October 28, 2015 Dear Parents, A consistent message we are conveying in our building is- “This work is important; you can do it; and I won’t give up on you.” Classroom Environment: Class room expectations o Respect: We show respect to property, to others, and ourselves through our words and actions. o Responsibility: We should be responsible to ourselves and others by being kind, helpful, and following through on obligations. o Safety: We maintain a safe environment by accepting other people as they are, cleaning up after ourselves, supporting each other during times of struggle, and following school expectations in the hallways, bathrooms, playground and the cafeteria. We have the following projects and events coming up: Upcoming Events Halloween Party 10/30 in the afternoon. Bring costumes to school in a bag. Book Orders due 11/6 or online at scholastic.com Institute Day 11/6 Veteran’s Day 11/11 Conferences 11/19 and 11/23 Thanksgiving Break 11/25-11/29 Curriculum Bites: In our newsletters, we will highlight the upcoming topics/concepts in curriculum we will be studying so you will be able to discuss and assist your students. Here are the concepts we will be learning about over the next few weeks. Literacy: o Non-fiction: How we use reading through skills, structure and strategies to make meaning for deeper understanding. Make sure your child has 2-3 non-fiction books to keep at school. o Signposts: We will use 6 different signposts to help us dig deeper into text and look for connections. o Reading expectations at home: Read 30 or more minutes every day. Record your book on your log at school. Parents ask your student a question about their reading such as, “Tell me about your story so far.” “Why would the character do that?” o Tower of Books Challenge: The students have received a challenge to read 30 books by December 18th. o Writing: We will be writing informational articles during the month of November. Homework: Most of the writing will be completed in class; however, there will be assignments to collect words and practice structure, mechanics and grammar of writing. This week we will be working on sentence structure. o Words their Way: Homework: Please see the first pages of their Words Their Way notebooks for weekly homework. Other ways to study would be to locate words in their reading or other printed text. Write a story using their words. Making a person dictionary of words. Math: We are beginning Module 4. This module covers decomposition of numbers including subtracting across zeros and division. See attached parent information letter. Homework: There is less homework with Origo, however, we will send home the workbook nightly to complete if necessary and for the students to review their daily school work at home with you. Social Studies: In fourth grade we study the regions of the United States. We begin by discussing reasons people move including economy, culture, geography and climate. We will be starting the Southeast next week. Please continue to work with students in using resources for finding information such as states and capitals, using a map, and finding information in print and digital text. Homework: Practice states and capitals. Maps of the Southeast will be assigned next week. Science: We are studying the human body by creating our own “Monsters” using the human body systems. The students are in groups of four. Each student is a specialist on their body system and responsible for finding information on the organs and function of their system in order to be able to include it in their monster body. Those systems include skeletal muscle (orthopedic), circulatory/respiratory (cardiologist), digestive (gastroenterologist), and nervous system (neurology). We will be displaying our monsters in the stairs when they are complete and will post pictures as well. Students will be responsible for understanding the different systems and how the contribute to the overall function of the body. Homework: We will be having a test on the systems of the human body: nervous, skeletal, digestive, and circulatory on 11/4. A study guide will be going home. The students will need to know the basic structures and function of these systems. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Mrs. Sharon Price Sharonk.price@lz95.org 847-719-3300