A TMCC COURSE ASSESSMENT REPORT (CAR) Revised I 0/21/20 13 Course Prefix, Number and Title: DA 115-Dental Health Education Division/Unit: Sciences/Dental Assisting Submitted by: Linda McGillicuddy Contributing Faculty: Julie Muhle Academic Year: 2013-2014 Complete and electronically submit your assessment report to your Department Chair/Coordinator/Director. As needed, please attach supporting documents and/or a narrative description of the assessment activities in your course. Course Outcomes In the boxes below, summarize the outcomes assessed in your course during the year. Outcome#! Students will demonstrate competency in patient communication and education in the fonn of Oral Hygiene Instruction. Assessment Measures Assessment Results Use of Results Effect on Course In the boxes below, summarize the methods used to assess course outcomes during the last year. In the boxes below, summarize the results of your assessment activities during the last year. In the boxes below, summarize how you are or how you plan to use the results to improve student learning. Based on the results of this assessment, will you revise your outcomes? If so, please summarize how and why in the boxes below: Ability to effectively communicate with, and provide education to patients, will be measured by presenting to fellow classmates a Plaque Control/Diet Evaluation program of a patient according to a prescribed outline and grading rubric. Max points: I 00. Category: Written and Oral presentation. Overall Assignment Average: 96%. Content Items: Diet evaluation, Patient communication/ education. This assignment measures the students' ability to follow directions, use a prescribed grading rubric. Also measured is the students' ability to assimilate knowledge of nutrition and oral hygiene communication and education. The class average for this assignment is 96% which demonstrates competence. The criteria were reviewed to assure the grading is appropriate and the assignment depth is appropriate. After evaluating the various issues, it was detennined that the curriculum is appropriate. Students can meet or exceed the goal and both the assignment and grading rubric are good tools to assess student success on this topic. No, I will not revise the outcomes. The results demonstrate that students are learning the skills required to complete the assignment. Page I A TMCC COURSE ASSESSMENT REPORT (CAR) Course Prefix, Number and Title: DA 115-Dental Health Education Division/Unit: Sciences/Dental Assisting Submitted by: Linda McGillicuddy Contributing Faculty: Julie Muhle Academic Year: 2013-2014 Please enter your name and date bdow to confirm you have reviewed this report: Title Name Date Department Chair/Coordinator/Director Julie Muhle 4/29/2014 Dean Ted Plaggemeyer 6/23/20 14 Vice President of Academic Affairs Jane Nichols ~Q f\ ,J ( Page 2 ' ; ~ 7/2/2014