Matakuliah : G0602 / Bahasa Inggris 3 Tahun : 2007 Perkenalan Mata Kuliah Pertemuan 1 Contents • • • • • Bina Nusantara Materi 1: Perkenalan dosen dan matakuliah Materi 2: Overview SAP & MP Materi 3: Mekanisme & Manfaat Pembelajaran Materi 4: Disiplin & Tugas Materi 5: Course Outline and Overview of Course Materials: TOEFL & Market Leader Materials Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : • Menerangkan manfaat matakuliah yang dipelajari, mekanisme pembelajaran, tugas, bahan secara keseluruhan, hubungan dengan matakuliah lainnya, disiplin, dan aturan dalam perkuliahan Bina Nusantara Advantages of the lesson • This lesson will equip students with useful TOEFL test taking strategies which will be useful to get a high TOEFL score. • With a high TOEFL score students will be in better position to compete in the world job market and to pursue higher education. • It also exposes students with business English which will be useful for their career. Bina Nusantara Mekanisme Pembelajaran • • • • • • • • Bina Nusantara 10 Face to Face Lectures & 3 Off Class Reading Listening Class discussion Group discussion Discussion Forum (in Binus Maya) Assignments Evaluation: Quizes, Mid-semester & Final Tests. Disiplin • Keep the class in conducive situation for studying. • During the lecture mobile phone must be switched off or in silent position. • Only urgent call can be answered (outside the room). • Going to the rest room after asking lecturer’s permission • Maximum late attendance: 20 minutes. Bina Nusantara Course Outline • • • • • • • • • • • • • Bina Nusantara Week 1 – Introduction to the course + Pre-test Week 2 – Sentence with reduced clauses Week 3 – Sentence with reduced clauses (continued) Week 4 – Reading (Market Leader) – OFF CLASS Week 5 – Sentence with Inverted subjects and verbs Week 6 – Sentences with inverted Subjects and verbs (continued) Week 7 – Reading exercises - TOEFL Week 8 – Reading exercises - TOEFL (Continued) – OFF CLASS Week 9 – Problem with usage Week 10 – Writing paragraph and essay Week 11 – Reading exercises – TOEFL – OFF CLASS Week 12 – Reading exercises - TOEFL Week 13 – Reading exercises - Ethics (Market Leader) + Post-Test COURSE MATERIAL OVERVIEW (1) Pre-test: Structure (pp.185-191) Sentences with reduced clauses Skills 13: Use reduced adjective clauses correctly Skills 14: Use reduced adverb clauses correctly Exercise (Skills 13-14) TOEFL Exercise (Skills 9-12) TOEFL Review Exercises (Skills 1-12) Bina Nusantara COURSE MATERIAL OVERVIEW (2) Readings from Market Leader Read the following passages and do the exercises 1. UK develops taste for fair trade – the UK has a taste for guilt-free food – sales are growing by 100% a year. (p. 79) 2. Miele focuses on old-fashioned quality (p. 87) Bina Nusantara COURSE MATERIAL OVERVIEW (3) Sentences with reduced clauses Skills 15: Invert the subject and verb with questions words Skills 16: Invert the subject and verb with place expressions Skills 17: Invert the subject and verb with negatives Skills 18: Invert the subject and verb with conditionals Skills 19: Invert the subject and verb with comparisons Bina Nusantara COURSE MATERIAL OVERVIEW (3) Problems with Usage (pp.325-330) Skills 58: Distinguish make and do Skills 59: Distinguish like, alike, and unlike Skills 60: Distinguish other, another, and others Exercise 59 Skills 60 Exercise 60 Skills (58-60) Exercise (Skills 58-60) Bina Nusantara COURSE MATERIAL OVERVIEW (4) Readings from the TOEFL Questions about the ideas of the passage (pp. 368-378) Skill 1: Answer main idea questions correctly Skill 2: Recognize the organization of ideas Directly Answered Questions (pp. 379-397) Skill 3: Answer stated detail questions correctly Skill 4: Find unstated details Skill 5: Find pronoun referents Bina Nusantara COURSE MATERIAL OVERVIEW (5) Readings from the TOEFL Indirectly Answered Questions (pp. 398-410) Skill 6: Answer implied detail questions correctly Skill 7: Answer transition questions correctly Vocabulary Questions (pp.411-431) Skill 8: Find definitions from structural clues Skill 9: Determine meanings from word parts Skill 10: Use context to determine meanings of difficult words Skill 11: Use context to determine meanings of simple words Bina Nusantara COURSE MATERIAL OVERVIEW (5) Readings from the Market Leader Read the following passages and do the exercises No hiding place for the irresponsible business Post test (pp. 331-337) Bina Nusantara MATERI PENDUKUNG 1. oefl/toefl_stan_test2.htm 2. Bina Nusantara