' ATMCC Truckee Me•dowe Community College TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW- ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2013-14 Program/Unit Reviewed: Biology Self-Study Chair: Melissa Deadmond Division: Sciences Dean: Ted Plaggemeyer Year of Last PUR: 2011-2012 Year of next PUR: 2018-19 Program/Unit Mission Statement: The mission of the Biology Department is to provide students the basic principles and concepts of modern biology in order to establish a foundation for those pursuing careers in the natural sciences as well as allied health professions. As such, the Biology Department offers college transfer courses for biology majors, provides prerequisite classes for allied health and other programs, and supports the College general education requirements in the natural sciences. The Description of the Degree(s)/Emphasis(s)/Certificate(s) for your PUR area are listed below. Please review for accuracy. Description of Degree/Emphasis/Certificates: This is a two-year transferable program leading to an Associate of Science with an Emphasis in Biology. The curriculum includes a core of courses in the biological and physical sciences and mathematics. All courses recommended will partially satisfy the Bachelor of Science in Biology at the University of Nevada, Reno. SECTION I The Outcomes and Measures listed below were retrieved from Degree/Emphasis or Certificate submissions provided by your area to CAP and approved. Please review the outcomes to ensure accuracy. This will be the first year that we officially collect data through the PUR process concerning these degree /eve/learning outcomes. If your area is scheduled foro PUR in the nearfuture, please plan on reporting assessment efforts around these learning outcomes when you participate in your PUR. (NO ACTION REQUIRED- PLEASE REVIEW) Biology Degree Goals/Outcome: • Apply principles of mathematics and physical sciences to laboratory practices and biological processes. • Explain concepts and theories in molecular structure and function, cellular processes, and genetics. • Demonstrate knowledge of the structural and physiological functions of organisms, their ecological context, and the evolutionary relationships and hierarchical organization of biological diversity. • Demonstrate proficient use of standard laboratory equipment and follow safe laboratory practices; apply the method of scientific inquiry by designing a controlled experiment, and collecting, analyzing and interpreting data; and present findings in written and oral formats. SECTION II The following Strategies were identified in your most recent Program/Unit Review. Please respond to the strategies by including the status, actions taken to respond to the strategy, projected timeline, and if resource issues are anticipated to fulfill the strategy. ... - ..ATMCC Truok•• Me•dow• Community College TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW- ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2013-14 Unit Strategies Degree assessment needs to be in place. A beginning plan can be adjusted as the situation evolves. Continue to work with advising regarding reverse transfer to increase the number of graduates with a Biology emphasis. Status - i.e. ongoing, complete Ongoing. Action Recap of accomplishments Work to do Will assess the degree via a meta-analysis of course assessment since degree outcomes reflect the culmination of course outcomes. Time line Ongoing. Met with Academic Advising in January 2014, presented new courses and directions within the Biology Department, and asked advisors to encourage students to consider the AS Biology emphasis. Ongoing. Will have in place by Spring 2015. Anticipated Resource Issues None. We will be receiving a list of declared AS Biology Emphasis from Andy Hughes in Admissions and will attempt to contact those students to offer department support. Mr. Hughes also receives a list of students who have already transferred to UNR and accumulated enough credits to earn an AS. We will ask for names and emails of those students so that we may contact them and encourage them to apply for an AS Biology degree. Monitor the impact ofthe creation of the Associate of Science in Community Health Sciences on the graduation rate of the Associate of Science/Biology Emphasis. No longer applicable. Coordinate a life Science Summit with appropriate UNR counterparts. Fall2015. The number of AS Biology Emphasis graduates, two, in the past five years is too small to be significantly impacted by the AS Community Health Science (CHS) Emphasis. A better strategy is to focus efforts on increasing graduates. Furthermore, UNR is planning changes to its Bachelor's Degree in CHS that will force TMCC to modify the AS CHS Emphasis in order to reestablish seamless transfer to UNR's new B.S. in Public Health. Complete. Resources for hosting the life Science Summit will be needed. Promotional materials for marketing the AS Biology Emphasis. Faculty with Public Health expertise to teach following changes to the CHS degree. .. . ... ATMCC Truckee Me•dow• Community College TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW- ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2013~14 Unit Strategies Status - i.e. ongoing, complete Action Recap of accomplishments Work to do Timeline Provide further clarification on the proposed Biology faculty advising position, and would this position still be necessary if an Associate of Science in Applied Science is available for students? Clarification complete. The proposed advising position was designed for the transferable AS Biology Emphasis. The proposed AS in Applied Science was implemented as the AS Community Health Science Emphasis. Clarification complete. The Department is currently considering implementation of multiple faculty advisors, who might be compensated with funds returned to the department from Dr. Ellsworth's INBRE grant. Advisor trial to begin 2014-2015 academic year. An additional Biology teaching faculty is a valid request and the data supports this (i.e. increasing FullTime Equivalence (FTE)). Currently searching. The Biology Department is presently conducting a search for 2 tenure track faculty positions in to start Fall2014. Search to be completed in Spring 2014 with faculty to start in Fall2014. The committee validates the Department's justification for an additional full-time faculty member who teaches full time and also recognizes the need for a faculty member who can serve as an advisor; perhaps the Department could seek an additional assignment under CompleteNot applicable. The Biology Department is presently conducting a search for 2 tenure track faculty positions in to start Fall2014. Search to be completed in Spring 2014 with faculty to start In Fall2014. "" 30% of Biology faculty are advising students through the Success First program. The Department is currently considering implementation of multiple faculty advisors, who might be compensated with funds returned to the department from Dr. Ellsworth's INBRE grant. This may serve as a pilot towards the halftime position discussed in the PUR. Advisor trial to begin 2014-2015 academic year. Anticipated Resource Issues Possible a full-time CHS faculty member if the program grows significantly. Salary and fringe for two (2) new faculty at levels following recommenda tions of the Salary Equity Study. ...ATMCC Truck•• M••dowe Community College TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW- ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2013-14 Unit Strategies Time line Anticipated Resource Issues The prep lab currently needs to replace the chemical fume hood. Have requested that HVAC staff first take a look at it, but have not yet heard back. Funds will be needed to replace the fume hood. Have not yet received an estimate. We have been asked to expand General Microbiology (BIOL 251) offerings at the Redfield Campus, but the laboratories are not equipped to handle the safe maintenance and disposal of live microbes. Have started acquiring necessary equipment piece by piece but will need ongoing funds towards an autoclave maintenance contract that the department cannot support with Considerable funds will be required . See attached budget, which will need to be updated. Status - i.e. ongoing, complete Action Recap of accomplishments Work to do Upgrades ongoing. $54,000 worth of upgrades towards a the Nevada Faculty Alliance (NFA) contract that would preserve core teaching functions and not further impact the negative effect of release time on teaching availability. The committee validates the need for facilities upgrades, particularly when student and faculty safety issues are of concern. new ventilation system in the Anatomy & Physiology cadaver room were completed last year, which vastly improved the temperature and reduced the inhalation of preservative fumes. ...ATMCC Truckee Me•daw• Dammunlty Calleg• TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW- ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2013-14 Unit Strategies Status - i.e. ongoing, complete Action Recap of accomplishments Work to do Timeline Anticipated Resource Issues labor operating budgets. There should be a way to fast-track areas that impact student and faculty safety and put the College at risk for liability issues; Biology needs should be a priority. The committee recommends that the Department seek the additional lab fee through the established process: that a request is made, approved by the President, and then presented to the Board of Regents with justification. Not applicable. Fast-tracking and granting funding priority to the Biology Department is a decision made above the Department level, either through the RAP process, or at the discretion of the VPFAS to move funds. Complete. Complete. The primary course where additional fees are needed, BIOL 251, General Microbiology, is already at maximum; we cannot request more. Current fees in other lab courses are adequate. Complete. Alternatively, TMCC has been paying for increased lab fees for the past two years; the Department could seek funding through this process. The committee recommends that the Biology program track and analyze its needs (Institutional Complete. The College paid for BIOL 202 (General Botany) lab fees in Spring 2012. A $40 lab fee has now been transferred to students. Complete. Complete. There was some confusion initially caused by a single lab account where it was difficult to discern expenditures for Biology, Physical Sciences and Nutrition, but that has been resolved. Biology and the other sciences now have their own 2013-2015 (lA account). The Department will have to seek additional funding to ATMCC Truak•• Meeclowe Camm~~nlty College TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW- ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2013-14 Unit Strategies Advancement account, operating, and student fees) independently of the combined programs. Status- i.e. ongoing, complete Action Recap of accomplishments Work to do lab accounts, where expenditures are tracked. We believe the "Instructional Advancement" account that the PUR committee referred to was a misinterpretation of our use of "lA"Instructional Aide-in the PUR. This account is monitored as part of routine business by the Lab Coordinator, who hires lAs for various Biology and other science lab sections. The Biology Department monitors its operating funds as part of routine business, and there is nothing extraordinary that warrants further monitoring of this account. Timeline Anticipated Resource Issues compensate for the"' 30% shortfall to this account, or risk reducing prep lab assistance or lab sections. ,L ' ATMCC Truck•• Meectow• Dammunltr Cotl•a • TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW- ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2013-14 SECTION Ill (OPTIONAL- Fill out only if adding new Unit Strategies) Please include any newly identified Strategies for the Program/Unit. Please respond to the strategies by including the status, actions taken to respond to the strategy, projected timeline, and if resource issues are anticipated to fulfill the strategy. If there are no new strategies, please leave this blank and no signatures are required. Unit Strategies Status -i.e. ongoing, complete Action Recap of accomplishments Work to do Timeline Investigate the need for a Biomedical (Clinical Lab Technician) and/or Biotechnology degree or certificate. Develop curriculum towards a Biomedical (Clinical Lab Technician) or Biotechnology degree or certificate pending results of the needs assessment . Currently engaged. Complete a needsassessment. 2014-2015. Not yet engaged. Develop curriculum if the needs assessment comes back positive. 2015. Anticipated Resource Issues What are they and what are the approximate costs. Covered by Perkins grant to Dr. Laura Briggs. Approvals Chair/Director: Melissa A. Deadmond Date: 3/ 31/14 Dean: Ted Plaaaemever Date: 04/ 2/1 4 VPAA:_~ ~~-LJ\ --L---\-\l..:-. ~ ~;;. . ; . ~_Date: (;, (t::._f jf Microbiology is a labor intensive, high cost course. Budgetfor BloloM_ 251 Lab (Class of 24) Start up costs Con sumables, nonconsumables, equipment Ongoing costs not covered by student lab fees Auto clave Service (yearly cost) Micr oscope service Instructional Assistants Total uncovered costs Semester Bud_g_et for Biology 251 Lab (Class of 241 Micro Media Micro Reagent s Micro Consumables Micro Non-<:onsumables Micro Bugs Total l ab Expenses Student Lab Fees Profit/Loss Total $ 33,269.00 $ 7,50 0.00 $ 500.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 11,500.00 Lab Fee $50.00 Students 24 Total $805.64 $123.22 $68].]1 $22.47 $1,639.05 $1,200.00 -$4 39.05