ATMCC Truak•• M••dawa Cammunlty Call•lil• TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW-ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 Program/Unit Reviewed: Dental Assisting Self-Study Chair: Julie Muhle Division: Sciences Year of Last PUR: 2009-2010 Dean: Lance Bowen Year of next PUR: 2015-2016 Program/Unit Mission Statement: The mission of the Dental Assisting program is to provide a respectful, supportive, theory-based education on which to build clinical excellence. This education will provide students with the knowledge to seek and promote life-long learning that will positively impact the oral health care of our diverse community. This is accomplished through didactic, laboratory and clinical experiences resulting in competent, certification-ready and employable dental health care professionals. The Description of the Degree(s)/Emphasis(s)/Certificate(s) for your PUR area are listed below. Please reviewfor accuracy. Description of Degree/Emphasis/Certificates: None listed . SECTION I The Outcomes and Measures listed below were retrievedfrom Degree/Emphasis or Certificate submissions provided by your area to CAP and approved. Please review the outcomes to ensure accuracy or submit changes to CAP via the Degree, Emphasis, Certificate (DEC) Revisions form located on the CAP Resources web page. Ifyour area is scheduled for a PUR in the nearfuture, please plan on reporting assessment efforts around these learning outcomes when you participate in your PUR. AAS Dental Assisting Degree and Certificate of Achievement Goals/Outcomes: • Perform basic side chair functions to facilitate completion of restorative and advanced operative procedures as allowed by the State Dental Act. • Demonstrate knowledge of radiation safety and proficiency in exposing, processing, and mounting dental radiographs. • Demonstrate knowledge of infection and hazard control in the lab/workplace. • Perform basic office procedures necessary to assist in managing the dental practice. Dental Assisting, Full-time/Part-time Certificate of Achievement Goals/Outcomes: • Perform basic side chair functions to facilitate completion of restorative and advanced operative procedures as allowed by the State Dental Act. • Demonstrate knowledge of radiation safety and proficiency in exposing, processing, and mounting dental radiographs. • Demonstrate knowledge of infection and hazard control in the lab/workplace. • Perform basic office procedures necessary to assist in managing the dental practice. APR I REV: 5/2014 ATMCC Truckoo Meodowo Community Call•11• TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW -ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 SECTION II The following recommendations and strategies were identified in your most recent Program/Unit Review. Please respond to the strategies by including the status, actions taken to respond to the strategy, projected timeline, and if resources are anticipated to fulfill the strategy. Unit Strategy #1 Continue to explore additional opportunities for self-funded workshops to members of the Dental Assisting community. Status: Complete and Ongoing Timeline: November 2015-March 2017 Action: Successfully offered two radiology workshops, March 141 2015 and July 251 2015. Plan to offer more each semester as local interest dictates. DANB Certification workshops are offered continuously online. Students can take the online workshop anytime and are not bound by specific semesters for enrollment. The Basic Training Workshop curriculum has been developed. The plan was to run it once as a workshop and then go through the process to create a course for credit. Since last year, the need for FTE has resulted in reevaluating the course and creating a skills certificate instead of running it as a workshop. The paperwork will be submitted in the spring to CAPS so as not to interfere with the self-study and site visit by CODA in Fall 2016. The course(s) will not be offered until after the site visit. In the development stage of creating a schedule of self-funded table clinics and workshops for dental assistants in collaboration with the local dental assistant society. In talks with Dr. David White to offer a selffunded two week dental boot camp to UNR Pre-Dental Students during the summer semester. Anticipated Resources Needed: The self-funded workshops and table clinics will payfor staffing and contribute to the repairfund. Space is always an issue, however, most of the workshops will be held on weekends, nights, summer, and online, resulting in fewer issues scheduling time in the dental clinic and laboratory spaces. The biggest impact with regard to space and clinic/radiology availability will occur with program offerings and continuing education, not workshops. Unit Strategy # 2 Continue to explore opportunities to collaborate with the University of Nevada-Las Vegas Dental School. This relationship may provide opportunities through Dental Residents/Faculty Practice to fulfill the need for additional specialty dentists. Status: Ongoing Timeline: Unable to determine based on space andfunds Goa/1sfor 2017·18 Action: The implementation of a plan to work with the UNL V Dental School residents is on-hold, however, the planning continues. As noted in the last APR, the acquisition of extra space is critical to moving forward on this project. Since the last report many changes have occurred resulting in a green light to the dental assisting program securing RDMT 412 and 412A for additional clinic space. This space will not be vacant until sometime summer 2016 and funds must be secured to purchase the equipment to complete the clinic space. APR I REV: 5/2014 ATMCC Truck•• Meadow• Community College TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW-ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 This space will also be used as a second clinic for dental assisting to alleviate the scheduling issues that plague both Dental Hygiene and Dental Assisting in the areas of radiology and the clinic. In addition to hosting UNLV Residents, offering more clinic and radiology time for dental assisting, the remodeled space will increase the options for the DA program to host continuing education courses, become a state and regional testing center for DA and DH examinations, and enable the launch of the expanded functions program I have contacted dental suppliers for bids, and collaborated with Teresa Golden from Facilities, to assist in the project planning, and to determine the extent and cost of capital improvement to complete the project. Once Teresa has completed the plan, I will contact the TMCC Foundation to assess the availability of grants for this situation, as well as explore other avenues for funding. Anticipated Resources Needed: Equipment to complete clinic: • 22 dental chairs/units • 22 practice manikins • 12 dental assisting carts • 12 practice simulators • 3 digital x-ray units • 3 basic dental radiology chairs • • • Miscellaneous instruments, small equipment, etc., Operator/assistant chairs Capital Improvements 22 x s201 000.oo =s240,ooo 12 x Sl.400.00 = s16 800.oo 12 x s700.oo =s8400.oo 12 x sB,000.00 = s96,ooo.oo 3 x s6ooo.oo = s18 000.oo 3 x s5,ooo = Sl.51 000.00 1 1 =s36,ooo.oo 24 x sSoo.oo =s19,200.oo 12 x S3000.oo s200,ooo- s400,ooo Unit Strategy #3 Status: Timeline: Collaborate with the Dental Hygiene program to propose an Ongoing 2015-2017 equipment replacement budget which can be presented to the Dean. Action: As stated in the last APR, the operating budgetfor the dental assisting program is s3200-s3600 annually. Basically the only contribution DA can make to the process ofcreating a repair budget is to offer self1unded workshops and hold a specified amount offunds in reserve for repairs. Several workshops were offered to the dental community by the DA program and only two had enough students to fill the class. However, the economy is picking up, more dentists are filling their schedules and hiring more assistants and the needfor more workshops seems evident. Though DH has a much larger operating budget that has been sufficient to cover many repairs, they too are exploring continuing education offerings to increase funds designated for repairs. DH is currently working on a plan for differential tuition and some of those funds could be earmarkedfor repair and replacement. However, the plan has yet to go to Board ofRegents for approval and the ultimate numbers are yet unknown. Once the specifics are determined I will meet with the DH director to determine if any of the funds will be funneled toward a repair/replacement budget. To date, there is no known revenue stream from which a budget can be developed and managed for the DA program. Currently the system does not have a plan or budgetfor ongoing replacement or repair except for very specific items such as computers and software. I will explore the area ofsafety as a possible option for repair/replacement as it occurs in the Rad Tox account that pays for x-ray machine reqistration and radiation APR I REV: 5/2014 ATMCC Truole•• M•11dow• CDmmunlty CoU•ia• TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW -ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014·15 badges for the faculty and students. This could result in items designated as safety items or equipment, being placed on a schedule, with funds, for repair or replacement. Anticipated Resources Needed. A repair budget or replacement budget can begin with an account funded with ss, ooo and a commitmentfrom the college or NSHE to supplement (in addition to funds generated from self·supporting efforts by the programs) on a regular basis. Unit Strategy #4 Status: Timeline: Seek additional grant opportunities to fund digital radiology opportunities for students. Complete and )016 Ongoing Action: As of the last APR, this category was complete. A recent update in the institution operating system resulted in a change to a32 bit system that is not compatible with the two oldest digital sensors. There is no conversion available to enable the program to use the two sensors. I have reached out to local dental offices to determine if anyone might be interested in purchasing them so the funds could be used to purchase at least one sensor. To date Ihave had no offers. I have been searching for grants that address green equipment, digital imaging and student marketability and training. I will discuss the issue with the TMCC Foundation and hope they can assist me with funding or point me toward other grant opportunities. Anticipated Resources Needed: 2 digital sensors: 2 x s12,ooo = #24,000.00 APR I REV: 5/2014 ATMCC Trunk•• Meedawe Community College TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW -ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 SECTION Ill (OPTIONAL - Fill out only if adding new Unit Strategies) Please include any newly identified strategies for the Program/Unit. Please respond to the strategies by including the status, actions taken to respond to the strategy, projected timeline, and if resources are needed to fulfill the strategy. If there are no new strategies, please leave this blank and no signatures are required. Unit Strategies: Status: choose Ongoing Complete Other Timeline: Date range Action: Recap of accomplishments work to do Anticipated Resource Needed: What are they and what are the aporoximate costs? Unit Strategies: New Status: choose Ongoing Complete Other Action: Recap of accomplishments work to do Anticipated Resource Needed: What are they and what are the approximate costs? Unit Strategies: New Status: choose Ongoing Complete Other Action: Recap of accomplishments work to do Timeline: Date range Timeline: Date range Anticipated Resource Needed: What are they and what are the aooroximate costs? Approvals (Signature~ and dates are requ1red) APR I REV: 5/20 4