CALVIN COLLEGE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SENIOR DESIGN PROJECT Project Proposal and Feasibility Study Team 13 – The Smart Dashboard Andrew DeZeeuw, Micah Dykstra, Nathan Gelderloos February 8, 2012 © 2013, Calvin College and Andrew DeZeeuw, Micah Dykstra, Nathan Gelderloos Executive Summary The proposed senior design project is to design multiple car safety systems that an automotive manufacturer could easily install. The team has split the project into three sub projects: the rapid deceleration warning, speed limit indicator, and driver awareness sensor. The goal of the rapid deceleration warning is to warn other cars that the driver is stopping suddenly and that the other drivers should apply their brakes to avoid an accident. The goal of the speed limit indicator is to provide an easy way to determine the speed limit on the current road to promote safe driving speeds and prevent impromptu meetings with an officer. The goal of the driver awareness sensor is to monitor the driver and determine when the driver is becoming less aware of the surroundings due to drowsiness. This system will then notify the driver that corrective action is necessary to prevent possible accidents. Table of Contents 1 Project Introduction ...............................................................................................................................................................1 1.1 Problem Statement .......................................................................................................................................................1 1.2 Project .................................................................................................................................................................................1 1.3 Team Members ...............................................................................................................................................................1 1.3.1 Andrew DeZeeuw ................................................................................................................................................1 1.3.2 Micah Dykstra .......................................................................................................................................................2 1.3.3 Nathan Gelderloos ..............................................................................................................................................2 1.4 2 3 4 Report structure.............................................................................................................................................................2 Project Management ..............................................................................................................................................................3 2.1 Team Organization .......................................................................................................................................................3 2.2 Schedule .............................................................................................................................................................................3 2.2.1 Milestones ...............................................................................................................................................................3 2.2.2 Work Breakdown Schedule............................................................................................................................4 2.2.3 Current Progress .................................................................................................................................................4 2.3 Method of Approach.....................................................................................................................................................4 2.4 Risk .......................................................................................................................................................................................4 System Overview .....................................................................................................................................................................6 3.1 Rapid Deceleration Warning ...................................................................................................................................6 3.2 Driver Awareness Sensor ..........................................................................................................................................6 3.3 Speed Limit Indicator ..................................................................................................................................................6 Objectives and Requirements ...........................................................................................................................................8 4.1 Common Objectives and Requirements ............................................................................................................8 4.1.1 Requirements ........................................................................................................................................................8 4.1.2 Objectives ................................................................................................................................................................9 4.2 Speed Limit Indicator ..................................................................................................................................................9 4.2.1 Requirements ........................................................................................................................................................9 4.2.2 Objectives .............................................................................................................................................................10 4.3 Driver Awareness Sensor .......................................................................................................................................10 4.3.1 Requirements .....................................................................................................................................................10 i 4.3.2 4.4 Requirements .....................................................................................................................................................12 4.4.2 Objectives .............................................................................................................................................................13 Caring .....................................................................................................................................................................13 4.5.2 Trustworthy ........................................................................................................................................................13 4.5.3 Transparency .....................................................................................................................................................14 System Architecture - Rapid Deceleration Warning ..........................................................................................15 Overall System .............................................................................................................................................................15 5.1.1 Determining Vehicle Deceleration ..........................................................................................................15 5.1.2 Comparing Data ................................................................................................................................................15 5.1.3 Flashing the Brake Lights.............................................................................................................................16 5.2 Hardware System Design .......................................................................................................................................16 5.2.1 Accelerometer ....................................................................................................................................................17 5.2.2 Microcontroller .................................................................................................................................................19 5.3 Initial Printed Circuit Board Design..................................................................................................................22 5.4 Software System Design..........................................................................................................................................23 System Architecture - Driver Awareness Sensor .................................................................................................24 6.1 Overall System Design .............................................................................................................................................24 6.1.1 Determining Prolonged Eye Closure ......................................................................................................24 6.1.2 Alerting Driver ...................................................................................................................................................24 6.2 Hardware System Design .......................................................................................................................................24 6.2.1 Camera ................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 6.2.2 Microcontroller .................................................................................................................................................26 6.2.3 Speaker ..................................................................................................................................................................27 6.2.4 Facial Illuminator .............................................................................................................................................27 6.2.5 Voltage Regulator .............................................................................................................................................27 6.3 7 Design Norms ...............................................................................................................................................................13 4.5.1 5.1 6 Rapid Deceleration Warning ................................................................................................................................12 4.4.1 4.5 5 Objectives .............................................................................................................................................................11 Software System Design..........................................................................................................................................27 System Architecture - Speed Limit Indicator .........................................................................................................29 7.1 Overall System Design .............................................................................................................................................29 ii 7.1.1 Determining Vehicle Location ...................................................................................................................29 7.1.2 Finding the Speed Limit ................................................................................................................................30 7.1.3 Storing the Speed Limits...............................................................................................................................30 7.1.4 Outputting the Speed Limit .........................................................................................................................31 7.2 7.2.1 GPS ...........................................................................................................................................................................33 7.2.2 Microcontroller .................................................................................................................................................36 7.2.3 Memory .................................................................................................................................................................36 7.2.4 Outputs ..................................................................................................................................................................37 7.3 8 Hardware System Design .......................................................................................................................................32 Software System Design..........................................................................................................................................37 7.3.1 Criteria ...................................................................................................................................................................38 7.3.2 Alternatives .........................................................................................................................................................39 7.3.3 Decisions ...............................................................................................................................................................39 Integration and Initial Testing .......................................................................................................................................40 8.1 Common Tests..............................................................................................................................................................40 8.1.1 Testing Method..................................................................................................................................................40 8.1.2 Initial Test Results ...........................................................................................................................................40 8.1.3 Future Testing....................................................................................................................................................40 8.1.4 Current Integration .........................................................................................................................................40 8.2 Rapid Deceleration Warning ................................................................................................................................41 8.2.1 Testing Method..................................................................................................................................................41 8.2.2 Initial Test Results ...........................................................................................................................................41 8.2.3 Future Testing....................................................................................................................................................41 8.2.4 Current Integration .........................................................................................................................................41 8.3 Driver Awareness Sensor .......................................................................................................................................41 8.3.1 Testing Method..................................................................................................................................................41 8.3.2 Initial Test Results ...........................................................................................................................................42 8.3.3 Future Testing....................................................................................................................................................42 8.3.4 Current Integration .........................................................................................................................................42 8.4 Speed Limit Indicator ...............................................................................................................................................42 8.4.1 Testing Method..................................................................................................................................................42 iii 9 8.4.2 Initial Test Results ...........................................................................................................................................43 8.4.3 Future Testing....................................................................................................................................................46 8.4.4 Current Integration .........................................................................................................................................46 Business Plan ..........................................................................................................................................................................47 9.1 Business Strategy .......................................................................................................................................................47 9.1.1 9.2 Customer...............................................................................................................................................................47 Marketing Study ..........................................................................................................................................................47 9.2.1 Competition .........................................................................................................................................................47 9.2.2 Market Survey ....................................................................................................................................................47 9.3 Cost Estimate ................................................................................................................................................................48 9.3.1 Prototype Budget .............................................................................................................................................48 9.3.2 Production Budget ...........................................................................................................................................48 9.4 10 Estimated Profits ........................................................................................................................................................50 Conclusions .........................................................................................................................................................................52 10.1 Project Feasibility.......................................................................................................................................................52 10.2 Current Status ..............................................................................................................................................................52 10.2.1 Rapid Deceleration Warning ......................................................................................................................52 10.2.2 Driver Awareness Sensor.............................................................................................................................52 10.2.3 Speed Limit Indicator .....................................................................................................................................52 11 Credits and Acknowledgements ..............................................................................................................................53 12 References ...........................................................................................................................................................................54 iv Table of Figures Figure 1. RDW System Diagram .................................................................................................................................................6 Figure 2. SLI System Diagram......................................................................................................................................................7 Figure 3. Microcontroller Architecture [42] .....................................................................................................................16 Figure 4. RDW Hardware Diagram ........................................................................................................................................17 Figure 5. Initial PCB Layout. Parts listed in Table 6 ......................................................................................................22 Figure 6. RDW Software Diagram ..........................................................................................................................................23 Figure 7. DAS Hardware Diagram ..........................................................................................................................................25 Figure 8. DAS Software Diagram.............................................................................................................................................28 Figure 9. Breakdown of Road Types [17] ...........................................................................................................................31 Figure 10. Normal Speedometer [18]...................................................................................................................................32 Figure 11. Speedometer with Speed Limit of 40 Miles Per Hour [18] ................................................................32 Figure 12. SLI Hardware Diagram..........................................................................................................................................33 Figure 13. SLI Software Diagram ............................................................................................................................................38 Figure 14. GPS Accuracy Data for the First Test .............................................................................................................44 Figure 15. Second GPS Test, Mapped to Google Maps .................................................................................................45 Figure 16. Third GPS Accuracy Test, Mapped to Google Maps ................................................................................45 Figure 17. Third GPS Accuracy Test, Close-Up On Downtown Ann Arbor ........................................................46 v Table of Tables Table 1. Signals used in Figure 5.............................................................................................................................................17 Table 2. Accelerometer Alternatives ....................................................................................................................................19 Table 3. Accelerometer Decision Matrix .............................................................................................................................19 Table 4. Microcontroller Alternatives ..................................................................................................................................21 Table 5. Microcontroller Decision Matrix ..........................................................................................................................21 Table 6. Table of Components for Figure 5 .......................................................................................................................22 Table 7. DAS Microcontroller Alternatives ........................................................................................................................26 Table 8. DAS Microcontroller Decision Matrix ................................................................................................................27 Table 9. Signals Used In Figure 12 .........................................................................................................................................33 Table 10. GPS Alternatives .........................................................................................................................................................35 Table 11. Decision Matrix for GPS Selection .....................................................................................................................35 Table 12. Prototype Budget .......................................................................................................................................................48 Table 13. Expected Variable Costs for the Production Model .................................................................................49 Table 14. Expected One-Time Fixed Costs for the Production Model .................................................................49 Table 15. Amortized One-Time Costs ...................................................................................................................................49 Table 16. Fixed Annual Costs ....................................................................................................................................................50 Table 17. Estimated Profits for the Production Model ................................................................................................51 vi 1 Project Introduction 1.1 Problem Statement According to a recent study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, driver distraction causes 80% of all automotive accidents [1]. However, most of the safety features that automotive makers are introducing to vehicles today are doing nothing to address this staggering statistic. In fact, new safety features often go the other way, encouraging more aggressive and distracted driving because they make drivers feel invincible. More airbags will help to limit the damage from an accident, but they will not help to prevent the accident from occurring in the first place. In order to avoid accidents, drivers need to feel more responsibility and pay better attention to their surroundings. 1.2 Project The Smart Dashboard team proposes to address this problem by designing and building three automotive safety functions designed to increase driver alertness and decrease the number of accidents caused by driver distraction. The first function will be a system that flashes (or pulses) the brake lights of the vehicle when the deceleration of the vehicle is above a certain rate. This should decrease the frequency of rear-end collisions by alerting the following driver that the vehicle ahead of them is decelerating rapidly. The second function will be a system that finds the speed limit of the road the vehicle is currently on and display that information on the speedometer. This should decrease speeding by displaying to the driver both their speed and the legal limit in the same place. The third function will be a system that monitors the driver for signs of falling asleep. If the system determines that the driver is falling asleep, the system will issue a warning to the driver so that the driver can wake up. 1.3 Team Members The senior design team is comprised of three engineering students in the electrical and computer concentration. 1.3.1 Andrew DeZeeuw Andrew is a senior engineering student in the electrical and computer concentration at Calvin College. Andrew is also planning to minor in mathematics. He is currently working at Calvin as a grader for the computer science department and a tutor for calculus. Andrew has had research experience in each of the two previous summers. In the summer of 2011, he worked in the AOSS department at the University of Michigan, and in the summer of 2012, he worked in the ECE department at Carnegie Mellon University. Andrew is involved with various music groups on campus, from playing percussion in the Calvin Wind Ensemble to leading worship for Calvin’s chapel services. In addition to music, Andrew also enjoys playing sports recreationally and follows Michigan football. After graduation, Andrew hopes to attend graduate school studying computer architecture. 1 1.3.2 Micah Dykstra Micah is a senior engineering student in the electrical and computer concentration at Calvin College. He is also pursuing a minor in computer science. Micah is currently working at Calvin as a grader for a software engineering class. He has worked as an intern at Shape Corporation in Grand Haven, Michigan in the summer of 2012. There he gained a greater appreciation for the electrical engineering design process. Micah especially enjoys writing code and designing user interfaces for software applications and he hopes that he can apply these skills to the project. In his free time, Micah also enjoys watching hockey and following the Detroit Red Wings. Micah is unsure of his plans after graduation, but he is applying for a number of computer engineering positions in the West Michigan area. 1.3.3 Nathan Gelderloos Nathan is a senior engineering student in the electrical and computer concentration at Calvin College. He is also pursuing a computer science minor. Nathan has worked at GE Aviation Systems in Grand Rapids, MI as an engineering intern. He has also created a widely used program for scheduling classes at Calvin College, along with a handful of other colleges. In his free time, he enjoys playing the guitar and squirrel hunting. 1.4 Report structure This report explains in detail the project management, system overview, objectives and requirements, system architectures, integration and initial testing, and business plan. The project management section discusses how the team assigns tasks and operates. The system overview section provides a brief overview of the project and background information on the project areas. The objectives and requirements section contains the end requirements for the project as well as any objectives that the team should achieve. The system architecture sections discuss each function in depth, providing design criteria, alternatives and decisions at the system, hardware, and software levels. The integration and initial testing section discusses the testing process for each function and includes initial test results. The business plan section analyzes the production model, with an anticipated budget for both the prototype and the production model. The business plan considers the market as a whole, and identifies competition in the marketplace for our product. The report concludes with a conclusion determining the feasibility of the project. 2 2 Project Management 2.1 Team Organization Each team member is in charge of one function for the project. Micah is in charge of the rapid deceleration warning, Nathan is in charge of the driver awareness sensor, and Andrew is in charge of the speed limit indicator. The team expects each member to help with all three functions, but the majority of their work will be on the function they are leading. Micah is the team webmaster, Andrew is the content editor for written documents, and Nathan is the style editor for written documents. The team uses Google Docs extensively to organize the team, and allows multiple members to work on the same document on different computers simultaneously. 2.2 Schedule A large project like this needs a schedule so that the team meets deadlines and continues to make progress. For the duration of the project, the team will give weekly status reports to their project advisor, Professor Steve VanderLeest. These updates will help the team realize what each team member has accomplished and hopes to accomplish in upcoming weeks. 2.2.1 Milestones The major milestones of this project will be software development, prototype construction, and final testing. These milestones will provide the team with motivation to accomplish tasks on time. Software The first milestone will be the development of the software for each of the three functions. The initial iteration of this process is simply to achieve communication between the different components of the system. The next step will be to test that the software meets the basic requirements of the system. At this point, the team can integrate the software into a working prototype of the system. The team hopes to accomplish initial software development by 1/31/2013. Prototype The second milestone will be the construction of the prototype for each of the three functions. The initial iteration of this process is to achieve a simple ‘mock-up’ or bench-top model that provides proof of concept. The next step will be to build a prototype that resembles the final product in both aesthetics and its function. The team hopes to be at this stage of the project by 3/31/2012. Final Testing The third milestone will be the final testing of each of the three functions. At this time, the prototypes of each of the systems should be complete. These tests will ascertain whether the safety functions meet the requirements and objectives. The team hopes to begin final testing by 4/31/2012. 3 2.2.2 Work Breakdown Schedule The team is utilizing a work breakdown schedule to schedule the time commitment required for each individual aspect of the project. It is currently separated by the major headings of ‘Reports/Presentations’, ‘Design’, and ‘Testing’. Each of the project functions then further subdivides each of these sections. Most of the tasks on the schedule are ten hours of work or less so that each task is specific and manageable. The full work breakdown schedule of the project is available at The Smart Dashboard’s website: 2.2.3 Current Progress As of 12/6/2012, the team has logged about 216 hours of work. The team has completed initial research estimated at 17 hours per function. The team has also completed the feasibility study, which they estimated to take approximately 130 hours. The team has also completed other deliverables estimated to take 30 hours. Therefore, the total estimated time for the tasks completed is 201 hours. Compared to the 216 hours of actual work to accomplish these tasks, the error percentage in these estimates is only about 7%. The team’s work breakdown schedule estimates that the total project will take a total of 627 hours to complete. Therefore, the team’s estimation for percentage completion of the project is approximately 34%. 2.3 Method of Approach The team’s method of approach is an iterative process. Each member did initial research and generated block diagrams for their system. Requirements for the system were determined based on more in-depth research. Parts were determined through decision matrices, at which point the team ordered a first round of parts. Initial testing of those parts helped refine the block diagrams and requirements. That process repeats as the system becomes more refined with each iteration. The team members have made sure to keep in contact with other team members on decisions made throughout the project. Each member is aware of the other functions and will review the various decisions that the team needs to make. This helps expand the knowledge base for the whole function, as the group has a wide variety of talents and experiences. 2.4 Risk The bulk of the work for this project is software that will analyze the data given by various sensors. The risk in this project is limited, so long as the hardware communicates properly with the microcontroller. The hardware communication is something that can be determined early in the process. Therefore, the largest hardware risk is going over budget by purchasing too much hardware that does not communicate with the microcontrollers selected. Once the hardware is selected and functioning properly, the remainder of the work for this project consists of writing code. A possible hardware risk is to purchase an underperforming processor. If the processor cannot keep up with the demands of the software, the design will not work properly. This is especially an issue with the Driver Awareness Sensor. 4 The largest software risk is that our software does not do what it is required to do. This is highly unlikely, given the time that the team will spend developing the software. If this project does not succeed, it is because the team did not spend enough time on the code, so the software can only complete a fraction of the overall goals of the project. There is a risk of the human-machine interface not working properly. If people do not intuitively understand the function of our design, then the design is useless. The team means for this project to help people, and this project can only help when people realize how to be helped. Further research will ensure that the majority of the users will interpret our design properly. 5 3 System Overview This section gives a brief look at the system architecture for each of the three functions. 3.1 Rapid Deceleration Warning For a more detailed look at the Rapid Deceleration Warning (RDW) function’s system architecture, refer to Chapter 5 (System Architecture - Rapid Deceleration Warning). The basic functionality of the RDW is to flash the brake lights of a vehicle if it is decelerating at a high rate. The RDW system has three distinct components, as shown in the basic system block diagram given in Figure 1. Figure 1. RDW System Diagram The accelerometer reads in values for position and sends that data to the microcontroller. The microcontroller then processes this data, converting it to usable deceleration data, comparing the deceleration to a certain threshold, and outputting a pulsed signal at the desired frequency if the deceleration is above that threshold. This pulsed signal is sent to the brake lights to make them flash at the same frequency. The exact interface with the current braking infrastructure is currently unknown. The team will have a full analysis of this interface in the next report. 3.2 Driver Awareness Sensor The Driver Awareness Sensor (DAS) will alert the driver to unsafe driving conditions due to drowsiness of the driver. A camera will send real-time images of the driver to a microcontroller. The microcontroller will analyze the images for signs of drowsiness and generate an alert to wake the driver. 3.3 Speed Limit Indicator For a more detailed look at the Speed Limit Indicator (SLI) function’s system architecture, refer to Chapter 7 (System Architecture - Speed Limit Indicator). The basic functionality of the SLI is to display the speed limit for the current road on the speedometer of the vehicle. The SLI has four distinct components, as shown in the basic system block diagram given in Figure 2. The addition of sound response to driver speeding was not considered in this report, but will be considered on future reports. 6 Figure 2. SLI System Diagram The GPS unit computes position data (latitude, longitude, and altitude), speed and direction and sends this information to the microcontroller. The microcontroller then analyzes the input values and determines the GPS coordinate of the nearest speed limit sign. The microcontroller then accesses the speed limit database to determine the speed limit for the particular GPS coordinate. The microcontroller then outputs a signal to the display on the speedometer. 7 4 Objectives and Requirements 4.1 Common Objectives and Requirements Some of the objectives and requirements for this project are common among the three functions. They are listed in the section below. The objective and requirements specific to each function are listed in the subsequent sections. 4.1.1 Requirements Power Requirement 1: The 12-volt battery within the vehicle shall power each safety function. Explanation: This allows the device to run on standard vehicles produced in the United States and Europe. Requirement 2: Each safety function shall be able to function with a power voltage in the range from 9 volts to 15 volts. Explanation: Batteries do not always operate at 12 volts. The voltage in batteries decreases over time, while batteries can also be overcharged. A charged battery is generally 12.5 volts without the engine. When the engine is running, a voltage regulator keeps the voltage between 13.5 and 14.5 volts [36]. Working within 3 volts of the standard allows operation with most battery conditions. Climate Requirement 1: Each safety function shall be able to operate with a temperature in the range from (-20) to 70 degrees Celsius. Explanation: From Requirement 1 in Section Error! Reference source not found., the components will be housed inside the vehicle, so the device needs to function with all interior temperatures of the vehicle. On startup, temperatures vary wildly, and the device still should function. Reliability Requirement 1: Each safety function shall have a minimum lifetime of 15 years. Explanation: The average lifetime of a personal vehicle on the road today is just under 11 years and trending upward [2], so 15 years seems like a reasonable minimum lifetime for this device. Requirement 2: Each safety function shall not interfere with normal vehicle operation if it should fail. Explanation: The brake lights and speedometer of the vehicle should still operate normally if the device is not present. This should also remain true if the device has failed yet is still present in the vehicle. System Requirement 1: Each safety function shall not obstruct the view of the driver. Explanation: As these functions are meant for driver safety, none of the functions should obstruct the driver and make their normal operations unsafe. 8 Hardware Requirement 1: The production model of the system shall operate on one microprocessor. Explanation: This will keep the cost low enough to market the device, and will increase the efficiency of the device by putting all of the components on one board. 4.1.2 Objectives Power Objective 1: Each safety function shall draw less than 200 mA from the vehicle’s battery. Explanation: This is equivalent to 12V * 0.2A = 2.4 watts maximum per device, or approximately 7 watts total. We want to minimize the power consumption, so any value less than 7 watts would also be acceptable. Cost Objective 1: The total project cost for the prototype shall be below $500. Explanation: This satisfies the budget requirement as determined by the Senior Design faculty advisors. Objective 2: The total project cost for the production model will be below $100 per unit when producing 25,000 units per year. Explanation: While certain costs increase for production, the total production cost could go down by using less expensive components purchased in bulk as well as using only one microprocessor. 4.2 Speed Limit Indicator 4.2.1 Requirements System Requirement 1: The Speed Limit Indicator shall have only the speed display visible to the user. Explanation: The hardware components will be hidden from the user to ensure driver safety and device lifetime. There must be some output to the user to tell them the speed limit of the road they are currently on. Requirement 2: The Speed Limit Indicator shall display different colors to the user depending on the vehicle’s speed in comparison to the speed limit. Explanation: If the driver is going more than 10 mph over the speed limit, the color of the LED currently displayed will change color, to show the user that they are significantly over the current speed limit. Hardware Requirement 1: The Speed Limit Indicator prototype shall contain sufficient memory to hold the program and a database of local speed limits. Explanation: For the prototype, only a 2-mile radius around Calvin College will be considered for mapping purposes. A worst case scenario requires 8 kilobytes (see Sec for 80,000 miles of road. The memory necessary to hold that data is smaller than the production model. 9 Requirement 2: The Speed Limit Indicator production model shall contain sufficient memory to hold a database of the United States speed limits. Explanation: For the production model, the entire nation’s speed limit signs need to be stored. We are only considering the United States since they use miles per hour, which is what our output to the LEDs will be given in. Software Requirement 1: The Speed Limit Indicator shall identify the speed limit of the road the vehicle is currently travelling within two seconds of entering that road. Explanation: This is the basic requirement for this function. The code will take in a GPS coordinate and find the nearest speed limit then make sure that it is from the road they are currently travelling. Two seconds accounts for turns onto streets, where the reaction time may be slowed. Requirement 2: The Speed Limit Indicator production model database shall self-update every week. Explanation: Speed limits change occasionally, so updates are necessary. However, if the function were to change based on construction, more frequent updates would be necessary. Requirement 3: The Speed Limit Indicator shall not change the speed limit if the system is unsure what road the vehicle is currently travelling. Explanation: If an unknown value comes in, the function should not change the speed limit. This situation could occur at intersections or bridges, where the GPS signal is weak or nonexistent. The function should assume that the vehicle is continuing on the same road until the function is determines that the vehicle has changed roads. Requirement 4: The user will have the option to turn off the Speed Limit Indicator function. Explanation: This function is not necessary for driver safety, although it should improve safety. However, if the function makes the driver more distracted, the driver should have the option to turn it off and on as they please. 4.2.2 Objectives System Objective 1: The Speed Limit Indicator’s LED lights shall not be uncomfortable to see for the user. Explanation: While the LEDs need to be visible to the driver at all times of the day, it must not be uncomfortable to see, as this would be counterintuitive to the goal of the Speed Limit Indicator. 4.3 Driver Awareness Sensor 4.3.1 Requirements System Requirement 1: The Driver Awareness Sensor shall determine the following symptom of drowsiness: prolonged eye closure. Explanation: Prolonged eye closure is one of the primary symptoms of drowsiness [37]. 10 Requirement 2: Prolonged eye closure is defined as the eyes being closed for more than one second. Explanation: The average blink is between 0.3 and 0.4 seconds [38]. Therefore, one second is much longer than the average blink. At 60 mph, a vehicle travels 88 feet in one second, which is a considerable distance not to be paying attention. Requirement 3: The Driver Awareness Sensor shall generate an audible signal to alert the driver that they are falling asleep. Requirement 4: The Driver Awareness Sensor camera shall be located where the camera can gather accurate data without obstructing the driver’s view. Explanation: The team intends this device to improve the safety of the driver and the vehicle. Causing any unnecessary distractions, such as obstructing the driver’s view, would defeat the purpose of the device and could cause more safety concerns than it addresses. Hardware Requirement 1: The audible alert shall be a pulsing signal around 90dB. Explanation: The alert must be loud enough to get the attention of the driver and overcome other sounds from the environment. This sound level is very high and should be sufficient to get the attention of most people [39]. 4.3.2 Objectives System Objective 1: The Driver Awareness Sensor shall accurately report drowsiness at least 95% of the time. Explanation: The ideal case is to report all drowsiness events. However, this is not always possible due to uncontrollable circumstances. Therefore, the system should be very reliable in general, such that the user can trust the system to perform as intended. Hardware Objective 1: The Driver Awareness Sensor’s camera enclosure shall be water resistant. Explanation: While it is unlikely the user will place the camera in a wet environment, if the camera enclosure is exposed to water, the camera should continue to function properly. Software Objective 1: The Driver Awareness Sensor shall signal an alert within two seconds to notify the driver of drowsiness. Explanation: This should provide sufficient time for the driver to react before falling asleep as well as preventing false alarms that could jeopardize the reliability of the system. 11 4.4 Rapid Deceleration Warning 4.4.1 Requirements System Requirement 1: The brake lights shall flash only when the vehicle is decelerating greater than 6 m/s2. Explanation: This is a requirement of the ECE (Economic Commission for Europe) given as ECE regulation 48 [3]. Requirement 2: The brake lights shall flash at a maximum rate of 4 Hz. Explanation: This is another requirement of ECE regulation 48 [3]. The minimum rate of flashing is 0 Hz, or normal operation. Requirement 3: The rapid deceleration warning production model shall comply with the United States vehicle lighting regulations. Explanation: Provision S5.5.10 from Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 108 requires that all lamps, including brake lights, must be steady burning [40]. Therefore, the rapid deceleration warning system will simulate flashing by pulsing the brake lights from dim to bright so that the lights are steady burning. Hardware Requirement 1: The rapid deceleration warning system shall be accurate and precise enough to measure the deceleration to within 0.1 m/s2. Explanation: This accuracy is important to make sure that the brake lights flash when they should and that they do not flash when they should not. Software Requirement 1: The rapid deceleration warning system shall read the deceleration data in real time. Explanation: Real time means that it should operate read in data at the maximum clock speed allowed by the microcontroller. There should be as little delay as possible between acquiring the data and reading it into the system. Requirement 2: The rapid deceleration warning system shall output a pulsed signal to the brake lights at the required rate at least 50ms after it detects a deceleration above the required rate. Explanation: A human is able to process an image astonishingly fast, usually within 150ms [41]. Therefore, a time of 50ms is required to allow the driver to begin processing and reacting to the flashing stimulus as fast as possible. 12 4.4.2 Objectives System Objective 1: The rapid deceleration warning and its purpose shall be easily recognizable to a driver behind the vehicle on which the system is installed. Explanation: If the driver behind the vehicle does not understand why the brake lights are flashing/pulsing, then there will be no improvement in reaction time and therefore no improvement over the current operation of brake lights. The team will attempt to meet this objective through user testing. Objective 2: The Rapid Deceleration Warning shall not be disorienting to a driver behind the vehicle on which the system is installed. Explanation: The team will attempt to meet this objective through user testing and research of the effects of different flashing frequencies. Software Objective 1: The rapid deceleration warning system shall relay the acceleration data to the driver of the vehicle in some way. Explanation: Presenting this information to the driver could help them identify and possibly stop their own aggressive braking. The system could present this data through a screen on the dashboard that tells the driver their deceleration or a simple LED that flashes/pulses at the same rate as the brake lights themselves. 4.5 Design Norms The design decisions of the team should not only be objective, but also take into account the impact on society. This product will operate alongside humans and therefore the team must design it with consideration for others in mind. The team will focus primarily on developing a product that is caring, trustworthy, and transparent. 4.5.1 Caring The team will design this product with care in mind because it is a safety device. Safety devices care for others by providing an extra layer of safety for all those involved. The team is designing the product so that the product will not affect normal car operations if the product fails. In this way, we are caring about the safety of the user. 4.5.2 Trustworthy It is important that the user can trust this product to accurately assist the driver and not cause a hindrance. If the driver does not trust that this product will work as designed, there is no reason for anyone to use this product. The team will be designing the product with a high minimum lifetime, so the users will feel comfortable using the product for the lifetime of their vehicle. 13 4.5.3 Transparency The team will design this product to improve the safety of the driver and those in nearby vehicles. If this device is not intuitive and transparent, it can easily cause more distractions, in which case it would be better if the driver did not use this device. The team will focus the design on the user, and the team will perform extensive research to ensure that the product will work in an efficient and intuitive way. 14 5 System Architecture - Rapid Deceleration Warning 5.1 Overall System There are three main concepts that the RDW system must realize at a system level. The RDW system must (1) quickly, accurately and consistently find the deceleration of the vehicle that the system is installed within, (2) compare that deceleration to a certain deceleration threshold, and (3) output a pulsed signal at the proper frequency if the measured deceleration is greater than this threshold. 5.1.1 Determining Vehicle Deceleration An accurate and cost effective way to monitor the deceleration of a vehicle would be to use an accelerometer. The team briefly considered the alternative method of measuring deceleration by measuring the depression of the brake pedal itself. However, the team dismissed this alternative mainly because a brake-actuated system like this would also not work in the case of a collision, when rapid deceleration can occur without the driver depressing the brake pedal [4]. Most accelerometers offer both an Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) and a Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) to communicate with a microcontroller. I2C uses a single line for data, while SPI uses two separate lines for data in and data out. For this reason, I 2C is generally considered much more complex to interface with than SPI. I2C also requires additional ‘pull-up’ resistors to pull the single data line from low to high. Therefore, the team chose SPI because of its overall simplicity. A one-axis accelerometer, which could measure the acceleration of the vehicle on one plane of motion, seems to be sufficient for this system. However, the team decided to choose a three-axis accelerometer for the prototype system as it would allow for much more flexibility in testing. Three-axis accelerometer are also much more common and even tend to be less expensive than their single-axis counterparts. 5.1.2 Comparing Data It is necessary for the RDW system to compare the data found by the accelerometer to the maximum deceleration threshold in real time. The team will write a program to accomplish this task and that program will be stored in a microcontroller. Figure 3 provides a block diagram of a typical microcontroller architecture. The Data SRAM memory will store the program, which the team currently estimates to be fewer than 10 KB. The SPI unit will interface with the accelerometer and the analog comparator will be used to compare the threshold against the vehicle’s deceleration. 15 Figure 3. Microcontroller Architecture [42] 5.1.3 Flashing the Brake Lights When the program mentioned above has detected a deceleration value above the maximum threshold, it will then use an unused pin of the microcontroller to output a signal to the brake lights at the specified frequency. The team still needs to research exactly how this signal will override the normal braking signal and how it will physically connect to the brake light ‘line’ within an actual vehicle. While performing this research, the team must take into consideration the initial requirement that the safety devices must not interfere with the normal operation of the vehicle. The team also needs to research the optimum location for the system to be installed within the vehicle. 5.2 Hardware System Design The key pieces of hardware necessary for the RDW system are as follows: an accelerometer and a microcontroller. Figure 4 shows a basic hardware diagram of the system, which focuses on the interactions between the selected accelerometer and microcontroller components. The following sections describe how the team chose these particular components. Table 1 describes the signals between the components. 16 Figure 4. RDW Hardware Diagram Table 1. Signals used in Figure 4 Signal Explanation GND Ground VCC Power supply for accelerometer (3.3V) CS Chip select SDO Serial data output SDI Serial data input SCLK Serial port clock (5 MHz maximum) D OUT Data out (from microcontroller) D IN Data in (to microcontroller) 5V Signal from the Voltage Regulator, stepping signal down to 5 volts B IN Input from the battery to be stepped down (9-15V, 50 mA max current) 5.2.1 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Accelerometer This section defines the criteria that the team used to select an accelerometer for the Rapid Deceleration Warning system production and prototype models, as well as the alternatives that the team considered. 17 Criteria The weights given to each criterion add up to 100 in every decision for the project. Therefore, they are represented as percentages of importance for the specific function. Unit Cost [30] The team gave this criterion a high weight because the team wants to have a very inexpensive production model. The team expects a yearly sales volume of 25,000 units so the accelerometers are available at a much lower cost for this bulk purchase. Breakout Board Cost [25] The team gave this criterion a high weight because there is a limited prototype budget available and the breakout board of the accelerometer will be used to build the prototype system. Bandwidth [15] Bandwidth is the rate at which accelerometers will output accurate readings. The team desires a greater bandwidth in order to read the acceleration data as fast as possible so that the delay between detection and response is as short as possible. A faster bandwidth ensures that the driver will have as much time as possible to react to the Rapid Deceleration Warning stimulus. Power Consumption [15] The team gave this criterion a moderate weight because the team plans to draw power from the vehicle’s battery for all three safety functions. This will depend largely on the current consumption of the device. Output Signal [10] This is criterion evaluates the difference between analog and digital (I2C/SPI) outputs. Since software will eventually need to modify the acceleration data, an analog to digital converter would be required to convert an analog signal to a digital signal. However, since the microcontroller that the team chose in the next section has a built-in analog to digital converter (ADC), the team decided to give this criterion a lower weight. Flexibility [5] Flexibility takes into consideration the range of acceleration and supply voltage of each alternative. For instance, an accelerometer with multiple acceleration ranges would receive a higher score. The team gave this criterion a low priority because each alternative that the team considered fulfills the acceleration and voltage range requirements for the system. Alternatives Table 2 shows the accelerometer options that the team considered for this system. The four accelerometers were compared against each other because they all very popular in the field of electronics. The team gathered the unit cost for each component from the electronic supplier Digikey. The team used the electronic hobbyist retailer SparkFun Electronics to gather costs of a breakout board for each accelerometer. The team gathered the other specifications by looking at the datasheet offered by the manufacturer [43]. For the prototype, the team only considered 18 purchasing breakout boards because they are much easier to use with breadboards. The temperature ranges for each accelerometer alternative is (-40) to 80 degrees Celsius. Table 2. Accelerometer Alternatives Manufacturer Model BB Cost ($) Unit Output Cost Signal ($) Supply Voltage (V) Range (+/- g) BW (Hz) Current Draw (µA) Analog Devices ADXL335 27.95 2.89 1.8-3.6 3 0.5-1600 350 Analog Devices ADXL345 24.95 3.70 I2C/SPI 2-3.6 2, 4, 8, 16 6.25-3200 145 Bosch BMA180 29.95 3.10 I2C/SPI 1.6-3.6 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16 10-1200 650 STM LIS331HH 27.95 2.55 I2C/SPI 2.16-3.6 6, 12, 24 0.5-1000 250 Analog Decisions Table 3 shows the decision matrix that the team used to select the accelerometer. The Analog Devices ADXL345 accelerometer is the clear winner mainly because of its superior power consumption, breakout board cost, and bandwidth performance. Table 3. Accelerometer Decision Matrix Priority ADXL335 ADXL345 BMA180 LIS331HH Unit Cost 30 8 5 7 9 Breakout Board Cost 25 7 8 6 5 Bandwidth 15 5 9 4 3 Power Consumption 15 6 8 3 7 Output Signal 10 5 10 10 10 Flexibility 5 5 7 10 6 Total 655 740 615 675 5.2.2 Microcontroller This section defines the criteria that the team used to select a microcontroller development board for the Rapid Deceleration Warning and Speed Limit Indicator system prototype model, as well as the alternatives that the team considered. 19 Criteria Cost [20] The team gave this criterion a high weight because there is a limited prototype budget available and the development board will be used to build the prototype system. Ease of SW programming [15] This criterion mainly considers the programming language used to develop software on the board as well as the availability of an integrated development environment (IDE). This will largely depend on the team’s knowledge and familiarity with the language. Functionality [15] This criterion considers the ease of use or the ability to use the microcontroller “out of the box”. One example is that some of the development boards already have built-in voltage regulators and some require the user to buy and install voltage regulators. Support Community [15] This criterion considers the popularity and overall amount of documentation and that exists for a particular microcontroller dev board. Power Consumption [10] The team gave this criterion a moderate weight because the team plans to draw power from the vehicle’s battery for all three safety functions. This will depend largely on the current consumption of the device. Number of Pins [10] This is the number of I/O pins that the microcontroller board has available. The RDW and SLI systems each require five pins for digital input and output. The team has given this a lower priority because all of the microcontroller options have a sufficient amount available. Onboard Memory [10] This is the amount of memory that the microcontroller board has available. The RDW system requires an estimated 10 KB of memory. The SLI system requires an estimated 20 KB of memory. The team has given this a lower priority because all of the microcontroller options have a sufficient amount available. Clock Speed [5] A higher clock speed means more instructions of code will be executed per second. Since the team does not expect the programs for the RDW and SLI systems to be overly complex, a faster clock speed could provide a small boost in performance. Alternatives Table 4 shows the microcontroller options that the team considered for this system. All of the options below are popular microcontroller development boards. 20 Table 4. Microcontroller Alternatives Manufacturer Model Cost ($) Current Clock Draw Speed (mA) (MHz) Number of Pins Flash Memory RAM Arduino Uno 30 40 16 20 32KB 2KB FEZ Panda II 40 65 72 54 512KB 96KB Pinguino PIC32 30 5 80 24 256KB 32KB Teensy 2.0 16 15.7 16 25 32KB 2.5KB Microchip Ready for PIC 29 20 16 28 32KB 1.5KB Decisions Table 5 shows the decision matrix that the team used to select the microcontroller. The Pinguino and Arduino achieved the exact same score. However, the team selected the Arduino Uno as the winner because team member Andrew DeZeeuw already had access to an Arduino Uno. Table 5. Microcontroller Decision Matrix Priority Arduino FEZ Pinguino Teensy Microchip Cost 20 7 4 7 10 7 Ease of SW Programming 15 10 3 9 7 6 Functionality 15 9 5 7 5 9 Support Community 15 10 5 6 2 5 Power Consumption 10 5 4 10 8 7 Number of Pins 10 6 10 7 7 8 Onboard Memory 10 5 9 7 5 5 Clock Speed 5 5 9 10 5 5 Total 760 550 760 635 665 21 5.3 Initial Printed Circuit Board Design For the final project in May, the team would like to design a printed circuit board for the prototype model. Figure 5 shows the initial PCB layout, using the components and dimensions listed in Table 6. This PCB layout includes the parts necessary for all three functions of The Smart Dashboard. The overall size of the PCB is 1.75 inches x 1.5 inches. This is the minimum size that the team could be produce. A reasonable estimate is a board that is 2 inches x 2 inches. Figure 5. Initial PCB Layout. Parts listed in Table 6 Table 6. Table of Components for Figure 5 Component ID Component Dimensions (in) 1 Accelerometer 0.2103 x 0.1315 2 GPS 0.5512 x 0.4016 3 Memory 0.4331 x 0.3544 4 Demultiplexer 0.4134 x 0.6182 5 Processor 0.6575 x 0.6575 6 Resistors 0.1260 x 0.0630 7 Connector 0.7481 x 0.6154 22 5.4 Software System Design Figure 6 shows a software flow diagram of the RDW system. The software must read in the data from the accelerometer, filter the noise from this data, convert this data to usable deceleration data, and compare the incoming deceleration to a fixed maximum deceleration threshold. It must also tell the system to output a pulsed signal to the brake lights if the current deceleration of the vehicle is greater than this threshold. The system should have no control timing so that it is constantly running as fast as possible. The team still needs to research accelerometer noise filtering and calibration techniques. Most accelerometers need calibration before use. This is often done by examining the acceleration output at a known acceleration and subtracting the offset from the output. The team also needs to examine how faults will be detected so that we can uphold our design norm of trust if something does go wrong. Figure 6. RDW Software Diagram 23 6 System Architecture - Driver Awareness Sensor 6.1 Overall System Design There are two main concepts that the DAS must realize at a system level. The DAS must detect drowsiness due to prolonged eye closure and wake up the driver with an alert. 6.1.1 Determining Prolonged Eye Closure The primary method of detecting the blinking rate and determining prolonged eye closure is through video capture and processing. A camera is focused on the subject, capturing at least the eyes. If the subject is still, this camera can be zoomed in closer than if it needs to allow for movement of the subject. Most often, the face is included with some background. The software for the system must then analyze the image and locate the eyes. Once this is done, the eyes are analyzed further to determine their state, whether open or closed. Performing the analysis on only the eye region greatly reduces the computations required. Therefore, it is important to accurately locate the eye region and narrow it down as much as possible. Other methods for determining prolonged eye closure include mechanical and electrical methods. The mechanical methods attach to the subject and can sense muscle movements related to the eyelid closing. The electrical methods attach electrodes to the subject and measure brain waves or other signals to determine when the eye is closed. Both of these methods would not be appropriate for this project, as they would require the user to wear some form of mechanism, which would be intrusive and could possibly cause safety issues. 6.1.2 Alerting Driver The final concept that the DAS must realize is alerting the driver to their drowsiness and waking them up. There are many possible methods for providing feedback to the driver, including audible, visual, and tactile. The audible methods range from an alarm sounding noise to a human issuing a warning. The tactile methods could include vibration of the steering wheel or seat, or providing an electric shock. Visual methods range from a simple light or notification to a strobe or blinding light to get the attention of the driver. From the list of feedback methods, a simple audible warning consisting of a beeping noise similar to an alarm clock should be the simplest method to implement while still providing an adequate notification to the driver. This can be implemented with a simple speaker connected to the microcontroller. 6.2 Hardware System Design The pieces of hardware necessary for the DAS are as follows: a camera, a microcontroller, and a speaker. Figure 7 shows a block diagram of the hardware with expected signal communications. 24 Figure 7. DAS Hardware Diagram Signal Explanation From car battery 9V-15V DC Power from Voltage Regulator 5V, capable of providing at least 700mA Video from camera USB 2.0 Power to Facial Illuminator 5V Audio to speaker Analog audio signal The hardware for the Driver Awareness Sensor must possess the ability to capture quality real-time imagery and process the images to determine driver awareness. The hardware must also be able to notify the driver of unsafe driving conditions due to the drowsiness of the driver. Additionally, the hardware must provide an illumination source so that the camera can capture accurate imagery in varying lighting conditions. 25 6.2.1 Microcontroller Criteria Cost [25] This is a very important criterion because the team has a limited budget with which to build the prototype. Clock Speed / Instructions per Second [25] The microprocessor should feature a high clock speed and have a high number of instructions per second. This is critical for the image processing to determine the state of the driver in real-time. Availability [20] The availability of the boards is important to reduce development time as well as cost of production. Ease of SW Programming [15] Ease of software programming is defined as the ability to program the microcontroller “out-of-thebox.” This includes the development environment as well as the programming language knowledge required to set up the board. Support Community [10] This criterion considers the popularity and overall amount of documentation that exists for a particular microcontroller development board. Functionality of Development Board [5] This criterion considers the functionality of the development board relating to how well it interfaces with the other components. The board should provide a sufficient number of connections for the other components. Alternatives Table 7. DAS Microcontroller Alternatives Board Cost ($) CPU RAM Other BeagleBoard [44] 149.00 720 MHz 256 MB HDMI, S-Video, 1 USB, SC, Raspberry Pi [45] 35.00+ 700 MHz 512 MB HDMI, RCA, 2 USB, SD, Ethernet OLinuXino [46] 58.35 1 GHz 512 MB HDMI, 2 USB, microSD, SATA, Ethernet Cubieboard [47] 49.00 1 GHz 512 MB HDMI, 2 USB, SD, Ethernet 26 Decisions Table 8 shows the decision matrix for the microcontroller. The Raspberry Pi is the microcontroller of choice primarily due to the availability and cost, as the boards are similar in many characteristics. Table 8. DAS Microcontroller Decision Matrix Priority BeagleBoard Raspberry Pi OLinuXino Cubieboard Cost 25 2 9 6 7 Clock Speed 25 5 5 9 9 Availability 20 3 10 3 1 Ease of SW Programming 15 4 8 8 5 Support Community 10 5 9 7 3 Functionality of Dev. Board 5 5 7 8 7 Total 370 795 665 560 6.2.2 Speaker The speaker is not a critical component. A simple and inexpensive off-the-shelf component should suffice. The team will determine the correct speaker to use next semester. 6.2.3 Facial Illuminator The team will perform lighting tests with the camera to determine the level of lighting that is required. Once this is determined, the team will select a lighting source. 6.2.4 Voltage Regulator The voltage regulator is not a critical component. Microcontroller development boards generally provide voltage regulators that work well with standard power supplies. The team will perform research to determine what type of voltage regulator will be necessary to connect to a car battery, which is less reliable in its output levels. 6.3 Software System Design Figure 8 shows the software flow diagram of the DAS system. The software must read the image from the camera and process it to determine the state of the driver. If necessary, the software must alert the driver to wake up. 27 Figure 8. DAS Software Diagram 28 7 System Architecture - Speed Limit Indicator 7.1 Overall System Design There are four main concepts that the SLI must realize at a system level. The SLI must (1) accurately and consistently find the location of the vehicle that the system is installed within, (2) take that position data and correctly find the road and speed limit for that location, (3) store the speed limits and roads in an efficient and searchable manner, and (4) output the determined speed limit to the user via the dashboard. 7.1.1 Determining Vehicle Location An accurate and cost effective way to monitor the position of a vehicle would be to use a global positioning system (GPS) device. However, GPS systems do not work well without a clear view of the sky, which would be a problem in tunnels or other locations where the road is covered. In [6], a standard is set for accuracy using 50 percent, 68 percent, and 95 percent. For example, the Garmin eTrex was accurate within 2.7 meters 50 percent of the time, accurate within 3.8 meters 68 percent of the time, and accurate within 6.7 meters 95 percent of the time. The average accuracy was approximately 3 meters. This can provide challenges in areas where roads are very close to each other, such as an urban setting or at intersections. From the software perspective, the code must be able to handle expected errors and outlier data due to inaccuracies with GPS location data. Others have attempted to counteract this accuracy problem by using another method in addition to using a GPS. [7] considered an Inertial Navigation System (INS) implemented as a backup to the GPS. There would be a control system on board that would determine which value should be used, with the GPS used primarily if its data is reasonable. An INS system is also considered in [8], and is tested and compared to other GPS systems being used, including an autonomous GPS system as well as systems in which there are GPS substations located on the ground nearby. [13] also considers inertial inputs in addition to GPS inputs, but considers a composite location that takes into account both GPS data and inertial inputs data. Therefore, they base their location on both systems all the time, as opposed to picking one system over the other. [11] uses the vehicle’s odometer and a single-axis gyroscope as a secondary option to the GPS. This is an alternative to using an inertial system and uses fewer sensors, which is more efficient. This system also uses certain filters to determine if the information received by the sensors is accurate. [9] also uses invehicle sensors in addition to a GPS. In that case, they use another filter to analyze the information. The majority of the systems considered receive data from the GPS and other sensors and filter that data to determine position. Other works focused on finding the error of the GPS device itself. The coordinates received by the GPS can be analyzed using various techniques. [12] considers spatial bias techniques over a linear path, then the system will use only a GPS if the vehicle is involved in a non-linear movement. [10] follows a similar system, interpolating to find the expected deviations in the GPS readings. Both of these systems do not have other sensors involved; they find the error by filtering the GPS readings to determine their veracity. 29 7.1.2 Finding the Speed Limit Once the microcontroller has received the position data from the GPS, the microcontroller must analyze the data and find what the speed limit is for that location. In our implementation, GPS coordinates will be stored for each tenth of a mile of road. While speed limit signs occur less often than that, the increased resolution will make identifying road easier as there is more data to compare. The code will identify the segment of road that the vehicle is on then find the speed limit of that segment of road. GPS navigation devices on the market today utilize mapping software that will take a GPS location and find the road nearest to that location by using a map stored on the device. [14] discusses how that process works. Mapping software is expensive to use or program from scratch, although the production model may use such software. The team has not determined the exact costs of mapping software at this time, as the companies found do not offer their databases to the public. There are some free options available, such as wikispeedia [27]. The stated goal of wikispeedia is to document the GPS coordinates of every speed limit sign on earth. The wikispeedia group has not accomplished this goal yet, but future iterations of our design could incorporate this database, assuming that the number of speed limit signs in the wikispeedia database increases to a sufficient percentage. Another database is the open street map database. An overlay of the speed limits can be visualized using The resolution currently is not sufficient, as the only roads with speed limits in the database are major roads and highways [28]. Currently, the free options for speed limit databases do not offer enough detail for the scope of our project. The team will continue development of the prototype while implementing our own database for the area around Calvin College. The team will consider the other options given above for the production model of this function. 7.1.3 Storing the Speed Limits To store the speed limits, the system should use a nonvolatile storage device. A discussion of the hardware differences for memory is given in Section 7.2.3. In our system, the speed limit signs are being held in a database. Therefore, only four pieces of information need to be stored. The speed limit, the GPS coordinates, and the direction need to be permanently stored and accessible. The speed limit can be stored in as few as four bits, as the team is currently considering 10 speed limits to display (see Sec. The longitude and latitude both can be stored as long values, each generally four bytes in size [15]. Long values allow the controller to do integer computations, which can be performed faster than floating point operations. The decimal of the GPS coordinate is shifted so that the full precision of the value can be stored in the long variable. The direction consists of a value between 0 and 360 degrees. This can be stored in 12 bits, which would be enough to store the direction with one decimal place stored as well. The value stored would be a multiple of ten greater than the actual direction. The total space taken up by one data point would be 10 bytes. With each speed limit location requiring ten bytes of data to be stored, the team needs to estimate the number of locations that will need to be stored in the United States. According to the Federal Highway Administration, there are approximately four million miles of roadways in the United States [16]. Figure 9 shows the breakdown of road types. Approximately 35% of roads in the United 30 States are unpaved local roads, many of which may not even have a speed limit posted. If the team stores data points for every tenth of a mile on every road in each direction, that would require memory storage around 800 MB. Many memory options are available in that range. Figure 9. Breakdown of Road Types [17] 7.1.4 Outputting the Speed Limit The final concept that the SLI function must realize is to display the speed limit to the user. The team considered transparency throughout this specific subsection, as displaying the speed limit is the only part of this function that the user will see. We can implement the display of the speed limit in many different ways. One option is to place component RGB LEDs around the speedometer and display different colors depending on the driver’s speed in comparison to the speed limit. Other options for displaying the speed limit could include displaying the speed limit separately from the speedometer. Most cars today have a digital odometer, and the team could make that display larger to display the current speed limit as well. The team could also use a separate seven-segment display to output the speed limit in numerical form. Further research is needed to determine the most userfriendly way to output the speed limit. Manu Kumar and Taemie Kim at Stanford University researched driver response to a dynamic speedometer [18]. Their design displays an orange light for all speeds outside of the speed limit range. Therefore, a speed limit of 40 miles per hour would show orange lights over all speeds greater than 40 miles per hour. Figure 10 and Figure 11 show this concept. Their system would also use various visual and audio warnings as the driver got over a certain threshold over the speed 31 limit. For example, a beeping sound from the dashboard would begin once the driver goes five miles per hour over the speed limit. The amplitude and frequency of that signal would increase as the driver went faster and faster over the speed limit. Their results show that drivers have the tendency to decrease their speed when using a dynamic speedometer. The dynamic speedometer also decreased the number of incidents of unintentional speeding. Figure 10. Normal Speedometer [18] Figure 11. Speedometer with Speed Limit of 40 Miles Per Hour [18] 7.2 Hardware System Design The hardware necessary for the SLI is as follows: a GPS, a microcontroller, memory, and the LED output. Figure 12 shows a block diagram of the hardware components, and Table 9 shows the expected communication between those components. This section currently considers the prototype components only. The team will develop criteria for the production model and include those decisions in a future report. 32 Figure 12. SLI Hardware Diagram Table 9. Signals Used In Figure 12 7.2.1 Signal Explanation TTL/RS-232 GPS has option to use either TTL or RS-232 communication SD SD Card. Signals include Vcc (3.3V), GND, Data In (MOSI), Data Out (MISO), CLK, Card Select 4x D OUT Digital output. Selector for the Demultiplexer, 4 leads 5V Signal from the Voltage Regulator, stepping signal down to 5 volts B IN Input from the battery to be stepped down (9-15V, 50 mA max current) A IN Analog input to the Demultiplexer (5V) 10x Display 10 outputs from Demultiplexer that will drive the display GPS Criteria The team determined which GPS to use for the prototype based on several criteria. The criteria are listed below with their weight for the decision matrix. All the devices that we considered had an internal antenna, so the team could not use that as a design criterion. The sum of the weights is 100. 33 Cost [30] The cost is a key criterion, as the team needs to operate under a budget as determined by the Senior Design class instructors. Start-Up Time [20] There are different ways to determine the start-up time of the GPS. Most GPS modules list a hot start, warm start, and cold start. The most important of those in this instance is the cold start-up time. This is generally between 30 seconds and one minute. The other times are small enough (< 2 sec) that they are not as significant in the operation of the device. Many of the GPS modules considered had update times of one second. The warm and hot start-up times are approximately equal to the update rate; therefore, those start-up times may be noticeable but not detrimental to the overall effect of the function. The team weighted the GPS’s cold start-up time higher within this criterion than the other start-up times. Ease in Communication and Software Control [15] The team should be able to control the GPS easily from the microcontroller. Libraries and documentation exist to prove compatibility between the GPS and the microcontroller. Ease in Electrical Interfacing [10] The GPS must be simple to implement into our prototype. The electrical interface should allow simple communication between the microcontroller and the GPS. Power Consumption [10] Power consumption relates to the amount of current drawn by the device. The GPS should keep the power consumption relatively low, as the team wants to be good stewards of the electricity in the system. Accuracy [10] This refers to the reported accuracy in adverse conditions, such as areas with obstructions like trees and buildings. This is important to consider as the code must be able to account for some inaccuracies in the GPS data. Number of Channels [5] The number of channels in the GPS refers to how many satellites the GPS can acquire and read from at the same time. This value is not very important, as the number of channels on all the devices considered would be sufficient for this project, albeit with slightly different response times. More channels does provide a vast array of benefits, as given in [29]. Alternatives Given these criteria, the team considered four GPS modules for the prototype of this project, given in Table 10. A decision matrix is given in Table 11, with each GPS rated in each criterion on a scale 34 from one to ten, with ten being the best in that particular area. The final scores are given for each GPS module, with a percentage of the total possible given as well. Table 10. GPS Alternatives GPS Seller Model Number Cost # of Channels Cold Start-Up Time Voltage Power Accuracy Use Temp Range deg C Futurlec [19] EM406A $40 20 42 sec 4.5V – 6.5V 220 mW 10 m -40 to 85 Polstar [20] 10-019 $15 12 50 sec 3.3V – 5V 120 mW 5m -40 to 70 Sparkfun [21] Locosys20031 $60 66 35 sec 3V – 4.2V 135 mW 3m -30 to 85 Parallax [22] PMB648 $40 20 42 sec 3.3V – 5V 325 mW 5m -20 to 70 Table 11. Decision Matrix for GPS Selection Priority EM-406A Polstar 10019 Locosys20031 PMB-648 Cost 30 5 10 2 5 Start-Up Time 20 6 2 9 6 Communication and Software Control 15 7 2 2 9 Electrical Interfacing 10 7 2 2 9 Power Consumption 10 5 9 8 2 Accuracy 10 3 6 8 6 Number of Channels 5 3 2 10 3 Total: 540 550 500 590 Decisions All four GPS devices had scores similar to the others, with the Parallax PMB-648 scoring the best. The PMB-648 is very easy to implement, as documentation exists for connecting it to various microcontrollers. This is reassuring, as other groups have been able to successfully read data from this device using a simple microcontroller. The PMB-648 is in the middle price range, which is reasonable for this project. This decision matrix proves that all of the options would be generally sufficient for this project, as none of them scored significantly lower than the others. The team selected the PMB-648 GPS for the benefits given above. 35 7.2.2 Microcontroller Section 5.2.2 gives a detailed discussion of microcontroller selection. The design criteria all apply to the SLI as well. The cost remains an important factor as both functions are being designed for the senior design class. The ease of use is vital to the timely completion of the prototype. The support community also helps accelerate progress through issues. The power consumption ties directly to our desire for a positive societal impact, which applies to each function. The number of pins is a factor as the microcontroller will be shared with the RDW system. The onboard memory capabilities dictate the scope to which testing can be done without an external memory source. All of the design criteria apply, so the decision made in Section 5.2.2 applies to the SLI function as well. 7.2.3 Memory Criteria As discussed in Section 7.1.3, the memory of this system should approximately one gigabyte (800 megabytes is a reasonable estimate). However, the prototype will only store speed limits for a small area around Calvin College. Therefore, the amount of memory necessary drops by orders of magnitude. In a worst-case estimate, a grid of roads 300 feet apart would fill the two-mile area around Calvin College. Assuming a square around Calvin College that is 4 miles per side, this would result in approximately 80,000 miles of road in the area. Taking data points every tenth of a mile with ten bytes to store each location, which would take up 8 kilobytes of space. This is an unreasonably high estimate, but it provides approximate upper bounds for our database. The memory available on the selected Arduino microcontroller would be enough to do initial testing, although it may not be enough for the final prototype. The additional memory needs to be able to interface with a microcontroller very easily and be cost effective. The memory should also be fast and fit within the temperature range considered in Section, Requirement 1. Alternatives Many surface mount memory devices are inexpensive and can store great quantities of information. Unfortunately, they are difficult to implement with a development board. One example is 2 GB of flash memory sold at DigiKey [23]. The most common memory addition to an Arduino microcontroller is to use an SD card. Various Arduino shields on the market handle all of the voltage regulation necessary to interface an Arduino and an SD card. SD cards can be inexpensive as well, selling for under $10 for 4 GB. Decisions Surface mount devices can be less expensive, but are difficult to use with a microcontroller. The cost to solder that memory device to a board and then use a microcontroller makes it more difficult to implement. While an SD card system would cost more (including the cost of an SD shield), it would be simple to implement and save time without sacrificing too much in terms of cost. 36 7.2.4 Outputs Criteria The output to the user must be easy to understand and not distract the driver. The team is considering implementing a single light with two different states, depending on whether the driver is exceeding the speed limit by ten miles per hour. The output system must be able to display both conditions. Alternatives Section 12.1.4 discusses ways in which the system can display the speed limit. RGB LEDs can be placed at each speed limit (25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70) around the speedometer, and only one LED would be lit at any given time. Using the method used by Kumar and Kim, a series of LEDs again could be used, or perhaps an LED strip of some kind. A seven-segment display could output the speed limit separate from the speedometer, but another indicator would be necessary to report a case of speeding to the driver. Decisions With our current design, using RGB LEDs makes the most sense. LED strips and seven segment displays would work better in other designs. The LEDs will be lit using a demultiplexer, which will be controlled using an output from the microcontroller. The team will calculate resistor values after the team finds the current output of the demultiplexer. The demultiplexer being considered currently is given in [30], manufactured by Texas Instruments. The team can purchase the demultiplexer in bulk, making it an attractive option for the production model as well. It functions within the operating temperature specified for the system. 7.3 Software System Design The software running on the microcontroller will receive data from the GPS, analyze that data to find the nearest speed limit sign, then output that speed limit to the outputs. Figure 13 shows a basic block diagram for the software system. The update rate of the GPS limits the abilities of the software. The update rate for the GPS selected is one second. The software will run as fast as possible given that constraint. 37 Figure 13. SLI Software Diagram 7.3.1 Criteria The software needs to manage the following pieces: a database of speed limit signs with their GPS coordinates, a GPS that outputs position, velocity, and direction, and an output that consists of a demultiplexer and LEDs. The code must tie all three of those pieces together while also providing sufficient noise reduction and error correction. After the initialization process, the code reads and extracts the relevant data from the GPS. At that point, a noise filter analyzes the data. If an error exists in the data, then the code will increment an error counter. If the code recognizes more than three consecutive errors, then something significant has gone wrong so nothing is output to the user. If no errors exist in the signal, the code searches for the location in memory. If the data cannot be mapped to a speed limit, an unknown road counter is incremented. If the code recognizes more than three consecutive unknown road signals, then the database does not understand where the vehicle is located. In this case, the code displays nothing to the user. If the data can be mapped to a speed limit, then the counters for error and unknown roads are reset to zero. If the speed limit is 38 different from the current value, then a new display pattern is stored. In both cases, the controller drives the LEDs with the display pattern. 7.3.2 Alternatives The code to decode the GPS information is standard, as the code takes in data as a character array then breaks that string down into its various components. Finding the correct location of the nearest speed limit sign will be a challenge. If the GPS gives accurate data for direction, the code can fan out opposite the vehicle’s motion to find the speed limit sign. This can be a problem if roads are winding or if there are bridges or intersections. Another option is to store the past few iterations of the code, and if the speed limit is consistent, then it can be outputted. This makes sure that the SLI is not confused by one bad data point. The code could also look forward as well as backwards, to see if the speed limit is consistent in front of the user and behind the user. 7.3.3 Decisions For the prototype, the selected Arduino microcontroller supports code in C or C++. The team has experience with this programming language, which makes it ideally suited for the prototype. Arduino has its own IDE, which takes care of the compiling and loading necessary for the prototype. The team has developed initial algorithms for the GPS data reading and extraction blocks from Figure 10. The team has not begun developing the software for the other sections at this time. The team will do testing as described in Section 8.3 to determine that the algorithms developed fit within the context of the overall goals for this function. 39 8 Integration and Initial Testing 8.1 Common Tests 8.1.1 Testing Method The team continues to prepare a set of tests to prove the performance of the system as described in the Objectives and Requirements (Chapter 4) and the specific system architectures (Chapters 5-7). The tests are described in detail below. This list is not inclusive, as the team continues to iterate through different tests. Hardware Compatibility Test The team will test the hardware systems for each function to ensure that they are compatible. The team must be able to receive data on their specific processor from their hardware components. The team has begun some testing, but the specific test has not been designed. It will come on a future report. Temperature Test This test will consider the temperature of the system as well as individual components as time goes on. If the owner uses their vehicle for a longer trip, these components may be on for hours at a time. In that case, the team must confirm that not all the components overheat in that period. The team has not created a specific test to accomplish this task. It will come on a future report. Power Consumption Test Similar to the temperature test, this test will consider the power dissipated. A large part of this test is to find the current draw of the function and individual components, as the production model will need to operate on the battery power of the vehicle. The team has not created a specific test to accomplish this task. It will come on a future report. Latency Test A latency test will determine if the code is running slow enough to affect performance. This will be done by analyzing the time it takes to run the initialization process without any code body. The team will then compare this value to other latency tests involving specific pieces of code. The team has not created a specific test to accomplish this task. It will come on a future report. 8.1.2 Initial Test Results The team has not performed tests for any of the previously mentioned tests. 8.1.3 Future Testing The team has not begun testing for any of the previously mentioned tests. 8.1.4 Current Integration The team has not integrated anything relevant to the previously mentioned tests. 40 8.2 Rapid Deceleration Warning 8.2.1 Testing Method The team continues to prepare a set of tests to prove the performance of the system as described in the Objectives and Requirements (Chapter 4) and the specific system architecture (Chapter 5). The tests are described in detail below. This list is not inclusive, as the team continues to iterate through different tests. Accelerometer Accuracy Test This test will consider the accuracy of the accelerometer. The requirements state that the brake lights should flash only when the vehicle is decelerating faster than 6m/s 2 and that the accelerometer should be accurate to within a tenth of a m/s 2. This test will be conducted through available computer software. The team has not created a specific test to accomplish this task. It will come on a future report. Frequency Test This test will consider the frequency of the signal that is output the brake lights. The requirement states that the frequency must not be greater than 4Hz. The output signal will be connected to an oscilloscope and examined to be certain that it fulfills this requirement. The team has not created a specific test to accomplish this task. It will come on a future report. 8.2.2 Initial Test Results The team has not tested any RDW specific tests. 8.2.3 Future Testing The team has not begun testing for any RDW specific tests. 8.2.4 Current Integration The accelerometer and the Arduino microcontroller have been connected and proven to communicate with each other. Other than that, no tests have been integrated. 8.3 Driver Awareness Sensor 8.3.1 Testing Method The team continues to prepare a set of tests to prove the performance of the system as described in the Objectives and Requirements (Chapter 4) and the specific system architecture (Chapters 6). The tests are described in detail below. This list is not inclusive, as the team continues to iterate through different tests. Blink Accuracy Test This test will determine what percentage of blinks are picked up by the system. If the system can track an eye blinking consistently, then it will be able to detect someone’s eyes closing for longer 41 than a standard blink. The team has not created a specific test to accomplish this task. It will come on a future report. Lighting Test This test will analyze eye motion in different amounts of light. This function must work in nighttime as well as daytime, so a lighting test is necessary to ensure proper operation. The team has not created a specific test to accomplish this task. It will come on a future report. 8.3.2 Initial Test Results None of the test mentioned above has been completed up to this point. 8.3.3 Future Testing All of the tests mentioned above still need to be completed. 8.3.4 Current Integration No parts have arrived yet; therefore, there is no integration currently. 8.4 Speed Limit Indicator 8.4.1 Testing Method The team continues to prepare a set of tests to prove the performance of the system as described in the Objectives and Requirements (Chapter 4) and the specific system architecture (Chapters 7). The tests are described in detail below. This list is not inclusive, as the team continues to iterate through different tests. LED Current Test The LED output will be coming out of a demultiplexer. Testing needs to be done to determine what the current leaving the demultiplexer is compared to how much enters into the demultiplexer. The consistency of the current can also be analyzed. The team needs to implement the circuitry to drive the LEDs before this test can occur. The team has not created a specific test to accomplish this task. It will come on a future report. GPS Accuracy Test The team will need to test the GPS for its accuracy in adverse conditions. This can include poor weather (cloudy/foggy), trees, tall buildings, and tunnels. The team has not created a specific test to accomplish this task. It will come on a future report. The team has tested the GPS for accuracy as a control in good conditions. For the first test, the team went to 10 points on Calvin College’s campus, and we took the GPS to them and recorded the data for latitude and longitude. The team visited the ten points more than once, to see if the results become more accurate as time goes on. The team entered the longitude and latitude data into Google Maps to find the error in meters. The approximate error for this test is 42 one meter, due to the accuracy of Google Maps and the human error involved in walking the GPS around campus. A second accuracy test was be run on the road, which is the application of this project. Since this test is a combination of a speed test and position test, the position was displayed every seven reads. This retained enough accuracy for a position test while being able to test the speed every output without the data being cluttered. A third test involved driving around Ann Arbor, in both country and city roads. This test considered GPS obstructions in people’s daily commutes, such as tall buildings in downtown and trees in the country. GPS Velocity Test The GPS not only reports position data, but velocity data as well. This information will be used to output a different color LED if the driver is going more than 10 miles per hour over the speed limit. The consistency of the GPS velocity information should be determined to find how sensitive that code can be written. The team has not created a specific test to accomplish this task. It will come on a future report. A quantitative analysis has been done by monitoring the vehicle’s speed and the output from the GPS from within the car. The first speed test will look at the speed (in miles per hour) returned by the GPS device. This will be monitored within the vehicle, as quantitative analysis of the speed would be difficult to achieve. For an initial test, a qualitative analysis of the speed limit accuracy is enough, especially since this data is not necessary for the primary function of this device. Further testing is necessary to make a quantitative assessment of the speed accuracy. Besides the speed limit, the course made good data was analyzed, as that could be used in the GPS position algorithm. The course made good depicts which direction you are headed in, as a measure of degrees from north. This data will be analyzed using a similar quantitative analysis as for the speed data. 8.4.2 Initial Test Results LED Current Test The team has not run this test at this time. GPS Accuracy Test The results are problematic. The average error is approximately 20 meters. The best accuracy was around 1 meter, but the worst accuracy was about 40 meters. Unfortunately, the 40 meters measurement was not an outlier. See Figure 14 for all the data taken for this test. Each test has similar average error, so the GPS does not become more accurate over time. 43 Figure 14. GPS Accuracy Data for the First Test The average latitude and longitude’s distance from the point was approximately equal to the average of the distances calculated for each test. This indicates that the GPS was generally incorrect in the same direction from the expected point. This means that the GPS was more precise than it was accurate. The results of this test are not satisfactory for this function. Further testing is necessary to determine if the GPS module will work properly for this function. In the second test, the position accuracy improved from the data in the first test. The team placed the GPS module on the dashboard of a moving vehicle. Figure 15 shows the route taken and the data collected. The GPS did a much better job of tracking position on the move, even within the confines of a car on a cloudy day. Looking at the map visually, it was easy to see which path was taken, and there was no question as to what road was travelled. This is promising for the Speed Limit Indicator project, which will rely on computations as opposed to visual analysis. If a visual analysis is quite simple, a computational method is feasible. 44 Figure 15. Second GPS Test, Mapped to Google Maps A third qualitative test was done in Ann Arbor. This test occurred on city streets and country roads, to provide a wide array of data. Figure 16 shows the data from the entire test. The country roads went as smooth as the first test, but the city offered some troubling data. Figure 17 shows a portion of downtown Ann Arbor. An irregularity in the data is clear. The GPS was obstructed by the high buildings in downtown Ann Arbor. Trees have not had an effect on performance as far as we can tell, but buildings have a tangible effect. Further testing on this issue is necessary. Figure 16. Third GPS Accuracy Test, Mapped to Google Maps 45 Figure 17. Third GPS Accuracy Test, Close-Up On Downtown Ann Arbor GPS Velocity Test The speed and course made good data seemed to be accurate enough for our uses. Relying on a speedometer of the car for a comparison point, the speed outputted by the GPS was correct with a few miles per hour. There was no compass to compare with for the course made good data, but it correctly showed when the vehicle was generally moving north, south, east, and west. The course made good remained constant within a few degrees when the vehicle was traveling in an approximately straight line. 8.4.3 Future Testing The team needs to develop qualitative testing approaches to each problem. Once that is done, the team can test each individual problem with a given set of criteria. 8.4.4 Current Integration Currently, only the GPS and microcontroller are in possession of the team. These two pieces have been connected and communicate with each other successfully. Their integration has led to initial testing for the GPS accuracy test and the GPS velocity test. 46 9 Business Plan 9.1 Business Strategy The Smart Dashboard has developed a business strategy to market this project as a profitable business. All three safety functions will be offered as one product, which will decrease the price per function. To separate each function into a separate product, each function would duplicate the microcontroller and memory, which would come to an additional $20 per part. Factoring in the additional PCB manufacturing and packaging costs, the total costs to manufacture each product separately would be 33% more than to implement all three within one product as we are doing. Therefore, it will be easier to enter into the market as the lower variable price helps to offset the high initial fixed price. 9.1.1 Customer The Smart Dashboard plans to market this device to car manufacturers. Our product will be a luxury package that car manufacturers can add to basic models, such as the Ford Fusion. The team will design the product to integrate with the current dashboard of a particular model, so the manufacturer can choose whether to include it in the vehicle. This makes our business viable longterm, as redesign will be necessary for different models of cars that we may be selling to. 9.2 Marketing Study In order to determine the feasibility of this project in the marketplace, a study of the current marketplace is necessary. Various car safety functions are currently available, from cars that monitor the lane markings to detect drift to cars that monitor the car in front of you to detect possible collisions [24]. 9.2.1 Competition There are no direct competitors that can match all three safety functions. However, competition does exist from companies that perform one of our functions. GPS devices today do display the speed limit on certain models, but those are aftermarket devices that would not be integrated into the vehicle during fabrication. There is an aftermarket product designed to flash a third brake light, and is designed to comply with all United States regulations [25]. Mercedes-Benz incorporated a driver awareness device into some of their high-end cars beginning in late 2008 [32]. Other companies have incorporated similar systems, such as Ford [33], Volkswagen [34], and Volvo [35]. Many of these systems are based on lane departure warnings, but the function provided is similar enough to ours to be considered direct competition. 9.2.2 Market Survey Our product is a unique blend of vehicle safety functions not currently offered by any other manufacturer. The speed limit indicator has demand, even though GPS devices could tell you the speed limit on a handheld device. “In an age when GPS devices seem to be replacing roadmaps, is it too much to ask for a built-in speed limit indicator? Wouldn't such an option make the roads safer, 47 in addition to cutting down on driver anxiety?” [26]. The market is eager for vehicle safety functions in general, and our product offers new safety functions not currently offered in commercial vehicles. To begin, the team is considering the Ford Fusion. In 2011, Ford sold approximately 250,000 Ford Fusions in the United States [30]. The team believes that 10% of those vehicles could have our package installed on them. For one model, we expect to achieve sales of 25,000 products per year. Our possible market is much greater than one model of car. We could expand to working with one automaker on all their vehicles or even working with many automakers. 9.3 Cost Estimate The cost estimate for this product is different for the prototype and the production model. The prototype is under a strict budget as defined by the Senior Design class instructors. The prototype uses development boards in the design process, while the production model will use different parts that can be soldered to a printed circuit board that will be more efficient in terms of size. 9.3.1 Prototype Budget The team is developing the prototype to prove the concept of The Smart Dashboard. Table 12 gives our initial budget estimates for the project. Our team has requested $602 in funds for the entirety of the project. Table 12. Prototype Budget SLI RDW DAS Item Cost Item Cost Item Cost GPS $43 Accelerometer $23 Raspberry Pi $35 Demultiplexer $6 Prototype Brake Lights $75 Power Supply $5 Arduino Uno $30 Arduino Uno $30 4 GB SD Card $10 RGB LEDs $25 Shipping $10 Webcam $100 SD Card Adapeter $15 Outputs $40 SD Card $5 LEDs $10 Shipping $20 Shipping $20 Function Total $144 Function Total $220 Misc Replacements $100 Team Total $602 9.3.2 Function Total $138 Production Budget The production model budget is split into two sections. The variable costs are similar to the prototype budget in Section 9.3.1, in that the cost estimate is based per unit. The fixed costs are incurred at a single point in time or are a yearly cost. 48 Variable Costs Table 13 shows an estimate of the variable costs for the prototype. The expected cost is approximately $95 per unit. The team selected an ARM processor for the production model. Further analysis is necessary to determine if this processor is best for the project. The volume of 25,000 annually comes from Section 9.2.2, in which we hope to sell our product for 10% of Ford Fusions sold in the United States each year. Table 13. Expected Variable Costs for the Production Model Item Model Unit Price Quantity Total Cost Accelerometer ADXL345 $3.696 25000 $92,400 GPS A2200-A $13.60 25000 $340,000 LEDs OSRAM Opto Semiconductors LUW JNSH.EC-BRBT-5E8G-1 $0.081 25000 $2,025 Memory Spansion S34ML04G100BHI000 $6.95 25000 $173,750 Demultiplexer TI CD74HCT154M96G4 $0.25 25000 $6,250 Microcontroller STM32F372CCT6 $3.52 25000 $88,000 Camera RB-Lin-48 $39.20 25000 $980,000 Resistors RK73H2BTTDD1001F $0.003 250000 $750 Connector 4-794628-0 $1.71 25000 $42,750 $20 25000 $500,000 5% of variable costs $4.45 25000 $111,296 Variable Cost Per Unit $93.46 Total Var. Cost $2,337,221 PCB / Packaging Replacements Fixed Costs Table 14 shows an estimate of the one-time fixed costs for the production model. These include the design time behind the product and the software suites necessary to design our product. Table 14. Expected One-Time Fixed Costs for the Production Model Item Cost Notes Design $1,000,000 10000 hours, $100 per hour design time $150,000 Software Suites Capital Investment Table 15. Amortized One-Time Costs One-Time Costs at Year 1 $1,150,000 49 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 $164,335 $281,635 $201,135 Table 15 shows the amortized costs for the one-time costs. This uses a 7-year recovery period using MACRS. The initial design costs can be spread over the young life of the company to reduce the large debt right at the start. Table 16 shows the fixed annual costs. Yearly costs include salaries of all employees as well as the costs to rent an office building in Detroit, Michigan. Detroit was chosen for its locality to the automotive companies located in Detroit. All three team members are residents of the state of Michigan, and would like to keep jobs in Michigan and help stimulate the economy there. Table 16. Fixed Annual Costs Item Cost Notes Sales Team $200,000 Two sales staff, $100k/yr including benefits Management $500,000 Management team General Labor $200,000 Janitor, Secretary, Shipping Office Rental $26,000 Ford Building [48] Utilities $2,600 ~10% of office cost Research and Development $60,000 ~10% Gross Margin 9.4 Estimated Profits Table 17 shows a profit estimate for years one through three. As a unique product, the team feels that selling the product for $150 per unit is reasonable. The 2012 Ford Fusion offered advanced packages for a navigation system and a rear-sensing camera. These packages cost $1,995 and $2,940, respectively [31]. Our system provides similar worth to these other packages, so automakers should be willing to pay $150 per unit to make it worthwhile for them. Our profit margin is relatively low, but low margins are part of the automobile industry. We expect our volume of sales to increase every year. It just takes a large contract to have a much larger quantity there. Further financial analysis is necessary to find the best and worst case scenarios, as well as a break even analysis. 50 Table 17. Estimated Profits for the Production Model Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total Variable Cost $2,337,221 $2,570,200 $2,803,855 Total Fixed Cost $1,152,935 $1,270,235 $1,189,735 Total Costs $3,490,156 $3,840,435 $3,993,590 Selling Quantity 25,000 27,500 30,000 Selling Price $150 $150 $150 Revenue $3,750,000 $4,125,000 $4,500,000 Gross Margin $259,843 $284,564 $506,409 Taxes $90,945 $99,597 $177,243 Profit $168,898 $184,996 $329,166 Profit Margin 4.84% 4.82% 8.24% 51 10 Conclusions 10.1 Project Feasibility Creating a project with three vehicle safety functions will be filled with challenges. Our class load at Calvin College has prepared us to work through problems and work with diligence. The team is motivated to bring this project to completion with an exceptional product. Many of the challenges are software based, and most of those challenges can be solved through time and hard work. The team has determined that the project as proposed is feasible. The team has worked for approximately 200 hours thus far in the semester. The team is willing to take time over Interim to do hardware testing and initial algorithm development. The second semester will involve building the prototype and fully testing its capabilities. The team estimates that there will over 600 hours of total work to complete the entire project, so the project will be approximately 33% done at the end of the first semester. 10.2 Current Status 10.2.1 Rapid Deceleration Warning The team is currently in possession of the selected accelerometer and microcontroller, and initial testing has begun to interface these two hardware components. After that is accomplished, the tests as described in Section 8.1 can begin. 10.2.2 Driver Awareness Sensor The team has just selected the components to use, and they must be ordered and shipped in order to continue. Currently, the team is working to research various outputs that could be used to alert the driver in the case that they are falling asleep. 10.2.3 Speed Limit Indicator The team is currently in possession of the selected GPS module and microcontroller. They have successfully communicated with each other. The team is determining the exact testing method for the GPS accuracy tests described in Section 8.3, and then testing will begin to determine the accuracy of the GPS. 52 11 Credits and Acknowledgements The team would like to thank Calvin College engineering professor Steven VanderLeest for advising the team, encouraging professionalism, and demanding a high standard of excellence. The team would like to thank GE Aviation employee Tim Theriault for consulting with the team and providing insight into possible hardware and software issues. The team would like to thank engineering professor Yoon Kim for providing valuable insight and ideas for the project. The team would like to thank all of the people who have supported the project through social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. 53 12 References [1] Weiss, Merkel. "Confronting Driver Distraction." The Futurist 41.1 (2007): 16-7. ProQuest Business Collection; ProQuest Engineering Collection. Web. 12 Nov. 2012. [2] [3] [4] Bloomfield, John and Lynam, Niall. "Deceleration based anti-collision safety light control for vehicle." US Patent 6411204. 25 June 2002. [5] [6] Richard, G. Oderwald, and A. Boucher Britt. "GPS After Selective Availability: How Accurate is Accurate enough?" Journal of Forestry 101.4 (2003): 24,27,2. ProQuest Engineering Collection. Web. 10 Nov. 2012. [7] Vicente Milanés, et al. "Autonomous Vehicle Based in Cooperative GPS and Inertial Systems." Robotica 26.5 (2008): 627-33.ProQuest Engineering Collection. Web. 10 Nov. 2012. [8] J, E. Naranjo, et al. "GPS and Inertial Systems for High Precision Positioning on Motorways." The Journal of Navigation 62.2 (2009): 351-63. ProQuest Engineering Collection. Web. 10 Nov. 2012. [9] Jo, Kichun, Keounyup Chu, and Myoungho Sunwoo. "Interacting Multiple Model Filter-Based Sensor Fusion of GPS with in-Vehicle Sensors for Real-Time Vehicle Positioning." IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 13.1 (2012): 329-43. ProQuest Engineering Collection. Web. 10 Nov. 2012. [10] Li, Shuo, and Karen Zhu. "Addressing Issues with GPS Data Accuracy and Position Update Rate for Field Traffic Studies."Institute of Transportation Engineers.ITE Journal 73.2 (2003): 32-7. ProQuest Business Collection; ProQuest Engineering Collection. Web. 10 Nov. 2012. [11] Iqbal, Umar, et al. "Experimental Results on an Integrated GPS and Multisensor System for Land Vehicle Positioning."International Journal of Navigation and Observation (2009)ProQuest Engineering Collection. Web. 10 Nov. 2012. [12] Kyrtsos, Christos. ”System and method for providing accurate vehicle positioning using spatial bias techniques.” Patent 5,555,503. 10 Sep 1996. [13] Kyrtsos, Christos. ”Vehicle position determination system and method.” Patent 5,375,059. 20 Dec 1994. [14] [15] 54 [16] [17] [18] Kumar, Manu and Taemie Kim. 2005. “Dynamic speedometer: dashboard redesign to discourage drivers from speeding.” CHI '05 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '05). Web. 10 Nov. 2012. [19] [20] [21] [22] aspx?SortField=ProductName,ProductName [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] 55 [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] 56