.• #ATMCC TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW- ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2013-14 Program/Unit Reviewed: Education Self-Study Chair: Pamela Elges Division: Liberal Arts Dean: Armida Fruzzetti Year of Last PUR: 2010-2011 Date of next PUR: 2018-19 Program/Unit Mission Statement: The Education program supports student success by providing students with the skills to eventually be effective classroom instructors. The Education program supports academic excellence by emphasizing quality instruction and a sound curriculum that will expose students, through coursework and field experiences, to pedagogical approaches used by teachers in the classroom. The Education program supports lifelong learning by supporting the education of our students and preparing students to best serve the diverse student populations within our community. The Description of the Degree(s)/Emphasis{s)/Certificate(s) for your PUR area is listed below. Please review for accuracy. Description of Degree/Emphasis/Certificates AA Secondary Education Emphasis: The associate of arts degree in secondary education is designed for students seeking careers in secondary education Ounior and senior high schools). The degree requirements include a well-balanced general education curriculum. Specific curriculum provides students with education theory and practical field work in the secondary education school settings. In addition, students will also need to select a "teaching major" and complete some of the coursework prior to transfer. This course of study is designated as a university transfer program that substantially meets the requirements for the first two years of study for the B.A. in secondary education majors at UNR. Also, please note: Any concerns or questions of requirements when entering a teaching certification program need to be addressed by advisors for any University of interest. In order to complete an AA, the 'teaching major' courses will include a focus in foreign languages, English, social studies, history, music, art, career and technical. AS Degree Integrated Elementary Education with Specialization Emphasis: The associate of science degree in elementary education is designed for students seeking careers in elementary education. The degree requirements include a well-balanced general education curriculum. Specific curriculum provides students with educational theory and practical field work in the elementary education school setting. This course of study is designated as a university transfer program that substantially meets the requirements for the first two years of study for the B.S. in elementary majors at UNR. Also, please note: Any concerns or questions of requirements when entering a teaching certification program need to be addressed by advisors at any University of interest. .. ' ATMCC Truck•• Me.clow• Commuftlty Col'-e- TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW- ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2013-14 AS Degree Secondary Education Emphasis: The associate of science degree in secondary education Is designed for students seeking careers In secondary education Uunior and senior high schools). The degree requirements include a well-balanced general education curriculum. Specific curriculum provides students with educational theory and practical field work In the secondary education school settings. In addition, students will also need to select a "teaching major'' and complete some of the coursework prior to transfer. This course of study is designated as a university transfer program that substantially meets the requirements for the first two years of study for the B.S. in secondary education majors at UNR. Also, please note: Any concerns or questions of requirements when entering a teaching certification program need to be addressed by advisors for any University of interest. In order to complete an AS, the 'teaching major' courses will include a focus in foreign languages, English, social studies, history, music, art, career and technical. SECTION I The Outcomes and Measures listed below were retrieved from Degree/Emphasis or Certificate submissions provided by your area to CAP and approved. Please review the outcomes to ensure accuracy. This will be the first year that we officially collect data through the PUR process concerning these degree /eve/learning outcomes. If your area is scheduled for a PUR in the near future, please plan on reporting assessment efforts around these learning outcomes when you participate in your PUR. {NO ACTION REQUIRED- PLEASE REVIEW) AA Secondary Education Emphasis Degree Goals/Outcomes: • Demonstrate the scope of knowledge and skills based on the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) standards and Five Domains of Professional Competence. AS Degree Integrated Elementary Education with Specialization Emphasis Degree Goals/Outcomes: • Demonstrate the scope of knowledge and skills based on the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) standards and Five Domains of Professional Competence. AS Secondary Education Emphasis- Education Degree Goals/Outcomes: • Demonstrate the scope of knowledge and skills based on the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) standards and Five Domains of Professional Competence. ATMCC Truckee Meedawe Community College TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW- ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2013-14 SECTION II The following Strategies were identified in your most recent Program/Unit Review. Please respond to the strategies by including the status, actions taken to respond to the strategy, projected time line, and if resource issues are anticipated to fulfill the strategy. Unit Strategies Ensure that all courses are on assessment cycle Statusi.e. Ongoing, complete Ongoing Action Recap of accomplishments Work to do Time line Anticipated Resource Issues The faculty is up-to-date on their assessments. This have been done and completed on time consistently. End of each semester as needed in the cycle. End of semester as stated in the assessment cycle. Summer and Fall semester None Ensure all CARs are submitted according to assessment cycle. Ongoing Blank CARS were sent out to all faculty. They were also given email prompts to get these completed. All were done and on time. Continue communication with UNR to ensure that our transfer students are performing well. Ongoing Assure that program level outcomes are reviewed and assessed. Complete Identify factors effecting low graduation rates and implement policy and practices to increase graduation rates Ongoing I have had two meetings at UNR each academic year. Comments were that our students that had transferred were above average in their work and expectations of what they had to do to complete their teaching certificate. I reviewed the outcomes and did some revisions. These revisions were passed onto faculty who agreed and these were approved by CAR. All EDU faculty has discussed the positive reasons for obtaining an AA or AS at TMCC. A good percentage of students now understand the benefits of obtaining this degree. However, there is also a percentage of students who will not obtain this degree as they are already enrolled at UNR, but are taking EDU courses and others at TMCC as well as UNR. None None Beginning ofthe Fall Semester '13. None Beginning of each semester. None to' ATMCC Truoke• Me•dow• Community College TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW- ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2013-14 Unit Strategies Identify a mechanism to track transfer rates of students and establish reporting cycle. Investigate and develop a recruitment plan StatusI.e. Ongoing, complete Ongoing Action Recap of accomplishments Work to do Timellne Anticipated Resource Issues Work with Nancy Horvath regarding this matter. None None Ongoing I have not addressed this, although I would like to use a grant to develop a booklet to hand out at TMCC events. I have not addressed this. I would love to work on a grant for funding but I have not investigated this. Currently working with UNR instructors to set up a system to do this. None None None None Fall'14 None Explore funding options for requested resources Ongoing Develop a mechanism to track students' transfer and document the success of the program over time. Hire a full-time faculty member for math and science. The program should seek affiliation with other community-based teacher education programs. The program should partner with other departments to offer continuing education in areas where teachers need them: science, math, Information Technology, etc. Ongoing On hold Due to current budget constraints and hiring limits, this is on hold. On hold None Ongoing This option is continuing to be investigated. Fall'14 None Ongoing A change in UNR requirements has led to additional sections of EDU 214 being offered (Technology in Education). Ongoing None .. . - ATMCC Truolc- M•lldow• cammut~lty Collltil• TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW- ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2013-14 SECTION Ill (OPTIONAL- Fill out only if adding new Unit Strategies) Please include any newly identified Strategies for the Program/Unit. Please respond to the strategies by including the status, actions taken to respond to the strategy, projected time/ine, and if resource issues are anticipated to fulfill the strategy. If there are no new strategies, please leave this blank and no signatures are required. Unit Strategies Removal of EDU classes being offered only as online. These courses have a field experience of 30 hours and there was little accountability with no physical contact with the professor of the course. Adding specific items to syllabi dealing with hours completed at specific schools for field experiences. Status - i.e. Ongoing, complete Ongoing Action Recap of accomplishments Work to do We understand the lack of accountability and have ceased all online classes in EDU. However, we still have some hybrids and these classes are being watched to make sure students are accountable for all requirements. Complete A specific Exception Form has been developed and will be put into the syllabi for EDU 201, 202, and 203 starting in Fall2013. The exemption form will allow better tracking of exceptions when they occur. Students have been going to nondesignated schools causing concerns from WCSD. . Tlmeline Each semester Each semester This has been implemented for the last semesters with great results and students have expressed a positive attitude about knowing which school they are going to and that they are have a positive experience at the specified school. Approvals (Please sign only if new strategies have been identified) Chair/Director:.-=B:;.:o::::b:..:~..:.:le::.::tc:.:ch.::e:..:.r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date: 5/27/14 Dean: Armida Fruzzetti Date: 5/27/14 VPAA: Date: ~vf\;cR.J,/ \ .{'-2- 9-/ i Anticipated Resource Issues None None