A TMCC COURSE ASSESSMENT REPORT (CAR) Revised I 0/21120 13 Course Prefix, Number and Title: BIOL 106-Introduction to Evolution and Adaptation Division/Unit: Science/Biology Submitted by: Meeghan Gray Contributing Faculty: Academic Year: 2013-2014 (Fa112013) Complete and electronically submit your assessment report to your Department Chair/Coordinator/Director. As needed, please attach supporting documents and/or a narrative description of the assessment activities in your course. Course Outcomes In the boxes below, summarize the outcomes assessed in your course during the year. Outcome#! Students will demonstrate cognitive knowledge of: the scientific process, biological evolution and adaptation. Assessment Measures Assessment Results Use of Results Effect on Course In the boxes below, summarize the methods used to assess course outcomes during the last year. In the boxes below, summarize the results of your assessment activities during the last year. In the boxes below, summarize how you are or how you plan to use the results to improve student learning. Based on the results of this assessment, will you revise your outcomes? If so, please summarize how and why in the boxes below: Students were given a 21 true/false question quiz on the first day of class (pre-test) and the last day of class (post-test). They were also asked to explain the theory of evolution and whether they accepted it or not. Quiz questions were developed by Meeghan Gray to cover course content and to address common misconceptions. These questions have been used across the country to test student's knowledge of evolution. Student test scores came from one section from the Fall 2013 semester. Results indicate an increase in learning with an average Hake score gain of 0.31. Paired t-tests showed significant differences between pre and posttests, with students averaging 53% in the pre-test and 75% in the post-test (n=21, t=8.74, p<O.OOOI). Overall, the true/false misconception quiz assessed most topics in class and students showed a significant increase from their pre-test scores. Even though students showed a moderate gain in knowledge, the post-test average was still a C. This indicates that the assessment can use some tweaking, but more importantly, we should address these misconceptions in the curriculum, particularly those topics including intelligent design, the origin of life, randomness, and the time frame of evolution. The outcomes have been reworded, but overall they continue to reflect curriculum of the course. An analysis of each individual question on the test showed a mean increase of21% in post-test scores (see table 1 below). However, on several individual questions (e.g., 4, 6, 9, 19) students actually performed worse on the post-test. This was a surprising result since these questions covered topics of when Page I A TMCC COURSE ASSESSMENT REPORT (CAR) Course Prefix, Number and Title: BIOL 106-Introduction to Evolution and Adaptation Division/Unit: Science/Biology Submitted by: Meeghan Gray Contributing Faculty: Academic Year: 2013-2014 (Fall2013) Course Outcomes Assessment Measures Assessment Results Use of Results Effect on Course The essay portion of the assessment demonstrated that students could clearly define and explain the concept of evolution using scientific terms. This will continued to be used in the assessment. The outcomes have been reworded, but overall they continue to reflect curriculum of the course. evolution occurs, how randomness fits into evolution, and intelligent design. These were topics covered extensively in the course, so we might want to spend more time covering these topics and the misconceptions surrounding them. Question 3 showed little improvement as students continue to associate evolution with origin of life hypotheses. This needs to be addressed in the curriculum. Outcome#2 Students will demonstrate competency in the ability to read, listen, interpret, and communicate the above biological concepts through appropriate spoken or written forms. Students were given a 21 true/false question quiz on the first day of class (pre-test) and the last day of class (post-test). They were also asked to explain the theory of evolution and whether they accepted it or not. Quiz questions were developed by Meeghan Gray to cover course content and to address common misconceptions. These questions have been used across the country to test student's knowledge of evolution. In addition to answering the true/false questions, students were asked to explain evolution and whether or not they accept this as a theory. For pre-test answers, most students used the term "accept" when referring to evolution, however many used the term "believe." Many students had thoughtful answers than included terms like change, evidence, support, adaptation, environment, and millions of years. However, many students also referred to evolution only for humans, included misconceptions about humans evolving from monkeys, and that evolution Page2 A TMCC COURSE ASSESSMENT REPORT (CAR) Course Pref"o:, Number and Title: BIOL 106-Introduction to Evolution and Adaptation Division/Unit: Science/Biology Submitted by: Meeghan Gray Contributing Faculty: Academic Year: 2013-2014 (Fall2013) Course Outcomes Assessment Measures Assessment Results Use of Results Effect on Course arises out of wants or needs. In the post-test, students' answers were much longer, more complex and included more scientific tenns. All students said they accepted it, and only 1 student continued to use the word "believe." Most students included in their answer something about genetic change, random mutations, natural selection or other selection pressures, common ancestors, survival and reproduction. Many also described evolution as a continuous process, a series of steps that does necessarily end with something better or more complex. Students also described populations of organisms or "species" and most did not mention "only humans" in their responses. In addition, most students used tenns like tested, supported, observable when they mentioned that they accepted this theory. While it is difficult to assess these essays with a number, it was clear that students understood the theory much better and it showed in their language and the depth of their Page3 : A TMCC COURSE ASSESSMENT REPORT (CAR) Course Prefix, Number and Title: BIOL 106-Introduction to Evolution and Adaptation Division/Unit: Science/Biology Submitted by: Meeghan Gray Contributing Faculty: Academic Year: 2013-2014 (Fall2013) Course Outcomes Assessment Measures Assessment Results Use of Results Effect on Course Overall, the true/false misconception quiz assessed most topics in class and students showed a significant increase from their pre-test scores. Even though students showed a moderate gain in knowledge, the post-test average was still a C. This indicates that the assessment can use some tweaking, but more importantly, we should address these misconceptions in the curriculum, particularly those topics including intelligent design, the origin of life, randomness, and the time frame of evolution. The outcomes have been reworded, but overall they continue to reflect curriculum of the course. answers. Outcome#3 Students will demonstrate knowledge of laboratory safety procedures and proficiency in the use of laboratory equipment and materials by attending four science laboratories. Students were given a 21 true/false question quiz on the flrst day of class (pre-test) and the last day of class (post-test). They were also asked to explain the theory of evolution and whether they accepted it or not. Quiz questions were developed by Meeghan Gray to cover course content and to address common misconceptions. These questions have been used across the country to test student's knowledge of evolution. See results for outcome #2. All of the lab activities complemented the curriculum in the lecture part of the class, so the assessment reflected specific knowledge gained from the lab activities. The essay portion of the assessment demonstrated that students could clearly define and explain the concept of evolution using scientific terms. This will continued to be used in the assessment. Page4 I I -~ TMCC COURSE ASSESSMENT REPORT (CAR) Course Prefix, Number and Title: BIOL 106-Introduction to Evolution and Adaptation Division/Unit: Science/Biology Submitted by: Meeghan Gray Contributing Faculty: Academic Year: 2013-2014 (Fall2013) Please enter your name and date below to confirm you have reviewed rhis report: Name Da te Department Chair/Coordinator/Director Melissa A. Deadmond 5/26/2014 Dean Ted Plaggemeyer 6/23/201 4 Vice President of Academic Affairs Jane Nichols ' Title I J ! ~ Q "' ~f-A / 6/30/2014 Table 1. Individual question analysis for Fall2013 BIOL106course. Values represent the% of students who answered the questio n correctly. Question Number 1 2 3 6 19 20 21 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Pre (%Correct) 48 68 4 68 32 80 48 76 40 28 36 88 28 96 80 56 96 24 24 52 36 Post {% Correctl 81 81 10 48 90 86 76 57 95 67 90 95 95 76 95 90 52 71 86 100 38 Difference {%) -1 33 13 6 -4 54 7 48 -10 76 14 6 20 -11 39 15 47 14 27 24 54 Hake Gain 0.63 0.40 0.06 ·0.09 0.85 -0.19 0.29 0.46 ·0.34 0.58 0.76 0.91 j!.60 0.44 0.34 0.85 0.60 0~ ~5? 1.00 0.19 Page S I