ATMCC Trugk•• Moedow• Community Collog• TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW - ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 Program/Unit Reviewed: Biology (and Community Health Science) Self-Study Chair: Julie Ellsworth Division: Sciences Dean: Lance Bowen Year of Last PUR: 2011-2012 Year of next PUR: 20182019 Program/Unit Mission Statement: The mission of the Biology Department is to provide students the basic principles and concepts of modem biology in order to establish a_foundation for those pursuing careers in the natural sciences as well as allied health professions. As such, the Biology Department offers college transfer courses for biology majors, provides prerequisite classes for allied health and other programs, and supports the College general education requirements in the natural sciences. The Description of the Degree(s)/Emphasis(s)/Certificate(s) for your PUR area are listed below. Please review for accuracy. Description of Degree/Emphasis/Certificates: AS Degree Biology Emphasis - This is a two-year transferable program leading to an Associate of Science with an Emphasis in Biology. The curriculum includes a core of courses in the biological and physical sciences and mathematics. All courses recommended will partially satisfy the Bachelor of Science in Biology at the University of Nevada, Reno. Description of Degree/Emphasis/Certificates: AS Degree Community Health Science Emphasis - The Associate of Science Community Health Science Emphasis affords students a broad, integrated, and interdisciplinary perspective on a variety of health topics and allows for them to begin developing an understanding of personal, public, and community health issues. The emphasis provides the lower division coursework towards potential Bachelor degrees in community health, public health, health education and other related areas, and satisfies the lower division major requirements towards UNR's Bachelor of Science in Community Health Sciences. SECTION t The Outcomes and Measures listed below wete retrieved from Degree/Emphasis or Cerlificate submissions provided by your area to CAP and approved. Please review the outcomes to ensure accuracy or submit changes to CAP via the Degree, Emphasis, Certificate (DEC) Revisions form located on the CAP Resources web page. If your area is scheduled for a PUR In the near future, please plan on reporting assessment efforts around these learning outcomes when you participate in your PUR. Biology Emphasis Degree Goals/Outcome: • Apply principles of mathematics and physical sciences to laboratory practices and biological processes. • Explain concepts and theories In molecular structure and function, cellular processes, and genetics. • Demonstrate knowledge of the structural and physiological functions of organisms, their ecological context, and the evolutionary relationships and hierarchical organization of biological diversity. • Demonstrate proficient use of standard laboratory equipment and follow safe laboratory practices; apply the method of scientific inquiry by designing a controlled experiment, and collecting, analyzing and interpreting data; and present findings in written and oral formats. APR I REV: 5/2014 ATMCC Truck•• M••dowa Community College TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW -ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 Community Health Science Emphasis Degree Goals/Outcome: • Recognize how the social, cultural, economic, political, geographical and biological environments affect personal and community health. • Describe and apply behavioral strategies to promote personal health and wellness, and disease and illness prevention. • Demonstrate the ability to gather and interpret evidence-based information, and effectively communicate, in both written and oral formats, on topic related to community health. SECTION II The following recommendations and strategies were identified in your most recent Program/Unit Review. Please respond to the strategies by including the status, actions taken to respond to the strategy, projected timeline, and if resources are anticipated to fulfill the strategy. Unit Strategy #1 Degree assessment needs to be in place. Status: Ongoing Timeline: Fall '17 Action: Learning measures for specific degree outcomes are being tied to assessments from specific courses. This work will continue until the listed outcomes for both emphases in the department are directly linked to required coursework in the discipline. Anticipated Resources Needed: The substantial growth in Biology and CHS requires additional full-time faculty in both areas. There are no full-time faculty members in the department with an MPH degree or a Ph.D. in Public Health, the fundamental and terminal graduate level degrees in the CHS discipline area. Unit Strategy #2 Status: Timeline: Ongoing Continue to work with advising regarding reverse transfer to Falf '17 increase the number of graduates with a Biology emphasis. Action: Working closely with advising continues to be important, as does continuing to increase the number of graduates from our department. However, promoting reverse transfer of credits toward the completion of the Biology emphasis is only one piece of the strategy moving forward. The number of students declaring the Biology emphasis has grown to over 200 and the number of students in the CHS emphasis suddenly increased from less than 50 to over 1,200 in 2014 with the policy to restrict the declaration of competitive allied health majors until after students are accepted into a program; thus CHS became the default pre-Allied Health major at TMCC. Advising CHS majors about career opportunities and educational pathways In the field is a new priority, as not all CHS majors will be admitted into a competitive allied health program like nursing or radiological tech. In particular, students should be aware of the option to transfer to the bachelor's program in CHS at UNR following completion of the AS, compared to repeating courses toward reapplying to competitive allied health programs. The chair regularly meets and communicates with advising staff, particularly with the advising liaison to Biology/CHS, and a new CHS website was established in 2015, Anticipated Resources Needed: Same as resources needed for unit strategy #1; in order to adequately promote educational and career pathways in Community Health Science the APR I REV: 5/2014 ATMCC Truell•• Metldowe Community Coll•ge TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW - ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 department needs full time facultv in the discipline. Unit Strategy #3 Timeline: Status: Monitor the impact of the creation of the Associate of Science in Ongoing Fa/1 '18 Community Health Sciences on the graduation rate of the Associate of Science/Bioloav Emohasis. Action: The major increase in the number of CHS majors and aligning students toward the BS transfer degrees in CHS at UNR will require increasing the number of sections of CHS courses. This has started to occur, for example, going from one to three sections of CHS 101 offered per semester. This growth has primarily relied upon part-time faculty to teach these courses. Anticipated Resources Needed: Data on the number of graduates in each emphasis will be made available during the next PUR cycle and any impact of one program on another will be analyzed at that time. Increasing the number of CHS courses requires more faculty, particularly with a backaround in public health. Unit Strategy #4 Status: Timeline: Provide further clarification on the proposed Biology faculty Complete Done advising position, and would this position still be necessary if an Associate of Science in Applied Science is available for students? Action: The department still feels that having a faculty position that specifically includes advising would be beneficial, regardless of degree offerings. Life science is a very broad field and faculty from these disciplines can give the best advice about possible pathways for students. However, there are not enough faculty to offer enough course sections to meet student demand, so student advisement occurs in less formal ways between students and faculty and through the advisement liaison to Biology/ CHS (see #2). Anticipated Resources Needed: The substantial growth in Biology and CHS requires additional full-time facultv in both areas. Timeline : Unit Strategy #5 Status: An additional Biology teaching faculty is a valid request and the Ongoing Spring '19 data suooorts this (i.e. increasina Full-Time Eauivalence CFTE)). Action: We have been granted permission to search for one full-time tenure track faculty in Biology, but more are needed. Anticipated Resources Needed: The substantial growth in Biology and CHS requires additional full-time faculty in both areas, at least one more in Bioloav and one in CHS. Unit Strategy #6 Timeline: Status: The committee validates the Department's justification for an Complete Done additional full-time faculty member who teaches full time and also recognizes the need for a faculty member who can serve as an advisor; perhaps the Department could seek an additional assignment under the Nevada Faculty Alliance (NFA) contract that would preserve core teaching functions and not further impact the negative effect of release time on teaching availability. Action: see #2 and #4 Anticipated Resources Needed: see #2 and #4 Unit Strategy #7 The committee validates the need for facilities upgrades, particularly when student and faculty safety issues are of Status: Ongoing Timeline: Open APR I REV: 5/2014 ATMCC Truck•• Meedowa Community College TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW -ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 concern. Action: See #8 Anticipated Resources Needed: See#8 Unit Strategy #8 Status: Timeline: Fal/'18 There should be a way to fast-track areas that impact student Ongoing and faculty safety and put the College at risk for liability issues; Bioloav needs should be a priority. Action: There is a safety committee, but there has been turnover in its structure and this wm be addressed per the recent recommendations by our accreditors. Anticipated Resources Needed: Unit Strategy #9 The committee recommends that the Department seek the additional lab fee through the established process: that a request is made, approved by the President, and then presented to the Board of Regents with justification. Status: Ongoing Timeline : Fal/'18 Alternatively, TMCC has been paying for increased lab fees for the past two years; the Department could seek funding through this process. Action: We have not pursued increasing lab fees. Strategies to decrease costs and increase the effectiveness of the Prep Lab have been implemented, such as defining the types of labs and the timing of labs that can be conducted for large scale offerings, like BIOL 190L. Will re-evaluate with Prep Lab staff if there is a continued need to pursue increasing lab fees. Anticipated Resources Needed: Unit Strategy #10 Timellne: Status: Done The committee recommends that the Biology program track and Complete analyze its needs (Institutional Advancement account, operating, and student fees) independently of the combined programs. Action: We believe this is happening and it is unclear what programs our budgets were in combination. Anticipated Resources Needed: Unit Strategy #11 Status: Timellne: Done Investigate the need for a Biomedical (Clinical Lab Technician) Complete and/or BiotechnoloQV deQree or certificate. Action: A needs assessment for this program was conducted, but there are not enough faculty to pursue implementation. Anticipated Resources Needed: The substantial growth in Biology and CHS requires additional full-time faculty in both areas. There are no full-time faculty members in the department with an MPH degree or a Ph.D. in Public Health, the fundamental and terminal graduate level degrees in the CHS discipline area. Unit Strategy #12 Status: Timeline: Ongoing Spring '19 Develop curriculum towards a Biomedical (Clinical Lab Technician) or Biotechnology degree or certificate pending results of the needs assessment. Action: A partial curriculum has been developed for this program, but it is on hold because there are not enough faculty to pursue implantation. APR I REV: 5/2014 ATMCC Truck•• M - dow• Community Coll•ge TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW -ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 Anticipated Resources Needed: The substantial growth in Biology and CHS requires additional full-time faculty in both areas. There are no full-time faculty members in the department with an MPH degree or a Ph.D. in Public Health, the fundamental and terminal graduate level degrees in the CHS discipline area. SECTION HI (OPTIONAL - Fill out only if adding new Unit Strategies) Please include any newl y identified strategies for the Program/Unit. Please respond to the strategies by including the status, actions taken to respond to the strategy, projected timeline, and if resources are needed to fulfill the strategy. If there are no new strategies, please leave this blank and no signatures are required. Unit Strategies: Degree re-alignments for Biology Status: Tlmeline: Fall 17 and CHS emphases in response to financial aid Ongoing chanaes Action: Form a sub-committee in the department to work on making sure the courses listed in these degrees are complete and appropriate so that they are financial aid eligible for students. Anticipated Resource Needed: Faculty volunteers Timeline: Fall ' 17 Unit Strategies: Focus on continual improvement of Status: Ongoing teaching by full-time and part-time instructors, and the implementation of new best oractices Action: Have started a discussion group in the department focused on implementing strategies outlined in the AAAS Vision and Change in Undergraduate Education in Biology. Planning to meet monthly to share strategies and resources. Anticipated Resource Needed: Facultv oarticipation Unit Strategies: Outfit Redfield lab to be able to teach BIOL 251, so that the entire sequence of Health Science pre-reqs can be offered at that campus Status: choose Ongoing Complete Other Timeline: Dale range Action: Purchase and install autoclave Anticipated Resource Needed: Aooroximatelv $40,000 Approvals (Signatures and dates are required) APR I REV: 5/2014