ATMCC Truok- Meedowa Oammunlty Calleg• TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW -ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 Program/Unit Reviewed: Performing Arts Self-Study Chair: Carolyn Wray, Dan Bouweraerts Division: Liberal Arts Dean: Armida Fruzzetti Year of Last PUR: 2010-2011 Year of next PUR: 2015-2016 Program/Unit Mission Statement: The mission of Truckee Meadows Community College's Performing Arts program is to create a learning environment that fosters excellence in the performing arts. Through a variety of traditional and contemporary approaches, students are prepared to create, examine, analyze, and perform in music, theatre, musical theatre and dance for a career in the performing arts or to transfer to a baccalaureate program. The program values the creative process, the creative product, and the student's individual "'voice." The faculty is committed to setting positive examples for students through scholarship, service, and collaboration. An emphasis is placed on "lifelong learning" and on "serving a diverse population." The Description of the Degree(s)/Emphasis(s)/Certificate(s) for your PUR area are listed below. Please reviewfor accuracy. Description of Degree/Emphasis/Certificates: AA Fine Arts Degree Theater Emphasis The Theater Program seeks to be an outstanding Performing Arts Program within the Visual and Performing Arts Department. This program is noted for its excellence in the classroom and on stage, providing our students with the knowledge and skills upon which they build careers and become productive citizens. AA Fine Arts Degree Musical Theater Emphasis: The Musical Theater program seeks to be an outstanding Performing Arts Program within the Visual and Performing Arts Department. This program is noted for its excellence in the classroom and on stage, providing our students with the knowledge and skills upon which they build careers and become productive citizens. AA Fine Arts Degree Dance Emphasis: The Dance Program seeks to be an outstanding Performing Arts Program within the Visual and Performing Arts Department. This program is noted for its excellence in the classroom and on stage, providing our students with the knowledge and skills upon which they build careers and become productive citizens. AA Fine Arts Degree Music Emphasis: The Music Program seeks to be an outstanding Performing Arts Program within the Visual and Performing Arts Department. This program is noted for its excellence in the classroom and on stage that provides our students with the knowledge and skills upon which they build careers and become productive citizens. AA Fine Arts Degree Music Certificate: The Certificate of Achievement In Music is formulated for the student who may want to develop skills in a conservatory-type setting; the student who does not wish to transfer to a four-year institution; the student who may already possess a degree in higher education; and the student who has a vocational interest in music. ATMCC Truokoo Moodowo Community Coll•ll• TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW -ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 AA Fine Arts Degree Theater Certificate: The Certificate of Achievement in Theater is formulated for the student who may want to develop skills in a conservatory-type setting; the student who does not wish to transfer to a four-year institution; the student who may already possess a degree in higher education; and the student who has a vocational interest in theater. SECTION I The Outcomes and Measures listed below were retrieved from Degree/Emphasis or Certificate submissions provided by your area to CAP and approved. Please review the outcomes to ensure accuracy or submit changes to CAP via the Degree, Emphasis, Certificate (DEC) Revisions form located on the CAP Resources web page. Ifyour area is scheduled for a PUR in the nearfuture, please plan on reporting assessment efforts around these learning outcomes when you participate in your PUR. AA Fine Arts Degree Dance Emphasis - Perfonning Arts Degree Goals/Outcomes: • Students completing the Associate of Arts-Fine Arts Degree: Dance Emphasis will demonstrate competency in specific dance skills. • Students completing the Associate of Arts-Fine Arts Degree: Dance Emphasis will demonstrate supportive theoretical and knowledge base necessary to sustain and forward dance as an art form. • Students completing the Associate of Arts-Fine Arts Degree: Dance Emphasis will transfer to a baccalaureate program or work in the dance field as an instructor, educator, technician or performer. AA Fine Arts Degree Music Emphasis - Perfonning Arts Degree Goals/Outcomes: • Students completing the Associate of Arts-Fine Arts Degree: Music Emphasis will show competence in specific practical music skills. • Students completing the Associate of Arts-Fine Arts Degree: Music Emphasis will show competence in supportive theoretical and knowledge base necessary to sustain and forward music as an art form. • Students completing the Associates of Arts-Fine Arts Degree Music Emphasis will transfer to a baccalaureate program or work in the music field as an instructor, educator, technician or performer. AA Fine Arts Degree Theater Emphasis - Perfonning Arts Degree Goals/Outcomes: • Students completing the Associate of Arts-Fine Arts Degree: Theater Emphasis will show competence in specific practical Theater skills. • Students completing the Associate of Arts-Fine Arts Degree: Theater Emphasis will show competence in supportive theoretical and knowledge base necessary to sustain and forward theater as an art form. • Students completing the Associates of Arts-Fine Arts Degree Theater Emphasis will transfer to a baccalaureate program or work in the theater field as an instructor, educator, technician or performer AA Fine Arts Degree Musical Theater Emphasis - Performing Arts Degree Goals/Outcomes: • Students completing the Associate of Arts-Fine Arts Degree: Musical Theater Emphasis will show competence in specific practical musical theater skills. A TMCC "h'uak•• M••dow• Community Ooll•a• TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW-ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 • • Students completing the Associate of Arts-Fine Arts Degree: Musical Theater Emphasis will show competence in supportive theoretical and knowledge base necessary to sustain and forward musical theater as an art form. Students completing the Associates of Arts-Fine Arts Degree Musical Theater Emphasis will transfer to a baccalaureate program or work in the Musical Theater field as an instructor, educator, technician or performer. AA Fine Arts Degree Music Certificate - Perfonning Arts Degree Goals/Outcomes: • Students completing the Associate of Arts Fine Arts Degree-Certificate of Achievement: Music will show competence in basic music skills. • Students completing the Associate of Arts Fine Arts Degree-Certificate of Achievement: Music will complete the rehearsal and performance requirements for Music Ensemble. AA Fine Arts Degree Theater Certificate - Perfonning Arts Degree Goals/Outcomes: • Students completing the Associate of Arts Fine Arts Degree~Certificate of Achievement: Theater will show competence in basic theater skills. • Students completing the Associate of Arts Fine Arts Degree-Certificate of Achievement: Theater will complete the rehearsal and performance requirements for the Theater Practicum Core. A TMCC Truakee Me•daw• oammunlty 0011•11• TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW -ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 SECTION II The following recommendations and strategies were identified in your most recent Program/Unit Review. Please respond to the strategies by including the status, actions taken to respond to the strategy, projected timeline, and if resources are anticipated to fulfill the strategy. Status: choose Ongoing Complete Other Timeline: June, 2016 Plan and implement a strategy for course, degree, and certificate fortheater assessment immediately. and dance/ June 2017 Ongoing for all music courses Action: The Performing Arts PUR is in process this year. Great attention has been paid to the assessment reports at the course level and by the end of this year all relative theater and dance courses will have gone through the CAR process. There is still a lag in getting the Music Courses through the CAR process and the Coordinator, the faculty and the Chair will have to make a concerted effort to get these assessments completed. The degrees for Theater, Musical Theater, Dance and Music have been updated and the degrees for Theater, Musical Theater, and Dance have been submitted in a corrected form for the new online catalogue. The Coordinator met with the Academic Advisors, Department Chair and the Dean of Assessment and Planning to streamline and update the Degree Requirements. To facilitate the assessment process the many MCO's for Theater and Dance have been updated. Anticipated Resources Needed: No specific financial resources are needed to complete this Action Plan, but time and staffing help would be valuable to the Coordinator to complete the process. Although not a resource per se, faculty cooperation in the process would be appreciated. Unit Strategy #2 Status: choose Timeline: Ongoing Strategies Need to develop strategies for post-completion objectives. in place by Complete Other Fall 2016 Unit Strategy #1 Ongoing Action: No strategies have been formulated for the tracking of former students or of former graduates from the Performing Arts Program. Informal social media contacts are maintained because of the nature of the program, but no questionnaires, surveys or transfer documentations are in place. Anticipated Resources Needed: Time, advice and staffing are needed to formulate a system of tracking graduates and of tracking students who have completed a series of Performing Arts courses. Unit Strategy #3 Status: choose Timeline: Need to explore why courses are not transferring to UNR in an effort to Ongoing Music address the low number of completers. Complete theory Other resolution by June, Ongoing 2016 Action: The process for UNR acceptance of certain courses for transfer concerns the courses for Music Theory Ill and Music Theory IV. The Chair and the Music Faculty have taken on this mission to resolve the problem. We have discontinued the Music History courses at the request of UNR and we are in the process of streamlining and deleted some of the music courses which we no longer teach from our catalogue offerinqs. The deletion of courses is part of the Curriculum section of the PUR process ATMCC Truakoo Moodowo 001n1nunlty 00110110 TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW -ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014·15 Anticipated Resources Needed: No specific resources are needed to complete this Action Plan Unit Strategy #4 Status: choose Need more specifics in the justification for the request for a fullOngoing time dance position. Complete Other Timeline: A full-time instructor should be in place by Ongoing Fall, 2016 Action: Because of the diversity rating for DAN 101, the Dance Appreciation course, the FTE for the dance courses have risen dramatically. We now offer four sections of DAN 101 (120 students) and are looking to offer online dance diversity courses if we can staff them. We realize that there have not been many Dance majors and graduates who have completed their degrees, but there has also not been a full-time instructor in Dance to propel the program forward . We have asked each year to have a full· time dance instructor to complement not only the dance program, but the Musical Theater program as well. Another contributing factor for the need for a full-time dance instructor is that we are currently asking our part-time dance instructors to help with fund raising events and recruitment events which is above and beyond their per class contracts. In our collaboration with the WCSD articulation process, a full-time dance faculty would be valuable. Also, due to the fact that many of our public performances are musicals, a full-time choreographer/instructor would be valuable to the program. Anticipated Resources Needed: Salary rate is dependent on new hire experience and education. Support Staff and office space are currently available at no extra cost. Benefits and office equipment are an additional cost to the school. Status: choose Timeline: Unit Strategy #s Ongoing Need to provide explicit requests for additional resources and Complete Continual costs. Other requests for fund Ongoing augmentati ans. Submit a formal request for reduction of 18%by June of 2016 Action: The Performing Arts have been very consistent and vocal in their specific requests for needed resources. Student worker wage money has been forwarded from the Dean each semester to help with the cost of technical and clerical help at RPAC since we were without an Administrative Assistant last year. Additional funds forthe Regents Scholarship program to help with technical theater help was requested, but not funded, although the request for 2015·2016 was funded. Plant and Facilities worked with the building owners to fix the flooding problem in the basement and that is now complete. The improvement of the ventilation system in the public restrooms at RPAC has been completed. Extra year end monies were requested to help fund student workers through the summer and that request was funded. One request that we need to submit is to have the 18% re absorption fee reduced for our Theater Ticket Sales account if possible. ATMCC Truakoo Mo•daw• Community Callogo TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW-ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 Anticipated Resources Needed: We will continue to request the Regents Scholarship Award for technical theater (s7,ooo a year} and we will continue to request augmentation of student worker funds (s6,ooo a year) from the Division. Each capital improvement to the existing facility will be handled on a per case basis. The s40, ooo improvements to our existing sound and lighting control systems has not been included in a new request since we do not, as yet, know the fate of our stayinq in our current location. Unit Strategy #6 Status: choose Timeline: Fund raising Continue to seek better facilities. Ongoing efforts are Complete ongoing. Other Because of the Ongoing massive nature of this strategy, it is hard to commit to a t1mehne. The hope 1s to have a new performance space in place within three years. Action: The process of seeking better facilities for the Performing Arts is a massive undertaking involving students, faculty, administration, NSHE and the community. Many steps have been completed including three feasibility studies on three different sizes of Performing Arts Centers, various meetings with Administration and donors, three major fundraisers, cost analysis reports, a tour to an existing large performance area downtown, student surveys w ith input on priorities, tax incentives follow through and community involvement. The TMCC President has been committed to finding the Performing Arts Program a new, different venue which better matches our needs. Anticipated Resources Needed: Resources needed for completion range from 8 million dollars to 40 million dollars. The exact dollar amount will depend on what size the venue turns out to be. Plant and Facilit ies, the President' s Office and t he Vice President' s office have the exact figures for the new venues. A TMCC Truckee Meedowe Community College TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW-ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 SECTION Ill (OPTIONAL- Fill out only if adding new Unit Strategies) Please include any newlv identified strategies for the Program/Unit. Please respond to the strategies by including the status, actions taken to respond to the strategy, projected timeline, and if resources are needed to fulfill the strategy. If there are no new strategies, please leave this blank and no signatures are required. Unit Strategies: need to clean up and streamline all Status: choose MCO's and DEC's for the Performing Arts Program and edit Ongoing Complete Other any and all cataloque errors or inconsistencies Action: involve all faculty in the process of examining MCO's Timeline: June 2017 Anticipated Resource Needed: No hard costs needed but staff time and expertise in the process is needed. Status: choose Timeline: Unit Strategies: need to explore the updating of certain This strategy is Ongoing Complete technical theater equipment timed to the Other acquisi1tion (or not) of new Ongoing performance space. Action: investigate costs for digital lighting and sound equipment upgrades. Anticipated Resource Needed: This strategy is tied to the completion of a different performance venue and is included in the projected costs for a new build ing. If we remain at our current location for an extended period of time we will need approximately s40,ooo to upgrade our lighting and sound controls t o t he digital mode Status: choose Timeline: Unit Strategies: need to hire replacement instructor for retiring full-time faculty Ongoing Complete Fall, 2016, or if a one year transition Other period is needed, Onqo inq then Fall of 2 0 17 Action: implement a national search to fill the vacant posit ion : Anticipated Resource'Needed: There should be reduced salary/benefit costs due to the nature of the new hire. Suooort staffs, office space, office equi pment are already in place.