Revised I0/21/20 13
Course Prefix, Number and Title: NURS 170 - Nursing Care 2
Division/Unit: Sciences/Nursing
Submitted by: Joy Alverson
Contributing Faculty:
Academic Year: 2013-2014 (Fall 2013)
Complete and electronically submit your assessment report to your Department Chair/Coordinator/Director. As needed, please attach supporting documents and/or
a narrative description of the assessment activities in your course.
Course Outcomes
Assessment Measures
Assessment Results
Use of Results
Effect on Course
In the boxes below, summarize
the outcomes assessed in your
course during the year.
In the boxes below, summarize
the methods used to assess course
outcomes during the last year.
In the boxes below, summarize
the results of your assessment
activities during the last year.
In the boxes below, summarize
how you are or how you plan to
use the results to improve student
Based on the results of this
assessment, will you revise your
outcomes? If so, please
summarize how and why in the
boxes below:
Integrate and apply patient data
to safely manage care within the
interdisciplinary health care
team for positive patient
Ability will be measured by
examination and quiz questions
against predetermined standards
and by a published clinical
performance evaluation tool.
Students were able to create and
implement a safe and effective
plan of care for the patients in the
clinical and skills lab setting.
The students were also able to
transfer their knowledge to
satisfactorily complete exam
questions based on safely
managing care and identifying
patient outcomes. All students
(35) were successful in passing
this course.
Exam #I average results: 81. 71
Exam #2 average results: 83.21
Exam #3 average results: 86.79
Exam #4 average results: 85.52
Hesi average results: 89.05
Focus will continue on the
specific exemplar diseases for
this class. Utilize the CPET still
in the clinical setting and exams
in the academic class. Stress to
the students how the specific
concept taught in the academic
setting is realized in the clinical
setting. Knowledge of the
concept can then be transferred to
new disease processes not taught
in the academic class. This
broadens the students'
experiences and knowledge base
for clinical care. Exam content
will be modified to be clearer for
student understanding.
All exam questions are reviewed
for robustness and validity to
reflect concepts taught in the
theory portion.
Hesi results are reviewed to
Present a broader approach and
not provide a too narrow focus
on concept information.
Review of exams focuses
attention on areas needing
improvement, which therefore
causes an increased focus on
specific areas that need targeting.
This allows instructors to tailor
lecture, case studies, and other
forms of instruction.
Examinations reflect an upward
Hesi exam reveals above average
compared to other schools of
nursing across the country.
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Course Prefix, Number and Title: NURS 170 - Nursing Care 2
Division/Unit: Sciences/Nursing
Submitted by: Joy Alverson
Contributing Faculty:
Academic Year: 2013·2014 (Fall 2013)
Course Outcomes
Assessment Measures
Assessment Results
Use of Results
Effect on Course
ascertain areas that need
improvement. This semester
reflected improvement overall,
and especially in OB, where
previous scores were lower.
Modify exam questions to reflect
broader concept based learning
instead of narrow learning. This
goes along with NCLEX exam
Outcome# 2
Communicate effectively with
clients, family members, and
interdisciplinary team members.
Ability will be measured by a
published clinical perfonnance
evaluation tool.
All 28 students met the criteria of
a total of 154 points or better on
the CPET and passed both OB
and Med-Surg clinical
components to progress to
Nursing 202.
Passage of CPET demonstrates
that students have effective
communication skills which are a
necessity to care for patients in
the clinical setting. Students
realize that poor communication
can lead to poor patient outcomes
or a problem that will impact a
patient directly.
Hesi exam: Communication was
above average in all areas
especially related to therapeutic
nursing interventions and
therapeutic nursing
Students communicated verbally
with the clinical instructors and
hospital staff effectively to
express the patient situation and
what the students would do for
and about patient problems.
Students also communicated in
the written fonn with the use of
the concept map in the clinical
setting. This was a written
picture of the patient's history
and problems that were
encountered in the clinical
Another assessment tool for
communication is the Skills lab
simulations. These are observed
with feedback given specifically
to the primary RN and the other
members of the team through
verbal and a written feedback
All instructors will continue to
improve our communication
skills to become role models for
the students. Demonstrates that
effective communication leads to
understanding and more positive
outcomes for students.
Instructors in skills lab reinforce
communication skills in a safe
environment, ex: calling the
physician, speaking to family
members and direct
communication with patient and
other staff members.
Continue Hesi examinations.
Course Prefix, Number and Title: NURS 170 - N ursing Care 2
Division/Unit: Sciences/Nursing
Submitted by: Joy Alverson
Contributing Faculty:
Academic Year: 201 3-2014 (Fall 2013)
Course Outcomes
Outcome #4
Demonstrate clinical decision
making to implement
components of the nursing
process to patients and families
based on Erikson's
developmental stages.
Assessment Results
Use of Results
Effect on Course
All students were required to
include in their Concept Maps for
clinical the specific Erikson's
developmental stage that their
patients were in.
Questions on examinations cover
the life span from birth to death.
Use of Erickson' s developmental
stages allows the students insight
into how the patient was coping
in the clinical setting with their
diagnosis, symptoms and
treatment. Students can recognize
variations with adaptations and
emotional responses in patients
to their situation.
We teach over the lifespan
starting with newborns up to the
elderly. Review of test questions
allows evaluation of content as
related to Erickson's
developmental stages so that all
stages are covered.
Skills labs simulations cover
newborn to the elderly in order to
reinforce Erickson's
developmental stages. This
allows continued repetition
which promotes embedding of
the information into their nursing
Assessment Measures
Ability will be measured by
examination and quiz questions
against predetermined standards
and by a published clinical
performance evaluation tool.
Please enter your name and date below to confirm you have reviewed this report:
Ted Plaggemeyer
6/ 13/201 4
Vice President of Academic Affairs
Jane Nichols
Department Chair/Coordinator/Director
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