Revised 10121 12013
Course Prefix, Number and Title: GEOG 103 - PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY
Division/Unit: SCIENCE
Submitted by: Patrick Guiberson
Contributing Faculty:
Academic Year: FALL 2014
Complete and electronically submit your assessment report to your Department Chair/Coordinator/Director. As needed, please attach supporting documents and/or
a narrative description of the assessment activities in your course.
Course Outcomes
In the boxes below, summarize
the outcomes assessed in your
course during the year.
Assessment Measures
Assessment Results
Use of Results
Effect on Course
In the boxes below, summarize
the methods used to assess
course outcomes during the last
In the boxes below, summarize
the results of your assessment
activities during the last year.
In the boxes below, summarize
how you are or how you plan to
use the results to improve
student learning.
Based on the results of this
assessment, will you revise your
outcomes? If so, please
summarize how and why in the
boxes below:
On exams, students will be able
to correctly identify the physical
processes producing distinctive
landfonns, climate types and
biome regions.
A set of learning outcomes were
tested by way of student
performance on quizzes,
homework, and in-class
Students perfonned quire will on
questions about the processes,
patterns, and cycles discussed in
this course.
The MCO for this course was
completely revised 10/2014.
This included a full re-work of
the learning outcomes,
measures, and course objectives.
Outcome #1 (Old MCO)
Students will be able to explain
the Earth's physical processes,
patterns, and cycles using
concepts of physical geography
Results are presented in the
Narrative section (below).
Outcome #2 (Old MCO)
Students will be able to describe
the interaction of Earth's
physical systems
As an example, students might
be asked to speculate on the
various scenarios for future
world climates should there be
an increase in greenhouse effect.
Answers will be evaluated on
the depth of student's extent to
A set of standardized questions
were employed as the primary
assessment tool for this Leaming
Results are presented in the
Narrative section (below).
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Overall I think there was a
general trend toward
improvement on testing results,
although I did see a slight drop
off in a sections dealing with
glacial processes. I will be
revising this portion of the
course the next time it is offered
as a new text will be employed.
Per the assessment measure for
this outcome, I have reported on
the results for 'interaction of
physical systems', 'humanenvironment interaction', and
The next assessment of this
course will use these new
outcomes and measures.
The MCO for this course was
completely revised 10/2014.
This included a full re-work of
the learning outcomes,
measures, and course objectives.
Course Prefix, Number and Title: GEOG 103 - PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY
Division/Unit: SCIENCE
Submitted by: Patrick Guiberson
Contributing Faculty:
Academic Year: FALL 2014
Course Outcomes
Assessment Measures
Assessment Results
which they incorporate concepts
in physical geography.
Outcome #3 (Old MCO)
Students will be able to analyze
and reach valid conclusions
from analysis of graphs,
geographic diagrams, statistics,
and maps
On exams, students will be able
to correctly answer questions
based on one or a set of graphs,
geographic diagrams, statistics,
and maps
A number of map-based
assignments, questions on
exams, and homework were
used as the primary assessment
tool for this Learning Outcome.
Results are presented in the
Narrative section (below).
Use of Results
Effect on Course
Response rates were well above
the 70% range in most of these
areas. Surprisingly the one
measure which dealt with our
climate type, was one of the
lowest reported. This is
unexpected. I will need to reexamine the questions used to
measure this aspect of the class.
The next assessment of this
course will use these new
outcomes and measures.
Students seem to understand the
map use and interpretation
portions of this course. I am
pleased with these results.
The MCO for this course was
completely revised l 0/2014.
This included a full re-work of
the learning outcomes,
measures, and course objectives.
With the adoption of a new text,
I will need to revisit the
materials used for this portion of
the course. I expect that I will
add several questions to ensure
they students can continue to
perfom at this level.
The next assessment of this
course will use these new
outcomes and measures.
Narrative: A new MCO was adopted for this course 10/2014, however the old outcomes/measures are being used here. The results reported here are based upon
both objective and subject questions used on quizzes and exams, in-class writing assignments, and homework assignments (using the MasteringGeography tools).
The learning objectives for the questions employed were derived from a standardized testing bank, the MasteringGeography materials, and questions developed by
the instructor. Student perfonnance is reported as average percent correct . I have provided a listing of several of these, fit to the Course Outcomes identified
above. Note: the learning outcomes and measures in this CAR are based on the old MCO. A new MCO is now in place and will be used for future assessments.
Course Prefix, Number and Title: GEOG 103 - PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY
Division/Unit: SCIENCE
Submitted by: Patrick Guiberson
Contributing Faculty:
Academic Year: FALL 2014
Outcome #1 (Old MCO): Students will be able to explain the Earth's physical processes, patterns, and cycles using concepts of physical geography
• Geography Standard 7: The physical process that shape the patterns of Earth's surface .. Average Score .. 80.7%
• Describe the life cycle of a mid latitude cyclonic stonn system, and list the measurable elements that contribute to weather forecasting ... Average
Score .. 81.3%
• Explain the process of glacial ice fonnation, and portray the mechanics of glacial movement. .. Average Score .. 72.4%
• Geography Standard 18: How to apply geography to interpret the present and plan for the future .. Average Score .. 86.5%
• Relate the importance of the water-budget concept to your understanding of the hydrologic cycle, water resources, and soil moisture for a specific
location ... Average Score .. 86.0%
• Explain compressional processes and folding, and describe four principal types of faults and their characteristic landfonns ... Average Score ..
• Explain the processes of fluvial erosion, transportation, and deposition ... Average Score .. 81.8%
• Describe chemical weathering processes, including hydration, hydrolysis, oxidation, and carbonation... Average Score .. 89.9%
• Describe physical weathering processes, including frost action, salt-crystal growth, and pressure-release jointing... Average Score .. 71.6%
Outcome #2 {Old MCO): Students will be able to describe the interaction of Earth's physical systems
• Geography Standard 14: How human actions modify the physical environment. .. Average Score .. 86.5%
• Geography Standard 15: How physical systems affect human systems .. Average Score .. 85.3%
• Describe systems analysis, open and closed systems, and feedback infonnation, and relate these concepts to Earth systems. .. Average Score ..
• Explain the precipitation and moisture efficiency criteria used to detennine the arid and semiarid climates ... Average Score .. 69.9%
• Global (qualitative): Review the principal components of climate, and relate the development of climate classification systems. .. Average Score ..
• Explain the causes and potential consequences of climate change, and outline future climate patterns from forecasts ... Average Score .. 86.2%
• Review the principal components of climate, and relate the development of climate classification systems... Average Score .. 89.1 %
• Define climate and climatology, and explain the difference between climate and weather... Average Score .. 90.2%
Outcome #3 (Old MCO): Students will be able to analyze and reach valid conclusions from analysis of graphs, geographic diagrams, statistics, and
• Global (qualitative and qunatitaive): Read and interpret graphs and data ... Average Score .. 86.4%
• Geography Standard I: How to use maps and other geographic representations, geospatial technologies, and spatial thinking to understand and
communicate information .. Average Score .. 84.2%
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Course P refix, Number and Title: GEOG 103 - PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY
Division/Unit: SCIENCE
Submitted by: Patrick Guiberson
Contributing Faculty:
Academic Year: FALL 2014
Describe remote sensing and the geographic information system (GIS), and explain how both tools are used in geographic analysis . .. Average
Score .. 84.9%
Geography Standard 3: How to analyze the spatial organization of people, places, and environments on Earth's surface... Average Score .. 83.3%
Geography Standard 16: The changes that occur in the meaning, use, distribution, and importance of resources... Average Score .. 78.6%
Global (qualitative): Demonstrate the ability to think critically and employ critical thinking skills... Average Score .. 80.0%
lllustrate the hydrologic cycle with a simple sketch, and label it with definitions for each water pathway . .. Average Score .. 92.2%
Describe the principal climate classification categories, and locate these regions on a world map ... Average Score .. 82.4%
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