MASTER GARDENER VOLUNTEER ACTIVITY LOG Months: __________ Year: __________ County: ________________ __________________________________________________ First Name: _________________ Total Hours by Activity Code 1. _______ 2. _______ 3. _______ 4. _______ PLEASE TOTAL YOUR HOURS HERE 5. _______ 6. _______ 7. _______ 8. _______ Last Name: _________________ 9. _______ 10_______ 11. _______ 12. ______ (Please do not combine different years on the same log.) 13. Continuing / advanced training hours _______ VOLUNTEER HOURS LOG Number of Contacts by Race and Gender Date Activity Code # Hours Worked Brief Description of Volunteer Activity # of Youth Reached (See instructions on back) Unknown White M Total Hours Worked F AfAmer /Black Asian/ Pacific Is Hispanic M M M F F F Native Amer M F Undetermined M (for MG’s personal use only) Miles Traveled F Total Contacts EDUCATION LOG (Code 13) Date Hours Learning Brief Description of Continuing Education Activity Date Hours Learning Brief Description of Continuing Education Activity University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all citizens and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression. 1 DEMOGRAPHIC DATA COLLECTION Master Gardeners sign a Volunteer Appointment Agreement and abide by UME policies by recording volunteer hours and contact demographic data. This log is the primary source of information we use to collect and enter volunteer and program participation data into our database. The information you collect allows us to evaluate educational program outreach, report to our sponsors, and ensure that our programs are reaching all the citizens of Maryland. When recording contact information, please transfer/summarize on this form the notes you make concerning the number of client contacts made through plant clinics, phone calls, talks, workshops, information booths etc. Your work is important! Participant contact data is to be collected in a discrete manner. In activities with large attendance such as talks and seminars, make the best estimate you can. Identify participants as “unknown” (U) when you are in doubt as to race or ethnicity. When more than one Master Gardener is involved in an event, please take care that all contacts are accounted for, and that the contact numbers are not duplicated on the logs of individual Master Gardeners. ACTIVITY CODES AND DESCRIPTIONS NOTE: all of the following activities are included under Code 1–Code 10. Educational activities: classes, workshops, presentations, demonstrations (including preparing and developing materials); phone consultations, posters, displays, articles, research, interpretive walks, guided tours, site visits, technical assistance to community groups, etc. Support/management activities: planning programs and activities, outreach, publicity, set-up and clean-up, grant writing, evaluation; garden planning, design, establishment, and maintenance; invasive plant removal, planting riparian buffers; soil testing, etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. IPM - Plant and pest diagnosis and problem solving (including weeds) Plant Clinics Soils/Composting (Urban Nutrient Management) - Backyard and community composting; soil testing, improvement and conservation; proper fertilizer use. Environmental Horticulture - Education around proper cultural practices, specific groups of plants, and types of gardening. All activities are intended to help minimize or eliminate the negative environmental impacts of gardening. 5. Bay-Wise Landscaping Program 6. Backyard and Community Food Production - Teaching and promoting local, sustainable food production- fruit, vegetables, herbs. 7. Community Greening (Beautification) - Assisting residents to improve their communities with gardens, plantings, and sustainable landscapes. 8. Therapeutic Horticulture - Improving the quality of life for vulnerable populations 9. Demonstration and Historic Gardens 10. Special Events, Judging, Information Booths* - *Work at information table/booth that is not reported under specific subject. 11. Internal Administration of MG Program - All administrative work that is not directly related to one of the codes above. For example, screening applicants, organizing basic training, mentoring, hosting, communications (newsletter, website, phone tree), fundraising, public relations/marketing, advocacy, committee work, recordkeeping, writing reports, recognition of volunteers, etc. 12. Subjects Not Covered Above ------------------------------------------13. Continuing Education - (For MGs who do not report this on a separate form.) This category does not count as volunteer hours 2