Revised 09/0612012
Course Prefix, Number and Title: RAD 126, RadiographyII
Division/Unit: School of Sciences/Radiologic Technology
Submitted by: Warren Hejny
Contributing Faculty: Warren Hejny
Academic Year: 2012 - 2013
Assessment Semester: Fall D Spring X
Complete and electronically submit your assessment report to your Department Chair/Coordinator/Director. As needed, please attach supporting documents and/or
a narrative description of the assessment activities in your course.
Course Outcomes
In the boxes below, summarize
the outcomes assessed in your
course during the year.
Assessment Measures
In the boxes below, summarize
the methods used to assess course
outcomes during the last year.
Assessment Results
Use of Results
Effect on Course
In the boxes below, summarize
the results of your assessment
activities during the last year.
In the boxes below, summarize
how you are or how you plan to
use the results to improve student
Based on the results of this
assessment, will you revise your
outcomes? If so, please
summarize how and why in the
boxes below:
The energized Jab equipment was
used to document and test
students on positioning skills
over the entire spine and skull.
Also a processor exercise was
used to demonstrate skull
positioning. Average for each
area: C-spine 95%, T -spine
93.57%, L-spine 99.29%,
Sacrum/Coccyx 99.29%, Skull
88.57%, sinuses 87. 14%, skull
processor exercises 95.8%. The
overall average for all these areas
was 94.094 %
The overall average of 94.094 in
all areas evaluated compared to
last years results of96.52% and
96.96% the year before that
shows the students are
understanding the material at the
time of performing the laboratory
exercises. This also shows a
steady decline over the past three
years but may be attributable to
the students of each individual
class and will continue to be
No revision at this time. It should
be noted that with the new
computed radiography equipment
purchased this year that students
will be producing images of these
areas next year which will better
demonstrate their understanding
of the body part areas.
The overall average of 9 I.58%
demonstrates that the students are
understanding the material.
Compared to the previous year of
96.58% and 91 .93% the year
before that shows a decrease
No revision at this time. It
should be noted that with the new
computed radiography equipment
purchased this year that students
will be producing images of these
areas next year which will better
Outcome #1
The student will demonstrate the
ability to position anatomical
structures for radiographic
examinations of the vertebral
column and skull
Outcome# 2
The student will demonstrate the
ability to identify and critique
structures on a radiographic
image of the vertebral column
and skull.
Demonstration of positioning for
vertebral and skull examinations
will be measured by laboratory
exercises using current industry
standards known to the student.
Ability to identify and critique
radiographic images of the
vertebral column and skull will
be measured by using laboratory
worksheets using industry
standards known to the student
Analysis assignments from a text
and identification/critique
exercises were performed in the
laboratory setting as well as an
anatomy identification of the
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Course Prefix, Number and Title: RAD 126, Radiographyll
Division/Unit: School of Sciences/Radiologic Technology
Submitted by: Warren Hejny
Contributing Faculty: Warren Hejny
Academic Yea r: 2012 - 2013
Course Outcomes
Assessment Measures
Assessment Results
skull exercise utilizing x-ray
images. A verages for each area:
C and T analysis 88.8%, Lumbar
analysis 89.4%, sacrum/coccyx
analysis 90.7%, processor skull
anatomy 94.8%, skull analysis
94.2%. The overall average fo r
all areas was 91 .58%
Use of Results
from the past two years. Again
this could be attributable to the
individual class but does not
demonstrate a lack of learning
from the students. This should
be mon itored for further
Effect on Course
demonstrate their understanding
of the body part areas.
O utcome#J
Please enter your name and date below to confinn you have reviewed thjs report:
Department Chair/Coord inator/Director
lb - 2.--1
Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Services
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