A TMCC COURSE ASSESSMENT REPORT (CAR) Revised 09/061201 2 Course Preru:, Number and Title: THTR 105 Fundamentals of Acting I Division/Unit: Visual and Performing Arts Submitted by: Carolyn Wray Contributing Faculty: Carolyn Wray Academic Yea r: 2012-2013 Assessment Semester: Fall D Spring 181 Complete and electronically submit your assessment report to your Department Chair/Coordinator/Director. As needed, please attach supporting documents and/or a narrative description of the assessment activities in your course. Course Outcomes In the boxes below, summarize the outcomes assessed in your course during the year. Assessment Measures Assessment Results Use of Results Effect on Course In the boxes below, summarjze In the boxes below, summarize the methods used to assess course the results of your assessment outcomes during the last year. activities during the last year. In the boxes below, summarize how you are or how you plan to use the results to improve student learning. Based on the results of this assessment, will you revise your outcomes? If so, please summarize how and why in the boxes below: Engaging in the creative process was graded by a participation task list which tallied participation points each week The use of a points scale in participation has proven to be quite successful for accountability. I will make a stronger effort to contact the students who are not attending and get them to drop before the cut off time The Leaming Outcome does not need changing. I changed to a point system for the acting classes to track accountability and it is working for the students. Outcome ##1 Students will engage in the creative process of actor training at the beginning level The 34 students in the course earned a median score of 3.5 out of 4 points weekly. The median score was lowered by three students who dropped out of the course without officially dropping the class Outcome # 2 Students will develop skills required for learned performances at the beginning level The skills are measured by a graded performance form for a monologue, a scene and a group project. All assignments have a predetermined rubric (attached) All of the students who completed the course (30 out of 34) earned between 85% and I00% on their performance projects. The median score again was lowered by those three students who did not complete the course Page 1 In this hybrid class the grading rubrics are especially helpful for those perfonnance projects for which there is no right or wrong "answer''. Student know how they are being graded on their work and feedback is in writing (along with instantaneous oral discussions) No change to this Learning Outcome is needed. A TMCC COURSE ASSESSMENT REPORT (CAR) Course Prefix, Number and Title: THTR 105 Fundamentals of Acting I Division/Unit: Visual and Perfonning Arts Submitted by: Carolyn Wray Contributing Faculty: Carolyn Wray Academic Year: 2012-2013 Course Outcomes Assessment Measures Assessment Results Use of Results A 25 point online multiple choice Quiz was administered at the end of the course Most students did very well on the quiz, but a question analysis picked up the fact that there was some confusion about the concept of objectives/obstacles in acting. Also some students did not turn in the quiz since it was online and this is a hybrid class. I will spend more time and variety of learning techniques and exercise to further explain objective/obstacles in acting. I think that 3 dimensional, real time improvisation is a good tool to use to instill these concepts. I will also start earlier in the course to encourage and track student participation in the quiz. Effect on Course Outcome #3 Students will express and incorporate basic theatrical terms associated with the actor training process. Please enter your name and date below to confinn you have reviewed this report: T itle Department Chair/Coordinator/Director Dean Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Services Page 2 The Leaming Objective is fine, but I will augment my approaches to the subject. THTR 105&205 Final Scene Rubric Final Scene Perrormancc Points Ratings Criteria Criteria I Getting up on Stage and Performing with Your Partner You hemmed and hawed and good, bad, indifferent. ..you pretended you were going to performed the; final scene perform but. . .. .you did not do with your partner! il. 2 pts I pts Criteria 2 Rehearsal with Partner You worked well with your partner in a shared scene, used the class rehearsal time wisely and even did some outside of class rehearsals to accomplish your goals 2 pts Criteria 3 Characteri7Jltion and Pacing a well-crafted, complete, consistent and congruent characterization.; It is evident that the actor understands the internals and the externals of the character. The pacing of the scene worked well for the audience. 2 pts Criteria 4 Projection, Blocking, Stage Presence, Energy and Commibnent The actors did a fine, theatrically appealing scene with good projection, blocking, Stage Presence, Energy and Commitment. 2 pts Three of the Criteria . th tri presen1 m ea. ca1 much .fonn, but needing . improvement m two ts 1p Criteria S Use of Props and Costumes The use of costumes and props were well thought out and planned in advance, They added to the scene I pts Not much thought went into costumes and props .50 pts Criteria 6 Understanding of your own personal Learning Process Actor appears to understand his/her Leaming A t t . . ti. c or comp 1e es Process as 1t re 1ates to memorl7.2 on, stage th ..r. th d e scene process, frigh t, pe11ormance s an but doesnot know . streng . weaknesses, working with a partner, use of h he/ h t 5 rehearsal time. Shares ideas and insights thow e go · h the ClasS. ere. Wit SQ ts I pts . p Total Points: 10 You refused to perform, and. . .. you did not do it. 0 pts 2 pts You never rehearsed with your partner, in class or outside of class. 0 pts 2 pts Waited until the last minute to choose a scene and then only rehearsed a few times with your partner and this was evident in the perfonnance I pts Characterization process incomplete or inconsistent. Too much imitation from the film version. Pacing and energy between the actors seemed stilted and unnatural for the style of the piece. I pts No characterization or pacing essentials evident because we didn't see anything 0 pts 2 pts No Proj ection, Blocking, Stage Presence, Energy or Commitment evident 2 pts because you d.d ot pe11orm ..r. 1 n th , e mono1ogue1. 0 pts Some costumes and props used to support the scene, but they were very last minute additions and not I pts well thought out. 0 pts Can't tell what you learned from the process ) pts because you d id not share with us. 0 pts THTR 105&205 Monologue Performance Rubric (Double Monologues for THTR 205) Criteria Monologue Performance Midterm Ratings You refused to perform, and... . you did not do it. 0 pts 2 pts y Monologue appears to be Good choice of ou never good choice for your monologue for the actor h . c ose a Criteria 2 Choice of talents and skills, but was either too long, t . d" . h mono1ogue o monologue espec1a11y as an au 1tlon too s ort or not piece (good contrast for II) theatrically exciting ~ t;rm 2 pts 1 pts p 2 pts Criteria I Getting up on Stage and Performing Good, bad, indifferent. . .you performed the midterm monologue! 2 pts At least one week late in performance past deadline 1 pts Points m Criteria 3 Characterization A well-crafted, complete, consistent and congruent characterization.; It is evident that the actor understands the internals and the externals of the character. 2 pts Criteria 4 Projection, Blocking, Stage Presence, Energy and Commitment The actor did a fine, Three of the theatrically appealing C . . t. "th od n 1ena presen m; l mono ogue wi go th m· al fi b 1 . . blocking, ea proJectmn, ed' c orm, h u Stage Presence, Energy ~e mg muct . . d improvemen m and Commitment. (goo tw °ts Transition for II) 1 2~ P Good characterization, internals and externals seem congruent. 1 pts No characterization evident because we didn't see anything 0 pts 2 pts No Projection, Blocking, Stage p E resence, nergy or Comm1tment . ev1'dent 2 pts because you did not rfi th pe orm e monologue!! o~ Can't tell what Criteria 5 Understanding of your own personal Leaming Process Total Points: 10 Actor appears to understand his/her A t . bl . p . c or ts a e you learned from 1earning rocess as it re1ates to t t · . . fri h o pu voice the process memonzatton, stage g t, performance strengths and weaknesses. Shares ideas and insights with the class. 2 pts to his/her · 1earning process. 1 pts because you did 2 pts not share with us. 0 pts