Division of Communications
& Languages
ENLA 011
Basic Vocabulary
Advisory: ENLA 014 or appropriate
This course is designed to help
non-native speakers of English
learn meanings, forms, uses, and
pronunciations of 200-250 English
words not presently in their
vocabulary. Special emphasis is given
to examining words in context, parts
of speech, and inflections. This course
is offered on a pass/no pass basis
and is not applicable to the degree.
Students are expected to complete
an additional 8 hours TBA (To Be
Arranged) in the Language Lab.
3 Units
54 Lecture hours
8 Lab hours
ENLA 012
Beginning Speaking and Listening
This course is for English language
learners who wish to improve their
conversational skills in English. Areas
of emphasis include dictation, English phrasing patterns, various speaking situations, listening practice, and
self-correction. This course is offered
on a pass/no pass basis and is not
applicable to the degree. Students are
expected to complete an additional 8
hours TBA (To Be Arranged) in the
Language Lab.
3 Units
54 Lecture hours
8 Lab hours
ENLA 013
Basic Grammar
Advisory: NESL 018 or appropriate
This is an introductory grammar
course for non-native speakers of
English. Through reading, writing,
listening, and speaking activities,
students learn basic English grammar
while focusing on verb structures.
This course is offered on a pass/no
pass basis and is not applicable to
the degree. Students are expected to
complete an additional 8 hours TBA
(To Be Arranged) in the Language
3 Units
54 Lecture hours
8 Lab hours
ENLA 014
Beginning Composition
Prerequisite: Appropriate placement
through the Rio Hondo Assessment
This course is designed to help
limited English-speaking students
communicate better in English. The
course focuses on the development
of written skills. Topics specifically
emphasized are idiomatic expressions, vocabulary, reading and
Rio Hondo College
writing. These are taught at an entry
level. This course is offered on a
pass/no pass basis and is not applicable to the degree.
3.5 Units
54 Lecture hours
27 Lab hours
ENLA 022
Intermediate Speaking and Listening
Prerequisite: ENLA 012 or appropriate
This course is for ENLA students
who wish to improve their English
speaking and listening skills at an
intermediate level. Areas of emphasis
include pronunciation, listening,
oral communication, note taking and
organizational skills. This course
is offered on a pass/no pass basis
and is not applicable to the degree.
Students are expected to complete
an additional 8 hours TBA (To Be
Arranged) in the Language Lab.
3 Units
54 Lecture hours
8 Lab hours
ENLA 023
Intermediate Grammar
(Formerly ESL 029A,B,C)
Prerequisite: ENLA 013 or appropriate
Advisory: ENLA 024 or appropriate
This course presents a multi-skills
approach to English grammar
and sentence structure for secondlanguage students. Through reading,
writing, listening, and related
activities such as dictation, cloze
exercises, and sentence analysis,
students practice the elements of
correct English while focusing on
verbs and verb forms. This course
is offered on a pass/no pass basis
and is not applicable to the degree.
Students are expected to complete
an additional 8 hours TBA (To Be
Arranged) in the Language Lab.
3 Units
54 Lecture hours
8 Lab hours
ENLA 024
Intermediate Composition
Prerequisite: ENLA 014 or appropriate
This is an intermediate composition
class for non-native speakers of
English focusing on the fundamentals
of academic writing in English.
Basic sentence structures, paragraph
development, composition forms,
English grammar and word usage are
studied in various rhetorical modes.
This course is offered on a pass/no
pass basis and is not applicable to the
3.5 Units
54 Lecture hours
27 Lab hours
ENLA 032
Advanced Speaking and Listening:
Pronunciation and Accent Reduction
Prerequisite: ENLA 022 or appropriate
assessment, or permission of instructor
Advisory: READ 022 or appropriate
ENLA 032 is a speaking, listening
and pronunciation course intended
for students who need further
practice in spoken English and/or
have difficulty understanding native
speakers of English in academic
and other situations. Its purpose is
improved the pronunciation, articulation, speed and comprehension
of non-native speakers of English.
The course focuses on sounds in
isolation, the blending of sounds in
phrasal elements and the production
of sentences incorporating correct
intonation, accent, speed and rhythm.
This course is offered on a pass/no
pass basis and is not applicable to the
degree. Students are expected to complete an additional 8 hours TBA (To
Be Arranged) in the Language Lab.
3 Units
54 Lecture hours
8 Lab hours
ENLA 034
Intermediate-Advanced Composition
Prerequisite: ENLA 024 or appropriate
A continuation of ENLA 024, this
course is for ENLA students and
emphasizes longer writings with
more complicated sentence patterns leading up to a basic essay.
Students focus on both thematic and
rhetorical modes of composition
while they practice topic sentences,
thesis statements, subordination, and
transitional expressions. This course
is offered on a pass/no pass basis and
is not applicable to the degree.
3.5 Units
54 Lecture hours
27 Lab hours
ENLA 100
Advanced Composition
Prerequisite: ENLA 034 or appropriate
Transfers to: UC, CSU
ENLA 100 is the highest-level course
of the ENLA writing sequence and
an ENLA student’s gateway in to
English 101. As a result of taking this
course, students will be able to utilize
various stages of the writing process, MLA conventions of academic
writing in several rhetorical modes
(including a research paper), and
advanced levels of grammatical and
mechanical accuracy in their writing.
3.5 Units
54 Lecture hours
27 Lab hours
Division of Communications
& Languages
ESL 020
Beginning Reading for ESL Students
Advisory: Appropriate skill level
demon-strated through the Rio Hondo
Assess-ment Process
ESL 020 is designed for beginning
ESL students who want to expand
their English vocabulary and practice
reading in English. Basic preparation for
reading comprehension and life skills
acquisition will be provided. This is a
non-degree credit class. Offered on a
pass/no-pass basis.
3 Units
54 Lecture hours
2013-2014 Catalog