a relatively new degree, since it was first introduced in the Fall of 2007. Since that time, of the 61 students have declared Mathematics as their major only 1 has graduated with an A.S. Mathematics Emphasis. This may be for various reasons. (1) The degree is rigorous and by the time students are able to enroll in 200-level math course, they may have completed all transferable courses for a four year institution; thus, transferring before completing the degree. (2) The degree requirements begin at Math 181, and students may declare a Math Emphasis before realizing the sequence of courses needed to even begin the emphasis. (3) Students may really be interested in other math-related fields such as Education and Engineering and may declare Mathematics as their major as a gateway to other fields. (4) The degree requires two courses in Computer Science. If students struggle with these courses, they may give up on the degree before completion. Program/Unit Review Self Study | Demographics and Enrollment 3.27 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 Student Success Rates Number of Students Earning a Degree 2007-2011 1 0 0 0 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Number of Graduates by Academic Year 2007 - 2011 Year # of Graduates 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 2009-10 1 2010-11 0 Number of Declared Degree/Emphasis Seekers Fall 2007 - Spring 2011 Degree Number of Students* AS Mathematics 65 *Unduplicated # of Grads 1 The Mathematics Department has offered an A.S. with an emphasis in Mathematics since the 2007-2008 academic school year. Since then, the total number of graduates with a declared emphasis in Mathematics is one from the 2009-2010 academic school year. Program/Unit Review Self Study | Demographics and Enrollment 3.28 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 Transfer Status Transfer Students from the Mathematics Program Fall 07 thru Spring 12 Transfers 41% Non Tranfers 59% # Non Tranfers to Other 4 yr # Transfers % Transferred Transfers UNR Institution 54 32 22 41% 13 6 *Declared MATH-AS Students enrolled between fall 07 to fall 11 (unduplicated) # Declared * Other 2 yr Institution 3 The table above shows that 54 students have declared Mathematics as their major since the Fall of 2007. This is a slight decrease from the previous section which showed 61 students declared math as their major from Fall of 2007 through Spring of 2011. This means that 7 students either changed their major from the Spring of 2011 to the Fall of 2011 or did not enroll in the Fall of 2011. Since TMCC has offered an A.S. with a Mathematics Emphasis, 19 (35%) of the 54 students that declared Mathematics as their major have successfully transferred to a four year institution, and 3 (6%) have transferred to another two year institution. Of the remaining 32 (59%) of students that have not transferred, there are a couple possible reasons for this. (1) Some students may still be completing the degree. (2) Students who major in mathematics may declare a dual major in another related field such as Engineering or Education. These students may be completing requirements for another such degree and thus, have yet to transfer. Enrollment Strategic Plan The following section summarizes the findings above and outlines the self-study committee’s recommended targets for enrollment improvement to be implemented over the next five year period. Demographic Findings and Strategies According to the data, students enrolled in both Developmental and College Math classes are similar to those enrolled at the college as a whole. These students are young (18 – 24 years old) with a majority being female (59% for Developmental Math and 54% for College Math). The classes are filled with a diverse group of students, but with a larger percentage of Hispanic students enrolled at the developmental level (21%) than are Program/Unit Review Self Study | Demographics and Enrollment 3.29 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 enrolled at the college overall (16%). The department serves a large number of students due to the subject matter being a general education requirement and a prerequisite for many classes outside of the department. The department will need to continue meeting the changing needs of these various groups as is mentioned in other sections of this report. Furthermore, the department and college will need to continue to participate in outreach to the local K-12 and business communities to make sure all age, gender, and ethnic groups are reached and understand the requirements of enrolling in math classes at TMCC. Work is currently underway to include a strong math component for the Summer Bridge program in the coming years. This will help reach underserved student populations. Student Status Findings and Strategies The percentage of continuing students taking a developmental math class (68%) is lower than the percent of continuing students on campus, but is higher for college math classes (86%). This seems to be in line with the college policy of students being required to complete developmental courses within the first 30 credits. Most new students will be advised to begin their developmental math sequence immediately. A June 7, 2012 article in the Reno Gazette Journal states that a high percentage of WCSD math students, over 90%, need remediation. Since many students start in Math 95 or need to repeat a developmental course, it is no surprise that we still see a high number of continuing students still in the developmental sequence and then in turn, in college level math classes. Since the requirement to complete the developmental sequence early on in a student’s education is relatively new, it is suggested that the department and the college receive continual updates as to how this is effecting student success. Retention rates have increased during this time, but more review of the data in the coming years will be necessary to review the policy. Since math is a required course to earn a degree, we see that there is a high percentage of students whose educational goal is to earn a degree; higher than the college as a whole. However, it can be noted that math students have other goals such as personal enrichment or to improve job skills. This is in line with the college mission statement of TMCC which includes access to lifelong learning. It has been noted that the department and the college are involved in many recruitment activities. Currently, there is work being done to incorporate a strong math component to the Summer Bridge program for the Summer 13 session. It is suggested that work continues on this to help underserved student populations come to school prepared to begin their math sequence required for their degree. Additionally, faculty are involved with the Washoe County School District in order to recruit students and to make sure they understand what is necessary and required to become a college students and more specifically, how to enroll in math classes. This cooperation and communication with local high school students is an important task of the college and the math department. As such, it is suggested that this work continues. Many of the other recruitment activities will be discussed in the findings for other sections as they pertain to retention and success as well as the status of the student. One faculty member, Kurt Ehlers, is currently advising all students who show an interest in majoring in mathematics. Another recommendation at this time would be to consider more math faculty involvement in advising students. This could be in an informal or formal manner, but would help students enroll in the correct classes, continue on the correct math path and move the students towards reaching the goals they have set for themselves. Program/Unit Review Self Study | Demographics and Enrollment 3.30 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 Enrollment Patterns and Strategies Program Data Sections Student FTE Retention Rate Mathematics Spring 2008 FullParttime Time 17.0 10.6 Spring 2009 FullParttime Time 17.7 10.1 Fall 2007 188 744.3 47% Faculty and Staff FTE Spring 2010 FullParttime Time 16.0 11.6 Fall 2008 191 822.5 48% Fall 2009 207 844.8 54% Spring 2011 FullParttime Time 16.0 9.2 Fall 2010 198 837.5 62% Fall 2011 136 585.8 64% Spring 2012 FullParttime Time 16.0 9.2 Over the past 5 years, the Math Department has seen an increase in retention rates for developmental classes (41% Fall 07 to 64% Spring 12) as well as for college classes (58% Fall 07 to 68% Spring 12). This can be attributed to many factors and changes in policies within the math department. Math faculty continue to research and develop methods to improve student success and retention. As a part of the college mission, academic excellence is a key component to the department as a whole and to faculty members individually. The department continually reviews the data and assesses each course on a continual basis in order to make adjustments to the curriculum, course requirements, ACCUPLACER cut scores and teaching methods that will help improve retention and student success. This assessment has allowed the department to implement policies that effect online classes as well. Online enrollment requirements and limited developmental online course offerings have been implemented with positive results. As we look towards the future, this assessment of the data must continue and is imperative to meeting the demands of the students while maintaining a high level of rigor in the courses offered in the department. It has been noted that enrollment has dropped in math courses, but this is primarily due to the creation of the Skills Center and a temporary reduction in sections during the fall of 2011. In the coming years, the department plans on offering more mini sessions available for a greater variety of courses. Currently, we offer mini sessions for Math 95 and Math 96, but are in the planning process to offer it for Math 120, Math 126, and Math 127. Additionally, this will help meet the needs of the students since they will potentially be able to complete the required math classes in one semester. The department is also currently looking into offering stretch courses as well to help shorten the time it takes students to complete the math requirements. These stretch classes will incorporate developmental and college level math class material in within one semester. All of these new course offerings will need to be assessed in the coming years to determine their effectiveness. One restriction on course offerings is limited classroom space available. One solution for this would be to look into more hybrid course offerings to open up that space for more class sections. Online course offerings help with this issue, but may need to continue to be somewhat limited since, according to the data, most students are more successful in a traditional classroom setting than online. It is necessary for the department to be flexible with the variety and format of course offerings in order to meet the changing needs of the students. Additionally, the college is currently undergoing a resource allocation analysis which may help address the limited classroom space. Student demand is high for math classes and it is necessary that the department is able to offer as many classes as possible to meet the demand. Program/Unit Review Self Study | Demographics and Enrollment 3.31 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 Student Success Rates and Strategies The student success rate, measured by the percent of students that have graduated with an A.S. with an emphasis in Mathematics is 1.6% (1 out of 61). The only other programs that offer an A.S. are Biology, Computer Science, Elementary Education, Engineering, Geoscience, and Environmental Science. The average among the other programs of graduates since 2007 is 1.83. The program with the highest number of graduates with an A.S. is Engineering. This is only the most vocational degree of all the A.S. degrees. There have been 301 students that have earned an A.S. degree since 2007, but few have declared an emphasis. Even though, one out of 61 declared emphasis seekers seems like a low graduation rate, it could be that many of these students simply finish an A.S. degree without the Mathematics emphasis. Completion of the A.S. with a Mathematics emphasis, as stated earlier, is rigorous. Many students may have the requirements completed to simply declare an A.S. without completing the requirements for the Mathematics emphasis. At this point, these students most likely transfer to another institution. The transfer rate (41%) is a stronger measure than the graduation rate. Strategies may include more faculty advising within the department to encourage interested students to finish the A.S. with the emphasis in Mathematics. The department will also look to increase the enrollment of female and Hispanic students in the STEM focused university parallel courses as these groups tend to be underrepresented across the nation. As mentioned in the demographic findings, we already see a higher percentage of these groups in developmental courses, but our target would be to increase the percent of these groups in STEM math courses with completion of the math emphasis. In the years to come, the department will need to track data with the assistance from the Department of Institutional Research regarding the number of underrepresented groups in math, specifically female and Hispanic students. As part of the TMCC mission statement, promoting student success in as many ways possible is a driving force in the policies and activities encouraged by the math department. As mentioned in the previous section, the department has been successful in reviewing the data and implementing new course formats and policies which have helped improve retention rates. The department promotes interest in the math field through the Math League, the Fall Welcome Fair, and through the introduction of the Math Emphasis. At this point, it is suggested that faculty promote these activities and help find students with an interest in math to help guide them towards math fields. As a large department, it is necessary to maintain communication with part-time faculty. Currently, lead instructors within the department disseminate important course information and assess these courses with the participation of all faculty members. It will be necessary to make sure this assessment data is made available to all members of the department in order to make continual improvements to the courses. This includes determining what changes, if any, will need to be made to each course in order to improve student success, implementing any necessary changes, and then re-assessing the course. Program/Unit Review Self Study | Demographics and Enrollment 3.32 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 RESOURCES Faculty and Staff Required Faculty Credentials Name Degree(s), Certificates FTE List conferring institutions Maria Arrigotti 1 Quan-Ping Chai 1 Jim Cotter 1 Damien Ennis 1 Kurt Ehlers 1 Anne Flesher 1 Professional Certification List agency/organization MS, Mathematics, UNR BA, Mathematics and Music, UNR Ph.D., Physics, UNR MS, Physics, UNR BS, Atmospheric Physics, National Taiwan Univ. Ph.D., Chemical Physics, EPSCOR grant, UNR 1997-1999 M.Div.B.S.T., Regis College, Toronto, Ontario, Canada BA, Philosophy and Physics, St. Louis Univ MS, Computer Science, MIT – Systems UNR Development with BS, Mathematics, UNR UML and Object – Presently working on: Process Methodology Ph.D., Computer Science And Engineering, UNR MS, Bioinformatics, John Hopkins Ph.D., Mathematics, UC Santa Cruz MS, Mathematics, CSU Hayward BS, Mathematics, US Naval Academy MA, Mathematics, University of Colorado BA, Mathematics, University of Virginia Years at TMCC Total Years 8 11 13 18 17 20 4 6 13 16 8 Program/Unit Review Self Study | Resources 4.1 MATHEMATICS Paula Farrenkopf 1 MS, Mathematics, Montclair State Univ BS, Mathematics, and Computer Science, and Secondary Education Certification, Montclair State College Gail Ferrell 1 Bill Gallegos 1 Blisin Hesityas 1 Lars Jensen 1 MATM, UNR MA, Counseling and Education Psychology, UNR BA, Mathematics, San Diego State Univ Presently working on: Ph.D., Geography, UNR MS, Pure Mathematics, New Mexico State Univ BA, Mathematics with Five-Year Colorado Secondary Education Certification, Adams State College M.Phil., Crystallography Research, Madurai Kamaraj Univ., India MS, Physics, Manonmanian Sundaranar Univ., India BS, Physics, Madurai Kamaraj Univ., India Presently working on: MS, Secondary Education, UNR Ph.D., Physics, University of PA MS, Mathematics, Univ. of Copenhagen BS Equivalency, Mathematics with minor In Physics, Denmark 2012-13 NJ MathTeaching 8 Certification, K-12 NJ Elementary Teaching Certification CA Mathematics Teaching Credential NV Secondary Certificate For Mathematics and Computer Science Certification in Grief 20 Recovery 23 13 21 8 16 16 22 Program/Unit Review Self Study | Resources 30 4.2 MATHEMATICS Theodore Lambert 1 Shannon McCool 1 Bill Newhall 1 Jeff Olsen 1 Rebecca Porter 1 Jim Winston 1 Stephen Zideck 1 Janet Bicker – Adm Assist 1 Previous Employees from last 5 years Elsi Reinhardt 1 2012-13 Ph.D., Operations Research, University of Michigan MS, Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan MS, Applied Math, UNR BS, Mathematics with Minor in Computer Science, UNR ME, Higher Education Administration, UNR MS, Mathematics, UNR BS, Mathematics Education, UNR BS, Mechanical Engineering, UC Davis BS, Geology, UC Davis Presently working on: MS, Mathematics, UNR MS, Mathematics, Engineering in training University of Oregon Certificate, Jan 1997 MS, Civil and EnvironMental Engineering, Univ. of CA, Davis BS, Environmental Resources Engineering And Mathematics, Humboldt State Univ Present working on: Ph.D., Hydrogeology, UNR MS, Mathematics, UNR Secondary Teaching BS, Mathematics, UNR Credential, Math MS, Mathematics, San Jose State Univ MS, Philosophy, UNR BS, Applied Mathematics, Cal Berkely BS, Business Admin, UNR Two degrees in administration 9 13 5 12 33 36 8 11 MS, Mathematics, UNR BS, Mathematics, UNR 29 26 31 33 30 25 35 Program/Unit Review Self Study | Resources 4.3 MATHEMATICS Ubon Douangchampa 1 Rebecca Burke 1 2012-13 MS, Mathematics, 2 Illinois State University BS, Mathematics & Computer Science Univ of Illinois, Chicago MS, Engineering, Provisional Teacher 3 Cornell University License in Secondary BS, Physics and English, Math – State of Colorado Creighton University Program/Unit Review Self Study | Resources 3 8 4.4 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 Full-Time to Part-Time Faculty Ratio Full-time vs. Part-time Faculty FTE Fall Semesters 100% Full-time 90% Part-time 80% 70% 60% 75% 64% 62% 50% 60% 55% 40% 45% 30% 40% 38% 36% 20% 25% 10% 0% Fall 07 Fall 08 Fall 09 Fall 10 Fall 11 Full-time vs. Part-time Faculty FTE Spring Semesters 100% Full-time 90% Part-time 80% 70% 60% 50% 64% 62% 64% 58% 40% 30% 38% 42% 36% 64% 36% 36% 20% 10% 0% Spr 08 Spr 09 Spr 10 Spr 11 Spring Fall Academic Years 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-01 2011-12 MATH/STAT (5 yr Avg) Full-time 64% 62% 55% 60% 75% 63% Spr 12 Part-time 36% 38% 45% 40% 25% 37% Full-time 62% 64% 58% 64% 64% 62% Part-time 38% 36% 42% 36% 36% 38% With a full-time/part-time ratio of roughly 60/40 we are doing well compared to the college average which is 53/47. With the difficulties associated with finding qualified part-time faculty in mathematics, we hope to keep the ratio at its present level or improve it further. Required Classified Credentials Program/Unit Review Self Study | Resources 4.5 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 Classified FTE Administrative Assistant II, 1.0 FTE The Mathematics Department has one full-time Administrative Assistant II position, which is filled by Ms. Janet Bicker. Ms. Bicker joined the department in March 2012 after Ms. Christie South’s retirement in December, 2011. She has been a valuable member of our team. Her duties include handling student inquiries in regards to registration, providing clerical support to the chair, vice chair, and faculty of the Math Department, input of course schedules into PeopleSoft, handling textbook orders, monitoring and maintaining department accounts, preparing accounts payable documents and creating faculty contracts in conjunction with Human Resources, coordinating student course evaluation process, handling and maintaining office documents, files, supply and equipment, and training and supervising student office worker. No specialized credentials are required for this position. Student Worker to assist Administrative Assistant II, 0.5FTE In addition to the Administrative Assistant, the department has a part-time student worker. Her duties include assisting Math students with admissions questions, answering phones and picking up messages, distributing mail; on-campus deliveries and other duties as assigned by Administrative Assistant. Facilities The department has discussed a myriad of small ways classrooms could be improved to better serve students. There have been difficulties with the white boards in Vista B201, 202, and 203. These boards are used extensively, and are therefore filthy by the end of the day making it more difficult for students to read what is written and decreasing the life-time of the pens. The pens dry out quickly, and most faculty would prefer to use high quality chalk-boards instead. As many faculty employ technology, the placement of projector screens needs to remain off of the main board area so both the boards and the technology can be used simultaneously. Sierra 102 remains a critical component of both our ALEKS and hybrid classes, but also for Math 283 and 285. In order for us to continue offering our innovative course solutions we will need to maintain TIER 2 scheduling in Vista 201, 202, 203, 100, 101 and 103 as well as Sierra 102, MDWS 102 and Edison 209 (currently controlled by Jim New) to allow for courses that do not fit in the traditional 2 days a week 75 minutes a day schedule. We need to have HTCR 120 added as a TIER 2 room, if we are going to reliably offer these options at the High Tech Center at Redfield. Technology The department uses a variety of classroom technologies to enhance the teaching of math courses at all levels. The table below provides a listing of the different classrooms and the corresponding technologies that each uses. The Vista building, Meadowood and Redfield classrooms, which are used for various lecture courses at all levels, are Smart classrooms with TI-Presenters. Sierra 102 is used for the teaching of lab-based math courses. It is a Smart classroom with a TI-Presenter and contains desktop computers for all students. Classroom Technologies Room Vista building, Meadowood, and Redfield Classrooms Courses Various lecture courses at all levels Technology ï‚· Smart classrooms Program/Unit Review Self Study | Resources 4.6 MATHEMATICS Sierra 102 Lab-based math courses ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· 2012-13 TI-Presenters Smart classroom Computer lab with desktop computers for all students TI-Presenter The department also uses several other technologies to support math instruction. Two web-based programs that are frequently used are ALEKS (Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces) and MyMathLab, both of which allow students to work on problems and topic areas at their own pace. Other software programs that are used include WeBWork (an online math homework system), GeoGebra (geometry software), Maxima (algebra software), Wolfram Alpha (a computational search engine), and Lyx/Latex (a document markup system that can be used for writing math equations). Several professors also use Livescribe smart pens to record examples for students. Finally, members of the Mathematics Department have also requested Mathematica 8 (a computational software program) and the use of mobile devices in the classroom, such as iPads. Other Technologies Currently Used Would Like to Use ALEKS MyMathLab WeBWork GeoGebra Maxima Wolfram Alpha Lyx/Latex WebAssign Homework Assist Livescribe smart pens Mathematica 8 IPads Funding Sources The Mathematics Departments operating funds and position funding come from State funds. The Technology Fee is used to provide for life-cycle replacements of instructional equipment. New requests can be made via the Academic Computing Committee’s tech fee process and the new Resource Allocation Process. Resource Strategic Plan The following section summarizes the findings above and outlines the self-study committee’s recommended targets for resource allocations to be implemented over the next five year period. Staffing Issues and Strategies Administrative support is adequate at this time; however, Ms. Janet Bicker’s duties have been gone beyond the job description of AAII and they fit better for AAIII. Facilities and Desired Capital Improvements The TMCC Mathematics Department at this time has sufficient space to offer the schedule of classes offered to meet the demand. The department is scheduled mostly into Tier 2 classrooms giving us the first right for scheduling. We need to have HTCR 120 added as a Tier 2 room in order to schedule courses which require Program/Unit Review Self Study | Resources 4.7 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 nonstandard meeting times. As the need arises we also schedule into Tier 3 classrooms. The major need in terms of space is for office space for our faculty. At present we need 2 additional offices, which would provide individual offices for those faculty in a shared office. Funding Allocations and Development Strategies State funding for the department is divided into two functional areas: Developmental Mathematics and College Level Mathematics. At present the department does not have a project or initiative requiring the need for additional resources. Funding Allocations State Operating - Developmental HJ01 Operating 7104 708 State Operating – College Level Math HJ03 Operating 7104 708 Wages IA Travel Operating 15 17 20 30 $ 3,500.00 $ 3,650.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 6,524.00 IA Travel Operating 17 20 30 $ $ 3,000.00 $ 12,198.00 Program/Unit Review Self Study | Resources 4.8 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 APPENDIX A Dean’s Analysis of Funding Resources School of Sciences - Math Fund Agency ORG Description OBJ Chair - Arrigotti, Maria State Operating: Developmental HJ01 Operating 7104 708 State Operating: College Level Math HJ03 Operating 7104 708 Lab 7266 708 Special Fees Other 7268 708 Budget FY 13 Wages IA Travel Operating 15 17 20 30 $ 3,500.00 $ 3,650.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 6,524.00 IA Travel Operating 17 20 30 $ $ 3,000.00 $ 12,198.00 HJ14 Math Lab Fees $ 13,449.18 HJ06 Math Chall' Exam $ 1,258.35 Program/Unit Review Self Study | Appendix A A.1 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 APPENDIX B Degree and Certificate Worksheets Mathematics Emphasis Associate of Science This is a two-year transferable program leading to an associate of science with an emphasis in mathematics. This program will provide students with the necessary background in calculus and differential equations needed for a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and will also provide the computer science needed for a bachelor of science degree at UNR. All courses recommended will partially satisfy the degree requirements for any of the bachelor’s degree options offered by the mathematics department at the University of Nevada, Reno. Emphasis Outcomes Students completing the emphasis will: • Select and apply the appropriate algorithm or methodology to solve mathematical problems. • Construct mathematical models of phenomena in the natural sciences, economics, and engineering and analyze the results in terms of the phenomena. • Use deductive reasoning to construct mathematical proofs. • Apply technology, including calculators and computers to effectively approximate solutions to mathematical problems. • Communicate mathematical information formally through appropriate notation, terminology, and graphical representation. Students will also be able to communicate mathematical ideas informally using everyday language. General Education Requirements Diversity (3 credits) Refer to the ‘Diversity’ section of the general education description of this college catalog for a list of approved courses. Designated diversity courses can be used to fulfill other general education or major requirements. Choosing from ANTH 201 or 201, EDU 203, HIST 208, 209, 211, 212, 227 or 247, PSY 276, SOC 205 or 276 will meet this requirement and also satisfy 3 credits of social science. English 6 credits ENG 101 and 102 or ENG 113 and 114. Fine Arts 3 credits See list of courses under the Associate of Science degree requirements. Humanities 3 credits Select a humanities from the department of History (only HIST 208, 209, 227 or 247), philosophy, English (except 101, 102, 107, 108, 112D, 113, 114, 181 and 297) or foreign languages and literature at 200-level or above. Mathematics 6 credits MATH 181, 182. Additional credits may be used to satisfy electives. Science 12 credits See list of courses under the Associate of Science degree requirements. Social Science 6 credits Choosing from one of the following courses will also meet the diversity requirements: ANTH 201 or 205, EDU 203, HIST 208, 209, 211, 212, 227 or 247, PSY 276, SOC 205 or 276. U.S. and Nevada Constitutions 3 credits Program/Unit Review Self Study | Appendix B 1 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 See list of courses under the Associate of Science degree requirements. Total General Education Requirements 39 Credits Emphasis Requirements CS 135 Computer Science I....................................................3 CS 202 Computer Science II...................................................3 MATH 182 Calculus II ( 2 credits from General Education).....2 MATH 283 Calculus III.............................................................4 MATH 285 Differential Equations.............................................3 Total Emphasis Requirements 15 Credits Elective Requirements Total Elective Requirements Total Degree Requirements 6 Credits 60 Credits Program/Unit Review Self Study | Appendix B 2 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 Program/Unit Review Self Study | Appendix B 3 Mathematics 2012-13 APPENDIX C: ASSESSMENT REPORTS Program/Discipline/Course Assessment Report Discipline: Mathematics Course Number: Math 95 School/Unit: School of Sciences Submitted by: Quan-Ping Chai and Rebecca Porter Academic Year: 2010-2011 Program, Discipline or Course Outcomes In the boxes below, summarize the outcomes assessed in your program or discipline during the last year. Outcome #1: Students will simplify and evaluate algebraic expressions. Assessment Measures In the boxes below, summarize the methods used to assess program, discipline, or course outcomes during the last year. All sections were given three similar problems. Instructors were allowed to choose between three similar problems to minimize distribution of the exam problem among students from various sections. The problem was the following: Simplify the algebraic expression: Assessment Results Use of Results In the boxes below, summarize the results of your assessment activities during the last year. In the boxes below, summarize how you are or how you plan to use the results to improve student learning. The results show that 70% of students mastered the skills of this outcome; however, the majority of mistakes were made in distributing a negative quantity and combining like terms. We recommend that instructors make an effort to spend more time on topics involving fraction operations, distributing negative quantities and combining like terms in Math 95. We recommend including such problems in assignments, worksheets, and exams that focus on these skills throughout the course. Effect on Program, Discipline or Course Based on the results of this assessment, will you revise your outcomes? If so, please summarize how and why in the boxes below. No changes will be made to the outcome. Truckee Meadows Community College | Appendix C 1 Mathematics 2012-13 3(2x – 4) – 2(5x – 1); 2(3x – 5) – 3(4x – 7); 4(2x – 3) – 2(6x – 5). Outcome #2: Students will form and solve linear equations in one variable. All sections were given three similar problems. Instructors were allowed to choose between three similar problems to minimize distribution of the exam problem among students from various sections. The problem was the following: Solve the equation algebraically: The results show that 57% of students mastered the skills of this outcome. The majority of mistakes were made in distributing a negative quantity and combining like terms, which reflects the weaknesses observed in outcome 1. We recommend that instructors make an effort to spend more time on topics involving fraction operations, distributing negative quantities and combining like terms in Math 95. We recommend including such problems in assignments, worksheets, and exams that focus on these skills throughout the course. No changes will be made to the outcome. The results show that 30% of students mastered the skills of this outcome; however, 50% of students were not able to calculate the slope or y-intercept correctly. The most common reason was due to arithmetic errors on multiplying and/or subtracting fractions. We recommend that instructors make an effort to review problems involving fraction operations in Math 95. We recommend including problems in homework and worksheets that focus on the use of fraction skills throughout the course. In addition, we recommend that more focus be placed on the concept of the No changes will be made to the outcome. However, the current assessment question may be revised to better assess the concept of finding an equation of the line. 16 + 7(6 – x) = 15 – 4(x + 2) 12 + 3(8 – x) = 9 – 6(x + 4) 15 + 3(7 – x) = 11 – 5(x + 3) Outcome #3 Students will form and graph linear equations in two variables. All sections were given three similar problems. Instructors were allowed to choose between three similar problems to minimize distribution of the exam problem among students from various sections. The problem was the following: Find the equation of the line going through the points: (2,-3) and (-8,1); Truckee Meadows Community College | Appendix C 2 Mathematics 2012-13 (-7,3) and (5,-3); (5,-1) and (-1, 3). relationship between the graph and its equation. Students who understand the graphical interpretation are better able to catch their arithmetic errors. Math 95 Assessment Report Lead Instructors: Quan-Ping Chai and Becky Porter a) Assessed course outcomes: This year we have assessed three course outcomes: 1. Simplify and evaluate algebraic expressions. 2. Solve linear equations in one variable. 3. Form linear equations in two variables. For each outcome, instructors were allowed to choose between three similar problems to minimize distribution of the exam problem among students from various sections. The problems were the following. 1. Simplify the algebraic expression. a. 3(2x – 4) – 2(5x – 1) b. 2(3x – 5) – 3(4x – 7) c. 4(2x – 3) – 2(6x – 5) 2. Solve the equation algebraically a. 16 + 7(6 – x) = 15 – 4(x + 2) b. 12 + 3(8 – x) = 9 – 6(x + 4) c. 15 + 3(7 – x) = 11 – 5(x + 3) 3. Find the equation of the line passing through the given points. Express the equation in slope-intercept form. Truckee Meadows Community College | Appendix C 3 Mathematics 2012-13 a. b. c. (2, -3) and (-8, 1) (-7, 3) and (5, -3) (5, -1) and (-1, 3) b) Assessment results Three similar problems for each course outcome were given to the instructors who then chose one of the three for each outcome to include in their final exam. Instructors indicated number of correct answers and incorrect answers. Incorrect answers were analyzed into each of the following six categories: For Outcome 1 1. The student did not distribute the negative sign correctly. 2. The student did not distribute to the second term in the parenthesis. 3. The student did not combine the like terms correctly. 4. The student confused the expression for an equation (student solved for x). 5. No attempt. 6. Other (for other errors) The results are recorded in the following table. Percentage of incorrect answers % of correct answers 70% 1 9% 2 5% 3 8% 4 4% 5 1% 6 3% The data shows that 70% of students mastered the skills of this outcome; however, the majority of mistakes were made in distributing a negative quantity and combining like terms. Truckee Meadows Community College | Appendix C 4 Mathematics 2012-13 For Outcome 2 1. The student did not follow the order of operations. 2. The student did not distribute correctly. 3. The student did not combine the like terms correctly. 4. The student did not know how to isolate the variable. 5. No attempt. 6. Other (for other errors) The results are recorded in the following table. Percentage of incorrect answers % of correct answers 57% 1 4% 2 3 13% 12% 4 2% 5 2% 6 10% 57% of students mastered the skills of this outcome. The majority of mistakes were made in distributing a negative quantity and combining like terms, which reflects the weaknesses observed in outcome 1. For Outcome 3 1. The student did not find the correct slope. 2. The student did not find the correct y-intercept. 3. The student did not give the correct final answer. 4. Used the midpoint or distance formula instead of the slope. Truckee Meadows Community College | Appendix C 5 Mathematics 2012-13 5. No attempt. 6. Other (for other errors) The results are recorded in the following table. Percentage of incorrect answers % of correct answers 30% 1 2 21% 29% 3 7% 4 0% 5 8% 6 5% The data shows that 30% of students mastered the skills of this outcome; however, 50% of students were not able to calculate the slope or y-intercept correctly. The most common reason was due to arithmetic errors on multiplying and/or subtracting fractions. c) Use of the results Regarding outcome 1 and 2, we recommend that instructors make an effort to spend more time on topics involving fraction operations, distributing negative quantities and combining like terms in Math 95. We recommend including such problems in assignments, worksheets, and exams that focus on these basic skills throughout the course. For outcome 3, more focus may be placed on the concept of the relationship between the graph and its equation. Students who understand the graphical interpretation are better able to catch their arithmetic errors. These measures will be reported to the department and made available on the Math 095 instructor Moodle site for instructors. Program/Discipline/Course Assessment Report Program: Discipline: Math Course Number: 96 School/Unit: SOS Submitted by: Shannon McCool Truckee Meadows Community College | Appendix C 6 Mathematics 2012-13 Contributing Faculty: Academic Year: 2010 – 2011 Program, Discipline or Course Outcomes In the boxes below, summarize the outcomes assessed in your program or discipline during the last year. Assessment Measures Assessment Results Use of Results In the boxes below, summarize the methods used to assess program, discipline, or course outcomes during the last year. Department common final. In the boxes below, summarize the results of your assessment activities during the last year. In the boxes below, summarize how you are or how you plan to use the results to improve student learning. See description below. See description below. No. Outcome #2: Students will use mathematics concepts in real world situations. Department common final. See description below. See description below. No. Outcome #3 Students will simplify and perform operations with nonlinear expressions. Department common final. See description below. See description below. No. Outcome #1: Students will solve nonlinear equations using analytic methods. Effect on Program, Discipline or Course Based on the results of this assessment, will you revise your outcomes? If so, please summarize how and why in the boxes below. Assessment of the individual course outcomes at the end of the 2010 – 2011 school year is not appropriate since we piloted a comprehensive department final during the Fall 2010 and Spring 2011 semesters and this is our main method of assessing the student learning outcomes at the end of each semester. This final is currently being reworked due to the deficiencies that were found in the grading format, limited problem set and/or the delivery rules. Of the finals given during this school year, there was no correlation between a student’s grade prior to taking the final exam and the same student’s grade on the final exam, which is expected to at least some degree. This is partially due to an ineffective grading method. Also at this time, there is inconsistency in applying the rubric, so future training or more detailed explanations will be needed. Therefore, no accurate assessment can be done at this time since the current final exam implementation is flawed. Full time and part time faculty feedback will be used, as well as the actual student exams, in the upcoming semester to work on a second pilot round. Continual changes will be made to the Truckee Meadows Community College | Appendix C 7 Mathematics 2012-13 version so that it becomes an appropriate assessment tool of the student learning outcomes for Math 96. Changes to the format will also be implemented to make it appropriate for the upcoming finals week schedule. Math 100 Fall 2010 – Spring 2011 Submitted by: Maria Arrigotti Instructors: Maria Arrigotti and Kurt Ehlers Program, Discipline or Course Outcomes In the boxes below, summarize the outcomes assessed in your program or discipline during the last year. Outcome #1: Students will apply ratio and proportion to problems in health sciences. Outcome #2: Students will convert between metric, household, and Apothecary units. Assessment Measures Assessment Results Use of Results In the boxes below, summarize the methods used to assess program, discipline, or course outcomes during the last year. The first four tests of the course assessed this outcome. There was a required minimum score of 70% on each test. In the boxes below, summarize the results of your assessment activities during the last year. In the boxes below, summarize how you are or how you plan to use the results to improve student learning. The test scores are located on the attached sheet. We had one student assessed in the fall and seven students assessed in the spring. This is the total number of students between the two sections. The average for each semester on this set of tests was an A. The test scores are located on the attached sheet. We had one student assessed in the fall and seven students assessed in the spring. This is the total number of students between the two sections. The fall semester score was a 73% on the one student. The spring semester average on this test was Our data shows that students are successfully learning this material. No Our data shows that students are successfully learning this material. No The fifth test of the course assessed this outcome. There was a required minimum score of 70%. Effect on Program, Discipline or Course Based on the results of this assessment, will you revise your outcomes? If so, please summarize how and why in the boxes below. Truckee Meadows Community College | Appendix C 8 Mathematics 2012-13 an A. Outcome #3: Students will compute dosages. Tests six thru eight assessed this outcome. There was a required minimum score of 70% on each test. The test scores are located on the attached sheet. We had one student assessed in the fall and seven students assessed in the spring. This is the total number of students between the two sections. The average for each semester on this set of tests was an A. Our data shows that students are successfully learning this material. No Math 105 Fall 2010 – Spring 2011 Submitted by: Maria Arrigotti Instructors: Maria Arrigotti and Kurt Ehlers Program, Discipline or Course Outcomes In the boxes below, summarize the outcomes assessed in your program or discipline during the last year. Assessment Measures Assessment Results Use of Results In the boxes below, summarize the methods used to assess program, discipline, or course outcomes during the last year. In the boxes below, summarize the results of your assessment activities during the last year. In the boxes below, summarize how you are or how you plan to use the results to improve student learning. Effect on Program, Discipline or Course Based on the results of this assessment, will you revise your outcomes? If so, please summarize how and why in the boxes below. Truckee Meadows Community College | Appendix C 9 Mathematics 2012-13 Outcome #1: Students will use proportions to solve basic problems in radiology. The forth test of the course assessed this outcome. There was a required minimum score of 70% on this test. The test scores are located on the attached sheet. We had seventeen students assessed in the fall and ten students assessed in the spring. The average score for both semesters was an A. Our data shows that students are successfully learning this material. No Outcome #2: Students will convert between metric and English system units. The sixth test of the course assessed this outcome. There was a required minimum score of 70%. The test scores are located on the attached sheet. We had seventeen students assessed in the fall and ten students assessed in the spring. The average score for both semesters was an A. Our data shows that students are successfully learning this material. No Outcome #3: Students will apply basic algebra and geometry to problems in radiological science. The seventh test of the course assessed this outcome. There was a required minimum score of 70% on each test. The test scores are located on the attached sheet. We had sixteen students assessed in the fall and ten students assessed in the spring. The average score for both semesters was an A. Our data shows that students are successfully learning this material. No Math 106 Fall 2010 – Spring 2011 Submitted by: Maria Arrigotti Instructors: Maria Arrigotti and Kurt Ehlers Program, Discipline or Course Outcomes Assessment Measures Assessment Results Use of Results Effect on Program, Discipline or Course Truckee Meadows Community College | Appendix C 10 Mathematics 2012-13 In the boxes below, summarize the outcomes assessed in your program or discipline during the last year. In the boxes below, summarize the results of your assessment activities during the last year. In the boxes below, summarize how you are or how you plan to use the results to improve student learning. Based on the results of this assessment, will you revise your outcomes? If so, please summarize how and why in the boxes below. Outcome #1: Students will demonstrate knowledge of the basic concepts of Euclidean geometry. In the boxes below, summarize the methods used to assess program, discipline, or course outcomes during the last year. The first test of the course assessed this outcome. There was a required minimum score of 70% on this test. The test scores are located on the attached sheet. We had five students assessed in the fall and six students assessed in the spring. The average score for both semesters was an A. Our data shows that students are successfully learning this material. No Outcome #2: Students will do basic geometrical constructions with a straight edge and ruler. The second test of the course assessed this outcome. There was a required minimum score of 70%. The test scores are located on the attached sheet. We had five students assessed in the fall and six students assessed in the spring. The average score for both semesters was an A. Our data shows that students are successfully learning this material. No Outcome #3: Students will construct simple geometric proofs. The third test of the course assessed this outcome. There was a required minimum score of 70% on each test. The test scores are located on the attached sheet. We had five students assessed in the fall and five students assessed in the spring. The average score for both semesters was an A. Our data shows that students are successfully learning this material. No Program/Discipline/Course Assessment Report Discipline: Mathematics Course Number: MATH 120 School/Unit: School of Sciences Submitted by: Ted Lambert Academic Year: 2009-2010 Truckee Meadows Community College | Appendix C 11 Mathematics 2012-13 Program/Discipline Outcomes Assessment Measures Assessment Results Use of Results Effect on the Program/Discipline In the boxes below, summarize the outcomes assessed in your program or discipline during the last year. In the boxes below, summarize the methods used to assess program, discipline, or course outcomes during the last year. Common final exams combined with student portfolios were used to assess the students’ knowledge and ability. In the boxes below, summarize the results of your assessment activities during the last year. In the boxes below, summarize how you are or how you plan to use the results to improve student learning. Based on the results of this assessment, will you revise your outcomes? If so, please summarize how and why in the boxes below. Students had difficulty differentiating the various types of financial math problems and hence difficulty selecting an appropriate solution technique. In general students’ feel that demonstrating the ability to solve exponential growth and decay problems is the most difficult outcome for this course. Exam results indicated that in fact outcome 3 was the most difficult, but students overall were not performing well on this outcome either. Assessment results indicated that this outcome posed the most difficulty for students. Based on the results of the assessment new materials were developed to address this issue (see narrative below for more details). Classes, which use the new materials, no longer have widespread difficulty with financial math problems. This holds true for classes taught either by full-time or part-time faculty. Classes, which use the new materials and are taught by full-time faculty, no longer have widespread difficulty with exponential growth and decay problems. This does not hold true for classes taught by part-time faculty. (see narrative below for more details). Outcome #1: (MATH 120) Students will demonstrate the ability to solve financial math problems. Outcome #2: (MATH 120) Students will demonstrate the ability to solve exponential growth and decay problems. Common final exams combined with student portfolios were used to assess the students’ knowledge and ability. Outcome #3: (MATH 120) Students will demonstrate the ability to solve basic problems in probability and statistics. Common final exams combined with student portfolios were used to assess the students’ knowledge and ability. Based on the results of the assessment new materials were developed to address this issue (see narrative below for more details). Based on the results of the assessment new materials were developed to address this issue (see narrative below for more details). Classes, which use the new materials and are taught by full-time faculty, have limited the common problems to one objective contained in this outcome. This does not hold true for classes taught by part-time faculty, which still struggle Truckee Meadows Community College | Appendix C 12 Mathematics 2012-13 with 3 objectives contained in this outcome. (see narrative below for more details). Program/Discipline/Course Assessment Report Program: Discipline: Mathematics Course Number: Math 123 School/Unit: Submitted by: Paula Farrenkopf Contributing Faculty: Academic Year: Spring 2011 Program, Discipline or Course Outcomes In the boxes below, summarize the outcomes assessed in your program or discipline during the last year. Outcome #1: Measure/calculate length, perimeter, capacity weight, area, surface area, volume, time, temperature, and angle measures. Assessment Measures Assessment Results Use of Results In the boxes below, summarize the methods used to assess program, discipline, or course outcomes during the last year. Data was collected from final exam. In the boxes below, summarize the results of your assessment activities during the last year. In the boxes below, summarize how you are or how you plan to use the results to improve student learning. From the selected question dealing with the outcome stated many students did correctly answer the question. See attached data. Comparing data collected from previous years with this new set of data there is an increase in understanding the concept but will emphasize triangle area concept more. Effect on Program, Discipline or Course Based on the results of this assessment, will you revise your outcomes? If so, please summarize how and why in the boxes below. I feel my present outcome addresses the needs of the course Truckee Meadows Community College | Appendix C 13 Mathematics 2012-13 Outcome #2: Outcome #3: Program/Discipline/Course Assessment Report Discipline: Mathematics Course Number: MATH 127 School/Unit: School of Sciences Submitted by: Elsi Reinhardt Academic Year: 2010-2011 Program, Discipline or Course Outcomes In the boxes below, summarize the outcomes assessed in your program or discipline during the last year. Assessment Measures In the boxes below, summarize the methods used to assess program, discipline, or course outcomes during the last year. Assessment Results In the boxes below, summarize the results of your assessment activities during the last year. Use of Results In the boxes below, summarize how you are or how you plan to use the results to improve student learning. Effect on Program, Discipline or Course Based on the results of this assessment, will you revise your outcomes? If so, please summarize how and why in the boxes below. Truckee Meadows Community College | Appendix C 14 Mathematics 2012-13 Outcome #1: Students will use the Unit Circle to relate the trigonometric functions to a real number. The ability was measured by instructors imbedding common or similar question into their Final exams and reporting their results to the lead instructor. Outcome #2: Students will solve triangles. The ability was measured by instructors imbedding common or similar question into their Final exams and reporting their results to the lead instructor. Outcome #3: Students will analyze and relate equations and graphs of conic sections. The ability was measured by instructors imbedding common or similar question into their Final exams and reporting their results to the lead instructor. Number of students with correct answers decreased from 76% in the Fall to 55% in the Spring, possibly due to instructors’ choice of the quadrant for the angle corresponding to the real number. Number of students with correct answers increased from 56% in the Fall to 73% in the Spring. Students had problems with labeling the diagram when the diagram was not given. The assessment data will be shared with the instructors with the intent of generating discussion and improving overall consistency. We will need to focus on signs of the trigonometric functions and provide more opportunity for practice. The level of difficulty of the outcomes assessment question needs to be made more consistent among the instructors. For example, some instructors let the real number represent an angle in quadrant I, some in quadrants II or III. The assessment data will be shared with the instructors with the intent of generating discussion and improving overall consistency. Number of students with correct answers increased from 33% in the Fall to 49% in the Spring. Many students didn’t recognize the need for an ellipse and mixed up the relationship between a, b, and c with the Pythagorean Theorem. The assessment data will be shared with the instructors with the intent of generating discussion and improving overall consistency. The problem used for this outcome may have been too specialized. For any future assessment we should consider using a more fundamental problem on conic sections. The level of difficulty of the outcomes assessment question needs to be made more consistent among the instructors. For example, some instructors provided a picture of the situation, some did not. Some instructors used the terminology “angle of elevation”. One instructor used an oblique triangle problem. The level of difficulty of the outcomes assessment question needs to be made more consistent among the instructors. Outcome question used as bonus or extra credit question was not successful, only one student attempted to solve the problem. Math 128 Spring 2011 Instructed and Submitted by: Maria Arrigotti Program, Discipline or Course Outcomes Assessment Measures Assessment Results Use of Results Effect on Program, Discipline or Course Truckee Meadows Community College | Appendix C 15 Mathematics 2012-13 In the boxes below, summarize the outcomes assessed in your program or discipline during the last year. Outcome #1: Perform, analyze, interpret and apply basic algebraic operations involving equations and inequalities of simple functions. Outcome #2: Utilize multiple representations of trigonometric functions to perform analysis of problems, both applied and abstract. Outcome #3: Graph and interpret relations in alternate coordinate and number systems, utilizing systems of equations and conic sections as appropriate. In the boxes below, summarize the methods used to assess program, discipline, or course outcomes during the last year. Multiple quizzes, tests, and homeworks assessed this outcome. Data was collected and is presented on how the students performed on the appropriate corresponding final exam questions. Multiple quizzes, tests, and homeworks assessed this outcome. Data was collected and is presented on how the students performed on the appropriate corresponding final exam questions. Multiple quizzes, tests, and homeworks assessed this outcome. Data was collected and is presented on how the students performed on the appropriate corresponding final exam questions. In the boxes below, summarize the results of your assessment activities during the last year. In the boxes below, summarize how you are or how you plan to use the results to improve student learning. Based on the results of this assessment, will you revise your outcomes? If so, please summarize how and why in the boxes below. Out of the two problems chosen on the final to assess this outcome, an average of 74% of the students performed to standards, meaning they showed complete understanding of the material without any errors in the work or final answers. Please see the attached sheet for detailed results. Out of the two problems chosen on the final to assess this outcome, an average of 79% of the students performed to standards, meaning they showed complete understanding of the material without any errors in the work or final answers. Please see the attached sheet for detailed results. Out of the two problems chosen on the final to assess this outcome, an average of 47% of the students performed to standards, meaning they showed complete understanding of the material without any errors in the work or final answers. Please see the attached sheet for detailed results. These are good results. Students have shown improvement compared to previous semesters due to teaching adjustments, which I will continue to improve on in future semesters. No These are good results. Students have shown improvement compared to previous semesters due to teaching adjustments, which I will continue to improve on in future semesters. No More attention and time needs to be paid to this particular outcome. Adjustments to the schedule of sections covered in lecture will be considered in the future as well as exploring new techniques of representing and exploring the material. No Truckee Meadows Community College | Appendix C 16 Mathematics 2012-13 Math 176 Fall 2010 – Spring 2011 Submitted by: Kurt Ehlers Instructors: Kurt Ehlers Program, Discipline or Course Outcomes In the boxes below, summarize the outcomes assessed in your program or discipline during the last year. Outcome #1: Students will compute derivatives and integrals of functions of one variable. Outcome #2: Students will interpret the concepts of calculus in terms of models of natural and economic behavior. Assessment Measures Assessment Results Use of Results In the boxes below, summarize the methods used to assess program, discipline, or course outcomes during the last year. This outcome was measured using three problems of varying difficulty on the final exam. In the boxes below, summarize the results of your assessment activities during the last year. In the boxes below, summarize how you are or how you plan to use the results to improve student learning. 56% of students made no mistakes on these three problems and 87% made no mistakes on two of the three. Only one student made mistakes on all three. This outcome was measured using an exam problem asking the student to compute and interpret the elasticity of demand for a good. 73% answered this problem completely correctly. Most students losing credit on this problem made mistakes in the algebra / arithmetic. 4% of those tested missed this problem completely. Nearly every student has mastered the mechanics of taking derivatives. The most commonly missed problem involved the product rule. Perhaps including more review problems during the second half of the course could remedy this. Overall, this outcome was met to a satisfactory level. Effect on Program, Discipline or Course Based on the results of this assessment, will you revise your outcomes? If so, please summarize how and why in the boxes below. No No Truckee Meadows Community College | Appendix C 17 Mathematics 2012-13 Outcome #3: Students will demonstrate the ability to interpret the concepts of calculus geometrically. This outcome was measured using two problems: 1) Estimate the value of a derivative at a point using the graph, and 2) Use the graph to determine the value of a definite integral. These problems also measured outcome 2 since they involved a population model and marginal cost of production of a good. 87% of students did problem 1 completely correctly. There were a couple silly mistakes like 400/10=4, etc. 67% got problem 2 completely correct. Our data shows that students are successfully learning this material. No Math 181 Fall 2010 - Spring 2011 Instructed by: Peter Kimani, Elsi Reinhardt, Joan Hallett, and Maria Arrigotti Submitted by: Maria Arrigotti Program, Discipline or Course Outcomes Assessment Measures In the boxes below, summarize the In the boxes below, outcomes assessed in your program summarize the methods used to assess program, Assessment Results In the boxes below, summarize the results of your assessment Use of Results Effect on Program, Discipline or Course In the boxes below, summarize Based on the results of this how you are or how you plan to use assessment, will you revise the results to improve student your outcomes? If so, Truckee Meadows Community College | Appendix C 18 Mathematics 2012-13 or discipline during the last year. discipline, or course outcomes during the last year. activities during the last year. Outcome #1: An appropriate final exam question was assessed. Each instructor checked for both correct work and correct results to this problem. Students performed very well on Results were good enough on this No this problem. Both semesters outcome. showed a 78% success rate, meaning those students had the correct answer with correct work shown. Please see the attached sheet for detailed results. Compute derivatives by using the rules for differentiation. learning. please summarize how and why in the boxes below. Outcome #2: Appropriate final exam questions were assessed. Construct anti-derivatives by using Each instructor checked analytical, graphical and geometric for both correct work and methods. correct results to these problems. Results were fairly good. Integration by substation still proves to be difficult for more than half of the students, but this topic is covered again in Math 182. Please see the attached sheet for detailed results. Perhaps with the addition of a No finals week, instructors will be able to increase student understanding by spending more time on integration, as this occurs at the end of the semester. Outcome #3: This was the weakest of the assessed outcomes. Please see the attached sheet for detailed results. More attention and time needs to be The related rates problem can paid to this particular outcome. have just one component Adjustments to the schedule of sections (rather than parts a and b) for covered in lecture will be considered in next year. the future as well as exploring new techniques of representing and exploring the material. Application problems are often the most difficult for students. Appropriate final exam questions were assessed. Apply derivatives to: Each instructor checked for both correct work and i) Set up and solve problems involving the maximization or minimization of a quantity. correct results to these problems. ii) Perform implicit differentiation and solve related rate problems. iii) Perform the first and second derivative test. Truckee Meadows Community College | Appendix C 19 Mathematics 2012-13 Math 182 Fall 2010 - Spring 2011 Instructed by: Joan Hallett and Maria Arrigotti Submitted by: Maria Arrigotti Program, Discipline or Course Outcomes In the boxes below, summarize the outcomes assessed in your program or discipline during the last year. Assessment Measures Assessment Results In the boxes below, In the boxes below, summarize the summarize the methods used results of your assessment activities to assess program, during the last year. discipline, or course outcomes during the last year. Use of Results In the boxes below, summarize how you are or how you plan to use the results to improve student learning. Effect on Program, Discipline or Course Based on the results of this assessment, will you revise your outcomes? If so, please summarize how and why in the boxes below. Outcome #1: An appropriate final exam Results were fairly good. Only a question was assessed. Each very small percentage (if any) of Use the definite integral to find instructor checked for both students showed lack of volumes and surface areas for correct work and correct comprehension on this outcome. solids of revolution. results to this problem. Any weaknesses with students who showed partially correct work were directly related to algebraic and simple graphical errors. Please see the attached sheet for detailed results. Perhaps more review of simple No graphing techniques learned in algebra is needed when volumes are initially presented in the class. Outcome #2: Alternate methods of presentation No and exploration are continuously explored. An appropriate final exam Considering how difficult question was assessed. Each applications usually are for Apply definite integrals to a instructor checked for both students, results were not bad. variety of problems from other correct work and correct Only a very small percentage of disciplines. results to this problem. students showed lack of comprehension on this outcome. Please see the attached sheet for Truckee Meadows Community College | Appendix C 20 Mathematics 2012-13 detailed results. Outcome #3: Determine convergence for series. An appropriate final exam This was the weakest of the question was assessed. Each assessed outcomes. Please see the instructor checked for both attached sheet for detailed results. correct work and correct results to this problem. More time and attention is being devoted to this topic. Supplementary materials have been made for additional aid, but more options for improving instruction will be explored next year. There are many components to the problem used for this outcome, making it more susceptible to partially incorrect work. It may be adjusted in the future. Math 283 Fall 2010 – Spring 2011 Submitted by: Kurt Ehlers Instructors: Kurt Ehlers Program, Discipline or Course Outcomes In the boxes below, summarize the outcomes assessed in your program or discipline during the last year. Outcome #1: Students will compute derivatives and integrals of real valued and vector valued functions. Assessment Measures Assessment Results Use of Results In the boxes below, summarize the methods used to assess program, discipline, or course outcomes during the last year. This outcome was measured using the first 11 homework assignments and all three exams. In the boxes below, summarize the results of your assessment activities during the last year. In the boxes below, summarize how you are or how you plan to use the results to improve student learning. Ability to differentiate and integrate functions of several variables was almost universally demonstrated by students in the class. 14 of 17 students had a homework average of over 90% indicating that, when given time, these students are able to successfully differentiate or integrate a function of several Parameterization of paths was previously done as a separate topic with the introductory material. This semester it was placed at the end when it was used to compute path integrals. This topic will be moved back to the beginning. Seeing this important topic Effect on Program, Discipline or Course Based on the results of this assessment, will you revise your outcomes? If so, please summarize how and why in the boxes below. No Truckee Meadows Community College | Appendix C 21 Mathematics 2012-13 Outcome #2: Students will interpret geometrically derivatives and integrals of functions of several variables. Outcome #3: Students will demonstrate the ability to apply the techniques of multivariable calculus to problems in math, physical sciences, and engineering. This outcome was measured using a problem on the second exam where a vector in the direction of greatest increase of a function of two variables was asked for. A second problem asking for the value of a double integral to be determined geometrically using elementary volume formulas was also used to measure this outcome. This was measured on all assignments and exams throughout the semester. variables. One point of weakness uncovered by the final exam was the inability of many students (~40%) to parameterize simple paths as the initial step in computing path integrals directly. This is worse than the semester before (~25%). Polar coordinates appear to be a problem. Few students are adept at graphing in polar coordinates. All students answered the first problem correctly up to the final detail of giving the requested unit vector. All students knew what to do on the second problem. A couple got the figure incorrect or forgot the volume formula for a tetrahedron. A definite weakness in the ability to give units and interpret the value of a derivative was shown on homework 2. Problems on these ideas were almost universally missed. By the midterm 60% were able to give units and interpret the derivative correctly in the context of a problem involving a mixed partial derivative. On the third exam students were asked to set up twice seems to be helpful. More emphasis must be placed on polar coordinates starting with Math 127. This will be brought up with the department. A renewed emphasis on graphing by hand throughout the curriculum would help with the second problem. This will be discussed with the department as a whole. No Our data shows that students are successfully learning this material. No Truckee Meadows Community College | Appendix C 22 Mathematics 2012-13 an integral for the moment of inertia of a top; 80% of students were able to do this correctly. Truckee Meadows Community College | Appendix C 23 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 APPENDIX D TMCC/ UNR Math Success Data in Post-Requisite Courses Program/Unit Review Self Study | Appendix D D.1 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 Program/Unit Review Self Study | Appendix D D.2 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 Program/Unit Review Self Study | Appendix D D.3 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 Program/Unit Review Self Study | Appendix D D.4 MATHEMATICS 2012-13 Click here to enter text. Program/Unit Review Self Study | Appendix D D.5