LZHS Band Handbook 2014-2015 The Band Handbook, written by Joshua Thompson and Sheri Conover, has been developed for members of the LZHS Band and their parents, to communicate the standards, policies, and expectations of the Fine Arts Department. Becoming a member of a performing ensemble demands self-discipline, commitment, and concern for others; at the same time, it provides a rewarding and exciting experience for all of those involved. We are going to have a FANTASTIC year! Have pride in your band, work hard, make great music, and have fun. If we all put in our best effort, we will have a great band. All members and parents are asked to read this entire handbook. Please sign and return the “Parent-Student Agreement,” the “LZHS Private Lessons,” and the all-year LZHS Band permission slip forms. Please read the note about Private Lesson rates on that sheet. Put the forms in a director’s box in the band room. PHILOSOPHY We believe music education is essential for the following reasons: 1. Man had a need for cultural expression 2. Music is a basic expression of human beings. 3. Music is a means of self-expression. 4. Music is a means to creativity, imagery, and auditory acuity. 5. Appreciation of music is a result of aesthetic experience through active or passive participation. 6. Music is a means for enriching one’s life. Through our musical experiences and interactions this year, we believe that we can: 1. Become more sensitive human beings through the aesthetic of music. 2. Develop respect for ourselves and each other. 3. Develop a sense of commitment and self-discipline 4. Learn the joy of sharing and sincere friendship. DIRECTORS’ EXPECTATIONS We have two expectations for every member of the band. We believe that both are equally important in providing a musical experience for all involved. 1. Always do the best that you can do. 2. Always show respect for each other and your directors. POLICIES 1. All school rules found in the LZHS student/parent handbook apply, even when the band is off campus. 2. No food, drink, or gum is allowed in the band or practice rooms. We all have to share this space, so please abide by the rule to keep our area clean. 3. Non-music students should not be in the band room without teacher approval. This is for purposes of security. Avoid the embarrassment of having a director ask your friends to leave by having your friends wait outside. 4. Students should not play instruments other than the one that to which they are assigned. This is important for health reasons as well as maintenance. Only percussionists are allowed to play percussion equipment. THIS RULE WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED. 5. Every student must be on time to all rehearsals and performances. On time means being in the right place with instrument, music, pencil, and all necessary equipment. Students should do their own proper warm-up routine for their instrument at this time. Not being on time will result in points lost. 6. Since every performance is based on a group effort, every member of the “team” is vitally important to each performance. We all count on you to be prepared for each performance and to participate to your best ability at each performance. See grading policy for information regarding excused absences. REHEARSALS 1. Be inside the band room before the bell rings. Concert band and indoor marching rehearsals will begin two minutes after the bell. Outdoor rehearsals will begin four minutes after the bell. You will be considered tardy if you are not ready to play at this time. For marching band, be in your spot when the whistle blows or your will be tardy. 2. Always have you instrument, music and drill charts at each rehearsal. 3. Bring a pencil to every rehearsal—you must mark your music and marching charts. 4. All students will have their own or share a band locker. Lockers are assigned based on instrument size and need at school. Locks will be provided. We will not require a deposit, but will charge you if the lock on your locker is not the same as at the beginning of the year. 5. At the end of each rehearsal, you should put all equipment away. Consistently leaving materials out will result in loss of points. All lockers should have locks on them and contain band materials. Any locker that is in violation of these policies will result in the loss of the use of a locker. 6. Bags and coats may be left on the blue cabinets or in lockers, as long as privilege isn’t abused. However, miscellaneous books and items will be collected and there will be a $1 fee assessed for their return. This may seem harsh, but the band room has over 200 students this year and we will not be responsible for cleaning up after you! Fine money goes to the Band Activity Account (a.k.a. the-band directors-are-not-your- mother-fund) MARCHING PERFORMANCES Uniforms are distributed at the school and do not leave the premises unless a cleaning is necessary due to inclement weather. The band sits together near the student section for the 1st and 2nd quarters. During the 3rd quarter, students will change back into street clothes and go back out for the 4th quarter pep band. We will have a part of the marching band stay through the duration of all five home football games. All students are required to stay to the end of the homecoming game. You will also need to stay for fourth quarter of one of the other four /five games. You may choose which game you would like to stay for. Feel free to stay for all of the games! UNIFORMS 1. Students will be issued a marching band uniform and a concert band uniform. The marching uniform consists of: black pants, blue and black jacket, shako hat, and plume. The concert uniform is a black tuxedo jacket and black bow tie, worn with black pants and a tuxedo shirt. Girls will receive a long black dress for concert band that will be worn with black hose and shoes. Guys will provide their own black pants and will arrive to the concert evening fully dressed. Tuxedo shirts will be ordered in late October/early November. 2. Students must have LONG black socks and shoes for all performances. We will provide a pair of white gloves at the first game, everyone needs them. Dress that does not conform to these standards will result in loss of points. 3. All long hair must be securely tucked into the hat. 4. We have expensive uniforms, so it is your responsibility to maintain the one issued to you.. Any additional cleanings needed during the year will be the responsibility of the student (ex. Mud or other). 5. When in uniform, your personal appearance and your actions reflect not only upon you, but the band, the school and the community. Be proud of your band and your uniform. 6. Replacement of lost uniform parts is expensive! The marching uniforms are $400 (or more) each. Coats are upwards of $150 to replace and dresses, $75. Don’t lose or mistreat them. 7. The t-shirts from band camp will double as the pep band t-shirts this year. Replacement t-shirts are $10 each, depending on availability. INSTRUMENTS 1. Students are responsible for the care and maintenance of their instrument whether school or privately owned. It is essential that your instrument is maintained properly. School-owned instruments are on loan to each student. These instruments must be returned to the school at the end of each year and must remain in good condition. Any damage will be assessed at that time, and students will be responsible for the repairs. 2. Brass players must have oil and grease to keep their instruments lubricated. Trumpet, trombone and French horn players should own a straight mute of their own and as you progress, add the various mutes to your arsenal. 3. All reed players should have at least 4 working reeds. Cracked or broken reeds will result in loss of points. 4. Students need a lyre, and a flip folder (which is provided, but replacements are $10). 5. We have a supply of valve oil, cork grease, and slide oil for sale-$2 each or 2 for $3. PERCUSSIONISTS-PLEASE READ!!! Percussionists must have their own stick bag, concert band snare sticks, medium hard bell mallets, yarn mallets, and timpani mallets labeled with your name on each. This is your instrument. As a wind player you must have the right equipment, so as a percussionist we provide the instruments and you provide the sticks. Stick bags and sticks can be bought as a group less expensively and we can order them for you once school starts. . FUND-RAISING This is a travel year for the entire marching band and we will have some fundraising opportunities for the following additional reasons: 1. To raise money for activities in which we otherwise could not participate. Activities such as the music awards night, tours, trips and band camp are all expensive and each fund raising effort helps. Every student has a personal “account” which can be used to pay for these extra activities. 2. To pay to offset chaperone costs, truck costs and other costs not built into the future trip cost for students. 3. To provide services that we could not otherwise have such as private lesson scholarships, clinics, master classes, guest conductors, and new music commissions. All students are asked and invited to participate in all fund-raising projects. The money we earn, whether it goes to your account or not, will benefit you in the long run. The majority of the funds do go towards individual student accounts based on participation. The remaining funds go to the “general fund” which will benefit all of the band members equally. Fundraising money can only be used toward fees required to participate in band, they may not go toward individual private lessons, supplies, etc. In addition, it is illegal for us to give fund raising money back to a student if they quit band or graduate. Money left in an individual account can be transferred only to a sibling or will be used for our private lesson scholarships. Non-Marching band option Students opting out of marching band will eat 5th hour and will practice 6th hour. A curriculum of study, practice and performance has been implemented. Students will meet with a director in order to determine and keep track of individual progress as well as performing for the class, according to the schedule determined by the director. This option must be declared in May of the previous year and is only available for juniors and seniors. AGREEMENT 1. Attendance: All students must attend all concerts, rehearsals and band activities. Please plan family vacations and other activities around the scheduled band functions as these functions are an integral part of your musical experience. A request for an excused absence will only be considered if a written note signed by a parent/guardian or parent’s email is given to a director at least TWO WEEKS before the date of the conflict. If an emergency occurs on the day of a conflict, please call the band office or email us. We will only be flexible if we are aware of individual circumstances. 2. Practice: Students are required to know scales and musical passages assigned during band. Students should practice every day, a little practice each day is better than a long period of practicing once a weekend, so take your instrument home! 3. Projects, quizzes, and playing exams: There will be assignments given periodically to assess general musical knowledge. Students will be asked to complete these assignments as part of their total grade for the class. 4. Rehearse, perform musically, practice diligently, and have fun!!! It is our intent that all students and parent realize that the above policies are necessary to ensure that LZHS has a GREAT band. We need to be proud of ourselves, our work, and our accomplishments. We use a band contract because we believe that when a person signs a contract they usually give it some thought. Please, after you read this rd handbook, sign the two forms and return them by Wednesday, September 3 . PARENT-STUDENT AGREEMENT I have read the handbook and understand all rules and policies of the band. I understand that I must abide by the following policies in order to make band a successful and musically enriching experience for all those involved. I realize that if I do not meet these expectations it could be harmful to my own musical experience as well as others and may result in the lowering of my grade. Student Name____________________________________________________ Student Signature____________________________________________date______________________ Parent Signature_____________________________________________date______________________ We utilize eSchool for email addresses and a list created from those to communicate with you. Please note below if you need to let us know if it has changed from last year and BE SURE TO MAKE ANY CHANGES WITH THE DISTRICT. ____ I have NOT been receiving band e-mails. Please change or add my e-mail address: _______________________________________________. The e-mail list is our best tool for communication. We will not distribute your address for any reason. Return by September 3rd SAMPLE GRADING SCALE Grading this year for band and jazz bands will be done on an adjustable points scale. Each activity will be given points to be earned or lost. A sample for the year is given below: 1st Quarter Daily rehearsals (45 days) 2pts*45 90 Evening marching rehearsals (8) 10pts*8 80 Concert (2) Band-o-rama, Homecoming Show 20pts*2 40 Football Games (4) 20pts*4 80 Parade (1) 20pts*1 20 310 points total 2nd Quarter Daily rehearsals (45 days) 2pts*45 90 Reflection Paper (1) 20pts*1 20 Concert (1) 50pts*1 50 Seating Audition (1) 20pts*1 20 Sectionals (2) 5pts *2 10 190 points total 3rd Quarter Daily rehearsals (45 days) 2pts*45 90 Reflection Paper (1) 20pts*1 20 Concert (1) 50pts*1 50 Pep Band Games (5) 20pts*5 100 Sectionals (2) 5pts *2 10 270 points total 4th Quarter Daily rehearsals (45 days) 2pts*45 90 Contest/Festival (1) 50pts*1 50 Concert (1) 50pts*1 50 Reflection Paper (1) 20pts*1 20 Sectionals (2) 5pts *2 10 220 points total Other small assignments may be added through the year, but the above sample shows all major requirements. A+ 98-100 A 92-97 A- 90-91 F 59 and below B+ 88-89 B 82-87 B- 80-81 C+78-79 C 72-77 C- 70-71 D+ 68-69 D 62-67 D-60-61 DAILY REHEARSAL POINTS You may lose points for the following reasons: 1. Lack of musical preparedness: you must practice daily 2. Lack of effort: talking, chewing gum, non-positive participation 3. Lack of materials: tardy to after-school rehearsals, no music, no pencil, not instrument, missing uniform parts. 4. Excused absences: while you may not lose all of your points, you may lose some points even if you are excused. Certainly, you might have conflicts, but regardless of the reason, your absence affects everyone and yourself and will be reflected in your grade. You may be eligible for make-up assignments to regain lost points. Talk to your director about this option. You will lose all of your points for an activity for the following reasons: 1. Unexcused absence from a rehearsal. 2. Unexcused absence from a performance. ** Each quarter, each major concert performance is worth 100 points. Absences will only be excused in the case of extreme personal illness, family emergencies and death. All other absences must be documented with student, parent and director signatures before two weeks prior to the concert. Documenting an absence does not guarantee the absence will be considered “excused.” Considering the rehearsal process is crucial to the performance product, students with an excused absence from a performance will be given 85% of the full points. Students have the opportunity to make-up the remaining points by performing all of that concert’s music for the director or submit an alternate assignment within 2 weeks of the absence. In the case of an unexcused absence from a performance, students will be given a 70% and will not have the opportunity to make-up the remaining performance points. This is a department-wide policy for all performing ensembles** TARDY POLICY LZHS has adopted a tardy policy that we will follow. If you are not in your seat by 2 minutes after the bell, or in your spot on the field when the whistle blows you will receive the following consequences: 1st time: warning, 2nd time: 1 hour detention and a phone call home, after that you will continue to receive detentions from the dean’s office. This will be enforced like any other classroom. In this packet is a calendar of events. We recommend looking through the entire year for conflicts so that we can be proactive in resolving conflicts. We want to work with you to resolve these issues, and frequently we solve problems in a win/win fashion. Communication is the key. The more that we can plan for absences, the happier everyone will be (and fewer points will be lost!). Continue to check on the BBLZ website as well for updates. ***We need everyone at every performance. In the rare circumstance that you need to miss a performance for any reason, you must turn in a written excuse, signed by a parent, at least three weeks prior to the rehearsal or performance for it to even be considered an excused absence.*** . Private Lesson Teachers Lake Zurich #95 Updated 8/18/14 All area code 847 unless noted: *Diane Horban Flute Dzahorban203@aol.com 381-8609 Mon/Tue./Wed/Th Edie Davis Flute/piano talltunes@sbcglobal.net 726-7612 teaches@home *Joyce Stenzel Clarinet sjstenzel@yahoo.com 847-651-8013 evenings *Colleen Corning Clarinet/bass clarinet Ccorning5@gmail.com 847-977-4502 Bob Wilson Clarinet/sax rwbobkat@aol.com 847-381-7452 (C) 847-912-4703 (home) *Dan Burke Saxophone danburkemusic@gmail.com 630-291-6109 Wed/Thurs *Jessica Pearce French Horn 847-975-8686 Wednesdays jhpearcehorn@gmail.com www.jessicahunterpearce.com *MarkHoffman Trumpet 630-450-2494 Mytrumpetlessons@sbcglobal.net Phil Feo Trumpet royaltrumpet@aol.com 550-8103 teaches@Home Kathy Cross Bassoon 726-2771 teaches@home *Suzanne Ingold Oboe Suzanne@ingold.org 566-2069 *Steve Duncan Low Brass 847-226-8205 stevenduncanmusic@gmail.com *Brett Baxter Percussion/Drum Set drumsetbrett@hotmail.com 816-721-1719 *Joan James Piano joanjames@comcast.net 847-726-6722(H) 847-309-7454(C) Jessica Kitchen Percussion/Piano 847-815-7797 teaches@home *Primary teacher with studio at the high school. LZHS Band Calendar 2014-2015 August 26 (Tue) 26 (Tue) 29(Fri) MB Rehearsal ........................................................................................... 7-9PM Band Parents Meeting (band room) .......................................................... 8PM MB Game ................................................................................................. 5:30PM September 2(Tues) 5(Fri) 6(Sat) 8(Mon) 12(Fri) 16 (Tue) 19(Fri) 23 (Tue) 30(Tue) MB Rehearsal ........................................................................................... 7-9PM MB Game ................................................................................................. 6:00pm MB to Northwestern Band Day ................................................................ 8:30AM Call/9AM leave MB Rehearsal ........................................................................................... 7-9PM MB Game (with 7/8 grade students) ........................................................ 6pm MB Rehearsal ........................................................................................... 7-9PM MB Game (homecoming) ........................................................................ 6:00pm MB Rehearsal ........................................................................................... 7-9PM MB Rehearsal ........................................................................................... 7-9PM October 2 (Thu) 8(Wed) 9 (Thu) MB Game (senior night)........................................................................... 6:00PM IMEA band auditions ............................................................................... 3-? MB Band-O-Rama Concert in PAC ......................................................... 7:30PM November 8(Sat) 22(Sat) IMEA HS Band/Choir/Orch. Festival (by audition) ................................. All day IMEA HS Jazz Festival (by audition) ...................................................... All day December 3(Wed) Winter Jazz Concert ................................................................................. 7:30PM 11 (Thurs) Holiday Band concert ............................................................................... 7:30PM *****Basketball Pep band begins****** January 28-31 (Wed-Sat) IMEA All-State Music Festival (by audtion) _______February (Sat)TBD JLB/JE at a Jazz Festival ......................................................................... all day (Sat)TBD JLB/JE Jazz Feestival ............................................................................... all day 26 (Wed) Early Spring Jazz Concert ........................................................................ 7:30PM March 4 (Wed) Early Spring Band Concert ....................................................................... 7:30PM 7 (Sat) IHSA Solo & Ensemble Contest AT LZHS ............................................ All day 13 (Fri) Wind Ensemble Invitational ..................................................................... 7:30PM (with Elmhurst College and Rolling Meadows HS) April 17(Fri) IHSA Organizational Contest (Mandatory-CB/SB/WE) .......................... TBA 30(Thurs) Percussion Concert ................................................................................... 7:30PM May 6 (Wed) Spring Band Concert ................................................................................ 7:30PM 14 (Thurs) HS Instrumental Awards .......................................................................... 7:30PM 18(Mon) Spring Jazz Concert .................................................................................. 7:30PM 25 (Mon) MB @ Memorial Day Parade ................................................................... 9AM 31(Sun) Graduation (sophomores/juniors) ............................................................. call 1pm August Aug 5-7 (tent) Aug 15 (tent.) Band Camp 2015@ Carthage College in Kenosha Band Fundraiser carwash Italics are non-mandatory events for all band students The Pep Band performs at all home boys and a couple of home girls basketball games from December to February. All students are members of the Pep Band and are required to play at 5 games. The exact schedule comes out in November, but is available on the LZHS sports calendar.