Program/Discipline/Course Assessment Report Discipline: Dental Assisting Course Number: DA 119 Submitted by: Julie Muhle Academic Year: 2010-2011 Complete and submit your assessment report electronically to your Academic Dean. As needed, please attach supporting documents and/or a narrative description of the assessment activities in your program or discipline. Program, Discipline or Course Outcomes In the boxes below, summarize the outcomes assessed in your program or discipline during the last year. Assessment Measures Assessment Results Use of Results In the boxes below, summarize the methods used to assess program, discipline, or course outcomes during the last year. In the boxes below, summarize the results of your assessment activities during the last year. In the boxes below, summarize how you are or how you plan to use the results to improve student learning. Outcome #1: Students will correctly place a rubber dam on the mandible by preparing, placing and removing a 4hole rubber dam for work on tooth # 30. 1. Placement/removal procedure of a 4-hole molar dam on a manbibular tooth will be measured using predetermined criteria and a project competency worksheet 1. This task is a required competency and all students must place and remove a 4-hole rubber dam on tooth #30 in order to pass the DA 119 course. The students who completed the course accomplished this task, however, it became apparent that students who struggled with this task also found it difficult to transfer information from the cognitive domain to the application or hands-on domain with most of the application tasks. 1. Students will be given more time to practice the hands-on tasks with instructors. To identify students who might have spatial or coordination issues, the students will be given directions to complete a series of basic hands-on tasks. This information will be shared during the program orientation 23 weeks prior to program start. The students will practice these tasks for the first threefive weeks of the class, given extra time and assistance if needed and then will be evaluated, advised and a plan for improvement developed between student and instructor. Will assess process fall 2012. Effect on Program, Discipline or Course Based on the results of this assessment, will you revise your outcomes? If so, please summarize how and why in the boxes below. I feel the results demonstrate that the outcomes are realistic, appropriate, and are meeting the goal of assisting the faculty in curriculum planning and assessment. I will not be revising the outcomes. Program/Discipline/Course Assessment Report Discipline: Dental Assisting Course Number: DA 119 Submitted by: Julie Muhle Academic Year: 2010-2011 For Program, Discipline or Course Assessment Reports: I have reviewed this report: Julie Muhle Department Chair Ted Plaggemeyer Dean Date________________ Date August 24, 2011 John Tuthill Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Services Date August 25, 2011 Program/Discipline/Course Assessment Report Discipline: Dental Assisting Course Number: DA 119 Submitted by: Julie Muhle Academic Year: 2010-2011 Revised 9/28/2009 TMCC DA PROGRAM 2010 DA 119 Assessment Documentation.This is the competency form used for the rubber dam exercise. 36.4 Preparing/Applying/Removal of the Dental Dam Performance Criteria in MDA pgs. 540-541 Posterior/Full (PF) molar to opposing cuspid Posterior/Quadrant (PQ) 4-hole Posterior/Speed-Pedo (PS) 2-hole, slit Anterior (A) Bi-Bi Can be any method, clamp on, clamp in dam, wings. Check box only if step was performed correctly. A blank box indicates that step was not performed to satisfaction. PO: The student will demonstrate the ability to properly prepare/apply/remove a Posterior/Full,Posterior/Quadrant,Posterior/Pedo and Anterior Rubber dam. 1. Proper Sequence 2. Performs Procedures 3. Demonstrates knowledge of procedure 4. Accepts constructive criticism from peer and instructor 5. Professional during procedure 6. Student maintained critical thinking throughout the procedure. 7. Maintains Infection control throughout procedures Please Write Comments on Back Evaluations Peer Self PF PQ PS A PF PQ Instructor PS A PF PQ PS A Program/Discipline/Course Assessment Report Discipline: Dental Assisting Course Number: DA 119 Submitted by: Julie Muhle Academic Year: 2010-2011 Student name ___________________________________ 36.4 PF Self: Grade___________ date____________ Grade___________ date____________ Peer Grade___________ date ___________ Initials____________ Instructor: Grade ___________date ___________ Initials____________ 36.4 PQ Self: Grade___________ date____________ Grade___________ date____________ Peer Grade___________ date ___________ Initials____________ Instructor: Grade ___________date ___________ Initials____________ 36.4 PS Self: Grade___________ date____________ Grade___________ date____________ Peer Grade___________ date ___________ Initials____________ Instructor: Grade ___________date ___________ Initials____________ 36.4 A Self: Grade___________ date____________ Grade___________ date____________ Peer Grade___________ date ___________ Initials____________ Instructor: Grade ___________date ___________ Initials____________ Critical Errors-Redo Not knowing sequence of procedure Not knowing materials used/why Improper infection control Lengthy set-up/clean-up Peer/Self/Instructor: No errors-Excellent E Errors/Criteria Met P Below Average Criteria not met U-Unsatisfactory