Math Replacement Update January 15, 2015

Math Replacement
January 15, 2015
Topics Covered
Topics Covered
Students learn and apply a four-step
approach that can be used to solve
number stories. They focus on
addition and subtraction number
Students use what they know about
the total number of degrees in a
circle and the relationships among
angles to determine the size of
various angles.
Students review the meanings of
number sentences and determine,
whenever possible, whether number
sentences are true or false.
Students learn definitions for acute
and obtuse angles and review other
types of angles. They use the
Geometry Template to measure and
draw angles.
Students review the use of
parentheses in number sentences
that involve more than one
operation. They determine whether
number sentences containing
parentheses are true or false, and
they insert parentheses to make
true number sentences.
Students define equilateral,
isosceles, and scalene triangles.
Students identify geometric shapes
and their properties. They compare
and classify quadrangles according
to their properties.
Students explore regular
tessellations and decide which
regular polygons tessellate and
which ones do not, based on the
sum of the angle measures around
a single point.
Students learn about open
sentences and their solutions. They
participate in the Broken Calculator
activity to reinforce the concept of
open sentences and to practice
Topics Covered
Students describe a general number
pattern in words and write examples
or special cases of it. They are given
special cases for a general pattern
and describe it with a number
sentence having one variable.
Students examine, describe, and
write general patterns having two
variables. They identify special
cases of such general patterns.
Students write and evaluate
algebraic expressions for situations
described in words.
Students examine geometric
formulas to see how they can be
derived. They use substitution to
evaluate formulas and use formulas
as rules to complete "What's My
Rule?" tables.
Coming Up
Coming Up
Coming Up
- - - - Week of January 18 - - - -
- - - - Week of January 18 - - - -
- - - - Week of January 18 - - - -
Extend the base-ten place-value
system to decimals.
Review basic concepts and notation
for decimals through hundredths.
Develop an approach for finding the
angle measurement sum for any
polygon. Use a protractor and
compass to measure angles.
Review polygon attributes and
vocabulary using the Geometry
Represent rates with data tables,
rules expressed in words, formulas,
and line graphs.
Introduce spreadsheets; and to use
variables, formulas, and operations
in spreadsheets.
Review positive and negative
numbers; review multiplication and
division with decimals.
- - - - Week of January 25 - - - 
Compare and order decimals in
tenths and hundredths.
Estimation of sums and
differences of decimals.
- - - - Week of January 25 - - - 
Scholastic DynaMath magazine
homework due - Feb 1st
Unit review and test.
Review multiplication and division
facts and apply basic facts to
division with 1-digit divisors.
Review the partial-quotients division
algorithm with whole numbers.
Scholastic Math magazine
homework due - Feb 1st
- - - - Week of January 25 - - - 
Introduce spreadsheets; and to use
variables, formulas, and operations
in spreadsheets.
Analyze a real-world situation by
making and using a data table and a
Unit review and test.
Scholastic Math magazine
homework due - Feb 1st
District 95 will be hosting two fun and informative all-family events in February!
The Parent Feed + Project B3 is a 90-minute digital responsibility awareness event that parents and students can attend
Parents will experience The Parent Feed seminar given by social media professional Matt Batt. They will get the latest, most upto-date information on what this “digital generation” is doing online. They will be given information on popular Apps and how
kids are using them as well as steps they can take to keep their children’s digital lives under control with an emphasis on safety,
future impact and cyberbullying.
Students will spend time with local high school student leaders participating in Project B3: Be Safe. Be Smart. Be Kind. They will
be lead through fun activities and take part in discussions on what they can do to be digitally responsible individuals, taking an
active role in avoiding and combatting risky behavior and cyberbullying.
 The student program (Project B3) is particularly geared toward students in grades 2-8. 
We will hold two sessions available to all District 95 families:
• February 3rd, at Lake Zurich Middle School North, 7-8:30 pm
• February 18th, at Lake Zurich Middle School South, 7-8:30 pm