Program/Discipline/Course Assessment Report Discipline: Dental Assisting Course Number: DA 122

Program/Discipline/Course Assessment Report
Discipline: Dental Assisting
Course Number: DA 122
School/Unit: School of Sciences
Submitted by: Julie Muhle
Contributing Faculty: Julie Muhle
Academic Year: 2009/2010
Complete and submit your assessment report electronically to your Academic Dean. As needed, please attach supporting documents and/or a narrative description of the assessment activities in your
program or discipline.
Program, Discipline or
Course Outcomes
In the boxes below,
summarize the outcomes
assessed in your program or
discipline during the last
Outcome #1:
Students will correctly match
terms and definitions
associated with aspects of
oral pathology such as
diseased tissues, trauma and
genetic malformations.
Assessment Measures
Assessment Results
Use of Results
In the boxes below,
summarize the methods
used to assess program,
discipline, or course
outcomes during the last
Ability to match terms
and definitions
associated with oral
pathology will be
measured by
predetermined criteria
and a vocabulary
In the boxes below, summarize the
results of your assessment
activities during the last year.
In the boxes below,
summarize how you are or
how you plan to use the
results to improve student
Vocabulary/Test #1 Oral
Max Points: 20
The vocabulary and test
consists of 145 oral
pathology items.
One student failed the
exam with the remaining
students scoring above
Item analysis pointed out
two areas that confused
students. The difference
between “congenital and
inherited” and
“germination and fusion”..
During a review of the test
the instructor was able to
clear the confusion
regarding the abovementioned terms.
This process assures that
curriculum remains current
and all areas can be
assessed for student
comprehension and
145 questions
Overall Assignment
Average: 97.05%
The lowest score:73%
The highest score:100%
Calculation Method: First
Content Items: Vocabulary/Test #1
Oral Pathology
Effect on Program, Discipline or
Based on the results of this
assessment, will you revise your
outcomes? If so, please summarize
how and why in the boxes below.
No, no revision of the outcomes at
this time. The curriculum is
meeting the needs of the students
and the instruction is facilitating
learning of the curriculum.
The next assessment tool for DA
122 will focus on the student’s
ability to recognize symptoms
associated with medical
emergencies and the steps of BSL.
See Outcome #2.
Outcome #2:
Students will recognize
symptoms and list steps of
BSL (basic life support) for
patients experiencing
anaphylactic shock, allergic
reaction, hypo and
hyperglycemia, angina
pectoris, airway obstruction,
asthma, syncope,
cerebrovascular accident and
myocardial infarction.
Ability to recognize
symptoms associated
with medical
emergencies and list
steps of BSL (basic life
support) will be
measured using
predetermined criteria
and embedded test
For Program, Discipline or Course Assessment Reports:
I have reviewed this report:
Department Chair
Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Services
Revised 9/28/2009
Program/Discipline/Course Assessment Report
Discipline: Dental Assisting
Course Number: DA 122
School/Unit: School of Sciences
Submitted by: Julie Muhle
Contributing Faculty: Julie Muhle
Academic Year: 2009/2010
10 students scored 100%
Assessment Documentation
Course : DA 122 Clinical Dental Science
Oral Pathology Vocabulary/Test
1 student scored 93.023%
3 students scored 98.449%
3 students scored 97.674%
1 student scored 92.248%
1 student scored 73.643%
2 students scored 95.348%
Please match the correct terms to the definition
1. Infectious diseases
5. Therapeutic
2. Systemic diseases
6. Surgical
3. Pathology
7. Differential
4. Lesion
A. is caused from within, not caused by an outside infectious agent
B. is the study of disease
C. an area of pathology, abnormal tissue
D. disease that are caused by an infectious agent
E. diagnosis is made from the information gained during surgery, such as a biopsy
F. is the point at which the dentist decides which test or procedure is required to rule out an original suspected condition and arrive at a final
G. nutritional deficiencies are common conditions to be diagnosed by this means
1. Erosion
7. Blisters/vesicles
2. Ulcer
8. Hematoma
3. Trauma
9. Pustule
4. Abscess
10. Plaque
5. Circumscribed
11. Ecchymosis
6. Cyst
A. is a shallow defect in the mucosa caused by mechanical means
B. is a defect or break in the continuity of the mucosa that creates a punched-out area similar to a crater
C. means that something is contained within a limited area
D. is a localized collection of pus in a circumscribed area
E. means wound or injury
F. is a closed sac or ouch that is lined with epithelium and contains fluid or semisolid material
G. similar in appearance to a blister but it contains pus
H. bruising
I. sharply circumscribed lesions filled with a watery fluid
J. is any patch or flat area that is slightly raised from the surface
K. blood blister/swelling or mass of blood collected in one area
1. Nodules
5. Malignant
9. Candidiasis
2. Granuloma
6. Benign
3. Tumors
7. Leukoplakia
10. Pseudomembranous candidiasis (such a large name for something that forms creamy white plaques in the
mouth, hint hint)
4. Neoplasms
8. Lichen planus/Wickham’s
12. Atrophic candidiasis/Erythematous candidiasis
11. Hyperplastic candidiasis
A. also known as a tumor
B. not-life threatening
C. life threatening
D. type of nodule that contains granulation tissue
E. are either below the surface or slightly elevated, are small solid lesions
F. any growth of tissue that exceeds the normal form and not coordinated with other body processes and serves no useful purpose to the host, also known as a
G. is also known as thrush, creamy white plaques form in the mouth
H. general term meaning white patch. Can’t be wiped off, often precedes the development of a malignant tumor
I. benign, chronic disease affecting the skin and oral mucosa. Patchy white lesions have a characteristic pattern of circles and interconnecting lines called Wickham’s
striae. Erosive lesions worsen with stress
J. smooth red patches appear on the dorsal areas of the tongue and palate and makes the mouth feel as if it has been scalded
K. superficial infection caused by the yeast like fungus Candida albicans
L. this form of candidiasis is most often found on the buccal mucosa in patients with HIV
1. Cellulitis
5. Recurrent aphthous ulcers
2. Dysgeusia
6. Minor RAU
3. Halitosis
7. Major RAU
4. Aphthous ulcers/Aphthous stomatitis
A. bad breath
B. uncontrolled inflammation that spreads through the soft tissue, it is not well contained or circumscribed
C. distorted sense of taste
D. occurs in about 10% of cases and causes more frequent outbreaks with larger and deeper ulcers that take longer to heal
E. a disease that causes recurrent outbreaks of blisterlike sores inside the mouth and on the lips.
F. mildest form and represents about 90% of all cases of canker sores
G. canker sores
1. Geographic tongue
5. Pernicious anemia
2. Black hairy tongue
6. Glossitis
10. Adenocarcinoma
3. Fissured tongue
7. Warning signs of oral cancer
11. Sarcoma (likes supportive and connective tissues, hint hint)
4. Angular chelitis
8. Carcinoma
12. Osteocarcinoma
A. body does not absorb vitamin B12
B. ulceration and redness at the corners of the lips
C. inflammation and changes in the surface of the tongue
9. Metastasize
13. Leukemia
D. elongated filiform papillae that is stained
E. multiple areas of desquamation of the tongue
F. when the tongue appears to have deep fissures and grooves on the dorsum
G. malignant neoplasm/tumor of the epithelium that tends to spread to other areas of the body
H. malignant tumor involving bone
I. cancer of the blood-forming organs
J. when a carcinoma spreads to other parts of the body it is said to _____________
K. malignant tumor that arises from the submucous glands underlying the oral mucosa
L. malignant neoplasm/tumor arising from the supportive and connective tissue such as bone
M. sore in the mouth that does not heal/lumps or swelling on the neck, lips or oral cavity/white or rough-textured lesions on the lips or oral cavity/numbness in or
around the oral cavity/dryness in the mouth for no apparent reason/repeated bleeding in a specific area of the oral cavity for no apparent reason/difficulty
speaking, chewing or swallowing.
1. Red areas /Erythroplakia
7. Osteoradionecrosis
2. White areas
8. Smokeless tobacco
3. Ulcers/indurations
9. Mucositis**** (9)
4. Pigmentation
10. Sickoforalpathologyterms
5. Xerostomia
11. Dentinal malformation**
6. Radiation caries
A. black or brown areas may be located on mucosa where this does not normally occur
B. velvety texture sometimes with ulcers
C. areas can vary from a filmy, barely visible change in the mucosa, to a heavy thick area of white tissue
D. these lesions may have flat or raised margins. Palpation may reveal induration or hardening
E. necrosis of the bone after radiation treatment
F. tobacco that is placed near a mucous membrane and not inhaled
G. if saliva is not absent, the saliva present is very creamy, thick and ropy
H. caries caused by a lack of saliva that develops from radiation therapy
I. inflammatory change in the oral mucosa in which the mucosa takes on a whitish appearance ****
J. the term for a student halfway through an oral pathology vocabulary
K. chemotherapy in children during dentinal development can result in dentinal defects or malformations **
1. Opportunistic infection
7. Hairy Leukoplakia
2. HIV Gingivitis/Atypical gingivitis
8. Kaposi’s Sarcoma
3. Petechiae
9. Herpes Zoster
4. Cervical Lymphadenopathy
10. Herpres Simplex I
5. HIV Periodontitis/AIDS virus-associated periodontitis
11. Human Papillomavirus
6. Lymphoma
A. small pin-point bruises
B. enlargement of the cervical nodes
C. resemble lesions observed in anug, loss of papilla attachment
D. bright red line along the border of the free gingival margin characterizes this gingivitis
E. an infection that normally would be controlled by the immune system but can’t because the immune system is not functioning properly
F. this virus is responsible for oral warts that appear spiky, even cauliflower like
G. usually appear on the lip, however, they can occur throughout the mouth
H. oral lesions that may appear as multiple bluish, blackish or reddish blotches. This cancer can also appear on the skin and is rare except in patients
with compromised immune response
I. many individuals with this condition are positive for HIV. It is a filamentous white plaque usually found unilaterally or sometimes bilaterally on the
lateral borders of the tongue. It may spread to include the dorsal surface of the tongue and can develop on buccal mucosa
J. malignant disorder of the lymph tissue
K. can cause blisters on nerves outside of the mouth, such as, the trigeminal nerve. This condition is often painful and is related to varicella, or, chicken
pox. This condition can be on any part of the body since it follows the nerves and is usually on one side of the body, rarely is it present at the same
site on both sides of the body.
1. Inherited disorders
5. Now and Later staining
2. Congenital disorders
6. Trismus (out of order, should be near #107)
3. Genetic factors
7. Infections
4. Teratogens
8. Radiation
A. the name for environmental factors affecting development
B. present at birth can be either inherited or developmental
C. these disorders are caused by an abnormal gene
D. these can include chromosomal abnormalities and can be passed from parent to child
E. high levels of the ionizing type
F. rubella virus, herpes, hiv are some of these
G. tight muscles associated with a TMJ disorder
H. the yellow residue left on the lips after one eats a banana now and later candy
1. Macrognathia
6. Torus mandibularis
2. Micrognathia
7. Cleft lip
3. Exostosis
8. Cleft palate
4. Torus/tori
9. Cleft uvula
5. Torus palatinus
10. Ankyloglossia
A. benign bony growth projecting from the surface of the bone
B. abnormally large jaws
C. abnormally small jaws
D. mandibular torus
E. palatal torus
F. singular and plural name for benign bony growth projecting from the surface of the bone
G. mildest form of cleft palate
H. also known as tongue-tied. Short lingual frenum that limits tongue movement
I. results when the palatal shelves fail to fuse with the primary palate
J. results when the maxillary and medial nasal processes fail to fuse
1. Ameloblastoma
5. Anondontia
2. Macrodontia
6. Microdontia
3. Ectodermal dysplasia**
7. Dens in dente
4. Supernumerary teeth
8. Hutchinson’s incisors
A. congenital absence of teeth, may be partial or total
B. tumor composed of remnants of the dental lamina that failed to disintegrate after the tooth buds were formed
C. in excess of 32 teeth
D. group of hereditary disorders involving tissues (such as enamel) derived from the embryonic ectoderm layer**
E. tooth in tooth
F. peg-shaped teeth sometimes associated with maternal syphilis
G. large teeth
H. small teeth
1. Amelogenesis imperfecta
5. Gemination
2. Fusion
6. Dentinogenesis imperfecta
3. Hypocalcification***
7. Premature eruption
4. Hyperplasia******
8. Ankylosis
9. Impaction
A. hereditary abnormality in which there are defects in the enamel formation, hypopcalcific defects in enamel calcification or both
B. excess growth of tissue that can be caused by medication, trauma, or occurs naturally******
C. is the incomplete calcification or hardening of a tissue such as the enamel of a tooth***
D. large single-rooted tooth with one pulp cavity. "Twinning" is not complete by the presence of an incisal notch.
E. Tooth with two pulp cavities as a result of joining together of the enamel/dentin or two or more teeth.
F. teeth present at birth, natal teeth, teeth that exhibit early eruption.
G. any tooth that remains unerupted in the jaws beyond the time at which it should normally erupt
H. hereditary condition that affects dentin formation and is found in both the primary and the permanent dentition
I. deciduous teeth in which the bone has fused to cementum and dentin preventing exfoliation
1. Abrasion
6. Inflammation
2. Attrition
7. Acute Inflammation
3. Bruxism
8. Chronic Inflammation
4. Crepitus
9. Signs of Inflammation
5. Bulimia
10. Anorexia
A. normal wearing away during mastication
B. TMJ sounds, grating, popping, clicking
C. abnormal wearing caused by mechanical habit
D. oral habit consisting of gnashing, grinding and clenching of the teeth outside of eating
E. eating disorder involving binging and purging where stomach acid erodes teeth
F. quick onset of inflammation
G. the protective response of the body tissues to irritation or injury
H. long-term inflammation
I. redness/swelling/pain
J. eating disorder characterized by weight loss and refusing to eat. Can lead to severe malnutrition.
1. Dental caries
5. Arrested caries
9. Dentin hypersensitivity
2. Decay
6. Root caries
10. Tic douloureux*
3. Cavity
7. Rampant caries
11. Bell’s Palsy
4. Incipient caries
8. Recurrent caries
12. Baby bottle mouth
A. decay lesion in a tooth is called this
B. is the hole in the tooth caused by the caries
C. decay on root structure
D. beginning of decay, usually still in the enamel
E. does not show any marked tendency for further progression
F. dental caries cause the tooth to lose structure
G. extreme sensitivity on dentinal area of tooth
H. also known as trigeminal neuralgia/severe pain caused by inflammation of the trigeminal nerve*
I. decay occurring beneath/around, the margin of an existing dental restoration
J. decay caused by bottle given at bedtime with sugar substance
K. decay that is widespread throughout the mouth, “rampaging” through the teeth (hint)
L. paralysis of the facial nerve that causes distortion on the affected side of the face