A TMCC Course Prefo:, Nu ber

Revised 09106/2012
Course Prefo:, Number and Title: THTR 209 Theater Practicum
Division/Unit: Visual and Performing Arts
Submitted by: Carolyn Wray
Contributing Faculty: Carolyn Wray
Academic Year: 2012-2013
Assessment Semester: Fall 0
Spring [gl
Complete and electronically submit your assessment report to your Department Chair/Coordinator/Director. As needed, please attach supporting documents and/or
a narrative description of the assessment activities in your course.
Course Outcomes
In the boxes below, summarize
the outcomes assessed in your
course during the year.
Assessment Measures
Assessment Results
In the boxes below, summarize
In the boxes below, summarize
the methods used to assess course the results of your assessment
outcomes during the last year.
activities during the last year.
Use of Results
Effect on Course
In the boxes below, summarize
how you are or how you plan to
use the results to improve student
Based on the results of this
assessment, will you revise your
outcomes? If so, please
summarize how and why in the
boxes below:
Students will engage in the
creative process of rehearsal and
The ability to demonstrate the
engagement in the creative
process of rehearsal and
perfonnance will be measured by
a completion task list which
includes a calendar matrix
This combined team-taught
production series of classes
(THTR 209, THTR 176, and
THTR 276) had a total of 45
students enrolled. Of those 45
students, 43 students completed
all performances Two students
missed perfonnances because of
illness related problems
The ability to demonstrate skills
required for a quality
perfonnance will be measured by
a skills task list using a
predctennined rubric (attached)
The use of the tasks list which is
given out to the students on the
first day rehearsal and is posted
on the CANVAS Web-page is
helpful as a tool. As instructors
we refer to it to keep track of the
progress of rehearsals
Because of the high motivation to The experiential Learning
be part of these audition only
Objective needs no changes
classes, students who are cast in
productions rarely have to drop
out. The completion rate is very
high. We are going to encourage
students to make daily contact
with CANVAS (these are Web
assisted Production classes) and
with Social Media especially
designed for each production.
Outcome # 2
Students will demonstrate the
ability and skills required for a
quality perforrnance
This semester we are going to
individually handwrite comments
for each student on the grading
rubric so that there is concrete
feedback. We may revert back to
our oral evaluations if this proves
to be too cumberso~
will attempt it in Fa 01 3
Page I
Our Production Classes have
usually gone well in the past with
immediate and constant feedback
(which is the nature of
rehearsals). I see no changes
need to this Learning Objective
since it is the core of the
production exoerience.
Course Prefix, Number and Title: THTR 209 Theater Practicum
Division/Unit: Visual and Performing Arts
Submitted by: Carolyn Wray
Contributing Faculty: Carolyn Wray
Academic Year: 201 2-2013
Please enter your name and date below to confinn you have reviewed this report:
Department Chair/Coordinator/Director
Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Services
Page 2
Production Skills Task List (Acting)
THTR 209 Theatre Practicum, THTR 176 Musical Theater Workshop I, THTR 276 Musical Theater
Workshop II, THTR 231 Children's Theater
Production Skill Task List Rubric (Acting)
Prepare for and complete a successful Audition
This area will be used by the assessor lo
leave comments related lo this criterion.
0 pts
Accept the role assigned wholeheartedly
This area will be used by the assessor lo
leave comments related 10 this criterion.
0 pts
Sign the rehearsal calendar fonn
This area will be used by the assessor to
leave comments related lo this criterion
0 pts
Fill out and submit the scholarship fonn
This area will be used by the assessor lo
leave comments related to this criterion.
0 pts
Enroll in the production class on time
This area will be used by the assessor lo
leave comments related to this criterion.
0 pts
Attend first read through
This area will be used by the assessor to
leave comments related to this criterion.
0 pts
This area will be used by the assessor to
Attend all necessary rehearsals (see calendar matrix) /eave comments related to this crilerion.
0 pts
Maintain script/CD in good working order
This area will be used by the assessor to
leave comments related lo lhis criterion.
0 pts
Come prepared to rehearsals (script, score, pencils,
This area will be used by the assessor lo
leave comments related to this criterion.
0 pts
Call Stage Manager if you are late to rehearsals
This area will be used by the assessor to
leave comments related 10 this criterion.
0 pts
Be on time for all rehearsals
This area will be used by the assessor to
leave comments related 10 this criterion.
0 pts
Do your actor homework {research, line
memorization, vocal work, dance routines)
This area will be used by the assessor lo
leave comments related to this criterion.
Participate in physical warm-ups when needed
This area will be used by the assessor lo
leave comments related to this criterion.
0 pts
Participate in vocal warm-ups when needed
This area will be used by the assessor lo
leave comments related to this criterion.
0 pts
Write down your blocking and score notations
This area will he used by the assessor lo
leave comments related 10 this criterion.
0 pts
Be respectful of others during the rehearsal process
This area will be used by the assessor to
leave comments related to this criterion.
0 pts
Complete four hours of tech help on the show
This area will be used by the assessor lo
leOlle comments related lo this criterion.
0 pts
Care for and maintain your personal costumes and
This area will be used by the assessor to
0 pts
Production Skill Task List Rubric (Acting)
leave commenl.r related lo thi.r crilerio11.
Maintain good personal hygiene
This area will he used hy the a.ues.mr to
leave commem.r related to this criterion.
0 pts
Follow the dictates or offstage etiquette (cell phone
use, talking, missing cues)
This area will be m•ed by the asse.f,TOr to
leave comments related to t/li.r criterion.
0 pts
Check all props before the show
This urea will he used by the a.r.re.'t.wr to
lea,•e comments related to thl.r criterion.
0 pts
Check all costumes before the show
This area will be u.ved by the asse.uor lo
leave comments related to this criterion.
0 pts
Complete mic check on time
111is area will be u.red by the assessor to
leave comments related to this criterion.
0 pts
This area will be used by the a.tses.ror to
leave comment.r related to this criterion.
0 pts
This area will be used by the assessor lo
leave comments re/a1ed lo this criterion.
0 pts
This area will be used by the assessor to
leave commenls related to this criterion.
0 pts
Clean up after yourself after each show
This area will be used by the asse.rsor lo
leave comments related to this criterion.
0 pts
Participate in Strike
This area will be used by lhe assessor to
leave comments related lo this criterion.
0 pts
Complete the anonymous class evaluation form
This area will be used by the assessor to
leave comments related to this criterion.
0 pts
Be respectful of all set pieces, costumes, props, mic
Report malfunctions of set pieces, costumes, props,
mic equipment to the correct person
Understand the Chain of Command in Theatre and
follow the correct Communication Process
Total Points: 0
Production Skills Task List (Tech)
Production classes: THTR 209, Theater Practicum; THTR 176, Musical Theater Workshop I; THTR 276
Musical Theater Workshop II, THTR 231 Chfldren's Theater
Production Skills Task List (Tech) Rubric
Attend the initial Production Meeting
This area will be u.red by tile as.ressor lo leave
comment.r related to this criterion.
0 pts
Sign the Rehearsal Calendar
This area will he used by the assessor to leave
comments related lo this criterion.
0 pts
Submit the Scholarship Form
111is area will he 11sed by the assessor lo leave
comments related to this criterion.
0 pts
Enroll in the Production class on time
This area will be used by the assessor to leave
comments related to this criterion.
0 pts
This area will he u.red by the assessor lo leave
comments related lo thi.r criterion.
0 pts
This area will be used by the assessor lo leave
comments related to thi.r criterion.
0 pts
This area will be used by the assessor to leave
comments related to this criterion.
0 pts
This area will be used by the assessor to leave
comments related lo this crilerion.
0 pts
This area will be used by the assessor to leave
comments related to this criterion.
0 pts
Participate in Strike
This area will be used by the assessor to leave
comments related lo this criterion.
0 pts
Complete the anonymous evaluation form
This area will be used by the assessor to leave
comments related to this criterion.
0 pts
Work with the Tech Director on individual
Complete the hours demanded for the credits
Follow the safety regulations for construction,
rehearsals and performances
Perform your duties as directed by the Tech
Follow the theater etiquette guidelines during
rehearsals and performances
Total Points: 0