Rio Hondo College Leadership Academy 2016-2017 “ Donald H. McGannon

Rio Hondo College Leadership Academy
“Leadership is action, not position.”
H. McGannon
We welcome your application to the 6th year of the Rio Hondo College Leadership Academy! To
ensure consideration for the limited number of slots, return your completed packet to Staff
Development (LR 206) by the initial application deadline, 12:00pm, Wednesday, March 23rd.
General/Contact Information Page
Acknowledgement of Academy Commitment
Short Answer Questions
Supervisor Acknowledgement Form
Letter of Recommendation (may also be from immediate supervisor, if desired)
Optional Resume and/or Vitae
All materials must be typewritten
Selection Criteria:
 General leadership potential
 Potential contribution to the campus
 Potential contribution to Leadership Academy cohort
 Diversity of cohort
General/Contact Information
Campus Extension:
Job Title:
______Full Time _____ Part-time*
* (Part time employees, see additional acknowledgement section on pg. 2)
Years at Rio Hondo:
Highest Level of Education:
Note – Applicants must be beyond their initial probationary period
Hobbies/Outside Interests/Activities:
What is your ultimate career/leadership goal?
Rio Hondo College Leadership Academy
Acknowledgement of Academy Commitment
Those selected will be expected to participate in all program activities in their entirety. Per the calendar of
dates provided with the application materials, this will include:
-A May 12th, 2016 evening Orientation and Overnight Retreat in August before the fall semester
-9 seven-hour sessions 1 Friday a month
-6-10 hours each month for outside reading and related activities to be arranged
around your own schedule
-Certificate of completion awarding at Board Meeting
I understand that if I am unable to meet program requirements for attendance and participation, and miss
more than one full day of scheduled sessions, I may be withdrawn from the Leadership Academy for that year.
Signature _____________________________________________
Date _________________________
*Part-time Employees Only - Additional Acknowledgement
The Academy is pleased to offer a limited number of potential slots to part-time employees. The following is
important to understand:
-Applicants must have worked for the college for a minimum of 2 consecutive years (4 semesters)
-Acceptance into the Academy does not guarantee future employment by the college
Signature _____________________________________________
Date _________________________
Short Answer Questions (up to 4 pages maximum to respond to all prompts)
**On separate pieces of paper provide your typewritten responses to each of the following prompts:
1. Describe an example of leadership in action (either something you or someone else did) that has been
particularly inspiring to you.
2. In what ways do you think your specific experiences and/or skills would contribute to discussions and
activities in the Leadership Academy?
3. As a result of your participation in the Academy
a. What changes do you want to see in yourself?
b. How do you hope to contribute to the college?
4. Think of an issue on campus that you believe should be addressed to help us better serve students and/or
the college community. Describe the issue and what you would do as a leader to improve the situation if you
had the power to do so.
“Assistance in organizing/writing short answer responses is available! Contact Janice GarciaLopez in the Division of Communications & Languages, at extension 3101 or who will schedule a time with Dean Robert Holcomb.
Rio Hondo College Leadership Academy
Leadership Academy Applicant: ___________________________ Department of Applicant: _______________________
Name of Immediate Supervisor: ________________________________________________________________________
Do you support this employee’s application to the Leadership Academy?
If no, please detail:*
1. Why specifically do you not support this employee’s application?
2. What would enable you to support this applicant now and/or in the future?
Please add anything else you would like in support of this employee’s application to the Leadership Academy.
Signature of Immediate Supervisor: _____________________________________________________________________
*You may attach a typewritten page(s) to respond to either or both of these sections
Rio Hondo College Leadership Academy
(This may be filled out by an on or off campus person who could speak to your leadership potential)
Leadership Academy Applicant: ________________________
Name of Recommender: _____________________
Position: ________________
Capacity and length of time you have known applicant: ___________________________
Please detail the following:*
1. How have you seen this applicant lead?
2. What do you think this applicant has to offer as a participant in the Leadership Academy?
3. What could the Leadership Academy offer that would be of most benefit to this applicant’s
development as a leader?
4. Is there anything else you think the selection committee should know about this applicant?
Please see attached letter
Signature of Recommender: _____________________________________________________________________
*You may attach a typewritten page to this form if desired. Please return all documents to the applicant to be
submitted with the entire application.