Document 14811149

Name: ___________________________________
Stunde: _______
Wortschatzlist 2-1
Students will be able to discuss the activities they do in their daily life.
Was möchtest du machen?
What do you want to do?
Ich möchte Basketball spielen.
I would like to play basketball.
Willst du Fuβball spielen?
Do you want to play soccer?
Ja, ich will Fuβball spielen.
Yes, I want to play soccer.
Nein, ich will Volleyball spielen.
No, I want to play volleyball.
amerikanischer Football
Musik hören
to listen to music
einkaufen gehen
to go shopping
to dance
to swim
to run
Rad fahren
to ride a bike
**personal vocabulary word
to want to – wollen
ich _________________________
wir _________________________________
du __________________________
ihr _________________________________
er/sie/es ________________________
sie/Sie _____________________________
to prefer (would like) – möchten
ich _________________________
wir _________________________________
du __________________________
ihr _________________________________
er/sie/es ________________________
sie/Sie _____________________________
Unit 2: Making Plans
Name: ___________________________________
Stunde: _______
Wortschatzlist 2-2
Students will be able to discuss the activities they do in their daily life.
Hausaufgabe machen
to do homework
to study
Buch lesen
to read a book
Online chatten
to chat online
Videospiele spielen
to play videogames
Fernsehen schauen
to watch TV
to sing
to practice
ins Café gehen
go to a café
ins Restaurant gehen
go to a restaurant
to work out/exercise
Skateboard fahren
to skateboard
**personal vocabulary word, something you must do
to have to (must) - müssen
ich _________________________
wir _________________________________
du __________________________
ihr _________________________________
er/sie/es ________________________
sie/Sie _____________________________
to be able to (can) - können
ich _________________________
wir _________________________________
du __________________________
ihr _________________________________
er/sie/es ________________________
sie/Sie _____________________________
Unit 2: Making Plans
Name: ___________________________________
Stunde: _______
Wortschatzlist 2-3
Students will be able to talk about where they do activities.
Wo willst du Videospiele spielen?
Where do you want to play video games?
Ich will Videospiele zu Hause spielen.
I want to play video games at home.
in der Schule
at school
zu Hause
at home
in der Turnhalle
at the gym
ins Kino
at the movie theater
am Marktplatz
at the plaza, city center
in der Bibliotek
at the library
im Park
at the park
beim Feld
at the field
bei Einkaufszentrum
at the mall
Unit 2: Making Plans
Name: ___________________________________
Stunde: _______
Wortschatzlist 2-4
Students will be able to talk about when they do activities.
Wann kannst du Musik hören?
When can you listen to music?
Nach der Schule kann ich Musik hören.
I can listen to music after school.
Was musst du vor der Schule machen?
What do you have to do before school?
Vor der Schule laufe ich.
Before school, I run.
Am Wochenende…
On the weekend…
Am Morgen…
In the morning...
Am Nachmittag…
In the afternoon...
Am Abend…
In the evening…
Im Herbst…
In the fall…
Im Frühling…
In the spring…
Im Winter…
In the winter…
Im Sommer…
In the summer…
Am Montag…
On Monday…
Im Januar…
In January…
Unit 2: Making Plans
Name: ___________________________________
Stunde: _______
Grammar: Time – Verb – Subject (TVS)
Germans are a very punctual group of people. They prefer to be on time or early. When
they use a time expression (“At 3 o’clock” or “On Monday”) in their sentences, they tend to
put that time expression first or at least close to the front of the sentence. They also do not
use comma as much as we English speakers do. You’ll notice in the chart below that there
are no commas in the sentences auf Deutsch – that’s not a mistake ☺
I want to play soccer in the
On Monday, I have to do my
Deutsch - gut
Ich will im Sommer Fuβball
Ich muss am Montag
Hausaufgabe machen.
Deutsche – am besten
Im Sommer will ich Fuβball
Am Montag muss ich
Hausaufgabe machen.
Unit 2: Making Plans
Name: ___________________________________
Stunde: _______
Wortschatzlist 2-5
Students will be able to discuss the weather.
Wie ist das Wetter?
What is the weather like?
Wie ist das Wetter im Frühling?
How is the weather in Spring?
Es ist sonnig.
It is sunny.
Die Sonne scheint.
The sun is shining.
Es regnet.
It’s raining.
Es ist wolkig.
It’s cloudy.
Es ist klar.
It’s clear.
Es schneit.
It’s snowing.
Es ist nass.
It’s wet.
Es gibt Gewitter.
There’s a thunderstorm.
Wie viel Grad haben wir?
What’s the temperature?
Es ist warm.
It’s warm.
Es ist heiss.
It’s hot.
Es ist kalt.
It’s cold.
Es ist kühl.
It’s cool.
Unit 2: Making Plans
Name: ___________________________________
Stunde: _______
Wortschatzlist 2-6
Students will be able to offer a suggestion/activity.
Students will be able to accept or decline an invitation.
Möchtest du ins Kino gehen?
Do you want to go to the movies?
Gehen wir!
Let’s go!
Kannst du ins Café gehen?
Can you go to the cafe?
Nein, ich kann nicht.
No, I can’t.
Nein, ich muss studieren.
No, I have to study.
Nein, ich muss zu Hause helfen.
No, I have to help at home/do chores.
Leider kann ich nicht.
Sorry, I can’t.
Ich habe keine Zeit.
I don’t have time.
Ich mache/spiele das gerne!
I would love to!
Ja! Gute Idee!
Yes, that’s a great idea!
Unit 2: Making Plans
Name: ___________________________________
Stunde: _______
Wortschatzlist 2-7
Students will be able to make specific plans with friends.
Viertel vor
quarter to
Viertel nach
quarter after
half (before)
Wo möchtest du gehen?
Where do you want to go?
Ich möchte ins Kino gehen.
I want to go to the movies.
Gehen wir am Freitag!
Let’s go on Friday!
Gehen wir um 19 Uhr!
Let’s go at 7 pm!
OK, wie viel Uhr am Freitag?
Ok, what time on Friday?
Um 18 Uhr.
At 6 pm.
Culture: Military time
When giving time, Germans use the 24 hour clock system. This means that the morning hours
from 0:00 (midnight) until 12:00 (noon) are exactly the same. The afternoon and evening
hours are the ones that change. Beginning with 1:00 pm a German person would refer to
the time as 13:00. At 6:00 pm when you might eat dinner, a German person would say that it
is 18:00. To determine what the time is past 12:00 (noon), you just need to add 12 to the PM
time or if you hear the time presented to you in 24 hour clock system you need to subtract
4:00 pm
11:30 pm
The most obvious places that you will see the 24 hour times are on train and TV schedules.
Let’s take a look at the train schedule auf Seite 107.
Unit 2: Making Plans