
Course Prefix, Number and Title: BUS 107, Business Speech Communication
Division/Unit: Division of Business
Submitted by: Nancy O'Neal
Contributing Faculty:
Academic Year: Spring 2015
Complete and electronically submit your assessment report to your Department Chair/Coordinator/Director. As needed, please attach supporting
documents and/or a narrative description of the assessment activities in your course.
Course Outcomes
In the boxes below,
summarize the outcomes
assessed in your course
during the year.
Assessment Measures
In the boxes below,
summarize the methods used
to assess course outcomes
during the last year.
Assessment Results
In the boxes below,
summarize the results of your
assessment activities during
the last year.
Use of Results
Effect on Course
In the boxes below,
summarize how you are or
how you plan to use the
results to improve student
Based on the results of this
assessment, will you revise
your outcomes? If so, please
summarize how and why in
the boxes below:
One way in which we have
improved student learning is
with the impromptu.
Originally students were
required to complete only
one per semester. Due to
student requests they now
complete three per semester
with them be given the
option of immediate
feedback from the audience.
I then follow up with a
written evaluation. The
learning from this has been
amazing and is immediate.
Both the presenter learns and
the students observing are
tasked with critiquing other
students using the theory just
Not at this point.
Outcome #1
Students w ill develop expertise
in w riting and delivering a
variety of individual business
communication presentations
and speeches. Students will
sharpen their listening and
feedback skills and improve
nonverbal skills, language skills
and their speaking voice.
Students will prepa re and
present a predetermined
number of presentations and
speeches that will be assessed
by instructor evaluation and
peer evaluation usmg Speech
Critique Sheets.
During this course students
are required to complete five
different speeches. They are:
I. Impromptus (3) 2.
Workshop 3. Interview 4.
Introduction ofa classmate 5.
Persuasive speech. All five
speeches are evaluated by the
instructor. The Workshop,
Interview and Persuasive
speeches are evaluated as
well by peers using a separate
rubric which is then averaged
with that average added to the
instructor's rubric. We also
complete an active listening
module were we practice
listening. In addition
throughout the semester body
languat:?e i.e. nonverbal skills
Course Outcomes
Outcome# 2
Students will be able to explain
the factors that influence group
dynamics and lead to successful
group work. Students will list
ways that groups arrive at
decisions and solve problems
Assessment Measures
Students will be assessed on
presentation and delivery skills,
accurate content of
information, correctness of oral
grammar, professional use of
visuals and appropriate
organizational development
items and be assessed by
instructor evaluation and peer
evaluation Speech Critique
Assessment Results
1s contmua11y taugnt tnrougn
TEDx videos, DVD's and by
providing immediate student
, feedback on the impromptu
Students are required to lead a
workshop in a group setting
with 3 other peers as well as
be interviewed by a group of
three peers. In both these
speeches the students are
evaluated via a detailed rubric
by peers. The attached
rubrics for the workshop and
interview outline the
assignments in full detail.
Worksho11 Full Rubric.gocx
Introduce rubric.docx
Interview rubric, guestions &
com~an:x: as~ignments.docx
Use of Results
a1scussed regaramg veroa1
and non-verbal behavior.
To date the learnings from
the interview process has
been very practical and
helpful for students. Over
the past year the average for
this assignment has been
91 %.
In terms of the workshops
the average for this
assignment has been 78%.
The reason being is that a lot
of pre-work and planning is
required for this assignment
and students often wait to
complete it. I will
Effect on Course
No the outcomes will not
change. However, please
note the following:
In tenns of the interviews,
every semester I have a
student(s) who says they are
going through the interview
process and actually job
searching and they comment
on how the mock interview
in class helped them secure
the j ob. At this point we
will continue to practice Q
& A in class prior to doing
the in class interviews and
focus more on behavioral
questions vs. j ust the
standard interview
For the workshop prep or
pre-work I will make it its
own separate assignment
due in advance of the actual
workshop instead of the day
of. I will make it worth
more points as well and
hopefully this will
encourage students to
complete the assi~nment
Course Outcomes
Assessment Measures
Assessment Results
Use of Results
Effect on Course
thus mcreasmg their
knowledge and ability on
how to run a workshop.
Students will be able to "Search
and Find" answers to a variety
of questions to test their
research skills and to establish
credibility in speaking and
preparing effective
Instructor will look at and listen
to answers for accurate and
complete information and
determine whether the
resource used was the best and
the most efficient.
Students were asked to find a
company with a net income
loss in fiscal year 2012, 2013
or 2014. They were required
to research the company
detennining why the net
losses occurred and then
during their " persuasive"
speech convince the audience
to invest in their company.
Student's role play as CEO' s
with the audience role playing
as a group of NYC investors
at a breakfast meeting.
During these final
presentations they are
assessed with rubrics by peers
and the instructor to
detennine their
"persuasiveness" which is
directly linked to their
company research and their
credibility as a speaker.
Most students have not
received the full 25 points
from the rubric on the
"persuasive" piece of the
final speech. I think an
additional line item should
be added in the rubric that
requires the student to create
a bibliography highlighting
what sources were used.
Also, requiring students to
provide an overhead of their
sources during the speech or
linking it to their "problems
and solutions" pages will
help with the student' s
credibility and ability to
persuade others.
No the outcomes will not
Please enter your name and date below to confinn you have reviewed this report:
Management Instructor
Nancy O'Neal
Vice President of Academic Affairs